Trial of Senjusou Plant

"My life on the line?" Yona asked, confused by her words. "Right now you're useless baggage. If you still want to fight Kum-Ju with us then I need to see your determination that meets the task." I narrowed my eyes on Gi-Gan.

She has no respect for the Princess. And while I understand she doesn't know who Yona is, she is still a person and saying those things about a person you know nothing about is not only disrespectful, it's heinous.

If you wish to judge someone, judge them when you know more about them. "Okay. What do I need to do?" She asked, not at all offended by the old woman's words. "I want you to go get some senjusou plants." She stated as if it was simple.

"What?!" Her crew looked at her as if she was mad. It's just a plant. What's with all the dramatics? I know Yona's a small and fragile looking girl, but she's not useless.

"Captain, that's-" A pirate began to protest. "Shut up. It's not like you can do it." What is going on?

It's just a plant, right? "What's a senjusou plant?" Yoon voiced the question we were all wondering.

"It's an invaluable medical plant that only grows on the Vanishing Cape. A cure-all that drastically shortens the recovery time for illness and injuries."

Eh? Is there really such a plant? "A cure-all?!" Yoon's excitement skyrocketed at that.

"If we have senjusou plants, our injured comrades can make a speedy recovery. We'll badly need them for the fights ahead. Lucky for you, the guy who usually picks them is injured. If you can play his part, then I'll pass you."

What kind of cape is it? For it to be that difficult for them, for Yona needing to put her life on the line? "Alright." She agreed.

I frowned at her decision to do so. "Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you. Senjusou plants grow on a steep cliffside. Go there alone without anybody's help." She must be out of her mind!

Yoon and Kija jumped when she said she must go alone. "Wha?!" They don't like the idea anymore then me. Or Hak and Shin-Ah for that matter. Maybe even Jae-Ha.

I looked at his face curiously. He's doing well to mask it, but I can see his eyes on Yona. "I already planned on that." Yona stated.

"Yona, that's crazy!" Yoon turned to her, face contorted in worry. "Please Yoon. This is my job." Her eyes hold a strong will. The kind that makes it impossible for anyone to refute her.

I glanced at Hak, who's staring at her intently. "That's commendable of you. Jae-Ha, show her the way." She glanced back at the Dragon who was watching the events unravel.

"Yeah, yeah." He rubbed the back of his head as he pushed off the wall.

Yona began to walk over to him before glancing back at us, smiling warmly. "Well, I'm going out for a bit. I'll be right back." She waved and walked off with Jae-Ha, leaving us behind.

Yoon frowned deeply, watching her leave. "Is it alright to let her go?" He asked us. Kija held an equal look of worry and even Shin-Ah is fidgeting anxiously. "We could try to stop her right now." Kija tried, the most against this.

I sighed loudly, throwing my hands behind my head. "Easier said then done." I spoke loudly from next to Hak.

His gaze lingered where she had disappeared. "Even if we try to stop her, the Princess won't listen." He explained.

I sighed again and walked over to the edge of the ship, sitting on the railing, looking out at the sea. Letting Yona go, by herself, how could I have let that happen? She's exposed to danger.

Without us, she'll always be in danger. She's just a small, sixteen year old girl. She's just a girl who lost all of her family, was betrayed by the person she loves, and was chased out of the castle by people who were meant to protect her. Yona only had the four of us.

She only had her father, Soo-Won, Hak, and me. She lost two of them on that night, and us getting deathly injured didn't help her mentality.

We may have gained some comrades, we may have made friends, but things haven't changed. We're still running away.

Running away from Soo-Won, from the castle, from soldiers, from officers, from Yona's birth right. And the goal hasn't changed. Not in the least. They must survive. Both Hak and Yona.

That's not an easy goal. Not with the entire kingdom as our enemies. Well, the Wind Tribe is an exception of course.

And . . . my eyes drifted to Kija and Shin-Ah. The Dragon's.

From the legend and what Kija is always talking about, the possibility of them hurting or turning against Yona is impossible to do so.

And then there's Yoon. He's been a huge help and important asset to Yona. No, not an asset. He's been a dear friend to her and Hak. Even me.

We wouldn't have been able to get this far without them. Maybe we could have, but we definitely couldn't get Yona to strive to something.

