To a New Land

I stared at the map over Yoon's shoulder, a frown on my face. "Um, according to Kija's directions, the Green Dragon is in this area." Yoon spoke. Kija nodded in agreement.

My frown only deepened. "If we keep going we'll walk into the capital of Saika and Hiryuu Castle. That's worse then Fire Tribe territory." I sighed, rubbing my head.

Yona looked down, knowing that we can't possibly take this route. "Yeah. Let's go the long way around along the mountains and check the Green Dragon's location." Yoon suggested.

I sighed. Man, this is troublesome. But it's the only way. Hak, Yona, and I exchanged looks before nodding in agreement.

We began to head the longer way around. My mind drifted to the remaining two Dragons.

The White Dragon has the claw of a Dragon that can destroy anything it cuts through. The Blue Dragon has the eyes of a Dragon that can see far and wide. The Green Dragon has the leg of a Dragon that can soar through the skies. The Yellow Dragon has an invulnerable body.

All put together is the equal strength of a Dragon. Or so it would seem.

Yoon sent Shin-Ah up into a tree to check up ahead for anybody. "Shin-Ah, is anybody around?" Yona called up after a bit. Shin-Ah hopped down in front of us with ease and shook his head.

Yoon smiled at that. "No? Then let's go." He walked ahead, leading us with the trusty map in hand.

As we walked, I looked around to see an unusual field of flowers growing. That's Salvia. You don't see much of those around these parts.

"The long distance vision is nice. It's easy to find low-traffic roads." Yoon said. He's been in a good mood since Shin-Ah came. This way we can avoid too many people or troops.

I mean we're good at sensing people, but Shin-Ah can spot them miles and miles away.

I glanced back. I stood in front with Yoon, behind us is Kija and Shin-Ah, and behind them are Yona and Hak.

My gaze wondered to the two Dragons. A few days ago, on the night we retrieved the Blue Dragon, Yona gave him the name Shin-Ah, meaning moonlight. It really does suit him well.

And ever since his arrival, Kija's warmed up quite a bit and has become less tense. I suppose he was nervous without even noticing it.

Kija is speaking very happily to Shin-Ah about the Four Dragon's. The two hit it off well.

Ah. A village is up ahead. We need to pass through it. As we entered, I pursed my lips, familiar with villages like this.

The buildings were torn, and people lay about the street, dirty, injured, and sick. Kija covered his mouth and nose, unable to handle the stench. "This is . . ." Yona trailed, mortified.

Well, I guess I couldn't really hide something like this from her. Not with what has all happened and all.

"A village abandoned by the generals and the king." Yoon informed her, staring at the place with familiar eyes.

Yona tenses, eyes going wide as she kept her gaze downwards.

"Around here, crops haven't grown for years, and there's no water. The men were probably all taken to the capital as soldiers. With disease spreading, those without the strength to move elsewhere have no choice but to die here." Yoon spoke, eyes wandering around the place.

But my eyes remained trained on Yona, who is by my side now. She closed her eyes and looked down. "How awful." Her voice wavered, laced with pain of seeing a place like this.

"The village I was born in was pretty much like this. The Fire Tribe may have lots of land, but most of it is infertile. Yet the Tribe leader, General Kan Soo-Jin, keeps spending the money on his military." Kija's vein on his face popped in anger.

"He is an idiot." Kija declared. I nodded, the image of him popping into my mind.

"You have no idea." He's worse then an idiot. He's an idiot who doesn't know he's an idiot and those are the worst.

A man curled up and began coughing madly. "Are you alright?" Yona began to walk over when Yoon put his arm out, stopping her from getting closer. "Don't get close. You'll catch his sickness." He warned.

Yona didn't look happy. "But . . ." Her eyes held sadness and a pleading look, willing Yoon to let her. He smiled at her before walking over to the sick man.

He kneeled down next to him, reaching into his bag. "It's not a cure, but here's some medicine and water." The man picked his head off the ground weakly.

His cheeks are sunken in so much, you could see his bones pressing firmly against the skin. He has large bags under his tired eyes and he's a sickly pale, no green, with dirt and grim rubbed deeply into his skin.

Yoon grabbed an apple from his bag as well. "And some fruit."

Yona quickly rushed forward. "Ah!" I reached out and grabbed, but missed her arm. Tch.

She grabbed the water and helped sit him up. Once he was she helped him drink the water. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "She doesn't listen." I grumbled.

Hak smirked, coming to stand next to me. "Has she ever?" He asked, a teasing tone in his voice.

I chuckled, shaking my head. No, she really doesn't. What a stubborn Princess.

The man coughed some more. "Are you from Saika?" He asked, his voice rough and hoarse from his sickness. "No, just travelers." Yoon responded to the man.

"I see. Then have you been to Kuuto? I heard a new king was crowned. I wonder what he's like."

I clenched my fists tightly, the image of the cruel look on Soo-Won's face flashing through my mind.

