Chapter 24

Chapter 24.

Although he had been expecting it, although there really was nothing else that could happen to him for his actions, finding himself in a cell back in Berk had completely knocked the wind out of Hiccup. Seeing the Princess hustled away, his father held back at spear-point and the others standing silent before the furious King had just reinforced every fear he had. And despite everything she had promised, Astrid hadn't said a word.

He slid down to the floor, drawing his knees up to his chest. They had at least left him the cloak to wrap around his body, to keep him warm while he waited for his fate. He knew that Harild would want his trial conducted as soon as possible and then closure enacted with his execution. And all he had done was help someone he thought was a friend and rescued the Princess. He sighed. He was probably the first person in Berk's history who was going to be executed for being a hero.


His head snapped up and he moved achingly towards the door, hearing the shuffling of feet.

"Gustav?" he hissed and there was a pause.

"Yeah, it's me!" the boy said outside the door, his natural enthusiasm damped somewhat. "Is it true?"

"Pretend I've been out of the castle for a few weeks so have no clue what the gossips have been saying?" Hiccup told him, wincing at his own sarcasm. There was a hurt pause.

"No need to be mean," Gustav replied stiffly. "Look, the squires and the knights have been saying you stole Thuggery's kit and went in his place and..."

"And you know that's a steaming pile of yak dung?" Hiccup retorted. "One of the pages-the skinny blonde one with the snotty nose, Stefan, I think-was sent by Thuggory for me in the stables. Thug begged me to take his place. He claimed he was too drunk and he would lose his place in the squires if he failed to make the hunt. He said he wouldn't sponsor me in the Tests if he was expelled so I...I did it..."

"Hicc..." The tone was reproachful and curiously, that upset the prisoner more than anything else.

"I know-it was insane but honestly, I was desperate, Gustav!" he protested. "It could have been my last chance and I-I wanted to believe that someone would help me."

"We always helped you," Gustav protested. Hiccup sighed.

"I know. But you couldn't get me a shot at the Tests," he said in a shamed voice. "And I know it was selfish and it was only supposed to be one day...but the Princess was ambushed by Alvin De Traitre and Lord Eret and..."

"That can't be right," Gustav cut in. "Lord Eret reported the attack and helped the search and then headed north when he received a letter from his master..."

"Eret organised the whole thing-he intercepted us when we got away from Reaper and came through the Dragon Forest and took Astrid north to Nordlund and Count Drago..."

"Hang did you get to Reaper? I thought you were in Outcast...and how is Astrid here if you ended up in the Dark Count's lands?" Gustav asked suspiciously.

"Um...very long story...but I rescued her with help from Dad, the twins and Fishlegs!" Hiccup revealed. "Anyway, it's done now-though no one will believe me. Are you guys okay?" There was a pause.

"Don't worry-I've taken care of them-and Gobber has been great," he revealed. "He's been teaching me and Synnoeve how to do smithing. I'm getting pretty good and Gobber has said he will apprentice me..." Hiccup sank to his knees.

"He'll need an apprentice-and there was never any chance they would recognise me as it," Hiccup muttered bleakly. There was the sound of shuffling feet and it was clear Gustav was feeling self-conscious.

"Um...sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to steal..."

"You haven't," Hiccup told him sharply, then forced his voice to calm. "Gustav, I am so pleased you are learning a skill, something which will give you worth in the future. I'm just...sad, I guess, because I seem to be invisible. Invisible to the squires who used to be my friends, to the master of the household, who wouldn't allow Gobber to take me as an apprentice or allow him to keep me and adopt me, even to the King who my father gave his life for. I'm glad for you. Because now I am suddenly visible, I'm going to be blamed and then killed for kidnapping the Princess when all I did was rescue her."

"I'm sorry, Hicc," Gustav said, more contritely. "I didn't realise..." The imposter rested his hand against the door, his head bowed forward in defeat.

"Are the others okay?" he asked softly. Gods, I left them alone when I promised to look out for them. And now...I'm leaving them alone forever because I'm going to die.

"Gobber has been great!" Gustav enthused. "He's a bit crazy, to be honest, but Nils and Ella have tidied the forge up and Synnoeve is really keen on becoming Berk's first female blacksmith..."

