The Dragon's Claw

I sat on the branch above Yona, staring down at our new companion. He ran his hand through the stream of water.

That hand really is like a dragon. And back at the village it expanded. I've never seen anything like it before.

Of course I didn't believe in the legend. It's a fairy tale. Or so I thought. But things aren't as they seem.

It's still a little hard to believe, but seeing it, I know it's real. It's still incredible.

This is going to get interesting, that's for sure. "Mr. White Snake, you must be exhausted from the unfamiliar travelling." Hak spoke. I glanced off to the side to see him return.

Ah-ah. He's picking a fight again. Kija frowned, a light angry blush on his porcelain white skin. "Call me White Snake one more time, and I will slash your throat. Of course I'm not tired." He threatened.

I hopped down next to Yona and watched the exchange.

"Oh, I just figured you'd feel homesick by now." Hak had that air of confidence about him as he basically looked down on Kija.

"Nonsense, the princess wanted me. She said to protect you if anything happens." The two were very close, glaring at each other and smiling evilly as the spoke.

"Can you fight when you've lived in a bubble?" Hak questioned. Yona walked over in-between them and hit the two under their chin, separating them and stopping the fight.

I smirked, holding back my laughter. "Quiet down!" She ordered.

I walked over and stood behind her as she moved to stand in front of the two, hands on her hips. "We're going to be on a journey together, so stop fighting." She scolded.

Kija looked down, ashamed. "I apologize, Princess." Yona turned her irritated eyes to my brother.

"Hak! This is Kija's first time outside and he's nervous. So quit teasing!" She scolded. Kija blushed a bit. "I am not-"

Before he could finish, Yona interrupted. "Kija. Teasing is Hak's hobby, so don't take it personally." He looked down in defeat, obeying Yona. "Hobby?" Hak questioned.

I shrugged nonchalantly. "It really is though." He sweat dropped, eye twitching. "Let's go already!" Yoon called, coming back from checking the path and map.

"Okay!" Yona called, running over to him. I glanced at the other two as they shot each other a glare. I laughed nervously. Oh boy. This is going to be a long journey.

We continued walking, Yoon leading the way as he held the map open. Kija was simple enough to find, but the others aren't going to be quite as easy.

Yoon stopped. "Hmm. Kija, you can detect the other dragons' presence, right?" He turned to look at our dragon companion. "Of course, Yoon. If I sharpen my mind's eye I can sense them." He explained.

Oh that's right. That should be useful. "Then tell us who's closest." Yoon started to get excited. "I shall try." Kija closed his eyes and concentrated.

We all watched him closely. "The closest presence is most likely the Blue Dragon." Eh? That's convenient.

"Wow. You can even tell who it is. That's impressive." I said, amazed by his ability. Yoon nodded in agreement. "It is. Where is he?" He questioned. "Hmm. I feel something from over there." He pointed in a direction.

I see. "Jeez, the location is so vague." Yoon rubbed the back of his head. Kija placed his hands on his hips. "Do not worry. Everyone just follow me."

He began to head in that direction. "I do worry! I worry about tagging along with someone who's never been outside!" He shouted after him.

"Well, Yona's never been outside and you're tagging along." I defended.

Yoon and Yona turned to me fast. "Hey!" She shouted defensively. "You and the Thunder Beast have been outside though!" He shouted as well.

Jeez, rough crowd here. Kija glanced back, still walking. "I have knowledge of the outside world without being in it. Our clan travelled all over and collected information."

I blinked, looking around him. "Kija, watch your-" He slipped and fell down off the small drop off, letting out a small shout before he crashed.

"Kija!" Yona and Yoon rushed over. Hak and I followed, peering down. He's a bit dirty now, and there appears to be a small nest of centipedes.

He was muttering something to them but I couldn't quite hear. "Noooooo! Ahhhh! Stooooop! Eeeek! Dooooon't!" He shouted in fear.

I guess he doesn't like bugs. "White Dragon, just stay in the back and slowly follow us." Hak shook his head at Kija's yelling while Yona laughed nervously. "Kiri?"

I stepped over to the edge. "On it." I hopped down with ease, landing next to him.

He had turned even paler, a small caterpillar on his face. I reached over and plucked it off, throwing it away.

"C'mon." I easily grabbed him with one arm, tossing him over my shoulder, and hopped up next to them.

