
Hak tensed and shivered from next to me, yet again. I raised an eyebrow at my brother. "You've been acting like that ever since last night." I mentioned to him aloud. "Is something wrong?" Yona questioned, looking at Hak's pale face.

But it wasn't pale due to sickness, it's strange really. "Nothing." He lied, still looking uneasy. What's gotten into him? Yona stared at him a little longer, also noticing his lie.

Well, whatever. We continued venturing into town. "Let's try that way." Yoon pointed in a direction. Yona nodded in agreement. "We have Shin-Ah waiting alone again, so we have to find the Green Dragon fast." Yoon and I sweat dropped at her words as we recalled him as we left.

He was crouched down, holding mine and Hak's weapon, looking awfully dejected as he faces the sea.

"He did seem awfully pitiful." Yoon agreed. Poor Shin-Ah. I pity the poor guy. "Kija, where's the Green Dragon?" Yona turned to our companion, still walking.

"I think he's in this town. But he's very fast and won't hold still." Before we could ask anything else, the window to a shop broke open as a vase flew out; shattering on the ground, the pieces of window glass sparkled in the suns light.

Shouts could be heard from inside, as well as some screams. We all walked forward a bit to peek inside the busted window to see officers terrorizing people.

"W-What's going on?" Yona asked as she peered in. "Looks like the officers are making a racket." Yona shook in anger and I looked at her. I gasped slightly at the look in her eyes.

In her angry, violet eye, a fire burned, making my body unable to move. Yona . . . She began to head towards the door when Kija stopped her.

"No, Princess." She looked down, conflict on her face. "I will take care of it." He was about to head in when Hak stopped him. "You draw too much attention. Stand back, I'll-"

Yoon stopped him. "You too Thunder Beast!" He began to drag them away. I bit my tongue. I can't interfere. Not today. Yona is here. I can't, and I will not jeopardize her safety.

So I followed after. They were by a side of a shop, but we could peek out and see the front of that store. Yoon looked at the two guys. "Do you circus freaks understand your circumstances?" He questioned them.

Kija pursed his lips. "However-" He was cut off by Yoon. "I heard rumors that Kum-Ji's ship was sunk by the pirates yesterday, so the officers are irritated. I know how you feel, but we need to stay quiet for now." Yoon tried to calm them down.

I peeked around the corner with Yona to see the aggravated soldiers begin to leave. "See, they're gone now. Let's go." Yoon said, heading away. Yona stared at the shop a bit more before following.

We entered a more populated area when Hak stopped suddenly. "Hey." Hm? We all looked at him curiously. He grabbed the back of my shirt. "We're going off on our own. Take care of the Princess."

He then took off, dragging me along with him. "Eh? Wait, why?" I complained as he continued to drag me away.

He stole a glace my way before looking forward. "There are wanted posters of us." He informed me. Hm?

Well, figures. I smiled slyly. "So we're getting close to Kouka's most wanted criminals?" I asked excitedly, making him chuckle.

After a bit he slowed down enough and released me. We continued walking when we noticed a familiar guy. It's the playboy.

We stopped just a bit behind his laughing form as he stared at the wanted board. I stared at it as well and my temple throbbed in annoyance at the ugly drawing of me. What's worse is they drew my full body, and gave me a flat chest.

Excuse me if I'm not big in that department. Sleazebags.

"Not beautiful! But I get it! I get what they're trying to say! Well, if they're wanted, that makes them easier to recruit." He spoke to himself, finishing his fit of laughter.

"Easier to recruit who?" Hak questioned. The man didn't seem to quite get that we were here. "Actually, I have no clue what their names are-"

He looked back, and his jaw slacked. "Whoa!" He shouted, unaware we were here. Idiot. "How can you be laughing? Your sketch is also on the wanted board." Hak pointed out.

The man turned to the board curiously. "My face?" He murmured. He finally spotted the poster next to his.

His laugh is forced, along with the forced smile. "This is also an amusing face." He agreed half-heartedly. "It's your face." I stated, placing a hand on my hip. "I couldn't hear you well." He continued in denial. "It's your face." My brother repeated for me.

The man immediately tore his picture down, as did Hak and I and we destroyed them. "Their eyes are rotten." The stranger spoke as we finished destroying the terrible portraits of us.

"Agreed." My brother and I spoke simultaneously. The man stiffened as if he remembered something and pointed at us. Mainly Hak. "Oh yeah! You two." Huh?

We turned to him curiously. "I almost forgot what I came for. I came to find you two." Us? Hak and I exchanged looks, questioning each other before looking back at him.

