I looked up at the dark sky. Soon the sun will be rising. And that will be our cue to leave. To leave everything behind.
Ah-ah. It's really depressing. But it can't be helped. Although I must admit, I am sad that I'm no longer going to be Son Kiriya. It was nice, having a family.
But all good things must come to an end. "Kiri, I got them." I turned to see Hak with a bow and quiver on his back. I guess the small sword is in his robe. Turning I held open my hand.
He smirked and dug in his pocket before placing two daggers in my hand. I stared at the blade before sticking them inside my long red boots.
I glanced at the window of the shop. My reflection is a little off due to the lack of light. As usual, my long, dull, red hair is pulled into a pony tail that reaches my lower back with ease.
I wore black thigh high socks and knee high red boots. Underneath my short pink skirt is a pair of black shorts, hidden by the skirt. I wore a black top underneath my sleeveless dark red kimono like coat that revealed my skirt. I have separate white sleeves that reach a bit above my elbow with black cuffs.
My spear is secured onto my back with a strap. My eyes, although I can't see it's usual red color in the dark, held determination and sadness.
This is it. Over the horizon, a peek of light began to shine. "Well, all that leaves is Tae-Yeon." I murmured. Hak nodded, a look in his eyes.
He doesn't want to put it on the poor little guy. But it can't be helped.
We headed back to the house as the sun began to increasingly rise. To our surprise, a sleepy Tae-Yeon was already looking out the window at us.
"You think gramps told him?" Hak asked. I sighed and shrugged. "Well we're not exactly doing the best job in hiding it. They all may be morons, but they're pretty sharp." He snorted at that, making me chuckle.
We walked over to our little brother. "Kiri Nee-Chan, Hak Nii-Chan. Are you two leaving?" He asked sadly.
I smiled lightly and caressed his cheek. "Yeah. But don't worry, Onee-Chan and Onii-Chan are going to be alright." I reassured him.
Hak nodded and patted his head. "Don't worry. Protect Lina for me will you?" Tae-Yeon put up a brave front, forcing a big smile.
"Yeah. Hak Nii-Chan, I promise!" Tae-Yeon. My adorable little brother. This is farewell.
I leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. Hak and I then set out, heading for the gate.
"Ah-ah. That was pretty rough." I said with uncaring voice. Despite my actions on it, it really was tough. Hak smiled lightly, but his eyes revealed he felt the same.
As we neared the gate, I saw that Tae-Woo was there. He was awake, leaning against the wall so casually. "Eh? Look who's actually awake." I said in false amazement as we neared him.
Hak nodded. "Look's like you're properly guarding the gate today." Hak seemed to approve of it.
Tae-Woo didn't open his eyes. "Can't sleep without a friend to lean on." He stated.
Well, he's not wrong I suppose. Him and Han-Dae are always together, it's rare to see them apart. Maybe rare isn't the right word. Weird.
Yeah, definitely weird. He opened his eyes and looked up, obviously wanting to be asleep with his friend, uninjured.
Hak and I smiled a bit. "No sleeping." We spoke in unison. He glanced at us. "Where are you going, Master Hak, Mistress Kiri?" He asked.
I glanced up. Hm, good question. "We're leaving this place." Hak answered.
We began to pass him. "Oh? Have a safe trip." As soon as we did pass him, he spoke again. "Seriously?" We stopped momentarily.
Hak didn't look back. "Since Kiri is leaving as well that means the next leader of the Wind Tribe is you."
I glanced back at Tae-Woo who turned to us, not the least bit happy. "No way, what a pain!" He complained.
I smirked. That's why I never wanted to be the leader. It is a pain. He crossed his arms, staring at us.
"Hold on . . . are you planning on leaving Miss Lina behind?" Ah, Yona. I wish we could've said good-bye to her.
But if we did, our resolution would break. Especially Hak's.
"I thought about seeing her for one last time but . . . take care of her too." I glanced at Hak, who still wouldn't turn around to see him.
