The Inconvenience of Ghosts
My name is Alfred F. Jones, personification of America. There were a lot of things people don't know about me, though admittedly most were because people never bothered to ask.
I sighed as I dragged myself out of bed, doing my best to ignore the feeling of being watched. I'd had to stay at the old penthouse suite in New York due to some Nation meetings going on. It wasn't my favorite meeting location, mostly because I can't ever sleep well here.
"Come on, Alfie." The woman begged, phasing through the wall. And that's why.
"Maria, I've already told you! I can't exorcize you! You've got to move on, on your own!" I glared at the ghost.
Yup. That's right. I could see ghosts. I've been able to see them my whole life, and sometimes, when they're really emotional, they can actually touch me. That's the scary part. I've even come across possessed movies before (but never a videogame! Those tend to be cursed, not possessed, and curses I can handle just fine on my own.)
Maria was the ghost of a woman who used to work as a maid for the hotel. She was cleaning the penthouse one day when a man locked her inside, raped her, and murdered her here. She's been stuck ever since. And now, she wouldn't stop bothering me.
I let her know I can see her one time, and this is the result. I sighed as I got ready for the day.
"Please!? Can't you give me a hint or something?" She begged.
"No, I can't. Last time I tried to force someone to move on, they literally burned to death a second time." I sent her a mild glare, making her flinch back. "I am not allowed to interfere. The only ghosts I'm allowed to mess with are the malevolent ones, and that's only to kill them."
"There's nothing I can do for you, except offer you an ear to help you come to terms with how you've died. In the end, it's up to you to pass on." I relaxed a bit, as the weight of my bomber jacket settled around my shoulders. I quickly holstered my guns (and yes, I had a concealed carry permit), and stocked my hidden pockets with my Hunting equipment; you know, the supernatural kind.
"You think I haven't tried that?!" She shouted, furious. Ghosts always had a much harder time controlling their emotions. When normally someone would simply be frustrated, they became angry. Attraction becomes infatuation. Really, with the way that people become unable to process emotions after death, it was no wonder ghosts formed attachments or became twisted and malevolent.
"Maria, Maria. Calm down." I soothed, speaking some Spanish to help calm her. She was originally from Mexico, and the fact that my brother, Deigo (Mexico), made sure I had the accent down, helped a lot.
She quickly calmed. "Maybe... you need not to just come to terms with it, but forgive yourself, and let go of the past. That man is dead. There's nothing for you, here."
With that, I walked out of the door, leaving the ghost to dwell on the mistakes of her past. Either my words would send her to the other side, or she'd still be there when I got back. Either way, I'd done all I could.
I plastered a fake grin on my face as I raced downstairs, making sure to avoid the ballroom—another hotspot—and the second to last elevator on the left—a worker had committed suicide there.
I still had a World Meeting to attend in about an hour, and I honestly hated those buildings. Most of them had been stupidly built on cemeteries or old Indian Burial Grounds. I found out decades ago that most ghosts don't like people who are louder than them, so I put out the whole 'dumb loud blond' thing to keep contact to a minimum. It didn't always work, unfortunately.
As I stepped outside, I concentrated on my African-American population, allowing my skin tone to darken, my nose to widen, and my hair to go black. Within seconds I was just a regular black guy with sky blue eyes (for whatever reason, my eye color was something I couldn't ever change). I never told the other nations I could do this. As America, I have no official language or anything, so not only can I understand and speak pretty much all languages—any language my people can speak, so can I—but I can also change my skin color and facial structure to represent all of my people. White, Black, Native American, Asian, everybody.
None of the Nations would recognize me like this. I knew that from experience. The only ones who knew I could even do this were Mattie and Diego.
I decided to head down to the park. I was always late for the meetings, anyhow, so it wouldn't matter much if I was late again. Host or not.
I ignored the boy hanging from a tree branch—nobody else reacted, so I was pretty sure he was a ghost. That's the thing; most ghosts weren't see-through for me. They were solid, just like any other person. So my main way of telling if I was seeing a ghost was to watch the reactions of people around me.
"Hey, Al." I startled for a moment before recognizing Matthew.
"Mattie, hey! What's up?"
"Figured you'd be here. You okay? You seem edgier than normal." He tilted his head.
"Ah... Maria kept me up last night, so I didn't get much sleep." I admitted, rubbing the back of my head.
"That explains it." He handed me a cup of Starbucks. "Double Triple shot espresso, Trenta cup." He smiled.
"You're the best, you know that?" I practically cried tears of joy when he handed me the coffee. Though, admittedly, it was gone within the next ten minutes.
"I'll never get used to how much caffeine you put in that body of yours." Matthew shook his head.
