Chapter 8: Hotel Chat

Blitz's Dreams...

In a foggy area, the sky is red, and it shows off a wide open area, and there is a city as well. Somewhere in the city, Blitz, as a small child, is running around the city in fear. He finds himself lost and alone with no soul. He soon stops to look around the foggy area. He doesn't know why, but the city seems familiar to him.

Suddenly, he hears someone calling out, "Blitzo... Blitzo..."

"Huh..." Blitz questions.

He then sees a small figure that looks around his height. It's hard to tell, but the being seems to look like a bird. The bird also has a cape and what looks like a small gold crown on his head.

The foggy bird happily waves, "Blitzo... over here....!"

And then begins to run in the opposite direction.

"Wa-wait... Where are you going?" Blitz calls out, and runs after him.

Blitz continues calling out, "Wait... wait..."

Blitz continues running as fast as he can until he finds the little bird with the crown in front of a very large tree. Blitz walks towards the young being, and he doesn't understand why, but he feels that he has seen him before.

Blitz asks, "Who... who are you?"

The bird giggles and hoots in response, "I'm your friend... and you're my friend..."

"Friends...?" Blitz questions.

Blitz approaches the bird once more and reaches his hand out. The bird hidden in the fog does the same until their hands intertwine with one another. Tears soon begin to stream from his face and feels his heart racing.

Dream Ends...

Blitz opens his eyes in shock, showing tears have fallen from his face.

Blitz sits up and wipes the tears from his face, "It... It's just a dream... but it feels so real..."

Blitz then climbs out of bed, walks over to the window, and opens the curtains to see Pentagram City.

Blitz says, "It's hard to believe that it's just the day before yesterday that my family ended up in Hell, and yesterday that we met the princess and everyone in the hotel."

Suddenly, he hears a knock on the door.

Blitz turns his head and calls out, "Come in."

The door opens and Loona enters the room with little Tilla, who is awake in her arms.

"Morning Loona. Good morning, Tilla," Blitz says.

"Morning dad, just got up," Loona says.

"Yes. I'm guessing you and the others woke up too," Blitz says.

"Yeah. Everyone is up and getting dressed, but Tilla really likes to be with you," Loona says.

Tilla reaches her hand out, "Dada."

Blitz giggles and takes Tilla in his arms.

"Morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" Blitz replies, and wipes his eyes.

Tilla giggles with smiles.

"Dad, were you crying?" Loona asks, showing concern.

"It's okay Loona. I just had an odd dream last night," Blitz says.

"A dream?" Loona questions.

"Yes. It's a bit hazy, so I don't really remember," Blitz says.

"Okay," Loona says.

Blitz reassures, "Don't worry, Loona. I'm alright now. Let's go get dressed and meet the others."

"Sure. I'll meet the others," Loona says.

Shortly after getting dressed and fixing themselves up, Blitz and his family walk downstairs to see Angel and the others. Husk is cleaning glasses. Alastor is reading a book on the chair. Angel Dust is sitting on the couch, typing on his phone. Charlie and Vaggie are writing down plans on papers and notebooks.

"Morning!" Aurora calls out.

Charlie notices them, "Morning everyone, how did you sleep? Are the rooms comfortable?"

"We slept very well," Aurora says.

"The rooms are very nice," Keenan says.

"Glad you all like it," Vaggie says.

Aurora looks at the papers on the table, "So Charlie, what are you and Vaggie working on?"

"We're trying to work on the lesson plans for the hotel. We have a few ideas on what to do, but today, we plan to start with introductions," Charlie says.

"Introductions?" Keenan questions.

"Yeah. It's when we introduce ourselves and tell everyone about ourselves," Vaggie says.

"Sounds boring," Angel says, looking at his phone.

"It wouldn't help to get to know each other if we do this introduction. After all, we're all going to be living in the hotel, so it's nice to get to know each other," Blitz says.

"Besides, I think it wouldn't hurt for us to get to know Blitz and his family a lot better. And I'm curious to learn more about where he come from and his kids," Vaggie says.

"I'm curious to learn more about the other world," Charlie says, eagerly.

"You both have a good point. I'm curious about how Blitz is able to learn magic," Angel says.

Alastor says, "I think it's safe to say that we're all curious about the Imp Mage we have in our presence and his unique family."

"Well then, let's have some breakfast and then we can share with each other about ourselves," Charlie says.