"What? I'm not gonna go to that place anymore." Hak insinuated the brothel. Apparently the playboy took him yesterday.

Well, that's what he says at least. "No, no. I'm here today because . . ." He grabbed mine and Hak's hands in his own. "I want you." Sparkles floated around him.

A cold chill went down my spine as people nearby turned at his disgusting words directed not only at me, but my brother, another man. They began whispering all around us.

Hak and I immediately parted and turned. Hak held his hand up as we were walking away. "I don't swing that way." He spoke, clearly disturbed by the strangers words. "Go die." I simply stated, disgusted with him.

"Ah! Wait, wait! He flung his arms around Hak's waist, I managed to jump away on time.

Hak tried pushing him off, but he clung on, being dragged, as Hak tried to get free of the weirdo. "You misunderstood me." He tried, but Hak wasn't having any of it.

"I just thought that you're a handsome guy and a lovely girl. It's too public here, let's go somewhere more secluded."

More chills went up my spine as I stared at the guy as if he was insane, which I'm sure he is. "What exactly are you planning to do at a more secluded place?!"

Hak is clearly as disturbed as me. "I am-" The man is cut off as Hak punched him harshly in the face, flinging him away. "Quit it!" He shouted.

The man fell onto the ground, unmoving. I stared at him from my spot. "Is he done for?" I asked hopefully. Hak shrugged.

We stared at him for a bit. The man then began to stand, keeping his feet planted as he swung his upper body off. Blood dripped from his nose and a bruise rested on his cheeks

He smiled creepily and that's when it hit me. Fear. I have not experienced fear in a lomg time. H-He smiled. His eyes show delight even though he's got a nose bleed. He's a pervert. The worse kind of pervert too!

The man wiped his bloody nose. "That punch . . . I'm aroused." I shivered at his creepiness. What the hell is with this guy?! He's uttering nonsense. He's dangerous. Hak and I turned and quickly ran away from the pervert.

We slowed our run when we saw Yona and the others walking our way. "Hak, Kiri!" Yona called. We came to a stop in front of them. "Princess, why are you here?" Hak asked, surprised to see them here. "He said he felt the Green Dragon's presence around here." Yoon jabbed his thumb in Kija's direction.

"What? Really?" I asked. So close too. Did we see him? "I will try over here!" Kija ran off. I turned in his direction. "Ah, Kija!" It was too late, he rounded the corner and was out of sight.

I frowned, worry etched onto my face. "What's wrong Kiri?" Yona asked, noticing my change of facial expressions. My frown deepened.

"Kija's very good looking." I started, making Yoon sweat drop. "I'm worried the pervert will defile him." My face twisted at the thought. I didn't want the beautiful, pure, Kija to be corrupted by a sick pervert.

He'll definitely try to go after him.

"Pervert?" The two questioned. Hak shook his head. "It's alright, you don't need to know." Hak assured. Well, I'm sure Kija can keep the freak away. And he's not after us anymore.

For the first time I feared another person. The imagine of his sick grin flashed through my mind and I shook my head. A playboy and a pervert.

What a terrible package deal. We began heading elsewhere, and I didn't mind. I just wanted to find the damn Green Dragon so we can leave this damn town and the pervert behind.

We passed another board, and out of annoyance, Hak and I tore our flyers down. Yona stared at the poorly drawn portrait of the pervert. "Is this the person that helped save the woman from the officers?" She asked us curiously.

I sighed, but nodded none the less. "Right. Of course I'm not involved with this guy at all." Hak assured, still bitter from earlier. "I'd like to meet him." Yona said, smiling kindly.

Her smile is so pure, so beautiful. I closed my eyes, a tad annoyed with the idea of her meeting him. "Rejected." I immediately declined. Hak nodded in agreement

Before anymore could be said, we could hear crying. Hm? The four of us looked at each other. "I'll go find Kija, you guys go check that out." They nodded and we separated. I have an idea where it's coming from and what it's about.

The shop from before. And I recognize that type of crying. The pain laced in it is the same pain. I shook my head. Gotta find Kija before the pervert attacks him.

As I wandered around, I sighed in defeat. Where the hell did he go? After a bit, I heard a familiar voice. "Kiri." I turned slightly to see Hak a bit behind me. I stopped and waited.

Once he reached me we continued walking. "Where's Yona and Yoon?" I asked him. He kept his gaze forward. "They're doing something real quick." I studied his face a bit. "Did someone die there?" I asked, referring to the shop we watched get destroyed.

