Broken Bond
I stood there, staring down my childhood best friend. His friendly and loving eyes holding nothing but cold emptiness. It's like a completely different person is standing before me, wearing Soo-Won's face.
This can't possibly be the Soo-Won I know. The Soo-Won who I grew up with. The Soo-Won I love dearly. The Soo-Won I know would never stare at us with such cold eyes.
The Soo-Won I know would never hurt Yona.
But this is the cold reality. Soo-Won did something. He probably killed King Il. And now he's trying to kill Yona.
Someone I love.
No matter how hard it is to believe, no matter how much I wish this is a misunderstanding, my instincts tell me I'm right. And my instincts have never told me wrong.
"H-Hak? Kiri?" Yona whispered. We glanced back at her. Yona was kneeled on the ground, staring up at us with teary eyes.
Water is splashed all over her and her hair is tangled from what seems to have been a struggle. Her usual cheerful eyes held a mixture of emotions of hurt, confusion, and betrayal.
Yona . . . Hak and I kneeled in front of her. "I'm sorry we left your side, Princess Yona." Hak apologized for us. "Hak, Kiri . . . are you . . . on my side?" My eyes widened and my blood ran cold. She's doubting everything now. Her hearts confused.
I stood fast and turned to glare at Soo-Won. "I was told by the King to protect you. No matter what happens. Kiri and I will always protect you. We will always obey that command." He stood up, turning towards Soo-Won.
The soldiers who had managed to stand back up gripped their weapons tightly.
A man dressed in nice robes stepped up from behind Soo-Won. His long dark hair covered his right eye. "Silence knave. This is King Soo-Won, the new master of Hiryuu Castle." I tightened my grip on my spear.
Anger coursed through me as I stared at my best friend. "Who's the master of what? I'm getting a bad feeling, Soo-Won-Sama. Where is King Il?" Hak asked, emitting a slight dark air.
I stared at Soo-Won intently. I want this to be a misunderstanding. I want to be mistaken. I want him to reassure us that he didn't do anything. I want more then anything for his warmth to swarm about him like it usually does.
But that's not true. "I sent him to hell just moments ago." My chest tightened and anger started to consume me.
Hak hit the hilt of his glaive to the ground, breaking the area it struck; His blue eyes narrowed and held a deadly look to them as a dark aura coated him.
The soldiers and Soo-Won's aid backed up a bit in fear. "Are you drunk? That's going a little too far, even for a joke." Hak spoke. He really doesn't want to believe it.
Of course he doesn't. He cares for Soo-Won just as much as I do, even as much as Yona. He has always looked up to him.
"Ask Princess Yona. She saw the king's death with her own eyes." I snapped. Hak and I snapped right there. I launched forward.
"SOO-WON!" I roared, slashing my spear towards him. He quickly jumped back, however Hak had launched as well and swung right after, forcing Soo-Won to use his sword and block his weapon.
Pure rage coursed through me. Immediate hatred seeped through my pores. He killed King Il in front of her?! That son of a bitch!
Hak pushed more, making Soo-Won's arm quiver at his strength.
He did that to the girl Hak loves. Of course a battle would begin. "Tell me the truth!" Hak demanded. A murderous look in his eyes. "I'm not lying." Soo-Won answered with ease.
"Soo-Won?! You murdered the King?! You killed that compassionate King?!" He demanded, pushing Soo-Won back, who jumped away from his attack due to Hak's strength.
The two continued to clash, Soo-Won mainly on defense. Two soldiers came up behind me. Without looking back, I moved my spear back, slashing their throats.
"Soo-Won." I seethed, watching the two battle. "Soo-Won-Sama!" His aid was worried, as he should.
"Stay back. Your heads will roll if you come any closer. The man and woman before us are Son Hak and Son Kiriya." I gripped my spear properly and pointed it at Soo-Won's soldiers.
I will give this fight to Hak. "Them?" His aid asked, recognition flashing through his eyes. "Yes. He is one of the Five Generals, pillars of Hiryuu Castle." Soo-Won explained. "The Thunder Beast of Kouka." His aid finished.
Soo-Won nodded and glanced at me. "She is the Guardian of Hiryuu Castle, on terms with the Five Generals and protector of the throne." He introduced. "The Inferno Tornado." His aid finished, narrowing his eyes on us.
"Why? Why did you do such an awful thing?! Huh?! Soo-Won!" I demanded. A soldier ran at me. I twirled my spear and struck, flinging him back; making him hit a wall harsh enough for it to crack.
"You took a sword to the kind hearted king who detested weapons?! Have you no pride?!" Hak demanded.