"A princess with problems is too much of a burden." Tae-Woo stated. At this, Hak and I both turned to him.
"I told you they were sharp morons." I directed at my brother. "What? You knew about it?" Hak asked.
Tae-Woo leaned against the wall and pretended to be asleep, fake snoring included. Hak and I sweat dropped. "Definitely morons though." Hak mumbled.
I nodded in agreement. Morons indeed. But they're our morons. Well, they were. "Hak! Kiri!"
Eh? The three of us turned to see Yona running our way. Yona . . . My heart clenched. This is why I didn't want to see her.
"I'm leaving here." She declared, stopping just before the gate. Eh? She's leaving?! There's no need for her to leave!
"Come with me!" The wind blew, making her red hair move like flames. Her violet eyes holding determination, not an ounce of hesitation on her face.
Hak, getting over his shock, smirked and turned to her and walked over. I stayed behind and watched curiously along with Tae-Woo. "Say what?" He placed a hand on his hip.
This should be interesting. "I'm going to leave here. If I stay, the capital of Fuuga will be drawn into disputes." She explained herself.
Hm. "Go away. We've explained it to the elder. Fuuga is safe now, and you're going to live here peacefully." Yona remained unfazed by his words.
"I don't recall approving either of you to leave alone. Hak, you told me that I can use you to survive."
Hm, she's sure persistent. How will you handle it brother? Hak closed his eyes.
"Kiri and I gave back the name 'Son'. I'm no longer a General or your servant. I was just about to start my journey as a free man. I'm not obligated to take care of you too. As long as you keep quiet, Soo-Won won't bother you either." Being harsh to create a distance between you so she'd stay.
He turned and began to walk again. I remained put, next to Tae-Woo. Yona ran around and spread her arms, blocking him. "Move." He demanded.
But Yona remained. "I've already decided!" She declared. Things are getting interesting. "I'm not going to take you along no matter what you decide." He stated.
Yona just shook her head, remaining where she is.
She is not backing down one bit. She's always been stubborn, but this is a new level. "Do you have money? If we leave together, we'll end up having to protect you going forward. I'm asking if you can pay me what my work is worth."
He snatched her wrist and brought her close to him, staring down on her face with a smirk. "Or are you going to pay me with your body?"
My eye twitched and my hand inched towards my spear. Tae-Woo quickly grabbed my hand. "Now, now, it's just getting good." He whispered.
I glared at my brothers big head. No matter how much I want them to end up together I will not tolerate his jokes.
Even if he is doing this to protect her and make her stay away from him. "There's nothing I can give you." She answered honestly.
He let go of her wrist. "Very perceptive. Then go back. Kiri." He walked past her. "Good-bye, Princess Yona." Hak whispered. Yes, this is good-bye.
It really was great to see her one last time. Before I began to follow, Yona moved. She quickly turned and rushed around, grabbing Hak's clothes. "But I want you!"
I blinked at her choice of words. Huh? "Give yourself to me!" She commanded.
I crossed my arms and smirked. "Ah-ah. He really can't win against our beloved princess." Tae-Woo smirked as well as we watched.
"Excuse me? What?" I smirked mischievously. "Oh, he's blushing. He's really happy to hear that." I teased.
Luckily I said it low enough that only Tae-Woo heard and he and I snickered. "Jeez, you're so pampered." He crouched down, rubbing his head, keeping his gaze down.
Yona got him. "Arg . . . crap, you're annoying. This is why . . ." I smile lightly and walked over to them. "Well, I already saw this outcome coming from a mile away." I teased.
Hak smiled, looking up at her. "Yeah, I know you did. Alright. You win, Princess." I swung my arm around her shoulder. "Eh? What about me?" I asked playfully. Yona smiled.
"I want Kiri too! If I don't have you or Hak then there is no point." She said. I smiled at Yona but froze and began to pale when I saw what was behind her.
"Hak!" Gramps seethed. He stood a bit behind Yona. Bow pulled back, an arrow aimed directly at Hak. "You insulted his beloved princess." I murmured, sweating at the sight of angry gramps.