He pursed his lips and nodded. "Yeah. A little boy. The scene riled up the Princess. She wants to help the people here. Help them from the evil that surrounds them since King Il stepped up." I sighed loudly, keeping my calm gaze forward.

"I see." She wants to help. I don't blame her. I want to help them too. But we can't just help every single person we come across. All I want is for them to survive. Yona, Hak, and, ah.

I blinked in surprise. Since when did that happen? All I wanted was those two to survive. But . . . I also want to protect Yoon, Kija, even Shin-Ah.

Because they stayed by our side, when everyone else turned their backs on us. When everyone tried to kill us. Well, with the exception of the Wind Tribe that is. But the Dragon's and Yoon are special.

They're Yona and Hak's comrades. My comrades. I don't wan to see them get hurt. I don't want to imagine them dying. I want them to live.

Of course, Hak and Yona are the ones I hold closest to my heart. They always will be.

"Hey." A familiar voice greeted. "Ew." Hak and I spoke, not turning or stopping. "Hello, hello. Sorry about before. I just want to talk to you two." He trailed behind us.

Jeez, the hell is with this guy anyway? "Grandpa's last words were 'don't talk to strangers'." Hak said, still not turning to the weirdo.

I bowed my head a bit. "May he rest in peace." I mumbled.

"My name is Jae-Ha." Oh man, he just had to tell us. "I'm also a pirate. There, now you know me." I sighed loudly, stopping.

Hak and Jae-Ha did as well. I turned to him, annoyance clear on my face. "What do you want?" I asked tiredly.

Hak looked at him as well, guard up. "Our captain wants you two. I fell head over heels for your strength. We'd like to have you join-"

"No." Hak and I interrupted him. "I want you to meet our captain just once. You can bring your master with you." He bargained. My face twisted at the mere thought.

"An even bigger no." Hak stated, not willing to let his beloved Yona meet this . . . this perverted weirdo. "Your master must mean a lot to you. Don't worry-" Jae-Ha was interrupted by a lovely voice.

"Sorry to make you wait, Hak, Kiri." Yona spoke. At her voice, Jae-Ha stiffened, as if he was hit by a spell. "Oh, who's this?" Yona smiled up at him, meeting his eyes.

Jae-Ha fell onto one knee, face red as if he was in pain. Wait a minute. I recognize that look. It's just like when Kija met Yona. No way. Could he be . . ?

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hak asked. Jae-Ha is a lot paler now, and is sweating. "Are you alright?" Yona asked in worry.

He raised his gaze back to Yona, staring at her intently. It has to be. He's completely baffled by her.

Yona reached forward and pressed her hand against his forehead, moving his bangs out of the way as she did so. "You have a high fever." She murmured.

Jae-Ha kept staring at her, almost leaning into her hand. He had so many emotions in his eyes. He couldn't pull his gaze away from hers. "Thank you, young lady. I'm fine now." His voice seemed strained with pain.

She removed her hand and kept staring at him, as he did the same. "Green Dragon?" She leaned down more to see him clearer. "You're the Green Dragon, aren't you?" She asked, almost sure of herself.

I see. "How?" Hak asked her in surprise. "Somehow I just think so. Am I wrong?" She looked from Hak back to Jae-Ha.

He finally managed to stand and smiled lightly. "I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just a-"

"Princess! He is the Green Dragon!" Kija shouted as he and Yoon ran towards us, from behind Jae-Ha.

The culprit went to run away when Hak placed him in a headlock. "You're just a . . ?" He reminded him of what he was about to say, edging him to finish. "Green Dragon." Jae-Ha strained out from Hak's hold.

"One was given a leg that could soar into the sky."

I clucked my tongue in annoyance, eying his legs. "So you're the Green Dragon. I didn't want anything to do with you anymore." Hak huffed, releasing his hold on the pervert.

Jae-Ha gasped for air the moment Hak released him. "Oh, you're the one from the wanted poster?" He turned his attention back to her.

She smiled widely. "Hak and Kiri told me about you, and I wanted to meet you. I'm glad you're the Green Dragon."

I'm not. But . . . he did save me. He can't be all bad. "I'm Yona. What's your name?" She asked.

He closed his eyes briefly before looking back at her. "Hello. My name is Jae-Ha. From the bottom of my heart, I didn't want to meet you."

Huh? What's that supposed to mean? Why not? Yona is wonderful! "You knew I was coming?" She was surprised to hear that piece of information.