Soo-Won glanced to the side with narrowed eyes. "A kind heart. The kingdom doesn't need a weak king!" He went for the attack against Hak, who easily blocked. Then the true fight began.
A group of guards rushed at me from all around. "You insult me by even looking at me wrong!" I roared. Picking up one leg, I twirled in a circle, my spear cut through the air, taking out each soldier from every side. After I finished spinning I pointed it at the next batch.
With ease and little effort. I twirled my weapon, taking out any soldier that neared me with ease.
"Son Hak, Son Kiriya. Grandchildren of Mundok, former leader of the Wind Tribe. While still young, he succeeded the position of the leader. The stroke of his blade is like lightning, earning him the nickname 'the Thunder Beast of Kouka'."
"Also at a young age, she easily pared with her brother for the title of General and leader of their tribe. Instead she chose to become the Guardian of Hiryuu Castle, becoming the strongest here in the Sky Tribe. Her movements are that of wind, and her strikes are strong and wild, her long hair and the blood of her enemies move in a twister earning her the nickname 'the Inferno Tornado'."
I could hear the aid say as I took care of another foolish group.
Exactly. Small fry like them are nothing to me! I looked over to see Hak managed to wound Soo-Won's shoulder. No surprise there. Soo-Won could never beat him.
"Stop right there!" The aid called. We all looked at him. Who does he think he is?! He smirked and glanced behind Hak.
My eyes widened in realization and both Hak and I turned to see another goon, behind Yona's with his blade to her throat.
I twirled the spear and threw quickly, piercing him through his armor and deep into his chest. He let out a cry as he fell back.
I rushed to her side and removed my weapon with ease before taking a guarding stance in front of her.
"Did you honestly believe a soldier of his level could ever move quicker then me or my brother?" I growled out. How dare they do this to Yona?! To us?! "Soo-Won. Was the Soo-Won I knew just an illusion? I thought that I could entrust you with the princess." Hak spoke.
I did too. "How foolish. You may be one of the Five Generals, but you are still just a child." The aid spoke cockily. I scoffed.
"The child is the one you serve, throwing a temper tantrum simply because he isn't happy things aren't his way." I said loudly. The aid glared at me murderously.
I smirked as a dark aura covered me. Oh? I made him mad did I? "The Kouka Kingdom will soon fall if it continues its path. People like you three, who've been living in peace and quiet here at Hiryuu Castle will never understand what Soo-Won-Sama-"
"Watch your tongue Kye-Sook." Soo-Won warned, interrupting him. His aid respectively stepped back. I gripped the spear tighter.
Us living in peace?! I was an orphan! I know what lies behind these castle walls! I'm not blinded by this luxury! Who does he think he is?! "What does that mean?" Hak asked Soo-Won.
Soo-Won didn't even hesitate. "It means that the Soo-Won you knew never existed."
Eh? Soo-Won . . . the Soo-Won I knew was a lie? This entire time it was all a lie?! Everything?! "I will strike down anyone who gets in my way. Anyone." He pointed his sword at us.
"You? Take us down? Someone as weak as yourself could never defeat the Son Siblings!" I shouted, readying an attack. Before I could however, an arrow hit near a soldier next to us. This distracted the soldiers long enough. Hak ran towards us and picked up Yona and I slashed my spear at the soldiers near us.
Then we ran. I ran in front, holding my spear tightly. We must escape Hiryuu Castle.
Some soldiers followed close behind. I stopped and jumped back, swinging my weapon. It struck the soldiers, knocking them down. "Go! I'll protect the rear!" I shouted at my brother.
We continued to run. One thing ran through my mind. Protect Yona and Hak. "This way General Hak, Lady Kiri." Ah?
Turning I saw Min-Soo standing in a narrow area between two buildings. A soldier was behind him, about to kill him. Hak ran forward. "Was that poor shot you Min-Soo?!" He asked, stabbing the soldier, saving our friends life.
Min-Soo, who thought he was the object of the attack, calmed down as Hak handed him Yona. "Follow me with the princess. Stay close. Kiri, you guard the back." I nodded sharply and we set off.
Any solder who approached the front suffered from Hak's attack. Any soldier who approached from the back faced my blade. We easily handled them and hid in some bushes near the gate.
We waited patiently for an opening to escape. Min-Soo crouched back down from observing. "This could go on forever." Tch. We glanced at Yona who was leaned against a tree. A distant look in her tearful eyes.
"Princess . . . is King Il truly gone?" Min-Soo asked. The question the three of us wanted to have confirmation. I know Soo-Won told us, but hearing it from Yona was needed as well.
Because even we have trouble believing what Soo-Won said. Yona began to cry silently and she only offered a nod, not looking at anyone but the ground in front of her.