"Good idea, but Blitz and his family can go last. I think it's going to be a long story," Vaggie says.

Shortly after having breakfast...

Everyone is in the lobby and are having drinks as they are ready for the introduction.

"Now that we have a new residence for employees. I think it's important that all get to know each other, and help Blitz and his family get accustomed to Hell's environment and our way of life and such," Charlie says.

Then Charlie begins her introduction, "As you all know, my name is Charlie. I'm the Princess of Hell, and owner of the Happy Hotel. I also love to sing and dance."

Then gestures to Vaggie.

"My name is Vaggie, um Charlie's girlfriend and Manager of the hotel. And I also use this spear as a weapon. And I also speak Spanish," Vaggie says, and holds the spear.

Then Charlie gestures to Angel, "Angel, as our first residence, you can go next."

"Fine," Angel says, rolling his eyes.

He then says with a smirk, "As you bitches know, the names Angel Dust, and I am a famous and sexy Porn Star in Hell."

Blitz and Loona roll their eyes in response.

"A famous one to be exact," Angel confirms with a grin on his face.

He then turns to Blitz, "And you're lucky to run into someone like me when you did," And then leans close to Blitz, "I'm sure I can show you a lot of my tricks as long as you show me a bit of your magic tricks."

Blitz blushes, "Wha-what?! Uh, Angel..."

"Angel, stop flirting with Blitz. There are children seeing this!" Vaggie angrily says.

"Fine fine," Angel says and leans back on the couch.

"Alright, let's not get heated here," Charlie says.

Niffty happily waves, "I wanna go next."

"Okay Niffty, you can go next," Charlie says.

Niffty giggles, "My name is Niffty, I love cleaning, sewing, crafting, and fighting bugs." and lets out a laugh. "I also like collecting fur too."

This has Loona and Sophie feeling wary and remain close to their dad.

"Don't let what Niffty says scare you," Husk says.

"What about you, Husk?" Keenan asks.

"Well, I am the bartender and I like gambling and drinking," Husk says and begins drinking his booze.

"I can see that," Blitz says.

"He sure drinks a lot," Aurora says.

Niffty giggles, "This is nothing. I've seen him drink a lot more than that."

Then Charlie turns to Alastor, "Okay Alastor, maybe you can go next."

"Of course," Alastor says, "I'm sure you were already told that I'm Alastor the Radio Demon, and have my own radio broadcast throughout all of Hell."

"True, but you somehow disappeared for seven years," Charlie points out.

"Disappeared? Keenan questions.

"How come?" Aurora asks.

"That is for me to know my dear," Alastor says.

"Okay," Aurora says, confused.

"What else can you tell us about yourself?" Blitz asks.

Alastor explains, "Well, when I was alive I was a well known Radio Host, during the 1920s through the 30s until I ended up in Hell and I've become quite the Overlord here."

"Sounds cool," Keenan says.

"Now that everyone else have their share, I think it's time for Blitz and his family to share their story, but I have to assume you have your own story to share," Vaggie says.

"Yeah. It's true, but I think it's a good idea for dad to go first. He ended up in Thaumarata first," Loona says.

"It would be the best for me to start. It's rather a long story," Blitz says.

"We've got a lot of time today," Angel says.

"Yeah. It's not like we have anything better to do," Husk says, annoyed.

"Alright then," Blitz says.

And with that, Blitz begins to explain his life story, "Well, it's difficult for me to explain the beginning because, I don't remember before I came to Thaumarata."

"You don't remember at all?" Niffty asks, curiously.

"I don't. When I woke up I found myself in the snow, my body was badly burned, and I had this mysterious crystal on my chest," Blitz says.

"Oh yeah, you've mentioned it before yesterday," Angel says.

"Yes. When I woke up I had this heart shaped crystal on my chest. I don't know how it got attached to my chest and why," Blitz says.

"Still, what happened after you ended up there?" Angel asks.

"Well, after wandering around, I was founded by a mage named Selene Jonas. Turns out, she's a hybrid of a human and a Celestian. Celestian are what you called Angels."

"An angel?" Husk questions.

"That's correct. Apparently to the legends inThaumarata , Celestians are legend to be descendents of angels, but they lived like normal people," Blitz says.

"Are there other beings living there?" Niffty asks.

