Fate and the Chosen Door
"So Soo-Won should be here soon, right?" I asked Hak. We were currently patrolling the area. Hak nodded a smile on his face.
I grinned cheekily. "Sweet! We haven't seen him in so long. I miss him." I closed my eyes, grin still in tact.
Hak chuckled a bit at that. "Soo-Won!" Hm? Yona's voice called out happily. Turning, we saw Yona sticking her head out the window, looking down at someone.
Following her gaze we saw Soo-Won had arrived.
Eh, perfect timing! Hak and I glanced at each other before smirking. I quickly hopped onto the roofing of the exposed hall while Hak hopped onto the railing.
"Welcome Soo-Won! Hurry up! We have pear compote today!" She called down happily.
"You're wide open!" The familiar sound of the pole of Hak's weapon could be heard along with Soo-Won's surprised pain. He whacked him.
"You're too slow Soo-Won-Sama. You'll get chewed out by that old man if you don't get better." Hak warned him playfully. "Nonsense. I received high praise from Master Mundok, telling me that I have good aptitude." Soo-Won defended himself.
Holding the roof I leaned over and upside down. Using my spear, I whacked his head as well.
He quickly rubbed it in pain and turned to me. "Kiri." I grinned cheekily. "Eh? Are you sure about that? Have you ever beaten either one of us in practice?" I teased him.
He blushed lightly but regained his composure and turned away childishly.
"You two have to protect Princess Yona, so of course you're strong." He defended himself childishly.
Hak raised an eyebrow at him, thoroughly amused. "What kind of excuse is that?" He asked him.
Soo-Son glanced at us. "Anyway, I do envy Yona for having you two as her servants." He admitted. This time I rose an eyebrow.
"Eh?" I said. Hak had the same expression. "You have servants too." He informed him.
Soo-Won pouted childishly. "But I want you two." He puffed out his cheek, making me laugh. "Then become the king." Hak said.
Soo-Won was genuinely surprised he said it and I stopped and looked at my brother sadly as he sat on the other side. "What?" Soo-Won is still baffled by what he had said.
"Marry Princess Yona and become king." Hak clarified. Soo-Won blushed madly.
"W-What? No! Me marrying Yona?" I smirked deviously. "Oh, you're turning red. Such innocence." I teased. He blushed more and turned to me. "Kiri!" He pouted.
I pulled myself up and upright onto the roof before walking to the other side where Hak is.
Grabbing the edge, I swung down, hitting Hak, who is crouched on the rail. He let out a shout but steadied himself as I crouched next to him on the rail.
He shot me a glare where I just smirked mischievously. "You want us don't you?" I teased Soo-Won.
Hak and I both wore matching mischievous looks as we stared at a flustered Soo-Won. "That was just a figure of speech . . ."
I gave him a blank look. "Liar~." I stated, making him sweatdrop. "Well, regardless, I won't approve anyone but you for the next King." Hak declared, surprising Soo-Won.
I smiled and nodded. "Me too. After all, it has to be Soo-Won-Sama." Soo-Won just stared at us, not expecting it.
"When that time comes, we'll be at both of your sides until we die." I nodded in agreement. Because I want to be with them forever.
"But make sure you give us three meals a day and plenty of naps." I told him, making Hak smile lightly.
"It's a bargain. After all, I am the 'Thunder Beast' of Kouka and she is the 'Inferno Tornado'. Fair enough, right?" He asked him.
Soo-Won closed his eyes. "Yes . . . that is a happy dream." He walked over in-between us, resting his head on our shoulders since Hak and I were sitting so close to each other.
I glanced at Soo-Won curiously.
What's up with him? "Soo-Won! Hurry!" Yona called out. He stepped back from us and smiled.
"Kiri, Hak, please protect Yona." He's acting weirder then usual. But . . . I smirked cheekily. "Of course."
I walked around the castle a bit before spotting Soo-Won and Hak. Soo-Won, as usual, had that airhead look as he fluttered around Hak.
I sighed but smiled lightly. I'm almost convinced he's in love with Hak. Moving around, I jumped into a tree and waited as they walked near me.
"Mundok sure is great!" Soo-Won praised, that smile ever present on his face.
I flipped backwards, legs hooking onto the tree limb, and hung upside down in front of them, surprising them greatly. "Wha!" Soo-Won fell backwards onto his bottom.
I laughed loudly. "Got you, Soo-Won-Sama." I laughed. Hak sighed, placing his hands on his hips.
"What is it Kiri?" I pouted a bit before motioning backwards. "The other Generals are here. It's time for the meeting." I informed him. He sighed, shaking his head.
