Chapter 49: The Show Must Go On Part 2

At the front of the hotel, Pentious commands the cannibals from the balcony.

"Right flank, advance! Left flank, watch your six," Pentious shouts.

And then addressing Charlie, Vaggie, Aurora, and Loona, "Ladies! There are more coming up on your right. Get ready for them, Vagatha!"

"Not my name, but got it," Vaggie says.

Charlie is hitting angels with her shield, apologizing to each of them as she does so, "Sorry! Sorry. Sorry-sorry, sorry!"

"Now's not the time for that, babe!" Vaggie says, still killing the angels.

"Oh, right," Charlie says.

Five angels fly at Vaggie, out to kill her.

Charlie uses her firework power as she screams, "DIE, MOTHERFUCKERS!" And explode them all.

Loona then uses her ninja skills to punch and kick the Exorcists, before stabbing them or decapitating their heads. Aurora continues to fly across the area killing the Exorcists. Some of the Exorcists also attack her from behind, but Ash manages to shoot them down with a crossbow and a gun. Aurora smiles to see it, making Ash blush a bit. Keenan flies on Sophie as she fires her magic at the demons and Keenan uses small explosive bombs on them. Husk flies around the hotel, throwing his playing cards. Angel, near him, is shooting them all with his tommy gun.

"These fucking angels won't stop coming!" Husk says, annoyed.

Angel laughs, his dirty mind turning it into a sex joke.

"Okay, I walked right into that one," Husk says, rolling his eyes

Angel sees an Exorcist advancing on 2 of the Egg Boiz, "Hold that thought."

Angel runs to defend the eggs, one of them having already been killed by the Exorcist. Angel blocks the Exorcist's sword with his tommy gun, before shooting it up with a pair of guns that were hidden in his third pair of arms.

"You alright, squirt?" Angel Dust asks the Egg Boi.

"I nearly scrambled...myself," The Egg Boi says, and hugs Angel's leg.

"Get somewhere safe," Angel says.

Angel is knocked off his feet by a huge explosion.

The smoke clears, revealing it to be Adam, flying above everyone and shooting angelic light from his hands, and mananges to knock Blitz out of the sky trying to use his protective magic to protect everyone on ground floor. Blitz mananges to use his magic to stop the fall before landing on the ground.


Charlie notices Adam firing at everyone and the hotel, "What? Alastor and Blitz were supposed to handle him."

Blitz manages to turn to Charlie, "Adam was too strong. He managed to hurt Alastor really badly. I'm barely able to stand against him."

"Oh no," Charlie says, shocked.

Blitz, Charlie, and Vaggie run to safety as Adam attempts to shoot at them. Blitz then uses his magic to make a protective bubble for themselves as the others continue fighting Pentious watches them.

"Adam is a lot stronger than we thought," Loona says.

"He is the head of the Angel Army after all," Zak says.

"We aren't going to last long unless we do something about him," Vaggie says.

Pentious looks up at Adam, "Of course," and knows what he has to do.

Cherri runs past Pentious to get to a better vantage point, holding a bomb. Pentious pulls her back down.

"I'm trying to fight here! You out of your fucking mind?" Cherri asks, confused.

Yes," Pentious says, and hisses Cherri

The bomb falling out of her hand and exploding behind them.

Then Pentious declares, "Miss Cherri Bomb, I love you. Remember me!" and runs off to his airship.

Cherri looks back at him.

"That was kinda hot," Cherri says.

Pentious enters his airship, the Egg Bois lined up around the inside. As he slithers past them, they salute.

Pentious says, "Eggs, activate thrusters, and charge the death ray."

"Yes, sir," The Egg Bois says.

Pentious' airship starts up and lifts itself off of the hotel. Everyone else watches.

"Pentious?" Charlie questions.

"That crazy motherfucker," Angel says, shocked.

"What is he doing?" Wesley asks.

The airship flies towards Adam, aiming the death ray at him.

