Evolution of the Daleks

It made her sick. She hated it not just because it was a Dalek, but because it had made itself into something it could never be, something it should never become. Yet she could not deny that a walking Dalek was something the species had been missing, however, they were never meant to be able to walk. Violet could help but wonder how this new Dalek was going to fair because it was in many ways human.

''These humans will become like me. Prepare them for hybridisation,'' Sec spoke nodding his head towards the pigmen, ordering them to bring the prisoners forward.

''You should stop and think,'' Violet shouted, but her words were drowned out by the squeals of the pigs and the nervous mutterings of the prisoners.

However, something else was able to stop the proceedings. Violet frowned at the sound, it was music, but she had no clue where it was coming from.

''What is that sound?'' Sec asked his eye unable to look around him, without him actually turning his head.

''I believe it be what humans call music,'' Jones suggested earning a one eyed glare from the Dalek. Jones however, just smirked unintimidated by the creatures stare.

 ''Ah, well, now, that would be me,'' A small smile appeared on the Time Lady's face as the Doctor poked his head from out behind the shelving where he had been hiding.

''Hello, surprise. Boo. Et cetera,'' The Doctor spoke, as he walked towards Sec.

''Doctor,'' The human Dalek replied, not seemingly surprised at his sudden appearance.

''The enemy of the Daleks,'' On of the other Daleks screeched out as it rolled towards the Doctor, away from Violet and Jones.

''Exterminate,'' Another one called turning and jiggerling its gun in the Doctors direction.

''Wait!'' Sec shouted, and Violet furrowed her brow in confusing,  did a Dalek really just stop another from trying to kill.

 ''Well, then. A new form of Dalek. Fascinating and very clever,'' The Doctor remarked taking in the new version of Dalek.

''The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter,'' Sec replied calmly, it's one eye blinking at an extremely slow rate.

''How did you end up in 1930?'' The Doctor asked.

''Emergency temporal shift,'' Sec replied.

''Why couldn't they have got rid of that?'' Jones remarked mumbling to Violet who just shrugged. She was interested in what have father was planning  more than what the Daleks were planning.

''Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, huh? Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world, but instead you're skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting. All of which results in you,'' The Doctor pointed out gesturing around him at the mess the Daleks had made in the chamber.

''I am Dalek in human form,'' Sec replied in monotone.

''You've become something you hate and despise. What do you feel Sec, what does it feel to have your own mind, your own name, your own body. Tell me what you think,'' Violet spoke her voice calm, but commanding and Jones shrunk back a little as she approached the Dalek. She only spoke with authority if she wanted answers and wanted them immediately.

''I feel humanity,'' Sec replied turning away.

''What else,'' Violet prised.

''I feel everything we wanted from mankind, which is ambition, hatred, aggression and war. Such a genius for war,'' Violet sighed, Sec was no more human than he was Dalek.

''No, that's not what humanity means,'' The Doctor said, clearly thinking the same as Violet.

''I think it does. At heart, this species is so very Dalek.''

''Or perhaps at heart, Daleks are so very human,'' Jones pointed out raising his eyebrow slightly as the three non human Daleks reeled backwards as if in disgust.

''We are not the same, do not compare the might of Daleks to dullness of the human species,'' Sec spat out as Jones just looked at him with an unfazed look.

''All right, so what have you achieved then, with this Final Experiment, eh? Nothing! Because I can show you what you're missing with this thing. A simple little radio,'' Violet frowned not following what her father was getting at, she looked at him completely lost.

''What is the purpose of that device?'' One of the other Daleks asked as it wheeled back to its original place after it had moved because of Jones 'insult.'

''Well, exactly. It plays music. What's the point of that? Oh, with music, you can dance to it, sing with it, fall in love to it. Unless you're a Dalek of course. Then it's all just noise,'' It was then Violet realised what he was doing, so as he raised his screwdriver to the device she grabbed hold of Jones wrist and pulled him so they were behind the Doctor.

''Run!'' The Doctor shouted as the high pitched wail of a noise emitted causing the pigs to squeal and the Daleks to go into a bit of a frenzy.

 ''Looks like your dragging me along now,'' Jones commented as Violet grip was still tight around his wrist.

''Oh sorry,'' she apologised loosening her grip and letting go of him. Before he could say anything else to her the Doctor caught up with them.

''Come on! Move, move, move, move, move!'' With that Violet and Jones ran a little faster so they could keep up with the Time Lord.

''And you, Tallulah! Run!'' The Doctor added as he spotted the blonde singer still lurking in the tunnel.

''What's happened to Laszlo?'' She asked, but got not answer as Martha grabbed her dragging her with the rest of the group.

''Come on! Everyone up! Come on!'' The Doctor called once he had found a ladder and begun to usher people up and out of the sewer.


It wasn't long before everyone had made their way back to Hooverville, where for now it was safe, but for how long nobody really knew.

''These Daleks, they sound like the stuff of nightmares. And they want to breed?''  Solomon asked.

''You wouldn't believe me if I said they've done worse,'' Violet mumbled causing Solomon to sigh in annoyance. He did not sign up to being attacked by metal killing machines on wheels.

''They're splicing themselves onto human bodies, and if I'm right, they've got a farm of breeding stock right here in Hooverville. You've got to get everyone out,'' The Doctor remarked. Yet again Solomon sighed.

''Hooverville's the lowest place a man can fall. There's nowhere else to go.''

It was at that instant, Violet felt sorry for those milling around her. This was all they had and they'd made do, they'd stuck together and not let anyone bring them down. It was crazy how so many people lived in Hooverville and how happy they seemed despite their situation, but now the small town they'd created wasn't go to last much longer. It wasn't unfair, Violet knew that now, nothing in the universe was fair.

''I'm sorry, Solomon. You've got to scatter. Go anywhere. Down to the railroads, travel across state. Just get out of New York,'' The Doctor said in a tone that meant he didn't want any question.

''There's got to be a way to reason with these things,'' Solomon spoke and Jones groaned, how many times did they need to explain it.

''There's not a chance,'' Martha spoke up, after being silent for quite some time.

''You ain't seen them, boss,'' Frank pitched in and Violet had this sense that he was no longer the nervous boy that they had fist met.

