Bad Attraction
I hopped down from the roof in front of our group with the exclusion of Yoon. I saluted Yona. "Princess! Yoon has headed into the neighboring village." I informed her. She nodded. "Thank you." She played along. "I wonder what he could be doing sneaking off like that." She wondered aloud.
Hak and I exchanged looks. "Well then . . ." I started off. "Why don't we follow?" My brother finished.
She nodded, liking the idea and held her fist up. "Alright. To Yoon." She began to head towards the direction of the village. Of course we all naturally followed after her.
Seriously. Why is he sneaking off like that? He's always the one to scold us if we venture off on our own. Now he's doing it.
As we entered the village, we immediately spotted Yoon, surrounded by some kids. Oh? The kids ran off as an older man walked over to Yoon and they began to talk.
We couldn't hear them so we walked closer. Yoon still hasn't noticed we followed him. It wasn't that hard to do because he took a cart filled with lots of items.
Definitely suspicious. He always has Hak or Kija do heavy lifting. "I have provisions. I'll pass them around to everyone." Yoon said, digging through the cart. The older man glanced back at us.
Oh, we're noticed. "Thank you. By the way . . .are those people behind you friends of yours?" He asked. Yoon glanced back, confused. "What?" He froze upon seeing all of us behind him.
"Why are you guys here?!" He shouted loudly at us. Ah, there's the normal Yoon! "You left stealthily. I got worried." Yona stated, as if she did no wrong. "I accompanied the Princess." Kija answered.
Zeno is having fun of his own, putting the fluff of Shin-Ah's mask on top of his head. "Zeno came along with Seiryuu's fluff." He grinned, an air of pleasantness around him. "Go back!" Yoon said strongly.
I stood between Hak and Jae-Ha. "Yoon, I'm hungry." Hak said in his monotone voice. "Yoon, could you make some perilla porridge?" Jae-Ha asked. I frowned at that. "Eh? No. Yoon~! Make me shish kabobs!" I whined. His temple throbbed as he listened to us, giving us mean eyes.
"Go back right now, you good for nothings." So mean. Hak, Kija, Jae-Ha, and I gathered around Shin-Ah and Zeno, taking in the nice feeling of the fluff
"This is really warm." I said, nuzzling it to my cheek. "Right? Snugly and fluffy!" Zeno said happily.
"Are you listening to me you beasts?!" Yoon yelled at us, as to be expected. "You're helping this village out right? We'll help you." Yona said in determination. "You can't! You'll attract attention!" Hm?
We all stood together in front of him. "We'll do our best not to." Yona said, an airy atmospheres about them. Although I get what he's saying. Red headed Princess, ex-general, ex-guardian, and beasts. We're not exactly on the down low.
Yoon glared at us. "That's impossible! You attract attention just by being alive!" He shouted. Well he's not wrong. He sighed, rubbing his temples.
He tends to do that when we're around. Well it's fun. "This place has sick people and isn't safe. It isn't the kind of place a princess should come to." He explained.
Yeah, I noticed that. As soon as we entered, I've only seen elderly people. The only young people I saw were those kids from earlier. And it's a bit run down. This village is like many others I've seen.
I see why Yoon is here. "Yoon." She interrupted. Oh, here we go. "It is because I am Kouka's Princess and especially because I am King Il's daughter, that I think it is a place I should come to. I want to know the effects of the things my father did." Ah-ah. No one can go against that.
But . . . I smiled lightly at her. You've sure grown, Yona. No one can go against her. Not me, not Hak, not the Dragon's, and certainly not Yoon.
"I get it! Help me out." I threw my hands behind my head. "Kay~." I said boredly.
We all set to work. I was tasked to fixing the roofs of the buildings along side with Hak and Jae-Ha, considering I spend time on roofs quite often that I know how to fix them.
I remember once I fell through the roof because Hak had stolen my spot. Gramps totally flipped and kept smacking us with that god damn fan of his. He should've just hit Hak. It was his fault.
I was on a separate house while Hak and Jae-Ha worked on the one next to mine. We are right by Yoon and Yona, who are doing dishes.
Kija and Zeno are chopping and carrying firewood and Shin-Ah is taking care of the kids here. Well, he's letting himself be their playground.
As I worked, I listened to the two down below. "I've always traded with the people of this village, but lately they haven't had anything to trade to even make a living. Now I give them medicine and food from time to time. I worried about them while I was out travelling but I'm glad. They're all safe." Hm.