The evidence of the Dragon's existence has made her move without the help of the hairpin Soo-Won gave her.

It's because of them, she was able to become herself and grow. I thank them all for that.

"What are you thinking about?" My brother questioned, leaning against the ship as he stood next to me. My eyes remained on the blue waters, rocking the stationed boat back and forth.

"Yona." I answered honestly. He nodded solemnly, staring off into sea as well. I turned my gaze to him. I've known him most of my life, I know everything about him.

He strives to protect Yona at all costs and is very self-sacrificing when it comes to her wellbeing. He should really consider his own wellbeing.

There's only so much one can take from that. He destroys his impulses every time they resurface even though it hurts him.

But he doesn't destroy them. He only pushes them further back into his mind and heart. Holding in so many strong feelings is very harmful to the mind and body.

He doesn't understand that.

And even if he does, he makes no effort to change it. He truly loves her. I've never seen someone love as strongly or as purely as he does for her.

It hurts to watch, because he makes sure no one can ever see his feelings. Not for Yona.

And not for Soo-Won.

I grit my teeth at the thought of him. His betrayal destroyed Yona and Hak. And that is why I can never forgive him.

I closed my eyes tightly, willing my thoughts to scatter. I don't want to think about him. I don't want to remember him. I don't want him to plague my dreams.

You can't change the past. You can only live in the present and strive towards a better future. And I'll do that.

With Hak and Yona. This time I'll protect them with everything I have.

Although with Yona out of sight, my mind is racing. My chest hurts, the anxiety weighing heavily in it. Surely she'll be alright. But if it is a test that she could die in . . . this whole thing has me riled up.

It really pisses me off. "What's wrong Captain?" A pirate spoke up. I glanced over to see her staring at the waves. "The sea has become rough." She observed. I stared at the swaying waves.

I have little experience with the sea. I can't tell. "At this rate, that girl will be in trouble if she doesn't hurry up." My blood ran cold.

Hak and I quickly stood up, drawing her, and the others attention. "Kiri? Hak?" Yoon questioned attentively. A couple pirates stepped up, thinking we're going to attack.

"What do you want?" She asked. I narrowed my eyes on her. "Where is she?" I grounded out. "Take us there." Hak demanded. She watched us carefully.

I clicked my tongue in annoyance. "I have an idea. Hak!" I began to run off, but Gi-Gan's voice stopped me. "I'll take you." She spoke.

She, and a couple pirates, began to lead us to where it was. Hak is tense from next to me, but I can't really say anything as I'm equally tensed.

She led us to an incredibly steep cliff. Yoon went pale at the sight, and Kija even fainted, making Shin-Ah hold him up.

She sent Yona down there?! I have half a mind to kill her! Yona. Where are you? "Hey, the Senjusou grows in this type of place?" Yoon asked, staring down gravely.

"I said it was a steep cliff." She stated, not seeing the problem we were. "It's too steep! This is too much! The sea is rough and the raging winds could have her blown away!" Yoon shouted at her.

Kija, recovering, stood and began to run off. "I am going down to help her!" He shouted as he began to rush towards the cliff. Before he could get too far, Gi-Gan stopped him.

"Wait. That girl took on this job to earn my trust. Do you all want to tread on her resolve?" Her words are sharp, but necessary. Yona wants to do this on her own. No matter how much we want to help, we mustn't interfere.

"However if something happens . . !" Kija grit his teeth in anguish and anger. "Yona is a girl!" Yoon shouted, glaring at the old woman.

"Even women have times when they must fight. Don't underestimate them." She returned the glare.

Tch. "Hak, Kiri. Are you two fine with this?" Kija asked us, seeking back up.

Of course we don't. "Hak! Kiri!" Kija shouted when we didn't respond. I turned my gaze to Gi-Gan. "Hey, old hag."

She shot me a look. "What is it?" She asked, not happy with what I called her. "You talk about trust, but you are the one who had Jae-Ha collect us for you. Why should we trust you?"

Her eye twitched at my words. "Well what can I do to make you trust me?" She asked coolly. I gave her a hard stare.

"I only trust my companions. Trusting someone like you and your little children would be a grave mistake and I would never be foolish to do so. I have no obligation to respect someone who doesn't respect my master." I stated coldly.