"What a pain. Well, c'mon, we better get going." He said. I frowned and shook my head at him. "No. Don't feel like it." I deadpanned.
He fell a bit. "Hey! If I have to do it then so do you!" I frowned and flipped off the branch and onto my feet. "Eh? But I'm not a General. Why do I have to go?" I whined.
Hak's temple throbbed in annoyance. "Stop whining! You're the Guardian of Hiryuu Castle! The meetings are important for you too!"
I pouted childishly. "But you got to hang out with Soo-Won-Sama all day! I want to hang out with him too." I stated, throwing my arms around the airheads neck.
Hak's temple throbbed more. "Stop being so childish!" He shouted.
My temple throbbed. "No!" I shouted back. We were glaring at each other again. Soo-Won laughed, bringing our attention to him.
"You two sure are close! I expect no less from the famous Son siblings." He admired.
I parted from him and stood by my brother. Hak and I glanced at each other before looking at Soo-Won oddly.
"Soo-Won-Sama, as I thought, you have a few screws loose in your head." I stated, pointing at my head. Hak nodded in agreement.
Soo-Won cried a bit. "Eh? So mean!" He cried, making us chuckle. Soo-Won is always childish.
"How about this then! When the meeting finishes, I'll train with you Kiri." I eyed him skeptically. "Without your boyfriend?" I asked.
Hak immediately struck me with the pole of his weapon. "OW! What was that for?!" I demanded. He looked pissed. "I'm not his boyfriend!" He shouted at me.
I raised an eyebrow, not believing him. "I'm not too sure about that." He swung his weapon and I jumped away, hiding behind Soo-Won.
"Soo-Won-Sama! Hak's being mean!" I pointed at the culprit. Soo-Won frowned. "Hak, it's not nice to bully your sister." He scolded.
Hak looked at him in disbelief while I just smirked at him. "You . . . IDIOTS!" Hak attacked both of us. "Ah!" Soo-Won and I jumped away and ran.
"Stop running!" He shouted at us. Soo-Won and I laughed as Hak chased us around. "You twerps!" Gramps voice shouted.
We stopped and turned to see an angry Mundok. Ghek. "How dare you two skip the meeting?!"
Hak and I backed up. "Crap." Hak muttered. We turned quickly. "Run!" I shouted as we made a mad dash.
"Don't you dare run from me!" He roared. Soo-Won laughed as gramps began to chase us around.
I stood in front of Yona, who looked off lovingly. "Eh? So Soo-Won finally see's you as a woman. Congratulations, Yona." I smiled at her.
True, I wish for her and Hak to end up together. But I will always prioritize Yona's happiness. It may sound cruel to others, but it's what Hak wants more then anything.
And I'll always respect that.
Yona turned to me, her violet eyes holding nothing but love. "Hey, Kiri. I really do love Soo-Won." I smiled and reached over, ruffling her hair.
I know you do.
Suddenly the memories stopped. And I was in dark nothingness. "Huh? Yona? Hak? Soo-Won? Where are you?" I called out into the nothingness.
Suddenly Yona materialized in the darkness. She was on the ground, crying, a look of horror on her face. "Yona?" I asked.
She remained where she was. I started to jog over before Hak materialized next to her.
Except he lay next to her, covered in blood. "Hak!" I shouted, running as fast as I could towards them.
But for some reason when I ran, I didn't move any closer to them. "Yona! Hak! What's wrong?!" I shouted. Why can't I get any closer?!
My eyes darted between a traumatized looking Yona and an injured, unmoving, Hak. Then he materialized.
I stopped momentarily because he was smiling kindly. Like always. "Soo-Won-Sama! Help Hak and Yona! Please!" I called out.
Soo-Won glanced at me, smile still in tact. But his face morphed into a cold and uncaring one.
My instincts screamed for me to hurry. I went back to running, but it was like I was running in place.
He unsheathed his sword and pointed it at Yona before raising it. My eyes widened. Soo-Won? What are you doing?! No! Stop!
"SOO-WON!" Yona's scream resounded in my ears. Soo-Won brought it down, cutting her down.
My eyes widened as she fell lifelessly beside Hak. I stared at the two before looking up at the culprit.
Soo-Won stood, covered in blood.
Why? Why would Soo-Won do this? I blinked as he suddenly appeared in front of me. I tried to step back, but my body was frozen in place.
"What are you doing Soo-Won?" I mumbled, my mind turning as it tried to make out the situation. "I will cut down anyone who is in my way." He said coldly, raising his sword.
An image of Soo-Won from childhood appeared in my eyes as he tackled Yona, Hak, and I in a hug.