"Target in range," The Egg boi says.

Pentious then says, "Fire."

The airship edges closer and closer to Adam, the death ray charging up.

Adam notices it, "Oh, whoop!"

And one blast from his finger, Adam incinerates the airship and everyone inside it

"Haha, that coulda been ugly," Adam says.

Everyone stares in horror from the ground.

"Noo!" Charlie cries out.

"Fuck..." Zak says, disbelief.

"No..." Charlie says, beginning to fall in despair.

"You did good, buddy," Angel says.

"No, no, no," Charlie says and begins to cry, sinking to her knees.

Vaggie runs over to her, "Charlie, I'm so sorry..."

Charlie growls as the tears run down her face, the sadness turning into rage.

She stands up and calls out, "Razzle! Dazzle!"

Razzle and Dazzle fly over to her. Charlie engulfs herself in a tornado of fire and rises up. When it dissipates, she is in her full demon form and is holding a pitchfork. Razzle and Dazzle have become huge dragons.

Blitz whistles out and calls out, "Sophie!"

Hearing her name being called, Sophie places Keenan down once she lands in front of the hotel and shrinks down as she runs towards Blitz. Sophie then jumps on his head as he places his scepter. Blitz crosses his arms as he clenches his hands. Soon, both Blitz's back hands begin to glow, revealing two different marks. The back of Blitz's right hand has one half of the icy blue taijitu and a white snowflake in the center. And on the back of Blitz's left hand shows an orange yellow taijitu symbol with a small flame of fire on it. Both of the marks begin to glow.

Sophie jumps up and spirals around and begins emitting the same symbols, but combined together. Soon, two foxes jump away, enlarge, and land on the ground to reveal Sophie has split herself into two different foxes. The orange coated fox is named Ember and the white arctic fox is named Icy.

Zak and the others are shocked and astonished to see Sophie has split into two different foxes.

Blitz says, "Icy, you stay here and help the others. Amber, you're with me to take Adam and Lute down."

Both foxes nod in response.

Charlie jumps on to one of the twin dragons, "Let's ride!"

Charlie and Vaggie jump onto Razzle and Dazzle's backs and begin to fly. Blitz and ember fly after them.

The rest of them watch from the ground, cheering.

"Yeah! Get 'em!" Husk shouts.

"Go off those fuckers!" Millie shouts.

Charlie, Vaggie, Blitz, and Ember fly higher and higher, towards Adam and Lute.

"Forward! Go, Razzle, go!" Charlie shouts.

Adam and Lute look down to notice them.

"Oh, look who thinks they're badass now!" Adam says.

"The traitor came to die," Lute says.

Lute lunges down and slices Dazzle's wing clean off, causing him to roar in pain.

"No!" Vaggie cries out.

"Vaggie!" Blitz cries out and flies down after them.

Vaggie screams as she and Dazzle fall together. Lute strikes her sword in Dazzle's heart as they crash through the glass ceiling and right in the lobby. Vaggie falls off, and gets up just as Lute raises her sword out of Dazzle, and they stare each other in the face.

"Before I take your life, I'm going to tear that other eye out of your face," Lute says.

"Try it, bitch," Vaggie angrily says.

A fight bell rings as Lute lunges at Vaggie, Vaggie managing to throw her into the wall. Lute flies back at Vaggie and throws her to the ground, hitting her head against it repeatedly. Vaggie manages to flip her over, but Lute throws her into the wall again, before lunging at her with her sword. Vaggie dodges and Lute rams her sword into the wall. Pulling it out, she leaps at Vaggie and smashes her head into the table, breaking Vaggie's nose. Just then, Blitz grabs Alastor's radio and hits Lute with it.

Vaggie turns to see him, "Thanks Blitz."

"You're welcome, but we still have her to deal with," Blitz says.

Seeing Blitz, Lute shows an evil smirk, "Well, it looks like the Impish sorcerer has come here to die as well."