"Whoa! Old man!" Hak flinched back as Yona turned to see what was going on. "Call me grandpa!" He shouted at Hak.
I grabbed Yona and pulled her to the side a bit, just in case. "Have you been there this whole time?" I asked.
"Hearing Hak say all those insults to the princess . . !" He seethed. Well darn.
Looks like Hak's going to die.
"Mundok." Yona smiled, happy to see him and not the least bit concerned he had an arrow pointed at someone she said she wanted.
After a bit, we calmed gramps enough to get him to put it down. Now the five of us stood together and the three of us watched as Mundok caressed Yona's cheek.
"I feel like I'm letting another grandchild go." He said sadly. Guilt flooded through me but I pushed it back. It needed to be done.
I don't regret this, not one bit. "Everyone else said that too. That I'm their family. It made me happy. That's why I'm leaving."
She smiled up at him and touched his hand that was on her cheek. "Mundok, please protect the Wind Tribe." He nodded, a light and heartfelt smile on his face.
"Princess, please don't forget. If, one day, you ever fall into despair again, and need help; we, the Wind Tribe, will take your side no matter who we make enemies of. However far apart we are."
We were walking on the cliffs. "Do you see anything?" Yona asked. I stood in a pillar of rocks, looking around. "Nothing." I responded.
Sighing I jumped down next to them. "Are you sure he hasn't gone senile?" I asked them.
Hak shrugged an irritated look on his face. "Probably. How does that old man expect us to find a guy without knowing where he is?" I sighed, thinking back to it.
Gramps told us to find this Priest. The High Priest who has been looking into the future of Kouka Kingdom since ancient times.
He says he's somewhere in the Land of the Wind. He said that the Priest knows how to help.
But it's just a legend. "I hear that since early times, the Priest has lived in the temple of the royal palace and had been significantly involved in politics." Hak started.
I nodded, remembering it as well. "Yeah, and that after Prince Yu-Hon oppressed the Priest, he left the castle and lives quietly in a secluded area now." I finished, thinking back to the story aunty once told us long ago.
"A secluded area? Well this place sure seems uninhabitable." She said, looking around.
"Well if you live here, you'll probably fall off the cliff in an instant. But I think it's barely livable if you put your mind to it." I nodded, glancing down the cliff side.
"It sure is a long way down." I whistled. Below is a forest, but it's unheard of that anyone who falls will survive.
Haven't been around here in a while. "By the way Princess. If we are to thoroughly search these areas we'll have to camp out. Is that okay?" Hak asked, turning and walking forward a bit.
"Camping? I've gotten used to it a little." She said. Hak waved his glaive, which had the blade covered by some cloth, around.
"Unlike the mountains behind the castle, it'll get really chilly here and Kiri only sleep somewhere high and dangerous."
I frowned, crossing my arms. "I like sleeping close to the sky." I defended.
"If it does, I'll cuddle up to you and sleep." Hak lost control and his weapon went flying. I struggled to hold back my laughter.
I leaned against the cliff wall as my laughter began to become more of a struggle. But as soon as it did it vanished and I listened closely.
Footsteps. Quite a lot for this much vibration. Hak stood. I'm guessing he also sensed it. Yona walked over to him. "That's fine, but I'll misbehave." He stated, turning to face Yona.
"Misbehave?" Yona asked, tilting her head in confusion. "Misbehaving boys do things like this." He moved her to the side of the cliff, her face in her hands and his face incredibly close to hers.
He then moved his hands on either side of her on the cliff an neared his head to it.
I closed my eyes and placed one hand on the side, concentrating. "I count seventy. No, eighty." I said only loud enough for them to hear. Yona seemed to understand why he did it now.
I went over to the two. "Troops?" Yona whispered quietly I thought that they were through pursuing us but with this number they mean business.
"Are they the Kings troops? Or . . ." Yona trailed off. I sighed loudly. "It's the dumb Fire Tribe." I murmured. Hak moved the hood of her cloak to cover her head.