"I'm...glad..." Hiccup forced himself to say, his heart plummeting. He closed his eyes. "I know Ruffnut would approve since she's about to become the Kingdom's first female knight." There was a pause and he could hear Gustav lean close.

"We won't let anything happen," Gustav said fiercely. "We'll prove you were only helping and..."

"Don't put yourself in any danger," Hiccup ordered him tonelessly. "I knew it was wrong and I had the choice to turn Thug down. I'll accept what blame there is."

"But they'll kill you!" Gustav protested, his voice suddenly desperate. "They can't! The Princess was kidnapped and the other squires all totally failed-I heard them talking in the yard...well, the King yelling at them-and they were all trying to blame you but you brought her home! How can they blame you when you brought her back?"

"They'll find a way, Gustav," Hiccup said heavily. "Look-just take care, okay?"

"Hiccup-we won't let you be killed!" the boy promised and got up. "Gotta go!" And his feet receded.

"Goodbye, Gustav," Hiccup sighed. "Gobber will look after you." Then he threw his arm across his face and his body shook with grief. "Please Gobber-take care of them...because soon I won't be able to..."


"How is he, laddie?" Gobber asked, looking up from the sword he was hammering. Synnoeve was watching intently, her dark eyes focussed on the work but she looked up as Gustav panted into the little space.

"Um...not good," the jet-haired teen admitted. "He sounds like he's given up, Gobber. He told me not to try to help." The big blacksmith rolled his eyes: Gustav was a well-meaning kid but sometimes his help caused more chaos than it prevented.

"Well, he didn't tell me not to help," Gobber said determinedly and rested his hammer down. He scratched his protruding chin thoughtfully. "I want you to find out exactly which girl Thuggory spent his time with when he should have been on the Hunt."

"Hiccup said there was a page who fetched him from the stable to go to Thuggory that morning," Gustav put in. "Um...the snotty one?"

"Stefan," Synneove said suddenly. "He's a real pain in the ass. I'll find him." She gave a grin. "He won't be able to get away from me, page or not!"

"Gustav-you and Ella speak to the ladies in waiting and maids. Yer said one o' them-Flora?-was with Thuggory when he was supposed to be out hunting," Gobber decided. "Persuade her to speak up so at least we confirm that Thuggory had no intention of going and doing his duty! I'll go and speak up for the laddie to that vengeful King and..."


Everyone froze at the bellow and to the children, the effect was astonishing. Gobber's eyes widened and he turned, his face suddenly melting into a look of shock-and then anger. Gustav grabbed Synnoeve and pulled her back as the blacksmith limped towards the huge shape standing at the doorway of the forge. They could both see the powerful man had to full flaming red beard-though streaked with grey, cool grey-green eyes and a stern expression.

"Isn't that...?" Synnoeve murmured.

"The Commander-Hiccup's Dad," Gustav gasped. "But I thought he was dead!"

"He sounds really alive to me," the girl commented as the Commander strode forward.

"Aren't yer s'posed tae be bothering Odin up in Valhalla?" Gobber asked him bluntly. Stoick stopped, eyes wide in shock at the unfriendly greeting.

"Not yet," he replied as firmly. "Haven't they executed you yet for drunkenness and bad blacksmithing?"

"Nothing wrong wi' my blacksmithing that a good apprentice wouldnae help," Gobber shot back. "Hasnae Harild taken yuir head? He did declare ye a traitor!" The children held their breath, wincing at the challenge and seeing the grimace pass over the Commander's face.

"We have yet to discuss it-but he has commanded me to report-after I see you," Stoick admitted. "I was arrested on arrival but as soon as the others-and the squires-had dispersed, he sent his personal retainer to have me released. Though Hiccup is still locked up..."

"And do I get tae know where yer've bin?" Gobber growled. "Just to reassure me yer havenae bin gallivanting around while I've bin here, trying tae stop yuir son giving up when everything was taken from him!" Stoick sagged.

"Imprisoned in Bazerk, fighting in the arena," he admitted. "My mission was a failure-because I was betrayed. Berk was betrayed-by men who should have known better. Arvid, Sven-and Ack."