Blitz then brings out his angelic katana, and turns to Lute, "So you're really Lute, the Lieutenant of the Angel Army."

"I can see the traitor told you about me," Lute says, and holds out her sword, "I'll kill you and then go on killing the traitor."

Lute then charges towards Blitz, but the Imp uses her katana to deflect the attack. Blitz jumps and kicks Lute in the face. Lute flies up as she spreads her wings and dives down, but Blitz takes flight with his own wings and dodge the attack. Blitz dives down with his katana, but Lute deflects the attack, and kicks him in the stomach, causing him to fall to the ground. Lute dives his sword towards Blitz, but the Imp rolls away just in time before the angel pierces. Blitz then uses his ice mice to fire at Lute, but Lute flies up to dodge and dives her foot down towards Blitz. Blitz quickly uses his protective shield to prevent the attack. Vaggie quickly grabs her Angelic Spear and begins to fight Lute alongside Blitz.

As the three continue fighting, Charlie watches from atop Razzle.

As the fight continues, Charlie watches from atop Razzle.

Charlie cries out, "Vaggie! Blitz!"

Charlie flies down to help Vaggie and Blitz, but Adam appears in her flight path.

"Surprise, bitch!" Adam shouts.

With one arm, Adam smashes Charlie into the sign on the hotel's roof, electrocuting her. Charlie falls onto the roof as Adam flies above the hotel's sign.

Adam confronts her, "Risking your immortal life for sinners? That's some crazy shit, even for Lucifer's brat!"

"These sinners are my family!" Charlie looks at him with anger.

"These sinners are my family"! Do you even hear yourself? You should've stayed in your place, girlie-" Adam mocks, but Charlie stabs him in the arm with her pitchfork, before swinging him around to throw him across the roof

"That's Princess of Hell to you, pig!" Charlie angrily says.

"The fuck? That hurt!" Adam says.

Charlie looks at him, flicking her tail.

Adam stands up, "Hehe. Okay."

With that, Charlie and Adam begin to brawl at each other.

Back in the hotel's foyer, Lute throws Vaggie to the ground, knocking her spear out of her hand. Blitz and Lute continue fighting, but Lute mananges to grab Blitz by the tail and throws him across the lobby.

Lure then approaches Vaggie, "You always were weak."

Vaggie tries to reach for her spear, but Lute flips it off the ground and out of her reach with her foot, before driving it into Vaggie's right hand. Vaggie screams in pain

"So, I'll spare you the pain of seeing your demon bitch die," Lute says.

But then Blitz mananges to punch Lute in the face and sends her back.

Blitz kneels to Vaggie, "Are you okay?"

Vaggie struggle to get up, "I.. I think so," And mananges to pull her spear out of her hand.

Just then, they hear Lute let out a battle cry and grabs Blitz by the neck as she flies towards him. Lute then throws Blitz to the ground. Blitz quickly uses his wind magic to soften the landing. Lute then dives down again, but Blitz dodges and uses his ice magic, but Lute dodges and manages to punch Blitz in the guts. Vaggie charges towards Lute, but Lute grabs Vaggie by her arm, takes her spear, and throws her at the wall. Vaggie tries to get away, but Lute grabs her and stabs her hand with the spear, piercing her on the wall.

"I'll deal with you later," Lute says, and flies towards Blitz.

Vaggie grabs her spear and tries to pull it out.

Lute brings out her sword to attack, but Blitz mananges to regain himself and dodges as he fires his magic, Lute screams, but mananges to leave a cut from the sword on Blitz's arm. Blitz screams in pain, and Lure grabs Blitz by the collar and throws him across the lounge, making him slam to the wall. Blitz struggles to get up as he tries to channel his magic with his scepter. However, Lute mananges to kick Blitz scepter through the window, causing it to shatter. Lute then grabs Blitz and spins him around, and throws him at the wall, and causes him to collapse.

"You may have caught me off guard last time, but I've been able to figure it out," Lute says.

