Chapter 25
A/N: Details of wounds
"Your a problem."
The words echoed quietly through the Throne Room and Astrid's head snapped round, her feeling of optimism fleeing and a heavy weight like a stone settling in her stomach. Stoick just stared.
"What? Why?" he demanded, adding "Sire," as a reluctant afterthought. The King swung his cold gaze round to inspect the tall auburn-haired shape of Hiccup, flanked by his guards and looking forward with a resigned expression.
"Because no matter your status, Sir Stoick, your son has broken my laws and rules," Harild announced sternly. "There are issues regarding his conduct, allegations of his involvement in the plot itself and of course, the fact he stole the identity of one of my squires for his own gain!"
"Sire, that is a lie!"
Every eye turned onto the shape of Hiccup, his eyes blazing with anger and fists clenched. The King turned his cool gaze on the scruffy shape and raised a very blonde eyebrow.
"Yet there are a number of voices who all support the tale," he explained coldly.
"And that's a conspiracy if ever I heard one," the brash and completely undiplomatic voice of Gobber piped up from the back of the Hall. He limped forward with the familiar shapes of Gustav, Ella, Synnoeve and Nils in tow. Stoick's eyes widened at the sight of the children-especially when Nils broke away and ran towards the young man. And even more when his son unashamedly dropped to a knee and hugged the young boy, soothing the anxious child.
"You okay, little bud?" he asked softly. Nils nodded.
"Are you coming home soon?" he asked in a small voice. Hiccup sighed and shook his head.
"I don't think the King will let me, Nils," he said, trying to keep the defeat from his voice. "But Gustav and the others...and Gobber...will look after you." He gently pushed the lad back to the others, seeing Ella take the little boy's hand and offering a nod of thanks to the older girl.
"On what basis do you make these allegations, Hiccup Haddock?" the King asked sternly inspecting the young man and trying to ignore the seething presence of his leading knight.
"Because Thuggory Tete de Carne summoned me to his room on the morning of the Hunt from the stables, where I was preparing the horses," Hiccup explained. "He asked me to take his place because he claimed he was drunk and hung over and that if he missed any more hunts he would be prevented from taking the Tests." He paused. "He promised to sponsor me in taking them when the others did..." Harild leaned forward and looked at the young man.
"Surely you know that only a full knight or a ruling Lord can sponsor a squire or candidate?" he asked pointedly. "Squire Thuggory could never sponsor you to take the tests." Hiccup stared and took a slow, shuddering breath, the hot pain of betrayal burning in his chest. "Neither as a knight nor as ruler of his honour because his father still holds Meathead for his King." Hiccup looked up, his fists tightening so his knuckles whitened and he took another deep breath. He blinked once.
"I see," he said quietly.
"Captain Spitelout changed the regulations as soon as he became leader of the knights to ensure that only proper squires could claim the title of knight." Harild told him and he paled.
"Of course," he said. "So I am a fool and a desperate one at that. I never knew he had changed the laws to restrict opportunities to challenge his lazy useless son. I only knew the old regulations as laid out in the three hundred year old Chivalric Code! But Thuggory asked me to take his place and I only did it under duress because of that promise! That worthless promise."
"Sire, that is a lie," Thuggory announced. "He volunteered to help, to take my place..." Hiccup's head snapped round.
" asked me to pretend to be you," he said quietly. "You said you couldn't sponsor me if you were out of the squires. And you said you had my back. You never said you had it to bury a knife in it!" Thuggory gave a small mocking smile and then bowed to the King.
"Sire, I regret you have to hear these pathetic lies," he said smoothly. "The truth is...I felt sorry for him. I met him shortly after he had been whipped for his insolence to you. He was pitiable, to be honest-a ragged, beaten wretch who had once been a fellow squire. My only crime was of compassion. I foolishly thought maybe I could let him help me prepare for the hunt and maybe have a final taste of the life he would never have. But when he arrived, he was talking about Tests and being sponsored-and then he hit me over the head. I awoke later, realising my armour was gone. He had stolen my identity." Hiccup was shaking his head as the King leaned forward.
"Then why did you not raise the alarm?" he asked icily.
"I was going to ask the same myself, Sire," Astrid added equally coldly.
