From Here On
"Wow." We all murmured, looking at the small deer Jae-Ha brought us. "I can't believe you were able to hunt a fawn." Yoon admired, staring at our soon to be lunch. "It was a little difficult to jump back carrying it." He admitted.
Well, I'm excited. It's been a minute since we've had meat. Last time we had meat in food was the seafood we ate while we were in Awa. But this is red meat!
"Your leg is really amazing. At this rate, we should be able to find the Yellow Dragon soon." Yona said happily.
That's right. We have most of the Dragons now. It's just one more before our party is complete.
"Oh yeah. The Yellow Dragon is the only one left isn't it? Well if I've come this far, I might as well see everyone. I'll find him." I sweat dropped at Jae-Ha.
Quit beating around the bush and admit you want to be with us. Moron. "No, I will take on that role!" Kija stated determinately. Jae-Ha merely smiled at him. "No, I will for today." He insisted.
Oh boy. Here we go. "No. When it comes to Dragon finding, I should do it." Kija persisted. I turned along with Hak and Yoon. "Well let's take it easy." Yoon said.
Hak and I nodded as the two kept on arguing behind us. "I'm going to start cooking dinner. Thunder Beast you get the fire started. Kiri, go look for some plants we can put on." I threw my hands behind my head and walked off.
"Roger." I said uncaringly as I ventured off into the forest. Let's see what I can scavenge. It didn't take long; I only grabbed some that we could cook in with the meat. Well, good enough. Shrugging, I headed back to where Yoon and Yona were, gutting the deer. But there was someone else there as well.
He's young, with bright blonde hair, a bit dirty, and a goofy looking grin on his face. As I neared, I could hear the vicious growling of his stomach. "Who's this guy?" I asked.
I don't sense any danger from him. And it doesn't seem like he's carrying a weapon. He kind of reminds me of someone though. But who could that be?
"He's a passer by." Yona smiled. "Heh?" I murmured, handing Yoon the herbs I collected. Yoon set to work, cooking the meat on sticks over the flame.
Hak sat next to me and we watched as the meat cook. "This is nice. It's been a while since we ate meat. By the way . . . who's this?" Hak pointed to the blonde, who began eating as soon as it finished cooking.
Yeah, he did just pop out of nowhere. And despite not knowing anything about this stranger, not even his name, I feel like feeding him, giving him a nice place to sleep, and wiping the dirt off his face. I mean he looks like the type who falls around a lot.
"Um, some kind of traveler? I don't know either." Yoon admitted as we watched him eat with a goofy smile. "He seemed hungry so I invited him to join." Yona said with a smile.
I sighed and reached into my pocket. Pulling out a handkerchief, I leaned over, wiping his mouth. "Jeez, eat slowly. No ones gonna take it from you So-ah." I stopped as I realized who he reminds me of.
Shaking my head, I finished cleaning his face and pulled back. He closed his eyes and grinned. "Thanks miss." He smiled broadly. They're so much alike. It's almost painful.
"By the way Kija. Do you have any information about the Yellow Dragon? Like where he lives or what his characteristics are?" Yoon asked, turning towards him.
I faced them as well, wanting to get my mind off the similarities.
The other three are huddled together, talking amongst themselves. What are they up to? It's unusual for them to be this quiet.
"According to the birth-myth of the kingdom, he has a 'strong, invulnerable body'." Yona recalled.
"So is he covered in scales? That must be hard, especially going into town. But he could be a great fighter. Of course fist fighting. That's the best form of fighting. Ah, I want to meet him and try fighting. I bet he'd be a challenge." I murmured, thinking about it.
Yona and Yoon sweat dropped. "Kiri . . ." They trailed off. Hak nodded in agreement.
"I want to see his strength too. It's been a while since I've had a friendly sparring match."
This made the two fall. "Those two. Are they even human?" Yoon asked Yona, who in turn laughed nervously.
"Hey you guys. Come over here and eat." Yoon said. They turned our way, eyeing us. No, not us. The kid.