''Daleks are bad enough at anytime, but right now they're vulnerable. That makes them more dangerous than ever,'' The Doctor explained.

''He's right, they'd do anything if it means at the end of the day they survive,'' Violet added and the Doctor agreed with a nod.

''They're coming! They're coming!'' The Shout had followed a whistle that pierced the silence of the night and it meant one thing, the Daleks were coming.

''A sentry. He must have seen something,'' Solomon spoke unaware of the chaos that was about to ensue.

''They're here! I've seen them! Monsters! They're monsters!'' The same man shouted in warning to everyone else.

''It's started,'' The Doctor stated simply and it was with that comment that Solomon chose to act.

''We're under attack! Everyone to arms!'' He shouted, which caused a flood of people to flock to where handfuls of rifles were being handed out.

 ''I'm ready, boss, but all of you, find a weapon! Use anything,'' Frank shouted and Violet sighed he'd gone back to being nervous and making rash decisions again.

''Come back! We've got to stick together! It's not safe out there! Come back!'' Solomon shouted after the people who had bailed and started to run away.

''We need to get out of the park,'' Martha commented looking around at the frantic people around them.

''We can't. They're on all sides. They're driving everyone back towards us,'' The Doctor pointed out.

''We're trapped,'' Tallulah added and Violet was surprised at how well she was taking the situation, she had not expected that attitude from a showgirl. But what did she know.

''Then we stand together. Gather round. Everybody come to me. You there, Jethro, Harry, Seamus, stay together,'' Solomon shouted out towards a few men bringing them over to him. They immedialy begun to create a circle around the woman who were stood near the campfire.

In the chaos Violet was sure she saw a figure. She blinked few times thinking it was a the smoke from the fire disrupting her eye sight, but it wasn't. Outside the circle stood a little girl, the same little girl she had seen on the bank of the river Thames. The hair was the same, brown and curly, the same round piercing blue inquisitive eyes. Violet had to focus very closely on the girls lips enable for her to lip read what the girl was saying. It was a the same message as before, but followed by a different one.

'''Beware the angles who weep for you,'' and then, ''Here come the drums.''

Violet squeezed her eyes shut as a harsh rhythm filled her head. It only lasted a few seconds, but it hurt, causing her to cry out. Luckily in the chaos that was happening around her nobody noticed.

They were surrounded, on all sides by every single Dalek that was available, meaning three. But added to all the pigmen, the entire of Hooverville were outnumbered completely.

Nobody had notice Violet's strange reaction and she was relieved because nobody else saw the girl, otherwise they would have cried out. But that also meant that if they'd not seen the girl, then was she going mad; seeing things that weren't there.

 ''There's more than one of them,'' Violet was jolted out of her thoughts when Martha called out.

''The humans will surrender,'' One of the Daleks demanded.

''Leave them alone. They've done nothing to you!'' The Doctor shouted up at the Daleks that were surrounding them. As he shouted Solomon decided to step forward much to the Doctors displeasure.

''No, Solomon. Stay back,'' But he didn't listen. From what I hear, you're outcasts too,'' Solomon spoke stepping even closer.

''Solomon, don't!'' The Doctor warned, but yet again Solomon did not listen. 

''Doctor, this is my township. You will respect my authority.  Just let me try,'' Solomon spoke through gritted teeth before he moved again to face the Dalek, ''Daleks, ain't we all the same? Underneath, ain't we all kin?'' Solomon placed down his rifle before he continued with his speech and with furrowed brows Violet watched as Jones moved to swipe it up the moment it touched the ground.

''Right. See, I've just discovered this past day, God's universe is a thousand times the size I thought it was. And that scares me. Oh yeah, terrifies me right down to the bone. But surely it's got to give me hope. Hope that maybe together we can make a better tomorrow. So, I beg you now, if you have any compassion in your hearts, then you'll meet with us and stop this fight. Well? What do you say?'' There was a pause an agonisingly long one before the Dalek spoke one word, that the Time travellers were not surprised to hear in the slightest.

''Exterminate.'' With a blinding flash of green and white the Dalek shot Solomon where he stood.

''No! Solomon!'' Frank screamed as he watched his friend fall to the ground.

 ''They killed him. They just shot him on the spot,'' Martha gasped her mouth wide open.

''It's kind of what they do,'' Jones said putting his hand on Martha's shoulder, ''You'll be fine, I promise,'' He added and she nodded the scared expression leaving her face a little, but it was still visible.

''Daleks. All right, so it's my turn! Then kill me! Kill me if it'll stop you attacking these people!'' The Doctor shouted.

 ''I will be the destroyer of our greatest enemy,'' The Dalek spoke in triumph, if ever a Dalek conveyed emotions in its speech.

 ''Then do it! But let it be known you will have a much greater enemy, one that would follow you to the ends of the universe. Just because I can,'' Violet shouted the coldness in her voice was felt by all, but the Dalek.

''Exterminate,'' But nothing happened, leaving the group to look up confused at the Dalek.

The Dalek seemed to be having an internal conversation and struggle with itself. This caused the Time lords to become even more confused, by what was happening.

''What's going on?'' The Doctor shouted up at the Dalek.

''You will follow .Both of you,'' The Dalek commanded its eye swivelling from Violet and the Doctor.

''No! You can't go,'' Martha cried looking at both Time Lords hopping one would stay.

''We've got to go. The Daleks just changed their minds. Daleks never change their minds,'' The Doctor stated and Violet nodded along.

''But what about us?'' Martha asked as she took a quick glance down at Solomon's body.

''One condition! If I come with you, you spare the lives of everyone here! Do you hear me?'' The Doctor had turned to shout back up at the Dalek yet again.

''Humans will be spared. Doctor, Milady, follow,'' Violet cringed that sounded weird coming from a big metal killing machine.

''Then I'm coming with you,'' Martha concluded, however the looks she was given proved otherwise.

''Martha, stay here. Do what you do best. People are hurt. You can help them. Let me go. Oh, and can I just say, thank you very much,'' he spoke shaking her hand and Violet knew that he had given her something.

