Like a Dream
"All I'm saying is that those persistent troops remind me of someone. I just can't remember who." I stated, sitting atop a low branch of a tree.
We decided to stay in Katan until Shin-Ah healed. Not to mention to try and help out with things around here.
The village certainly needed it, and that's kind of what we do now.
But lately, a group of Fire Tribe soldiers keep on coming here. They're very persistent. But it's not like they're after us. At least not specifically. I don't know exactly, but the way Jae-Ha and Kija explain it, it's awfully strange.
Hak sighed from below, shaking his head at me. "If you can't remember, the person probably wasn't important." He retaliated. Hm.
I'm not quite sure if that's all true. Apart of me believes it to be 100% accurate. But another part of me is saying the person is. A little.
But who is it again? "Ahg! I can't remember!" I pouted.
Bored, I hooked my legs on the branch and swung my body over to hang upside down. I glanced down to see Hak who appears to be upside down, roll his eyes.
Before he could say anything, the sound of rustling could be heard. Hm? "Oh! A fire?!"
A man popped up and immediately crouched by the fire, tossing his bag beside him. "Whew! That's heavy." He said, holding his hands above the warmth the flames provided.
His long light taupe hair is left down completely, and he has bags under his brown eyes. His face is a bit sunken in. He looks kind of broken, but the fire seemed to have cheered him up, just a little bit.
But his sudden appearance isn't what surprised me. No. It's the person.
"Oooh?" Hak and I spoke, simultaneously. He began to turn his head in our direction. "I thought I was going to freeze to death . . ." He stopped, staring at us with an odd expression.
Hak remained in his spot, staring at him, hands behind his head as he leaned back on the tree.
". . . Is this . . . your campfire? I am going to use it for a bit." He said. Hm. It seems he can't quite comprehend the situation. Well, he was always like that. Give it a minute, he'll react.
". . .Yeah. I don't really care." Hak said, knowing as well as I do we gotta give him a minute for his brain to catch up with reality. "Go ahead." I encouraged, nodding my head. "Is that so? Well then."
He went back to warming his hands, still having that weird expression.
Five seconds he turned to us again, eyes as wide as they go, jaw nearly hitting the floor. "Oh. He got it." I stated, watching his extreme reaction.
Well in his defense, the last time he saw us we kinda fell/jumped off a cliff down to imminent death below.
He looked away, probably telling himself he is seeing wrong, before glancing back, only to pale and make an even weirder face of shock. "You always did show a strange form of emotions. Although I suppose that's just how you are." I noted, still upside down.
Hak nodded, a smirk slipping onto his face. "What's wrong? You're shaking. Stay awhile. I'm not sure why you're here but, you're not used to camping outside right?"
At that, I smirked. "Young master." I finished.
He began sweating profusely. Yep. It all makes sense. That kind of stupid return tactic no matter how ridiculous and futile it is. That's got Tae-Jun written all over it.
Still shaking, he grabbed his bag and stood. "What are you talking about? I am but a poor traveler." He started, voice all shaky just like his body. "Hey Kiri, Thunder Beast. About who's on duty tomorrow-huh? Who's this?" Yoon asked, walking over to us.
Tae-Jun jumped at his arrival, jolsting something out of his bag and into the fire pit. "Ah."
Hm? Is that a- A large spark emitted and shot high into the air. A firework.
Firework. Tae-Jun. No way!
I swung my body and landed on my feet next to Hak. We all stared at the brightness in the sky.
Tae-Jun turned and began to run. Tch. I grabbed my spear and swung it low, knocking the pole into his legs. Tae-Jun fell face first to the ground and Hak Quickly jumped on top and pinned him to the ground.
Tch. Damn brat.
Hak readied his glaive and held the blade above him. I held mine tightly, glaring down at the Fire Tribe boy. "Signaling your allies? Always a coward." I growled.
Why must he always persist us. Our home, Fuuga. He cut off our water supply. He had his men hurt Han-Dae. He injured Hak. He made them fall. He is an annoying hindrance.
"You can't kill him!" Yoon shouted, running over to us. "If you're a spy, I have some questions. Don't kill him." I grit my teeth.
I think we should kill anyone who's a threat. And Tae-Jun is a threat. His command over his army that is. It's best we exterminate him now.
Everyone thinks we're dead. That's the only reason we're allowed to roam this freely within enemy territory.
We can only enjoy anything so long as the entire kingdom knows we're dead.
"You're heavy! Get off!" Tae-Jun shouted as he struggled beneath Hak. Yoon looked over at him as Hak sat calmly on top of him. Tch. I guess interrogation is the way to go.
Well. I'd rather not murder anyone in front of Yoon if I have to. Yoon and Yona mustn't see it at least.
I know they have, I just rather not continue to do so.
I placed my spear back in the holster on my back. "Do you know him?" Yoon asked us.
