Shaken Journey
I stood in a small open field, swinging my spear as I did my daily drills. Exhaustion is seeped deep into my bones. My lack of sleep has finally caught up, probably because when I do sleep, my dreams keep me from feeling rested. This just makes me angry though. And it's all because of him!
I turned and swung with great force, causing the wind to tear at the bushes behind me. A fraction of my anger went with that swing.
I gripped the pole tighter and grit my teeth.
"Hey miss." A familiar voice called. I stood a bit straighter and glanced back to see Zeno sitting on the ground a little bit in front of me.
What surprised me though is the fact that he didn't look like an airhead like he usually does. There's a knowing look in his eyes and a soft smile on his lips.
So unlike him.
"You and the mister are a lot alike. You shouldn't worry too much, it'll shorten your life."
His behavior is still puzzling me, but I offered a smile. "Eh? I'm not worried. I'm having fun." Zeno didn't bat an eye, but he stood and looked up at the morning sun shining down on us.
I thought he was back at camp with the others while Hak and Yona practiced swordsmanship. No one really follows me out when I'm training.
I like to do it alone so I don't have to worry about keeping up the mood. It's the only time where I can let my anger seep out, even if it's just a tiny bit.
"It's a nice morning. But your bloodthirst is kinda spoiling it. You and the mister are similar in that. That and having the faint smell of death."
Zeno . . . I closed my eyes briefly before looking up at the blindingly bright sun.
"You sure say some weird things for a kid, Zeno. But you're not wrong. The thing is, I'm not afraid of death." I looked over to him with an emotionless look.
This seemed to surprise him so I closed my eyes and grinned.
"Don't worry. I won't die anytime soon and I won't let Hak die either. Of course, the same applies for you guys."
He tilted his head, studying me a bit. "But you and the mister cannot be replaced, you're not like us, the dragons. We can be replaced by a new generation. But you're only human, so you need to take better care of yourself."
I stared at him a bit. He's not at all like he normally is. He sounds older. Wiser. Like he's seen a lot of things.
So is this the real Zeno? "Wrong." I said without any hesitation.
He almost fell over a bit at my sudden change. "Eh? What do you mean?" I walked over before striking him atop his head, making him cry out as he clutched the quickly swelling spot. "Ow! What was that for miss?"
I crouched in front of him, letting my spear lean against my shoulder. "Because you said something stupid. You guys cannot be replaced. Not you, Kija, Shin-Ah, Jae-Ha, or even Yoon. We're a family now. So talking like that will result in punishment." I grinned at him.
He blinked before a smile grazed his lips, a light blush of happiness on his cheeks.
It's a different smile, but it was true. "You siblings really are so much alike. Thank you."
Huh? What's he got to be thankful for?
"Y'know, you're really weird Zeno. You're adorable, and then you're like a voice of reasoning, as if you understand. Maybe you do, I don't know. But because of it, I think it's okay to tell you at least. The blood thirst you sense from me won't go away, not as long as my enemy still breathes. So I apologize in advance. It'll be fine if you don't find me in training."
I stood back up, twirling my spear with ease, going back to training.
"Hey miss, why don't you ever talk about your nightmares? You have them every night, I hear you in the trees."
I stopped mid swing for just a split second before continuing. I can't tell them. Because Yona and Hak are still not there mentally to talk about Soo-Won. They're both haunted in some ways by him, even now.
Telling them my own issues wouldn't help anyone. Not to mention how they both care so much about him.
If given the opportunity, they would become friendly again. But not me. No. I can never forgive that traitor. Not for what he did to them. To me. The only way the hatred I feel to go away is if I tear his head from his neck.
"Why don't you show your true self? Your power?" I asked casually, continuing my training despite an audience and conversation.
"I'm not necessarily hiding it. You guys just haven't continued to question." He mused.
I smirked, turning to face him again. "Because we don't want to overstep boundaries. We care about you and when you're comfortable, you'll tell us. So please. Let this go."
He blinks, surprised by my answer. He frowns a bit before standing. "That's fair. I just don't want to see you lose yourself. And neither do they. You're very loved. Don't forget that. Ah! That's right, the lad wanted me to grab you for an announcement."
Yoon? He was doing something last night.
Sighing, I placed my spear in the holster on my back and headed for camp. "C'mon Zeno. Before Yoon gets any more wrinkles from frowning." Zeno laughed childishly, quickly following me.