Setting him down, he breathed heavily, the frightened look leaving his face.

He grabbed his arms and walked in circles. "Ew. I still feel them crawling around me." He is not going to be too happy about our journey.

Hopefully he gets used to it. "So the Dragon God's weaker than bugs." Hak said, a sly smirk on his face.

"T-That's not it! I just don't like crawly slimy critters! My power was given by the proud White Dragon God! Not some power of an ordinary person!" He shouted at Hak, his beautiful eyes narrowed.

Hak looked at his shoulder. "Oh look, another centipede." He lied with ease. Kija reacted immediately and began to brush himself off.

"Must you tease him so much?" I asked my brother. He shrugged nonchalantly. "Yes. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm not gonna count on a dusty ancient power." I rolled my eyes.

Here we go again. "What?! Do you want to try it out right here then?!" Hak smirked at his words. "Oh?"


Hak, Kija, and I tensed. "Kiri." Hak spoke. I nodded. "Right. C'mon you two." I grabbed Yona and Yoon.

"Kiri?" Yona asked in confusion. "What wrong?" Yoon questioned us.

Kija turned to him. "Someone's coming." I frowned, listening closely. "And a whole bunch of them." Hak said.

I sighed loudly. "What a pain." I grumbled in annoyance. We're trying to find the Dragons. We don't have time to play around with them.

"Their footsteps are not really elegant." Kija inputted. Yoon looked worried. "This is bad. We're near the Fire Tribe's territory."

Hm. I don't think it's them. Their steps are not coordinated. "Is the Fire Tribe our enemy?" Kija asked us curiously. "Pretty much." My brother and I responded together.

Keeping my grip on them I began to lead them away and take cover. "Wait. Can I use the bow?" Yona asked, looking between Hak and I for permission.

"Rejected." I spoke immediately.

"Master will not approve of it. Stay hidden." Hak said.

She pouted childishly, making me smile. "Come on, it'll be over soon." I took the two a bit away and hid.

We were in some bushes and behind a couple trees, still able to see the path. People began to surround the two. "Huh. Only thugs. Well that's an even more waste of effort." I sighed.

Why must they think that they can take them on? Idiots. One of the many things that I hate is a bunch of weaklings thinking they can take us on.

I scoffed at the roughed up looking men. This should be simple. "Hey, it's our payday." One thug said, a confident smirk in place. "Man, they don't look like they've got much." Another spoke.

I shook my head. "Bandits. They sure have shitty luck in picking their targets." I mumbled. Yoon looked at them, not impressed. "I wouldn't say that. There's three girls over there."

One motioned in the area where we hid. I slapped my hand to my mouth as I began to snicker. Yoon definitely did not look impressed.

Well he does look like a girl. "I'm a beautiful boy." He corrected. Of course they wouldn't hear.

One bandit walked straight up to Kija. "This guy's dressed nice and has a pretty face that'll sell well." He brought a knife out and tapped Kija's cheek.

I haven't seen him in action, but I sure am interested in this fight. I want to see what he's capable of.

"Hey, it's no issue if I slash them, is there?" Kija asked Hak, not moving yet, and not looking the least bit concern. "It's no issue if you hide, either." Hak spoke, looking very amused.

"Nonsense." They both sported identical evil smirks. "What if I wanted to fight?" I grumbled. Yona and Yoon looked at me.

"Do you?" They questioned simultaneously. I slumped, watching with bored eyes. "No, it's too bothersome. If I'm going to fight it'll be with someone good, otherwise it's not fun." I stated.

They sweat dropped at me. "Kiri . . ." Yoon shook his head as I chuckled.

"Hm? What's wrong, are you all shook up? Don't worry, we won't kill you if you stay quiet." He grabbed Kija's arm and pulled away with a shot.

His palm red. Oh, that's right. When his arm expands it heats up in the process. "Hey what happened?" Another bandit asked what I assume to be their leader.

"I-I don't know. But his hand is hot like its boiling!" He told him. "Jeez. Hurry up and get rid of them." I rolled my eyes. Of course they didn't hear me.

They may know we're here and the general direction, but I hid them enough to where they're not so sure. "You shouldn't touch me so carelessly." Kija told them.

They backed up a bit, feeling his malice. "This power has waited thousands of years to protect its master. Even I cannot control it." He held his arm out and it extended, revealing his white claw.