''You also have Jones, he's a soldier, not a great one, but he'll look after you,'' Violet said giving Martha hug, who laughed at the statement about Jones.

''Hey I'm a great solider,'' Jones piped up.

''Oh sure you are,'' Violet replied with a smile before she followed the Doctor and the Dalek.


''Here you go. I got some more on the boil,'' Jones took the pan of hot water form Tallulah placing it down where Martha would need it. She was attending to a man's arm that had become damaged in the chaos the pigmen had created.

''Thanks. You'll be all right. It's just a cut. Try and keep it clean,'' Martha spoke as she finished bandaging the man's arm.
''Thanks,'' He nodded gratefully before leaving.

''So what about us? What do we do now?'' Tallulah asked looking between the two before her.

''The Doctor gave me this. He must have had a reason,'' Martha reached into her pocket and picked out the psychic paper the Doctor had given her.

''He didn't have to give you that, I've already got one,'' Jones added flashing his own one at her.

''The Doctor has two?'' Martha asked.

''No, this is Violets she never uses it so, I have it,'' Jones replied with a smirk, ''She doesn't know I have it,'' He finished as Martha raised an eyebrow.

''What are they for?'' Tallulah asked glancing between what looked like to her wallets in their hands.

 ''It gets you into places. Buildings and things. But where? He must want me to go somewhere but, what am I supposed to do?'' She looked up at Jones, but he just shrugged he had no idea either.


''Those people were defenceless! You only wanted me, but no, that wasn't enough for you. You had to start killing, because that's the only thing a Dalek's good for,'' The Doctor shouted the moment Dalek sec came into view and Violet sighed.

''The deaths were wrong,'' Violet blinked, did a Dalek really say that killing was wrong.

''I'm sorry?'' The Doctor was the one to speak as Violet felt too stunned to really say anything.

''That man, their leader, Solomon. He showed courage,'' Sec spoke.

''Yes that's a trait many people have, what is your point,'' Violet spoke picking up a spanner before then dropping it back down again. How could a Dalek use one of them, they had no hands.

''it is excellent,'' Sec spoke; only making Violet more confused.

''Is it me or are you just becoming a little bit more human?'' The Doctor asked raising an eyebrow.

''Seems like Jones was right at heart, Daleks are so very human,'' Violet muttered.

''You are the last of your kind, and now I am the first of mine,'' Sec stated.

''There's only one of you, but two of us. If you were trying to compare us, then don't,'' Violet snapped.

''What do you want us for?'' The Doctor asked.

''We tried everything to survive when we found ourselves stranded in this ignorant age. First we tried growing new Dalek embryos, but their flesh was too weak,'' Sec explained.

''Yeah, I found one of your experiments. Just left to die out there in the dark,'' The Doctor ground out.

''You may think you have changed, but there is no way,'' Violet added.

''It forced us to conclude what is the greatest resource of this planet. Its people,'' Sec ignored Violets comment and moved over to pull down a leaver which caused the darkness surrounding the room to be lifted.

Violet glanced up to realise that the roof was full of hundreds of stretchers floating. She gulped as Sec pulled one down and monitored them to come closer.

''We stole them. We stole human beings for our purpose. Look inside,'' Violet didn't want to but she watched as her father uncovered the man's face.

''This is the true extent of the Final Experiment,'' Sec explained.

''Is he dead?'' The Doctor asked as his daughter turned away in disgust.

 ''Near death, with his mind wiped, ready to be filled with new ideas.''

''Like a puppet, ready to be controlled by its master,'' Violet mumbled glaring at the huge ugly eye of Dalek Sec.

''The Human Dalek race,'' Sec declared.

''All of these people. How many?'' The Doctor asked and his sudden interest puzzled Violet.

''We have caverns beyond this storing more than a thousand,'' Sec replied and Violet wanted to kill him, but she couldn't because it was the one time she'd left her square gun in the Tardis and Jones still had Solomon's rifle, Now she wished she'd taken it off him.

''Is there any way to restore them? Make them human again?'' The Doctor asked.

''Everything they were has been lost,'' Sec explained.

''I wish everything you were had been lost,'' Violet ground out. He father stopped her from making any advances on sec as he grabbed her arm pulling her back.

''So they're like shells. You've got empty human beings ready to be converted. That's going to take a hell of a lot of power. This planet hasn't even split the atom yet. How're you going to do it?'' The Doctor asked and Violet huffed in annoyance, she really didn't want to be there anymore, not like she had wanted to be there in the first place.


'' Wait a minute. Down in the sewers, the Daleks mentioned this energy conductor,'' Martha suddenly spoke up. The three of them had been trying to figure what the Doctor wanted them to do for a while now.

''What does that mean?'' Tallulah asked.

''They'd been experimenting perhaps it's an energy conductor or something. You know for something even bigger,'' Jones suggested, which cause Martha to suddenly shout.


''What?'' Jones questioned not sure he had been there when it had been mentioned.

 ''They said the Dalekanium was in place,'' Martha explained.

''Like a transmitter,'' Jones gasped finally catching on to what Martha was on about.

''In place where?'' Tallulah pointed out.

''Frank might know,'' With Martha's suggestion the three went off looking for Frank.

It didn't take long to find him, he was sat alone his eyes just staring blankly. Jones felt sorry for the boy, he'd lost someone that meant a possibly great deal to him. Jones knew Martha wanted to talk to him, but Jones grabbed hold of her stopping her in her tracks.

''I've got this,'' Martha just looked at him, not sure what he was getting at, ''I've got experience with people who have recently lost someone. I'm a commander remember, I have fought. Although many think I haven't,'' Jones grumbled the last part as he pushed past Martha and towards Frank.

''Frank?'' Jones asked catching his attention.

 ''Hmm?'' Frank hummed in response. Jones decided to crouch down beside the boy.

''Solomon was a good guy. I'm willing to bet you are too, so to prove me right could you do me a favour?'' Frank turned towards the Commander there were tears still in his eyes from crying.

''Depends what it is you want,'' Frank spoke shrugging. He was shocked when Jones handed him a rather fancy handkerchief.