He sure is a strange fellow, that's for sure. But he's not bad. And despite the similarity to Soo-Won, I care about him. Him and the other dragons.
Along with Yoon and of course Yona and Hak. I'm very content with our little rag-tag group. What I feel here is like the feeling of the Wind Tribe. A sense of belonging and family.
It's needed. Everyone needs a family. That goes especially for us.
We soon made it back where everyone was gathered. Yoon frowned at me, and the crinkles in his brow I tried to prevent were there. "You left early again on your own." He stated.
I waved my arms, a lax smile on my face. "Eh? I'm from the Wind Tribe, I go where the wind takes me~!" I spoke lazily.
My friends chuckled at my behavior while Yoon huffed in annoyance.
I settled down between my brother and Shin-Ah, taking a rice ball from my brother's plate. He scowled at me, making me grin cheekily.
He rolled his eyes and I began to gobble it, hungry after the long training session.
Yoon placed his hands on his hips as he looked at the group. "I know this is sudden but I will announce our next destination. I want to go to the Kai Empire for a little while."
Huh? The Kai Empire? I swallowed the remainder of the rice ball, brushing the stray pieces around my mouth with my thumb.
"Say that again?" I asked.
Yona stood, tilting her head as she looked at our youngest member. "We're going to the Kai Empire? Are you serious Yoon? That's an enemy Empire." She said, baffled by Yoon's decision.
"It's not like you, you're usually very cautious. Why Kai?" Kija asked, standing next to Yona. Yoon's claim took us all by surprise.
It's not like I never thought of the possibility of running to Kai, but that was back when it was just me, Hak, and Yona.
Now that we have a good group, we can still remain in this empire.
"I am cautious, but there is something in the Kai Empire that has piqued my interest."
I raised an eyebrow, leaning back on my hands. "It's not really hard to do that though." I admitted. He's curious about everything. The amount of times I had to run off and grab this book, that herb, this device. Yoon's a real slave driver.
But Yoon just shook his head. "This isn't just a passing interest. It's land north of the Fire Tribe, so it's cooler. I'm curious as to how the citizens in the Empire are surviving. Just maybe there might be a plant that can be cultivated even in the Land of Fire."
Oh, I see. If that's the case then a journey there would definitely be worth it.
One of the biggest issues in the Fire Tribe is starvation. The food there does not grow and if it does, not very well. "Isn't it dangerous for the princess though?" Kija questioned.
Eh. Not a lot of people would recognize Yona, the only distinction is her hair, and that can easily be taken care of.
Yoon nodded, gripping his chin in thought. "Yeah that's why I was hesitating. We already stand out as is . . ." He trailed off thoughtfully.
I stood, swinging my spear to lay across my shoulder and draping my arms over it casually. "That's because we're all so beautiful." I stated.
Jae-Ha popped up next to me, nodding enthusiastically. The Dragons themselves are great to look at. Yona is a cutie, Yoon is a bishounen, and Hak's got that sexy dark appeal.
I may not have their level, but I'm pretty nice to look at if I do say so myself. I wouldn't say I bring up the average but I certainly don't lower it.
"Exactly. It's not our fault we were cursed with such dashing looks." Jae-Ha agreed happily.
Hak's fist connected with our head with a swing. Jae-Ha gripped his head in agony and I moved my spear in a swift moment to return to gesture.
My brother and I glared at one another, debating if we should fight.
I mean spar.
No. I mean fight.
Yoon sighed, sweating at our antics. "Well, I think Yona, the Thunder Beast, and Kiri can wait at Ik-Soo's place. Now if either Jae-Ha and either Shin-Ah or Kija came . . ."
Yona stepped forward, a smile on her face. "Don't tell me . . . you're going for the sake of Koka right? I'm going if you've already decided, Yoon." Hm.
I gazed at our youngest member, not at all surprised by the smile on his face. Why'd you say it if you were aware this would be the outcome. Well, whatever.
"That's what I thought you'd say. Well then, let's go. To the Kai Empire." Should be interesting. And we'll be far from this kingdom. Which means far away enough from that bastard.
I mock saluted, grinning cheekily. "Aye Sir!" I cheered. Zeno copied me, a dunce look on his face. "Aye Sir!" He parroted, making Yoon groan in embarrassment at our actions.
We finished eating and began to pack our things. We've grown rather accustomed to this life on the run.
We never really stay at inns so we've gotten pretty good at packing our gear in a timely fashion. I'm impressed since both Yona and Kija lived rather sheltered lives.