I looked off to the side, a bored expression on my face. "I don't know an idiot Fire son. I don't know this spoiled 'stay in a castle' brat." I said with a shrug. Hak nodded in agreement."I don't know this guy. This second son of some guy."
Yoon gave us an unimpressed look. "You know exactly who I am! I'm Kan Tae-Jun!" He shouted. Good to see his main pet peeve is us pretending not to know who he is.
"Kan Tae-Jun?! He's the General's son! Why is someone like him over here?!" Yoon shouted in disbelief.
I just shrugged. "Eh~? I didn't know there was such a second son." I feigned ignorance. Yoon just glared at me.
"If you don't release me, something terrible will happen!" The idiot shouted, desperately trying to get free.
Hm. He does seem desperate. That's odd. "Huh. Did you summon the whole Fire Tribe army?" Hak questioned nonchalantly.
"No-not to that extent. But a lot are coming!" I gave him a flat look. "It seems like you don't even know how many exactly." I stated, hand on hip. He did not plan anything well.
My eye twitched. As an ex-soldier, I'm embarrassed for the guy.
"He~y, it seems the whole Hungry Family are having a meeting. Oyo? Aren't you the ginger soup guy from earlier?" Zeno appeared, crouching down next to him with his wide smile.
I stepped up next to them, staring at our little prisoner. "This guy is a spy. He revealed our location to his allies." Hak informed the young airhead. "Hmm. Now that you mention it, Seiryuu said there are a ton of soldiers marching towards the village!" Zeno said, smiling brightly, eyes shut.
My temple throbbed and I grabbed his cheeks and pulled apart. "Why does this mouth only blabber nonsense when there are more important things to talk about?" I asked, pulling them apart.
"Tha hur's 'iss." His words barely making any sense. I sighed, releasing him. He rubbed his red cheeks, pouting childishly.
Jeez. I punched the top of his head lightly. "You're a troublesome kid." I grumbled. He just grinned up at me, rubbing the top of his head.
"Say those things sooner! We figured something like that was going to happen. But, this is bad. Jae-Ha's not in the village right now. And Shin-Ah's still injured." Yoon mulled, hand to his chin as he got lost in thought.
"Even though he's a pervert, it's inconvenient when he's not here." I said, crossing my arms across my chest.
That damn Droopy Eyes. "Kiri, White Snake, and I are just going to have to take care of it ourselves." My brother said, sounding as excited as me. "Zeno will also try his best!" Zeno said, face brightening up as he held his fists to his chest.
I patted his head. "Just stay back with Yoon, Zeno." I said. Yona could probably beat the kid in a fight.
Well, it shouldn't be too difficult for the three of us. Probably. It's just the stupid Fire Tribe. It'll be like that time on the cliff. Except we won't fall to our deaths this time.
"What are we gonna do with this guy?" Yoon asked, nodding at Tae-Jun. "Well for now he's our hostage."
Tae-Jun struggled harder. "P-Please! Please! Release me! Shooting the signal flare was an accident! I'll go stop the troops, so please! Release me!"
Hak and Yoon smiled, but they weren't the good kind. Hakk placed his hand on Tae-Jun's head. "You should've said that sooner! Sorry for everything! We leave everything in your hands!"
Hak's smile fell and his face darkened. He squeezed Tae-Jun's head tightly. "Did you seriously think we would say that? You half wit!"
Hm. It would be stupid to trust this idiot. But he is an idiot. I don't think he really meant to do it.
Yoon crossed his arms over his chest. "There's no way we'd release you. We're going to negotiate with you as our hostage! Luckily, since you're a big shot, as long as you're here those guys probably won't attack the village recklessly." I'm not sure about that though.
We're not the only ones who think he's a useless son. "This guy tried to kill us before. If we return him, he'll tell the Fire Tribe Chief and Hiryuu Castle that we're all alive."
At the mention of Hiryuu castle, I tensed up. An image of Soo-Won popped into my mind and I clenched my teeth.
That's right. It doesn't matter if this was an accident or not. He saw us. And he'll tell that damn traitor. Meaning Yona's life will be in danger.
"I guess we'll kill him before he can. Right, Hak?" I asked, voice cold. Hak's entire atmosphere is just as cold and dark as mine. "Yeah." He agreed.
I expected Tae-Jun to burst into tears, unable to withstand our aura. But he didn't. "Just now . . . did you say 'we're all'? Is . . . is that person . . . is Princess Yona, is she still alive?!"
Hak and I wiped away any emotion from our face. Not willing to divulge in that information ourselves.
"Tell me! Please! I promise! I won't tell anyone! I don't need to see her; I don't even have to speak to her!"
Tae-Jun. Did he, did he really love her? He's not faking this. These are his real emotions. "That person is . . !"
Zeno crouched in front of him. "Alive! The miss is the liveliest of us all!" He told him with a smile.
I watched Tae-Jun. I watched as relief washed over him. I watched as he smiled. I watched as he sobbed in pure happiness.
