Morning of Pledges
I laughed at the pirate who fell over, already too drunk. I slammed my mug down, grinning cheekily. "You're a hundred years to early to take me on in a drinking contest." I laughed at him.
His eyes are spinning. Kid can't hold his liquor. "Hm? Kiri." Hak called. I turned to my brother curiously. He's standing now, no longer drinking. "Where did the Princess go?" He asked me.
At this I instantly perked up and stood as well. "She might have gone on a walk to get some air. I mean she was locked in a room then a ship for a while."
He nodded and turned, heading in the direction of town. "Ah, I'll come with!" I called, securing my spear to my back before jogging after him. We walked around, looking for her together.
"Geez, can't she ever just sit still?" Hak grumbled. I merely chuckled at his words.
"What's the fun in that?" I asked. He smirked at that. If Yona wasn't Yona we wouldn't be here now would we?
In all seriousness, where is she? And I was having fun. It's been a while since I was able to relax and drink.
Last time I was able to, gramps found me and whipped me with that damn fan of his. I mean who cares if I was technically too young to do so?
A chill went up my spine and my heart squeezed tightly. It's painful. What is it? Did I drink too much? But . . . for some reason I feel-
A familiar cry cut through the air. Hak and I turned in the direction. "Yona?" I whispered. Without saying anything else, Hak and I took off in a sprint in the direction of her cries.
As we turned the corner, there she was. She was on the ground, head down, crying. Yona!
Hak and I quickly went to her side and crouched next to her. "Princess! Hey, what's wrong?! What-" She just cried harder.
Now that we're this close to her, I see she has her hand over her mouth, trying to muffle her cries.
It didn't work.
The pain in her cries is louder then she expected. My blood ran cold and I looked down the path she was faced.
Soo-Won . . . it's you, isn't it?
She hasn't cried this hard since that time. The only time she cried like this . . . I clenched my fists and my blood lust rose.
Soo-Won. Soo-Won!!
I eyed her from the side. After she finished crying and composed herself, the three of us headed back.
Now Yona is overly cheerful. She's forcing herself.
"Master, I challenge you to a drinking contest!" A younger pirate came up to me. I glanced at him briefly before closing my eyes. "No thanks, I've had my fill for the day." I was no longer tipsy, and I have no intention of drinking anymore.
I sobered up as soon as I heard her painful cries.
I was careless. I fooled around when I should have been alert, as always.
There's no telling when she'll be in danger. And there's no telling if we'd ever run into him again.
What he's doing in Awa is beyond me. But the fact that he saw Yona, no, the fact she saw him is a threat in itself. I never wanted her to see him again.
Because he is the one who took away her smile, her happiness. He is the one who subjugated us into darkness. He destroyed them. Yona and Hak.
The two most precious people to me. What he's done has damaged them both greatly.
And I don't know if they'll ever recover from that.
I was careless. It won't happen again.
I turned my gaze back to Yona, who is being overly cheerful. She served some food as her, Jae-Ha, and a couple other pirates sat in a circle and ate. Although she's totally out of it.
My eyes drifted to the porridge she spilt on her lap. I walked closer to them, still watching her carefully. "Yum! You really are a genius Yoon." She grinned.
"Y-Yona, you spilt some on you." A pirate told her. "What are you doing littlie missy?" Another asked.
A younger one held up a handkerchief. "Here, wipe it with this." He offered, but she wasn't paying attention.
She stood and took off her main kimono, revealing a smaller, thinner kimono.
The pirate's eyes widened a bit. "Wait, Yona. Yona!" One waved his arms madly, trying to get her to stop.
Hak took off his over kimono jacket and placed it over her shoulders, covering her up. "Ah." She seemed to snap out of it and turned to him.
I walked over, standing next to my brother. "Please use the captains room if you're going to change clothes." He told her.
She stared at him a bit, not registering it as fast. "Hak?" As soon as she did and realized what she did, she turned bright red and ran off. Yona . . .
Hak leaned down, holding his hand open. "Alright, that's 1000 ling for the view." He told the blushing pirates.
"What?!" One started. "That was beyond our control!" The other one defended, not wanting to pay.
Jae-Ha stood up. "Actually, we were getting to the best part, so why'd you st-" Hak smacked Jae-Ha's face roughly, giving him a bloody nose.
As soon as he did, I kicked him roughly, making him fall to the ground before stepping on him with my foot.
This guy.
I stopped stepping on him and he stood, not at all bothered he's bleeding.
"What's wrong with her?" He asked as the other pirates were muttering about seeing nothing since they're scared we'll beat them up.