This can't be happening. Soo-Won? You killed Hak and Yona? You killed them?
He brought it down on me.
You traitor!
My eyes snapped open to see someone hovering over me, their arm coming towards me.
The memory of Soo-Won attacking me just a second ago flashed through my mind. Without hesitation I grabbed his arm, moved quickly behind him, and placed him in a head lock.
Soo-Won. I'll kill you! "Kiri!" Yona shouted in shock. I blinked and glanced over to see her and Hak enter a hut. Huh?
Loosening my grip, I looked down to see that the person I had wasn't Soo-Won, but a good looking boy.
I let go of him quickly and he coughed a bit before breathing in as much air as he could.
"I'm sorry, I thought you were . . . ." I stole a glance at Yona and Hak. "Someone else." I finished.
It was only a dream. No, Soo-Won did try to kill us. He is a traitor. "Are you alright?" I turned to the boy.
Oh he's really cute. Almost like a girl. He has a very feminine face and is pretty short.
He has bright blue eyes and apricot-colored hair with two white feathers.
He shot me an annoyed look but it turned into something else. "You're still pretty pale. How are you feeling?"
I'm tired. And I'm furious. "Eh? I'm alright." I stood and stretched. My back stung a bit but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. "Hey! You shouldn't be moving around so much." He warned.
I yawned loudly. "I wanna take a nap." I stated. Yona smiled, tears brimming her round eyes. She rushed over and hugged me tightly.
I blinked in surprise. "Yona?" I asked. She just hugged me tighter. As if she didn't, I'd disappear before her.
That's right. Hak probably protected her from the fall.
That means she probably woke up before us. She must have been so scared, seeing Hak like that. Seeing us like that.
I'm sorry Yona. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her in return. "Eh? You slept the longest and you're still tired?" Hak stated.
I stuck my tongue out at him but noticed he was all bandaged. Ah. Yona and I pulled apart and I looked down to see I was also bandaged.
Well then. That explains that I guess.
The boy headed out, leaving us in here. "So where are we?" I asked them.
Yona's eyes lit up a bit. "The Priests!" She said happily. "Oh? The Priest huh. I guess gramps wasn't as senile as I thought." I muttered.
She nodded but looked lost in thought. "You alright?" I asked her. She nodded sharply. "Yeah, I'm happy that you're okay. I didn't know you fell off the cliff until I woke up."
I rolled my eyes and waved her off. "Please. Like I would fall off a cliff. I am more careful then that. I jumped."
The two stared at me for a bit. "YOU WHAT?!" They screeched. I winced, rubbing my ear. "I said I jumped." I grumbled in annoyance.
"Why would you jump?!" Yona shrieked. Jeez, you jump off a cliff to certain death below and suddenly you're a criminal.
"Well you guys fell and I just followed."
She looked at me as if I was insane. Maybe I am. But I would do anything just to be with them. I mean I left home and became an enemy of the kingdom.
She just stared at me, baffled. Hak sighed loudly. "You exhaust me." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes. "Don't be dramatic." I grumbled.
Yona sighed and stood. "Um, I'll be back. I'm going to go look for the Priest." With that said she darted out.
Well then.
I looked at my brother. "How are your injuries?" I asked. He shrugged nonchalantly. "It's nothing."
I eyed him carefully. He is so full of it. But I can't exactly call him out on it because he'll do the same.
My body took a beating when I fell off the cliff. Hm. The cliff huh? "AH! My spear!" I shouted, standing straighter.
My spear fell from the cliff! That's a specially made spear just for me! I can't just leave it!
As I was about to bolt out of there, Hak grabbed the back of my shirt, holding me back. I glanced back at him in annoyance.
"Let go! My spear!" I shouted at my brother. He sighed and jabbed his thumb to the side.
I followed it to see my spear leaned against the wall with his. Relief filled me and I quickly rushed over, grabbing it.
Wow, the fall didn't do as much damage as I thought it would to it. Well, my weapon is well made after all.
But I should sharpen the blade anyway. Better be safe then sorry.
Anyway, Yona went to go look for the Priest. "Hm. The Priest huh?" I murmured. I turned to see the kid at the entrance. "So what's his name?" I asked my brother.
Hak looked off thoughtfully. "Yoon, I think." Yoon huh? Grinning mischievously, I grabbed Hak's arm and walked out, dragging him with me.
"Yoon! I want to see the Priest too. Can you take me to him?" I questioned him.
He eyes me skeptically before turning. "He's probably by the water fall. Follow me." He instructed, leading us away.
