Wavering Determination

I stood next to Hak as Yoon spoke with the man we crossed paths with. He has a cart filled with trading goods. He's buying medicine from Yoon.

Because Hak and I stick out, my spear has cloth wrapped around the blade, as does Hak's. And he also wore a straw hat we picked up along the way. A bag slung over his shoulder.

But not just any bag. In it was Yona. And she was not happy to be in it.

"Anyway, you usually don't bring company. Who's the tall guy and the girl with the different hair."

Although my hair may not be as bright or radiant as Yona's, it's still a unique color, but it's not as uncommon as most believe it to be.

"Um . . ." Yoon struggled with a response. Hak moved his hat a bit up to reveal his piercing blue eyes. "Fellow traders, going on a little business trip near the border."

The man smiled. "Eh? What are you trading?" He asked curiously. Hak moved the bag about, grabbing onto in roughly. "Just some clothes." He nodded and proceeded to trade with Yoon.

We then began to continue on our journey. As soon as the cost was clear, Hak let Yona out.

She huffed and turned, leading the way. "You made her angry." I whispered loudly to my brother as he took off the ridiculous hat.

He tilted his head a bit, staring at Yona's back. "Princess. Princess. What are you upset about? Because I put you in a bag and carried you? Because I said it was just a bag of clothing and handled it roughly? Because I took advantage of you in the bag and fondled you?"

I sweat dropped and looked at my brother. He truly is stupid. But hey, if the situation fell into his hands go for it I guess.

Yona's temple throbbed. "All of that!" She seethed. She turned and ran at Hak, who merely jumped high onto a tree trunk, just out of reach just to tease her.

She was yelling up at him but Hak had that carefree look on his face, making me laugh at the two. Yoon on the other hand let out a sigh of relief.

"My heart was pounding, thinking the merchant would find out." He admitted.

I shrugged. "We're fine." I reassured him. He frowned and turned to us. "Now listen you three." Hak got off the tree and the three of us stood in front of Yoon. "Red-haired princess! Wild Beast ex-general!"

I sweat dropped at that. "It's Thunder Beast." Hak and I corrected simultaneously. But Yoon merely ignored us. "Odd ex-Guardian!" Eh?

How am I odd? I'm pretty normal. He pointed at himself. "Beautiful genius! Lie low because we stick out." Hm, I guess we do attract some unwanted attention.

But it's not that bad. I think. "We're also near the Fire Tribe's land and the Royal Capital. You know that it'd be bad if we were caught right?" He asked us; that mother attitude about him. "Yes." We answered unenthusiastically.

We continued walking and I thought about something. "Ik-Soo said that the Four Dragons live in hard to reach places right?" I asked thoughtfully. Before we left, we questioned him about the journey.


"Priest, do you have any leads about the Four Dragons?" Hak asked.

Ik-Soo looked thoughtful. "Hm. Those that inherited the dragons' blood live separate lives and are on the move, so it's difficult to pinpoint their location."

Huh?! "What a pain!" Hak, Yoon, and I spoke in unison. Ik-Soo just smiled stupidly and pulled out a map. "But there is one!"

My temple throbbed in annoyance. "If there's one then say it first!" I scolded him. He merely laughed and showed it to us.

"Since the mythical era, a clan lives on the foggy mountain top quietly, but surely, protecting the blood-line. They are independent from other clans and never take in outsiders."

He circled the area. Hm. "It's near the border." I noted, looking at the layout. "Yes. Although it is risky to cross the Fire Tribe's land and the Royal Capital."

Hm. It's on the other side of where we are. This'll be a hassle, that's for dam sure.

~Flashback End~

"Not just the Royal Capital, but the Kai Empire's close too." My brother mumbled. I sighed loudly. "This is going to be a pain in the ass." I grumbled. Hak nodded in agreement.

Yoon, however, was grinning from ear to ear. "I'm finally outside, so I'm really excited to go to the secret village. I'm gonna write a travel-log after seeing the whole kingdom." Yoon looked off dreamily, a happy blush on his face.