"I felt sorry for him,"Thuggory added lightly. "To be so desperate that all you could hope for was stealing a ride as a squire at the back of the Hunt? I knew the others would be able to protect the Princess and she should not be imperilled for the lack of one mere squire."
"Except every single squire was derelict in his duty," Harild ground out.
"All but the Imposter," Astrid put in.
"Had I raised the alarm, Hiccup would be executed for his crimes," Thuggory pointed out in a nauseatingly sympathetic voice. "I had hoped to allow him to return and escape with his life..."
"Except two things went wrong," Astrid commented shortly. "First was that Lord Eret was a treacherous bastard and had arranged the squires to be drunk and for me to be kidnapped. And the second of course was that you were found out and had to cover for the fact you arranged ahead of time to spend the day with my lady in waiting, Flora."
Thuggory stared at her and then turned his piercing glare on the young lady-in-waiting, his hand subtly rubbing his left third finger. Flora blushed scarlet and took a self-conscious step forward, staring at the floor. Astrid gently took her hand and murmured:
"There is no blame on your part."
The young woman squeezed her hand and raised her eyes to stare at the handsome squire.
"He told me two days before the hunt that he wouldn't be going and that he had organised someone to cover for him," she said calmly. "He just told me to make sure I was free once my mistress was away-and not to tell anyone!"
"Lies!" Thuggory protested. "Sire, I regret your daughter has manipulated her lady-in-waiting because she has developed feelings for the scrawny traitor who took her away from you..."
There was an icy pause as the King glared at his daughter and Astrid blushed.
"Daughter? Is this true?" he demanded coldly and she gritted her teeth.
"I regret that Squire Thuggory has slept with not one but five of my ladies-in-waiting and Flora is well aware that his unsubtle hint for marriage would never be fulfilled," she replied. "Her testimony is the truth."
"As is the fact that he sent fer Hiccup with Stefan here," Gobber piped up, gesturing to the self-conscious and sulky page that Synnoeve was smirking at.
"And that everyone saw him with Flora enjoying himself instead of doing his duty," Gustav added. "Um...Sire," he appended, shrinking back under the King's cold glare.
"And yet there are no witnesses to the conversation between Hiccup and Squire Thuggory," the King ruled. "And I have to believe the man of honour over the dishonoured..." Because the Meatheads guard our southeast flank and Lord Mogadon has bargained for his son...and the cost may be the young son of Sir Stoick. Thuggory has honour from his birth...and I promised to believe him...but Thor, I never dreamed he was so stupid to leave this many witnesses against him...
"And that's wrong!" Hiccup exploded, his eyes flashing. "Sire-I never failed a task or duty or did anything to dishonour myself. I was dishonoured by you when you believed lies against my father. You stole my honour. You restored my father's: how come I am still worthless in your eyes when you have admitted your error?" Harild's glare grew colder.
"You committed a crime when you impersonated a squire," he reminded Hiccup. "A man of honour would not stoop to such a deception..." Hiccup shook his head.
"Sire, notwithstanding the inherent hypocrisy in that statement by a man who send his knights in disguise to destabilise another nation, my honour was stolen and I was asked to help someone I thought was a friend," he replied. "I reluctantly accepted the deal because I was desperate-not knowing what I was being offered for my peril was in fact a false promise. My father always said that a man forges his own destiny-and that courage and honour will bring their own reward. And since my father was dead, my honour was stolen and my life was intended to consist of drudgery and hard knocks until I died of overwork or starvation, this was the only chance I had to better myself."
"And impersonation of a squire carries an automatic death penalty," Spitelout added slyly.
"Daughter-was the other thing that Thuggory alleged true?" the King said coldly, his eyes sweeping over the Princess. She schooled herself to look forward, her gaze never wavering-though the twins and Fishlegs shared a concerned look.
"What did he allege, Sire?" she asked pointedly. "That he and the other squires met me in Hunter lands and he threatened me? That he gripped my throat and threatened to hack Hiccup's hands and tongue off and put out his eyes? That he tried to pressurise me into claiming I rode off alone instead of being abandoned by my squires who failed to hunt with me?"
"About the Haddock boy?" Harild growled. She lifted her chin.