"Yes. There are demons living there as well, but they're called Infernoians. There's also creatures like centaurs, mermaids, fairies, and other beings. And even magical animals such as dragons, unicorns, sprites, pegasi, and other creatures," Blitz explains.

"Really?" Charlie asks, amazed.

"Wow. I'm surprised, and angels and demons live there peacefully," Vaggie says.

"Well, not all of then, but the world was as peaceful as possible. There were our share of struggles, but it's still home," Blitz says.

He then explains, "After Selene took me in as her son, she began teaching me and helped me get my strength back. Once I got better, Selene helped me with reading, writing, and taught me about Thaumarata and the countries and cities, you name it. A year later, we kind of learned that I somehow was able to cast magic, and so Selene took me under her wing and taught me about magic, even being able to send me to a school to learn about magic."

"Sounds like this Selene is a very nice person," Charlie says.

"Yeah. She kind of is," Vaggie says. And then asks, "What happened to her?"

"Well, it's a long story, but throughout the years, I've been going to school, having good friends, and learning magic and a lot of basic math, english, history, and other work from school, and magic, medicine, and potion making from Selene," Blitz explains, "Years later, I ended up being engaged to one of my friends and..."

"Engaged?" Husk questions.

"Yes. Our father was engaged to our mother. Not that they're bothered by it, because they are already in love with each other," Aurora says.

"But why?" Angel questions, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm not entirely sure. Where I used to live before living in Galaxy City, it's traditional that when children reach 18 they can be betrothed. Arranged marriages was one of the old traditions that kept going. Both Crystal and I were around the same age, and both our parents arranged it, but things got worse a week after that," And becomes reluctant about it.

"How so?" Charlie asks.

"That's something I don't want to talk about. It's not easy to talk about," Blitz says.

"I see," Charlie says.

"But don't worry, my family and I have been doing very well, despite some difficult times and hardships we did. Still, we were very happy," Blitz says.

"Glad to hear you and your family were able to get by," Angel says.

He then asks, "So, what about your fox?"

"Sophie?" Blitz replies, "Well, Crystal and I had her for a long time. She's been with us since we were children. Crystal and I found her in the Celestic Woods when we were kids. Sophie can change her fur from white to red depending on her powers."

"Kind of saw that yesterday when Sophie was about to throw fireballs at Al," Angel says.

"Yes. She has fire magic when she changes her fire to red. When she changes her fur to white, she has ice magic," Blitz says.

"That's actually pretty cool," Vaggie says.

"Yeah. I saw that Sophie was bigger on the screen," Charlie says.

"That's right. She can do that as well," Blitz says.

Then Angel says, "You know. I actually got a pet."

"Really?" Blitz asks.

"That's right," Ängel says and stands up, "Let me got get him," and walks up the stairs.

"I actually have a pet too," Charlie says, and soon brings out a black key with red marking and a black heart on the handle.

"A key?" Loona questions.

"Not just any key," Charlie says.

Just then, the key changes into a small cat with a singular eye that sports a red iris with a yellow sclera. She doesn't appear to have a mouth. Her fur is rather scruffy, and mostly colored black with with white patches and a red outline. She has a white heart-shaped face, half of a white heart-shaped mark on both of her ears, white front paws, and white on the tip of her tail. She wears a red collar around her neck with a circular gold tag hanging off of the front.

"A cat!" Aurora says, surprised.

"Kitty kitty!" Tilla happily says.

"This is KeeKee. My pet cat," Charlie says.

"Hi KeeKee," Aurora says.

"Hey," Keenan says.

"Hi," Loona says.

Sophie barks to see the new friend.

KeeKeen jumps off and looks at Sophie. Sophie does the same. The two look at each other, sniff, and soon the two begin to play together.

"Look at that. They're friends already," Charlie happily says.

"And she's about to have a new friend," Angel says, walking down to reveal a pig.

A small pink pig demon with various fuchsia spots along his body. On its sides and backside, there are pink heart marks. He has large black eyes that have been shown to glow in the dark, and appears to have eyes on the side of his body that glow as well. The pig also has both pink and black spikes along his body and he boasts a mouthful of pointy sharp teeth and a curly tail with a quadrilateral barb at the end of it. He also has little dark pink hooves.

"Cool. It's a pig," Keenan says.

"It's so cute," Aurora says.

"Piggy!" Tilla happily says.

