Short 23: The Ice Goetia Part 2
What's supposed to be a quiet day at Stolas' mention has a cold interruption when a peacock-avian demon arrives with a strong wind of ice and snow. Blitz and his family are surprised and confused to see the demon appearing out of nowhere. Stolas and Octavia however, are not very pleased.
Confused, Keenan says, "Well uh, certainly didn't expect that?"
"Talk about being flamboyant as ever," Octavia responds.
The peacock-avian hears it and says, "Well you do know I like to make an entrance, Via sweetie."
"Andrealphus, what in hell are you doing here?" Stolas questions, annoyed.
"What? Can't I visit my former brother-in-law and my niece," The demon, Andrealphus says, "It's been a while since I've dropped by."
Stolas groans and places his hand over his face in frustration.
Tilla giggles and happily says, "Snow Princess! Snow Princess!" and giggles with a smile.
"Um Snow Princess?" The demon questions.
"Oh Tilla," Blitz says.
Tilla says, "Look dada, Snow Princess. She's pwetty."
"She?" Andrealphus responds, dumbfounded.
Octavia snickers as she covers her mouth, but Stolas ends up laughing.
Andrealphus crosses his arms with a scowl expression, "It is not funny."
"So-sorry, but it's kind of funny that little Tilla thought you're a female at first glance when you're actually male," Stolas says and continues giggling.
"Why do you say that?" Keenan says, confused.
"And who is he?" Aurora asks.
"And why did he send a blizzard to your place? Do you both know him? " Loona asks.
"Yes, we do," Octavia says, "This is my uncle, Andrealphus. He's also my mother's brother."
"Your mother's brother?" Aurora asks.
"That's right," Octavia says.
"But your mom looks like a dove and your uncle looks like a peacock," Loona says.
Octavia sighs, "Actually my mother is a peahen, and my uncle is a peacock, and my father is an owl. Hell is practically like a zoo."
"Hmm," Andrealphus responds and notices Blitz and his family, "Well well, this is certainly an unexpected surprise. I certainly didn't expect the mysterious Imp sorcerer and his uh, unusual children to be here."
Stolas sighs, "Of course you would know about the Turf War incident a few months ago."
"Think everyone in Hell knew," Loona says.
"No kidding," Octavia says.
"Yes. Andrealphus, this is Blitz, he's actually a dear friend of mine. And these are his children, Loona, Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla. And this is their pet fox, Sophie. And as Octavia says, this is Andrealphus. Like me, he is too an Ars Goetia of the Marquis," Stolas says, introducing everyone.
"Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you," Blitz says and gently waves.
"Charmed," Andrealphus says.
Then turns to Stolas, "I must say, I'm surprised to see you've become friends with the Impish wizard that's been quite the talk."
"Is that all you have to say? Especially once again you made an entrance while sending a blizzard to my home," Stolas questions, crossing his arms.
"No need to be harsh, you have guests," Andrealphus says and walks towards Blitz.
Blitz looks up to see how tall he is. Then again, Imps aren't as tall as them.
"So then, you must be the Impish Wizard I heard about," Andrealphus says, "And of course, the Imp that my sister told me about."
"Um yes," Blitz says.
"Yes. I must say, it's practically impossible for an Imp like yourself considering they are low lives," Andrealphuas says.
Blitz feels like he's sweating drops as Loona clenches her hands and lets out a low growl in anger.
Andrealphus then cuffs Blitz's by the chin and says, "Of course, you must be quite special to acquire that ability. I even hear you're staying with the Princess of Hell at that little hotel of hers."
"Well, yes, that's true. I'm actually helping her out with it," Blitz says.
"Interesting," Andrealphus says, "And to think you've become friends with an Ars Goetia like Stolas."
"Well, from what I'm starting to remember, I was good friends long before that," Blitz responds.
"Really now?" Andrealphus questions, "Still, I'm quite curious to know how an Imp like yourself is able to require that kind of ability. The way you used those magical abilities and spells, it appears you know those abilities like a master."
Blitz begins to feel uneasy the way Andrealphus is looking at him.
Stolas gets in front of Blitz and says to Andrealphus, "Yes. So I suggest you respect him and his family for being here."
"Okay Stolas, no need to get your feathers ruffled," Andrealphus says, "I'm just rather surprised. When my darling sister told me about the mysterious Imp mage was here, naturally, I'm pretty curious to see him for myself and wish to meet him and his children."
Stolas narrows his eyes, "For some reason, I'm having trouble believing it."
"Oh don't be like that. Just because you and my sister had a terrible fight and ended up getting divorced, don't take it out on me," Andrealphus says.
"You're still rather angry about the fact that I've decided to divorce that witch you called a sister," Stolas angrily says.
Keenan whispers to his sisters, "Does anyone sense some tension between them."
The girls nod their heads in response.
"Now now Stolas, that happened years ago," Andrealphus says.
"And you gave me a hard time when I decided to have the divorce. You both should be glad I agreed to do joint custody for my daughter," Stolas says.
"And she still likes to be with you," Andrealphus says.
Blitz soon gets between them, "Alright you two, there's no need to get into an argument with the children around."
"Finally, a voice of reason," Octavia says.
"How about we discuss this another time? He is mainly here to visit," Blitz says.
But Andrealphus says, "Actually, I'm mainly here to attend some royal business. I just came to drop by to say hello. Which is good I pick the day to do it, considering I get to meet the Impish Mage and his family."
"I see," Blitz says, sounding unsure.
"Anyway, I must be going. Do hope to see you another time, Via," Andrealphus says.
And with that a strong wind of gust appears, blinding everyone. And soon, Andrealphus disappeared without another word.
Stolas sighs in relief, "Thank goodness."
"I'm guessing Andrealphus gave you a headache, huh," Blitz says.
"Yes. I apologize you all had to have endured my former brother-in-law arriving out of nowhere. He does that sometimes," Stolas says, annoyed.
"It's okay, Stolas. You didn't expect it. I'm just glad we got this done without any incident," Blitz says.
"Yes. I'm thankful for that. However, I feel this isn't the last we see of him," Stolas says.
"Why do you say that?" Keenan asks.
"Because he can be so..." Stolas says, frustrated, "Ugh..." and sighs, "Sorry, he just got on my nerves. It's already bothersome enough when he drops by, and always lectures me since I've got divorced, but he can be such a pain, and makes my tail twitch."
"Hey, it's okay. I'm sure he won't give us any trouble as long as you keep to arms length," Blitz says.
Stolas sighs, "I suppose so."
"I mean, what kind of trouble can Andrealphus give us anyway," Blitz says.
Stolas sighs, "That's what worries me."
Andrealphus has reached his destination. As he begins walking inside, the thought of Blitz, who is known as the Imp who is also a wizard still ponders his mind. He has to wonder what else Blitz can do with his abilities. In other words, Andrealphus plans to keep an eye on him for the time being.
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