Oh? Someone's a little bossy. Oh well. He did take care of us while we were injured. I let go of Hak's hand and we followed the boy.
He led us through the forest and to a clearing in front of a waterfall, where a man with shabby robes and long, wavy, blonde hair pulled in a pony tail sat.
Yona stood behind him, their backs to us.
"Your survival means bringing a storm that will shake up the Kouka Kingdom." The Priest spoke, his voice surprisingly soft and gentle, yet was completely serious.
"Priest?" Yona asked softly, clearly confused. The three of us walked behind Yona, listening to him speak.
"If you just want to rightfully live, if you cannot stop the burning of your blood, then let me deliver the god's voice to you." Eh?
What is this Priest talking about? Yona being alive is going to shake up the Kingdom? What's this all about?
He put his hands together in prayer and looked up at the vast blue sky.
"Darkness has fallen upon the land. The blood of the dragons will revive once again,
and the ancient pact will be kept. When the four dragons are gathered, the sword and shield which will protect the king shall awaken, and the Red Dragon shall restore the dawn at last."
Chills ran down my spine, the hair on my neck stood, and goose bumps formed.
Four Dragons, Sword, Shield, Red Dragon? What does this all mean? It sounds like a prophecy.
The Priest then tipped over and fell to the ground with a thud. The four of us sweat dropped. Really now?
"This guy is the Priest?" I asked my brother, just to make sure. He slowly nodded, staring at him strangely.
"You need spiritual strength to deliver god's voices . . ." He trailed off, obviously drained.
Yoon walked over and crouched down next to him, poking him. "You're such a pain, grandpa." He mocked the man.
Hak crossed his arms, emitting a strange aura. "I don't know about dragons or gods or whatever, but I'm not buying whatever con you're selling." Hak clarified.
I raised and eyebrow at him. "We don't have any money to buy a con with." I informed him. He shook his head.
"Even if we did, we won't spend it on this." Wow, he's very serious. The Priest sat up and Yoon dusted off the dirt he gathered on him.
"He's not selling anything. Is the Red Dragon in that prophecy the King in the myths?" Yona questioned.
A light bulb went off in my head. "Oh! The myth of Hiryuu Castle!" I haven't heard that story in ages. "Do you know the birth myth of the kingdom?" The Priest asked, glancing back at us.
His hair covers his eyes too. "Hm, I don't really remember much about it, just pieces here and there." I said thoughtfully, trying to remember the story exactly.
Yona smiled at me. "I do. In the myth, the Red Dragon God takes human form, comes down from heaven to Earth, and leads the kingdom. That was the first king of the Kouka Kingdom, the King Hiryuu. Father used to tell me the story when I was little." She informed me.
"Eh?" Is that so? Hm. I vaguely remember that.
I've only heard it once from gramps. "But not long after the Red Dragon became human, he had to fight with the humans. The people's hearts filled with evil, they forgot the gods, and the kingdom fell. The King Hiryuu, too, was seized by the power hungry people."
"Just before he was about to be killed, four dragons came down from heaven. 'Red Dragon, we are here to get you. Annihilate these humans without faith, love, or the ability to learn, and come back to heaven.' They told him. But the Red Dragon refused."
"'No, I am a human now. Even if humans hate me and betray me, I cannot stop my love for them.' He had informed them."
"The dragons also loved the Red Dragon and wished not to lose him. To protect the Red Dragon, the Four Dragons gave their blood to human warriors to give them power."
"One was given sharp claws that could slash anything. One was given eyes that could see far ahead. One was given the ability to jump high into the sky. One was given a strong, invulnerable body."
That sounds pretty cool actually.
"'You are our avatars now. The Red Dragon is your master. Protect him with your life, love him, and never betray him.' Warriors with the dragon gods power led clans to protect the Red Dragon, bringing order to the chaotic kingdom."
"In time, the Red Dragon, tired of the battle, went to his eternal sleep, and the Four Dragons fulfilled their roles. They cried over their lifeless king."
"They did not know if the sorrow was from the loss of someone important, or if it was the dragon blood in them crying over the Red Dragon's death."
"After that, the Dragon Warriors decided their power was too much for humans and each left his clan and disappeared."
"Those left behind developed into the Five Tribes of today." He finished the story.
Hak had sat down, leaning against a rock to listen while Yoon and I leaned against trees. That's right, I remember it now.
But it wasn't gramps who read it to me. Who was it I wonder?
"What does the birth myth of the kingdom have to do with me?" Yona asked the Priest. "Princess Yona, you said you wanted to survive." Yona nodded, agreeing with him.