Blitz struggles to get up, but barely able to sit up, and barely able to keep his consciousness. Despite his vision becoming blurry, he can tell that he's facing Lute at this very moment.

Lute holds out her sword and aims it towards Blitz, "Now then, it's about time you've become exterminated."

Outside of the hotel, Zak and the others continue fighting the angel. Zak ends up stepping on something.

He looks down to notice, "Blitz's scepter?"

Fearing the worst, Zak looks through the window and is shocked to see Blitz struggle to get up and Lute has her sword out, ready for the kill.

"BLITZ!" Zak cries out in horror.

Zak tries to get inside, but more Exorcists are flying towards him.

"Out of my way, you fuckin pigeons!" Zak shouts and brings out his guns to fire at the Exorcists blasting their heads off.

Lute says, "You're officially exterminated you pathetic little Imp!"

Lute then dives her sword down to kill Blitz, but then...

Something gets in front of Lute, blocking her sword. Zak mananges to rush inside and is shocked. Zoey follows behind and is surprised to see what has happened.

"No way," Zak says.

"I don't believe it," Zoey says, shocked.

"What?!" Lute questions shocked and furious.

Blitz mananges to have his vision clear to see a familiar figure wearing a black outfit similar to his royal attire and has a long black cape with red on the inside that sparkles.

Seeing who it really is, causes Blitz to gasp in shock and astonishment, "St-Stolas...? "

Indeed, Stolas ends up appearing as he uses his magic to create a shield to block Lute's sword. Lute is shocked, but Stolas uses his magic to blast her across the lobby.

Stolas kneels down towards Blitz, "Are you okay, Blitz?"

" I... I think so..." Blitz says, still shocked, "Sorry, but I didn't expect you to be here..." and coughs out a little blood from his mouth.

"I know, but I had to come. I figure you could use some help," Stolas says.

Lute lets out grunts and groans in pain, "What the... what's an Ars Goetia doing here?"

Stolas turns to see Lute and has a strong hint of anger in his eyes. Stolas then uses his magic to remove his cape and have it wrapped around Blitz like a blanket.

Stolas gets in front and says, "It's very shocking to see an Angel like you is this brutal and merciless. However, the Imp you're planning to kill is someone who is very precious to me."

Blitz blushes to hear the comment.

"You stupid fuckin bird!" Lute angrily says and charges towards Stolas.

But then, someone grabs her leg, and swings her around. Turns out, the one to do it is Zoey. She then throws him to the ground.

"You really think we're going to let you hurt Blitz. You have another thing coming," Zoey says.

Lute gets up, and bullets almost hit her feet if she hasn't moved out of the way and moves back.

And the one who has fired the bullets is Zak.

He says, "You're wasting your time, bitch. You really shouldn't be picking a fight with him with friends like us around.

"Indeed, you see, we refuse to let Blitzo die," Stolas says, he then reaches down and picks up Blitz, holding him in his arms, "Not after him finding his way back to us."

Zoey performs a spin kick and mananges to hit Lute, and Zak punches her in the face. Vaggie looks to see that the mezzanine is on the verge of collapse. There, an idea comes to her. Vaggie then pulls out her spear from her hand and the wall. She speeds to Lute, grabs her, and throws her across the area. Then with her new wings, Vaggie flies up, and destroys the last pillar holding up with her angelic spear, and the stuff falls on top of her. Lute screams as it falls on her as plumes of sawdust fly everywhere. When it clears, the LED face has come off of Lute's mask. Lute's left arm is pinned under the rubble.

"Do it, then. Correct your mistake," Lute says.

But Vaggie says, "Seriously, you're pathetic, you know that? Ready to die rather than accepting mercy? No, live. Live knowing that you only do because I let you, the failure."

Zak walks over, "Well then, if you're not going to finish her. Then I will," and aims his gun towards her.

However, a magical aura surrounds his fun and it's thrown away from it. Zak turns to see the source of the magic is Blitz.