"Nothing." Hak and I responded simultaneously, not missing a beat. "Oh?" Jae-Ha murmured, not believing us in the least. Well he's pretty observant, I didn't expect him to anyhow.
"Those are big spears you two have. If you carry that around, you'll surprise the townspeople." He said, eyeing our weapons.
"Yeah. I've been trying not to walk around town with this thing." Hak pulled his glaive up, staring at the blade.
Sorrowful blood lust evident as he emitted it unintentionally. Even if he is good at hiding his emotions, right now, they're easier to read then usual.
"But I've gotten used to the peace too much, so this is a reminder for me." He said. He didn't say it so much for Jae-Ha as he did for himself.
But he's right. "Besides, you never know when something will strike. It's important to never part with your weapon. Peace is just dream." I stated, my eyes drifting in the direction Yona left.
I have never parted with my weapon so carelessly.
The only time I have is when I jumped off that cliff. The time before that . . . I can't remember.
You never know when the enemy will attack. You never know when battle will begin. It's wisest to keep your blades on hand at all times.
Why did I even think that we were safe? We will never be safe. Because we are the enemies of the kingdom. There's not a soldier or officer out there who doesn't want us dead.
They'll come after us. Anytime, anywhere. And when they do, I'll stand and fight. I'll coat my hands red if it means that she can live.
If I have to kill every last person in this kingdom, I'd do it without any hesitation. I will not have them taken from me. You're not taking anymore people who I love.
Soo-Won. If I ever see you again, know, I'll kill you. And I will do it slowly.
No, even if I wanted to torture him for days on end, I don't think I could control my rage. I'd kill him instantly just because I couldn't stand him taking another breath.
But you will die by my hand.
Know that, Soo-Won.
The sun is beginning to set, coloring the sky in beautiful shades of orange, pink, and blues.
Hak and I found Yona on a hill, looking over the setting sun over the sea. "A lot has happened since I left the castle." She murmured to herself, not noticing us.
Hak and I laid on either side of her, still undetected. "That's true." Hak agreed, making his presence known.
"That's for sure." I agreed as well, making my presence known as well. Yona jumped a bit, turning her head to either side, looking at us.
"Ah! You guys scared me. You two show up everywhere, Hak, Kiri." She said, still a bit surprised by our sudden appearance.
I rolled my eyes. "Well duh." I stated, my gaze drifted up at the sky as the wind gently blew the clouds away.
"Anywhere you are. Although we made a mistake losing sight of you this morning." Hak said, sitting up next to her.
"But since I am your personal guard, I'll stay annoyingly close by your side. Call me if something happens." Smiling, I sat up as well. "Call me too. Anywhere at anytime, I'll be there for you, Yona."
Yona smiled, a real one. Not the forced one she's put on all day today. She returned her gaze to the setting sun. "Okay."
The birds chirped, as they flew across the calm sea. Seemingly unaware of the battle that took place the night before.
"Hak, Kiri. I'm going to leave here." She slowly reached her hand over and grabbed Hak's sleeve. Oh?
She reached her other one to me, grabbing the hem of my shirt. "Come with me." I let out a small sigh and smiled.
This girl. "Alright." Hak agreed, turning to her, a smile on his face. "Of course." I agreed as well. I will follow Yona, always. A relaxed silence washed over us.
Well, time to ruin it.
I stood up. "So, Hak huh? You sure put him on a high pedestal. I wonder what that means." I smiled, on full teasing mode. Hak jumped a bit as Yona gave me a confused look.
Hak stood as well. "Hey, Kiri!" He glared at me. I just smirked.
"But Hak, she chose to grab you first, usually it's the same time. What ever could this mean? Ah, is it mutual! Whoa." I jumped back to avoid his glaive.
I laughed as he began to chase me, trying to take me down. Yona laughed as she watched us. "Wha!" A small shout sounded, making Hak and I stop.
The three of us turned to see Yoon, Kija, and Shin-Ah behind a boulder where we were. "Huh? What are you guys doing?" Yona asked. Kija became flustered. "Um, I was, uh . . ." I smiled lightly.
These guys. "Hey, you need to tell us about things like that too." Yoon said, slight pout. "Huh?" Yona asked.
"Don't 'huh' me! About leaving here! It doesn't seem right unless you say things like that with everyone here." Yoon complained.
Kija nodded enthusiastically as they all stood from their hiding spot. "That is right, Princess!" He said, grabbing Shin-Ah as well.
"Say the word and we the Four Dragons shall follow you to the ends of earth!" He told her. That's totally something Kija would say.