The Priest looked back to the waterfall. "But you cannot survive on your own. If you leave hiding, they'll come for you again. You have Hak and Kiri by your side to support you. But if this goes on, they will die." Yona gasped, eyes widening in fear.
I frowned, stepping forward while placing my hands on my hips. "Hey!" I spoke, a tad offended.
"Don't just kill us. I can't hear the gods' voices, so even-" Yoon punched his ribs lightly, cutting off Hak.
Hak sat straight, face going pale before tipping over. "If you threaten us, you won't . . . get any money." He hoarsely spoke, obviously in pain.
My frown deepened. "Even if Hak's down, I'm still good." I stated. Yoon went to jab my side and I quickly moved away.
"See!" I stated happily. Yoon threw a rock, hitting my back. I froze as a sharp pain went up my wound.
I tipped over, falling to the ground. Ouch.
"As you can see, they're in very bad condition." I stood fast. "I'm fine! Just a slash and a few broken bones is nothing!" I defended myself.
The Priest shook his head at me. "What you need are allies." He told Yona.
Tch. Ignore me then, see if I care.
"But who?" Yona questioned. He moved his head forward. "Go find the Four Dragon Warriors." I blinked. Huh?! Is he insane?!
"The Four Dragon Warriors . . ." Her eyes lit up instantly. "As in the legendary ones?! Do they exist?! Do they?!" She asked excitedly.
I laughed nervously at her sudden enthusiasm. Hak had a look of doubt on his face. "No way, they're from the mythical era." He reasoned.
"But they do." The Priest said. Huh?! Dragon Warriors exist?! "Even now, they live quietly in this kingdom, carrying the dragons' blood. They will lend you support."
I stared at him intently. Why would the Four Dragon's give us support? They only care about the Red Dragon, King Hiryuu. Unless . . . my gaze drifted to Yona.
Could it be . . ? "Priest, I don't want to let Hak or Kiri die. But will the legendary Dragons help me in such personal matters?" She asked.
I stared at her intently. Yona, she must be terrified at the thought of us dying.
And us being in this condition certainly isn't helping. She's really scared.
He was staring at Yona
"That night you miraculously escaped your death. You miraculously escaped from the castle. You fell into the abyss and, miraculously, were safe. These are no mere miracles. I believe it was your fate to be guided here. If you can find the legendary Four Dragons, then that is not your personal wish, but your fate."
Yona's fate? But he has a point. All those incidents that occurred until now. We should have died, at least on that cliff.
And we just so happen to fall directly in front of the Priest, who Mundok sent us after?
It is a bit strange. Too coincidental. "But heaven will only show you the path. You, yourself, must walk it."
I stared at Yona, watching her face carefully. Is Yona fated to find the Dragons?
And if she is . . . wouldn't that make her King Hiryuu's reincarnation; the Red Dragon?
I sat on a branch in a tree by the river, looking down at Yona who had left. It's night now, the moon was out, giving off a pinkish light due to the cycle.
I followed her out, without her knowing. She ran forward, clutching the hairpin Soo-Won had given her in her hand.
She went to throw it, but stopped just before. She looked back at it.
Yona cannot get rid of it huh? I wonder what she's thinking about. Probably that she doesn't want us to die.
She probably wants to search for these Dragon Warriors.
Ah. I watched as Hak walked up behind her. "Princess." He called out. She turned to him, slipping the hairpin back into her kimono.
Hak is wrapped in fresh bandages because I may or may not have accidently hit him, opening up a wound.
In my defense he did the same to me.
Yona pushed him over, making me blink in surprise. "No, Hak! Stay asleep!" She demanded as the two fell over and onto the ground.
I stifled my laughter and watched curiously. "I'm fully healed. I'm not going to die. Kiri isn't going to die. We're not going to die." He told her.
True, I have no intentions of dying. We're under strict orders not to die. So we won't. We won't leave Yona alone again.
"Hak, I want to meet the people with the Four Dragons' blood." She informed him. I sighed softly.
I knew it. "And do what? They may not exist, and if they do, they may not be allies." Always the voice of reason that kid is.
"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Yona said, a slight pout. I smiled down at her. Oh boy. She's a mess.
"If this goes on, we won't even be able to leave here. I'll do anything to move forward. I'll become stronger. Teach me swords and archery. I'll learn them. I'd hate to leave things unjust. I'd hate to lose you and Kiri even more! I'll take any power that will help me prevent that, even a gods."
Yona . . .
She sure has come a long way from that doll we had to drag around. The one who didn't speak, who didn't eat, who didn't move.
A smile made its way onto my face. If it's Yona's wish, then I will fulfill it.
