Princess Yona

I watched as the clouds slowly drifted across the vast blue sky. The wind gently blew, making me relax. In the distance I could vaguely hear voices, but they gradually became softer.

The ceremony is probably over already. I sat up and stretched my arms. Ever so swiftly, I grabbed the edge of the roof I was laying on and swung over the edge and into the open window of the room.

Looking up I sighed. "Yona~ the ceremony is probably over. Can't you just pick one?" I asked my childhood friend. She turned to me, puffing out her cheeks.

Her beautiful violet eyes showed some annoyance. "Kiri, I can't just pick one! Soo-Won is going to be here any minute! Which do you think I should wear?" She asked.

I glanced at the kimono covers. "Do you need to wear one? What you're wearing now is fine by itself." She sighed, shaking her head and turned to Min-Soo.

"Why did I ask her again?" She asked him. He shrugged but smiled lightly. I frowned at the two. "Hey now." I warned, making them laugh.

I smiled lightly, staring at Yona as she laughed. I've known her ever since we were kids. In fact, I'm one of her bodyguards along with my brother.

The princess with hair that looks like its fire itself. She's very well known here in the capital. Even all over, people have heard the rumors of the princess with the strange hair. But truth be told, everyone who sees it is instantly bewitched by it.

It's strange really. Yona is very beautiful, but it's pretty incredible how many people she attracts based on looks by themselves. What's the real charm is her personality. She's a really amazing person. I'm glad to call her my best friend.

However . . . I sweat dropped as I watched her judge the two. "I will never understand your problem with clothes and your appearance." I said shaking my head.

She frowned at me. "Well I don't understand how you don't have problems with it. Normal girls do."

I gave her a flat look and pointed at the spear in its holster on my back. "In case you forgot, I'm not like normal girls." She laughed nervously and sweat dropped. "I did forget actually."

"Well, Kiri isn't normal in general." A new voice spoke. I turned and shot an annoyed look at my adoptive brother who stood by King Il, ruler of the Kouka Kingdom, and Yona's father.

He doesn't look like much of a king. He's a rather chubby man with a smile always on his face and an air head atmosphere about him.

But he is the king I chose to serve. I turned my gaze back to my brother. A tall man with dark hair and narrow blue eyes. He's pretty much any girl's heartthrob hero.

What with his large muscular built, mystery air, and his cold look. He has that bad boy air to him. Which is almost opposite of his obedient character. No matter how much he tries to hide it. "I don't want to hear that from you." I stated, placing a hand on my hip.

Yona turned upon hearing the new voices. "Father! What happened to the ceremony?" She asked. I bowed my head to him briefly as he entered the room.

"As you can see, it's over." He responded, not a hint of anger in his voice. "No way! I'm sorry, I . . ." Yona trailed off and looked down guiltily.

King Il laughed, not at all bothered by it. "No worries. It's just a formality anyways. No need for you to show up." He reassured her. I raised an eyebrow.

Wasn't it to announce her birthday coming up? Oh well. "Hey, father . . . is my hair weird?" Huh? I looked at her like she was crazy. What the? Is she still going on about that.

I love her hair. I grabbed a piece of mine. My dull red hair is always in a pony tail. And unlike Yona's, it's not vibrant at all. It's more like a maroon color. I've always been jealous of Yona's hair.

"Of course not. No jewel is more beautiful than you." He started. Yona's face lit up. "Well sure, my face is! I think I'm pretty cute myself." She started playing with her long curls as I stopped myself from laughing.

"But this hair. Why is it so red and curly? Gosh! It won't stay neat!" She flailed her arms around in frustration.

King Il turned to my brother and I. "I don't think it's bad. Don't you agree, Hak, Kiri?" I nodded, tossing my hands behind my head.

Hak kneeled to the king. "Of course, King Il. Who would say that the princess' hair is weird? If I were to venture an opinion, it's her brain that's weird." He spoke without hesitation.

Yona tensed and her eye twitched in annoyance. "Silence servant." She then began to throw things at Hak, who caught them with ease. I chuckled at their little banter that always happens.

It's a natural course and in my opinion, rather cute of them. "Father, do something! He has such a big attitude!"