''It's for yours eyes,'' Frank nodded in thanks, before Jones then continued to speak, Anyway what I wanted to asked you was Mister Diagoras, he was some sort of fixer and able to get you jobs all over town?''

 ''Yeah, he could find a profit anywhere,'' Frank replied as he held the handkerchief between his hands, his fingers running over the gold embroidered leaves and rose, that ran edges like a border.

''But where, though? What sort of things?'' Jones pressed relieved that Frank was warming up to him.

''You name it. We're all so desperate for work, you just hoped Diagoras would pick you for something good. Building work, that pays the best,'' Frank answered.

''What sort of building work?''

 ''Mainly building that,'' Jones's eyes nearly popped out of his head as Frank pointed behind him and up at the Empire State Building.

''Well if I wanted to build a transmitter, how about one of the tallest buildings in the world,'' He murmured before looking over at Frank once again.


Violet and the Doctor both stood in front of a monitor which showed the Empire State Building. Violet for one wasn't sure why they were being shown it.

''Yeah, yeah, yeah. The Empire State Building. We're right underneath that. I worked that out already, thanks. But what, you've hijacked the whole building?'' The Doctor asked, just as clueless as what his daughter was.

 ''We needed an energy conductor,'' Sec stated simply.

''What for?'' The Doctor asked, unable to comprehend what the Daleks were planning.

''I am the genetic template. My altered DNA was to be administered to each human body. A strong enough blast of gamma radiation can splice the Dalek and human genetic codes, and waken each body from its sleep,'' Sec explained and Violet wanted to gag at the way it's tentacles moved slightly and how it's huge eyelid slowing covered and then uncovered its one eye.

''Gamma radiation? What are you. Oh, the sun. You're using the sun,'' The Doctor suddenly realised.

 ''Soon the greatest solar flare for a thousand years will hit the Earth. Gamma radiation will be drawn to the energy conductor and when it strikes...'' The Doctor finished the sentence for Sec.

''The army wakes. I still don't know what you need us for,'' The Doctor finished gesturing between him and his daughter.

''Your genius. Consider a pure Dalek, intelligent but emotionless,'' Sec replied.

''Removing the emotions makes you stronger. That's what your creator thought, all those years ago,'' The Doctor pointed out.

''He was wrong,'' Sec said bluntly.

''I'm sorry,'' Violet exclaimed.

''He was what?'' The Doctor blurted out at the same time Violet spoke.

 ''It makes us lesser than our enemies. We must return to the flesh, and also the heart,'' Sec continued to explain.
''But you wouldn't be the supreme beings anymore,'' the Doctor pointed out glancing around at all the Daleks in the room not just Sec.

''And that is good,'' Sec stated simply as if it was said every day.

''That is incorrect,'' One of the Daleks spoke up.

''Daleks are supreme,'' The one that had brought them there added.

''No, not anymore,'' Sec instantly deafened.

 ''But that is our purpose,'' The other Dalek argued.

''Then our purpose is wrong. Where has our quest for supremacy led us? To this. Hiding in the sewers on a primitive world, just four of us left. If we do not change now then we deserve extinction,'' Violets eyes widened, one reason before of Sec's speech the other because the rest of the Daleks did not argue.

''So you want to change everything that makes a Dalek a Dalek,'' The Doctor asked making sure he had heard correctly.

''If you can help me,'' Sec replied with a nod.

Violet smirked walking up to one of the Daleks patting it on the top of its metal head, making it turn to look at her.

''At heart, Daleks are so very human. Maybe you should learn to accept that.''

All it took was to flash the Doctor and Violet's Psychic papers at the workers on the door and the group of four where able to stride right into the lift and up to the highest point that it would take them.

''Always wanted to go to the Empire State. Never imagined it quite like this, though,'' Martha spoke breaking the silence that had come over them as they stood in the lift.

''Where are we headed anyway?'' Frank asked looking between Martha and Jones for an answer.

''The top, where they're still building,'' Martha replied and Jones nodded in confirmation.

''How come those guys just let us through? How do those things work?'' Tallulah asked.

''Psychic paper. Shows them whatever I want them to think. According to this, we're two engineers, an architect and whatever Jones's said,'' Martha explained.

''Building manager apparently,'' Jones responded showing Martha what was written on his paper.


''Your knowledge of genetic engineering is even greater than ours. The new race must be ready by the time the solar flare erupts,'' Sec explained as the Doctor and Violet had agreeded to help him bring human Daleks alive.

''But you're the template. I thought they were getting a dose of you,'' The Doctor remarked.

''I want to change the gene sequence,'' Sec replied and Violet raised an eyebrow, Sec confused her a lot.

''To make them even more human?'' The Doctor questioned unsure as to what Sec had actually meant.

''Humans are the great survivors. We need that ability,'' Sec replied nodding his head slightly.

''Hold on a minute. There's no way this lot are going to let you do it,'' The Doctor pointed out nodding his head in the direction of the other Daleks who seemed to be huddled together. Well as huddled as Daleks could be.

''I am their leader,'' Sec replied.

''Oh, and that's enough for you, is it?'' The Doctor shouted over to the Daleks,
''Daleks must follow orders.''

''Dalek Sec commands, we obey,'' Were the replies given, but Violet did not believe their words in the slightest.

''If you don't help me, nothing will change,'' Sec spoke almost pleading.

''There's no room on Earth for another race of people,'' The Doctor spoke shaking his head.

''You have your Tardis. Take us across the stars. Find us a new home and allow the new Daleks to start again,'' Violet nor the Doctor could argue with what Sec had said.

''When's that solar flare?'' The Doctor asked.

''Eleven minutes.''

''Right then. Better get to work.''


''Look at this pace. Top of the world,'' Tallulah spoke as she glanced over the edge of the building.

Jones stood on the edge for a while, looking down at the street below and then up at the stars above. He smiled, if only Violet was up there with him, he might as well of enjoyed it. Instead he was to worried about her and too worried that he might not be able to help.

''Okay, now this looks good,'' Jones came away for the edge and made his way over to Martha, who had found the draw that contained all the blue prints for the building.

''Hey, look at the date. These designs were issued today. They must've changed something last minute,'' Frank pointed out and sure enough the date was of that day.