Hak cleaned his ear with his finger, a blank face. "Oh, you can leave now." He told him. This just made Kija get fired up.
"Besides, what 'we the Four Dragons'? There's only two." Hak stated the facts.
"S-Silence!" Kija shouted. I chuckled and watched their interaction. I've grown quite fond of them. And I know Yona and Hak have as well.
I stood next to Yona as Hak continued to poke fun at Kija and Kija getting more riled up. I glanced at her, seeing she's watching them all fondly as well.
"We sure made some great friends, huh Princess?" She smiled and looked at me, nodding. "Yeah. We sure did."
I closed my eyes and grinned at her before the two of us faced forward. I went over and flung my arms around Yoon and Shin-Ah, facing the other two.
"Well what about us? two Dragons, a Thunder Beast, a Inferno Tornado, and a beautiful genius. This is like the best line up and we could totally conquer the world." I said.
Yoon turned to me. "The world?! Why?!" He demanded loudly. I grinned cheekily. "Awe c'mon, think of the money Yoon, the money!" I pulled away, placing my hands on my hips.
"Everyone." Yona spoke, breaking us from our conversation.
We turned to her and I couldn't help but feel in awe. The sun setting behind her makes her crimson hair seem like it's fire itself, moving around her head. She has gotten stronger.
The more time goes on, the more I feel bewildered by her. She's changing. And she's changing into something incredible.
"Tomorrow I'm leaving Awa. Will you come with me?" She asked us, a smile on her face.
"I shall accompany you." Kija said, a smile on his face. Shin-Ah nodded, making a noise of agreement. "What a pain." Yoon said, throwing his hands behind his head. "Whaaat?!" Yona pouted.
I laughed at them, happy that she has managed to gain good friends.
That night, the party continued. People were joyous for their freedom, with their victory. Yet it was also a night of sadness.
For the pirates are separating, becoming fishermen. And we are leaving Awa. Unaware if, and when, we'll ever come back.
This festival is for a lot of things. But it's for moving forward with everyone's new lives. It's both joyous and sad.
It'll be a while before we can enjoy something like this. Might as well enjoy it a little more before we have to move on and continue staying hidden.
The next morning, the pirates and a few girls were seeing us off, before we leave Awa. I leaned against my brother as I watch some pirate cry for Yona leaving and some others teasing Yoon.
Yona is looking around for someone. Must be Droopy Eyes. "What's the matter?" Kija asked her.
She glanced over at him. "Jae-Ha's not here. I wanted to say thank you along with other things." She said sadly.
"Who cares about that Droopy Eyes?" Hak said uncaringly.
Yona frowned at him. "That's not nice! He helped me a lot! Parting like this is just . . . Captain Gi-Gan! Do you know where Jae-Ha is?" She asked her.
She sure wants to see him. "Who cares about that Droopy Eyes?" She asked in a mono tone voice.
"Whaaat?!" Yona seemed surprised she'd say it too. I threw my hands behind my head. "The fact of the matter is that nobody cares about that Droopy Eyes." I told her nonchalantly. She pouted a bit.
"Kiri!" She whined, making me chuckle. "Jae-Ha huh? Oh well. You should come by Awa again some day." Gi-Gan told her.
"Okay." Yona replied dejectedly. Damn that Droopy Eyes. "If you ever need a ship, let me know. I'll have one prepared for you any day." Yona smiled at Gi-Gan.
When did they get this close exactly? I mean Gi-Gan is a nice lady. But Yona seems attached to her more so then I though would happen.
Gi-Gan smiled lightly at her. "The swelling on your face hasn't gone down quite yet." She noted. Yona just kept her smile. "I'm fine." She assured.
"The frail girl who looked like she'd go flying if the wind blew has become strong hasn't she?" Gi-Gan chuckled a bit.
Yona blinked. "Frail girl?" She seemed confused, which just made it more amusing. "I'm not that bad!" She defended herself, a slight pout.
"No, when you had first arrived here, you were a frail girl who couldn't do anything. Well even now you flat out can't clean, do laundry, or cook. Hurry up and learn. Nobody will take you to be their bride if your only redeeming feature is your recklessness."
I laughed at her words as Yona blushed bit. "That's none of your concern!"
"It won't be a problem if she finds a husband who will do the laundry in the river while she cuts grass in the mountains." Hak inputted, being, of course, Hak.
"Hak, be quiet!" Her temple throbbed in annoyance.