"Do I feel affection for him? Yes," she said. "He was brave, daring, self-sacrificing, decisive, utterly amazing and sarcastic. He treated me like a person-almost like the girl I was when we were young children together. But have I done anything irrevocable? No." Then she glared at her father. "But Thuggory should be hanged for laying hands on his Princess against her will. Or does that no longer count as a crime?"
"I can't believe that my son..." Mogadon protested.
"Lies!" his son added.
"Think carefully before you utter another word," the King said grimly, his anger at the situation rising. He had agreed to a deal with the Meatheads...and now it seemed the son was not only derelict in his duty but downright treasonous in laying hands on his daughter. And Harild would brave allowing a loyal lieutenant to become discontent if it risked weakening the sanctity of House Hofferson and his absolute authority. "Accusing my daughter of falsehood is insulting my blood." Thuggory stared at him, his mind working urgently.
"Sire...I was merely concerned that your daughter refused to return to Berk when we found her in Reaper, choosing instead to remain with a traitor and imposter! I mean-why would anyone in her right mind choose an unqualified drudge over her loyal squires?"
"Who were drunken and incompetent in allowing her to be kidnapped by Earl Alvin de Traitre," Hiccup added sarcastically. Thuggory leaned forward.
"Thank you," he breathed and drew his sword. "I declare blood insult on this...slave! He has insulted my name, my word and my House. He is a worthless menial expelled from the squires, a boy with a reputation with the overseers that he was always in trouble, frequently whipped and often missing from his duties. His word is worthless and I claim his life!"
Astrid was instantly on her feet.
"Hiccup is my protector and doubting him doubts me," she snapped. "So I grant him my commission. If you want to declare blood insult, you fight him for your honour, Squire Thuggory!" She walked forward and stared into Hiccup's eyes, seeing the shock as she took his hand. "Do you think you are up to the challenge, Hiccup?" she asked.
"Are you sure you don't want to beat him yourself?" he asked her quietly. "I mean he is a munge-bucket son of a boar's backside...or something along those lines..."
"Hmm-not one of my most eloquent insults...but if the cap fits, run with it..." she smiled. He nodded.
"I can only try," he agreed. "Milady, I will fight for your honour-and mine, such as it is-if you command." She stared up into his bright emerald eyes.
"I'm not sure if there's anything else we can do," she sighed. " careful. He's ruthless and cruel. He threatened..." She shuddered at the memory and he leaned closer to her, his hand stroking hers.
"I heard...and I guess he was never friend to anyone but himself," he admitted heavily. "So I guess this was inevitable..." He looked up into Thuggery's dark, triumphant eyes. "I accept." Then he paused and looked over to the huge, silent shape of his father. "I am sorry, Dad-but there's nothing else I can do. A knight must defend his honour and the honour of his Liege." Stoick blinked and he nodded.
"I am proud of you, son," he said gruffly before turning to the King. Harild nodded.
"You will fight," he said sternly. Thuggory looked up and his brows furrowed.
"My best sword has been stolen by this worthless serf!" he accused but Gobber grinned and limped forward, an object grasped in his hand. He thrust it towards Thuggory.
"When yer blackmailed the laddie intae tekin' yer place on the Hunt, he came by the forge and dropped this off-because he didnae want any part o'ye. He came fer his own sword and left yuirs with me." He leaned towards the squire and grinned menacingly. "Not the action of a dishonest man, if yer ask me..."
"Lead them to the ring!" Harild ordered then looked over at Gobber. "I suspect you have a weapon suitable for the accused?" Gobber frowned.
"What? Oh, yer mean Hiccup, Sire? Yeah, I got his weapon from Fury..." The King gestured and his knights turned, marching to the doors and going ahead as the guards led Hiccup away and Thuggory glared after him. He opened his mouth to appeal to the King. Rising to his feet, Harild stared into his face.