''Well spotted,'' Jones praised causing Frank to smile slightly.

''You mean the Daleks changed something?'' Martha asked.

''I wouldn't put it past them. Now all we need to do is find the old ones and see what they've changed,'' Jones spoke moving the new blueprints away so that they could find some of the olds ones.

''The ones underneath, they're from before,'' Martha pointed out stopping Jones as he started to shuffle through them, ''We need to check one against the other,'' Martha added.

Immediately Jones and Frank took the sheets and laid them across the floor, they made sure they were next to each other so that any obvious difference would be easier to spot.

''I'll go and keep an eye out. Make sure we're safe up here. Don't want nobody butting in,'' Jones nodded at Franks suggestion and let the boy go.

''There's a hell of a storm moving in,'' Tallulah pointed out as a rumble sounded from above them.

''I wish the Doctor was here. He'd know what we're looking for,'' Martha replied a little bit frustrated.

''Who's to say I don't know?'' Jones pointed out.

''Do you?'' Martha questioned.

''Maybe if Vi was here, but at the moment I'm just as lost as you are,'' Jones admitted as he continued to scan the blueprints to see what things had been changed, but so far he had no such luck.

''So tell me, where did you and him first hook up?'' Tallulah asked. Jones rolled his eyes, lucky for him Violet wasn't the type of girl who gossiped so he had so far avoided any type of gossip, well until now.

''It was in a hospital, sort of,'' Martha replied, her eyes moving from the blueprints to the blonde.

''Of course, him being a doctor,'' Jones raised an eyebrow it was funny how Martha's story reflected the role that a Doctor would play, but not a role the Doctor would play.

''Actually, I'm a doctor. Well, kind of,'' Martha added and Tallulah's eye widened.

''You're a physician? Really?''

 ''I was training. Still am, if I ever get back home,'' Martha replied a hint of a smile on her lips that quickly disappeared.

''You could be doctors together. Oh, what a partnership. Oh, it's such a shame. If only he wasn't so different. You know what I mean?''

''Oh, you have no idea how different he really is,'' Martha replied.

''Yeah, he's a man, sweetheart. That's different enough.'' Tallulah added.

''He had this companion a while back. This friend. And ever since then he's been on his own. But you know, sometimes I say something or do something and he looks at me, and I just sort of think that he's not seeing me. He's just remembering.''

''He knew her a long time Martha, longer than me and longer than Violet. Just keep that in mind,'' Jones whispered to her. He didn't want Tallulah to know otherwise she'd asked questions that would be hard for him to answer.

''Oh. Listen, sweetheart. You want to get all sad? You want to have a contest with me and Laszlo?'' Tallulah remarked.

''No. But listen, if the Doctor and Violet are with Laszlo now, there's every chance that they could get him out,'' Martha pointed out.

''And then what? Don't talk crazy. There's no future for me and him. Those Dalek things took that away. The one good thing I had in my life and they destroyed it,'' Tallulah looked down glumly.

''We can live in hope Tallulah, just live in hope that after all this he'll still be ok and that he'll still love you,'' Jones explained turning his attention to the blonde, he words causing a soft smile to appear on her face.


''The line feeds are ready,'' One of the Daleks ground out.

''Then it's all systems go,'' The Doctor replied with a smirk.

However, his daughter did not share his enthusiasm; she sat on one of the benches with her hand resting on her chin. Despite Sec having asked both of them to help, she had done nothing as she did not think that it would be a good idea and she had no idea why her father was still helping them. Perhaps it was the prospect of being able to change and rid the Daleks for good, or did he have another plan that Violet had just all in all failed to see.

''The solar flare is imminent. The radiation will reach Earth in a matter of minutes,'' Sec spoke up as a warning directed towards the Doctor, that what he was planning should be done soon.

''We'll be ready for it,''

Violet watched him as he rushed around filling syringes with liquid and into stills. She was too far away to hear what the Doctor was saying, but she could clearly see the blue liquid as it rose through the tube and into the human bodies, that hung from the ceiling.


''Martha look,'' Jones exclaimed catching her attention as he pointed at something he'd only seen on one of the blueprints.

''Those little lines?'' Jones nodded in confirmation at Martha's remark, ''They're new. They've added something, see?'' Martha moved to point it out to Tallulah.

 ''Added what?'' The blonde asked, before they all took one look at each other and said in unison.



Violet jumped as the loud noise startled her. One quick look over at her Father and Sec confirmed to her that it was something that wasn't meant to happen.

''What's that?'' She asked hopping off the bench and towards the Doctor hoping he had some answers for her.

''I don't know,'' He replied honestly and the fact that Sec had to then asked what was happening worried Violet even more.

''What's happening? Is there a malfunction? Answer me!'' Sec yelled.

''No, no, no. The gene feed! They're overriding the gene feed!'' The Doctor exclaimed his hands moving to his hair as he looked around unable to stop what the other Daleks were doing.

''Impossible. They cannot disobey orders,'' Sec was becoming frustrated, but Violet knew there was nothing Sec could do, his own kind were turning against him.

''The Doctor will step away from the controls,'' The Dalek ordered lifting it's gun up so it pointed towards the Doctor.

''Stop! You will not fire,'' Sec demanded.

''He is an enemy of the Daleks,'' The Dalek shot back.

''And so are you,'' Violets eyes widened as they turned all their guns towards Sec.

''I am your commander. I am Dalek Sec,''

''You have lost your authority.''

''You are no longer a Dalek.''

''What have you done with the gene feed?'' The Doctor asked taking the attention off of Dalek Sec.

''The new bodies will be one hundred percent Dalek,'' The Dalek replied.

''No. You can't do this!'' Sec shouted.

''Pig slaves, restrain Dalek Sec and the Doctor,'' Violet looked as her father and Sec were held by pigmen, but she was left untouched.

''Release me. I created you. I am your master,'' Sec yelled out.

''Have you read Frankenstein. Spoiler the monster kills him,'' Violet spat out. She had, had enough of his constant shouting.

She hated the Daleks all of them, they were the reason she grew up a long way away from Galifrey, they were the reason it had taken her hundreds of years for her father to find her. They were the reason she never knew her mother. There was no way she was going to stand by and allow them to try and get past her like they did back a Torchwood.

