Chapter 48: The Show Must Go On Part 1
In Vox's surveillance room, as overlapping videos from various cameras stationed around the Hazbin Hotel play on the screens stationed around him. Vox himself is sitting in his office chair, watching them all while drinking from his mug. What he's seeing is Charlie and the hotel group, Zak along with his I.M.P employees, and Blitz and his family practicing fighting, using their skills and teaching the cannibals the way to defeat the Exorcists for the upcoming Extermination.
Vox says with an evil grin, "No fucking way! They're going to fight? Oh, my god. Hahahaha! Oh, looks like your little hotel didn't work out so well," And watches a screen with Alastor on it, which glitches slightly, "Oh, Alastor, I cannot wait to watch you get FUCKED! Ahahahaha!" and laughs maniacally.
In front of the Hazbin Hotel....
The cannibals all gathered outside the hotel, practicing with their weapons. As Charlie watches them all from the hotel's entrance, Vaggie comes up to her.
Charlie says, "Oh, I wish my mom were here to see this."
"The cannibals seem ready to fight. Are we?" Vaggie says.
"I hope so too," Blitz says.
"Yeah. So are the rest of us. But don't worry, we were able to deal with the Cherubs, and we can take care of those Exorcists too," Zak says.
"What do you mean?" Charlie asks.
Blitz sighs, "It's kind of a long story, but in short, Zak and the others have to deal with some Angels from Heaven called Cherubs. They were trying to save a human from committing suicide even though Zak and the others were hired to kill him. I was able to save Lyle and the Opera Lady from the event, but in the end Lyle Lipton died of a heart failure. The machine he and Loopty invented was too much for him, so he passed on, and ended up in Hell."
"That's kind of sad," Charlie says, a little saddened.
"But Lyle ended up in Hell, and it turns out, Loopty is actually happy to reunite with his best friend and business partner," Zak says.
"Kind of odd, but if it makes them happy, I guess it all ends well," Charlie says.
"Except when people keep breaking the wall in the office," Zak says, rolling his eyes.
"True, but we can worry about them later. I'm more worried about the Exorcists. I just hope we can face them," Blitz says.
"I know what you mean, I really hope we're ready for this," Charlie says.
"Me too," Vaggie says.
Just then, Sir Pentious bursts out of the hotel's doors, wearing a Victorian-style British army uniform and looking proud of himself, "Fear not, damsels. I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!"
Zak stifles his laughter to see Pentious in his new outfit.
"What in the hell are you supposed to be?" Vaggie asks.
Pentious salutes, "General Pentious, reporting for duty. I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all!"
"Thank you, Pen," Charlie says.
Niffty, running around the hotel's entrance, now runs up to Pentious.
Niffty asks, "What can I do to help?"
"I'm glad, you asked, soldier," Pentious says and explains her role, "The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall! Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault."
Niffty blinks up at Pentious, having no idea what he just said.
Charlie then kneels to Niffty, "How about this. If you see an angel, stab it!" and hands Niffty a small blade
Niffty sees Angel Dust a few meters away, and, thinking that Angel Dust is what Charlie meant, "Stab! Stab! Stab!" and runs towards him with her knife.
Angel soon notices Niffty aiming for him in a panic, "Hey, hey, hey, hey!" climbs up the pole he was leaning on.
Charlie cries out, "Not him!"
Niffty stops in her tracks and runs off to find other things to stab, Angel does a flip and lands on the ground, before walking over to stand with Charlie, Vaggie, Blitz, and Pentious.
In her drill sergeant style, Vaggie says, "Listen up, sinners and Hellborns! We've got 24 hours before the Extermination begins. Let's get to work."
As the cannibals and the hotel's residents begin training to fight, Vox continues to watch them all train from his surveillance room.
Vox says, "Oh, they suck. Oh, they suck so bad! Oh, God. They're gonna fucking die! They're- they're gonna die."
Back at the hotel, Charlie is holding Alastor's microphone, preparing to give a speech to the cannibals, I.M.P and the hotel's residents.
"Hello?" Charlie says and taps the microphone, "I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet...Cherri."
"Look, I can't resist a fight, okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuckhead," Cherri says, and wraps arm around Angel, who smiles.
"Along with Zak and his friends from I.M.P," Charlie says.
"Hey, our pal, Blitz is in trouble so I have to help," Zak says.
"Me too. He's been gone for years, and we're not going to let him miss more years with us," Zoey says.