Kija and Jae-Ha whispered a bit to themselves. What's with them? I raised an eyebrow.
"What are you guys up to?" I questioned, curiosity killing me. "Um, how should I put this. That kid eating meat over there. I think . . . he's the Yellow Dragon."
We stared at him intently. He finally realized we were talking about him and looked up, smiling. "Hm? You called?" The other three walked over to us, staring at the kid.
"Oh! Well if it isn't the White Dragon, Blue Dragon, and Green Dragon. Well, well. It seems everyone's together." He bowed a bit, still holding his food.
"WHAAAAT?!" We all shouted loudly, not able to believe he just so happened to fall into our laps in the most convenient timing.
"Yellow Dragon?! Yellow Dragon like the Yellow Dragon?!" Yona asked, staring at him wide eyes.
"Why?! Why is he here?!" Yoon demanded, coming in closer with us to look at him closer. "Why is he enjoying the barbeque party with us?!" Kija questioned. The rest of us stared at him.
Now this is an unexpected turn of events. "You guys are so restless. Zeno is sitting down properly while eating. Isn't Zeon a good boy?" Did he just refer to himself in the third person?
No, that's not what's important. This clumsy, goofy, air headed kid is the Yellow Dragon?!
I don't believe it. "Oh, Zeno is my name." He added, smile still intact. "What kind of sloppy introduction is that?" Yoon muttered. This kid is weird. He's just weird. Are we supposed to believe he's a Dragon?
"I felt the Yellow Dragon's presence close by, but it was so close that I couldn't believe it." Kija admitted.
Jae-Ha smiled, pointing at him. "I know what you mean. Didn't you notice us being close to you?" He asked Zeno, who's still happily eating.
"It's not about noticing or not noticing. Zeno is just leisurely travelling. Without a real care about the other Dragons." He simply put.
This kid . . .
"You don't care?" Jae-Ha murmured. It seems to have struck a small cord.
"Of course it bothers you." I told Droopy Eyes. Hak nodded. "You, on the other hand, really did care about the other Dragons."
He finished for me. Jae-Ha closed his eyes, not able to retort to that. "Zeno, did you not feel anything when you saw this person?"
Zeno looked at him curiously as he pet Ao. Kija gestured to Yona, like she was a prize or introducing the queen. Then again that's not entirely wrong.
"This is Princess Yona! She is the Four Dragon's master!" He told with such pride. Which made her blush lightly.
"Don't be so dramatic." She said, smiling nervously at it. Zeno stared at Yona, and she did in turn. I expected him to drop to his knees like Jae-Ha, or even faint like Kija.
"Princess . . . master." He murmured, still looking at her. Which will it be? Falling over? Fainting? My money is on fainting. He doesn't look like he's strong.
Besides, he was starving when he dropped in.
The two stared at each other for a bit before Zeno smiled again. He rubbed the back of his head, grinning.
"Don't feel anything? Now that would be rude! She's super cute! Zeno's heart is pounding." I nearly fell at that.
Well, she is. "I know that! That's not what I mean!" Kija shouted, a bit flushed. Suddenly he, Jae-Ha, and even Shin-Ah paled, looking like they were recalling something terrifying.
"It can't be . . . he didn't feel that initiation?" Kija questioned, face still pale. "That initiation that even had me thinking 'boil me, take me, do whatever you want already'?!" Jae-Ha added.
"What kind of initiation is that?" I whispered to Hak, who stared at the three weirdly. "I have no idea." He murmured back, befuddled by their strange behavior.
"Is he that strong? Or really that oblivious?" Jae-Ha muttered, as the three stared down Zeno, who's playing with Ao.
"If you're on a laid back journey by yourself, then I guess . . ." Yona trailed off, making Zeno turn his head to her. "You guess what?" He asked, voice chirpy. "It would be difficult for you to say yes if I asked you to join us. We're looking for the Dragons to ask them to lend us power. If you-"
"Okay." Zeno agreed. Huh? This kid, he's defiantely strange. "What?" Yona asked, not expecting that response.