"Princess. If you're going to cuddle up to me, you need to be a little more cuddlicious. If not I won't be motivated to misbehave." He said simply.
This got Yona worked up and she chased after him to hit him, but he ran off. "Eh? Me too!" I shouted, running after them. "What are you talking about?!" She shouted at him in annoyance.
Suddenly Hak stopped, making Yona run into him. "Alright then." I glanced around. Eh? We're surrounded on every side hm?
"Now that I got my warm up, shall we get to work, Kiri?" Hak asked me. I smirked and grabbed my spear. "Well this'll be some good exercise. Tae-Yeon kept on trying to fatten me up."
Hak chuckled and held his weapon tightly. "Go easy on them. Don't want to kill all of them now do you?"
"Eh? That's a hassle." I grumbled in annoyance. But I suppose we should keep the casualties to a minimum.
There are a lot of archers in complicated places to reach. They let out a war cry and the Fire Tribe Soldiers descended down to fight.
They neared on both sides. I stood behind Yona and Hak in front. Together we swung our weapons, easily taking down those who had approached.
They had momentarily stopped and gawked in amazement and fear at our skills. "What's wrong? Is this all you got?" Hak asked them.
I glanced at the next who jumped down and sighed with annoyance. Of course it's him. "You're doing well, Thunder Beast, Inferno Tornado." Tae-Jun spoke, drawing the others attention to him.
"I thought this was your doing." Hak admitted, staring at the second son of the Fire General.
"I have been waiting for this moment, General Son Hak, Guardian Son Kiriya, Princess Yona." I gave him a blank look.
Hak grabbed our shoulders and turned us to the scenery in front of us while the idiot talked. "I, Kan Tae-Jun, of the Fire Tribe-"
"Look princess. So much nature." Hak pointed out to her. "Yona, look. Lots of birds." I pointed at the white birds flying overhead.
She nodded, looking at it in awe. "What?! Why are you enjoying nature when I'm still talking to you?!" Tae-Jun shouted, crying comically.
One soldier handed him a tissue. "Oh, you were talking to us?" Hak asked, standing. "Eh? He was actually talking?" I questioned ignorantly.
Hak and I turned to him. "Right now we are neither General, nor Guardian, nor a 'Son' so sorry about that." He bowed lazily as the idiot wiped his tears.
"Oh not at all. As long as you understand, it's fine-wait . . . What?! You're not a General or the Guardian?!" He asked us loudly. Hak shrugged nonchalantly. "Bingo!" I cheered bored like.
"We're just Hak and Kiri, wandering travelers." Hak turned serious and smirked. "So anything we do from here on out has nothing to do with the Wind Tribe."
I matched his mood and stared down the idiots. "So that's what it's about. But I don't care about the Wind Tribe. I will eliminate anyone who gets in my way. I'm only interested in Princess Yona over there!"
He drew his sword. The archers fired, to which Hak deflected with his weapon. He held Yona close with one arm as he slashed any arrow that neared us.
"Don't give them a chance to rest!" Tae-Jun ordered. His soldiers attacked yet again. So annoying. "Kiri, you take out the ones from above." Hak ordered.
I turned and ran. "Got it." Some jumped in front of me. Smirking I twirled my spear and swung. They let out a shout as they fell.
Psh. Weaklings.
Without further ado I jumped on top of some rocks and onto the side of the cliff. Time take out the archers!
I ran down the line, moving my spear with ease and taking out anyone who was it my way.
A group of soldiers surrounded me. Smirking, I stepped on one foot, lifting the other one. Then I twirled in a circle quickly, cutting them down.
"Aim for the princess!" A voice shouted. I looked on see up ahead one aim for Yona, who had fallen down.
The arrow soared. "YONA!" I screamed. Hak quickly jumped between the two, taking the hit. My eyes widened as Hak started bleeding. "HAK! You bastard!" I roared, lunging forward.
He turned, fear in his eyes. I stabbed through his neck and swiped, decapitating him. I was going easy on them.