"Tomorrow, the Exorcist Angels will face a hell ready to defend itself and win!" Charlie says with confidence.
"Yeah! Yeah, we will! Tell 'em, baby!" Vaggie says.
"Yes!" Charlie says, "And we are-we are going to win! But in case we don't, I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honor of my life. Whatever redemption really means, I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's...I-I'm just...I love you all, so much, and-and live tonight however you want because-"
"We're all gonna die!" Niffty shouts and laughs maniacally.
"Way to build up with confidence Niffty," Welsey says, narrowing his eyes towards her.
Tilla begins crying after hearing that.
Blitz rocks Tilla in his arms, "There there, Tilla. It's okay. I'm sure everything will be okay."
Vaggie sheepishly claps, "Alright! Let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying," She pauses and says, "Drinks?"
Inside the hotel, the gang are sharing drinks, talking and laughing with one another.
Vaggie says, "I mean, personally, I'm excited. It's been a while since I stabbed anyone and really meant it, you know what I mean?"
"Cheers, bitches!" Cherri says.
"Yeah!" Husk says.
"Here's to us!" Angel happily says.
Pentious says, "Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow!"
Alastor and Niffty watch the rest of the group drinking from the mezzanine.
"Ah, the celebratory night before a courageous last stand. It's been a surprising thrill to witness these wayward souls find connection. Almost makes one sentimental, eh, Niffty?" Alastor says.
"I really like them, Alastor. They let me put on roach puppet shows without booing!" Nifty says.
"Ah, an enjoyable collective to be around. I admit one could get accustomed," Alastor says.
Niffty hops on top of Alastor's head and places a crown made of roaches and sticks on his head, "I dub thee, King Roach."
"Oh, to understand your twisted little mind!" Alastor says.
Alastor and Niffty begin laughing maniacally together, signaling that they possibly do understand each other's twisted little minds.
Zak, who is watching the event from the lounge, rolls his eyes in response.
Zak turns to Blitz and asks, "Hey Blitz, with how those two are acting, are you sure they're not related."
"Hmm, I'm not sure," Blitz says, "But still, thank you all for helping us."
"It's no trouble. The hotel means a lot to you and your family, so we're glad to help," Zoey says.
"Yeah. And we actually get to fight Exorcists. I mean, it's not everyday that Hellborns get to have the action of dealing with Angels," Wesley says.
"Yeah. It's going to be so exciting," Millie says and shows how sharp her teeth are, "I can't wait to get my hands dirty!"
"Save your excitement for tomorrow," Zak says.
"But it's still quite unusual. Then again, if we can fight Cherubs and humans, we can fight Exorcists too," Moxxie says.
"Yeah. It's also a great opportunity to boost some business for I.M.P," Zak says.
"If we get out of it alive, but I'm sure we will," Moxxie says.
Soon, Loona and her siblings walk over.
"We'll survive this alright. We were able to survive this for months, we can do the same here," Loona says.
"I agree, and we know how to deal with the angels," Aurora says, "Well, from what you explained to us."
"Totally. And we're ready to protect dad and fight the angels," Keenan says.
Sophie barks in reply.
Topaz turns to Loona and Blitz, "By the way, what are you going to do about Tilla? She can't stay here during the Extermination."
"Of course not," Blitz answers, "Truth is, Tilla will be staying with Stolas and Octavia. From what he told me, he sometimes stays in the human world with Octavia during Extermination Day for extra precaution. I talked to Stolas and he agreed to let Tilla stay. He plans to pick her up before the Extermination starts.
"Good to know that Tilla will be far away from this fiasco," Moxxie says.
"True, but we're all are going to get out of this alive, and beat the angels," Aurora says.
"Yeah," Keenan says.
"It's going to be cool, especially seeing your fencing skills against them, Aurora," Ash says.
Aurora blushes with a smile, "Thanks Ash."
"And you'll get to see my skills," Ash says.
"Really?" Aurora asks.
"Well, both my parents are assassins, so I have to learn some skills from them," Ash says.
"You better believe it, kid," Zak says, ruffling his son's head.
Meanwhile, Angel is sitting by the parlor as Husk pours him a drink.
Husk says to Angel, "Last day of afterlife, and you're not off snorting a line off some hunk's abs?"
"Eh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all," Angel says.
"I guess you have changed," Husk says.