At least so quickly. "Okay. Zeno's on a journey doing what Zeno wants. I don't have a particular destination, I'm not busy, and most importantly . . ."
He threw his arms into the air, a happy go lucky smile on his face. "The food was really good! It's my principle to return flavors!"
"Favors." Yoon and I corrected him. Zeno stood and shook Yona and Yoon's hands. "Pleased to meet you. And here's to more delicious food from tomorrow on!"
What the? "He wandered in and became our comrade the fastest." Kija observed, a bit baffled by it as well. "He broke your record, White Snake." Hak noted.
I nodded, staring at the strange kid. "I didn't think anybody could break Kija's record." I spoke in wonder. This is not what I was expecting at all.
Zeno shook Hak and my hands as well. "Nice to meet you too!" He cheered. Total weirdo. "Zeno, the Yellow Dragon." Zeno looked over to Kija who stood forward.
"I am Kija, the White Dragon, with the Dragon's power in my right hand. If you are to join us and protect the Princess, then show us your power." Oh! Nice call Kija.
I glanced over to Zeno. "Power?" He looked off thoughtfully. He smiled, throwing his hands into the air like a kid. "Oh! Zeno isn't that powerful, but I have a strong body!"
Hak and I exchanged glances and quickly moved in front of him, pulling our fists back.
"Hm?" I asked. Hak and I punched him simultaneously. "How strong is your body?" Hak finished for me, as Zeno flew back and onto the ground.
He sat up, grabbing his swollen cheeks, shaking a bit as he stared at us in horror. "Wait, that hurt?" Hak asked as we stood straight.
"That's no fun." I muttered, staring at his bruised face. I wouldn't have attacked him if I knew he was weak.
"You're weak! You're a normal person! Are you really the Yellow Dragon?!" Yoon shouted at the fallen Dragon.
Zeno pointed to us frantically. "Wait, wait! Something's wrong with them! The strength in their arms are outrageous!" He shouted.
Eh? Hak and I looked at each other. We aren't strong enough to hurt invulnerable people though.
"I'm often hit too. By the siblings strong fists." Jae-Ha agreed, arms over his chest. "For some reason you always seem to be enjoying it." Yoon said, grabbing Zeno's arm and inspecting it.
"Your body's not particularly tough, your skins squishy." He observed.
Zeno grinned cheekily. "Zeno's skin is smooth. It get's dirty sometimes though." He told happily.
"The Thunder Beast's body is rock solid. I'd be more convinced if he claimed he was the Yellow Dragon." Yoon said.
I glanced at my brother and nodded in agreement. "I have kept quiet until now, but I'm actually the Yellow Dragon." He said uncaringly.
"If you were a Dragon, you would be the Evil Dark Dragon!" Kija shouted.
Hak blinked before smiling creepily. Oh boy.
I sweat dropped at my idiotic brother. "Why are you so creepy when you smile?" I asked, shaking my head in disappointment. He wasn't paying attention though.
"Does this not frustrate you?! He is threatening your position! Remember the pride of a Dragon!" Kija said, pointing at Hak.
Well, Hak is abnormally strong. Stronger then most people. But that's because he works hard. "Yeah, but . . ." Zeno trailed off, looking at Hak.
"Now, now. The Yellow Dragon can live his life as he pleases. It's your bad habit to force your values on somebody else." I sighed at that.
"Leave Kija be." I told Jae-Ha. Although he likes Kija, their values are completely different from each other. In fact Jae-Ha hates it.
"However, the Four Dragons, we ancient brothers, have finally gathered. Finally in our generation we encountered each other. Thousands of years since the mythical era. I am truly happy that we the Four Dragons have rejoined." He cried.
Kija . . .
I shot a glare at Jae-Ha and delivered a strong punch to the back of his head, making him tumble over. "Now look what you did. You made him cry!" I scolded, hands on my hips as I glared down on him.
"Okay, I get it, I get it." He admitted his wrong, standing back up.
I walked back over to Hak, Yona, and Yoon as the Dragon's were comforting Kija.
The Four Dragon's, huh?