As soon as we were packed, Yoon led the way. As per usual. It wasn't too bad, however we ran across an obstacle after a while.
I whistled lowly as we stared at this sketchy wooden bridge. "Long way down." I mentioned making a shaking Kija and Yoon turn to me. "Be quiet!" They shouted.
I chuckled at their reactions. Yoon quickly shook off his fear as he stared at the bridge in determination.
"After we cross this bridge, Kai Empire is over that mountain. This suspension bridge is really old though . . ."
I see. This does pose a problem. But, I'm sure if we're careful it'll be fine. At least for Yona, Yoon, and I.
I worry about the mass of muscles with us.
"I found it when I was jumping around this area. Back when the area beyond the mountain was Kouka territory, merchants and travelers used this suspension bridge I assume. It hasn't been used in a long time so watch your step." Jae-Ha warned.
Yoon took a gulp and was about to go first when I stuck my arm out, blocking his path. "I'll go first to test it out."
I don't know what I'd do if he fell right through.
I adjusted my small bag and made sure my spear was secured in the holster on my back. Don't want it to have another high fall.
Without thinking much I began to cross. Let's see. It's definitely fragile, but I think it should do. As I continued to move, the rest followed. Of course because of how narrow we had to be in single file.
"Ah." My ears twitched, familiar with Yona's voice and I turned to look back.
Oh, Yona slipped. Luckily Hak was right behind her and caught her. Hm? Oh? Is that a light blush I see, Yona?
I smirked. Good job Hak!
I turned to continue, listening carefully to see if there was any breaking of the wood planks. "The planks are rotting. It looks like it's about to fall apart." Kija muttered.
Yeah. The bridge is severely neglected. But so far so good. "If it's Yona, Yoon, or Kiri-"
Whatever Jae-Ha was about to say was cut off by the harsh crack of wood breaking followed by Kija's scream of terror. I stopped and turned, taking out my spear, ready to hurl it to catch on Kija's clothes.
With enough force it should make him sial far enough to embed in the side of the cliff a little ways down since we just started to walk across.
However I didn't need to.
Before Kija could fall clear through, Jae-Ha launched himself across, grabbing hold of Kija's upper torso as the lower parts dangled through the hole. Jae-Ha's practically laying across the bridge, his free hand gripping the rope tightly.
"If it was Yona, Yoon, or Kiri, I would save them even if they fell. The rest of you will have to deal with yourselves. Is what I was going to say. Of course it's like this." Jae-Ha had a couple beads of sweat dripping down his temple and I laughed at the scene.
Yoon, who was behind me, gripped the ropes on both sides of him, glaring at me. "Kiri, you're moving too much." He chastised. But I just laughed, looking at Kija's extremely pale face.
His eyes are practically out of their sockets. "Sorry, sorry. Jae-Ha, watch over Kija! He looks like he's in shock!" I called back.
Jae-Ha merely sighed, helping Kija back onto the bridge. But our White Dragon is still out of it. "Are you alright Kija?!" Yona asked worriedly.
He just looked up very listfully. "Yes . . . My life flashed before my eyes like a merry-go-round. It was quite an enlightening experience. My life was full of old ladies." I sweat at his claim, no longer laughing.
Oh boy. That's not great. Poor Kija.
"If it was that interesting of an experience we're going to be sad that we only got to see your back." My brother said without any emotion.
Hak . . . My eye twitched at his provocation and Kija immediately got fired up. "You! Dark Dragon! Hurry up and cross the bridge so I can strangle you!" He demanded.
Rustling brought my attention to Yoon who was fishing in his bag. He pulled out a large piece of wood. "I had a feeling something like this was going to happen so brought a large plank. I'll pass it back so put it in the gap."
"I don't know whether to be impressed or frightened by that brain of yours." I admitted.
Yona beamed at him from behind the boys. "Good going Yoon!" She praised.
I didn't really think of it. My go to is my spear or leaping. Though if Kija did that he'd fall through, and I don't know if he can walk along the pole of my weapon.
"Yoon! Isn't there another path we can take?! Kija cried.
Yoon frowned, but looked rather apologetic given the circumstances.
I turned, beginning to walk again but listening to the conversation. "There is. But it's the border which is all flat lands. We would stand out way too much. The patrol guards at the border are Fire Tribe soldiers and Kai Empire soldiers. Actually, right now there aren't that many." At this, I stopped.
