Chain of Courage
"Human trafficking?" Yona seemed a bit befuddled by my claim. "Yes. Mainly women and children. He's been doing it for quite some time now. Fat bastard." I grumbled, shaking my head.
Hak stood from his position on the floor "Wait, how come I never heard about this?" He demanded of me. I pursed my lips tightly.
Wearily glancing at the pirates I turned my gaze back to him. "I was ordered not to spread claims without any proof." I shrugged, telling him part of it.
Yoon shook his head, trying to comprehend our words. "Slavery is banned in this kingdom." He stated, like we didn't know.
"That's not their only goal. With the manpower he gathered, he's going to make sure he'll crush us pirates to end this long battle." I didn't hear much about pirates when I was here last time.
In fact, I hadn't heard of them at all. I was only on some business and overheard the talking of the towns people and officers about the human trafficking.
Of course I didn't get any proof before I was sent back to the castle. And because of certain events my position to visit other villages and such was passed onto someone else, so I couldn't go back.
"Let's strike first!" A pirate spoke, wanting to take out the despicable villain.
"Don't get ahead of yourselves. If we start a fight at the port, the residents will be in harms way. So we're going to attack Kum-Ji's ship on the waters between Kai Empire and Awa, where I bet the deal will go down."
She tapped her pipe on the drawn out map, where the attack will commence. "The question is exactly when it goes down and which ship the girls are on." Jae-Ha spoke.
Hm, that's true. There will be lots of ships, and the one with the girls isn't going to look any different then the rest.
"Right. Most likely, Kum-Ji will use the girls as hostages so we can't start attacking blindly. I wonder if we can somehow secure the girls safety." Gi-Gan voice.
This isn't so simple. "But if it's important business, chances of Kum-Ji being there are high, right? Wouldn't it be fastest if we find the leader and tie him up?" A younger pirate asked.
True enough. Easier said then done though. "Right! Besides, this time we have real tough allies on our side!" Another one exclaimed, looking over at our group.
Gi-Gan smacked her pipe on a box, ridding the ash and residue in it. "Either way, we need a little more information."
She dug in her shawl and pulled out a knife. "This is a great opportunity for us as well. We'll crush Yang Kum-Ji and the officers who've spent over ten years oppressing the people of Awa and wrecking this town and win back our freedom."
She unsheathed the blade and struck the place on the map where the battle would commence.
She held her head up, her brown eyes showing such strong and powerful spirit. "This time, I'll also take up a sword. Follow me till the end, brats!"
The pirates cheered in agreement with their boss. I stared at the old woman for a bit. She is a strong and fierce leader, defiantly a force to be reckon with.
If I wasn't Son Kiriya in the past, I would have followed her gladly. A strong leader, who cares deeply about her crew, and whose crew cherishes her, now that's a strong little army.
So for Yona, and for their sake, I will take out anyone who steps in their way.
"Wha!" A pirate shouted as he fell to the ground. I sighed, placing my hands on my hips and shaking my head.
"No. You need to be wider and lower to the ground." I scolded him. He hopped right up. "Yes, master!" Rolling my eyes I motioned for him to strike me.
He immediately charged and threw a right hook. I merely moved my head to avoid it. He kept on trying to punch me, to which I dodged with ease.
He struck again. I turned to the side and grabbed his arm. Maneuvering my body, I twisted it painfully, causing him to fall and sat on his back, still holding the arm. I applied a little more presser above his wrist and below his elbow. He yelped in pain.
I glanced at the viewing pirates. "See this? If I apply the right amount of pressure in both places, all the bones in this arm will shatter and if he tries to move out of it, it will shatter." I spoke like a teacher.
"EH?!" The pirate under me shouted in fear. The others nodded, observing my hands closely.
"This is an essential move if you want to get information out of someone, whilst keeping your opponent in check." I let go and stood up, making the pirate below me collapse to the ground.
Everyone's currently training and getting ready. Hak, Shin-Ah, and I are teaching some of the pirates some martial arts and sword techniques.
Kija is helping a few of them load food and crates onto the ship. And Yoon is off scolding the wounded while he treats them. "Master! Teach us how you wield the spear."
I raised an eyebrow at the men before scoffing. "Yeah, I'm not going to bother. You couldn't handle it." I shook my head.