It's not that uncommon. Although I did respect King Il, his rule did put many villages down under.
"You said the villagers were burdened, but you've saved them by doing this Yoon." Yona spoke, her eyes drifting across the village.
"It's just consolation. The Fire Tribe is just a land of poverty. So even if you help one, another goes hungry. Even if you give them food for a day there's none for tomorrow. There's no end. It has to be changed starting from the bottom. I know that, but there's nothing I can do about it." He said. True enough. It's how things are.
Even if we want to change it, there's only so much one person can do. If we want things to change, then everyone will need to help in doing so.
The people, the soldiers, the officers, the . . . the king. Everyone will need to work together.
But that is just a fantasy. That's not how the real world works. This is our cruel reality. It's a shame she has to see this. Well, if it's what she wants, I'll go with her. That's what our entire group is doing after all.
Besides, I don't mind helping out. It's a hassle at times but it's better then doing nothing. Even the smallest good deed can turn somebody's day for the better. Nothing wrong with that. A little help is better then none.
Done. This is the last house. Now, what next? "Heeeey! You guys!" Yoon called. Hm? We glanced down over to the boy genius. "It'll be time to eat soon, so get down!" He called up.
Hm? "Oh? I'm good. I caught a heap of fish at the river earlier and ate them. I'm not hungry." My brother lied with ease.
"Eh?! What's that?! If you caught a lot you should have shared them with everyone!" He scolded him loudly. "Eh? But then we wouldn't have been able to eat as much." I stated.
Yoon's temple throbbed in annoyance. "You gluttons! Geez. Oh, Kija. Food's ready." Yoon turned to our comrade, who's carrying an extremely large bundle of wood that needs to be chopped.
"I, too, feasted upon the fish along with Hak and Kiri. My stomach is full." He would be more convincing if his stomach wasn't letting out such loud growls.
What is he, Zeno? "It's growling. It's growling hard." Yoon said, his eye twitching. "Th-th-th-th-this isn't the sound of my stomach! Thunder is rumbling somewhere-"
"It's coming from you White Snake." Hak interrupted, throwing a bundle of rope down. It hit Kija's head, startling him and making him drop all of the wood. "You rude man! What are you doing?!" Kija roared up at him. Jae-Ha was turned, trying to muffle his laughter.
"You haven't had enough training to stop the feeling of hunger!" Hak called down. He sure enjoys picking on Kija. "Training to stop the feeling of hunger you say?! What is that?!" He shouted back up.
Zeno went to Kija and stood in a stance. His knees bent, arms pulled back a bit as if he were to punch like karate.
"You need to firmly focus strength around your belly button." Kija mimicked his stance, taking the lesson seriously. "Like this?" I sweat dropped at the two.
Despite their 'training', both of their stomachs growled loudly. "It hasn't stopped growling! Anyway, yours is growling too isn't it?!" Kija shouted at Zeno, blushing lightly.
Jae-Ha began laughing wildly, unable to contain it any longer. "Cute! You guys are cute!" Jae-Ha laughed. Kija's temple throbbed. "You're laughing too much Jae-Ha!" He shouted. Idiots. They're all idiots.
But . . .
I smiled lightly, sighing a bit. They're our idiots, that's for sure. "Yona, you'll eat right?" He turned to her.
I scoffed. She totally won't. "Oh, my stomach's also f-" She was interrupted as her stomach growled in protest. I blinked once, twice, three times. "Could you hear that?" She asked him. "Yep. I could." Yoon confirmed.
The two began laughing, as did I. These guys sure are something. I hopped down and grabbed some of the firewood Kija had dropped.
Might as well help since the roofing is finished. As I was bringing it elsewhere I sensed something.
Dropping the wood, I turned in the direction. I can vaguely feel footsteps. Too many, too close, and too quick paced to be the elderly villagers or even the children. I turned back, heading over to the others.
I made it over to my brother and the Dragon's. "Hak." I said. He nodded at the seriousness of my voice. "Yeah. I feel it too." The Dragon's looked at us strangely. "Hide! Hide!" Hm?
We turned to see Yoon and Yona run towards us. "What happened?" Hak questioned him. "An officer came! He brought soldiers! That's bad, so you guys absolutely cannot come out, okay?!"
He looked so afraid and desperate. "Officer?" Jae-Ha spoke. Hak and I looked over Yoon's shoulder. "Really, let's see?" My brother said.