"Huh?" Kija asked. "I went with Jae-Ha to scout out the area but there weren't that many patrol guards."
One of the boys made a comment about that being unsettling and I internally agreed.
For as long as I know, there was always a good amount on both sides. I've been to the border before when I was the Sky Tribe General and it was always usually tense.
There was never a lack of guards. Why aren't they there? And from both sides?
Or is it just one? Either way it's not ideal. Not for us at least and certainly not the empire. Either one.
"Yes it is. I thought it was normal that there would be a ton of armed soldiers so it was discomforting. However there's a high chance that there would be soldiers there. That's why I picked this route instead."
I continued, drowning out the conversation as I thought about it. The Kai Empire is large. Extremely so. And their military force is also much larger than our own.
They've never been shy about showing it either. So the fact that there isn't a heft amount out patrolling is alarming.
What's happening?
I know we've been at odds with them, but we're kind of in a cold war. Neither side has made the first move to start an actual fight. I used to stay on top of things back at the castle.
Secrets are often traded among the lower soldiers and servants. And I made sure to keep up with this kind of thing.
It affects our kingdom. And most importantly Yona and my brother. What's going on?
I shook my head and continued making my way. No point in worrying. I'll see for myself soon enough.
Luckily we all made it across the bridge without another incident. We continued to move into the mountain but stopped to refill water and set up camp. We're also going to reassess the situation. While the others set up camp,
Yona, Zeno, and I ventured off. They went to collect firewood and I was in charge of hunting.
I prefer to do it, it gives me time to think.
I've never set foot in Kai. At least when we were traveling the kingdom I knew what to expect wherever we went. It was familiar. But this is completely different.
I don't think it'll be safe to travel there. However if Yoon's right this would help those living on Fire Tribe land immensely. Not just them either. All of Kouka.
A rabbit crossed an open field and I readied Yona's bow. All of Kouka, huh?
I . . . don't actually care what happens to this kingdom.
I released the string and the arrow flew, striking into the rabbit's flesh. Blood spilled, but the rabbit remained still. A clean kill.
I walked over and retrieved the arrow and placed the rabbit in the game bag. I'll catch a couple more and we'll have rabbit stew.
I moved more into the forestry area, keeping my steps silent as I stalked my next prey. My body moved around with ease, accustomed to this. My mind went back to my previous thought, and I still hold it true.
Why should I care what happens? Everyone thinks terribly of that kind king and has forgotten his precious daughter.
No one's said anything about his death other than their relief. No one's mentioned Yona at all. They all accept that traitor without any questions.
I do understand that Yona wants to protect it because King Il loved it and the people.
But I don't.
I hold no such fond attachments and wouldn't mind it's downall while in Soo-Won's hands.
However if that happens she'll be sad. And I don't want that. I stopped upon seeing another and readied another arrow.
My first kill, my first hunt, was a rabbit.
I was starving. I was still young, and this was a time before the Wind Tribe and Hak. He doesn't remember his childhood before, and if he does he's never mentioned it to me.
But I remember mine. I remember being so hungry I killed the cutest creature I had ever seen. A rabbit.
My arrow soared true, striking down the second. Rabbits were truly adorable. However when you're hungry, none of that matters anymore. So I understand why Yoon wants to find the answer in Kai.
He was orphaned and poor. Having only Ik-Soo. They both genuinely want to help people. And if it's what they really want to do, so be it.
Ah. Another one. I readied a second arrow and fired. Like always it was a clean hit.
Three should do it. We still have potatoes and vegetables left. I hurried along and collected them before heading back.
Yona and Zeno had returned already with the firewood and they all greeted me.
I grinned, making a beeline to our little chef. "Hows rabbit stew?" I asked, opening the bag and showing my kills.
Yoon nodded, a smile on his face. "Sounds good. Will you clean them for me while I start on the potatoes." I nodded, going towards a stone tablet with a small bowl next to it. "No problem~."
On our adventures, hunting and cleaning usually fell on me, Hak, or Jae-Ha. Kija's got kind of a squeamish stomach and Shin-Ah just doesn't. I also don't trust Zeno with a bow or to actually go through with the hunt.
Yona wants to, but she shot a baby pig once and missed. He was in pain until Hak put it out of its misery
Of course I don't mind. Food is needed. We need it to survive. It doesn't bother me like it does with most.
That's just how it is, it's the circle of life.