Hak rubbed his head. "I said I'm not going to die. Well, if it's the princess' wish, I guess we'll go with this 'fate' thing." He leaned in a bit close.
Yona closed her eyes and smiled, reaching up and patting his head like a dogs.
"Hak, you've been behaving recently. Good boy." I quickly covered my mouth to muffle my snickering.
Hak was not amused. "Can you not come too close?" Yona's brow furrowed in confusion.
"Why?" She asked. Hak moved her hand off his head. "It's annoying." He lied.
Yona frowned and glared lightly at him. "What?!" She demanded. He pointed at her face. "Hey, you've got more wrinkles." He teased.
Yona paled considerably. She quickly put her hands to her face. "You're joking right?!" She asked in fright.
I laughed and jumped down next to them. "It's okay, don't worry. The only old one here is him." I nudged Hak with my foot.
He shot me a look. "Huh?" He asked. I smirked and leaned down. "I'm saying you're an old man. I'll push you and brake your hip gramps." I teased.
He stood, temple throbbing. "Huh?! Want to say that again?!" I laughed and took off running.
"Hak is looking like Mundok!" I shouted into the air. "That's it!" He ran after me, and I laughed as he did so.
Yona began to laugh as well and began running after us as Hak continued to chase me as the sun began to rise.
I stopped suddenly, upon seeing the Priest. Hak ran right into me and Yona into him, making us topple over and onto the ground.
I groaned. From our awkward dog pile, we looked up at the smiling Priest.
"Have you come to a decision?" He asked us warmly. I blinked, still the bottom of the dog pile.
"Yes." Yona answered, not moving from where she was, looking up at him as well.
His smile slowly slipped as he became serious and walked closer to us. "I have a favor to ask you three."
Hm? A favor?
I lay on the roof, staring up at the blue sky. My mind drifted off to what the Priest asked us that morning a few days ago.
"I have a favor to ask you three. Please take Yoon with you on your journey."
Hm, I don't particularly mind. It'd be nice to have another ally with us on our journey. And Yoon is basically the ultimate housewife from what I saw.
But take him with us? We don't mind, but that doesn't mean he will.
I wonder why he wants him to come with us anyway. "Kiri! Come down and look what Yoon made!" Yona shouted from inside the little hut.
Blinking, I jumped down and walked in. As soon as I did a wide smile made it's way onto my face. "Wow! Yona you look so cute!" I cheered, walking over to her.
Yoon frowned at me. "How many times do I need to tell you not to go on the roof when you're still healing?" He questioned me irritably.
I merely grinned. "Ah, but it's fun." I told him, making him sigh.
Yona grinned and turned to the younger boy. "Did you make this clothing?" She asked excitedly. She wore a light pink casual kimono with a really pretty red shirt over, tied with a pink sash.
She looks so cute!
"I had some left over cloth, so, whatever. It's not silk so it may be unsatisfactory for a princess." He started, looking off while Yona spun, holding her new dress happily.
He glanced back at her. "But it beats the rag you were wearing before." He finished, a light blush on his cheek.
Oh, so modest. I grinned and threw my arms around him from behind before pulling his cheek. "Awe, aren't you adorable." I cooed.
He blushed and shot me a nasty glare, making me laugh and release him.
Yona was still smiling at her new outfit. "It's a unique design. I like it!" She declared, a bright smile on her face.
"Hey, do you have something to cut with?" She asked Yoon as she glanced around. Her face lit up. "Ah!" She rushed over and Yoon and I watched her curiously. She grabbed a large axe that was on a shelf and held it up.
"I need to trim my hair. Kiri?" I walked over and grabbed it from her. "Okay, hold still." I moved it back.
"HEY! With that?! Kiri don't!" Yoon quickly took the weapon from me, putting it up.
He sighed, shaking his head. "You two are exhausting. Yona, sit there." He pointed at a chair. Yona did so obediently.
He walked over to a table and grabbed a sharp object before going back to her. He grabbed some of her hair and began to trim it.
I chuckled. Not like I was actually going to do it. But, whatever. I leaned against the wall and watched the two.
"Jeez. Princesses and guards are such a pain!" He complained. But it really didn't affect us. He's totally a Tsundere.
"Yoon, you can do everything." Yona admired as he continued to trim her hair.
"Thanks to the high-maintenance of the Priest. I learned medicine because he kept getting hurt, and I'm a great cook. My only flaw is that I'm too beautiful." I chuckled at that.
It's good to view yourself highly sometimes. "No one asked." Yona teased but glanced forward, a smile still on her face.
"Anyway, you're nice." She told him. "Huh?" He asked, confused by her compliment.