I've seen it once, but still. It's incredible to look at. The bandits shouted a bit, afraid and confused about his arm.

"I've kept you waiting, arm of the White Dragon." He ran forward and swung the arm, knocking a small group of the bandits down in that tiny amount of time.

Whoa. "He-He's a monster!" Some shouted as Kija began to take some more down.

Yona and Yoon stared in awe. It's our first time seeing the arm and Kija in action.

I stared at him. That's the strength of the Dragon's Claws. Incredible.

A bandit went for Hak, but he grabbed his arm and pinned it between his shoulder blades. "Nasty despite your pretty face." Hak commented, smirking at Kija.

But I could see it in his eyes. He's just as amazed as we are. "This is not enough. So Hak, shall I protect you too, as the princess ordered me to?" Kija taunted, making me smirk. Hak pushed the guy away and took the cover off his glaive.

"I don't need it." Hak declared. Bandits rushed him. Hak smirked and easily took them down.

He's fast and he has power. I'd expect no less from my brother. Fighting those idiots is child's play.

"W-Who are these guys?! They aren't normal!" A bandit shouted as Hak took down more. "How rude." Hak twirled his glaive and continued. "White Snake over there is the only abnormal one."

Kija slashed at Hak, who somehow managed to dodge the unexpected attack. "Whoa. Who are you aiming at, Mr. White Snake?"

Looks like Hak's teasing finally made him snap. "I told you I would slash your throat if you called me White Snake again."

I shrugged my shoulders. "He did." I admitted, to which Yoon smacked the back of my head. I rubbed it in pain and shot him a glare. "What was that for?!" I hissed.

He narrowed his eyes. "They're fighting each other!" He shouted back. I rolled my eyes. "Oh please. They're not fighting. That was just a warning. It's similar to what normal siblings do." I explained.

Yoon's eye twitched. "The Thunder Beast and Inferno Tornado can't be considered normal." I laughed nervously. He has a point.

But it's normal to us and the Wind Tribe. "Don't take it personally. It's my hobby. Anyway, aren't you a little too excited? You stand out too much."

Yeah. That's what makes him stand out. Kija scoffed and smirked.

"It is my extreme happiness to protect the princess. And your spear is in the way!" He lunged at Hak. He swung his glaive as Kija swung his claw and they clashed and turned, standing back to back.

Yep. Definitely like siblings. The two continued to take down any bandit that ran their way.

"They aren't normal at all! Kija's power is unearthly, and the Thunder Beast's speed is also inhuman." I pondered his words.

"Certainly, Kija's power is on a whole 'nother level. As is Hak's but we were raised to be strong enough to protect what's precious to us."

I'd say they're about on equal terms honestly. Hak is strong. And he's under some strict orders not to die. No way Hak would lose. Not to these bandits and not to some lame Fire Tribe boys.

"Do you want to help?" Yoon asked, looking at Yona. I internally sighed. Of course she does. "Hak and Kiri said no. I have to be patient." She reasoned.

Yoon looked thoughtful for a moment. "But you practiced for times like this. Kiri, it's best to start with bandits. Soldier won't be so easy." His blue eyes sparkled with determination.

Yona looked at me, her violet eyes pleading. I sighed loudly. "Fine. Yoon, you guide her." I waved.

The two smiled and Yona hugged me. "Thank you Kiri!" The three of us stood and Yona pulled back, Yoon close to her to giver her pointers.

"Hak's going to kill me." I mumbled to myself.

"Based on my calculation of how far you cant shoot, aim for the guy targeting Thunder Beast from behind." He directed to the guy, holding a knife and eyeing Hak, who is too busy fighting.

I watched carefully. Seeing if they can do it. The man raised his knife. "Aim a little higher. Now!" Yona shot, scraping his hand.

He shouted and ran off in fear. What a coward. "Yes!" Yoon cheered with a wide grin on his face. "Wow Yoon! You teach better than Hak and Kiri." Yona complimented.

I frowned at that. "Hey." I said. She merely just smiled innocently.

Fine then, be that way. "It's easier for me to teach. When I try it myself, it doesn't go well."

I grabbed my spear and turned fast, taking out the guy who was sneaking up on us from behind. He let out a shout as he crumpled to the ground.

Yona and Yoon jumped, not suspecting my movement or his for that matter. "I~diot." I gave the fallen man a bland look. "Thanks Kiri." Yona smiled brightly at me.