King Il sweat dropped. "Now, now. Hak is your childhood friend. He is also one of the Five Generals that protect our castle, the Wind Tribe's-"

Yona rushed over to Min-Soo and grabbed a tea cup. "I don't care! I want him to be more charming!" She shouted, throwing it at Hak.

He caught it with ease and looked at her seriously. "Speaking of charm, shouldn't you be charming yourself?" Hak questioned her. "Ah, so he's here already." I asked, to which he merely nodded.

Yona became flustered. "W-why didn't you tell me that sooner?!" She asked and quickly rushed out. "It's been a while since I've seen Soo-Won." I admitted, walking over to Min-Soo with Hak.

He handed us a cup and poured us some tea. "Soo-Won? Is that why she was concerned with her hair? Why worry at this point though?" King Il asked in confusion.

I took a sip of the calming tea. "Girlish feelings I guess." Hak said, taking a sip as well. "Something Your Highness wouldn't understand." I added. He tilted his head in confusion.

Soo-Won huh? It's been a while. Yona's cousin who's the same age as me and Hak. He was always an air head as well. Always giving people the benefit of the doubt. He's too nice for his own good. But that's also something that makes him special.

The four of us have always been close. Closer then most would in our situation. Soo-Won is my other best friend. We'd always play together, ever since we were children.

The four of us are practically inseparable. I glanced at Hak from the corner of my eye. Yona is in love with Soo-Won, ever since we were children. Of course he never even thought of her in that way. But she doesn't mind. She's completely fallen for him.

This hurts Hak since he's liked her ever since we were kids as well. And he wants them to be together. If Soo-Won were to marry Yona, he'd become the King. That means Hak and I will be both of their guards.

The four of us always together forever. He may love Yona, but he loves us too. And he'd be happy so long as we were.

Self-Sacrificing brat. It hurts me to watch him do that to himself. He's my brother. And I want him to be with Yona. But Yona is also my friend and I want her to be happy and be with Soo-Won.

If only she could look at Hak in that way. Maybe they'd be together. I think they're a cuter couple personally. I don't think it's all that biased because I'm Hak's adoptive sister and I treat Yona and Soo-Won like they are my siblings.

Either way, one of them is going to be hurt. Well time will tell. "Ah, let's go see Soo-Won too." I told Hak.

He nodded and we headed out. "Geez, the princess running about." A maid grumbled. "Looks like she went this way." Hak said, heading the direction she came from.

Ah, there they are. Soo-Won was patting Yona's head like a child. Hm. Best to observe. I hopped onto the rail and watched as Hak leaned against it, eating a steamed bean bun. "S-so are you going to stay for a while this time?" She asked.

Soo-Won smiled brightly, his aqua blue eyes glinted with happiness. His long blonde hair is pulled over his shoulder in a very lose pony tail and he wore white robes with blue trim.

He's about as tall as Hak, but Hak is broader and more muscular. When we were young I mistook him for a girl quite frequently.

"Of course. After all, I came to celebrate your birthday next week." He placed his hands together and looked off nostalgically. "You're going to be sixteen! My, you've grown." He patted her head again.

Poor Yona. He turned and brought his hand to his head and looked around, except in our direction. "Anyways, where are King Il, Kiri, and Hak?" He asked curiously, looking about, oblivious to Yona's feelings. He ran off. "I need to say hello!" He turned the corner and left.

Yona clenched her fists and pouted. A light blush prominent on her cheeks. "Always treating me like a child, always treating me like a child, always treating me like a child." She grumbled, not at all happy with the turn of events.

She looked down. "I burned the highest quality incense since this morning and put on the best beauty serum and make-up there is." She spoke to herself. "All for nothing." Hak spoke, making our presence known.

She turned and shot a glare at him. "You be quiet!" She shouted at him. "Still, I don't see why you did all that." I said. She shot me a look as well.

"Geez, Kiri. Come, I'll do your make-up." She snatched my wrist and began pulling me along. "Eh? Eh?! No~! Yona I don't wanna!" I whined childishly. But she didn't hear any of it as she dragged me off.

Hak's snickering easily carried by the wind to my ears. Damn brat.