"Hey, Charlie said live tonight however we wanted... so pour me a fresh one, and let's get to living!" Angel says.
As Husk pours Angel another drink, Pentious tentatively approaches Cherri Bomb, who is talking to Vaggie.
Pentious approaches Cherri, "Miss Bomb? Cherri?"
"Yeah?" Cherri questions.
"I want to tell you that I...I love..." Pentious says, nervously, but then quickly says, "I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead," and shakes Cherri's hand."
"Okay," Cherri says.
"You are...have always been a worthy opponent. With the most...brilliant explosive contraptions I've ever seen," Pentious says.
"Uh...thanks?" Cherri replies.
"Anyway, I guess...please don't die tomorrow. Okay, bye!" Pentious says and runs away.
Sir Pentious runs away as Angel comes up to Cherri, passing her a shot.
Angel says to her, "You know, you could totally tap that."
Cherri scoffs, "Tss, don't be gross."
"Cuz, you know, I hear he's got 2 dicks," Angel says.
Cherri looks back at Pentious, "Huh."
Sometime later...
Charlie is standing outside Angel's bedroom door. A few photos of Angel and the rest of the group are stuck to his door. Charlie looks at them, smiling, before realizing that she might never see them again if they lose the battle tomorrow, and begins to break down and cry.
"Charlie?" Vaggie's voice appears.
Charlie turns to see Vaggie standing in the corridor, watching her.
Charlie turns away from her, "I'm sorry...I'm...I'm just so scared. What if we lose?"
And then, Vaggie begins to sing.
You've, already done so much
Vaggie begins to walk towards Charlie
So many lives you've changed
So many souls you've touched
And in the end, if it's only me you've saved
Charlie and Vaggie:
There's something that I've been dying to say
More than anything
More than anything
Need you to know I love you more than anything
More than anything
Charlie and Vaggie hold each other close and kiss.
Blitz checks in the room to see Loona, Aurora, and Keenan are sleeping in their beds. Sophie is sleeping with Aurora on her bed as well. Blitz lets out a sad sigh, as much as he really appreciates his children for staying to help with the Extermination, much as he doesn't want them to be put in danger, but he smiles to know how well he raised them. He then walks into his room to see Tilla fast asleep in his bed and on the other side of the bed is her baby bag. Blitz sits down on the bed and gently rubs Tilla's head. He then leans down and gives her a gentle kiss.
Suddenly, he notices a glow and turns to see the portal has opened up. Walking through the portal is Stolas.
"Hello Blitz, how was the training going?" Stolas replies.
"Hey Stolas, and we've been doing fine. The cannibals are ready, and we're all physically ready, but I feel some of us are still trying to mentally be ready for it," Blitz says, "And thank you for taking care of Tilla."
"It's no trouble at all. I'm happy to watch over her," Stolas says, and lets out a sad sigh.
Seeing the look, Blitz asks, "You're still worried about me taking part in the Extermination?"
"Yes. I am. I'm just worried you and the others are going to get hurt," Stolas says.
But Blitz reassures, "It's okay, Stolas. I'll be fine. And with Charlie, Zak, the cannibal, well, everyone's helping, I think we'll be okay. I hope..." and saddens.
"You don't seem okay about it," Stolas says, concerned.
Soon, tears sadly streamed from Blitz's face. He wipes his tears and says, "The truth is Stolas, I'm... I'm actually very scared. I told Loona that if the Extermination worsened, she was to take the kids to your place. I'll still stay in the fight, but I'm scared... scared that we might lose..."
Stolas soon hugs Blitz, catching the Imp off guard. And tears begin to fall from his face as well.
"I... I understand... I'm scared as well, just promise that you'll be okay," Stolas says.
Blitz soon hugs him back and says, "I... I will..."
After the hug and sad moment, Stolas picks up Tilla and her bag, and takes her through the portal to a place somewhere in the human world, so she will be safe with him and Octavia. Blitz watches with a sad and heavy heart, but he knows it's for his daughter's protection, and hopes the rest of his family will be safe during the Extermination.
Time has passed, in Heaven...
The Exorcists are all lined up outside Heaven's gates as Adam gives them all a pep talk.
Adam says to the angels, "Extermination Day is here, bitches. We're going to go down and exterminate demon ass!"
"Destroy that ass!" Lute shouts
"Prepare to slaughter every sinner in that shit hotel, and you all remember Vaggie?" Adam says.