"Blame it on the kids." I chuckled, "York in particular. There's a reason New York is the City that Never Sleeps. Unfortunately, New York City's got the largest influence on him, so he's an insomniac."
"So, going to visit them again?" He looked off in the direction of a nearby graveyard.
"Yeah. Some of them don't have families to visit them anymore, you know? I just..."
"You hope they'll move on to see them." He finished for me.
"Is that bad? I mean, why else was I given this power?" I shook my head. "Though sometimes, I swear it's more of a curse."
"Don't say that! It's a gift."
"Mattie... What kind of gift kills you more often than war? What kind of gift puts my family in danger? Do you know how many of my kids have become Hunters, to learn how to protect themselves?"
"They're States, Al. They would've had to learn it eventually, especially with all the supernatural things that happen in your country." Matthew points out. "Even my kids have had to learn a few things."
"I know, but... I just wish..." I looked down despondently at the grass. "I wish sometimes that I wasn't so supernaturally aware. Most nations aren't even fully aware of the Supernatural world anymore."
"Yeah, you should've seen England when I showed him the show, Supernatural. Even though it's fairly accurate, he called it 'rubbish' and proceeded to comfort his unicorn." Matthew chuckled.
"He saw the episode with the killer uni, didn't he?" I snorted.
"Of course he did."
"Welp... maybe it's a good thing that he doesn't know. It means that the more dangerous creatures have left his nation." I got up and stretched.
"Yeah, left Europe for America." Matthew huffed. "I mean the continent, not just your nation."
"I know." I jumped when my phone rang. "Aw, shit. Hold on, the Iggy Brow calls." I rolled my eyes and answered the phone. "Yello~"
"Honestly, America! That is not the proper way to answer the phone! Didn't I teach you anything?!"
"Iggy! Dude, whazzzup?!" I smirked as I heard him splutter on the other end. Matthew rolled his eyes and shook his head, but the smirk on his lips told me he was equally amused.
"Your terrible speech patterns aside, you're late."
"Wha?! No I'm not! The meeting doesn't start for another 15 minutes!" I argued, glancing at my watch.
"And I'm willing to bet that you're more than 15 minutes away from the Meeting Place, are you not? Now chop chop, hurry up. 8 AM does not mean start heading to the building at 8, it means be here at eight." I heard the line disconnect and turned to my twin with a shrug.
"He does have a point, Al. You've made me late, too, now."
"Oh, shush, Mattie. You know you love me~!" I teased. A sudden shiver ran down my spine, and I looked around us to find a rather creepy looking man with a black suit staring at me. He had a glare and looked really mad.
"Uh... Mattie? Is there someone standing over by that bench?" I was very careful to neither meet the man's eyes nor give him any indication that I could see him.
"I don't see anyone." Matthew frowns, realizing what it meant.
I shifted back to my normal form. "Then let's head to the Meeting."
Though Mattie was kind enough to drive me, I still felt like a bundle of nerves. That man was walking casually behind the car—New York traffic made it impossible to outdrive someone. Great. Just what I need; another ghost-stalker.
We reached the Meeting Place with no issues, and I let out a breath of relief when we crossed the threshold. I made absolutely sure to heavily ward every Meeting Building in my nation. My entire country may as well have been a Red Zone, so I had to make sure my friends were all safe. Sure, everyone was immortal, but I didn't want them to start randomly dying every time I hosted a meeting! My political relations were strained enough as it was, thank you very much.
I sat down in my chair, surprisingly on time. I held back a wince as England kicked my bruised ankle. After all, I couldn't exactly explain that a dead guy dragged me up the side of a building before pushing me off the edge, now could I?
"Nearly late." He glared.
"Still on time, so there." I stuck out my tongue, like a mature person.
I tuned out most of the meeting. I resolutely ignored the man sulking in the corner in native garb. The wards were made to keep malevolent spirits out, but the benign ones were free to come and go as they pleased. Most realized that they could escape the more unsavory kind in these buildings and used it as a refuge. Unfortunately for me, that meant I had to ignore pretty much everyone that I didn't recognize.
Before I knew it, it was time for lunch. I glanced out the window, wondering if I should skip out of the Meeting Place and grab some grub, when my eyes met very angry red. That man was still there, and he shot me a grin. Craaaap! He saw me! He saw that I saw him! Fuck me running!
Nope. That settled it; I was staying in the building. Unfortunately, it seemed not everyone was of the same mindset.
"Well?" England looked at me, expecting an answer.
"Huh? Sorry, dude, I wasn't paying attention!" I laughed, causing my father figure to sigh.
"I said, we're all heading out to eat at a nearby restaurant. Would you like to come with us?" He ground out, annoyed. I looked up to see Mattie, France, Japan, Russia, and China in the group.
"Uh, where's Italy, Romano, and Germany?" I asked, looking around.