Gi-Gan eyed me curiously. "If you have no intention of trusting me, why are you here?" She asked.

I gave her a glazed look, making her eye twitch as she tried to contain her own emotions.

"I only follow her orders. She wants to help. And if she does, I will naturally assist. But know I do not trust you nor do I plan to respect you so easily." I turned my back on her.

She's a strong willed woman. And truth be told, she makes a great commander, a great captain. But I can't trust so easily.

Especially if Yona dies. "Yona . . ." I glanced at Yoon who was looking down. Worry etched onto his face and tears pooling in his eyes.

Shin-Ah patted his shoulder, gaining his attention. He looked up at our masked friend who pointed to the cliff. Hm?

I strained my eyes to see what it was. Yona and Jae-Ha climbed up and onto the top, directly in front of where we are. "Y-Yona!" Yoon cried, running at her along with the other Dragon's.

I couldn't help the sigh of relief that escaped my lips. Hak also sighed from next to me.

I smiled lightly at the scene. Yoon quickly hugged Yona tightly to him, still crying. "Jeez, you idiot! So stupid and always reckless!" He shouted.

Even Kija and Shin-Ah watched the scene, smiling fondly. "I'm sorry." She apologized.

I rushed over. "Yona~!" I engulfed her and Yoon in a hug. I hugged them tightly, picked them up, and spun. "Wha?!" They shouted.

I laughed at their faces, setting them down. I grinned cheekily. "Atta girl." I patted her head fondly, making her blush ever so slightly at my praise.

"Where are the senjusou plants?" Gi-Gan asked, walking over. Yona untied a bag from her waist and held it up. "Right here." She opened it up to reveal the plant.

Eh? So this is senjusou? "Alright then. Just like we promised, you can-" Gi-Gan was interrupted by the princess. "No. I had help from Jae-Ha." The said Dragon jumped and looked at her wide eye.

Eh? So he was going to lie to his captain for her, huh? "A giant wave swallowed me and I was almost thrown into the sea, but he saved me. I couldn't have done it on my own." She admitted.

Yona . . . this is where you lie. But then again, I wouldn't love her as much as I do if she was that kind of person. "Then you give up?" Gi-Gan asked.

"No. I'll go get some again all by myself!" She declared. I nearly fell. This is not good for my heart. Jeez, she ages me.

Gi-Gan began to laugh, making us look at her weirdly. The hell? Is she alright? Is dementia getting to her?

"If Jae-Ha just left a woman thrown into the sea to die, I would have thrown him into the sea myself." Huh? We looked at Jae-Ha, whose arms are crossed, eyes closed, light smile, and mild sweat.

So he finds her a bit scary. But that's why he likes her. She walked over to Yona, grabbing her chin and inspecting her face.

"Your eyes are red. You must've cried a ton." I frowned. Why must she continuously pick on Yona? She blushed at her, probably accurate, accusation.

"Salt water just got into my eyes!" She defended. But that just made Gi-Gan chuckle. "Your hands are scratched up and legs trembling."

Yona puffed her cheek out, looking away from her. Ah-ah. She has no explanation for that.

Gi-Gan smiled, eyes holding respect. "You've got guts. People like you won't betray a comrade even under pressure. You have some fierce guard dogs." She shot me a smug look.

I blushed at that. "But that kind of loyalty isn't often seen. I like those kinds of idiots. Hop on board." Well her personality did a 180 there.

First she insults Yona and now she praises her. I looked at the pirates. "I don't understand women." I shook my head, making them laugh.

Jae-Ha patted Yona's head. "You've been accepted Yona." He told her gently. Her face lit up and tears pooled in her eyes. "Al-" Yoon was interrupted as the other pirates gathered around her.

"Alright!" They cheered. I blinked. What? They surrounded her, patting her head and shaking her hands. They've definitely take a liking to her.

"Hey, do not touch her with your filthy hands!" Kija shouted, trying to get them to separate.

I shook my head. "No, it's not just women. I don't understand pirates." I corrected. Hak sighed, stepping next to me as we observed.