Blitz says, "No Zak. As much as it doesn't please you, killing her will only prove that we're just as wrong as she was. I have to agree with Vaggie, I think it's best to let Lute live. Maybe she'll learn something when the angel and demon who she wants to kill allow her to live."

Zak sighs and turns to Lute, "As much as I want you dead for the stunt you tried to pull, I'll only do it for Blitzo, my friend. You should be grateful that Blitz has a good heart that he's willing to spare your life, after you try so hard to take away his."

Hearing Charlie screaming in the distance, Vaggie flies out of the hole in the hotel's roof to help her.

Blitz struggles to get up, 'My family, they're... they're still out there..."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of this," Zak says.

Zak and Zoey head out of the hotel. Stolas then carries Blitz out of the hotel. As soon as everyone is gone, Lute, not accepting mercy, begins to free herself from under the rubble. She screams in pain as she pulls her left arm out of its socket, freeing the rest of her body.

On the hotel's roof, Adam knocks Charlie to the ground. Adam then picks Charlie up by the throat. Charlie's tail and horns recede.

Struggling to break free, Charlie shouts, "!"

"This fight was cute n'all, but it's," Adam says as his mask glitches for a moment, "Time to die with the rest of them!"

Vaggie flies to the roof to help Charlie, but Lute flies after her and pins her to the floor.

Vaggie cries out, "Charlie!"

Suddenly, a fist appears and punches Adam so hard that it damages his mask as he goes flying into the hotel's sign, before falling through the roof. The person catches Charlie as it is revealed to be Lucifer, with his wings out and sporting a different coat, this one with red and golden epaulets.

"Dad?" Charlie says, surprised.

"Sorry I wasn't here sooner, sweetie," Lucifer says with a smile.

Lucifer lands and puts Charlie down.

Adam climbs back onto the roof, half of his mask having broken off.

Adam angrily says, "Okay, seriously! How many of you freaks do I have to fight?!"

Lucifer walks up to Adam, rolling up his sleeves to fight, "Oh, I'm the only one that matters. See, you messed with my daughter, and now, I am going to FUCK you!"

Adam stares at Lucifer, perplexed. Lute and Vaggie stop their fight to stare in confusion at Lucifer. Angel cocks an eyebrow, smiling as Husk gives him a deadpanned look and the other Exorcists also stare in confusion. Zoey, and the others also give a deadpan expression. Although, Zak is trying his best not to laugh. The Vees stare at the screen from V Tower, Vox looking perplexed, Velvette wearing a smile.

"Well, this just got interesting," Valentino comments.

Charlie, slightly embarrassed, corrects her dad with a whisper, "It's fuck you up, Dad.

"...Wait, what did I say?" Lucifer questions.

Adam flies at Lucifer with a battle cry, smashing him into the wall. Lucifer transforms into a snake to escape and slithers into the air, before transforming back.

Lucifer laughs, "Hyahahah! So this is what you've been up to since Eden?" and dodges Adam by turning into a goat, "Gotta say, you've really let yourself go, buddy."

Adam grabs Lucifer by the foot. Lucifer turns into a snake briefly to free himself.

"You?! Judging me?!" Adam angrily questions, "You're the most hated being in all of creation!"

Adam throws him away and Lucifer turns into a bird.

Adam tries to shoot his angelic light at Lucifer, but Lucifer dodges, "Well, your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer... or the second, bow-chicka-pow-pow!" Lucifer flies away doing a little dance.

Adam briefly manages to hold him in a chokehold, "I'll fuckin' end you!"

Lucifer turns into a horse and kicks Adam away, "Whoa, missed me!" And turns back and dodges Adam' light, "Hoohoo, not even close. Haha! Nice try, douchebag!"

Adam angrily says, "Hold still, you slippery fucker!"