"I didn't know it'd be such a cute little girl. But I knew the White and Blue Dragon had been nearby recently. I've been thinking of a line to say if they brought their master to me."

Their master? But she's also yours. And she doesn't even see it that way.

"'I don't plan on serving you. Please go away'." These Dragon's get more and more confusing. More then the last, that's for sure.

"I'm not their master. They're helping me with something right now. I've also come also come to ask for your help." She started to explain.

Jae-Ha kept that ever present smile on his face. But it's not really a smile that means happiness.

"I'm delighted that a cute girl wants my help, but sorry. Unlike the White Dragon, I don't intend to live and die for King Hiryuu. I'll choose who I want to protect as well as where I want to die. So I won't be helping you, young lady."

I clenched my fist, itching to throw a punch at his pretty playboy face. "Jae-Ha, you don't have to be so intimidating." She told him earnestly.

He seemed surprised by her words and looked elsewhere in slight embarrassment.

Oh, so he was trying to push her away. I smiled lightly. People don't push Yona away easily.

My smile soon fell as an image of Soo-Won flashed through my mind. Not even him.

"Okay. I'll give up on you." She decided, a small smile on her face. Hak and I looked at her incredulously. "Princess!" Kija protested from behind Jae-Ha.

"I am only asking, not ordering him to help." She reminded our comrade. "You're quick to give up." Jae-Ha observed, staring at her again.

"It wouldn't be dignified to be unreasonable when you've made it very clear. But I am realllly disappointed. I find it hard to pull myself away from the Dragons. I wonder why." She spoke thoughtfully, a far away look in her lavender eyes.

"I'm disappointed too. It's been a while since I've seen a cutie like you. And I want to bring them into our group." He got really close to me and Hak.

Ghek. My eye twitched at his sudden closeness. "It's not dignified to be unreasonable." I spoke Yona's words to him. But he merely smiled.

"Them? As in Hak and Kiri?" Yona questioned. I nodded and Hak looked over at her. "He's a pirate. He keeps bothering us to see their captain." He explained to her. "You're so cold." Jae-Ha sighed, still smiling annoyingly.

"And you're rude." I retorted, insinuating the conversation he just had with Yona. I don't like it when people talk to her like that.

She looked up at him then down, thinking. "A pirate." She whispered to herself before looking back up at him. "I'd like to meet with your captain for a talk." She told him.

He narrowed his eyes ever so slightly. "Why? Are you giving us Hak and Kiri?" My temple throbbed. This son of a bitch.

She shook her head. "No, I'm not. Your fight is with Awa's lord, Yang Kum-Ji, right?"

He looked at her puzzled. "What are you getting at?" He wasn't so sure of what she was trying to get at. "I saw a child get killed by the officers. I still tremble with anger when I think about it. Anger towards the officers, Yang Kum-Ji, and my powerless self."

Yona . . . she certainly has changed from back then. "I don't want to see another child inhumanely killed." Her eyes hold a strong will and powerful determination.

They've always been like that, but they've become more prominent lately.

She's gotten stronger. "Putting aside whether we'll ask for your help or not, If you're bringing Hak and Kiri, I'll arrange for a meeting. Come to our ship tomorrow." He headed off without another word.

I turned my gaze back to Yona. I know what she's thinking, and I understand her feelings, but it feels weird. For Yona to understand and desire it this much hurts my heart.

I never wanted to show her the cruel world we live in. But now that she has, my chest has swollen. Not in pain, but with pride.

The sun began to set and we headed back to camp. My mind drifted to Jae-Ha.

He's so persistent with me and Hak, no matter how many times we say no. Yona wanted him and he said no once, to which she backed off gracefully.

Why doesn't he wish to come along? Is it because he feels trapped? Surely being compelled to protect someone with your life is disliked.

Or maybe he just prefers to be here and live a life he chooses. Maybe he's just hypocritical. I don't know. But I do know Yona wants him.

We're going to need to figure out how to get him to come along. I headed over to where Yoon was, preparing dinner.

Yona sat next to him, watching him closely chop the vegetables. "Don't scare me like that. Saying you want to go meet a pirate." Yoon muttered, eyes trained on the knife as he chopped.

"I'm sorry I didn't discuss it, but I really wanted to meet with the captain." She said. Yoon looked at her, lips pursed. Worry and irritation prominent in his eyes.

"What are you going to do if they assault you?" He demanded. He sure worries a lot. But I can't blame him, I do the same.

"This was my decision, so you can stay behind." She actually thought he was worried about himself. Clueless as ever. "Don't take me for a coward! I'll go too." He stated, a small blush on his cheeks.