"You're not only nice to Ik-Soo, but you're trimming my hair too. Even though you said you hate royals."
Yoon had a light blush but made a blank face. "Just to let you know, the medicine, clothes, hair-cut; they aren't free." He informed her.
I blinked. Uh-oh.
Yona looked a bit troubled as she tried to think of something. "Um . . . put it on Mundok's tab!" She smiled widely at her idea.
"Mundok?! He's the Wind Tribe's hero!" Yoon shouted, a bit surprised she said that.
"Is Mundok a hero?" Yona asked, glancing at me before back at him as he finished her trim. "Dummy! Mundok was one of the fiercest, and as admired as Yu-Hon!"
Hm, that's right. Gramps is, in many people's, opinion, the best General of his time. "Really? The Mundok I know is just a grandpa who loves children."
Well that about sums him up. Gramps always takes in orphans and he absolutely adores kids. That's just who he is.
Yoon walked over to a basin to clean the blade. "Jeez. Okay, I'm done." He told her.
Yona stood and felt her short, even, hair. "Thanks. Yoon, you know everything." She complimented him.
"Well I am a genius. I can memorize a book if I read it once." He picked up the basin and walked over to a makeshift bookshelf.
"Eh? Wow." Yona and I admired as I walked over to her.
"But I've only read a few books. There are many more books out in the world that I don't know about. It's annoying." He pouted slightly, only slightly.
But it was enough. Yona smiled warmly at him. "Do you want to read them?" She asked. Ah. Is she going to ask him finally? I watched the two carefully, curious of his decision.
"Of course." He responded, not thinking much of it as he began to put stuff away. Yona looked conflicted. "Um, Yoon . . ." Yoon didn't seem to hear her soft voice.
He was rummaging through some things before bringing out a light blue, worn out looking book.
"But no problem. I can gather one book at a time. This dingy book is good enough for the moment." He smiled.
But in his smile was something else. He really cherishes that book. "What book is that?" Yona asked curiously.
He walked over to us. "Stupid Ik-Soo scavenged through garbage for me and then tripped over nothing and ripped it." I envisioned the Priest falling comically and sweat dropped.
In the few days I've known him, I can envision it perfectly. Yona laughed nervously. "He's surprisingly clumsy." She admitted.
Yoon's face lit up. "A klutz right?! He sounds phony, talking about gods and stuff, but I know best that he's the type that can't . . . lie."
Yona and I were now sitting, watching him as he talked happily about him. He trailed off when he realized what was happening and blushed.
"A-Anyway, if you're going on a journey, then go already! I don't have the time to take care of you guys." He looked off, embarrassed, before heading out.
Yona smiled lightly and glanced down, a bit sad. "He really loves the Priest huh?" I murmured.
Yona nodded in agreement. "I don't think I can do it." She said. Although he said to take Yoon, that would hurt him considerably. In fact, Yoon really cherishes the Priest. He may have a sharp tongue, but he loves him.
It's plain as day that he wants to stay with him. Asking us to separate him from the person he considers family . . . that's a bit unfair to Yoon.
Yona stood. "I'm going to talk to Ik-Soo." She decided. I smiled at her and nodded. She smiled lightly before walking off.
I sighed and looked up at the ceiling. Ah-ah. I'm going to go by the stream. With that in mind, I headed out, finding the river with no problem.
I decided to climb into the tree by the fire pit. Once there I laid across the branch and closed my eyes, enjoying the breeze of the wind and the sound of the water flowing.
A serene feeling. Might as well enjoy it while I can. After all, we'll be leaving soon.
And once we leave we'll be on the run. After all, the three of us are the most wanted in the kingdom.
The sound of footsteps brought my attention. I looked down to see Yoon walkover to the pit.
He went to work and started a fire before standing, gripping the blue, beat up, book in his hand.
That book . . . What's he doing? "That bastard is so inconsiderate!" He raised it and began to throw it into the fire before stopping himself. He brought it back down, staring at it.
He can't do it. I guess he found out what Ik-Soo asked of us.
I jumped down next to him, making him jump. "Kiri?" He asked. I pointed forward. He followed my finger.
Hak was in the stream, holding up a net of fish. "Let me cook some fish." He said, walking over to us.
I grinned and grabbed some sticks to stab the fish through and we began to cook them. I admired the cooking fish. "Nice haul." I admired.
Poking the fire with a stick. "You two can move that much already?" He asked curiously. I rolled my eyes. We've been saying we're fine for a few days now.
"We're invulnerable. Well we can't die thanks to the troublesome princess." He informed Yoon.