"ACK? Yuir right hand man?" Gobber spluttered. "That's...disaster..." Stoick nodded.

"And I know who whispered in the King's ear when I was gone that I had betrayed them and my son should pay the price," he added. Gobber's face fell into a furious scowl.

"Those black-hearted lily-livered gutless treacherous sons of boar droppings!" he yelled, waving his hammer prosthetic angrily. Gustav slapped his hands over Synnoeve's ears, even though she had heard Gobber cuss before. "They betrayed yer and the boy? Oh, let me get mae hands on him! When I think of everything that lad has suffered and it was all because of them..." Then he looked at his friend. "And you..." He flung a huge hug around Stoick which the Commander returned. "Thank Thor you're back," he murmured.

"Thank Thor I am back," Stoick admitted, pulling back. "Not lost any more limbs?" Gobber gave a chuckle.

"Not yet-though my new apprentices may be the death of me," he admitted, casting a look at the youngsters huddled at the back of the forge. "Off with ye! I recall yer both had tasks tae attend?"

"Yes, Gobber!" they said and raced off as Stoick watched them.


"Stoick-those are Hiccup's kids," Gobber told him. "When he was exiled tae the drudges, he stepped up tae protect them-often at cost. He shorts himself food and takes beatings tae make sure they don't. And the squires are deliberately vile tae him and very cruel. Sad tae say, yer brother and nephew are the worst."

"That isn't a surprise," Stoick sighed.

"Anything yer want me tae do?" Gobber asked him thoughtfully. "I know they have Hiccup in jail for the impersonation. And I told him it was crazy-especially when that Thuggory met up with him after the whipping..." Stoick's face looked stricken at the confirmation-though he had seen the scars with his own eyes. "He rescued one of the boys from being ridden down by the King and knights and cheeked them for being unable to avoid a small child-which was a fair point, though not very respectful or diplomatic. Harild had him whipped. He was really down after that-but that Thuggory 'met' him and acted like he was a long-lost friend. He raised the idea of sponsoring Hiccup in the Tests and the lad mentioned it tae me. I knew it was a bad move but he was really down, Stoick. He needed something to cling to. And miraculously, three days later he calls on the laddie tae replace him in the hunt with the Princess so he can spend the day with one of her ladies-in-waiting. Smells like a month old cod tae me!"

"You knew he was impersonating a squire and you didn't stop him?" Stoick growled. Gobber sighed and shook his head.

"Stoick-he's yuir son," he said without rancour. "Stubborn as a rock. But he came here and fetched his own sword and left me Thuggery's fine blade. If he was doing it for ulterior motives, wouldn't he keep the fancy blade to sell?"

"You have it?" Stoick asked suddenly and Gobber grinned.

"In the back of the shop where the lad put it," he confirmed.

"Bring it," the Commander decided. "Now let's go to see the King about my son."


Astrid had never bathed and dressed so swiftly, determined not to be excluded from the discussions regarding her friend. She had obeyed her father when he had spoken up because she knew there was no gain in fighting him when he was emotional at her return. But now she was gowned as a Princess once more, she looked around her suite of rooms and her waiting maids. She prowled around, azure eyes flicking from one nervous woman to another.

"Which one of you was it?" she growled. There was silence.

"Um...what do you mean, Highness?" Jelena asked. Astrid paced back and forth.

"Which one of you was with Thuggory while I was out hunting?" she demanded.

Silence. Astrid saw everyone studiously inspecting the heavy patterned wool rug and she folded her arms.

"I do know what happened while I was away," she said sarcastically. Thor, Hiccup was infectious! "So the sooner you own up, the sooner I can get on with saving the life of the man who was set up by Thuggory Tete de Carne to enable you to spend a day betraying your mistress!"


"Do I need to start removing you from my service and expelling you from the Castle to get answers?" she asked pointedly. "Because a man's life is at risk and I need to know what really happened."

Silence. Astrid glared at them for a long second and then she sighed, walking with poise to her chair and settling down. Her eyes swept over the line of women.

"Then it is with regret...Britt and Tora-pack your clothes. You are dismissed," she said coldly.