Oh boy. He's really pumped. Hak and I got close to him. "Hey, what's wrong? Hey brother, is it me or is his eyes red?" I asked Hak.

He nodded, staring at Yoon. "They are red. You can go back to the mountains anytime if you miss the Priest." Yoon blushed and began to chase us as we ran away from him.

"What are you talking about?! They're not red!" He defended, still chasing us, intent with hitting us.

I laughed as he did so. "Yoon misses Ik-Soo very much, don't tease him too much." I said loudly, which only made Yoon more embarrassed and make him chase us faster.

"Be quiet!" He shouted.

I stopped abruptly, as did Hak and Yoon. "Yona!" I called as she continued ahead. A cart heading towards us.

"Hey, Princess!" Hak called, grabbing the bag as she lifted her hood to cover her head.

Hak quickly rushed over. I grabbed my spear tightly from his holster on my back and followed. However the cart passed by her, the man not even glancing back at her.

I placed it back and walked past it as well, eyeing it carefully. Huh, no trouble. Well it looked like a normal farmer. Yona stopped and turned to us.

"Hak, your injury hasn't healed yet. You can't carry me through the whole journey." Hak pursed his lips, unable to counter her.

"Besides, I want to take a good look at this kingdom with my own eyes." She looked so serious. Ah-ah. No one can go against her when she has that look.

"Okay, fine. But don't let your guard down. Just like Yoon said, even if it seems peaceful, that doesn't, huh?" Yona was no longer in front of him.

Instead, she was with Yoon a bit away, pointing at a water wheel, questioning him on what it was.

I snickered at my brother. "Totally ignored." He shot me a look, making me smirk.

We turned our gazes to the two. "Wow, that's a huge waterwheel! I've never seen anything like it!" He admired. Hak sighed from next to me, making me giggle.

Well this is alright. There's nothing bad about it at all.

We continued on, walking by a village and their crop. "Hak, Kiri, what are those." Yona asked, looking at their crop. I tilted my head a bit. "Wheat." I answered, familiar with it.

It looks like they'll have a good harvest this time around. "They're growing rice over there too." Hak informed Yona, who was staring at it intently.

"It's because this area is close to the Royal Capital. Most of the food for the castle probably came from here too." Yoon told her.

Yona looked off into space. The wind blew, making the wheat sway lightly. Memories of the time spent at the castle flashed through my mind.

I enjoyed being there. Because that's where Yona and Hak were happy together.

Along with him. Those were happy memories. But they were only lies.

Yona smiled lightly and the sound of a child's laughter brought our attention to a family, working in the fields.

They sure look like a lively family. Yona put her hands together and bowed her head. Ah, she's saying thanks.

Together we ventured into the village and stocked up on supplies Yoon needed. We stopped by a small shop to eat.

Yona and Yoon sat together and Hak and I sat across from them. "Okay, we got most of the stuff, but I'm still a little worried since we don't know how long we'll be out in the mountains." Yoon said thoughtfully.

Well he's got a point. "Yeah." Hak agreed, sighing lightly and looking off. It seems he wants to get something. Probably a bow. He lost it in the fall.

"Hak, what's wrong? Did you forget to buy something?" Yona asked, noticing his mood drop. My brother jumped a bit but put on a lame poker face. "No." He lied.

I frowned and smacked him upside his head. "Ow!" He rubbed it in pain. "Go ahead, I'll watch over them." I assured him.

Yona and Yoon nodded. "It should be fine. This village doesn't seem to have bad people." Yoon backed me up.

He glanced back outside before back at us. He turned to me. "I'm counting on you to keep them safe."

I waved him off, a bit annoyed. "I got it. I've been protecting people for a long time now, the same as you." He smiled lightly and ruffled my hair.

I swatted his hand away in annoyance. "I'll be back soon." With that said he got up and left. I placed my elbows on the table and leaned my face into my hands.

Hak is really focused on protecting her. Well he's always been like that after all. I hope he realizes that I'm here too.

It's not only his burden to bear. I'll protect Yona with my life after all. Yona, Hak, and even Yoon.