"Yep. This is my pet pig, Fat Nuggets. Because he's round and fat, and is a cute little nugget," Angel says and snuggles him.

Then places Fat Nuggets down, "And Nugs, meet our new pals."

Sophie notices Fat nuggets walk to him. Fat Nuggets do the same. The pets sniff each other and soon begin to play together with Tilla begins playing with the pets.

Niffty then asks, "Hey Blitz, where is your wife anyway? She must have come with you and your family?"

This causes Loona and the kids to be saddened by the response.

"What's up?"Husk asks.

Blitz sighs, "Actually, Crystal is no longer with us. She has passed away."

This comes as a shock to the others.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear it," Charlie says, sadly.

"What happened?" Angel asks.

"Well, Crystal has been sick of an incurable illness as a child. The illness makes it difficult for her to be athletic and such, but she can still use her magic. However, sometime after Tilla was born, her illness took a bad turn, and passed away," Blitz says.

"That must have been hard," Vaggie says.

"It was, but we're able to get back. Sure, it was hard, but we're able to make the most of it. Crystal and I were also glad that Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla didn't have her illness when they were born, and as far as we know, the illness isn't contagious," Blitz says.

"Alright, this is starting to get a little depressing. How about we talk about something else," Angel says.

"I guess," Blitz says.

"Hmm, I'm interested to ask how you adopted Loona. I mean, she's a Hellhound, a demon of Hell like you, Blitz. How is it possible that you adopted her?" Vaggie asks.

"That's a strange thing. Crystal and I found her in the Starlight Forest years ago," Blitz says.

"Dad's right. My memory is a bit vague because I was found and adopted by my parents when I was five, but truth is, I actually used to live in Hell," Loona says.

"You did?" Niffty asks, interested.

"That's right. I was an orphan and used to live in Hell. I wasn't treated nicely at the orphanage I was at, so I left and decided to fend for myself," Loona says.

"Then how did you end up in the other world?" Charlie asks.

"That part was hard to explain. I was in an abandoned building when a portal opened up and sucked me in, and I found myself in the Starlight Forest during the raining season," Loona answers, "I was wandering around the forest until I decided to hide in a hollow tree. That's when my dad and mom, Blitz and Crystal found me. They took me in and adopted me as their daughter," Loona explains.

"That's right. We were a bit skeptic about her story when she told us, but I believe her. And it did make me wonder if she and I came from the same place. However, I still had amnesia so I wouldn't know," Blitz says,

"Still, I was a stranger and yet they decided to take us in and we became a family," Then Loona ruffles Keenan's head, "Of course, our family got bigger when Aurora, Keena, and Tilla came along. It wasn't easy about becoming an older sister, but I was also excited about having siblings. At first, I was a bit envious that my parents started paying more attention to them, but they were really babies at the time so they needed to keep an eye on them. But we all became close with them, and they look up to my older siblings."

Aurora says, "And we love Loona."

"And Loona is cool and strong," Keenan says.

"Awww, that is so sweet," Charlie says.

Keenan looks around to notice, "Hey, where did Tilla go?"

Loona, and the others look around.

"She was here a minute ago," Loona says.

"She must have wandered off again," Aurora says.

Suddenly, Husk feels something tapping her leg and looks down to see little Tilla.

"What are you looking at, kid?" Husk questions.

" Kitty," Tilla happily says.

This has Husk flabbergasted, "Wha-wha what the?!"

And then hugs him by the legs and snuggles her face against his fur.

Angel gushes, "Aww, Tilla likes you."

"Great," Husk mutters, annoyed.

Then Angel brings out a camera, "I've gotta get a picture of this."

Husk glares at Angel, "Don't you fuckin dare."

"Husk! Language! We have children here!" Charlie scolds the cat.

Husk grumbles.

Niffty happily says as she walks towards Tilla, "Aww, she is so adorable. I just want to pinch her cheeks,"

Tilla happily waves, "Hi Niffy."

"Aww, she almost said my name right. She is cute," Niffty says.

Blitz walks to Husk, "I'll take her, Husk."

"Gladly," Husk says and passes Tilla to Blitz.

Blitz takes Tilla as the little girl giggles.

Blitz then asks, "By the way Angel, what is that thing you're holding?"

"It's a cellphone," Angel says, a bit confused, "What? You've never had a phone where you're living."