"Princess, are you alright?" The boys spoke, rushing over to us. I frowned.

"Hey, like I'd let anything happen to her." Why do they think I'm so unreliable? "What a pain." Yoon deadpanned, looking at the two.

"Is it over?" Yona asked, looking at the fallen men. I placed my spear back in the holster on my back and threw my hands behind my head. "Of course. These guys are pathetic." I stated, kicking a body.

Kija looked over at Hak, a confident smirk on his face. "How many did you take down?" He questioned. "Huh? I don't remember." He responded with an uncaring voice.

Always that kind of attitude, huh Hak? "I took down twenty-eight." Kija said proudly. Awe, adorable. "Then I got forty." Hak decided.

I sweat dropped as Kija began to shout at my brother. "Don't lie! You said you didn't remember!"

Hak merely whistled, ignoring him. "Besides, there weren't that many-ugh!" Huh?

Kija got down on one knee and gripped his dragon arm, a pained look on his face. Yona rushed over to him. "Kija! Are you alright?!" She asked worriedly.

"Yes. I over-did it a little. I wanted to show you a more sophisticated battle than this." He looked at the ground in shame.

Kija. "Actually, I thought the White Dragon God's bloody way of fighting was great." I nodded, standing next to my brother, who is sweating a lot now that I look at him.

"Kija definitely made me want to join in the fight." Hak and I then sported matching smirks. "I want to spar with you." I stated, liking the idea of a challenge.

"It makes me happy. When I was in the castle, no one other then Kiri was able to keep up with me. One day I want to fight . . ." Hm?

I glanced at my brother who began to tip over. "Ah! Hak!" I quickly caught him. "Hak!" Yona shouted in worry. I readjusted him, holding him bridal style.

"Did he die?" Kija asked, genuinely curious. Yona smacked the back of his head. "He not dead!" She protested.

I looked down at my unconscious brother. "He might of." I shrugged uncaringly. "Kiri!" She shouted, glaring at me.

I gently placed him on the ground and opened his robe enough to reveal his chest. I see. Yoon was quickly by my side, staring at Hak.

He frowned, a bit of worry in his eyes. "Idiot! The wounds open again. He actually hasn't healed yet. He plays it cool, but he's a wreck." Yoon sighed as he began to tend to the wound.

"He should've just let me fight." I pursed my lips, not liking the sight of him in this condition. I know I said it was troublesome, but I would've done it none the less. "A monster?" Kija asked, looking at Hak in shock.

I sweat dropped. "I don't think he'd like that coming from you." Yoon stated. Well, he's not entirely wrong.

"The suns going down. With Hak like this we better find a place to sleep for tonight." I suggested, picking up my brother. "Oh? Is there a lodge nearby?" Kija questioned. Huh?

Yoon and I gave him weird looks. "We're camping out." Yoon informed him, to which Kija gave a confused look.

"Camping out?" He sounded out the unfamiliar word. Yoon sighed at that. "Jeez, rich kids. White Dragon, just stay in the back and slowly follow us." He instructed.

"Hm. With Hak and Kija not feeling well, I should be the one on guard but . . ." I glanced at Hak in my arms. It'll be a bit difficult to carry this heavy guy and wield my spear on any incoming attacker.

Not impossible, but it doesn't help.

Suddenly, Hak was taken from my hold and placed over Kija's shoulder, the one with the dragon arm. "Wow Kija!" Yona admired.

I nodded in agreement. "Hak is definitely one of the heavier men I've carried." I'm not kidding. He weighs a lot! The fatass.

"The Dragons arm is ten of times stronger than that of an ordinary person." Eh? That's incredible.

Yona took off her bow and quiver and placed it in his other hand, which wavered and struggled at the weight. "Uh, no, just my right hand." Kija told her.

Yona quickly grabbed it back and mumbled apologies.

Yoon picked up Hak's glaive with a little struggle. Smiling I grabbed it from him. "Ah, I can carry it." He said.

I merely smiled at the younger boy. "its fine, you just pick us a spot to camp." He nodded and led us away. I decided to guard the rear and trailed a bit behind Yona and Kija.

Well, today we didn't find any other dragons unfortunately. But I did get to see Kija and Hak in action, which is worth it.