"Really? So it's true that a new king was crowned." The men from the next table spoke loudly. "Yeah, rumor has it that he's very young and good looking." Another spoke.

The third one glanced at his friends. "But he's the son of Prince Yu-Hon, right? He must be very scary."

I see. So gramps approved Soo-Won's enthronement. Well he had no choice. Hak and I practically begged him to. It was necessary. For the safety of the Wind Tribe.

He would have hurt my family even more if he hadn't. That couldn't happen. I don't care how prepared gramps was for battle. A fight against that underhanded man isn't going to end well for either side.

But still . . . Soo-Won as our king. I clenched my teeth tightly. Bastard. Yona picked up her cup of tea, but her hand shook.

Yona. Tch. Damn Soo-Won. "What's wrong? Are you okay?" Yoon asked, noticing her shaking body.

She set the tea back down. "Y-Yes." She lied, reaching her hand into her cloak as she gripped something.

I knew what it was. She's still carrying that hairpin he gave her. She can't get rid of it or the feelings she has for him.

And for Soo-Won to sit on the throne after he killed King Il, he's got some nerve. "Hey, are you listening?" Yoon asked, a bit worried about her.

Our server walked back over to us. "Young lady, would you like a refill?" He asked Yona.

She jumped in surprise and pulled her hood more, drawing attention. "Thank you, but I'm fine." She stood and rushed out.

I did the same, following after her. "Hey, wait!" Yoon called. Sorry Yoon. But I need to make sure Yona is safe.

I followed her into the street. "Yona!" I called. She slowed down, but continued to walk. I walked beside her, staying silent.

Soon Yoon caught up and matched our stride. "What suddenly got into you? Try not to do things that raise unnecessary suspicion." Yoon scolded.

Yona merely looked forward. "Yona, he's right. You need to get a hold of yourself. I know it's hard, but if you have any desire to live, it needs to be done." She sighed, holding her hood tightly.

Up ahead, two Fire soldier's walked into view. My eyes widened slightly and I grabbed Yona and Yoon's wrist, dragging them into the alley.

I peeked out, glancing at the two who had stopped in front of a stall.

So this town does have troops. They were just away at the Capital, probably Soo-Won's doing. But why must the stupid Fire Tribe always get in my way.

"Kiri, are they gone?" Yoon whispered. I shook my head. One turned his head our way and I quickly moved my head back. I could hear his footsteps nearing. Tch.

I grabbed the two and pushed them behind some crates before placing my body over them, covering them. Only the crates offered me coverage.

Yoon gulped nervously. I grabbed my spear and lowered it, but had my hand gripped around it tightly.

A soldier stood in the alleyway, but wasn't facing it. He was looking elsewhere. "Hey." He called. It's not us.

Another man, a civilian walked into view. "Oh, hello. When did you come back from Kuuto?" The civilian asked. The soldier smiled.

"Just now." He turned, leading him away from the alley as the two began to catch up.

The two let out a sigh of relief and I moved a bit away from them, giving them some space. Looks like they didn't see us.

I sensed someone behind us and quickly stood and jabbed my spear at them, shocking Yona and Yoon. However the person dodged my spear, only a few strands of his dark hair is cut.

I sighed, putting my weapon back on my back. "Why would you sneak up on me Hak?" I hissed at my brother.

He put his hands up. "Sorry, my bad. Let's go. There's no point in staying." Yoon and I nodded in agreement and the four of us set out, heading back to the outskirts of the village.

"Well I didn't expect to see soldiers." Hak murmured. True. I didn't expect the town to have any. Then again, the Fire Tribe does like to make an appearance everywhere.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "No worries. As long as I'm here, they should be safe." I reassured him.

My brother nodded in agreement and we continued on our way. We reached an abandoned house in the woods and decided to camp there for tonight.

Once night fell and Yona and Yoon went to sleep, I made my way onto the roof. I laid across it, staring at the night sky.

We passed some farmers and they were talking about how the tax will be reduced with the new king.

However they made it a point to mention no matter who stands on top, they won't noticed their pain and suffering.

I knew that bothered Yona greatly. That and Soo-Won's enthronement. It's gotten her down. She's frustrated.