This just riled them up. "Huh?! Don't be like that! We can take it!" He shouted.
"I don't waste my time on weaklings~." I spoke in a monotone voice. Their temples throbbed. "Master!" They shouted.
I shrugged, waving my arms like an air current. "Eh, I don't wanna~. I'm tired and hungry~." I turned, walking off. "Master!" They cried after.
Jeez. They're a loud bunch aren't they? Hm? Looking up, I watched as Jae-Ha jumped high into the sky, as if he were flying, carrying Yona with him. Where are they off to?
Oh well, if she's with Jae-Ha then she should be fine. He's not the kind of guy to let a girl get hurt.
And with the Green Dragon's blood coursing through his veins, he'll be compelled to save Yona and protect her from anything and everything.
I walked around and spotted Yoon. He's surrounded by pirates with bowls, ladling soup for them. "Yum! This is great!" A pirate praised as they ate in content.
They're all pretty hyped about his food. As they should be. Yoon's the best cook I know.
"Of course it is. It's 'Pirate's Soup' loaded with seafood! I used the ingredients lavishly so it has to taste great." I smiled at the scene as everyone ate happily.
Of course Kija is weary of the crab, thinking it's a bug.
Finishing giving everyone a bowel, Yoon grabbed two and walked by them. "That's a crab. You should follow Shin-Ah's example and eat anything." Yoon scolded the frightened Kija.
I turned to look at the said boy and sweat dropped as he shoved as much soup into his mouth as possible.
Well the guy was locked in a cave most of his life. Can't really blame him.
"This is really good, kiddo! Be my wife!" A pirate demanded.
Smirking, I walked over to Yoon, standing behind him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Eh? But Yoon is my wife. Right, Dear?" I grinned.
Yoon raised an eyebrow. "Eh? Why should I be your wife? You don't have a steady job." I pouted a bit at that. So mean.
"But you see my dearest wife, I am of the strongest in this kingdom. So I can protect you no matter what." I said seriously, glint in my eye.
He sighed, but a soft smile is on his face. "Yes, yes. Here." He handed me a bowl. My face lit up and I took it from him gratefully.
"Thanks Yoon!" I grinned and sat down next to Shin-Ah, who is still scarfing down his soup. I began to eat mine, wanting to eat while it's still hot.
Mm, it really is good. That's Yoon for you. After a bit of eating, Shin-Ah stopped for a moment, looking up. He stood, eyes on the sky. "Yona." He said. Eh?
I looked up to see Jae-Ha soar across the sky, Yona in his arms. I smiled lightly. Yona.
We all gathered on the ships deck, facing Gi-Gan. "Captain, I think it's going down two days from now, at night." Jae-Ha reported.
Everyone whispered about at the close proximity of the day. "What's your reason?" She asked.
I looked over at Jae-Ha curiously.
"I found a store that gathers girls to traffic. Publically, they provide high paying jobs for the women. But in reality, it's a place to traffic girls that can be sold at a high price. I had a guy ask how long they're taking applicants, and he said that the owner said until noon, two days from now."
"Kum-Ji's greedy. If there's good merchandise, he'll wait as long as possible. That means he'll do a trade that day. The ship should sail at night, after sundown."
I agree. Of the times I met him I can see that. "But we won't know which ship the girls will be on." Gi-Gan pointed out.
That's true. Only one of the many ships will have the girls, and there's no way to determine which ship it is.
"From inside . . ." Yona murmured, drawing our attention. "If we can set off a firework or something from inside the ship with the girls, couldn't we save them a little quicker?" Yona asked.
I narrowed my eyes on her.
I don't like where this is headed. "That may be so, but who's gonna set it off?" Gi-Gan asked, already knowing where she was headed with it.
"I will." I clenched my fists tightly. "I will go undercover and set off a firework from the ship." She clarified, face full of determination. "Yona!" Jae-Ha objected, as our party stared at her in shock.
"No way. If it's gotta be a girl, I'll do it." I stated, crossing my arms definitely.
Yona smiled lightly, looking at me. "Kiri, earlier you said you've been to Awa, and recently too."
I shrugged, not getting her point. "And you knew about the human trafficking. I grew up with you, and I know you very well. Something like that sickens you, and if the problem is ignored, you act alone. Hey, did you by chance start a fight with Kum-Ji?"