"All four of the legendary Dragons are here. If you think about it, this is significant, but it went so smoothly it even feels like it was too easy." Yoon said.
Well, it was a bit easier then I thought it would be. Jae-Ha didn't make it easy, and neither did Shin-Ah's damn village, but the problems were resolved quickly.
I looked at each Dragon before my gaze stopped on Zeno. He's smiling, but it's different from before.
It's not so much cheerful, or even air headed like. He's smiling fondly, like a father would his children.
He looks a little older when he smiles like that. "Ah!" I shouted, drawing their attention to me.
I frowned. "They're all pretty boys. Yona's got quite the harem going for her." Yona blinked while Kija and Yoon immediately blushed furiously.
Hak swung his pole at me and I ducked under. "What?! It's true! Your just upset because you have tough competition." I defended myself, glaring at him.
He returned it and swung his weapon. "Whoa. Hitting me isn't going to change it. But green looks great on you!" I teased, grinning cheekily at him.
"Why you!" I laughed as he began to chase me with his weapon. "They sure do get along." Yona voiced, a smile on her face.
Hak stopped and turned to her. "We do not!" He shouted, making me laugh even more.
"Oh, so this is where the Priest is." Jae-Ha said. Yoon had told us since we gathered the Dragon's, we should go back to Ik-Soo and discuss the rest of the prophecy.
So we walked for a while and we arrived at the valley in no time.
"You used to live here Yoon?" He questioned him. Yoon has been in an especially good mood today. He misses Ik-Soo a lot and is excited to see him.
"Yeah. It wasn't that long ago, but it feels like it's been years." He walked a bit faster.
I grinned, going after him and pinching his cheek. "You sure have grown up so much since then." I teased, making him blush.
"Shut up!" He walked faster, making me chuckle.
Yona giggled from behind me. "He's excited." She said, a smile on her face.
I dropped back to her, nodding. "Yeah. Well this'll be nice for him." He has grown since leaving. And it's really nice.
But it's also nice for him to visit the only adult in his life. Besides, he's been in danger a lot recently, so this'll help ease him some.
We neared the little hut in no time. Yoon opened the soor, a smile on his face. "Ik-Soo! I'm back! Ah." The place is totally trashed. What the hell happened here? It looks like someone broke in! "Ik-Soo!" Yoon ran in.
Not too far away is the Priest, lying on the floor. Some blood on his head. "Huh? Yoon?" He looked over.
Yoon quickly made do and helped him sit up. "Hold on, I'll patch you up." He said, looking down on Ik-Soo, worry in his eyes.
"Sorry. I got so hungry that I slipped and fell." Huh? I sighed, shoulders sagging. What the hell man? I forgot.
He is the clumsiest person I know.
Yoon patched him up, brought him outside, and got him some water. Ik-Soo quickly drank his fill and sighed in relief.
"That was a close call." He said, smiling. He's beyond air-head. He's hopeless.
"Don't give me that you stupid Priest! How will you carry on with a normal life if you're on the verge of starving and you seriously hurt yourself from falling down?! You really can't do anything without me here! You're too much of a pain! Just go back to the heavens!" Yoon shouted at him.
Haven't heard one of these in a while. "Wha~! It's Yoon's angry voice." Ik-Soo is beyond happy to be yelled at.
If he wasn't who he is, I'd say he's like Jae-Ha. "Yoon cried and got all upset." The said Dragon said.
Yoon blushed, turning to him. "I didn't cry and I wasn't upset!" He shouted at him, embarrassed.
I clapped my hands together, smiling. "Waa~! How cute!" I teased, imitating Ik-Soo. Yoon turned quickly to me. "Kiri!" I laughed at his embarrassment.
He's so fun to tease. "Priest, please excuse our sudden visit. I am happy to meet you." Kija bowed in respect.
Ik-Soo stood and returned the bow. "Oh no. The pleasures mine." He stood straight and smiled at our group.
"You've grown into quite a crowd. And Princess Yona, you seem to have gone through a lot." He noted.