I don't blame her. Not after all that's happened in such a short time.

Our days continued like that. Traveling on roads people normally don't cross. Hiding at the sight of soldiers, taking the hard route to evade people.

It was a constant of walking and hiding. But it was the only way. We're crossing Fire Tribe and the Capital. We need to stay out of sight.

It's a long journey. I mean obviously, we had to cross our kingdom. To find the village with the dragon blood-line. This fate that Yona has.

We are currently climbing up another mountain, yet again. Yoon sighed.

"Climbing up is tough, but it helps that we don't have to worry about being seen." He spoke, breaking the silence that we've had since early this morning.

"Stay alert. There's no guarantee that the Fire Tribe isn't patrolling." I elbowed my brother roughly. "Oh zip it. Quit being a buzz kill. We're fine and we're on alert." I told him.

He sighed but remained looking forward. Yona stopped walking, drawing our attention to her. "I have to learn sword fighting." She declared.



Is she insane?! "Hak, you said you'll teach me." She turned to my brother. "I didn't say that." He corrected her.

Yona sweat dropped before looking at him seriously. "It can be along the way. Teach me. So that no matter who attacks, I can fight them off."

Yeah, she is insane. As if Hak will teach her. "Princess, can you kill a person?" Hak asked. Her eyes went wide in surprise at his question.

"You say 'fight off' but the enemies won't conveniently run away. Can you kill or incapacitate people?" He's got a point. Yona can't do that. She's never killed anything in her life.

Taking a life isn't as easy as Hak or I make it look. It takes a strong mentality to take another life.

And I don't know if Yona has that quite yet. She closed her eyes. "When we were cornered at the Northern Mountains, I had a sword but couldn't use it. I may not win, I may not be able to kill, but I want to create an opening to escape for us."

Yona . . .

I looked down. It's not that easy Yona. "Sword fighting for self-defense." Hak mumbled to himself as he looked off to the side.

He understands her feelings, and she may understand his words, but she doesn't understand the weight of life in the world. "Can you teach me?" She asked him.

Hak closed his eyes, sighing softly. Yoon watched them carefully. "Alright."

He took off the bow and quiver from his shoulders, handing it to her. "A bow?" She asked in confusion.

"Kiri and I will fight at the front lines. You'll hide and target the enemies." He informed her.

She nodded, taking the weapon. "Okay. Hey, give me a sword too." She said, looking back up at him. "Yona." I spoke, drawing her attention to me.

"You can't simply pick up a sword so easily. You yourself can't possibly win battles with a sword. You'll be easily overpowered. That means you'll need to take a life."

"And that may seem simple to do, but you need to think carefully. A life on this world is a sacred thing. Taking it away is the heaviest sin one bears. Who are you to judge if a life should be stolen away from someone?"

"Who are you to take their future away? Their family? Leaving behind an orphaned child, a loving wife, a sick father? Killing isn't something that should have little thought about."

"It requires for someone to be strong minded. As you are now, you're not ready for the sword nor the burden of taking another life. If you can master archery, then you will be a step closer to being able to hold a sword."

"Kiri . . ." She trailed off. I smiled and caressed her cheek. "Princess." Hak spoke, drawing our attention.

"King Il never let you touch any weapons. I'm about to disobey his order. Please think carefully about why he hated weapons. Think carefully about what Kiri has said." She tightened her grip on the bow but nodded. We then continued our journey.

"So how are you going to teach her archery while we climb up mountains?" Yoon asked curiously.

"Well, if we weren't on a journey, I'd make her shoot 200 arrows a day." I raised an eyebrow. "Eh? Don't you think you're going a little easy on her? Gramps had us shoot 300."

Yona's eyes were wide at our high numbers. Hak shrugged nonchalantly.

Well he does favor her. "I guess we'll start by hunting birds or rabbits with the bow." I nodded in agreement as Yoon smiled at Yona.

"I like that! That way we can get dinner too. I'm counting on you, Princess." It is very convenient for us. Yona jumped, suddenly having pressure on her.

