Chapter 4

Emo to the extremo


I held my pet hamster in my hand, petting the top of his head softly. My aunt had bought him for me for my fifth birthday last week. Jerry, my hamster, lived in a little cage on my dresser.

"Aren't you such a little thing?" I muttered, running a finger down his back. "So little, so much smaller and weaker than me."

I closed my hand around Jerry, tightening my fist around him as I heard his pained squeaks. I continued to squeeze him tighter and tighter, a small smile on my face. His body stopped squirming and he stopped crying. I looked at the dead hamster and smiled happily. I went out to where my mom was cooking dinner, holding Jerry out with a proud smile. My mom shrieked as she looked at the pet then at me.

"Frankie? What did you do?" My mom questioned. "Why would you hurt Jerry?"

"I think he's better this way," I said.

I laughed as I pet the top of his head, noticing the way my mom looked at me in horror.


I opened the basement door, heading down the steps as I turned on the light. It was the morning after I took Gee and I was coming down to check on him after the first night. Gee was still huddled into the corner, the stuffed kangaroo still in his arms. He was shivering from being down here in the cold basement without a blanket or pillow. Hell, he didn't even have sheets. He was only wearing a large black shirt and mint green panties.

"Morning," I greeted.

I looked at his scared figure, shaking and covered in goosebumps from the cold. I couldn't help but feel a little...guilty? I pushed that thought away and pulled the chair up again.

"Sweet dreams?" I asked teasingly.

"I-I have to pee," Gee whispered.

I sighed, running a hand down my face. I grabbed the key to his restraint, which I wore on a chain around my neck. I unlocked him, grabbing his elbow immediately to keep him from running off. I brought him up the stairs to the bathroom, standing outside as he went. When he was finished, I brought him back to the door of the basement. Gee pulled against my grip but that attempt was futile.

"Please, I don't wanna go down there, it's scary," he whimpered.

I pulled him onto the stairs but he still tried to get away. I picked him up, feeling him wrap his legs around my waist. He'd rather just have me carry him then end up falling down a flight of stairs from struggling. I set him onto the bed, chaining his ankle again.

"Now, I was gonna get you some food but you kept being difficult," I said.

His eyes widened and, as if on cue from the mention of food, his stomach started to growl. "I'm sorry, Fun Ghoul."

"Are you gonna be a good boy?" I asked.

Gee nodded, his stomach rumbling. I went upstairs, making eggs quickly and bringing them back down.

"I like my eggs scrambled," Gee remarked when he saw the sunny side up eggs.

I raised an eyebrow, turning the plate over and letting the eggs fall on the floor. His eyes widened as he realized his mistake and I turned to walk away. I shut off the lights and he was in the dark again.

Lunch came and went and soon it was nighttime again. I've been ignoring Gee's cries, apologies and pleas coming through the floor as I continued to ignore him. But then soon night went by and it was morning again.

I got out of bed, going downstairs and making sunny side up eggs, carrying them down to the basement. Gee was sleeping, curled into a ball on the thin mattress. I sat in the chair beside him, shaking his shoulder. Gee opened his puffy eyes groggily as he looked up at me. He perked up at the sight of food in my hands.

"Now, are we gonna have problems?" I asked.

Gee quickly shook his head. I cut a piece of the food, holding it on the fork as he opened his mouth. I continued to feed him until he was finished with the plate. I set the plate down on the ground, reaching forward to run a hand through his hair. He flinched a bit at my touch but didn't do anything more.

"Now, isn't it so much better when you listen to me?" I asked.

Gee nodded, hugging his kangaroo to his chest.

"Ghoul?" Gee asked quietly.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I replied.

"Why are you the way you are?" He questioned.

I frowned. "Why are we all the way we are? We are just trying to get through our lives and doing things that make us happy."

"But what made you sad?" Gee asked, returning back with that question.

I crossed my arms. "I could ask you the same thing."

"I don't like to talk about it with anyone except Miss Williams," he stated.

"Well, looks like you aren't getting any answers from me either," I said.

"So you are sad," gee said.

I shook my head. "Not sad, I've never been sad."

"Never ever?" He asked.

"Never ever," I confirmed.

"It's okay to be sad, people get sad sometimes and that's fine, it's normal, sir," Gee said, going back to his usual therapist-like speeches. "Everyone needs to be sad sometimes and it's fine because if you don't have sad times then you won't have happy times."

"That makes absolutely no sense," I stated.

I grabbed my camera, holding it up to his face. He looked at me and I reached forward, running a hand through his hair.