I was caught off guard. I always thought his pursuit over Yona was simply so he could claim the throne. But this isn't the reaction someone so selfish would give.
He loves her.
"Is that so? She's lively." He brought his hands up and covered hi eyes as he continued to cry. "Is that so. She is . . . alive."
Ah-ah. I crouched down next to him and took out my ribbon hair tie before draping it over his hands and eyes. "It would have been easier if you didn't love her." I whispered softly. But it was loud enough for him and the others to hear.
Even they know that they can't kill him.
"Hak, Kiri." Ah. I stood and looked over to see Yona walk towards us with Kija in tow. "Hak, Kiri, Yoon! Come quickly,there's an emergency!"
At the sound of her approach, Tae-Jun bowed with his hands in front and head touching the ground.
Hak stood next to me and we looked down at the boy we barely knew.
This is the same brat from before? I never looked at him, so I didn't know how emotional he really is. "Eh, um. Who are you? Please raise your head?" He didn't. He remained there. Still crying I presume.
Sighing, I threw my hands behind my head. "The second son of the Fire Chief; Lord Kan Tae-Jun." I spoke, breaking the silence. "What? Tae-Jun." Yona's eyes went back to the boy bowing before her.
Kija stared at him, putting pieces together in his head. "Kan Tae-Jun is the one who sent his soldiers after the Princess, right?"
Over our time together, we filled them up a bit on information. Not a lot, but enough. At least the journey to finding them. Anything before . . . Yona's birthday is a touchy subject they know not to touch.
"This person shot up a flare to call the soldiers. But he's also saying that shooting the flare was a mistake and that's why he wants to be released. It's to tell the soldier to stop." Yoon explained to them.
Kija's eye twitched. "How ridiculous! Normally you would've had you head chopped off by now!!" He shouted at Tae-Jun. Finding it as ridiculous as the rest of us.
"I, I know that. I know that asking you to understand is ridiculous. But among the soldiers that are currently surrounding the village, there are bound to be a few that recognize the Princess. If that many troops report it at once, they'll have to report it! My, my father Kan Soo-Jin will find out that you are alive!!"
I see. He would never allow her to be found. That much I know.
But we need to be absolutely certain. In every aspect. "Wouldn't you be the first one to report it?!" Hak questioned him. He knows though.
He just need to make sure.
We both know he is only telling the truth. Afterall, idiots can't lie. Not this good.
"I will not report to anyone!!!" He shouted, his voice raw with emotion. "You would betray your own clan? Can you make us believe that?" I asked, crossing my arms.
I know you speak the truth. But I need to see to what extent you would ensure her safety.
Because I don't care how true you are. If she is even in a slither of danger I will cut him down without hesitation.
"I, I don't know. I don't know, but I, I am going to stop the soldiers. And then, if for some reason I cannot keep my promise-no, even if you think I am suspicious at all . . . please kill me!! If it's you then I don't care if I am killed!!!"
The corner of my lip twitched up. I don't hate people like that. Tilting my head, I couldn't help but see the light of the situation.
Yona, you don't realize how great your influence over people is. To have the second son of the Fire Tribe Chief and the grandson of Wind Tribe Chief, be in love with you. Not to mention a boy genius hermit who hated royalty and four mystical beings who walk the Earth.
I cannot imagine how far your influence would spread.
"Why? You damaged the Capital Fuuga, and even tried to kill Hak and Kiri. Why are you saying these things now? Lift your head. Look into my eyes and tell me." Yona spoke.
After a moment, Tae-Jun did as she said and I nearly fell over.
The man's faces is covered in tears and snot. Wow, he was crying really hard.
"I'm, I'm so sorry. My vision is distorted. I-I don't know where your eyes are Princess." He sniffled, trying his best not to continue crying. I don't know why I'm saying these things or why I'm doing these things. I'm so confused. It's just that I'm so fortunate. For a sinful person like me to once again be talking to you like this. I can't help but feel so fortunate! Thank you so much for being alive! Thank you!"
A smile stretched across my face at his words. Ah-ah. How can I kill such a person. I give up.
"Pfft." Yona began to laugh. "Princess." Hak said sternly. I nudged him with my elbow. "C'mon. We lost." He pursed his lips. He knows I'm right.
"Sorry Hak. Kiri's right. Can we release him?" She asked with a smile.
Hak sighed. "Does it matter what I say?" She kept her smile and turned back to face him. "Tae-Jun, we'll release you."
He seemed a bit surprised by her words. "Your troops are already in our line of sight. If they continue forward, there will be casualties even among the villagers. If it comes to that, we will have to crush the soldiers with all of our strength.This does not exclude you, since you are the leader of our enemy. If you don't fulfill your promise and the villagers get hurt, I will shoot you without mercy. If you are prepared for that, go and stop them with all of your might!"
I grinned broadly at her claim. I love it when she's all fiery!
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