Ah, that's right. I looked over our group. Before, it was just Yona, Hak, and I. But we've gained five comrades along the way.
It's kind of nice.
"Ik-Soo. All the Four Dragons are here. What are the sword and shield that protects the king?" Yoon questioned, getting to the point.
"Is the king Yona? Or is it the current king, Soo-Won?" I internally scoffed. Soo-Won? Like that's the case.
Ik-Soo sat back down. "It seems the sword and the shield meant to protect the king . . . both need a little more time to appear. When the time comes, you'll definitely know."
"So the time isn't now, huh? Then what should we do? If we can't go out looking for the sword and shield, then . . ." Yoon wondered aloud.
Kija moved his hand up. "I want to enhance my powers a little more." Kija admitted.
Ah, training. Doesn't sound half bad. "Oh, you wanna go?" Hak smirked, eying Kija. The two stared at each other. You could tell they want to spar.
"Say, why are you all avoiding the real issue at hand?" Zeno spoke, drawing our attention. "Miss, what did you want to gather the Four Dragons for?" Yona blinked at his words. "Huh?" She asked, confused.
His whole atmosphere changed. "You and those siblings over there were kicked out of the castle, so it's understandable if you need the power to fight. It was to survive. But then what? Are you going to run away forever?" He asked.
This is defiantly not the same kid from this morning who was playing with Shin-Ah and Kija.
What the hell? "No." She answered him. "No? Then . . . are you thinking of overthrowing Soo-Won, who stole the title of king. To take back Hiryuu Castle and the throne?"
An image of Soo-Won clouded my mind and goose bumps formed. That's not what Yona wants. Not necessarily.
But it is what I want. I want to kill him. But I don't need the Dragon's for it. Because I already vowed I'd take his head. I'll take away his life. It's only fair.
He took everything from me.
"Th-that's impossible! No matter how many Dragons we have, we can't attack the castle with this many people!" Yoon started, also bothered by Zeno's change of behavior.
"It's not whether we can or can't. It's whether we want to or not. Besides; if we Four Dragons use our powers seriously, it won't be impossible for us to take down one castle." Zeno told.
Ah. Take down the castle? That's right. It's not only Soo-Won. The Sky Tribe betrayed Yona. They betrayed their king and his beloved Princess. They shouldn't be allowed to live for the crimes they commit.
They should all just die.
"But Zeno doesn't have that kind of power anyway!" In a split second, he returned to the carefree self, making them fall. But my mind was focused on the idea of killing everyone who took their happiness away.
I want them all to die! But more then that . . .
I looked over to Yona and Hak. If I go and do that, I won't survive. No, I'll die in doing so. And I can't die. Not yet. Not until they're safe. Not until they overcome their own darkness.
Once they've established powerful allies and can survive without me. Until then, I can't act out. I must remain by their side.
But once they are safe, once they establish strong allies, then I can go, and fulfill my vow. Nothing will stop me. Nothing.
"The newbie is sorry. Sorry! Zeno wasn't suggesting we do that. It was just a simple question about what we're going to do. It was Zeno's own decision to come along. Miss is free to think what she wants, too. More importantly, Zeno is hungry!" Zeno said, smiling happily, as if his words didn't hurt her.
"You are restless." Kija sighed, unsure of what to do with it. "I guess I should make some food for now." Yoon said, heading inside.
"Yay! Food!" Zeno followed after him. Yona went off, leaving the Dragons, Hak, and I standing about.
"Still, he took me by surprise. Zeno I mean. I thought he was just a boy with his head in the clouds. I never thought he would rip into Yona like that." Jae-Ha spoke.
Hak and I were leaned against a tree, listening. "Yes. He is an incomprehensible one indeed." Kija said. His gaze is on the ground, his face showing he's thinking deeply.
"It is not that I never thought about it. However, the day her father was killed was not too long ago. She is barely managing to protect herself as it is. That was such an overbearing question." He continued.