"What?" Britt was a feisty redhead while Tora was a quiet but determined blonde. They were diligent and decent ladies-in-waiting-so both looked shocked at the abrupt announcement. "No-that isn't right!" Britt protested, her eyes turning to the girl to her left. Astrid didn't miss the clue and rose, walking to stand directly in front of the woman Britt and Tora were glaring at.

"Then tell me the truth!" Astrid growled. "I know you know who was with Thuggory and I am prepared to dismiss every single one of you-because if you won't reveal what I want to know, then you must all be betraying me with this conspirator!"

"Conspirator!" Flora shrieked. She was a pretty blonde with blue eyes that echoed her mistress. "It was just a bit of fun. I swear that! He just said he wanted a fun day and that he could never see me properly when you were here so the only chance was the Hunt. He said he had sorted someone to cover for him so no one would notice..." And then she slapped her hands over her mouth. "And he told me not to tell anyone that..." she mumbled behind her hands. Astrid stared at her, scowling.

"Are you the only one?" she asked. There was a pause and then Britt, Dagmara, Tora and Ragnahilde all sheepishly put their hands up. Astrid looked along her line of women and sighed, casting sympathetic glances at Jelena and Grete, the only ones not seduced by Thuggory. "Bad luck," she commented. "I guess you just aren't his type." They furiously inspected the ground. "Though I guess he tried anyway?" There were tiny nods. "If it's any consolation, his father offered him as a consort for me as soon as I was of age." She smiled. "I turned him down immediately. Even then I could tell I would always be second in his affections-after Thuggory himself. And this episode has just confirmed my judgement."

She walked back to her seat and sat again, looking at her frozen ladies-in-waiting. "Oh, I'm not dismissing anyone!" she said irritably. "I should because you didn't have the honesty to own up when I asked. And..." She paused and her memory rolled back to her revelation in the mountains. "And I owe you all an apology. I know I am proud and hot-tempered and often unthinking when I speak. I know I have said things to all of you that were cruel and hurtful. And it took a disgraced drudge to make me realise that such behaviour is unacceptable. So I have to beg your forgiveness. I never thought-but I do not mean to hurt or demean you. You all work hard and look after me well and I am truly grateful-these past weeks have proven just how well you care for me. So please-forgive me?"

There was a shocked silence and every eye widened at the frank apology. The girls looked at one another and small nods passed between them rapidly.

"Of course, Highness," Jelena said clearly. "We-we understand that sometimes you hate your life and we appreciate the apology. We...we should have been honest with you straight away." Astrid smiled and realised she had been tense, wondering if they would be able to forgive her.

"Do you all feel like that?" she asked quietly and they all nodded more enthusiastically.

"Highness-you are one of the best mistresses in the whole continent," Grete admitted. "We speak to the ladies of all visiting nobility and you are much kinder and more generous than they are. And though sometimes you are a little harsh...sometimes we don't serve you as well as we should either." Astrid sighed in relief.

"You know, I have a friend-Lady Heather of Bazerk-and she will be visiting soon," she said thoughtfully. "And I really want to show her my ladies are the best around..." Jelena grinned.

"Highness, we will do you proud," she promised.

"And I promise I will tell you all about the adventures I been through," Astrid began.

"Which clearly did nothing for your cuticles," Ragnahilde muttered to a ripple of giggles from the others. Even Astrid smiled.

"But first, I need Flora to come with me so we can see if we can help my squire, Hiccup, from being blamed for my kidnapping when he was my rescuer and protector!"

"Highness-we will all come with you," Jelena said firmly. "If Squire Hiccup saved our Princess, then we all want to help you save him." For a moment, Astrid stared at them and then she smiled, her gratitude obvious.

"Thank you," she said and rose. "Now come on. We have a friend to save."


King Harild was astonished as his daughter marched into the Throne room, her entire retinue of ladies-in-waiting trailing along in perfect order behind her. Astrid's face was locked in the determined expression he knew so well and he wasn't surprised when she turned and sat pointedly in the seat to his right, claiming her place as his Heir. The knights already stood silent and ready, lining the walls of the Throne Room and ready to protect their Liege. His counsellors-Lord Sven, Astrid's tutor Mulch, Sven the Wise, Lord Arvid, Sven the Fat, Lord Norbert, Sven the Tall, Lord Madguts and Thuggery's father, Lord Mogadon-all stood behind him, though they all edged away from Astrid's ladies, who were looking exceptionally prim and cold.