We spotted a bird and decided to have Yona give it a try. She pulled back with struggle and fired a pathetic shot, missing the bird. She continued to try but failed miserably each time.

"We're going to starve." I deadpanned, making her fall. She stood and slumped, depressed by her efforts.

"Hak, I can't hit them. What should I do?" Yona asked, turning to her teacher for advice. "Hm?"

He stood and took the bow. He drew it back, aimed, and fired. The arrow hit the target and the bird fell out of the sky. "Just like that." He said.

Yona turned to him. "How did you do that?" She questioned. Hak turned to her. "Aim." He stared. Yona blinked, still looking at him. "I don't understand." She informed him.

"Understand what?" He said, genuinely not knowing. "Hak, you can't be a teacher. Kiri." She turned to me.

I walked over and took the bow from my brother. Putting an arrow into place I aimed. Releasing the string, the arrow soared and struck another bird, making it drop next to Hak's. "So, how'd you do that?" Yona asked.

Hm. How did I do it? "Strength, confidence, accuracy." I told her. She blinked and turned. "You can't be a teacher either."

I glanced at my brother who looked at me as well. "I thought we were pretty clear." He nodded in agreement. "We were."

Yoon sweat dropped at us. Hak sighed and went over and helped her draw it back. "Okay. So basically, you don't have enough strength."

The two were really close as they held the bow together. "You need to build muscles to pull the string without shaking." I spoke, leaning against a tree, watching the two.

"Then practice until it comes naturally. The two of them released the string, striking another bird down.

I applauded them. "Ten points for the lovely couple!" I called. Hak turned to shoot me a glare and I looked away innocently.

He sighed, turning back to Yona. "They say experts hit the mark with their eyes closed, so don't be fooled by what you see. Right now, just think about shooting arrows straight."

And so our days went on. Climbing mountains, watching Yona practice archery, and repeat.

Everyday we continued moving forward. Everyday Yona continued moving forward. On our journey and her practice.

Every night when she thinks we're asleep, she continues practice. She shoots 300 hundred arrows every night. I never thought she'd be this serious about a weapon.

But Yona is always full of surprises. And she is getting better. Even Yoon is watching her silently. I know he's impressed with how much she's grown. We all are.

"Kiri! Come down! Breakfast!" Yoon called. I blinked out of my thoughts and glanced down from my position in the tree.

I hopped down and walked over to the fire pit, where one of Yoon's yummy looking meals rested in a container. "Today's breakfast is wild bird and rice."

I admired the food openly. "You really are a genius." I complimented him.

Yona nodded happily, clapping her hands together in happiness. "It looks delicious! Yoon, you can do anything!" She smiled widely at him.

Yoon stole a glance at her hands, noticing the redness and cuts from pulling back the bow. "Well I am a genius. Your bow drawing form seems to be getting better." He commented.

Yona blushed a bit at his compliment. "Really? Can you do archery?" She asked him excitedly. Yoon handed us our portions and I began to eat.

The instant I took a bite I was in heaven. He's an amazing cook. "It's not like I can't, but if you're half-hearted about this, you shouldn't carry arms."

Yona looked at him in surprise. I continued to eat but watched the two from the corner of my eye.

"I'm talking about killing and not killing. You said it's for self-defense, but do you think weak people like us can show mercy when we're thrown into the battle-field?"

Yona was shocked at his words. I continued to watch the two. "For us to survive, we need to lay a ruthless single blow to a vital point or use these, our heads."

He tapped his temple with his finger. "Kiri was right, when she said that people like us can't simply fight on even terms with others. Deftly holding back is only possible because they're Mr. Lightning Beast and Ms. Inferno Tornado."

I finished my breakfast and the two ate in silence, even as Hak came back to eat. I watched Yona carefully as she was lost in thought.

Even as we continued our journey, she was still mulling over his words. She stopped walking and drew her bow, gaining our attention. I turned to see her shoot at a boar.

However she grazed it's leg, only wounding it as it trotted off, away from the sudden predator.

Her eyes widened as she stared at the arrow and the bit of blood left behind. I think she finally realizes what we've all been trying to tell her.