I jumped slightly and looked off, pursing my lips. Shit. "Kiri?" I sighed loudly. "Yeah." I grumbled unhappily.
Her smile remained. "If that's so, then they'd recognize you and we wouldn't be able to save the girls." She told me.
Damn it all to hell! I just had to pick a fight with the bastard. But he was doing horrible things! It's in my nature!
"Our goal puts saving the girls being sold before defeating Kum-Ji, right? We need to quickly find which ship they're on and evacuate them to a safe area. To do that, I'll sneak in and let you know the ships location."
Yona spoke so confidently. "Rejected!" I said firmly, stepping up.
Hak did as well. "I'm against this idea." My brother said. "Yes, it's too dangerous to go into Kum-Ji's and the officers lair!" Kija stated, stepping up as well.
"I'm against it too." Yoon agreed. "Yoon?" Yona was surprised by his objection most of all. He walked up to her.
"To set off the firework, you gotta smuggle the gunpowder, escape captivity, get past the guards, and go on deck! They'll kill you if they find you! You can't do it!" He argued, not standing down.
Yona isn't going. She can't die. I won't let her. She's far more important then any of those girls!
I feel bad for them, sure, but I can't lose Yona too! I can't!
"Besides you can't just smuggle a small amount of gunpowder and have it be noticeable for us. Most likely we'll be fighting." Hak reasoned as well. Yona turned to Shin-Ah.
"Shin-Ah can see my signal from far away." She reminded us. I pursed my lips. "No means no." I stated strongly.
Yona turned to me. "We don't have the time to search one ship at a time. It's too late if the girls fall into the Kai Empire's hands while we fight. To be in the group of girls and prevent that from happening is a job that only I can do! Captain Gi-Ga! Please let me fight too!"
I clenched my teeth together. I don't want her to go. I don't want her to be alone.
But . . . I know it all too well. The look in her eyes . . . it makes me want to drop to my knees, that's how they are. They remind me of a great warriors.
Once she's made her mind up about something, there is no turning back.
"It's true, we can save the girls if ya succeed." Even Gi-Gan can tell. Yona has a strong willed spirit. "Captain . . ." Jae-Ha murmured, surprised she's going along with it.
"But it's suicide if you go in alone. You'll need at least one more undercover to make this mission a success." I like the idea, but who? I can't. After all, I'm the reason Kum-Ji has a limp.
The guards know me well too, considering I went on a rampage there.
"I'll go."
"I will go."
Hak and Kija stepped up, more then willing to participate. My eye twitched and I sweat dropped. Are they idiots?
"Just so you know, we need someone who'll look good dressed up as a woman." She stated. "What?" They asked.
She brought her pipe up to her lips. "After all, they're Kum-Ji's most important merchandise. You'll be turned away at the door unless you're as pretty as the other girls." She said smoothly.
"I'll go."
"I will go."
"I'll go."
"Idiots!" I shouted, striking Hak, Kija, and Jae-Ha's heads with the rod of my spear.
They're so confident. No, uncaring more like it. No, they're confident idiots!
I mean yeah, they're all extraordinarily good looking, but mainly as men! The three rubbed the their heads in pain. "Don't you listen to what people tell you? Are you that impossibly confident? The brawn has increased by one person this time." Gi-Gan spoke, referring to Jae-Ha.
Idiots. They're all idiots. "Well, there is one other among the less skilled men in here." She turned her sharp eyes to Yoon, making everyone stare at the boy.
"Eh?" He said, surprised she'd pick him, the biggest pacifist, for something like this.
"You're witty and know how to handle gunpowder." Yoon put his hand up. "W-wait a minute! I mean, sure, I'd be better looking than the average girls, since I am beautiful." I sighed.
Yoon. I get that high self esteem is good, but you're too cocky.
"But our opponent is the evil lord. I'm still against Yona going. I don't know if it'll succeed even with my help." Yona smiled at him.
But her face read 'Yoon, you don't need to force yourself'. He looked away, lightly blushing. He closed his eyes, a light sigh escaping his lips.
"Well, I guess I have to go if we're using gunpowder." Yona smiled brightly at this. "Yoon!" She was obviously happy.
Yoon turned, hands on his hips, head up. "Jeez, what a pain. I have to get it ready by tomorrow." Well, it's nice to see him like this But I don't want him to go either.