"It's not simply a matter of taking down her father's enemy. Even if he's a traitor to Yona, that's not necessarily the case for the rest of the country. She would need to silence the Five Generals who follow Soo-Won, to retake the throne. Placing responsibility for the entire country upon the shoulders of a girl who is just sixteen years old would be too reckless." Jae-Ha inputted.
That's true. As much as I hate to admit it, I always believed Soo-Won would be a great king. I thought he'd be the one to fix our kingdom.
Because he's ambitious. He's smart, and a great strategists. He'd be the greatest king since Hiryuu.
But in that dream, Yona was his bride, and Hak and I were by their sides. And that's not going to happen.
It never will.
Kija turned to us. "Hak, Kiri. You two were acquainted with the king, right? What kind of person is he?" He asked.
An image of Soo-Won smiling happily burned into my mind. "Kiri! Kiri!" His cheery voice resounded in my mind.
"Beats me." Hak said, walking away.
"Kiri?" Kija asked. I turned as well. "Don't know him." I stated, heading off in a different direction from my brother and everyone else.
"Kiri!" I grit my teeth as his voice continued to sound. Stop. Stay out of my head. Stay out!
I turned and punched a tree, cracking it. Stay out of my head! I shut my eyes tightly, willing his voice to stop. And soon, it did. But overbearing sadness entered. Ah-ah. What a hassle.
Hey, Soo-Won. Die for me.
I stared at the night sky as I lay on the roof of the house. It's raining a bit, but I made no motion to move.
My mind drifted to the conversation I heard earlier. The conversation I overheard with Yona and Ik-Soo. She made her ambitions clear.
But what I heard after is what kept me here in the rain. That she ran into Soo-Won in Awa. And yet she couldn't pull his sword. She couldn't kill him.
I understand it. I do. Yona could never kill someone she loved so dearly. So truly. She loved him with everything she was. And he trampled over it.
He knows she's alive. That we are alive. That's not what bothers me the most. What bothers me is that he was there.
That he found her. And I wasn't there to keep it from happening. I couldn't protect her.
The scar in her heart is reopened. Just enough. It may not be that big of a deal to anyone else, but it's everything to her.
Her entire world was taken away unjustly. By the person that meant everything to her. All she has left is me and Hak. That's all she has left from her life before.
That and her hairpin.
The princess who knew no pain, is in constant agony over the loss of her world. And her pain and his betrayal are driving my brother mad.
The person he cherishes the most got her whole world trampled on. She lost her smile. She's in constant agony. And that breaks his heart more and more to see her that way.
And he loves Soo-Won. Although he loves Yona the most, I was always second.
But Soo-Won is the only person who managed to gain Hak's love and trust. He is right by me inside Hak's heart. He still is, no matter what Hak says.
Except that portion of his heart is darkened and shattered.
That night, he shattered their hearts. Theirs and mine. Because I loved him as well. As much as Yona and Hak. He was my precious childhood friend. That night broke us.
And I'm not sure if it can ever be fixed.
"Aren't you going to get her?" My brother's voice called from below. I glanced to the side to see him in the rain, staring up at me. "You go. It'll be better this way." Hak hesitated.
"You were there too." He said, insinuating her conversation with Ik-Soo. I knew he was there. I followed him. I got worried for him.
"She's practicing swordsmanship anyway. She's been doing that with the small knife for a while now. Go scold her. I know you want to."
He sighed, rubbing his head. "What a troublesome Princess."
I chuckled at his words. "Go on. You might get some progress done if you do."
I rolled a bit to avoid a dagger he threw. "Testy." I said, eyeing the blade.
Hak's temple throbbed and he turned. "I'll go take care of her." He grumbled, storming off. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him go off.
More then anything, I want him and her to be happy. Happy and safe forever. Because I love them more then anything else in this world.
It's a silly wish, but it's mine.
"Hey, God. I beg of you. Let them be happy." I whispered. I don't care if I never find happiness again. But please. Let them.
I'll do anything. I'll make enemies out of anyone. Our kingdom or another. I'll stand against the whole world if thats what it takes so long as it means that they can find happiness. I'll do anything for them.
I love them.
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