"Do not worry about him." Kija spoke to Yona. I looked up at them. Kija has an idea about Hak's strength. Hak will be fine.

"Huh? Yes, because Hak is strong. Right now, I'm always protected by him and Kiri, but I want to protect them one day."

Yona. She doesn't need to protect us. All we want is her to be safe. "Princess, you've been at the castle all your life but are strong."

She smiled lightly at him. "I'm not strong." She told him. In some ways, she's gotten stronger. In this amount of time since her birthday, she's grown.

"But you remained calm when you saw the bandits." He countered.

She looked forward, eyes casted a bit downwards. "That's true. I'm not afraid of bandits. There's nothing scarier for me than that night."

I looked down, but the pain in her violet eyes remained on my mind. My mind instantly went to that cold look on his face. Soo-Won. I grit my teeth as anger coursed through my veins.

"Hey, hurry up!" Yoon called from the front. Yona smiled at Kija. "Let's go." She went up ahead and Kija watched her go.

I walked over to him, watching her as well. I glanced at him curiously.

His beautiful blue eyes were sad as he watched her. A mass of emotions floating in them. I returned my gaze to Yona. "She sure is something, huh?" I asked. He jumped, not noticing I was by him.

He nodded none the less. "Yes. I want to support her. She tries to be strong, but is fragile, like she is about to cry." I smiled at that. He's right. She's really trying.

But she has so much on her mind. So much sadness in her heart. She's going to need him. I believed Hak and I could help her, but we need Kija, Yoon, and the other dragons.

She's going to need support. She's going to need a new family. Because her other is dead.

Or they're trying to kill her.


I stared at the night sky as I was returning to our camp. Since Hak's injured and all, I decided to do some patrols after setting up camp and starting the fire.

Yoon should have dinner ready about now. As I headed back to camp, I could hear their voices as they spoke. "I can't eat insects yet, but I've gotten mostly used to it. After all, I didn't have time to be choosy." Yona's face looked white and soulless.

Ah, food huh? She hasn't had any luxurious food since that day. And we can't help it either.

I smiled and watched the three around the fire. "But ever since Yoon's been with us, our meals have gotten so tastier. It was really horrible when it was just Hak, Kiri, and I . . . why are you crying?"

My temple throbbed as Kija looked at her with pity and Yoon was filled with pride over her words. "Oh, Princess, your journey must have been rough."

My temple throbbed in annoyance and I walked over. "Hey now." I warned, making them jump.

"Our food was what?" Hak questioned, making them jump again.

Yona merely smiled at us. "Kiri, welcome back. Hak, you're up." She said cheerfully. I placed my hands on my hips. "Now that wasn't very nice." I continued, not wanting to drop her complaint on the food we made.

"We won't let that go." Hak spoke, also not too happy about her complaint. She merely stood and headed towards Hak. "Is your wound okay?" I shook my head at her. Jeez, not even listening to us.

She crouched down in front of him, holding his portion of food. "Anyway, what did you say about our food?" Hak demanded.

She just smiled widely. "Food? What food? Oh, are you hungry?" I sighed loudly.

Oh boy. "You've gotten better at deflecting." Hak muttered. She sure has. Which might not be good for us. "Can you move? Should I feed you?" She held a spoonful of soup up to him. "Here, open wide."

I walked behind her, monotone stare, and gave him thumbs up. Good for you.

"Ah." He opened his mouth, a light blush on his face. However his eye twitched as Kija quickly grabbed the spoon for him, holding it instead.

A vein on his face twitching in anger. "Princess, I can do such chores."

Ah man. So close too. Hak stood and the two shot glares that clashed with each other.

He kicked Kija's leg, annoyance clear on his face as the two continued to clash glares with each other. "Stupid White Snake! We were having a moment!" Hak was not happy.

And neither was Kija as he jabbed his stomach. "The nerve of you, trying to have the princess feed you!" Man, things were getting good.

Oh well. "Okay, since we're done eating, about the Blue Dragon's location . . . Kija, do you feel his presence?" Yoon asked our White Dragon.

He turned his glare away and glanced over at Yoon. He closed his eyes before turning a bit. "I feel something over there." He pointed in a direction.

"Right, thanks a lot for your help." Yoon said, obviously a bit disappointed it's vague.

He looked at the map again before Kija. "Is there a village for the Blue Dragon like there was for yours? Or is he alone?" Yoon asked him.