Soo-Won. You bastard, how could you do this? "I see. I'm very sorry. I just couldn't believe it. He was laughing so happily about the princess' birthday just moments ago . . ."
Ah, that's right. He was. He was bawling the entire time as well. With that ever present goofy smile on his face.
Because it is his cherished daughters 16th birthday. Some birthday. Ah. Soldiers' walked by where we hid.
"This isn't good. Although none of them are particularly strong, the amount of them is troublesome. They're bound to find us sooner or later. We need to flee the castle." I grumbled in annoyance.
Min-Soo faced us. "Troops that Soo-Won brought with him as well as our troops that support him are assembling in the castle." I clucked my tongue in annoyance. Things aren't looking good for us.
"We'll be killed for sure if we're caught huh?" Hak asked. That's true. After all, they're the law. Servants of the King that rules our country. Nowhere is particularly safe for us now.
"Yes." Min-Soo answered. He then turned to Yona. Min-Soo cares for Yona deeply, that much is clear. A look of determination crossed his features.
"I'll secure a way out." Hak and I turned to him in surprise. "You three escape from this castle." He said.
"Min-Soo." I whispered. That would just sign his death. "But you'll-" Min-Soo smiled and cut Hak off. "Not to worry. I'll make sure I'll escape too." Liar.
Min-Soo, you're a liar and you know it. There's no way an attendant like him could escape by himself.
But it's our job to protect Yona. Closing my eyes I bowed my head. "Please do." He smiled at me and we switched positions to an alley between two buildings by the gate.
Hak and I peeked out to take a look at the gate. "Six guards at the rear gate with troops in ambush too." Hak murmured.
The sound of rustling from Min-Soo caught our attention. We turned to see him with one of Yona's kimono's over his head.
But if he does that . . . "Min-Soo, you-" I was cut off as he handed Yona to me. "I'll be the decoy. Slip through when you have the chance."
Sweet, kind, Min-Soo. I never thought of when he'd die. I always thought he'd remain here in the safety of these walls. But it's no longer safe for him. "Princess. I pray for your safety." He smiled at her.
I bit my lip and held my tongue. He who is also loyal to Yona. For him to give up his life like that. You are pretty cool after all.
He ran off, gaining the attention of the soldiers and guards, leading them away from our exit. I gripped the spear and ran out first.
Only two guards left behind. "Die." I hissed, cutting them down. Hak ran behind me, Yona under his arm. Together, we headed out of the castle.
"Good-bye. Min-Soo." I whispered into the wind.
We ran into the darkness outside the castle, escaping into the mountains. Farther and farther away, we left behind the kind home we knew and loved. We ran as far as we could.
After running for a while, we created a great distance between us and the castle. We were well enough to walk.
However . . . I glanced back at Yona who was panting heavily. Hak stopped and turned to her. "Would you like to rest Princess Yona?" He asked.
She didn't say anything but collapsed onto the ground, leaning against a tree. I held my spear tightly and stared in the direction we came from. "Did Min-Soo die?" Yona asked. We glanced at her.
"Will I die too? Is Soo-Won going to kill you guys too?" She asked. I looked down at the ground.
"I'm not going to give my life to that bastard." Hak replied honestly. "Like the little brat could ever take me on in a fight." I grumbled.
I refuse to die by his hands. "Don't die Hak, Kiri." Yona. Her eyes slowly drifted to close. "I forbid you to die." She murmured off before falling asleep, tears escaping her eyes. She's even crying in her sleep.
I turned my gaze to the sky through the treetops. King Il is dead. What is that idiot doing? Dying and leaving his beloved daughter alone? What a hopeless king.
As soon as the sun rose, I grabbed my spear and hopped down from the tree I slept in above Yona. "We need to get going." I spoke.
Hak nodded and turned to Yona. "We must go princess. They'll catch up." He informed her.
"Go . . . where?" Huh? "When father was weeping for joy during that party, not once did I say thank you to him. So where . . ." She started to cry again. "Where will I go, leaving him behind?"
I bit my lip. Hak kneeled in front of her before bringing her in for a hug. Yona's big round eyes widened even more, surprised my Hak's actions.
"We'll go anywhere, as long as it means you'll live. That's how you can make it up and return the King's love." Yona sobbed quietly into Hak's chest. I turned in the direction of the castle and glared.
On Yona's sixteenth birthday, that night, she lost her family, her home, her loved one, so many things. She lost everything. And in turn, we lost her as well as someone we cherished.
And it's all his fault.
Right here, right now, I'll make a promise. That I will give Soo-Won the ultimate punishment for betraying Yona's love. For betraying our friendship. For hurting the two I care about the most.
Soo-Won. I will have your head.
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