Where There's a Will, There's a Way
I stared down at the officers walking across the path, pulling along carts filled with the villagers belongings. I clucked my tongue, adjusting the bamboo straw hat on my head.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Seems like these guys are underestimating us, huh?" I asked, tilting my head, amusement crossing me.
Hak smirked, adjusting his straw hat as well as he peered down at them, like they're insects. Which they are. "They sure are. So, Princess, are you up for another performance?"
Yona smiled before turning to face them as well, her face changing to a serious one. "You officers over there! Stop right there!" She called out in a strong voice.
They immediately stopped in their tracks and looked up at us as we stood on the ledge above them. "Who are you?!" The one seemingly in charge demanded aggressively. But that didn't falter Yona's determination.
"This land has become our territory! Hand over all your money if ya value your lives!" She continued on, acting like a bandit. No, like Gi-Gan.
The officers murmured, looking us over with scrunchinizing gazes.
"They don't seem to be big in number."
"Hey, do away with them quickly."
I scoffed at that last one. As if you small fries could even be of an inconvenience to me. Annoyance? Most definitely. But they're not worth anything. "Well spoken scum! Keep your eyes and look carefully! We are the fierce Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch!" Yona announced.
This all started three days ago. After we chased out the officers that came to the village we followed Yoon back to.
To protect the land the best way three outlaws and four Dragons could, we became bandits who claimed the territory we travelled to.
I guess we're like the pirates and Gi-Gan that way. Never pressurizing the citizens, only the officers.
And it works well.
Of course taking out all those officers was child's play. Honestly, I'm glad these men aren't soldiers or else our kingdom would be in a world of trouble. It's really pathetic.
As soon as we took care of the officers, we brought everything back to the village they had taken it from. I kept a sadistic smirk on my face, as is my role. To play the part of being bandits It's necessary for the villages in the surrounding area know it.
If we're 'bad' and make sure that the villages have no choice but to obey us, they'll be able to say it was all our fault when officers say something about it. So we had to look as menacing and evil as we could, and act like it to the best of our abilities.
Which for some of them, namely Yona, Kija, and Zeno, is a lot harder than it is for the rest of us. But that's because they have pure hearts.
Well, Shin-Ah has one too, but he doesn't speak and he has the mask that kinda creeps people out and what not.
But for Hak, Jae-Ha, and I, it came rather easily. I'm not sure if that's something to be glad about but it works so I'm not going to fight it.
We began handing out the things the officers had taken unjustly. "A-Are these the taxes the officers took before?!" The village head asked in disbelief and confusion.
"If ya don't wanna get hurt, put it away in a chest!" Yona barked.
I did my best to repress a smile. She's so cute when she's pretending to be intimidating. "They're good people?" A villager asked, sweat dropping.
Yona pointed at a kid nearby. "Also, bring out every last kid in this village!" She demanded.
The woman brought her child to her, shaking in fear. "Wh-what do you want with our children?" She asked shakily.
The little girl walked over to Yona who gave her some sweets. "Here's some candy! We'll get rid of anyone who doesn't accept it!" Yona said as the little girl's eyes sparkled at the candy in her hands.
Well, we're not normal bandits, so it's okay I guess.
After distributing back the taxes and candy to the village, we all gathered together to discuss our next move.
I sat atop a small boulder,one leg up and my arm rested on it. "So, where to next?" I asked. Yoon looked up thoughtfully. "Hm, let's see. At this time, officers are supposed to go to Shuu Village too." He, murmured.
Hak glanced over to him. "Is that far?" He asked him arms crossed leisurely over his wide chest.
"Yeah, a little. What should we do? Officers might come to the Katan Village again too." Geez, these officers sure are annoying. "Then I'll go guard Katan Village at once." Jae-Ha offered, not at all concerned about them.
Which he shouldn't be. They were so easy to handle earlier. This'll be an easy job.
"Yona will wait here." Yoon said. Yona looked up. She was crouched down, playing with Ao. But the moment she heard that she stood.
"Why? I'm going too-" She began to protest. However Yoon interrupted her. "The next place is far. We don't know if officers will come. For our fighting force, the Thunder Beast, and . . . right, if Kija is there, it'll be fine. As long as these two power boosters are around, it should generally go alright." Yoon stated.
Hm, Hak and Kija huh? "Then Zeno will hold down the fort with the Miss." Zeno beamed, permanent smile on his face.
Kija quickly grabbed his shoulder. "Don't you just run around in the middle of battle? This time I will teach you the ways of fighting like one of the Four Dragons. Come." I laughed at Kija's serious expression and Zeno's protest. Kija is passionate as ever, that's good.
"Kiri, I want you to go with me into the next village. Gijuu is known for its herbs, but there's other supplies we need." Yoon handed me a piece of paper with his hand writing all over it. "Yes~." I said, not much emotion in my voice.
So if Hak, Kija, Jae-Han, and Zeno are going to the other village, and I'm going to Gijuu with Yoon, Shin-Ah will be guarding Yona.
Well, he's a good fighter. He'll be able to protect her. Besides, Shin-Ah is a good boy.