I laid on my side on top of the roof. Down below Hak and Soo-Won are working on archery whilst riding horses. Soo-Won begged me for ten minutes to participate but I declined. Too much effort so early in the morning.

Hearing footsteps I glanced down. "Yona? King Il?" I asked, familiar with their presence. Yona peeked up over the railing up at me. "Kiri. Good morning." She smiled,  turning her gaze back down on the two and pouted.

"No fair Hak! Playing with Soo-Won without us." Yona grumbled. I chuckled at that. "Now, now. It's been a while since they spent time together too." King Il reasoned. Yona puffed out one cheek and made a pouty sound.

Smiling lightly, I glanced back at the boys. The horses lurched forward. Soo-Won was in the lead and he drew back his bow. When he approached the target he shot. He didn't get the center but he did pretty well.

Hak came trotting behind and drew back before firing. The arrow cut through the wind and hit it dead center. "Looks like Hak wins again." I murmured.

Well that was to be expected. The two stopped and were chatting a bit. "I want to do archery with Soo-Won too!" Yona declared.

It caught me off guard and I slipped, falling off the roof. "Wha!" I quickly grabbed the railing and pulled myself over. I stared at the foolish girl.

Is she insane?!

"What?! Absolutely not! No weapons! I don't even want to allow those three to hold weapons!" King Il fretted.

Geez, what's this girl thinking? "Then you do it father." Yona said, turning an accusing look at the king. He looked away from her gaze, a pout of sorts on his face. "Nope, I don't wanna get hurt."

I laughed nervously at his claim. "My, such a coward! Father you-" Yona was cut off by a shout below. "Yona!" Soo-Won called. The three of us glanced down to see them near the stairs leading to the shooting pit.

"Come down. I'll show you how to ride a horse." He said, a smile ever present on his face. "Okay!" Yona said and without a second to lose she ran off. "Soo-Won!" King Il protested before watching his beloved daughter run off.

He then turned back to Soo-Won. It was then I saw it. A strange look on his face as he stared at his nephew.

What? He caught my stare and smiled lightly. "Kiri, could you . . ." He trailed off.

I sighed but smiled lightly. "Got it." I threw my legs over the side and hopped off, landing with ease down below. "Hak, let me see your horse." I called, walking over to my brother and Soo-Won. Yona quickly rushed down and over to us.

But once she reached the horse she seemed hesitant based on it's height. "Relax. We'll help you up." Soo-Won reassured.

Hak grabbed her waist and lifted her a bit to Soo-Won. "But . . ." She trailed off nervously. "Please hurry. Hak is about to get crushed by the princess' weight." Hak stated.

I sighed, shaking my head. "I'm going to slap you!" Yona turned her head to shoot Hak a glare. "It'll be alright. You like horses right?" Soo-Won questioned, extending his hand for her.

She instantly started blusing. "I do." She answered, placing her hand in his. He, along with Hak, easily placed her on the horse. Soo-Won sat behind her, holding the reigns.

"Hak~ you should help your sister out." I called. He gave me a flat look and I returned it. We were at a stale mate.

"Hey Yona, Hak-" My brother immediately rushed to me and grabbed my waist before practically throwing me on top of the horse.

I smirked down at him. "Thank you brother." He shot me an annoyed look. "Those who know how to ride shouldn't be so lazy about it." He warned.

I held my arms out and waved them lazily. "Eh? But I'm from the Wind Tribe; we move with the wind, we don't fight against it." His temple throbbed in annoyance. "Don't mimic those morons!" He shouted.

I laughed and grabbed the reigns. "Yes, yes." I chuckled, before setting off in a nice walking pace. Hak walked beside me as we stayed near, yet far enough away, from the two royals.

I stopped and Hak started petting the horse. I was vaguely paying attention to them. But I heard something interesting. When Yona asked if Soo-Won is popular with the ladies and he hesitated on answering.

Of course he's popular with girls. He's a looker. "What? No of course not. True I've had some marriage talks, but . . ." He trailed off. Yona had a look of disbelief on her face at this.

Well it's not unusual. Royalty and nobles get married off easily at this age. "B-but it's nothing final. Let's drop this subject. No point talking to you about it."