He reminds me a bit of Tae-Yeon. He's like a little brother.
And Yona, Yona is my light.
I don't want either of them to go. He turned back to her. "Yona, don't worry. I don't fight a losing battle." He reassured her.
This just made her happier and her face lit up. Ah-ah. They really do spoil her too much. Well I cant say much, I tend to as well. I don't want this, but it can't be helped.
Gi-Gan stood. "The trade's in two days. The undercover operation will be conducted tomorrow. Brats, let's work over the strategy." She instructed. The pirates all voiced their approval.
I still don't like this.
Everyone began to prepare, and I went off, into the forest to clear my mind. I climbed into a tree, and stared at the sky.
I'm not sure how long I did, but I watched as the blue sky turned a burning orange, and then into a nice, dark blue of the night sky.
No matter what I say, Yona will go. There's no point trying to change her mind. That's always been her. But . . . why?! Why does she have to be strong?!
Why does she want to throw herself into danger for someone else?! Why?! When everyone turned their backs on her! When everyone easily forgot about an innocent little girl!
Nobody remembers his daughter. Nobody cares enough to.
Because as soon as King Il was murdered, nobody cared about the Princess they adored.
Why save people like that?! Why save them when they have done nothing for you?!
I don't care if any of them dies. So long as I have Yona and Hak, so long as they are safe, everyone else can burn!
I don't want a world as cruel as this. I don't want to live in a world that tried destroy my only light left. It took so much from me already.
I looked up at the sky.
"Aren't you satisfied? You've taken everything from me. I only have those two left. Yet you're trying to take them away from me again. How much are you going to take before you're satisfied?!" I shouted at the vast sky.
"If there is a god up there, don't take her from me. Don't take her, and don't take my precious brother. They're all I have left. If you're a god, don't take them too. Leave them alone."
The night sky didn't respond. I scoffed. What was I expecting? This is the cruel reality.
People will die. People will lie, people will steal, and people will destroy everything that you are.
In life, you are always dealt a cruel and unforgiving hand. What am I doing, asking a god to help? If there really were gods, why would they let us live like this?
There is no god.
If I want them to live, then I'll just have to fight and make sure they're safe. I'll protect them with my own hands. No matter the cost.
I stared at the two. It was morning, and we were all on deck. Yona was dressed prettily, with a little makeup. And Yoon was dressed as a woman and man is he a gorgeous girl.
I'm actually very jealous.
The pirates gushed around the two, loving their looks. Ah-ah. Beautiful girls. On the other hand . . .
I looked over to Kija, who was still attempting to dress as a girl. His hair is in pig tails, he wore makeup and a dress, but he's stuffing his chest with apples for boobs.
He's actually really cute. But so obviously a guy.
Yona walked over to him as he began to cry a bit. "Stop Kija. It's funny but . . ." He put up his dragon hand, which even not in use, it's still big.
"If only my hand was a little smaller." He cried. I sweat dropped. "That's not the problem." Yona and I spoke simultaneously. Yona comforted Kija and I turned to see Hak by Yoon.
Yoon is putting up a confident face, but no way he isn't scared. Even his hand is shaking slightly. It's normal for him. Yoon isn't a fighter. Not in war.
"Yoon, Yona." I called. They both turned to me. "What is it?" Yoon asked. I grinned and waved them over.
They did so, curious as to what I want. When they were close enough I threw my arms around them.
"Ah, so cute~. When this is over will you two become my wives? I'll make sure to always protect you. And I'll take good care of you." I said, giving them thumbs up as my eyes glinted, a serious tone in my voice.
Yona gave me thumbs up in return. "Okay." She agreed, going along with my joke.
Yoon sighed, shaking his head. "Listen here, why should I be your wife?" Yoon asked, tired of my wife jokes.
I closed my eyes and grinned. "Because I love you two." I said, not missing a beat.
They both jolted a bit at my declarations and blushed. This just made me grin more.
"Eh? You two are so red." I teased, pinching their cheeks. They both blushed more and swatted my hands away. "Kiri!" They complained, making me laugh as they pouted.
It's okay. I have faith in them. As soon as that signal goes up I'll go to them.
They won't die.
I'll cut down anyone who stands in my way. I'll kill anyone who threatens them. Nothing is going to happen. If anyone tries their heads will roll.
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