I tried to see them in the distance. "Haven't had a fight in a while. I could do with the exercise." I added. Yoon shot us all a look. "Don't show your faces you beasts!" Eh? That's no fun.
The sounds of things breaking or shattering cut through the air. Yona, who stood behind Yoon, jumped and slammed into Yoon's back, in turn making him squish between her and my brother and I. Hm. I grabbed my spear and placed it in the holder on my back.
We all crept on over, staying hidden. The elder man who I assume is the village chief is on the ground, bowing to the officer and soldiers.
Uh-oh. "You can't pay you say? You want to go without paying them again?" The officer asked, a look of distaste.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry! But the rice crops this year didn't produce much. And we hardly have enough to eat ourselves. Taxes on top of that are-"
The officer quickly stomped on his head, grinding it to the ground. "Hold your tongue! If you can't pay, sell your children off!" My temple throbbed. This guy. He's a real piece of shit.
The sound of something cracking drew my attention. Ah.
Kija has his claw out and expanded. He looks super pissed. "C-calm down Kija. If you come out with that hand, they'll take you away even if you don't do anything. Right Yona?" He turned to her in the hopes she'll calm Kija down. I mean he'll listen to whatever she says.
Unfortunately she's not going to do that. She's also equally as enraged and has her bow drawn back, arrow at the ready. "Y-Yona? You can't okay? Because if they find you it will be the worst okay?! This place is more dangerous then the Earth Tribe!" Yoon tried to calm her down.
"Oh! Are we gonna fight?" I asked excitedly. He whipped his head towards me. "You're not helping!" I never said I would help though.
"Master Dol-Bal. There's food over here." A soldier said, walking towards the cart Yoon pulled over here. "See? You had some didn't you? It looks like you don't have rice, but this will do right? Carry it out." The officer ordered.
Ah hell no. Yoon brought that! And that Fire Tribe scummy officer. It's alright. They won't talk. Because dead people can't talk!
Ah, but I can't kill so mercilessly in front of Yona. I don't want her to see the look on my face as I do so. "No!" Huh?
Looking up, I see a little girl grabbing the soldiers cloak. "Yoon brought those for us!" Tch. Get away kid. It's dangerous. "Move, you're in the way." The soldier ordered.
"NO!!" The kid shouted. "This is just the right amount isn't it? Let's take that child too. Let's sell the child to make up for the insufficient tax." The officer decided.
My hand inched towards the dagger hidden in my boot. The village chief quickly got up and rushed over.
"Please have mercy! She's a child who knows nothing of this! Ugh!" Another soldier kicked him back down. "Father! NOOOO! Let go!" The little girl screamed. "If you don't want this, prepare for some rice or money! Let's go!"
Just as I was about to grab my dagger and throw it, another knife flew and hit the soldiers shoulder, making him release the girl as he fell to the ground. He's still alive, unfortunately. "Who did that?!" A soldier shouted.
"Heeeere!" Jae-Ha left the safety of the bushes and stood in the open, hand raised into the air.
Ah, he beat me to it. "Who are you? You aren't a part of this village are you?" The soldier asked. Obviously. Ever seen anyone like Droopy Eyes before. "Me? They call me . . ."
He struck a ridiculous pose and shimmered for some reason. "The Soaring Green Dragon!" I cringed.
Jae-Ha . . . you're too creepy. Way too creepy. The only thing you have going for you are your looks.
"Be careful, he's a fool!" The soldier turned to his fellow soldiers. He even manages to creep out soldiers. What does that say about you? Moron. "Wait! Jae-Ha, I said you couldn't!" Yoon shouted from his place in the bushes.
"Yoon. I was going to stay quiet as long as they were just stealing stuff. But do you think I'll pardon an ugly group of people who use violence against a little girl? It's as I expected Yoon. I'm a former pirate. It seems I'll clash with officers no matter where I go." Eh? That was kind of cool. From a creepy guy that is.
Reaching up, I pulled my hair out of its pony tail, letting my hair fall down on my back. Hak stole Shin-Ah's fluff and put it on his head, hiding his face.
I smiled and quickly stole his mask, making him cover his eyes with his hands.
I tossed a long piece of cloth onto his lap for him to wrap around his eyes and put on the mask. "Can't be helped." We said simultaneously.
Yoon turned to us. "Huh!? Wait! You can't! They'll recognize you two . . ." He trailed off once he saw what we wore.