"My daughter, why are you here?" he asked her in a low voice. She flicked her azure eyes up to meet her father's, the exact mirror of of her own and smiled.

"Sire, you seek to rule on the events of the Hunt that Lord Eret demanded and what followed and since I was the only person who was present for all of those, I thought I should be here to ensure my Lord did not make a hideous mistake," she told him firmly. "I am already aware there is significant misinformation and falsehood surrounding the events. So I am here to tender the final word." Harild met her unwavering glare and nodded: sometimes, he forgot that she was his daughter with the full equal of his stubbornness and sense of justice.

"Bring them in!" he commanded and the door opened as Stoick Haddock-back in full Knight's uniform-marched in. Behind him, the twins and Fishlegs marched in smartly with even Tuff managing to keep in step. They all stopped three yards shy of the dais and bowed low, waiting to be invited to stand up. Harild nodded and motioned them to stand at ease. Then Spitelout, Snotlout, Thuggory and the rest of the squires marched up and stopped pointedly a yard to the left of Stoick, bowing low. Harild scowled but gave them the same order to stand at ease. Then finally, the guards escorted in the tall, lean shape of Hiccup, his head up and emerald eyes wary. His escorts were shoving him along roughly when he wasn't resisting and one deliberately tripped him. As his hands were bound, he went down hard and lay sprawled for a few seconds before he was dragged up and shoved forward once more. The King didn't fail to notice the tightening of Stoick's face and his fists at the cruel treatment-or the way his daughter stiffened in her seat and her hand tightened on the arm. Hiccup was finally pushed into place before the King and he offered a low bow.

"You bow to your King?" Harild asked him thoughtfully. Looking up warily, the young man nodded.

"I am a loyal subject to your Majesty," he said quietly. Harild gave a small, mirthless laugh.

"You are perhaps the only one who says that," he commented, seeing the hurt and anger flash briefly in the green gaze. Then Hiccup bowed his head.

"Your Majesty has poor advisers," he replied in a low voice.

"Insolence!" Mogadon sneered. "Highness, you should not allow this slave to insult your loyal Council such! Give me leave and I'll cut out his treacherous tongue!"

"You'd love that," Hiccup replied sarcastically. "Make sure no one could tell the truth about your two-faced treacherous self-serving son!"

"Sire, do you permit this slave to insult House Tete de Carne?" Mogadon demanded.

"My son is no slave!" Stoick snapped in fury.

"And you..." Norbert began but the Knight Commander lifted his chin and gave such a bruising glare that the man subsided. Harild gave a small smile: Stoick Haddock was probably the most intimidating man in the Kingdom and only a fool deliberately provoked him.

"I tender my report to the King and him alone," Stoick said. "I am aware that while I was away, liars and cowards have impeached my honour and I will deal with those once my Liege has had his report." Unwillingly, Harild found himself smiling, his eyes flicking briefly over Spitelout-who had gone pale-and Lords Sven, Arvid, Norbert, Mogadon and Madguts, all of whom were red with anger.

"Then report, Sir Stoick," the King commanded and the Commander nodded, his right hand automatically resting on the pommel of his sword as he related his tale. The King and his Council all listened as the knight concisely and frankly related everything that had happened-from the faulty intelligence to his actions in following his orders and ultimately his betrayal by his supposed ally. And finally, his imprisonment in the arena.

"And there I remained until I was finally rescued," he concluded.

"Incredible," Harild murmured.

"Impossible!" Lord Sven breathed. "Sire-this is fabrication from first to last. How could your most famous and best knight be held prisoner for three years without escaping? It just doesn't make sense..."

"It actually makes perfect sense, since Lord Dagur was paranoid, brutal and sadistic," Astrid said, speaking up. "He loved nothing more than to watch men fight to the death in his arena. And his victims were locked up tighter than any prison. That the Commander survived was a testament to his skills. Dagur meant him to die-and so did Lord Drago...but only his supreme skill meant he lived to be freed."