But this one hurt my brother. He deserved death. Anyone who tries to take them away deserves to die!
I continued to quickly move about, slaying as many archers as I could. Hak can handle the foot soldiers for now.
But you never know when an archer will fire from until he has. So I need to take them out as soon as possible.
Hak and Yona disappeared, in temporary hiding. Okay. I'll keep their eyes on me! Gripping my spear, I attacked any nearby soldier.
Have to hurry. Hak is injured. He needs help.
So it continued, the battle between us. Soon the sun began to set, casting an orange glow on the soldiers.
Hak came out of hiding and fought alongside me. "What are you doing? Injured little boys should stay in hiding with the Princess." I said, taking out another group.
"Well I can't just leave it all up to you now can I?" Hak swung. His movements are still incredible compared to the others.
However he's slower. Is it because of the wound? Or . . . "Poison." I murmured.
"Ah-ah. Looks like you found out." He swung, taking out some more. "Ah!" I turned quickly. Above an archer I must've missed fell as Yona rammed into him.
Yona . . . What is she doing?!
"Kiri!" Hak shouted. I turned and blocked a sword in the nick of time. That was close. Tch. I pushed them back and lunged forward, striking him down. Have to go to Yona.
I started to head her way, but lots of soldiers tried to prevent me. "Why did you move?!" Hak shouted at the princess before blocking.
"Kiri, go!" He shouted urgently. I blocked a strike and struck my leg out, kicking another one away. "Working on it!" I said through gritted teeth.
I pushed the one back and spun, kicking him in his chest. "Hurry!" I turned to retort but my words stopped.
I twirled my spear and threw it, impaling it in a soldiers chest that was sneaking up on Hak.
He let out a cry and fell back, off the side of the cliff and down to the forest below.
Ah shit. That was my favorite weapon! I'll have to get it back.
But first, Yona. I turned and began to run her way. A few soldiers smirked and ran at me. My temple throbbed in annoyance.
"Even without a weapon, you're a hundred years too early to beat me!" I shouted.
I ducked under a blade and swung my fist, crashing it into a mans face. The distinct sound of bones crushing was heard and he flew back at my strength, becoming unconscious.
I grabbed another's arm and brought him to me before driving my knee into his gut. He coughed up some spit before falling to the ground.
"I like fighting without my weapon just as much as I do with it!" I roared.
"Princess!" Hak shouted looking up. I was nearing her and froze. Her crimson hair that blew in the wind looked like a flame that could burn those to ashes.
In her violet eyes, I saw it. Fire burned within them. This is a different princess then the one from inside the castle.
I stared at Yona in awe. This is completely different from how she usually is. "Idiot! I told you not to move! Why did you leave?!" Hak's voice pulled me out of my frozen state Yona had placed on me.
That's right! Yona! I have to get Yona! "Yona!" I shouted, running to her. "Not so fast!" What?! A soldier appeared out of no where with a glaive similar to Hak's and swung.
Not having any other option, I jumped to the left. However the area I landed on with my foot caved and I fell. "Kiri!" Yona shouted. Tch. I quickly flipped and landed harshly on my foot. A shooting pain went up my leg but I bit my lip.
No time!
"Princess!" Hak shouted. Huh? Yona? She turned to look down. "Hak!" She screamed.
I turned to see Hak struggling with his opponents. He needs help! I rushed over to him.
He was slow to move his weapon to deflect an attack. I watched as the sword swung down. "NO!" I jumped between and felt the hot sting of the metal cutting through the skin and flesh on my back.
"KIRI!" Yona screamed. I fell forward onto Hak but stopped myself. Hak grabbed my shoulder and pushed, receiving a wound on his shoulder down to his chest.
I stumbled and my eyes widened as Hak fell off the cliff. The last before the valley forest floor down below. "HAK!" Yona shrieked.
Hak's weapon fell down as he shot his hand up and managed to grab the cliff side. "Hak!" I ran over as the soldiers went to stab his hand.