"I shall come with you as well." Kija claimed from behind Yoon. Shin-Ah, who sat on the other side nodded in his agreement. I smiled coyly, pointing to myself. "It goes without saying I'm coming." I told her.

She smiled warmly at us. I know she's relieved. She would go whether we went or not. Of course we'd all go. Yona is very precious to all of us.

As the sun began to fully set, Yona wandered over to Hak. Hm.

A devious smile made its way onto my face. "What are you going to do?" Yoon asked me, suspicion clear as day on his face. I just smirked, my eyes glinting with mischief. "Eavesdropping." And with that said, I stealthily glided across the space and climbed into a tree.

I had to jump a few before landing on the one above the two.

I'm not going to miss this. "Hak, you don't have a choice, but . . ." Yona trailed off, sitting next to him. "It's fine. It's just annoying to think it's working out for that guy. Are you really giving up on making him our comrade?" He questioned her.

I peered down, craning my neck so I'd be able to see their expressions. "I can't help it if Jae-Ha doesn't want to." She stated, but her eyes said it all.

She still wants him to come. "How understanding of you. When I tried to leave the Wind Tribe, you were so selfish, saying things like 'I don't recall approving you to leave' or 'give yourself to me'." I refrained from snickering.

Yona was blushing bright red, trying to hold back her embarrassment.

It shocked Hak as he stared at her, eyes slightly wide. "Princess?" He asked. She turned her head to hide her burning face from him. "Be quiet. You're special." She grumbled, pout in her voice.

I smirked. Well, well. "Special?" Hak's confusion morphed into a creepy smile that could rival Jae-Ha's.

"What do you mean? Special how?" He provoked, leaning closer to her. She turned completely around, back to him.

"There's nothing to it. Stop bringing up the past." She said. Hak's teasing is starting to get to her. Hak looked off, mischief on his face. "You also said 'at least you have to stay by my side' or something like that." He continued.

She turned, face still scarlet red and cheek puffed out. "I hate you when you're like this." She complained. I covered my mouth to stop my laughter. This is great.

"All right, dinner's ready." Yoon called. She used that moment to escape. I chuckled, jumping down next to Hak. "You're special. Congratulations. You're a step closer to getting your beloved Princess." I teased.

Amongst the amount of people who tease Hak, I have always been the only one to make him go red. It's probably on how I deliver or the fact that he can't hide a thing from me.

He blushed and shot me a look. I crouched down, pinching his pink cheek. "Awe, so cute~!" I teased.

He groaned, smacking my hand away. "Why do you feel the need to do that?" He complained. I laughed, sitting next to him. "Because you're my precious brother." I answered honestly, staring at the night sky.

Hak studied me a bit. "Why are you so insistent on anything that happens between me and Princess?"

A smile made its way onto my lips. I turned my head to face him. "Because I support your feelings for her. And I believe you and her are soul mates. Destined to be together." He blushed furiously at how seriously and earnestly I had said that.

"I thought you supported her and Soo-Won more." My smile fell at the mention of his name. Soo-Won, huh?

"I always liked the idea of you and Yona together. Of course I supported her and Soo-Won because how her feelings were, just like you did. Things change, and now that all that's happened, I can't help but to see how obvious it was. The two of you."

He looked off thoughtfully. He has always pushed his feelings for her back. Because he did want them to be together. So he could watch over them forever. And fulfill that promise we made as kids.

But since the betrayal, he's only focused on saving her. On making sure she lives. And I can't say much because that's all I'm focused on. On her, and him.

Right now is not the time to reveal his feelings. But it is the right time for him to realize them.

"Hak. I know you believe you don't feel that way to her. And I won't tell you that you like her, or love her. But you do have feelings for her. We have enough support around us for you to fully uncover those feelings. Find them, and discover what they are, and what they mean. You can't bury them forever. It'll only hurt more. And she's probably the only one who can save you."

I stood, brushing the dirt off my legs. "Just think about it. Think about them for you, not for anyone else."

With that said, I headed back over to the others. I want to help them. Physically and emotionally. We're on a long and painful path.

I want to ease them to the best of my abilities. I want to protect them from harm from others, and themselves.


We stood aboard the pirate's boat. The pirates all stood in front of us, eyeing us. In the middle up front is an old woman wearing purple and holding a smoking pipe.

Yona smiled kindly. "I'm Yona. Are you the captain?" She asked the older woman. For an old woman, she sure looks like she can move around. "Captain Gi-Gan. Jae-Ha tells me that you wanna help us out?" She spoke.