"I had given up because I couldn't see any way out on my own," Stoick admitted. "Until my son was forced to fight me and he used techniques only I could have taught him. But as I was about to finish him, he recognised me...and I saw someone I had been told had been killed. He helped me escape and then we went in pursuit of the Princess, who was on her way to Nordlund with the treacherous Lord Eret."

"I accept that Eret was a tool of Lord Drago," Harild said calmly.

"There was good evidence that Eret paid for the mead that gifted to the knights and squires who were ordered to accompany the Princess on the Hunt," Mulch put in.

"Who should NEVER have been permitted a party the night before escorting the Heir on a hunt with an alien who has been sent by a Lord known to be hostile to our land," Stoick growled, casting a furious glare at his brother. "Thor, did none of you mutton-headed fools recall a single lesson I gave you?" His fierce glare swept over the squires and no one would meet his eye. "Any thoughts, brother? Or did the call of the mead silence the oath you took to protect the Royal House Hofferson?" Harild leaned towards his daughter.

"I may be superfluous at this point," he commented dryly. "I think I can probably leave Sir Stoick to chastise the knights and squires...but there are other matters."

"The set up," Astrid reminded him. "Stoick was sent on the mission because of intelligence my Lord received supposedly from reliable sources. But Drago claimed it was a set-up to remove him and weaken us. He knew the alternatives-the traitor Ack who was Drago's preferred choice and Spitelout, who quite frankly is an idiot. But they needed Stoick's son gone as well..." Harild stared at her.

"The young man who impersonated one of my squires," he said in a cold voice.

"The young man who saved my life and the kingdom," she insisted. Then she stared at the Lords. "I am afraid no one believes you, Lord Sven. Especially since Count Drago announced his entire plot and deceit to us all when he planned to kill us." The man turned puce and began to bluster.

"You must have been misinformed, Highness, since I am a loyal..."

"Um...we all heard it, Lord Sven, Lord Arvid," Fishlegs offered timidly as the twins nodded as well.

"Busted!" Ruffnut added as Tuff pointed his index and middle fingers at the two men, then at his own eyes then back as Stoick rolled his eyes.

"Indisciplined but accurate," he added. "These two were in league with Count Drago and fed you false intelligence. Knight Ack who was sent as my partner, found a supposed mercenary who was, in fact, Drago's assassin, Krogan. We made contact with a few of Drago's men and made some allies-men who were executed by Drago for subversion. The so-called assassin took the gold I had been given to support the 'subversives' in destabilising Drago's rule and instead betrayed our mission. The potential allies were killed and I was betrayed to Dagur by Ack. I was imprisoned and Ack returned, reporting I had been lost but hinting at treason. And then these cowardly vultures pecked at my reputation and had me declared traitor."

Harild stared at his Commander, who was furious-and then at the Lords who had eagerly persuaded him to discard his Commander...and the man's son. His cold blue eyes drifted to the tall, lean shape standing quietly, battered and shabby and in chains.

"I think," the King said, "I may have been mistaken."

Astrid stared: in her knowledge, it was the first time her father had ever acknowledged that one of his judgements may have been flawed. And the ramifications...her gaze trailed to Hiccup, who visibly flinched at the words.

Finally, they had acknowledged his life had been ruined by the mistaken actions of the King...but far, far too late...

"So I offer my humble apologies, Sir Stoick, and reinstate your name and honour of this hour," the King announced. "And I think that your wisdom and skills are urgently required to lead my knights and my squires." Stoick looked across at his brother, then took a pace forward and dropped to a knee, bowing his head.

"My Liege," he said formally.

"Arise, Commander Haddock," King Harild said with a small smile and walked forward to stand before his Commander and offered Stoick his hand. The knight gratefully took it, bowing his head slightly and then standing at ease. "I hope you will accept my heartfelt apologies. I was...a fool in believing Commander Haddock would ever betray his King." Stoick stared into the familiar face and nodded.

"Sire, you enemies have played us all," he said. "But the remainder of the story belongs to your daughter." He paused. "But first...what about my son?" Harild sighed and returned to his throne, his hands curling around the armrests.

"Your a problem," he said.

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