"Don't touch him!" I screamed, bringing my fist back and slamming it into his face.
My back burns. My ankle hurts. But this pain is nothing. I've felt worse pain before! This is nothing!
A couple of soldiers behind me grabbed my arms. "What the?!" I struggled in their grasps. What is their game? "Watch your brother fall to his death." One said with a sadistic smirk.
Huh? What did he just say?!
"Shut up!" If you think my brothers going to die then you have another thing coming!" I moved forward, dragging them with me. I'm just getting started!
I moved one arm up, brining the man up. "What?!" He shouted in shock. "Let go!" I roared, slamming my arm down. He let out a gasp, letting go of my arm.
With my free arm I hit the other one harshly. "Get away! Get away from Hak!" Yona shouted. She sounds close. I looked over to see her by Hak and the soldiers near him.
My eyes widened. Her hair is chopped off, and she was holding a sword to them. I started to run to her when more soldiers appeared before me. "Tch."
I reached into my boots and grabbed both daggers. I don't have time to play nice!
Gripping the handle I swung, digging the blade into ones neck before quickly slicing it out and turning, hitting another one. "Get away!" Yona rushed at them and swung with difficulty.
Of course they could dodge with ease on her slow swing. More soldiers came at me and I blocked a sword with the two daggers.
These guys are relentless. I don't have time for this. I need to save Hak and Yona! "No don't! Do not hurt the princess!" Tae-Jun shouted at his soldier.
The more that came, the less I care about sparing their life. This time I went for the kill. I don't care anymore.
I could vaguely hear Yona crying, shouting at Hak. I must hurry. I must hurry! "W-What are you doing?! Pull the princess away from Hak!" Tae-Jun shouted.
Letting out a war cry, I stuck my leg out, making the soldiers in front of me fall. My path is clear!
The two soldiers went over to Yona, who was struggling to help Hak up. I ran. I ran as fast as I could.
Ignoring the two Fire Tribe men I went past them. Yona turned suddenly, losing her grip.
Time went by slowly as I watched her and Hak slip from the edge. "NO!" I screamed.
I rushed forward, reaching my hand out.
Yona's eyes were wide as she held her hand out for me, the other still on Hak.
I stretched my hand out and our fingers brushed, but time regained its normal speed and she and Hak slipped from my grasp, descending down to the forest floor. "YONA! HAK!"
I stared down in disbelief, unable to comprehend what had happened. Yona. She was in my reach. And she fell.
I tuned out everything around me as I stared down where they fell. My blood ran cold, my mind went blank, and I felt my heart scream in agony. No way.
Yona's scream as she fell resounded in my mind. I couldn't save them. I went too easy on them.
I shouldn't have been so lenient on their lives. I should've went for the kill. I should've focused on killing! I should've killed everyone!
No. Don't think that way. There's no way they're dead! There's no way my idiot of a brother would ever let her die, or himself!
He's forbidden to die! Yona ordered us to live. He's alive. And if he's alive, so is she! I know it!
I slowly walked over to the edge. "Guardian Kiriya!" A soldier reached out to me, suddenly holding sympathy.
I stood at the very edge, looking down. "Come back. It's over." Huh? You were just trying to kill me a moment ago. I glanced back at them before back over.
"Yona. Hak. I'll be there soon." Without saying anything else, I leaned forward, falling off the edge.
The wind hit me hard, whipping my hair and screaming in my ears. The fall to the valley floor is great. And it made me realize how injured Hak may be.
I watched as I neared the tree line.
They're alive!
So as I neared the tree line, I braced myself. As soon as I broke through I reached out, trying to grab hold of a branch.
Twigs and other branches scratched my skin mercilessly but I ignored it. I managed to grab onto a branch, but it snapped. I fell more and my back hit another one, the bark hitting my open wound roughly.
It only stopped me momentarily before breaking and continuing my fall. I fell out of the tree and spotted the ground. Then a blinding white pain struck my entire being and I lost consciousness.
Hey, Soo-Won. Are you finally happy?
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