''You've made a mistake,'' She called allowing the Daleks to face her. She smiled they were lined up in a row with the first Dalek right next to her.

''Explain the mistake,'' The Dalek demanded, totally unaware of what she was about to do.

''You should have had me restrained too,'' She replied with a smirk.

''Whhirrrrrr,'' Was the noise that filled the air as Violet had used her body weight to forcefully push the Dalek away from her, which then led it to bash into the one next to it and so on.

She couldn't stay long to admire the carnage before she had to hightail it over to the lift before the Pigmen reached Laszlo and the Doctor who had been waiting for her.

''The Doctor is escaping. Stop him! Stop him!'' The order came too late as Violet entered the lift the split second it slammed shut in front of the Pigmen's faces.

''We've only got minutes before the gamma radiation reaches the Earth. We need to get to the top of the building. Laszlo, what's wrong?'' The Doctor had only just noticed that Laszlo was struggling to stand up, as he daughter was trying to keep him up.

''Out of breath. It's nothing. We've escaped them, Doctor. That's all that matters,'' He spoke a little smile on his face, that did not reassure any of the Time Lords in the lift.

''Doctor!'' Martha smiled in relief as the Doctor, Violet and Laszlo emerged from the lift.

 ''First floor, perfumery,'' The Doctor remarked.

''I never thought I'd see you again,'' Tallulah was amazed and in a good way.

''No stopping me,'' Laszlo replied as Tallulah pulled him in to a hug.

''Do I get a hug?'' Jones asked as he stood up from his sitting position on the floor to greet the Time Lady.

''No, because you asked,'' But that didn't stop the solider and she knew it. Before she knew it she was engulfed by him.
He'd been worried, she knew because he held her a little longer than he normally would have.

When Violet and Jones pulled away, so did the Doctor and Martha, however, the lift also slammed shut.

''No, no, no. See, never waste time with a hug. Deadlock seal. I can't stop it,'' The Doctor exclaimed as he tired his sonic, but nothing happened.

''Where's it going?'' Martha asked unaware of where they had come up from.

''Right down to the Daleks. And they're not going to leave us alone up here. What's the time?'' The Doctor asked, wanting an answer from anyone.

''Er, eleven fifteen,'' Frank replied.

''Six minutes to go. I've got to remove the Dalekanium before the gamma radiation hits,'' The Doctor explained, not caring if he and Violet were the only ones that knew what he was on about.

''Gammon radiation? What the heck is that?'' Tallulah asked.

''It Gamma  and to answer your question it's very dangerous, that's all you need to know,'' Violet replied and Tallulah just nodded wishing she hadn't asked.


While the Doctor had decided to take up the task of climbing up the Empire State Building. Violet, Jones, Martha, Frank, Laszlo and Tallulah had to deal with what was making its way up in the lift. There were only two things it could be, Pigmen or Daleks, or Pigmen with at least a Dalek.

''The lift's coming up,'' Martha pointed out as the dial on the top of the doors begun to move, signalling that the lift was indeed on its way up.

''I should have brought that gun,'' Frank mumbled.

''You mean this one,'' Jones replied, he had somehow managed to hide it in his jacket and grinned at Frank when he took it out.

''No Jones,'' Violet ground out whipping the rifle out of his hands.

''Why not?'' Jones asked, it wasn't like the Doctor was going to be there to see it, he was busy climbing to what Jones could only think of, his death.

''Cause I want to use it,'' Violet replied with a grin as she cocked the gun.

''Tallulah, stay back. You too, Martha. If they send pig slaves, they're trained to kill,'' Laszlo interrupted Violet and Jones as he waved for the others to get back.

''The Doctor needs me to fight. I'm not going anywhere!'' Martha spoke determination clear in her voice.

''No the Doctor needs us to fight, I'm sorry Martha, but you don't know what your doing,'' Jones cut in, earning a glare from her.

''They're savages. I should know. They're trained to slit your throat with their bare teeth,'' As Laszlo finished he dropped the hammer he was holding and fell sliding against the pole.

''Laszlo? What is it?'' Tallulah rushed out moving over to help him up.

 ''No, it's nothing. I'm fine. Just leave me,'' Laszlo whispered waving her off, but she didn't.

''Oh, honey, you're burning up. What's wrong with you? Tell me,'' She asked pressing her palm against his forehead.

''Great. One man down, we ain't even started yet,'' Frank mumbled picking up the hammer the Laszlo had dropped.

''It's not looking good,'' Martha admitted realising that it was going to be about four against a possible six.

''Nope,'' Frank and Jones were the only ones to reply as Violet was trying to keep cool as the gun stayed trained on the lift doors.

''We're going to get slaughtered,'' Martha added.

''You not going to trust my aim?'' Violet piped up as a flash of lighting followed by thunder ripped across the skyline.
''Wait a minute. Lightening,'' Violet just about her what Martha whispered.

''Martha if you have an idea that might help, do it,'' Violet spoke shifting her gaze over to the woman, before she then moved back to looking at the lift.

''I'll help,'' Jones added as he moved to help Martha with her idea.

''Even if the Doctor stops the Dalekanium, this place is still going to get hit. Great big bolt of lightening, electricity all down this building. Connect this to the lift and they get zapped,'' Martha explained.

''Martha your brilliant,'' Jones praised as he helped her and Frank bind some metal scaffolding poles together.

''Is that going to work?'' Tallulah asked as the metal pole was finally constructed.

''It's got to. Otherwise we're relying on you Violet,'' Violet nodded at Martha's words.

''I've got it all piped up to the scaffolding outside,'' Frank breathed out as he came running back in from outside.

''Come here, Frank. Just sit in the middle and don't touch anything metal,'' Martha gestured to the spot in front of her and behind Jones who was at the front. Violet stood to the side the Rifle still ready in her hands if they needed it.

''Here they come,'' Violet shouted as the lift dinged to reveal around six pigmen. Violet did not need to pull the trigger on the gun as within seconds of the lighting hitting the top of the tower, every single pig fell still on the floor of the lift.