It would be convenient if all the dragons were like Kija's village.

"I'm not quite sure. According to the intel from my people around the kingdom, the Blue Dragon Clan used to live in hiding in the Earth Tribe's territory. However one day the Blue Dragon's village disappeared into thin air and the clan went missing."

Huh? That's strange. "Disappeared? But they didn't perish right?" Yoon asked worriedly.

Kija closed his eyes again. "If I close my eyes, I feel the Blue Dragon's heartbeat for sure." Well that's good. But it's weird.

Why would a whole village disappear? And into thin air. Something must have happened for them to do it.

Did a lot of them die? Or was it something else? "Ik-Soo did say that the other Dragons were all on the move. The Blue Dragon Clan probably moved the whole village somewhere. Kija's pointing east-northeast towards the Fire Tribe's territory. There are about six places that could have villages." Yoon calculated.

Hm. If I remember correctly, most of the villages are in tough times. Lot's of droughts.

I can't imagine the Blue Dragon being there, but then again maybe it is for that reason they're there.

"Yoon, have you been there?" Yona asked. He shook his head. "No, but these areas have large towns after Saika." He pointed on the map and I glanced over his shoulder to see what he was pointing at.

"And here are merchants' sale routes and second houses for noblemen." Yona looked over his other shoulder down at the map. "So that narrows it down to six other areas that are discreet with no traffic."

"Eh? Yoon really is amazing." He never ceases to amaze me. Yona nodded energetically, looking at him with twinkling eyes. "Mhm! Yoon, you really know everything!" She spoke happily.

Yona and I pet his head simultaneously, making him blush in embarrassment.

"Stop treating me like a kid. Princess, you're only a year older then me. And Kiri . . . I make your food!" I laughed at his reaction.

So cute~! "Okay guys! Starting tomorrow, our Blue Dragon hint will start for real! So goodnight." He laid in his sleeping bag.

Yona crawled into her sleeping bag and I scaled the tree she was up against before settling down to sleep.

"Goodnight . . . wait, here?!" Kija shouted in disbelief. Yoon was already asleep though. "Good night." Yona murmured sleepily before falling asleep.

"H-Hold . . . wait!" Kija continued on. "Shuddap, White Snake." Hak said in his usual bored tone. "Goodnight Kija." I murmured sleepily.


I sweat dropped, looking at a tired a weary Kija. Oh boy. "Oh no! Kija, your pretty face!" Yona shouted in distress.

"Ah, I apologize for my indecency." I looked at him carefully. He sure does look sleep deprived. "That's not the issue here." I muttered.

Man he looks deflated. "Hey, you got a bug on your back!" Hak told him. Kija began to run around, shrieking loudly. "Kija wait! Hak's just lying!" Yona shouted after him.

I quickly elbowed Hak between his ribs roughly, making him double over in pain. "Quit that!" I hissed, eyes narrowed.

He groaned in pain. "Be quiet, amusing circus freaks." Yoon spoke monotone like. Well, he's not wrong I suppose.

He turned back to us. "Listen up. We're going to a village, so don't be conspicuous. Especially since we're in Fire Tribe territory.

"Okay." The three of us answered in unison. But Yoon just sweat dropped and gave us a hopeless look.

"It's impossible but . . ." He trailed off, defeated by it. Dragon's Claw, Crimson haired Princess, Ex-General, Ex-Guardian, we really do draw attention to ourselves.

We then began walking again, searching for the other Dragon. We're having Kija check out the villages as we approach.

"Kija?" Yoon asked. He shook his head. "He is not here." He informed us. Well, it's only the first village. "I guess it's not that easy. Then let's go twenty-four miles from here-"

I shook my head. "No can do." I interrupted, drawing attention to me. Hak nodded in agreement. "It's now a training camp for the Fire Tribe's military." He finished.

Yoon seemed surprised. "What? Then what about here?" He walked over to us and showed us the map and where he was pointing.

"They've recently grown." I explained to him. "Yikes. It would have been bad if we went."

Especially since the Fire Tribe was in cahoots with Soo-Won and the rest of the traitorous Sky Tribe.

Hak and I pointed out areas to avoid and Yoon showed us other places. "I think that's clear if I remember correctly." I looked at my brother for confirmation.