"Make sure not to buy poisonous herbs Kiri." Hak teased with a smirk.
Hm? I smiled. "I'll be careful. You be careful not to let a weakling get ahead of you." He smiled, but both of ours were pretty dark.
"I can't tell if they're on good terms or not." Jae-Ha admitted.
I grinned cheekily, jumping on Hak's back. "Eh? We're the best of friends. Can't you tell?" I grinned.
Hak hummed. "Eh? My best friend? You think highly of yourself." I shrugged, throwing my hands behind my head. "Not my fault you have no friends." I stated with a shrug. His temple throbbed at that and I grinned at his reaction.
"Just go get the herbs." He grumbled, waving me off. I mock saluted him. "Aye Sir!" I turned to Yona and Shin-Ah and patted their heads. "I'll be back soon. See ya!" With that said, we took off.
It's been a while since we've been doing this. And it's kind of nice. I like it.
I was a little worried in the beginning, letting strangers get close to Yona and what not, but after each one we met, the more comfortable I got. And because of them Yona's grown. We've come a long way from the castle.
I stopped briefly, remembering when we first escaped. How Yona didn't smile. How much like a doll she was.
If it wasn't for meeting so many people, I fear she would have remained that way. But she grew. And she's getting stronger everyday. She has comrades by her side.
A smile slipped onto my face. We have comrades. It's a nice little family.
"What's the matter?" Yoon asked me. I smiled over at him before closing my eyes. "Just thinking that this is a nice little Harem Yona has."
"Eh?! You're still going on about that?!" He blushed furiously, making me smirk in mischief.
I poked his red cheek. "Awe, Yoon you're a tomato." I teased. He just blushed more and smacked my hand away. "Kiri!" He shouted. I laughed and ran away from him and his anger.
Yep. Definitely a nice little family.
"What happened?!" Kija shouted as he and the others ran up to us. I remained outside the tent that had Shin-Ah inside.
When Yoon and I came back, we found him on the ground, Yona next to him. "Bandits." I told him, bitterness laced in my voice.
Yona had a bruise, but otherwise she's fine. Shin-Ah has worse injuries though. So Yoon immediately treated him with Senjusou and one of the other herbs we had picked up from the other village.
"Seiryuu! Seiryuu! Do you know this is Zeno?!" Zeno flocked around Shin-Ah, practically laying on him. I sighed and plucked him off. "That's enough." I scolded him lightly.
"Ouryuu, don't kick up a racket." Yoon deadpanned with a frown. Zeno cried comically. I set him on his feet and patted his head. "There, there." I said.
"Of course this is because of the injury to his stomach, but it's also because he released all the power he was suppressing up until now all at once. Until his strength returns, he has to rest in bed for now."
Kija leaned down and looked at Shin-Ah in worry. Kija had a great fondness over the dragons. Of course he likes all of us, he treats them like siblings.
He respects the bond that much. "What about his paralyzed body?" He asked in worry.
Yoon looked over at him. "It seems Shin-Ah used his powers in the past before, so he should get over it soon." He reassured.
A smile made its way onto Kija's face as relief flooded him. "I see. I see." He closed his eyes, face lighting up a bit. Kija is a good boy.
"Shin-Ah. Don't overexert yourself. Tell me if you need something. I'll do anything." He told him seriously. Zeno popped next to him a grinned, pointing at himself. "Zeno too, Zeno too!" He cheered gleefully.
"It's difficult to control your Dragon power if you're not used to using it. If there's anything you're at a loss about, you can consult me. I'll listen to anything." Kija added.
Zeno nodded his head enthusiastically. "Zeno too, Zeno too!" He repeated with that goofy grin.
Kija turned to him and glared. "All you do is fool around in battle! You don't even use your power do you?!" He demanded.
Now that he's not as worried for Shin-Ah, he turned to scolding his fellow Dragon. I guess teaching him didn't do much at the other village. "Zeno's role is the cheer everyone up!" He responded with a grin.
I glanced over at Hak. "He's not wrong." I stated. Hak merely shrugged and we watched their interaction.
Yoon shot them a glare. "White and Yellow over there! If you're going to cause a racket get out!" He shouted at them, annoyance clear in his eyes.
"I'm back." Jae-Ha said, returning with a bundle of firewood. "We threw the bandits out on the road. Officers will pick them up sooner or later." He said, setting the wood down.
Hak walked over to Yona. "Princess. It looks like they're holding a burial for the kid that was killed by the bandits." He informed her.
A deep sadness showed in her eyes. Sadness and guilt.
Closing my eyes, I stood. "C'mon. Let's go pay our respects." I smiled over at her, holding my hand out. She nodded and placed her small hand in mine.
Shin-Ah stayed to rest while the rest of us went to the bonfire with the villagers who mourned the child's death. A woman and man were on the ground in front, crying into their hands. His parents.
It must be an excruciating pain. To have your child die without being able to do anything. I can only imagine their pain.
I stood next to my brother and Zeno. Yona and Yoon in front of us. She reached over and grabbed his hand. Both saddened by his death.
It's not the first time I've seen a dead child. Unfortunately this is far too common. But even if I've seen it many times, it doesn't make me any less sad. Ah-ah. What a cruel and unfair world we live in.