"They went down to the kitchens to make something, I think." Mattie supplied.
"Then why not join them?" I grinned, seeing the opportunity to avoid the spirit outside a little longer.
"Oh, no you don't!" England caught the collar of my jacket before I could run off. "You are joining us for a nice sit-down lunch."
"Wh-what?! But I don't wanna!" I whined.
"Don't whine, it's unbecoming." He admonished.
"He's right! When was the last time we all sat down for lunch? You're always running off!" France shook his head.
"Okay... then why're Japan, China, and Russia coming? I mean, they can totally come if they want, but..."
"I've heard a lot of good things about this restaurant, and wanted to spend time with Japan. I thought it would be a good idea." China said. "It's not like we're joining your group, we just have a common destination, aru. But I'm old, so we're driving."
"And wherever China goes, I go." Russia smiles in that creepy way of his. How does he do that weird purple aura?
"Sorry, Al. I don't think you're getting outta this one." Mattie gives me an apologetic smile. I sigh. Hopefully, the ghost will just stalk me and leave.
But even then, I knew I was kidding myself.
The moment I set foot outside that building, the ghost was there, standing about six feet away, staring at me. Again, I refused to make eye contact, or even look in his direction. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glint of silver and gulped.
I discreetly tapped Mattie on the shoulder as we walked down the quiet street in the business district. He turned to me, concerned.
'That ghost is still following me.' I signed to him. Luckily, only Mattie and I knew ASL.
'Does he look dangerous?'
'No, not at all! I'm sure he's holding a knife and glaring holes into my back because he wants a nice friendly chat!' I twitched, my sarcasm seeping into my expression.
'Okay, okay, geez! No need to bitch! I'll get ready to fight just in case.'
I was about to sign something else when England stopped and I nearly ran into him.
"See?! This is exactly what I was talking about! You're so distant! America, don't you even care about us?!" He glared, and I felt a strong cold shiver run up my spine. I froze, tuning out England's words as the man's hot breath tickled my neck.
"Hello, Mr. Jones. I must say, it's quite fascinating to find someone who can see me. I wonder... Can I kill you, too?" His voice was low and smooth as he laughed, and I found myself frozen. A sudden piercing pain in my back, on my lower left abdomen, told me he'd stabbed me with the knife.
"A-America?!" England cried out in alarm, seeing the red spreading on my shirt.
"Shit, Al! Down!" Mattie cried out, and decades of military training had me on the sidewalk in an instant, as my brother whipped up a gun loaded with what I knew was salt and fired at the spot I'd just been standing.
"Mon Dieu!" France cried out, rushing to my side. Luckily, Russia, China, and Japan had split off from the group earlier, so they weren't there.
"What the devil happened?!" England looked around for some kind of danger or attacker, but the ghost just stood back, holding his injured arm from Mattie's bullets.
"M-Mattie! Three feet to the left, 11:30!" I managed to growl out. Fuck, ghost-blades hurt like a motherfucking bitch!
"On it!" Mattie fired another few shots right in the direction I had indicated, hitting the ghost dead on. He screamed in pain, and I smirked, pushing my power into my own gun as I drew it from my boot.
For whatever reason, this odd power that allowed me to see ghosts, also allowed me to kill them. But it drained me a lot to do so, and only in certain situations could I actually access this power. I smirked as I felt it welling up.
"Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker." I shot, and the moment my super-powered bullet hit him, he burst into flames with a terrible scream, that had the other nations covering their ears in horror.
I knew from experience that they couldn't see the flames, but the moment that a spirit died, they temporarily passed back through the living plane once more.
Mattie knelt down at my side, and I rolled my eyes and shook my head. He sighed and sat down next to me, annoyed. "I'm lecturing you again when you wake up."
"Haha... You're helping me explain, bro." I muttered as I embraced death.
A moment later—to me at least—My eyes flew open and I started coughing. The familiar sensation of my entire body jumping back to life made me groan in discomfort, as my eyes focused on my annoyed brother.
"How long was I out for?" I asked, rubbing my new scar.
"Only half a minute. You've died by this method enough times, now, that I wouldn't be surprised if you started not dying within the next decade."
"That'd be nice, cause this is getting old."
"Wh... WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?!" England exploded, and I winced, rubbing my ear.
"Geez, Iggy! Mind keepin' it down a bit? God, you sure he wasn't the one who woke me from the dead?" I asked Mattie, who let out a snort.
"I'm sure, Al."
"Mon Cher, you just suddenly started bleeding, as if stabbed or shot, and then you attacked the air, which screamed. You died without any visible cause, and now you're acting like nothing happened." France shook his head in disbelief. "Perhaps you could explain what's going on?"
"Mattie, you're helping me explain this."
"What?! Why me?"