Charlie watches the two of them fighting for a few moments before running over to help Vaggie. Meanwhile Lucifer, in the form of an octopus, has Adam wrapped up in his tentacles before Adam chucks him away, Lucifer changing back to his standard form. Adam charges up a huge blast of angelic light at Lucifer. Lucifer dodges and the light chops the hotel straight in half. Charlie screams as she falls down the middle, the entire hotel crumbling around her. Then, Lucifer swoops down and catches her.

"I got ya," Lucifer says.

Charlie smiles before hearing Adam's laughing. She looks and sees him charging up to them.

Charlie cries out, "Dad, look out!"

"Huh?" Lucifer turns his head.

Charlie snarls as she used her demonic powers to transform her right hand, turning it red with darken splotches, somewhat resembling Hellboy, and blocks Adam just as he was about to punch them,

"Woah wait, what the fuck?!" Adam exclaims.

Lucifer and Charlie stare at Adam menacingly, before they catapult him to the ground screaming, the impact leaving a blast wave of smoke, and a crater where he lay, his mask completely shattered, revealing his human face. He looks up and sees Lucifer in his fully demonic form, a spark of flames emitting between his horns as his eyes glow blood red.

"YOU COME AT ME, AND MY DAUGHTER! DON'T FORGET, YOU'RE IN MY HOUSE, BITCH!" Lucifer proceeds to punch Adam senselessly, fire coming from his hands as he does so and laughs at Adam's pain. Lucifer then summons a sphere of fire, preparing to finish him off, before Charlie puts her hand on his shoulder, getting his attention.

But Charlie puts her hand on his shoulder, getting his attention, "Whoa, whoa, Dad. He's had enough."

They look down to Adam, who lies motionless on the ground. The two royals then leave the crater, still staring at Adam.

"Alright. How's mercy taste, you little bitch?" Lucifer says.

Then the family begins to walk away.

But Adam says, "No..." and gets up, "You don't get to end this! I'm fucking Adam!" He soon gets out of crater and faces gang, "I'm the fucking man, and you're just some fucking clown or something! I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts! You all should be worshipping me, you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers-!"

Just as he says these words, a small knife is stabbed through him, making Adam shout in pain. Everyone looks in shock as an angelic blade is stabbed right through his chest.

"Woa-hoah!" Vaggie says, shocked and amazed.

Lucifer soon asks, "Hey, y-ya got somethin' stickin' outta your... your thing there."

Adam collapses face first to the ground, revealing Niffty on his back, having sneaked up behind and stabbed Adam.

"Niffty?" Charlie says in shock.

Niffty stares blankly at Adam for a few seconds before smiling and viciously stabbing Adam again and again, his golden blood going all over her.

She stabs as she screams and laughs, "STAB! STAB STAB! Hahahaha! Haha! Hahaha! RUEAhahaha!"

The Vees stare in shock at the screen from V Tower.

Ho-ly shit!" Vox comments.

Niffty continues on with her killing, "Blood! Hahahaha!"

"That's really disturbing," Moxxie says, disturbed.

"I agree," Zak says, dumbfounded.

A little way away, Lute turns and looks in horror at Adam's body.

Lute cries out, "NOOOO!" and dashes up to Adam just as Niffty skips off, turning him to face her. Adam gives her a small smile before dying.

Lute begins crying out, "Sir! Sir! Stay with me sir! ADAM!" but Adam simply smiles and closes his eyes for the last time.

The others then come up to her, Charlie and Lucifer in their demonic forms.

"It's over," Charlie says.

"Take your little friends, and GO HOME!" Lucifer angrily says and says in a demonic voice before calmly saying, "Please."

Lute realizes that the only option she has is obeying him and picks up Adam's halo.

Then calls out to her fellow Exorcists, "Retreat! All Exorcists fall back!"

With that command, all the surviving Exorcists take off to the portal to Heaven, Lute following behind scowling. The portal then closes as Lucifer looks to the group.

"Sooo..." Lucifer says, sighs, and asks, "Who's up for pancakes?"

Only Niffty raises her hand, everyone else just looks at him, unamused.

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