After cleaning I handed it over to Yoon so he could cook and went to wash my hands with the washing basin nearby.
Yoon says it's a hassle when he's cooking to have to leave it unattended just to wash his hands in the stream a bit aways.
I moved my hands to quickly dry and sat between Shin-Ah and Kija, across from my brother and we waited for Yoon to cook. Everything else has been taken care of so there's nothing else to do.
After a while he finished and we all got a bowl and sat around in a circle. A routine we've all gotten accustomed to.
Once we were all settled and with food, Yoon went down to business.
"The Empire's army's hands are full from protecting a few areas. Instead, in various places in northern Kai, many powerful families have gained power and are basically controlling the land. You can't really call it an Empire right now." Yoon began to explain recent events.
"What about the South?" Yona asked curiously.
He turned to her as he continued. "The south has nobles, bureaucrats, and merchants that moved over. Compared to the north, the climate is stable and the land is fertile. In the south the king's cousin is currently sitting on a temporary throne apparently."
Ah. That's familiar. I placed my half eaten bowl down, appetite lost. "The Royal Family lost power so the surrounding powerful families gained power. It's similar to King Il and the Tribes of this country." Zeno spoke.
My jaw clenched and both my brother and Yona fell silent. Kija quickly covered the younger boy's mouth, even Jae-Ha was trying to silence him.
He's the only one who doesn't tread lightly when he most certainly should.
This is a touchy subject. I still remember it like it was yesterday. And I certainly remember Yona the night it happened and the days to follow. So lost, broken, and utterly betrayed.
I-I don't know what Soo-Won said to her. She's refused to speak about what happened that night. All we know is that she had seen her fathers death, and for that, Soo-Won was about to execute her.
I don't know what other words they shared. I don't know if he even gave her a reason as to why he did it.
But I don't care. It doesn't matter why.
He did it.
And that's all I need to know that he's a piece of shit.
"Also, the place we are heading to right now is the territory of the Sen Province. Here, the Nomads' attacks won't reach and it's far away from the centers of power, so the noble Li Hazara is steadily gaining power. He is controlling this area." Yoon continued, not waiting for us to dwell in those thoughts.
Kija, who was still covering Zeno's mouth, looked over at Yoon. "Is there any danger?" He questioned.
Yoon's didn't seem concerned. "I wanted to first go to a small rural area. I think it'll be alright if we stay quiet. If we stay quiet."
He gave us all a hard stare before repeating; "If we stay quiet."
I laughed nervously. "He said it three times." Kija noted, not at all understanding the meaning. Jae-Ha's eye twitched as he smiled, though it didn't particularly hold happiness.
Just nervousness. "It's because it's important." He simply told him.
The others continued to eat, but I had given the rest of my food to Zeno with a grin and a lie that I had a big lunch.
I'll be fine, Yoon keeps us well fed. Like a darling housewife. As they ate the sun began to leave and when nightfell, we got ready for bed.
Yoon had made a large tent recently for the rest of us since it does get rainy. Well, that, and Kija has severe issues with nature. Kija cried tears of joy as he held Yoon's hands.
Yona headed to the small tent that was originally for her and Yoon. "Then let's rest, Yoon."
Yoon glanced at her a bit. "Ah, I'll sleep in this tent today. Yona, you sleep with the Thunder Beast in that tent."
I blinked. Oh-ho. I couldn't help the grin that formed. Way to go, Yoo! I'll be sure to get you something really nice once we get into a town.
"Eh? W-why?"
Huh? Now what's this? She's been acting weird today. Around my brother that is. Did something happen? He was practically air to her not that long ago.
Yoon peered at her curiously as well. "Since there's a chance that a bear will appear, if it's just you and me we won't be able to fight against it."
Yona became flustered quickly. If it's because of that then Kija should be fine!" She tried.
This got him all worked up, his usual pale complexion became a bright red hue. "I-I'll be with the Princess?! I-I-I cannot do something so rude."
Ah Kija. Poor, pure, Kija. That's why you'll never take the lead in this race for her romantic affection.
Yoon saw it too and smiled as he sweat nervously. "Yona. Let Kija sleep peacefully."
Yeah, you don't wanna break the poor guy.
Jae-Ha popped up. "Then I will." He replied happily. I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, staring him down menacingly. "Over my dead body." I growled.
He laughed nervously and Zeno popped up in his stead. "Zeno too! Zeno too!" He cheered gleefully.