"There he goes talking to her like a kid again. She's gonna say something she'll regret." I stated.

Hak nodded and went back to petting the horse but still listening. "I-I've had marriage talks too you know." She said, head held up. Soo-Won seemed genuinely surprised.

Can't say if it's because he still see's her as a kid or if he's a bit upset about it. "Really? With who?" He asked.

Yeah Yona. With who?

"With Hak." She said. Hak and I snapped our heads in her direction. Even the horse I sat upon did the same.

We stared at Yona, who was sweating slightly at our intense gaze. "Um, that . . ." Seems like she's trying to fix it.

"I think that's great." Soo-Won spoke. Eh? I stared at our ditzy friend, who has his eyes close and smile wide. "Congratulations."

Stupid Soo-Won.


"So cruel! Unbelievable Soo-Won! How could you believe a lie like that?!" Yona laid her head on the table in front of her.

Currently; Yona, Hak, Min-Soo, and I are in one of the casual rooms where we watched the princess unleash her emotions. "You're the cruel one. And a nuisance." Hak stated, standing behind her with an annoyed look.

He didn't deny it to Soo-Won, and I know he is a little happy he was the first person she thought of.

I elbowed him between his ribs roughly, making him grab it in pain before shooting me a look. I shot him a glare and our lightning gazes clashed.

"Actually, getting married may come true for you." Ah. We turned to see King Il walk in. So he overheard us. "Huh?" Yona asked, clearly confused.

"It's about time you start thinking about a fiancé." He told her earnestly. "N-No! I want Soo-Won to be-"

"It can't be Soo-Won!" He shouted, surprising us. King Il has never raised his voice like that before. At least not to my knowledge.

And to Yona, his cherished daughter . . . what is this about?

Yona stood. "Princess!" Min-Soo tried to stop her but she stared at her father before her.

"Father, you have no say in who I fall in love with. I-"

She was interrupted again. "Yona. I've given you everything you've wanted. Beautiful hairpins, earrings, a detached palace, botanical gardens, everything but weapons I've provided. But no matter how much you wish for it, I cannot give you Soo-Won. You are the Princess of the Kouka Kingdom. Your husband will become the king of this country."

The pitter patter of rain could be heard as the room fell into a deep silence. "Soo-Won is the son of Uncle Yu-Hon, your older brother. He is of royal blood." Yona began. I glanced at King Il.

Based on those facts alone, he is more then qualified to become king. Not to mention how kind he is and how knowledgeable of the world he is.

I do prefer Hak to marry Yona, but even so, Soo-Won shouldn't be eliminated from the list. He's the ideal candidate.

So why deny it? "Yes, but I, the king, will decide who becomes the heir." I studied King Il. Something's fishy here.

There's gotta be a reason why it can't be Soo-Won. "Why? Soo-Won is a great person. You won't even touch a weapon. You're just a cowardly person." Yona was looking at the floor, a look I've never seen on her before.

His denial hit her hard. "True, I am a cowardly king. Your mother was attacked by bandits and was killed. Royalty's lives are always being threatened. That's why I never wanted to remarry. Yona. Don't you wish for Soo-Won's happiness?" He asked.

I bit my tongue. King Il is acting strange. His reasoning is fair, but why only apply it to Soo-Won? Sure, he's not as strong as me or Hak, but he's stronger then the average soldier.

Yona gripped her dress tightly. "I don't understand. I don't understand father." She quickly darted out.

Yona . . .

Turning my gaze to King Il, I studied him carefully. He's acting very strange.


Five days later we held Yona's 16th birthday party here at Hiryuu Castle. I glanced at Yona as people greeted her, wishing her a happy birthday.

The smile never left her face. Five days ago, she rushed into my room, face bright red and a look of pure bliss on her face.

Before I had a chance to ask, she flung herself at me, and I saw a smile brighter then I've ever seen before.

She had told me about her conversation with Soo-Won. I'm happy for her. And I'm glad he was forced to see her in a new light.

If that hadn't happened, Yona wouldn't be her cheerful self. And she's been smiling non stop for five days. I want her to be happy, no matter what.

I turned back and ate some of the luxurious food. I glanced to see Yona run off to Soo-Won, and the two left. Hm.