''You did it, Martha,'' Tallulah praised, but the look on Martha's face showed she did not feel like celebrating.

''They used to be like Laszlo. They were people, and I killed them.''

''No, the Daleks killed them. Long ago,'' Laszlo spoke, he had regained a little of his strength, but he did not look well.

''What about the Doctor?'' Martha suddenly remembered.

''Oh Dad,'' Violet whispered as she put the rifle down to pick up a familiar cream coloured Sonic screwdriver.

''Doctor! Doctor?'' Martha called as she noticed him lying on the platform.

'' Look what we found halfway down,'' Violet put in as she held the sonic so he could see it.

''You're getting careless,'' Martha added.

''Oh my head,'' The Doctor mumbled as he opened his eyes and slowly sat up.

''Hiya,'' Martha greeted a smile rising on her face.

''Hi. You survived, then,'' The Doctor replied with a smile that matched Martha's.

''So did you, just about. I can't help noticing there's Dalekanium still attached,'' Violet looked up after Martha's comment to see that she was right, the Dalekanium was still attached rather securely to the top of the building.

''The Daleks will have gone straight to a war footing. They'll be using the sewers, spreading the soldiers out underneath Manhattan,'' The explained as he jumped up.

''How do we stop them?'' Laszlo asked.

 ''There's only one chance. I got in the way. That gamma strike went zapping though me first,'' Violets eyes widened at what her father had just said.

''Yeah, but what does that mean?'' Martha questioned as they moved so they were inside the top floor again.

''We need to draw fire. Before they can attack New York, I need to face them. Where can I draw them out? Think, think, think, think, think. We need some sort of space. Somewhere safe. Somewhere out of the way. Tallulah!'' The Doctor finished, shouting towards the blonde.

''That's me. Three Ls and an H,'' She replied a small smile on her face as he's asked for her.

''The theatre! It's right above them, and, what, it's gone midnight? Can you get us inside?''

 ''Don't see why not,'' She replied with a shrug.

 ''Is there another lift?'' The Doctor asked, this time not caring who answered.

''We came up in the service elevator,'' Martha sated and the Doctor grinned.

''That'll do. Allons-y!''


It was eerily quiet when the group entered the theatre. A theatre at night was something Violet never thought she'd see, it was a little scary.

 Jones was thinking the same, but he didn't want to admit it. He was supposed to be a solider after all and well admitting you were scared of a dark theatre was a reputation he didn't want to have.

''This should do it. Here we go,'' The Doctor spoke as they all made their way through the middle row of seats.

''There ain't nothing more creepy than a theatre in the dark. Listen, Doctor, I know you got a thing for show tunes, but there's a time and place, huh?'' Tallulah remarked as she held her coat closer to her body, ''Laszlo, what's wrong?'' She added as she noticed him moving to sit down on one of the chairs.

 ''Nothing. It's just so hot,'' He replied waving her off again.

''But it's freezing in here. Doctor, what's happening to him?'' She asked turning to the Time lord wanting an answer.

''Not now, Tallulah. Sorry,'' The Doctor replied also waving her off.

''What are you doing?'' Martha asked as she noticed him holding his screwdriver upright as he stood on the back of one of the chairs.

 ''If the Daleks are going to war, they'll want to find their number one enemy. I'm just telling them where I am,'' He replied simply as the screwdriver begun to emit a continuous beeping sound.

''You didn't have to worry about me,'' Violet piped up from where she was stood beside Jones. Martha and the Doctor had got into an argument about her staying so that allowed Violet and Jones time to talk.

''Who says I was worried,'' He replied shrugging his shoulders slightly.

''The rather long hug back there suggested it Jones. Truth is I worried about you too, those Pigmen could have found you guys up there,'' She replied turning to face him.

''I had a gun, we would have been alright and Martha would still of had the brilliant idea,'' he pointed out.

''I suppose so, but I still worried, I always do,'' He admitted.

''Me to,'' She smirked at his reply. His mouth did open to saying something else, but was cut short as the doors to the theatre broke in allowing a line of people to march in surrounding the group on both sides.

''Doctor! Oh, my God! Well, I guess that's them then, huh?'' Tallulah was the first to speak.

''Humans, with Dalek DNA?'' Martha didn't really need to ask the question so it felt more like a statement.

 ''It's all right, it's all right. Just stay calm. Don't antagonize them,'' The Doctor said calmly more for his benefit than anyone else's.

'' But what of the Dalek masters? Where are they?'' Laszlo asked his voice barely a whisper.

Within minuets of him speaking the stage blow up revealing the Daleks with a chained Sec knelt before them.

''Well you defiantly made an entrance,'' Jones remarked shouting over to them and for once there was no elbow jab from Violet.

''The Doctor will stand before the Daleks,'' With that said the Doctor took it upon himself to stride across the seas to stand in front of the Daleks.

''You will die, Doctor. It is the beginning of a new age.''

''Sounds like a continuation of an old one,'' Violet called out.

''Planet Earth will become New Skaro,'' The Dalek commented moving its eye towards Violet then back again.

''Oh, and what a world. With anything just the slightest bit different ground into the dirt. That's Dalek Sec. Don't you remember? The cleverest Dalek ever and look what you've done to him. Is that your new Empire, hmm? Is that the foundation for a whole new civilization?'' The Doctor exclaimed pointing towards Sec.

''My Daleks, just understand this. If you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you,'' Sec spoke up his chains rattling as he tried to move.

''Incorrect. We will always survive.''

''Now we will destroy our greatest enemy, the Doctor.''

''Like I said before you'll gain a bigger one in me and I'll follow you to the ends of the Universe,'' Violet snapped out the same threat she had made before.

 ''But he can help you,'' Sec stated trying to reason with the Daleks.

'' The Doctor must die.''

''No, I beg you, don't,'' Sec cried out pleading with them.

''Exterminate!'' There was a blinding flash of light and to Violet's horror Sec's body fell limply onto the stage.

''Your own leader. The only creature who might have led you out of the darkness and you destroyed him. Do you see what they did? Huh? You see what a Dalek really is?'' The Doctor took a deep breath before he continued, ''If I'm going to die, let's give the new boys a shot. What do you think, eh? The Dalek humans. Their first blood. Go on, baptise them.''