He nodded in agreement. Yoon turned to Yona and Kija. "We've decided. It's a little far, but we've narrowed our choices to three. One of them is probably the village." He told them.

Yona smiled widely. I smiled at her. Her smile always makes my heart feel warm, and it really is dazzling. I'm glad she's smiling again. "Really?" She asked excitedly.

Yoon looked up at us. "Surprisingly, you two know a lot." He admired lightly. Hak placed a hand on his hip.

"Well, I was a General. And Kiri was a Guardian and she often handled Tribe affairs." I nodded a light smile on my face. Although a year ago I was put on probation.

Apparently I start unnecessary fights. "Besides, we're sensitive to other Tribe's military affairs and changes." I added. Because the Tribes have a hard time getting along.

Well, it's not like we didn't try. We continued hitting the other villages. However each one we hit, Kija didn't sense the Blue Dragon.

The sun was setting, making the sky fill up with an array of different colored oranges and yellows. It's beautiful, but it's also defeating.

I stood, using the pole of my spear to hold me up as I leaned on it for support. The others sat on the ground, exhausted. "Anything?" I asked, tired from all this walking. We've been walking for days, non stop.

He turned back to us, shaking his head. The four of us sighed loudly. "Not here either, huh?" Yoon sighed a bit.

Kija turned towards the sunset and pointed at it. "I feel something from over there." But to get there you must go through more mountains and villages.

It seems even further away. This is going to take a while. "Huh? Further? That's weird. We've been to the areas that seemed likely. I wonder if the Blue Dragons crossed the border." Yoon pondered.

I frowned at the thought. "I don't see why he would. I mean it's the birth myth of this kingdom." I shrugged, falling to the ground.

"Maybe your nose is stuffed, White Snake." Kija turned to Hak, shooting him a glare. "I'm not picking up a scent with my nose!" He shouted at the teasing boy.

But he turned to Yona, worry on his face. I followed his gaze. She's rubbing her legs. The walk has not been kind to her. "Princess, did you hurt your feet?" He asked, overly worried.

She gave him a reassuring smile. "It's all right, I'm just a little tired." She explained. Yoon stood and walked over, pulling a water pouch from his bag.

"Drink this." He handed it to her. She took and took a drink. Her face instantly lit up and her eyes sparkled happily.

"It's good! What is this?" She asked excitedly. Yoon smiled lightly.

"Fruit wine. It'll have a soothing effect on you. I'll put herbs on your feet, so just rest today." He placed his hands on his hips.

Yona kept her smile. "Wow Yoon! You're so knowledgeable." She praised. I chuckled lightly. He really is. Never ceases to amaze us.

Hm? I glanced at Kija to see him look dejected. No, not that. Saddened? I wonder what's wrong.


I watched Yona from atop the tree. She gets up extra early to practice archery. Of course Hak notices her leave of absence and immediately follows.

I'm usually up around the time she is so I followed in the tree. Nightmares always plague my dreams, so I don't sleep long. It's not bad, considering I'm mainly the look out of the group.

She did the training. Three hundred arrows a day. It wears her out, but she's getting better. Better and better everyday. I enjoy watching her.

Like I enjoyed the Wind Tribe kids training. Something about someone working hard to become strong. It's heartwarming. No, it's interesting. Human nature.

Starting from the bottom and rising to the top. Yona has grown so much. It's almost heart wrenching. But I'm proud of her. And if she so desires it, I am not going to stop her.

I won't stunt her growth. Never. Ah. I glanced down to see Kija. He stood, walking closer. "Princ-" Hak quickly covered his mouth, stopping his words before they reached Yona's ears.

"Don't disturb her." Hak whispered. But due to my trained ears, I could hear him. "Since when is she practicing archery?" Kija questioned.

I jumped down next to them, making Kija tense slightly before relaxing. "Every morning since before we found you." I said quietly, keeping my eyes trained on her.

"Three hundred arrows early morning, before anyone wakes." Hak added. Kija looked so shocked. "Three hundred-" I quickly covered his mouth. "Shh." I whispered, not wishing for Yona to be disturbed.

I removed my hand so he could speak. "Why is she pushing herself so hard?" Kija questioned us.

I've known him long enough to understand some things. Like discovering this, he wants her to stop. Because she is his king who he must protect.

Like Hak and I, he doesn't wish for her to wield a weapon. We want her to be happy, be safe; we want to be the ones to fight for her, to grant her wishes. Because we care dearly for her.