She kind of reminds me of someone. Who was it? Ah! Almost like Joo-Doh actually.

I pursed my lips at the thought of the man. I'm not too fond of him after the whole betrayal of the Sky Tribe. "Yes." Yona nodded.

Gi-Gan immediately stood in front of Shin-Ah. "What's with the mask?" Uh-oh. This isn't going to be pretty. "Take it off!" She ripped it off. Shin-Ah quickly shielded his face with his hands, hiding himself from her. He then crouched down as Gi-Gan tried to pry his hands off his face.

I frowned and grabbed her hand. "That's very rude." I spoke, not disrespectful but stern. "He's an extremely shy person!" Yoon explained.

She sighed and pulled her hand out of mine. I grabbed Shin-Ah's mask and handed it to him.

He quickly put it on. Jeez. I frowned at the captain. It's very rude to go on and do that to someone, especially without their permission.

Gi-Gan walked back to where she once was. "The one thing I value most is trust. No one's going to ask anyone untrustworthy for help."

Well . . . she's not wrong. It's still rude and border line bullying poor Shin-Ah.

Hak smirked. "But you need the manpower, right, captain?" I smirked at his words and tone. She returned the look, obviously interested in him and his personality. Which means she's as weird as the others. And me.

She had the pirates surround me, Hak, Kija, and Shin-Ah. "If you can knock them all out, you pass."

Scanning the pirates I frowned. "Yoon, catch." I tossed my spear to him. He caught it but fell at the weight.

"Girl, why'd you discard your weapon?" Gi-Gan demanded. I smirked, a defiant look in my eyes. "I don't usually fight weaklings, but if I have to, I'd rather not waste the sharpness of my blade on them." This ticked off a majority of the pirates.

Hak chuckled at my claim. "Captain, we have them vastly outnumbered." One of the younger looking ones spoke. I scoffed at his claim.

Not in skill. "You're right; this is too unfair, right?" Hak asked us. We all nodded in agreement. "I can take them all out myself." Hak, Kija, and I spoke in unison as Shin-Ah ever so slightly smirked.

The pirates did not appreciate that. "Let's see you try!" They roared, lunging at us all at once.

Not even a minute and they were all down and groaning in pain. "And this is why I didn't use a weapon. I have no restraint when I use it." I shook my hand; ridding the blood of a pirate. I accidently broke their nose.

Gi-Gan stared at us and her fallen pirates. "How was that, Captain Gi-Gan? You want us now, huh?" Hak questioned cockily.

Jae-Ha, who was leaning against the wall, spoke up. "It's no good, Captain. Their strengths are outside the norm. It's like having four of me."

I scoffed, offended by that remark. I have been fighting since I could walk. I bet I could kick his ass if I wanted. Little shit.

"You pass." Gi-Gan announced. Yona looked over to Yoon, who seemed relieved. "I'm so glad." She and Yoon shared a smile.

"It's too early to be relieved pipsqueak." Gi-Gan walked over to them. She pointed her pipe at Yoon. "What can you do?" She asked of him. Everything. Yoon's a genius, and he reminds us of it everyday.

"I'm against violence so I won't fight. But I can do everything else. Cook, sew, hunt, treat injuries, make a bomb if I had materials, and I'm beautiful." I seat dropped. Yep.

Makes sure we know he's a genius and beautiful. "I see. And you?" She turned to Yona. "Um . . ." Gi-Gan narrowed her eyes ever so slightly on her. "What can you do?" She repeated the question she asked Yoon.

"I . . . I can do . . ." Yona trailed off, struggling to think. As a princess, she didn't have to do anything. So I suppose it's something she wouldn't know.

After a moment of silence, Gi-Gan's gaze let up. "Nothing then. People who can't do anything are just a nuisance here." I narrowed my eyes on her. "But I-" Gi-Gan interrupted her.

"There's a bunch of people in this town who hate Kum-Ji. But standing against him without power is suicide. This is no task for a little girl! Go home."

This old hag. I glowered at her. "If she is not with us, then we will not-" Kija started saying.

"Kija, it's okay. Captain Gi-Gan has a point. But . . ." She looked up, eyes unwavering. "I have my reason for not backing out!" A sly smile made its way onto my face. That's the headstrong person I know and love.

Gi-Gan had a slight smile, her light brown eyes shimmering. She likes what she sees in her.

"Fine. I'll have you do a task to see if you deserve to be trusted. A task with your life on the line."

Eh? A task with her life on the line? 

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