The Exorcists all boo Vaggie, "Boo! We hate her!"
"Rip Vaggie's cunt mouth out her ass!" Lute shouts in excitement.
"Would you just-ju-chill, Lute. Fuck," Adam says, taken a step back of Lute's excitement.
He then says to the other Exorcists, "Anyway, whoever brings me Vaggie's head gets...uh, I dunno, a million Heaven bucks. And an extra million for anyone who can bring the Impish wizard named Blitz to us, 'alive'. How about that, huh?" and he sounds a bit sarcastic on the 'alive' part.
The Exorcists all cheer.
Adam laughs, "Haha, yeah! Ladies, let's fuck shit up!" And then lets out a singing tone as he shouts, "ATTACK!"
And with that, the Exorcists take flight and prepare for the attack.
Lute also brings out her sword, "FORWARD!" and flies off for the attack.
Behind Adam, a portal to Hell opens and all of the Exorcists fly through it. The portal opens right outside the hotel, where Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Pentious, Husk, Niffty, Cherri Bomb, Loona, Aurora, and Keenan, along with Zak and I.M.P and the cannibals are gathered by the entrance. Charlie has a golden shield with an apple motif, Vaggie has her angelic spear. Loona us holding a few kunai, daggers, and other weapons in disposal. Aurora has two swords, and Keenan also has kunai with Sophie on his shoulder. Niffty has the small knife that Charlie gave her as she is laughing maniacally, Angel has a tommy gun, Manny also has his gun and a rifle as well, Cherri has a bomb, Pentious has a short sword. Their weapons have all been given angelic steel enhancements to allow them to kill the Exorcists.
"Here they come. Get ready, everyone. We fight together!" Vaggie says.
As the group prepares to attack, Valentino, Velvette and Vox are all sitting in front of a TV in V Tower, which is showing real-time camera footage from the hotel. Valentino and Velvette look bored, with Velvette on her phone, but Vox has a box of popcorn and is excited to watch them all die.
"Oh, oh. Oh, this is going to be good!" Vox says, excited.
At the hotel, Vaggie raises her angelic spear, and shouts, "Now! FOR YOUR SOULS!"
The group cheers and charges as the Exorcists begin pouring out of the portal, charging back at them.
Charlie also screams, "Let's FUCK THEM UP!"
As the Exorcists and the hotel group begin fighting, Alastor and Blitz stand on the hotel's roof, watching the angels flying out.
Alastor turns to Blitz, "Shall we Blitz."
"Right," Blitz answers.
"Then, let the slaughter begin," Alastor says with maniacal laughter, "AHAHAHAHAHAHA-HA!"as he swings his microphone as Blitz uses the powers of his scepter. With both their powers combined it causes a huge force field to appear around the hotel which traps the attacking Exorcists inside. Adam and Lute watch in confusion from outside the force field.
"The fuck?" Adam says, confused.
"They appear to have some kind of shield, sir!" Lute says.
"Oh, really? I didn't see this giant fucking shield in front of me, YOU DUMB BITCH! NO SHIT!" Adam says, sarcastically.
The force field sprouts tentacles and begins killing Exorcists that are on the outside of the force field with angelic weapons.
Adam is witnessing it as well, "That's how they can kill us? With our own weapons?! Fucking weak, dude."
As Lute raises her sword and flies to attack the shield, Cherri and Angel attack Exorcists from the inside of the force field.
Angel shouts as he fires his tommy guns, "Come and get some!"
Cherri throws her bombs, "Eat shrapnel, fuckers!" and the bombs explode as the Exorcists.
Pentious shouts, "All angelic weapons fire at will!"
And the cannons fire at the Exorcists. Moxxie and Wesley help fire the cannon and also fire their open angelic weapons at the Exorcists.
Husk flies past, throwing his explosive cards at angels.
"Hey! Yelling while fighting...doesn't help," Husk says, and continues fighting.
Niffty runs around stabbing every angel she can see, even the dead ones.
Millie is swinging her angelic axe like crazy, killing the Exorcists in sight.
"Damn, that chick sure is something else," Angel says.
"She sure is," Moxxie says with a smile and fires his guns at the angels, having clear headshots.
"Damn, you're good with a gun, almost as good as me," Angel says.
"Well, let's just say I've learned how to use guns at a young age," Moxxie says.