I felt a sting from my hands and Hak and I began to walk over when Yona glanced back. She was smiling, even her eyes, but at the same time they were telling us to stay back.

Hak and I obeyed and watched the interaction.

"The previous King, Il, was a horrible king." Yona's shoulders tensed, and her eyes widened slightly.

"He only thought about not making waves, bowing to foreign pressures. The Five Tribes became disunited and the kingdom knew nothing but chaos. He didn't even save us, the weak people. Just whose king was he?"

The man reached his hand up towards the sun in the sky. I wanted nothing more then to silence him, to stop those poisonous words from reaching her ears.

"I hope the new king is good. I hope he can change this kingdom." His hand dropped and he turned to Yona, relief in his tired eyes. "Thank you, miss. It's been years since someone has touched me."

He didn't mean any harm. Not at all. And although I respect King Il, I never claimed to be proud of villages like these.

King Il should have done more, but he merely moved to pave us to a road where everyone could live in peace. But that is a fleeting dream.

"You're welcome. Take care." Yona means it, she's happy she can help him. But she is saddened by his words.

Saddened by what the people think of her father. Her beloved father. The others looked at her, knowing that his words effected her.

We left him the fruit, medicine, and water, and continued on our way. As we walked through the deserted village, I glanced at Yona, not missing the fact that a couple others were as well.

She wiped the few tears that crept into the corner of her eyes. She then ran a bit forward, making us stop. She turned back to us, eyes shut, and a smile on her face.

But anyone could see she's forcing it. "S-Sorry, nature's calling. Don't follow me." She ran off and around the corner.

No one followed. Not even me or Hak. Because despite her efforts to fake it, we saw right through it.

Shin-Ah glanced at Ao who rested on his shoulder, making a soft noise. As if Ao had heard his thoughts he jumped off his shoulders and ran after Yona.

Yoon walked over and sat down against a building, looking down, a mass of emotions in his blue eyes.

"I couldn't say a word. Because I also think poorly of King Il. But for Yona, he was the only family she had." Yoon admitted, eyes remaining on the ground.

"Most likely, no one will mourn the passing of King Il. He will probably be recorded in history as a foolish king. No one cares about just one princess." Kija closed his eyes regrettably.

He doesn't want to say things like this because of Yona, but he knows it's the truth. "True." I agreed, looking up at the sky.

I turned my gaze back at them, seeing as I had caught their attention by my admission. "A world without weapons or conflict where no one gets hurt . . ." I trailed off, looking at my brother.

He nodded, continuing for me. For us. Because we both view it this way.

"It's just a pipe dream. But I just couldn't think of the king who firmly believed in his ideal as foolish. I just couldn't think of him as a coward when he quietly hid his wound. We wouldn't serve a master we think is foolish." Hak spoke.

I closed my eyes briefly, recalling what he did. That wound he so quietly took. He didn't react to it at all. Simply because he didn't wish for things to escalate into violence.

"King Il was a king that this country had yet to see. He was completely different then the previous ones. He was a crybaby, he whined a lot, he needed to know when he was eating out of boredom, he was an over worried parent, but he was never a coward. He wasn't the fool they all make him out to be. But he was a king who trusted too easily."

I spoke, thinking of Soo-Won, some of the Sky Tribe, and some of the Fire Tribe. He trusted the wrong people.

And that was his downfall.

But I suppose it was also us who trusted the wrong person.

"I will always regret not being able to protect him at Hiryuu Castle." Hak tightened his grip on his glaive, staring at the weapon intently, remembering the past. Remembering the pain.

"So you two acknowledged King Il as your master, independent from being Yona's father?" Yoon asked us. I smiled at his question. "Of course." We spoke in unison.

Yona had come over to me, telling me of her talk with Hak the night we retrieved Shin-Ah.

"Kiri, I won't make you start calling me Princess since you've never really done that except for public appearances, but please, I beg you. Please don't forget. I want you two to remember father and his daughter."

I stared at her intently. The pain still clear as day in her eyes as she forces that smile.

I stared at the smile. I could see all her strength put into it, to try to deceive me into believing she's alright.

But I've known her since childhood. I know Yona more then anyone else on this planet.

I know her better then she knows herself. To me, her eyes, her smile, they all tell me the truth. The Yona I knew can't lie. And if she does, she does so poorly.

The Yona I watched grow up is someone that I wanted to protect her, and her smile. Because the princess who was the most glamorous girl in this kingdom is now alone. She has nothing left but herself.

The only pride she has is the connection she had with the father she loved. Her remaining family. When she puts a smile, to hide her pain, when she cries out into the night, not believing anyone will hear, practicing hard because she wishes to not lose me or Hak the way she lost her father. Because I know this, I will continue to protect her, in any way I can. I bowed my head.

"Yes, Princess Yona."

I stared at them, a light smile on my lips. "I do not regret serving such a king."

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