To draw a bow means to take a life, this is true. But it's more then that. It's to take a life or have yours taken from you.

A battle with weapons can only result in one victor. And the victor is the only one that will be left alive.

To kill is to take away something that you have no right to take. But that's just how it is. We live in a cruel and unforgiving world, where only the strong can survive.

Victors are the ones that write history, and rule over the rest. I never wanted Yona to know of the world we live in. The cruel and twisted reality of it all.

She collected the arrow silently. Blinking tears out of her eyes. I narrowed mine and clenched my fist. This is all your fault. Soo-Won.

"You were close." Hak said, walking over to her. She wiped her eyes, looking down at the arrow. "I hurt it for nothing. It's actually crueler." She spoke.

I bit my tongue, allowing Hak to take the reigns on this. "It's because you were hesitant." He said, making her eyes widen.

"Yoon, go ahead without us." Hak called. Hm? What's he up to? "Fine, but hurry up. We're almost at the place Ik-Soo told us about." He called back.

Hak nodded. "Yeah, we'll catch up soon. Kiri, come here." Hak waved me over.

Yoon went on ahead as I walked over to them. "Come on Yona." I led the two further in and towards a small clearing.

Hak went up ahead and stood a bit in front of her and I stood off to the side. "Alright, your master shall see how much you've improved. Okay, first this tree." He patted the tree next to him.

She drew back and fired, hitting the tree on her first try. Hak and I clapped. "Good job Yona!" I smiled at her.

But I understood what he was doing. I understood the moment he sent Yoon off. "Congratulations. Impressive, you've at least hit it."

Yona's eye twitched as she looked at Hak in agitation. "Why do I feel so annoyed with you?" She asked. I laughed nervously.

Well Hak wasn't all that sincere. "Next, let's see . . . aim at me." He jabbed his thumb at himself. Yona blinked in shock. "I can't!" She immediately said.

"It's fine, I'll dodge it. It's practice to hit moving objects. No. Practice to hit a person. I'll just move around, so please shoot." He grabbed his glaive and turned back to her.

Yona narrowed her eyes a bit but understood none the less. She took aim at Hak. "I'm not responsible if I hit you!" She shot but Hak easily, and effortlessly dodged it.

She continued to shoot but Hak merely skipped away or ducked. "Arg! Hak, hold still!" She shouted at him, her temple throbbing in aggravation.

He jumped up, avoiding one. "Nope. I don't feel like it's going to hit me at all yet." He's right. The arrows hitting the ground at his feet.

She's not seriously doing it. Does she realize it? If she fires at him, even if it's Hak, she has to aim to kill. Otherwise this is all meaningless. This is nothing.

Hak caught an arrow with his hand and snapped it. My temple throbbed. "Hey! Don't waste arrows like that!" I shouted at him in annoyance.

He smirked at me before turning it to Yona. "You're not bloodthirsty enough." He told her. Yona pursed her lips. "O-Of course I'm not bloodthirsty!" She retorted as if it were obvious.

Which I guess it is. She's got to understand what he's trying to teach her. If she doesn't she'll never be able to wield a sword.

"Then pretend I'm one of the troops. Imagine someone you want to kill." She drew back, looking at him strangely.

A mix of emotions between apologetic, desperate effort, determination, and something else. "I don't have anyone I want to kill!" She told him, as if trying to get him to understand.

"Fine. Then think of me as Soo-Won and shoot."

My blood ran cold. Her eyes widened and she fired, nicking his cheek before it stuck to the tree. Blood oozed from the cut.

I can't believe he just said that.

Yona looked down, her bangs covering her eyes. "I hate that part of you." I looked down at the ground before up at them. Hak . . .

I know he didn't want to say it. He really didn't. Because he knows how much Soo-Won means to her. Because Soo-Won meant so much to him. Why do you do this to yourself?

But it is needed. Someone has to say it. Next time, I will be the one. So he doesn't have to.

I glanced at Yona who was crying now. "Still, even at the expense of others, I wish to hold a weapon to protect you! To protect you and Kiri!" She cried.