Hak and I stood and walked out of the safety of the bushes, holding our weapons.
We look ridiculous, there's no denying that. But it hides our faces so it'll do. "Ah! Even stranger people appeared!" One soldier shouted. "Is it a demon?! Mountain men?! Ah, their stomachs are growling." Another noted.
Well I never claimed I could hide my hunger. It just likes to growl at inappropriate times. "Oh us? Well they call me the Dark Dragon." My brother started.
"I go by Mask Lady." I said the first thing that popped into my mind. Well, not like I thought this through. Oh well. It doesn't matter. Inferno Tornado is too well known.
"Ah! I recognize those spears." I soldier stared at our weapons. Shit. Hak and I quickly threw our weapons away. "They chucked it?! What?! They don't need to hold onto their weapons?!" I shrugged nonchalantly, not giving them a proper answer or anything. Not like we'll need it for these chumps. I like fighting, but fighting weaklings is such a bore.
This'll make it more fun at least. Kija Shin-Ah, and Zeno left cover. Kija's hand is expanded and ready, and Shin-Ah wore the cloth around his eyes. Still weird looking, but whatever makes him happy I suppose.
"You demons, you are frightening the villagers aren't you?" Kija questioned. I sweat dropped. I don't think he can say that with a hand like that.
Yoon cried as the soldier screamed at the shock of his hand. "I can't take this anymore. Yona, even if its just you, please hide." Of course Yona didn't bother to listen to him
"We've attracted attention regardless huh?" She murmured, making Yoon sweat drop. "I told you . . ." He mumbled, exhausted. "Anyway. I have to attract attention just to live. I must try standing out boldly right?" She asked. Yoon turned to stone. Oh?
Are things about to get interesting? She pulled her hood over and stepped out in front of us, pointing at the soldiers.
"You snot nosed good for nothings! Are you aware you are causing havoc in our territory?!" She shouted, her voice stronger and a bit different toned then normal. Eh? This speech is oddly familiar. I pursed my lips to keep from laughing.
The soldiers murmured about her being a girl. "Are you bandits?!" A soldier demanded of her. "That's right!" She agreed. Yona . . . you're amazing.
I turned a bit to keep from laughing. This is golden. This is fun, definitely worth fighting weaklings.
Everything's more fun with her! "The food over there, that child, and these villagers all belong to us! If you understand, turn tail right now and don't come back you brats!"
Can't laugh. Can't laugh. I did my best not to ruin her atmosphere she created for herself.
Oh my God this is great! Hak stifled his laughter as well, but she heard. "Don't laugh at me Dark Dragon." I turned completely, slapping my hand to my mouth. "Excuse me." Hak said, controlling his laughter. This is too funny! I can't!
"May I ask you something? That tone kind of sounded nostalgic." Jae-Ha murmured, hand over his mouth. He also finds this funny. I mean who wouldn't? Yona turned back a bit. "It's an imitation of Captain Gi-Gan." She confirmed.
"They're a foolish group. Hurry and throw them out." The officer commanded. I scoffed. I'd like to see you try it. "Yona." Yoon complained, leaving hiding. "Yoon, I'm sorry. I've been prepared to fight for the people of Kouka for a long time." We all smiled a bit at her words
"That being the case," Kija started off.
"It can't be helped," Hak added.
"Boss." Jae-Ha finished.
I cracked my knuckles. "Well then. Shall we get started?"
I sighed loudly, looking at the soldiers strewn across the ground. "Weaklings are so boring~." I complained. Hak shrugged, stretching his arm. "It couldn't be helped."
I kicked a passed out soldier. "You could have at least made it interesting." I grumbled in disappointment. It wasn't a long fight. At all. It was actually quicker then that time we took down all the pirates for Gi-Gan. What a bore.
The officer looked up, still defeated on the ground. "Do you people think . . . you'll get away with doing this?!" He demanded, voice strained with pain. "You're the ones who should learn your lesson. Don't come near this village again. If something happens to this village next time, we . . . uh?"
All of our stomachs started growling. "The Dark Dragon." Hak said. Zeno threw his hands into the air. "And the Happy Hungry Bunch!" He added energetically. ". . . Will make you pay for it!" Yona accepted the name.
I sweat dropped. It's not really intimidating. But it'll work I suppose.
Hey, King Il. Your daughter has become the leader of a band of vigilante bandits.
She really is amazing!
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