She's our treasure.

But we live in a world where we can't get everything we want. We cannot stop her. Because this is her desire. "She does not need to fight since I am here for her." Kija continued his rant.

"Yeah, because we're here," Hak motioned to him and myself. "She doesn't need to do anything." He said.

I sighed softly, watching her pant. She's tired, but she's not giving up. "But if that were to happen, she'd never forgive her own helplessness." I stated.

Hak's eyes are fixated on her. Very intensely. I understand his feelings very well.

Sadly I feel pity for him more often then not. Always hurting himself needlessly. But he can't help it. He's in love. And love is a painful thing. There's nothing we can do about it. Nothing at all.

"Her father killed and chased out of the castle, she still wishes to survive in this world. But she's ashamed she can't do anything herself. Struggling to find out what she needs to do."

Kija watched Hak a bit. "Will you not stop her? Either of you? A weapon for a Princess is . . ." He trailed off.

I chuckled lightly. "It's not like we want her to fight. We'd never want her to soil her pretty hands." I said. Hands that know no pain, are gone.

A Princess's hands should be pure, smooth, and pretty. Her hands are now calloused and holds scratches. She's no longer a Princess who knows no pain. She's a Rogue Princess whose heart is full of pain.

It hurts, but it's admirable. "But unfortunately, I also want to see her struggle like a human being." The corners of his mouth lifted into a small smile.

Kija watched a bit longer before walking off. But Hak and I continued to watch our cherished Princess.

And the idiot brother who is still madly in love with her as he was when we were children. But he always lets himself suffer.

Watching her love Soo-Won, supporting the idea of them together, trying to get them together, plans on staying with them when that happened, and letting her continue loving despite his betrayal.

He's definitely a masochist.

I leaned on my brother, resting my head on his arm as we watched.

"Hey, Hak. I promise. The three of us will always be together. So lean on me more, okay? I'm your big sister. I'll share your burdens and your suffering. Don't hide emotions from me. We both know you can't."

He glanced down at me and a small warm smile made its way onto his face.

He tilted his head down, resting it atop of mine. "Okay, big sis. But you're only big sis this one time. Then it's back to me being the older." I smiled lightly at the little jab.

We never spoke who was the eldest. Because we always end up fighting more when we do it.

We don't know our birthdays, and we don't really know who's the oldest. Even if we don't speak much together alone, our bond is strong.

In my heart, there are only two people. Hak and Yona. There was Soo-Won, to complete our group.

That was my biggest mistake. Letting him into my heart. Becoming attached to him has done more harm then good.

Because the Soo-Won I knew never existed.

It was all a lie.

Hey, Soo-Won. I want to know what face you'd make if you saw Yona using a weapon.

What kind of face would you make?


I watched Yona and Kija interact. "Princess, am I helping at all?" He questioned as Yona basked in the morning air.

We had all our things packed and ready to go. Yoon is currently scanning the map, trying to see if he can figure out where the Blue Dragon's Village may be.

"Of course! No one can replace you, Kija." She turned to him, her eyes holding nothing but the truth.

Ah-ah. Yona sure knows how to sweet talk. Kija instantly turned bright red. "Oh. A new shade of red." I commented from my seat next to Hak.

He smirked as he watched with an amused and annoyed expression. Yona's got a nice start to a harem going on here. Suddenly Yoon snapped his fingers.

"I got it!" He shouted triumphantly. Hm? We all turned to look at him.

"Yoon?" Yona asked. Yoon grinned widely. "The Blue Dragon's Village! I overlooked it because I didn't think people could live there. But they do! Right at the border in that rocky mountain!" He pointed up ahead where the large mountain is.

Ho? I see. That's one way to hide a village. A brilliant way actually. I stared at the rocky mountain. So that's where the Blue Dragon is.

I pursed my lips. I don't know a lot about the myth, or what it means when it's actually reality. But what I do know is that the Dragons will help Yona survive.

Yona and Hak. And for that, I'd cross many lands so long as it ensured their safety. Nobody is taking my family.


Authors Note

Hey everybody! I hope you're enjoying the book so far! I have another Akatsuki no Yona book in the works! It involves a change in the story of there being a Purple Dragon. Here's a sneak peek of sorts. The Purple Dragon: Shiryuu

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