"You must be pretty close to that girl to make that kind of face." Jae-Ha said from next to him. We looked over at the Green Dragon. "What about you?" I asked, eyeing the bags under his eyes and the wrinkles on his forehead.

"Your face looks like it's aged about ten years." Hak stated. Jae-Ha pulled out a pocket mirror and looked at his face, a bit mortified.

"What? That isn't good. Do I really?" He touched his face as he stared in mild horror. Idiot. "She was so desperate and wouldn't back down, I felt like my life got shortened."

Hm. So that's the bond after all. But surely it can't all be it. "You sure put in a lot of effort. Do you want to be our ally now?" I asked him curiously.

"There's no way. I always go to great lengths for girls."

Hak and I exchanged a look before looking back at him. "Playboy." He nearly fell at our bluntness. "But, I've never seen a girl like her. Pure, stubborn, yet unsteady on her feet. To me, she's very troublesome and a pain."

We looked off to where she was. Kija arguing with the pirates who were still surrounding her.

They sure did take a quick liking to her, that's for sure. "I can't imagine why someone would be her guard."

Well . . . he's not wrong. Hak chuckled at his words. "What can I say?" He looked at her fondly. Right now she is smiling brightly at them.

"She must be really important." Jae-Ha noted.

Anyone could tell that. I mean it's the one thing we can't really hide. "Well, we're childhood friends." Hak stated, still keeping his gaze on her.

"Your girlfriend?" Jae-Ha interrogated.

"Fiancé." I didn't miss a beat. Hak quickly hit me upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" I shouted at him incredulously. He glared down at me. "Quit saying stuff like that!" He shouted.

My temple throbbed in annoyance. "Ha?! What's the big deal?! I'm just happy for my little brother!" I argued. We went head to head. "If you keep saying things like that people will begin to think they're true." He ground out, vein in his face popping.

My temple continued to throb. "Well it can be." We growled at each other, glares clashing.

He sighed, rubbing his temples. "She's just someone important that I've been entrusted with." He turned. What a kill joy. "Entrusted with, huh?" Jae-Ha mused, making Hak turn back around.

"What?" He demanded. Jae-Ha had that confident atmosphere about him, as usual. "I don't know. I just thought you two seem to be close, and yet distant. Maybe it's because you aren't seriously after her."

I pressed my lips firmly together. He wouldn't understand. He doesn't understand. Hak is seriously in love with her.

But he has always pushed it back because he wanted his two friends to be together.

I can't say it though. Because it's not my story to tell. And I don't see the need to bring up our past to a stranger.

Hak crossed his arms, a bored look on his face as he eyed Jae-Ha. "It's none of your business. Why should it concern you?" He demanded, slight irritation in his voice.

Jae-Ha's smile remained as he put his hand to his chin, looking off thoughtfully.

"I wonder why? Maybe because I'm interested in her." He concluded. I narrowed my eyes. Ah hell no.

No playboy is getting his grimy hands on her! Hak's eyes widened slightly at his claim. "Just kidding!" He threw his hands to the side, walking away.

Ah. He got us. More specifically, Hak. My brother glared at the retreating playboy. "Your face just now was priceless. I feel a little refreshed.

I looked over at Hak. "Think about what I said yesterday. And think about what Jae-Ha said and how you feel about it." I urged, wanting him to understand.

Maybe he'll figure it out. I hope he does. For his sake.


Night had fallen. I was currently sitting on the side of the ship, feet dangling over the calm waters.

Gi-Gan and Yona stood next to me. "Thanks to the senjusou plants you brought, my comrades are heading towards recovery. Everyone is thankful to you." Gi-Gan told Yona.

I grinned, wrapping an arm around Yona. "Awe, Yona you're so amazing." I cooed, making her blush madly. "Jeez, Kiri!" She pouted, making me laugh.

Gi-Gan looked at us fondly. Surprisingly, she seems to think my little speech was adorable. I really don't understand women.

Gi-Gan turned her gaze back to the sea. "I don't want any more casualties."

"You've lost someone?" Yona asked in surprise. "Of course. We are pirates after all. We can't stay out of harm's way."

There are always casualties. For pirates, officers, and even us soldiers. Ah, well I'm not a soldier anymore.

But there will always be casualties. Even from those who don't fight. It's a part of life. The world we live in.