But . . . maybe we, the people, can change it.
After paying our respect, we headed back to our little makeshift camp. "Oh, that's right. I can't use the tent today." Yona realized.
I sat in front of the fire pit, kindling the flames. "Sorry. Shin-Ah still hasn't recovered so I'll tend to his side." Yoon apologized, a bit of a frown on his face.
Yona merely smiled. "It's fine. I'll sleep outside." She told him. Kija and Jae-Ha immediately sprang up. "Oh no! Princess, you can't sleep outside.There are bugs outside!" Still haven't gotten over that, huh?
Jae-Ha smiled over at her with that creepy playboy smile. "Yona Dear, come to my side."
I threw a dagger his way, and it lodges into the tree next to his face. He looked over and met my glare. He laughed nervously before sweat dropping. "It'll be fine. Because I'll sleep with Hak." She simply said.
I blinked as Hak dropped a bundle of firewood at her words.
We all glanced over at him. "No?" Yona asked, thinking he didn't like that idea. "It's not a problem." He said, not turning back to us as he picked up the bundle again.
"Eh? Yona you'll be attacked." I said. Jae-Ha nodded his head in agreement. "It's dangerous Yona Dear. The Thunder Beast is a beast!"
Hak threw two pieces at us. One struck Jae-Ha's head and I ducked to avoid the other. "Don't group me with you Droopy Eyes! Shut up Kiri!" He shouted over at us.
I just smirked, enjoying his reaction.
Zeno hugged Yona from behind, a big old smile on his face. "Miss! Sleep with Zeno for a change!" He said. Yona smiled, not at all bothered by his actions.
"Sorry Zeno. Hak's good." I glanced over at Hak who completely fell to the ground.
"Yona, that was the fatal blow." I said, crouching next to him and poking his frozen form.
Looks like he's dead. Rest in peace brother.
I grinned. "Hak, did you hear her? Your 'good'." He sat up face frozen in surprise, disbelief, and a weird sadistic happy look. Eek. What a weirdo.
Everyone began to settle in to sleep. I immediately climbed up the tree Hak and Yona leaned against and settled on a low branch.
Like always, I couldn't sleep. Soon a couple hours passed and I was still awake.
Rustling below drew me out of my thoughts. Hm? Yona reached inside Hak's robe. Ah. She's trying to get the sword. But she's being loud. Hak's definitely awake now.
As I thought that, Hak grabbed her arm and moved their bodies around so he had her pinned beneath him.
I raised an eyebrow. Oh? What an interesting development we have here.
"If you're going to sneak up on me in my sleep, can't you do it sexier? Princess." I nodded, liking the development here.
How will Yona respond? "But Hak, if I can't even do this, it's likely you won't be my swordsmanship partner."
Huh. So that means . . . "So when you said I was 'fine', you meant it like this?" He asked, a slight edge in his voice as he forced his smile.
Yona nodded without hesitation.
I slapped my hand over my mouth to silence the laughter that desperately wanted to escape. Oh this is great!
I mean I didn't really think she meant it in the way Hak wanted it to, I just wasn't entirely sure what she wanted. Of course it's his sword.
Ah man, this is great! I clutched my stomach with my free hand as I continued to seal off my laughter, not wanting them to know I'm awake.
Hak grabbed her hand and pulled up. "Please come over here a bit." He said, dragging her away.
I released my mouth once they were far enough away. "That was awesome." I laughed quietly.
Jae-Ha soon joined in my laughter. "You two are terrible." Yoon said, closing the flap to the tent. I just laughed a bit more before settling back on my branch. "Just a bit." I mused.
I am mean. But that's only because I love them.
"Well, I'm gonna go see if they're lovey dovey. And if they are, I gotta ruin it." I said, leaping into the next tree and so forth.
I jumped to the ground and walked stealthily towards them before hiding myself behind a tree, concealing my presence. "It isn't your fault that you couldn't help that child."
Ah. This isn't the heartwarming conversation I was hoping to stumble upon.
"I've been thinking . . . If I had more power . . . If I had the power to save that child, if I had the power to loosen myself from those bandits, if I had the power to keep Shin-Ah from getting injured . . . more, more, more, more. Hak. Please. I want strength. Teach me the sw-"
"Stop!" Hak shouted. I remained with my back pressed against the tree, staring up at the night sky through the leaves. "You are my master. A master should never lower their head for a servant."
Hak . . . "What should I do?" She asked, her voice holding a mass of emotions that is brewing in her small body.
I already know how this'll play out.
"You should order me." Hak spoke finally after a moment of silence. "If you earnestly order me to do it, I can't refuse it."
I closed my eyes, waiting for Yona's reply. Her command. "Hak. Teach me the sword. That's an order." Her voice is strong and holds no room for questioning.
I heard movement. Probably Hak kneeling.
"As you command."
I stayed in my spot behind the tree. Not wanting to let them know I had followed.
Ah-ah. Yona. I know you want to become stronger. I know you want to be able to protect people. I know you're doing this out of good intentions.
But asking Hak to do this is cruel.
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