"Well to be honest, no. We just started having what we know as a television. We use radios and newspapers to gain knowledge. The kids even listen to shows on the radio as well," Blitz says.

"So wait, you're saying that in this other world, you don't have any modern technology?" Husk questions.

"Not even a computer or other kinds of tech?" Angel questions.

"No," Aurora and Keenan answer.

"What time period do you live in?" Vaggie asks.

"Currently in Thaumarata, it would have been January 2nd 1932. Before we were sucked through that vortex that brought us here, it would have been December 31st 1931," Blitz says.

"Hmm, quite interesting. It sounds a lot like the world that I lived in when I used to have a pulse. Glad to know someone in Hell has some class," Alastor says.

"You're just saying that because Blitz and his family actually live in the same time period as you," Angel says.

"That just shows that he knows the proper way to address someone other than using one of those annoying picture boxes you call entertainment," Alastor says.

"Picture box?" Loona questions.

"I think he means the television. Although, our house doesn't have one and we mainly listen to the radio. We like listening to shows and even music on it. I do occasionally listen to the news, but yeah," Blitz says.

"Well, glad to know that you're still cultured in your home world," Alastor says and leans to Blitz.

Tilla giggles, "Hi Deer Man."

Husk spits out his drink in shock, "Shit."

"Deer Man?" Alastor questions, tilting his head.

Truth is, Alastor has been caught off guard.

However, Alastor giggles and says, "Well, aren't you a sweet little bell, and you certainly have a sweet smile. Of course, you're never fully dressed without one. In fact..."

And with the snap of his fingers, the radio turns on and music begins to play.

Husk mutters in annoyance, "Oh no..."

He then snaps his fingers and makes three female shadows appear. Alastor soon begins to freshen up his voice and begins to sing.


Hey, hobo man

Hey, Dapper Dan

You've both got your style

But Brother,

You're never fully dressed

Without a smile!

Applauds appear on the radio. Tilla giggles and begins clapping her hands. Even Charlie and Aurora clap with smiles.

Alastor says, "Oh thank you!" and Alastor continues singing.


Your clothes may be Beau Brummelly

They stand out a mile -

But Brother,

You're never fully dressed

Without a smile!

Who cares what they're wearing

On Main Street,

Or Saville Row,

It's what you wear from ear to ear

And not from head to toe

(That matters)

Shadow sisters:



So, Senator,

Shadow sisters:



So, Janitor,

Shadow sisters:



So long for a while


You're never fully dressed

Without a smile!

Shadow Sisters:

Ready or not, here he goes


(here I go)

Shadow Sisters:

Listen to Bert

Tap his smilin' toes

And soon, Alastor snaps his fingers and has shadows appearing to do tap dancing. Some like Charlie, Blitz, Aurora, and Keenan begin giggling. Tilla happily laughs with a big smile on her face.

Then Alastor says, "Ah, the lovely Boylan Sisters"

Boylan Shadow Sisters:

Doo doodle-oo doo

Doo doodle-oo doo

Doo doo doo doo

Doo doo doo doo

Your clothes may be Beau Brummelly

They stand out a mile

But, bother

You're never fully dressed

You're never dressed

Without an

Shadow #1:


Shadow #2:


Shadow #3


Shadow #1:


All Three:


Smile darn ya.


Yes this is your old salty

Mrs Healy boy Bert

Sing until next week

Same time

Same station

Goeie nag


Buenas noches

Buona sera

And gosh I almost forgot

Good night

Boylan Shadow Sisters:

That matters!

And with that, the music ends. Everyone begins clapping as Husk rolls his eyes in response.

Tilla giggles, "Smile Smile Smile!"

Charlie gushes, "Aww, that is so adorable. She's trying to sing."

"Well, you did a great performance Alastor. I never heard of that song before," Blitz says.

"It's a pretty old song. And I mean very old," Alastor says.

"Well, it is good," Charlie says, "But still, it would appear that we have a lot of ground to help Blitz and his family cover, besides us doing the rehabilitation project."

"Whatcha talkin' about?" Angel asks.

"What Charlie means that we not only need to teach Blitz and his family about Hell, but we need to teach them about modern tech," Vaggie says.

"She's right, like Earth, Hell adapts and changes over time, and now Hell uses modern technology like televisions, phones, and other uses of electronics, and cars in Pentagram City," Husk says.

"True, but outside of Pentagram city, they use elevators, trains, and other needs in order to navigate around and such," Charlie says.