I nodded, smiling at the flames dancing across the pit. "Why do it? It's stupid to put your own life on the line to protect the princess." Yoon said, staring at the fire as well.
"Hm, well Hak is in love with her so . . . OW!" I rubbed my head in pain as Hak pulled his fist away.
An annoyed look on his face. "Would you quit that already?"
I frowned at him. "It's true." I grumbled, earning another strike from Hak. "Do you weigh your life against a life you want to protect every time?" He asked.
Yoon looked at Hak, surprised a bit by his choice of words. I picked up a piece of fish that was done and took a bite.
"Mm. Tastes good." I turned to Hak and smiled, giving him thumbs up. He returned it and picked up another and held it out to Yoon. "Fish?" He offered.
Yoon just stood. "No thanks." He began to walk off. I watched him as he did.
It seems Hak has shined some light on his situation. Hak shrugged and took a bite of the fish.
As I ate, I thought of the journey we have ahead of ourselves. It's going to be rough.
It doesn't matter. I will protect Yona and my brother. And I refuse to die before that bastard Soo-Won. We're going to live.
I don't care who we make enemies of in the process. As long as they live. As long as we can live, I'll do anything. Even if it means I have to take lives in the process.
I am a trained warrior. Taking lives is something that I have already done and what I'm always prepared for.
Yona soon came walking by. "Hak, Kiri? Have you seen Ik-Soo and Yoon?" She asked. Hm? I pointed off. "That way." I said.
She nodded and headed towards it. Hak and I glanced at each other before following.
After walking a bit, we spotted Yoon and Ik-Soo by the waterfall. We stopped at the tree line and watched as Ik-Soo cried and an also crying Yoon comforting him.
Well it seems they're issues have been resolved. I couldn't help but smile at them.
The next day we all stood outside the hut. Yona wore a cloak that Yoon had fixed up and I wore my usual clothes that he patched up.
Hak was well enough to move about and remove some of his bandages.
Yoon wore white pants, a long light green shirt, a blue poncho, and a bag slung over his shoulder and across his chest, underneath the poncho.
The four of us stood in front of a smiling Ik-Soo. "Yoon, will you be alright?" He asked him.
Yoon placed his hands on his hips. "That's my line." He stated. Yona looked at him curiously. "Yoon, what's with the bag?" She asked curiously.
"If they're books, leave it. They're bulky." I elbowed Hak quickly, making him grunt in pain.
I knew Yoon packed at least that one book Ik-Soo gave him. "They're not books." Yoon said, eyes closed, head held high.
Hak placed one hand on his hip and lowered his head, eyeing Yoon suspiciously. "Then what is it? Let me see." He demanded.
Yoon raised an eyebrow but sighed, opening up the bag. He pulled out something and rolled it open to reveal a large bag.
"This is a bag to put the princess in, in case we need to go inside a guarded town." He smiled proudly.
Oh, good idea. He crouched down and pulled out the rest. "I've prepared for other things too. Wanna see?" He asked.
I grinned cheekily. "Yeah!" Hak merely placed his hand on my head and pushed me away.
"That's enough. Let's go. We don't have all day. Thanks for taking care of us." Hak turned to Ik-Soo.
Yona smiled and waved. "Good-bye Ik-Soo." She told him. I threw my hands behind my head.
"We'll come by and visit some time, so don't have too much fun without us." I teased. He put his hands together in a prayer.
"I'll be praying for your safety." Nodding we turned and started heading out.
"What?! You're the one that said you wanted to see!" Yoon shouted as we walked off.
We stopped a bit and turned to see him hastily pack everything up before turning to Ik-Soo.
"Have a safe trip." He told Yoon, who smiled at him in return. "Okay."
I smiled at the two and put one hand in the air. "Yoon! If you don't hurry, we'll leave you behind!" I warned playfully.
He quickly ran after us. Once he caught up, he walked ahead of us. "Let's hurry! We need to climb three mountains before dark." He said, going even more ahead of us.
I smiled lightly. "Well, he's got vigor, I'll give him that." Yona nodded, a smile on her face. "Running the show already?" Hak asked.
Yoon glanced back at us. "Of course. I'm the beautiful genius. Be quiet and follow me." He said with a smile.
Well now. Someone's feeling a lot better. "Yeah, yeah." Hak responded, a light smile on his face. Actually, the three of us are really glad Yoon came along.
In the short amount of time that we've known him, we've grown attached to him. It's nice to have allies.
A new friend. At least the start to the journey isn't all bad. But things are only going to be more difficult.
Find the Four Dragons huh? This should be interesting.
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