Yoon's temple began to throb and his little devil horns showed. "Yellow, you have no powers so it's dangerous! With Green it'll be dangerous in another sense!" He shouted.
They're a no go. Not a chance. Over my dead body!
"Then Kiri? Shin-Ah?" Shin-Ah was already settled in the other tent so her gaze went to me hopefully.
What's her issue?
Her and Hak shared a tent plenty of time before. What's so different now? Ah, does she see him as a man? Does this mean my brother has an actual shot with her?!
I want nothing but happiness for my brother and the girl he likes. "I prefer the trees, it gives me a vantage point." I said.
Besides, if it wasn't for my brother I still wouldn't because of my constant nightmares.
"Will there be something wrong if it's me?" Hak asked, not understanding her sudden dislike of this. Of course the thought that she might be seeing him in a different light is probably the farthest from his mind.
He's rather slow but no one is as slow as Yona herself.
She jumped at his question and didn't turn to look at him.
Jae-Ha and I approached her curiously. "What's wrong Yona? Before you were saying that you wanted to be with Hak. Did you have a fight with him." He asked her.
The others weren't really paying much attention over here and he was talking lowly.
A bead of nervous sweat dripped down her cheek and there was a faintest blush. "No, we didn't. We didn't but . . . Hak does weird things." She admitted.
I stared at her with wide eyes and jaw slack. I could tell that a million thoughts were going through Jae-Ha's mind as well, he's clearly worrying about this news.
". . . Huuh? . . What do you mean by 'weird things'?" He asked, not trying to freak out on the outside but clearly doing so on the inside.
Her blush deepend and she looked away. "Nothing." She finally mumbled before going into the tent, where Hak had already gone in.
Once she was, I shook myself out of my stupor. "Way to go Hak." I admired it.
It's no easy feat getting your feelings across to her. At least in the romantic aspect.
Jae-Ha turned to me as the others settled in their tent as well. "What weird things does he do?!?" He all but shouted at me. I shrugged a bit and shook my head. "Don't know. But y'know, good for him. Well, night Jae-Ha."
I turned and gave a half ass wave before scaling up the tree that both tents were situated around. Something Yoon has begun to do so I don't feel lonely.
It's a sweet thought, but clearly not a good idea. Zeno noticed my nightmares.
I wonder if the others have. I feel like Jae-Ha would bring it up, he's a nosey busybody like that after all.
Before I could settle, I noticed Jae-Ha sitting outside the tent flap. Is he spying?
My eye twitched. "Jae-Ha! Stop snooping!" I whispered. He shook his head, peering closely at the flap though there was no way he could see through it.
He isn't Shin-Ah. Oh well. Hak's probably already noticed him anyway.
Just as that thought came to mind and the flap to the tent opened. Hak grabbed Jae-Ha and looked around.
Spotting me in the tree he tossed him out of the tent. "Kiri. Tie this guy up."
Jae-Ha smiled that creepy ass smile. "You can tie it reeeeally tight." My face scrunched in distaste. "Awwe, why do I gotta?" I whined.
My brother's flat look turned into a different one. Ah. Her behavior really is bothering him.
I sighed and swung my legs over the branch before dropping down and landing in a crouch. I held my hand out, and Yoon, who was about to go into their tent, handed me some rope. "I got it, I got it."
Jae-Ha's eyes widened a bit, a nervous smile twitching on his lips. "Eh? Are you really going to? Kiri?" He asked, sweating profusely as I stood over him, gripping the tope tightly in my hands.
"Sorry, but my brother asked nicely."
I began to tie him quickly before he could fight. "No he didn't!" He protested, but was soon tied tightly.
Yeah he did. You just don't know. I've known him since I was a child. I know what my brother means even without words.
Yoon held the flap to their tent open and I tossed Jae-Ha in. "If he's annoying you can untie him in an hour." I told him, rolling my shoulder a bit before going back up the tree.
"Sure thing." He said uncaringly as Jae-Ha began to cry crocodile tears.
I settled in and leaned against the trunk.
I'm curious. And usually I would snoop, but this seems different. I snoop when it concerns Hak. But this is Yona acting strangely. Besides, I'm sure it'll all workout somehow.
Those two have a bond that can't be broken after all.
And this is also good for them. They're still young. So moments like these will be good for them. Tomorrow we should be in Kai. I need to be rested for when that happens.
I shut my eyes, though I know sleep would not come easily and when it did I'd be faced with a monster the moment it did.
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