"Yep. Sounds like we've got our work cut out," Angel says.

"Ooooh, I can't wait. They are going to love it," Charlie says.

"Sounds like we'll be back in school," Loona says.

"Sounds boring," Keenan says.

"Maybe, but if we're going to be living here, then we need to learn everything we can. Dad can teach us magic and can teach us potion making, but Charlie and the others are the only ones who can teach us how to survive Hell and learn the modern tech it requires," Aurora says.

"Exactly. I have a lot of books in the library and it can teach you about Hell and the many places for you to explore," Charlie says.

"Sounds like we've got plenty of work to do," Blitz says.

"True, but I'm sure you and your family will be fine," Charlie says.


It's nighttime and everyone is in their rooms doing their own thing. Aurora Keenan is in a separate one person's bead and Tilla is in Charlie's old baby crib. Blitz tucks Tilla into bed and is ready to sleep for the night.

Charlie soon walks into the room.

"Hi Blitz," Charlie says.

"Hey Charlie," Blitz says.

" I hope you don't mind, but I brought you some books so you can read when you have time," Charlie says, holding the stack of books.

"Thank you," Blitz says and takes the books. He then places them in the drawer close by.

Blitz then takes the book from the top and sees a title.

Blitz reads the title of the book, "The Story of Hell."

"The Story of Hell? That's an interesting name," Aurora says.

"True, but it's about the story of how Hell got it started," Charlie says, "I can read you the story if you like."

"Can you?" Keenan asks.

Soon, Loona arrives in the room.

"Hey dad," Loona says.

"Hello Charlie, what are you up to?" Aurora asks.

"Well, I was planning on reading the kids the story from this book. It's about the Story of how Hell got started and it's also about how my parents met," Charlie explains.

"Can you read it to us?" Aurora asks.

"Please?" Keenan asks.

"Pease," Tilla saus.

Charlie giggles, "Of course."

Everyone soon sits down while Aurora and Keenan remain seated on their bed. Tilla is still laying down, but is up so she can hear the story.

Charlie then opens the book and begins reading the story, "Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But, he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world.

So, he watched as the angels began to expand the universe in their ways. From the dust of Earth, they created Adam and Lilith. Equals as the first of mankind, but despite this, Adam demanded control, and Lilith refused to submit to his will. She fled the Garden. Drawn in by her fierce independence, Lucifer found her and the two rebellious dreamers fell deeply in love. Together, they wished to share the magic of free will with humanity, offering the Fruit of Knowledge to Adam's new bride, Eve, who gladly accepted. But this gift came with a curse. For with this single act of disobedience, evil finally found its way into the Earth. With it, a new realm of darkness and sin. And the order Heaven worked to maintain was shattered.

As punishment for their reckless act, Heaven cast Lucifer and his love into the dark pit he had created, never allowing him to see the good that came from humanity, only the cruel and the wicked. Ashamed, Lucifer lost his will to dream. But Lilith thrived, empowering demonkind with her voice and her songs. And as the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power.

Threatened by this, Heaven made a truly heartless decision. That every year, they would send down an army, an Extermination, to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them. But Lilith's hope remained. And her dream was passed down to their precious daughter, the Princess of Hell."

"That's a very sad story," Aurora says.

"Yeah," Keenan says.

"Yes. It was," Charlie says.

"Now I understand why you want to set up the hotel," Blitz says.

"Yes. I just couldn't take the Extermination anymore and I need to do something about it," Charlie says.

She then sighs, "It's already difficult among my family. It's difficult, but my mother has been gone for seven years and my dad and I weren't very close."

"What happened to your mom?" Loona asks.

"I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that she had to be off on some important duty, but I haven't been able to get in touch with her," Charlie says.

"I'm sorry to hear it," Blitz says.

"It's okay, Blitz. I'm doing everything I can in Hell, and I'm going to do whatever I can in order to help my people," Charlie says.

She then turns to Blitz and the others, "And I promise I'll do whatever I can to help you and your family."

"Thanks Charlie," Blitz says.

Charlie says, "It's no trouble. Now, I think it's time for all of us to get to bed."

"Okay have a good night, Charlie," Blitz says.

"Night," Loona says.

And with that, everyone returns to bed for the night, and will be ready for another day of learning about this world.

Inspiration: watch?v=ItL1GeFg1ak

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