"Once this fight is over, I want to disband the crew and let them return to their normal lives." I stared at Gi-Gan a bit.

She does care for them. I'm sure their deaths have affected her decision. "I . . . see." Yona mumbled, unsure what to say.

"But one of them is going to be difficult." Ah, I see where she's going with this. Out of all of them, one stands out to be the most problematic.

"Difficult?" Yona gave her a quizzical look. "It's Jae-Ha. For him, this ship is his home. With his deformity, he feels the most comfortable here." Her brown eyes shone with warmth, and the smile on her face is genuine.

She must care an awful lot about him. She cares for her crew, but she seems to care for Jae-Ha a little more. This must be hard for her.

His deformity is easier to hide then Kija's but I guess all the dragons' feel that way in some sort.

"Then will Jae-Ha be alone if you disband the crew?" She questioned her. "Will you . . . take him with you?" She asked, smile still on her face.

Yona looked back at the sea, a sad smile on her face. "I'd love to, but he didn't want to come with me."

Gi-Gan chuckled at that. "I guess he still can't leave the nest."

"I'm offended, Captain." I blinked. Jae-Ha? Looking back, he's sitting atop the roof above us. The other two turned to look back as well.

"My true nature likes the solitude. Even without the crew, I'll live freely. Besides, what good would it be to be with strange-looking Dragons?"

But the other Dragon's are extraordinarily beautiful as is he when he doesn't talk.

"I'd think about it if it was just Yona and me. Oh, but . . ." He hopped down next to us, and looked over at Yona. "Babysitting is tough, so let's wait until you grow up a little bit more."

Yona jumped and frowned deeply. "You're mean like Hak!" She looked up with him, slight pout.

She puffed her cheeks and turned, walking away. "Oh, that's interesting." I watched Yona walk off.

"I've noticed something. You always treat girls so kindly. You only pick on Yona. That's interesting." I smirked, a knowing look in my eyes.

Jae-Ha jumped at my claim. I stood atop the rail and began walking away.

"Remember this well, Jae-Ha. Nobody can truly hide their feelings. And I have a talent for this sort of thing."

I stopped momentarily and turned back, smirk in tact. "And I can read you like an open book."

I can. Jae-Ha has, whether it's the bond or not, taken a liking to Yona. But he wishes to be free, so he pushes as much as he can. So elementary.

But, freedom is something all humans desire. Looking up ahead I see Yona had stopped and was looking at Shin-Ah, who was staring off into the distance.

I frowned and hopped down, walking over to the two. "Shin-Ah? What's wrong?" Yona asked.

Jae-Ha and Gi-Gan noticed we were gathered over and headed over. "The ships are . . . gathering . . . at the harbor." He spoke softly, looking off into the distance.

"How many?" Gi-Gan asked as she and Jae-Ha walked over. "Seven." Shin-Ah answered. "Seven?!" Jae-Ha exclaimed. Shin-Ah kept staring.

"There are men . . . with weapons . . . on board." He informed, still not used to talking.

Ho? I smirked. Well, well. Someone's getting all bothered. Now I'm itching to fight. "That Kum-Ji, is he trying to threaten us? This'll be interesting." Gi-Gan smirked, along with Jae-Ha.

"He's finally making his move." Jae-Ha's confidence brimmed. "What's going to happen?" Yona asked, looking to Gi-Gan. "The fight has started at last. Gather the brats." She turned to Jae-Ha, who rushed off at her command.

I stared in the direction Shin-Ah was looking. I do hope that they'll be fun to fight with.

I like a challenge.

We followed Gi-Gan to a room, where everyone is gathered around her.

A map lay out on the table in front of her. "Kum-Ji's gradually increasing his manpower. Probably because he's about to conduct his most important business with the Kai Empire." It's always something with the damn Kai Empire.

Always troublesome.

"Kai Empire?" Yona murmured. "Of course, it's most likely just guys around Awa, clients of Kum-Ji." Gi-Gan explained,taking a puff from her pipe. "What is his most important business?" Yona asked.

I grit my teeth, containing my anger. "Kiri?" Yona looked at me, noticing the distaste on my face. I sighed, calming myself, showing no emotion.

"Human trafficking."    

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