''Dalek humans, take aim,'' They all watched in silence as the people did what they were commanded to do to.

 ''What are you waiting for? Give the command!'' Violet squeezed her eyes shut and allowed Jones to wrap her in a hug. She couldn't bear to watch.


''Exterminate!'' Violet became confused as the Dalek had to repeat the command. She still couldn't watch what was happening so relied on her ears and Jones to know what was going on.

 ''Obey. Dalek humans will obey,'' The Dalek was frustrated as it demanded them to do as they were told.

''They're not firing. What have you done?'' Martha asked realising the Doctor must have caused what was happening.

''You will obey. Exterminate,'' One of the Daleks tried again and the response made Violet open her eyes and turn in Jones's grip.

''Why?'' The Dalek human asked.

''Daleks do not question orders,'' The Dalek spit out.

''But why? '' The Dalek human repeated.

''You will stop this,'' The Dalek demanded.

''But why?''

''You must not question.''

''But you are not our master. And we, we are not Daleks,'' Violet's eyes widened in surprise.

''No, you're not. And you never will be. Sorry, I got in the way of the lightning strike. Time Lord DNA got all mixed up. Just that little bit of freedom,'' The Doctor explained a grin clearly visible on his face.

''If they will not obey, then they must die,'' All of a sudden blue flashes of light filled the theatre.

''Get down!'' Not a second later Jones pulled Violet to the ground with him after the Doctor had shouted at them.

 ''Exterminate! Exterminate!'' The Dalek cries filled the room until they stopped completely.

Standing up, with help from Jones, Violet was amazed to see that all the Dalek heads had been completely blown off.

''It's all right, it's all right, it's all right. You did it. You're free,'' The Doctor said calmly to all the Time Lord humans.

However, the freedom was short lived as a high pitched squeal sent them all to their knees, their hands clasped tightly to their ears.

''No! They can't! They can't! They can't! They can't!'' The Doctor cried out as he watched them all fall.

''What happened? What was that?'' Martha asked in shock.

 ''They killed them, rather than let them live. An entire species. Genocide,'' The Doctor explained.

''Only two of the Daleks have been destroyed. One of the Dalek masters must still be alive,'' Laszlo pointed out.

''Oh, yes. In the whole universe, just one,'' With that the Doctor followed by everyone else made their way back down into the sewer.


The chamber was empty, no Pigmen, just one lonely Dalek.

''Now what?'' The Doctor asked striding over to it.

''You will be exterminated,'' It replied.

''Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Just think about it, Dalek what was your name?'' He asked.

''Dalek Caan.''

 ''Dalek Caan. Your entire species has been wiped out. And now the Cult of Skaro has been eradicated, leaving only you. Right now you're facing the only man in the universe who might show you some compassion. Because I've just seen one genocide. I won't cause another. Caan, let me help you. What do you say?''

'''Emergency temporal shift!''

''Jones you were right again, they should have gotten rid of that,'' The Doctor huffed as he turned away only to be met with a worried Martha.

''Doctor! Doctor! He's sick.'' Martha and Tallulah struggled to help Laszlo to stand, ''It's okay. You're all right. It's his heart. It's racing like mad. I've never seen anything like it,'' Martha added.

''What is it, Doctor? What's the matter with him? He says he can't breathe? What is it?'' Tallulah asked voice laced with worry.

 ''It's time, sweetheart,'' Laszlo wheezed out.

''What do you mean, time? What are you talking about?''

 ''None of the slaves survive for long. Most of them only live for a few weeks. I was lucky. I held on because I had you. But now, I'm dying, Tallulah.''

''No, you're not. Not now, after all this. Doctor, can't you do something?''

''Oh, Tallulah with three Ls and an H, just you watch me. What do I need? Oh, I don't know. How about a great big genetic laboratory? Oh look, I've got one. Laszlo, just you hold on. There's been too many deaths today,'' The Doctor run around the room a small bounce in his step.

''Violet some help,'' He shouted as he moved around the room looking for various types of liquid and apperartues.
''On it,'' Violet called back joining her father in the hunt to help save Laszlo.

''Way too many people have died. Brand new creatures and wise old men and age old enemies. And I'm telling you, I'm telling you right now, I am not having one more death! You got that? Not one. Tallulah, out of the way. The Doctor is in.''
Two seconds later Violet held a beaker full of bluish, purple liquid held to Laszlo's lips.


''Well, I talked to them, and I told them what Solomon would've said, and I reckon I shamed one or two of them,'' Frank spoke as Violet, Jones Martha and the Doctor all walked through central park.

''What did they say?'' The Doctor asked.

 ''They said yes. They'll give you a home, Laszlo. I mean, er, don't imagine people ain't going to stare. I can't promise you'll be at peace but, in the end, that is what Hooverville is for. People who ain't got nowhere else,'' Frank replied as they stopped in front of where Laszlo and Tallulah stood.

''Thank you. I can't thank you enough,'' With that the travellers said there goodbye's and continued to walk through the park.

''Do you reckon it's going to work, those two?'' Martha asked reffering to Laszlo and Tallulah.

''I don't know. Anywhere else in the universe, I might worry about them, but New York? That's what this city's good at. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, and maybe the odd pig slave Dalek mutant hybrid too,'' The Doctor said with a shrug.

 ''The pig and the showgirl,'' Martha replied laughing.

''The pig and the showgirl,'' The Doctor replied laughing himself.

''Love works in mysterious ways,'' Violet commented earning a nod from everyone.

''Yeah It just proves it, I suppose. There's someone for everyone,'' Martha spoke somewhat agreeing whit what Violet had said.

''Maybe,'' The Doctor simply stated.

''Meant to say, I'm sorry,'' Martha switched the conversation.

''What for?'' The Doctor asked and even Violet and Jones were a little confused.

 ''Just because that Dalek got away. I know what that means to you. Think you'll ever see it again?''

''Oh, yes. One day.''

''Maybe we next time we might be ready for them,'' Violet added as she was the last one to enter the Tardis. She looked around before shutting the door, the feeling of being watched never leaving her.

Next is The Lazarus Experiment

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