"If you harbour any hopes that I will stop this, you are mistaken," he said grimly. "You insulted my daughter-and manhandled her. I will not tolerate that under any circumstance. You sued for my forgiveness and wove a pretty tale that painted my daughter as a fool and her friend as a manipulative traitor...but in those words, you described yourself. And not even your father's thinly veiled threats against his Liege will spare you from the consequences of your actions! So you fight-or you lose everything anyway." He cast a cool look at the young squire. "Make your way to the arena!" Finally, the squire turned and stalked away, his friends in tow...though Snotlout hung back. He sighed then dropped to his knees in front of the King. Harild stared at him. "And what do you want?" he demanded.
"Sire," he said and seemed to be fighting for words. "I-I-I..."
"You can do it," Astrid murmured. "S-o-r-r-y...not too hard..." Snotlout's mouth worked. Then he sighed.
"I am sorry, Sire," he managed. "Look, my dad was keen for me to be leading squire and I thought it would be fine because Useless was easy to get rid of and it looked easy...but when this happened and I was left in charge..." He took a deep breath. "I messed up. I'm just not good enough to be in charge. What they said...was right. We were wasted."
"Totally wasted," Tuff confirmed. "Especially you." Snotlout cast him an irritated look.
"Thank you, Tuff!" he growled.
"Just helping! I mean you were puketastic, dude! Rainbow coloured..."
"And that's enough corroboration," Stoick growled, cutting off any more enthusiastic assistance from the male twin. Harild looked at the other two squires, standing behind the Commander. They both nodded.
"Yes, Sire," Fishlegs admitted in a wavery voice. "I am really really sorry...but when Thuggory and Snotlout and Spitelout and Dogsbreath were planning to capture and maim Hiccup to blame him, we knew it was wrong. Going to rescue the Princess was fine and really our duty but the way they behaved...sorry but we knew she was safer with him."
"And that was why we left and went after them when we left the the Hunter lands," Ruff added. "When she was taken from Bazerk north towards Nordlund, we followed. And it was a surprise-but a good one-when Hiccup and the Commander joined us at the gates of Nordlund and came up with the plan to rescue her."
"Hiccup came up with the plan, Sire," Stoick added. The King stared at him.
"You are telling me that your son came up with the plan that effected the rescue of my daughter from the clutches of Drago Bludvist?" he asked in shock.
"And killed the man himself," he confirmed. Astrid nodded.
"I ended Eret but Drago would not accept the terms of our deal when Sir Stoick beat his champion," she confirmed. "He threw a pike at the Commander but our allies deflected it and Hiccup threw the knife that killed Drago outright." Harild collapsed into his throne.
" dead?" he said in a shocked voice. Stoick nodded.
"And Dagur," he added. "I killed him myself. His sister, Lady Heather, has succeeded him."
"With whom I have already signed a Treaty and invited as our guest to Berk," Astrid told her father. Harild stared at her and then suddenly gave a laugh.
"So we have a new ally and our most dangerous enemy, who was behind the whole kidnapping and who has manipulated us for years, is dead?" he checked. Astrid nodded as she rose and headed to the door, her head tilted proudly.
"Now we just have to hope the man who made it all happen survives this duel," she said and accelerated towards the ring.
Hiccup had been untied and handed the plain sword that he treated as his own. Gobber and the children were waiting worriedly at one side while Lord Mogadon, his allies Norbert and Madguts and Dogsbreath and Spitelout were at the opposite side of the arena, giving Thuggory last minute advice. Spitelout was massaging the squire's shoulders. Mogadon stared into his son's eyes.
"No mercy needed now, boy," he growled. "Kill him."
Hiccup checked the balance of his sword and tried to loosen up his shoulders, keeping an eye firmly on the opponent. Gobber was yelling helpful advice-half of which was expletives and the rest reminding him that Thuggory was treacherous-and the kids looked scared. Sighing, he walked over to them, watching the knights circle the arena, ensuring that there would be no cheating and no escapes.
"Are you going to win?" Ella asked, her voice worried and Hiccup bowed forward.
"Take care of Nils for me, okay?" he asked gently. "And Gustav. I know he's oldest but you're most sensible. Promise?" She nodded, biting her lip as he solemnly hugged them all-then turned back to the arena, seeing the King sit on his stone chair, with Astrid at his side and Stoick at his other side. He raised his sword to salute the King-and Astrid-and then turned to Thuggory, who was tightening his armour and glaring at Hiccup.