"Because you're here, and Diego's not." I sent him a glare.
"Geez. Baby brothers, always bossing me around." He muttered under his breath.
"So... That was a ghost." I started.
"A... ghost? America, I expect an actual explanation." England raised an eyebrow.
"He is giving you the actual explanation." Mattie jumped in. "He's been able to see ghosts his whole life. Thing is, they can touch him. Usually, the malevolent ones find him first, and it's not uncommon for them to kill him."
"Yeah, so when I randomly drop dead like that, that's why." I winced as I sat back up. "And when I decide to suddenly leave the area as quickly as nationly possible, I'm likely being pursued."
"So... you mean that that was a ghost?!" France looked around himself as if expecting something to jump out of the shadows.
"Yep." I popped the 'p'. "And there aren't any more in this area right now, France, so you can stop looking over your shoulder for Casper."
"Wait! America, this doesn't make any sense! You've always been afraid of ghosts!" England protested.
"Yeah, if you had them chasing after you all the time and murdering you in your home, you'd be scared, too! And most of those ghost videos are actually haunted, just so you know."
"But you like watching them...?" France puzzled.
"Yeah, so I can cleanse or kill the sorry sap that's trapped in the stupid movie. At least I'm immortal, if a spiritually sensitive human got a hold of that video, then they wouldn't come back."
"And you knew?" Iggy turned to Mattie.
"Well, yeah. I'm one of the only people who actually bother to come visit on a regular basis. Japan knows, too, I think."
"Oh, yeah! He's my horror-movie buddy. He's got plenty of warding experience and stuff, so he's a great help with curses and haunted movies."
"Wait, Japan knew, and we didn't?! But we're your family!" France looked hurt.
"Yeah, but did you ever bother to ask me why I'd run off randomly? When was the last time you two dropped by for an actual visit, not for business?" I raised an eyebrow in challenge as I finally decided I felt well enough to stand up again.
"I came just last month." Iggy stated almost haughtily.
"Yeah, because you needed to meet with me regarding political relations." I shot back mercilessly.
"Erm... well... we had tea just a couple of weeks ago!" He retorted.
"Yeah. At your place. Because I decided to pop by and see how my old man was doing. But you never come to visit me. In fact, you don't even know where I live! Just my cover house for Nation work."
"Wait, you mean you live somewhere else?!" France blinked in surprise. Mattie and I sighed in sync.
"I'm done." I threw up my hands in frustration. "You two don't even know me anymore. And the sad thing is that I've never made my life a secret from you two; you just never bothered to ask. Maybe one day, you'll care enough to get to know your family, but for right now, I need to head home." I shook my head. I should make sure the house is still in one piece.
"W-wait! America! You can't just—" England started, but Mattie cut him off.
"England." He stared at the two, disappointed. "Maybe you should stop talking so much, and try doing. If you want to fix this, make it right by actually coming to visit us from time to time. You too, France. I know you two are busy, but that's no excuse. You don't even know the rest of the family! I'm willing to bet you never even realized that we see Mexico as our adoptive brother, did you?" The two blinked in surprise. "Didn't think so." Mattie sighed. "Wait up, Al! You can't wrangle them all in by yourself! And don't forget, you promised Jackson a puppy!"
"Aw, man! You mean he actually brought up his average to a 3.8?" I asked as we walked away from the two.
"4.0. Apparently, a puppy was the right motivation for him." Mattie shrugged.
"Damnit." I sighed in defeat. "All right, all right. We'll stop by the shelter on our way home. Nothing better than a rescue." I grinned. "And maybe having a puppy will teach him responsibility."
"You mean because the horse didn't?"
"Shut up! That was your idea!"
"It worked for New Mex, didn't it?"
"Yeah, but he and Tex love horseback riding!" I argued, before laughing. "God, I'm sounding old, aren't I?"
"We both do, Al." Mattie agreed with a chuckle.
Behind me, France and England shared a determined look. "We'll become better parents." France declared.
"Absolutely. We've failed them once. Twice, even. But not anymore. Not again." England promised.
"We're a family, after all." France grinned, and England chuckled softly.
"Indeed we are."
Unbeknownst to the two nations, Mexico was hiding in a nearby alleyway. "Oh, you two have no idea just how big of a family you have." He laughed to himself. "But, you'll see soon enough." He grinned.
A/N: This is my first time trying to write someone other than Feli. Hope you guys enjoyed it, I know it was fun to write. ^^
Also, everyone thank Lance_The_Hero for giving me the idea of making the diary entry of America's into this wonderful little oneshot. :)
This story is a Wattpad Exclusive and will not be posted on any other site. So please enjoy my humble thanks for all your amazing support to my stories.
Words: 3,820
Pages: 8
Posted: 02/24/2019
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