I slipped out and followed them. I moved out and jumped atop the roof and walked above them quietly.

Hak had jumped up and followed me as well. "Give me your hand." Soo-Won spoke. I turned to Hak and placed my hand over my mouth.

"A proposal!" Hak quickly struck my head. I groaned and grabbed it, feeling a light bump form. "A hairpin?" Yona asked.

I frowned. "So anticlimactic." I mumbled. Moving onto my stomach, I popped my head down to see the hairpin in her hand. It's gorgeous. And very expensive looking at that.

Hak popped his head next to mine and we watched. "I apologize for giving it to you out here. I just thought it would suit you and wanted to give it to you in person." He told her, smiling kindly.

"I bet if you'd smile too, you wouldn't be so far behind the race." Hake elbowed me roughly, making me nearly lose my grip.


We both sat back up, shooting each other glares. "My hair . . . It's curly and red and I can't do anything with it. I won't look nice in this."

I frowned again. This girl. Doesn't she realize how insanely jealous I am of her hair? Besides, I think it's beautiful. "What? I like your hair Yona. Beautiful crimson. Just like the blush of dawn."

I glanced up at the sky. I bet that made her happy. No, I bet it made her love her hair now.

After all, he said it to her.

"I sense a lovey atmosphere." I stated. Hak nodded. "Wanna interrupt it?" He asked. I smirked and we hopped down quietly between the two, who were gazing into each others eyes.

However the moment we set down they seemed to realize where they were. They immediately jumped apart in shock. "Hak?! Kiri?!" Yona asked in surprise.

Hak crossed his arms. "The king was looking for you." Hak told her. "R-Really? Tell him I'm resting in my room." She said, heading off.

I stared after her before turning to Soo-Won. "I thought you were gonna give her a ring." He nearly fell at my claim but stood fast, a blush on his cheeks. "Kiri!" He complained. I chuckled and reached up, ruffling his hair.

"I figured as much. I'm sure you, Soo-Won-Sama, will be able to convince the king." My brother said. Oh Hak . . .

"But you sure work fast, huh, Soo-Won-Sama?" I teased him. He brushed it off quickly. "You two have gotten the wrong idea. And quit talking so politely. Call me Soo-Won like you guys used to." He tried.

Hak and I glanced at each other before smirking lightly at him. Personally, I only called him it because it bugged him. It's funny really.

"We know our place. Kiri." Hak turned to me, a serious look on his face. I nodded and hopped onto the rail. "Yes, I'll go make some rounds." I said.

Soo-Won seemed confused. I smiled down at him. "See you in a bit, Soo-Won-Sama." I grabbed the edge of the roof and flipped myself onto it before walking around.

For a while now, there's been this strange feeling. Like something that's not supposed to be here. Something feels off.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but I know it's no good. Hak and I have discussed it, but neither of us can identify it correctly.

I continued patrolling Hiryuu Castle. Hak had told me that Soo-Won was going to look after Yona, so I kept on patrolling. Even as night fell, I didn't stop. Something's off.

Even more now. Now that I think about it, there haven't been many guards in certain areas.

It's too quiet. And there's a foul stench hitched onto the wind around the castle. My body froze and goose bumps rose all across my skin. A gut wrenching feeling hit me. Yona. Must protect Yona!

I hurried, running across the tiles on the roof, looking around. My animal instincts were screaming for me to protect Yona. My fight or flight instincts were also demanding to be heard.

As I ran, I noticed Soo-Won standing next to some people in front of a bunch of soldiers that surround someone. That's . . .


One soldier raised his sword in front of Yona. "SOO-WON!" She screamed into the night air. The sword descended to her. I jumped off the roof.

At the same time, Hak lunged from around the corner and killed the man. I grabbed my spear from my back and whipped it out, decapitating three soldiers. Hak quickly pushed the others around us back, wounding them, but not killing all of them.

Hak and I stood in front of Yona. "What do you think you're doing, Soo-Won-Sama?" Hak asked darkly.

I turned my gaze to Soo-Won, who was staring at us with such a cold and emotionless expression. So that's how it is . . . I glared at him. "What did you do?" I hissed.

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