"This fight is for the blood feud declared between Thuggory Tete de Carne, son of Mogadon, Heir to the Meathead lands and Hiccup Haddock, dishonoured son of Stoick Haddock," Sven the Wise announced in his amazingly high pitched voice. "There are no rules, save that this is a fight to submission or death. Begin!"
Thank you so much, Thor. This is absolutely perfect. Just what I didn't want. Thuggory is fast, right-handed and strong. He was as good as me when I was in full training. And he had no qualms to multilate me just to protect himself. He will be out to kill me.
Hiccup circled sideways, concentrating on keeping his weight balanced and his arm loose. Thuggory was taller and heavier than he was-and almost certainly nowhere near as battered as he was. His right shoulder was still painful from the stitches and he was still feeling the after-effects of the poison...but he could see Astrid's sky-blue eyes wide and concerned and he knew he was fighting for her as well as himself. He dinked sideways as Thuggory roared and lunged forward, clanging his elegant sword against Hiccup's firm defence. He still staggered back from the momentum, stumbling as he struggled to try to shove the opponent back.
"You should have stayed away," Thuggory growled. "If you had, I wouldn't have to kill you." Hiccup broke away, flashing a trio of blows accurately against his sword and then dancing back.
"And if you had not chosen to blame me but stood forward as a man and accepted the blame for your sins, then you could have earned clemency," Hiccup told him calculatingly. "But you are a coward."
The blow almost took his head off and slammed him back against the wall of the arena. He ducked away, the edge lightly tagging his bad shoulder. He hissed.
"I. AM. NOT. A. COWARD!" Thuggory roared and came after him, Hiccup was rammed backwards by another blow and he stumbled, almost falling, though he could feel his stitches tear.
"Then a liar?" Hiccup gasped. "Because you lied to me. You promised to sponsor me for the Tests-but you knew it was not possible!" Thuggory gave a low chuckle,
"No-but it was hilarious," he scoffed, trading blows. "You were always so calm and in control-but seeing you so weak, so...desperate...I couldn't resist...and you were a very convenient patsy..."
Fury lanced through Hiccup but he determinedly stamped down on it. Anger clouds the mind: a knight fights with a clear mind and a brave heart. He is trying to distract you. Because he is scared. Scared of you. He stepped back a pace and made Thuggory come to him.
"And I always thought you were smart," he taunted the squire. "But you try this lie when there are so many witnesses. Flora, the page, the twins, Fish, even did you expect to get away with it?"
"When you are dead, no one will counter what passed between us," Thuggory yelled, wildly slamming his sword against Hiccup's. "You're a disgraced menial and I am the Heir to Meathead. Everyone knew you were desperate and worthless. Who will believe your word?"
"My Dad. The Princess. Maybe...the King?" he replied, blocking. Thuggory noted his reticence and grinned.
"Lost your touch, Hicc?" he sneered. "Maybe three years of pushing a broom has made you forget how to wield a sword?" He attacked with ferocity, the speed of blows increasing, blurring as he kicked dirt up, trying to distract Hiccup. The young imposter jumped back, eyes locked on his former friend's face as he steadily met the attack. And then he switched to attack, the pace of blows increasing, each aimed at the opponents's torso, the momentum switching and driving Thuggory back. Suddenly, the handsome squire wasn't laughing and was finding the answer to his question not to his liking.
"Think...I can remember a few things..." Hiccup replied tightly, feeling blood soak into the shoulder of his tunic. He was beginning to tire, the after-effects of wounds, concussion, poisoning and too much hard riding making themselves known. And then he saw the flash as Gobber's words came back to him:
Remember someone else may just care about ending your life. You have to be prepared to break the Laws of Chivalry and be underhand, dishonourable and downright sneaky of you want to survive.
He hadn't even registered Astrid's shout as he twisted, pulling all sorts of muscles as the hot pain of the blade caressed his flank but missed his vital organs. Biting down on a hiss of pain, he spun, knowing Thuggory was trying to kill him, his sword sweeping round and separating the hand holding the dagger from the wrist even as the dagger was slashing back towards his heart. Thuggory's scream echoed through the arena as he dropped his sword and backed away wildly, his remaining hand grabbing his severed wrist to control the bleeding.