"Eh? I can think of someone who so desperately wants to be your husband. He can cook, clean, and he's basically already wrapped around your finger." I said, holding my finger up.
Hak shot me a death glare and I smirked cockily.
Yona looked at me curiously. "Who?" She asked, seeming confused. My smirk just widened. "Hm, who could it be? Who do you think, Gi-Gan?" I asked.
Gi-Gan held an identical smirk, arms crossed. "Oh, I know who you're talking about." A couple pirates nodded in agreement.
"Ah, but he's an idiot. And he's a troublemaker. Not to mention the ladies love him so he'll be surrounded constantly. Which I don't understand because I can't find his appeal, whoa." I ducked under Hak's glaive.
"Ah. My bad. There was a bug on your forehead." Hak said in mono tone, but is an obvious lie to me.
Yona didn't understand at all. "Well we should go." She said, deciding it wasn't interesting anymore.
"Ah, wait. Take these." Gi-Gan stopped her. She pulled out a pouch with familiar plants in it.
"Oh! The Senjusou! You saved some?" Yoon asked excitedly. Yona took the bag from her, staring at the plant. "This much?" She murmured.
Gi-Gan patted her head affectionately. A warm smile on her face. "Don't catch a cold." I wonder if she has children.
I can't help but get a motherly vibe from her. I think so at least. I didn't have a mom growing up.
Just gramps, Hak, and the brats from the Wind Tribe. But they're all the family I needed.
But then Yona blushed a bit, eyes watered. She doesn't remember her mother much, so this is something special to her.
"Thank you for your hospitality." She thanked. With that, we turned and began to head out. Everyone was shouting their goodbyes. However Yona stopped. Hm? Ah. She's crying.
She turned quickly and ran over and into Gi-Gan's arms, crying.
Of course her crying caused the pirates to cry as well. I smiled lightly, placing a hand on my hip. Ah-ah. Well, it's alright.
After the tearful farewell, we left, and continued our journey. Of course she's stll crying. And this led to Yoon and Kija crying as well.
"Yona, stop crying already." Yoon said. Even his voice sound like it's crying.
"You are crying as well, Yoon." As is Kija. They're all adorable. "You're the one crying the most, White Snake." Hak told him. Well it's not bad. It's cute. They're all so cute.
The three dried their tears properly, calming down. "I ended up not giving a proper farewell to Jae-Ha like I wanted." She sighed in defeat.
True. I'm not sure how we're supposed to complete this quest without all the dragons.
Kija turned to her a bit. "Jae-Ha? He became our comrade did he not?" Huh? We looked at him strangely. What is he talking about?
Shin-Ah unsheathed his sword and sliced a tree. It began to fall, and a familiar voice let out a shout. As the tree fell, a familiar man fell with it.
"Jae-Ha!" Yona's eyes widened considerably. Droopy Eyes . . . you idiot.
He moved his hand up. "Hi Yona Dear." He greeted. I raised an eyebrow at him. Yep. Definitely an idiot. "He was close by . . . all along." Shin-Ah told us.
Jae-Ha sat up a bit. "Well, since I've got some time on my hands now, I was thinking that travelling around with Yona may not be such a bad thing but . . . you looked like you were about to cry as you were looking around for me, and I became unbearably aroused. I missed the chance to call out to you." He said with that stupid smile on his face.
"He's as perverted as ever." Hak deadpanned. I nodded in agreement. "Totally a pervert. But . . ." I trailed off.
Yoon placed his hands on his hips. "I feel like he gives off the same smell as you, Thunder Beast." Yoon said. I crossed my arms and nodded.
Yeah. Jae-Ha's just more open about it. No, it's his smile that's creepy along with it.
"Oh? But you said you didn't like being bound to the decree of the Four Dragons. To go that far . . ."
Jae-Ha looked over to her. "This has nothing to do with the Four Dragons. Up until now, and from here on out, as well I'll simply follow the path I choose to live for myself. Nothing is violating my principles of beauty. Right now I just can't leave you alone."
He held out his hand for her, and she took it without any hesitation "Take me with you, Yona." Well this is kind of romantic. Could Hak have a love rival?
Jae-Ha, who was smiling, was smacked by Hak's weapon, making him fall over. "Don't make up excuses." He said, resting his glaive against his shoulder.
"That's right. Since you're not just travelling with Yona, you'll need to introduce yourself to the rest of us too." Yoon said.
Jae-Ha chuckled. "Sorry about that." He stood, brushing of leaves.
"My name is Jae-Ha. I'm the beautiful monster that carries the Dragon within his right leg. I hope we'll get along from here on out."
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