Hak walked over to her and placed his hand to her head and bringing her to his chest for a hug. "Hak?" She asked softly. He pulled apart.

"Don't say stuff about protecting me." Hak . . .

I closed my eyes. I don't want him to hold in his pain. But I know that the one to help him isn't me but her. The person he loves with all his heart.

Yona is the only one who can save him from himself. And I think on some level she knows that.

"Why?" She asked. I opened my eyes and stared at them. "Makes me want more." He answered, turning his back to her.

Of course she doesn't understand what he means. "Anyway, it's our job to protect." He snatched her wrist and headed my way.

"I told you to think of me, us, as a tool. You don't have to worry about tools." I nodded and turned. We began to head the way towards the clan. Yona leading us.

We continued on in silence. Even as we began to reach the foggy part of the mountain. But it became foggier by the second.

"The visibility is getting worse." Hak noted. I continued to look around. Where's Yoon? He wouldn't go this far. "I wonder how far Yoon went." Yona spoke my thoughts.

I stopped upon seeing familiar items abandoned on the path. Yona stopped next to me and her eyes went wide.

"Hak! Hurry!" Hak quickly ran over to us and spotted the problem. "Kiri, this is Yoon's right?!" Yona asked worriedly.

She stood. "Yoon! Where are you?! Answer me!" She called out into the fog.

My fingers twitched and I grabbed my spear, pulling it out of it's strap and holding it tightly. "Kiri?" Yona asked.

My senses were on full alert. I sense hostility. "We're surrounded." I hissed. Hak's eyes widened as he too sensed it.

The wind picked up and leaves blew around madly.

"Leave! Leave!" People chanted. I grit my teeth. Tch. "Leave this place immediately." A deep voice called out.

Yona stepped forward to question them when Hak and I put our arms out, stopping her. "If you come any further, you shall receive divine punishment."

I smirked and stepped back, facing my back to Hak's as Yona stood in-between us. "Divine punishment from behind the fog?" I scoffed, the smirk never leaving my face.

"What an admirable god you have!" Hak and I swung our weapons with great force. The wind that it caused dispersed the fog, revealing a bunch of people with pale hair in white robes.

Quite a lot of archers have surrounded us. I whistled, placing a hand on my hip.

"Who are you people?! To think you cleared the fog with one swing?" One voiced, obviously afraid of us. Hak and I backed up, keeping Yona safe.

Hak moved his arm back to place it over her shoulders. "Are you guys from the Dragon's Village?" Hak questioned them, lowering his weapon a bit.

I kept a grip on mine, never taking my eyes off of them. "You seem, to know about our clan. All the more reason we cannot let you leave alive. Was that boy from earlier one of yours too?!"

I turned my eyes and glared at the older man. Yona moved out from between us, making Hak have a secure hold on her shoulder. "Are you the ones who took Yoon? What did you do with Yoon?!" She demanded.

"Where's Yoon?" I growled out, gripping my spear so tight that my knuckles turned white.

"That boy is-" He cut off as his eyes widened when they landed on Yona. He immediately lowered his bow. "You?!" His eyes never left Yona.

"Crimson hair." Another murmured, also dropping his weapon.

The older man nodded. "She has crimson hair." He verified. The others soon followed example and stared at Yona intently. "Could it be?" Another asked.

"But she's a girl." Another one spoke. Murmurs erupted from the strange people. But all their hostility I sensed is gone. Instead, they were all looking at Yona with wide eyes.

The older man jumped down and kneeled in front of us. I lowered my spear. "Yona, by any chance do you have a fan club. Or a cult." I asked, looking at them strangely.

She merely shrugged, equally confused. "Where did you come from crimson haired girl?" He asked her. She didn't hesitate.

"From the Wind Tribe's land. The Priest has guided us here to see the Four Dragon Warriors. Are you the one with the Four Dragons' blood?" She questioned him.

More murmuring erupted from them. "No, we are the protectors of the White Dragon."

Eh? The White Dragon? So . . . they do exist.

"Allow us to lead the way, to the White Dragon's Village."

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