"My hand!" he screamed. Hiccup backed away, breathing hard. His side was hurting and his shoulder was agony. His grasp on his sword was shaky but still definite. He backed up a pace.
"Go back and learn to be a good man," he said gruffly. "Maybe then, you will be fit to serve the King. And your people." Then he turned away to face Harild and Astrid and lifted his bloody sword in a weary salute. "Sire, my sword is ever yours," he announced formally. "I claim victory."
"LOOK OUT!" Astrid screamed, seeing Thuggory snatch at his sword and turn towards Hiccup's back. "BEHIND YOU!"
"No!" Thuggory yelled, running at Hiccup. And the young man reacted on instinct, ducking, his sword swinging round and down as he turned to face the sneak attack. But even as his head snapped round, his blade was already slapping the opponent's sword aside and carving deep into the man's chest.
But Thuggery was wild-eyed as he lurched forward and Hiccup stumbled back, his sword batted aside, staggering.
Until an axe came tumbling, end over end, and buried in his chest.
This time, there was no scream, just a shocked choke as Thuggory froze, staggering as the blade fell from nerveless fingers. He stared down at the massive cut in his chest, the blood fountaining and the shocked shape of Hiccup, standing still with the bloody sword raised.
"But I'm meant to win. I always win," the Meathead Heir mumbled and collapsed back, dead.
"NO! MY BOY!" Modagon screamed, seeing his son and Heir fall. Hiccup collapsed to his knees as Stoick turned to the newly-bereaved father.
"This is what he wanted-for me," he growled. "He called the insult. He made his choices. Finally, he paid for his crimes!" And then the Commander turned to the other Lords. "Lord Arvid, Lord Sven the Fat-please come quietly. Enough blood has been spilled this day...but I am not averse to adding to it if you give me one moment of concern!" Then he looked around, searching for a shape that had been conspicuously absent since the moment the Commander had been pardoned. "Where's Ack?"
Hiccup glanced up, realising he had not seen the shape of the traitor during his trial at all and his quick emerald eyes saw the shape of Ack, heading stealthily for Astrid, who had thrown the ceremonial axe from over the throne in the arena to save his life. Her eyes were fixed on him, not paying attention when she should have. And she looked relieved that he was safe. There was raucous cheering and whooping so no one could hear his warning-so he did the only thing he could... He staggered to his feet, hefted his sword in his hand and threw it, as hard and true as he could. Astrid froze, eyes wide as the blade seemed to be speeding for her, toppling end over end at a furious speed... She ducked...
...and then Ack jerked, the blade impaling him mere feet behind her. She spun round, mouth dropping open in shock as the traitor gave a befuddled blink, staring down at the foot of sword sticking out through his chest before he collapsed, dead. She turned to stare back at Hiccup and the young ex-squire gave his lopsided smile.
" protect you..." he mouthed and dropped to his knees.
Immediately, the rest of the knights ringed Astrid and Harild, swords raised and faces betraying their rage at the treason of one of their own.
"Ack, Stig, Jorn and Eirik," Hiccup said wearily. "You sent them to get the Princess in the mountains north of Outcast. They were all in on it. They knew what Ack planned. Corrupt or treacherous: you decide." Harild looked at his daughter and she nodded.
"He stopped me riding straight into their arms-and we heard all four of then discuss taking me to the Count rather than home," she explained. Stoick looked round and gestured, making sure the named men were surrounded. Realising that the game was up-and their patron was dead, the men handed their swords over and allowed themselves to be arrested as the King stared at the kneeling shape and then his eyes drifted back to his daughter. No matter her evasiveness, it was clear she harboured some affection for the young man.
The young man who had fought for his non-existent honour and to protect her-and who had just saved Astrid's life.
"Rise, Hiccup Haddock," the King said, watching the young man stumble to his feet and stare boldly up into the King's face, his emerald eyes wide and open. He could hear Stoick shift and knew the Commander wanted to check his son was alright-as he had wanted to check Astrid was safe and unharmed when she finally returned.
Returned thanks to this young man.