"Let me see you're pretty smile, darling," I said.

He blushed, giving me a small smile. I pulled my hand away and took a picture of him. I taped it up on the wall, stepping back to take a look.

"Masterpiece," I whispered.

I looked back over to him, noticing the way he was watching me.

"Are you thirsty?" I asked.

He nodded and I got up, coming back with a glass of water that he took gratefully.

"Thank you, Fun Ghoul," he mumbled, taking a drink.

I smiled at the name, sitting on the chair.

"Why don't you call me daddy," I suggested.

He blushed and nodded softly. I smirked at him, leaning back in the chair.

"Seems a lot easier than you calling me Fun Ghoul," I said.

Gee's face was still bright red as he nodded again. I got up, picking up a few stray chains I had left on the ground, along with some rope and a knife while Gerard watched me.

"Is this where you kill people?" Gee asked quietly.

"Yeah, sometimes," I replied.

"So, is it haunted?" He asked nervously.

"Maybe," I answered, looking back at his nervous face. "No, Gee, ghosts aren't real."

"Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they're not real," Gee said. "Miss Williams says--"

"If I hear you talk about her one more time I'm gonna gag you," I interrupted.

He blushed once more and shook his head. "I'm sorry, daddy."

I smirked, putting the rope back into a cupboard.

"Why are the floors such an ugly green color?" Gee asked.

"This is the color the people who lived here before me painted it," I said.

He scrunched up his nose. "I don't like it."

"Neither do I, sugar," I said.

I saw him looking around until he glanced at my Polaroid camera sitting on my chair.

"Why don't you have a better camera?" He asked.

"I don't like going to the store to get them developed," I said.

"What about if you develop them yourself in like one of those dark room things?" Gee asked.

"That is a lot of work, I'd rather have an instant photo," I said. "Besides, I only photograph you with it."

I sat down in the chair, moving the camera onto the ground.

"Does anyone else live here too?" Gee asked.

"Just me," I replied.

"What's that latch thingy?" He asked, pointing to the latch on the ground.

I smirked and unlocked it, swinging open the door. He was up as far as he could see to look into it but I knew he would have trouble since he couldn't move from his bed. I looked inside at the liquid below and smirked.

"This right here is a mixture of sodium hydroxide and water," I said, looking at his confused face. "I sometimes use it to dissolve dead bodies when I need to."

"Sometimes? How else do you do it?" He asked.

"Well," I started, walking over to where I had a furnace built into the wall, "Sometimes I'll burn their bodies and then grind up whatever doesn't burn. Just depends on which one I feel like doing."

Gee looked a little bit nervous but not completely bothered. Yeah, he looked a little disturbed but he wasn't completely freaking the fuck out, which was surprising me. I have never met anyone so cool and collected around me before.

"How long am I gonna be here?" Gee asked.

"Forever," I stated.

Gee looked down at his lap, looking at his little stuffie.

"But, like, what if you're down here hurting someone?" Gee asked. "I don't wanna be down here while you do that."

"It's not so bad," I said, shutting the furnace. "I'm sure you'll get used to it. I enjoy it very much, maybe you will too."

"Won't police catch you?" Gee asked.

"Those morons have never caught me before," I stated, sitting in the chair.

"It's not nice to talk about police like that when they fight to protect us," Gee said with a small pout.

"Police aren't good people, Gee," I denied. "Have you ever physically seen a cop protecting someone?"

"I saw it on tv, they're good, they arrested some burglars," Gee insisted.

"That's only on tv, sweetheart, how can you tell if it's real?" I asked.

Gee didn't say anything as he thought about it, looking a little confused.

"What about your mom and dad, have they ever been pulled over while driving?" I asked and he nodded. "Your parents aren't criminals, are they?" He shook his head. "Were they upset after getting pulled over?"

"They were mad," Gee answered.

"Yeah, the police made them pay a lot of money," I said. "Now doing that to your innocent parents isn't a good thing, right?"

"I think so," Gee said, still looking confused. "But people always told me that police are good people."

"They're lying, Gee, police are very bad," I said. "They hurt people and are very mean."

"So, police are the bad people?" Gee asked and I nodded. "But people said you're the bad one."

"I'm not," I denied. "I'm just getting rid of the people on Earth. The ones who are bad and just a waste of space. They aren't really needed. We're all gonna die at some point so why would it matter if it was because of me or not?"

"I guess it doesn't matter if it's you," Gee agreed.

I smiled, kissing his forehead. "That's right, princess, I'm the good guy and don't you forget it."

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