"Father." Astrid's voice was soft, a private word for her parent rather than a communication with the King. "The Tests for knighthood consist of extensive knowledge of the codes and laws of Chivalry, a single combat and a heroic quest." Her eyes bored into his. "I think someone has proven that he has met all of those criteria. Hiccup quotes the laws all the time, he has just defeated Thuggory and he saved me. What more can you ask of him to prove his worthiness?"
Harild stared at her, seeing determination in her eyes and then his eyes trailed down over the sagging tall lean shape, seeing blood staining his beat-up tunic and fading bruises on his handsome face. Then he nodded and rose from his seat, walking down the steps to the floor of the arena, facing the young man. Astrid and Stoick followed as Hiccup stared into the eyes of his King before he bowed his head.
"Sire," he said and offered the King his sword. King Harild frowned but his hand slid around the hilt and he grasped it.
"Kneel," the King commanded and Hiccup paused, then slowly dropped to his knees, bowing his head. Both Stoick and Astrid were holding their breath as the King looked down on the kneeling young man. "Three years ago, Hiccup Haddock was expelled from the apprentice knights corps-not due to any failure on his part but because his father had been wrongly declared a traitor when he vanished. He was forced to serve as a menial in this castle and was treated poorly by almost everyone. Yet when a supposed friend asked for a favour which risked his life, he agreed. And when my daughter was in mortal peril, he never hesitated to follow, to risk his life to free her, chasing halfway across this continent and even into the land of our gravest enemy, snatching Princess Astrid from the clutches of Lord Drago and ending his menace. And today, he proved himself in combat and upheld his honour."
Silence had fallen over the arena and Stoick was staring intently at his son. In truth, he could not be more proud of all his boy had endured and conquered and was praying the King would recognise his skills as they deserved.
"So though he is no longer a squire, this young man has more than proven his talents and loyalty to Berk, to the King-and to his Heir," Harild announced, rolling the sword in his hand. "And so, though it is not usual, I believe that this young man has met every requirement and more to pass the Tests." He gently brought the flat of the blade down on Hiccup's right shoulder. He winced but remained still as the blade moved to gently tap his left shoulder also. "I name you Sir Hiccup Haddock, Knight of Berk! Arise, Sir Hiccup and accept your sword!"
There was a gasp before Stoick gave a roar of triumph and Astrid punched the air.
"YES!" she exulted and then looked embarrassed, trying to scramble back her decorum as Hiccup painfully levered his body back to his feet. He stared into the blue eyes of the King and offered a small smile as the King handed him back his sword.
"Thank you, Sire," he said in a shocked voice.
"Well deserved, Sir Hiccup," Harild said. "And I hope it in some way makes up for my stupidity in believing any Haddock would be disloyal." Hiccup looked embarrassed and rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously.
"Um...thank you, Sire," he said. "A knight forges his destiny through trials and hardships. I guess these were mine." Harild nodded and offered his hand and Hiccup warily shook it. "Now, I believe a couple of people wish to congratulate you on your success," he said and stepped back as Stoick rushed forward, wrapping Hiccup in a huge bone-crushing hug that had the young man groaning and his bones creaking.
"WELL DONE, SON!" Stoick boomed, utterly delighted.
"Dad...need...air..." Hiccup groaned and his over-excited father sheepishly released him, patting his back enthusiastically and almost knocked him off his feet.
"I couldn't be prouder," he said in wonder. "And your mother...oh Thor...she would be so proud too..." Hiccup hugged his father again, seeing the huge man suddenly hit by emotion.
"Thanks, Dad," he said gently. "I just hope so." Then he turned to Astrid and offered a small bow. "Highness..." he began as she smiled-and then flung her arms around him. Unnerved, he hugged her back as she grinned.
"See? I told you I would make sure you got to take the Tests," she told him. He managed a half-smile.
"Could have warned me," he pointed out. "He could have killed me."
"I've seen you in action," she reminded him. "I have every faith in you. The only one I would have been worried about-was Rjodr...but I know now he was the man who taught you to fight."
"Yeah...though I knew Thug would cheat," he grumbled lightly but she leaned closer to him.
"I knew you could handle it!" she smirked and then deliberately kissed him. And despite the possibly disapproving eyes of both their fathers, Sir Hiccup Haddock, Knight of Berk, captured her face between his hands and passionately kissed her back.
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