Then Aurora comes in and uses her dancing skills and swordsmanship to kill the Ecorists left and right. Zak, Zoey, and the others also continue fighting against the Exorcists and are able to kill them. Sophie unleashes her fire powers and switches forms to fire her ice powers. Keenan and Looks also use their abilities to fight back as well. Keenan distracts the Exorcists while Loona uses her angelic steel kunai and other weapons to kill them. Keenan and Loona also use angelic paper bombs to explode all the frozen Exorcists.
"Alastor and Blitz's shields are working!" Charlie happily says.
"Trying to focus, sweetie!" Vaggie says.
"We might actually have a chance!" Charlie says.
"Love the optimism. Still trying to focus," Vaggie says, and throws the spear at the Exorcist.
Adam and Lute are still hovering over the force field. Adam clearly has had enough of being left out of the battle.
"I'm fucking over this," Adam says.
Adam draws backwards before flying straight at the shield. With one punch, he causes it to dissipate, leaving the hotel exposed.
"Fuck!" Angel says, shocked.
Even Charlie is shocked, "Oh, no!"
"Blitz," Zak says, worried.
As the smoke clears, Adam sees Alastor and Blitz standing on the roof. Alastor turns to Blitz and gestures to him to remain hidden for his chance to attack and to be sure no other angels come towards the roof. Blitz responds and hides behind one of the machines on the top of the building. Recognising him as the creator of the shield, Adam flies down to the roof to meet him. The Vees watch from V Tower, Vox preparing to see Alastor die.
"Oh, fuck! I am so hard right now!" Vox shouts in excitement.
Vox makes a thrust gesture for a couple seconds while Velvette seems uncomfy of Vox making the gesture at her.
Meanwhile, Alastor takes a few steps forward to meet Adam.
"Adam! First man, next to die," Alastor says.
"Who the fuck are you?" Adam questions.
"Alastor. Pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure," Alastor says. He then taps his cane on the ground, "I'm about to end your fucking life," Causing four tentacles to rise up around him.
"Nice voice," Adam says, sarcastically, "Don't you know jazz is for PUSSIES!"
Adam summons his guitar and flies straight at Alastor. Alastor stands still as his tentacles lash out at Adam. Adam slashes at them all before gearing up to attack Alastor himself.
Alastor says, "Ah ah ah!"
Adam attempts to attack Alastor with his guitar, but Alastor moves smoothly out of the way, before sending more tentacles towards Adam
"You really think you can take me on? A mortal soul is no match for me, edge-lord," Adam says, annoyed.
"You should know better than anyone what a soul can accomplish when they take charge of their own fate," Alastor says.
Alastor's shadow looms behind him, making it appear as though there was a crack in the hotel's roof. The crack leads up to Adam, where one of Alastor's shadow monsters appears and punches Adam.
"Ohoho, you think you're tough shit, huh?" Adam says, destroying Alastor's shadow monster.
"Tougher than you. Ha ha ha!" Alastor says with laughter.
Adam swings at Alastor with his guitar. Alastor easily dodges his strikes.
"You lack discipline, control, and worst," And Alastor goes into full demon form, "YOU'RE SLOPPY!"
More of Alastor's shadow creatures appear, attacking Adam and crawling all over him, sending him flying upwards.
"And you're.." Adam angrily says, but realizes he doesn't know what to say, and getting attacked, "Fuck-fuck red piece of f-too much fucking red...fuck...shut up!"
Using one of his tentacles, Alastor grabs Adam and throws him into the sign on the hotel's roof
"Ha ha ha! Poetry!" Alastor says with a grin.
This really made Adam mad, "I'm going to wipe that shit-eating grin off your face, CAUSE RADIO IS FUCKING DEAD!"
Adam flies a few meters into the air and swings his guitar, sending a shockwave towards Alastor. When it dissipates, Alastor has been forced out of his full demon form and his microphone has been snapped in two.
"What just happened?" Alastor asks, but his voice isn't static anymore. He then notices his microphone is broken in half, "...fuck."
While Alastor is distracted by his microphone, Adam manages to score a hit on him, slashing him across the torso and sending him flying back to the edge of the roof.
"Alastor!" Blitz cries out.
Vox cheers from V Tower.
"Yes! Fuck you, Alastor!" Vox screams in excitement, änd flips off screen, "Ahahaha!" He then jumps on top of the table, "THIS IS BETTER THAN SEX!"
Alastor picks up the 2 pieces of his microphone, trying to go back into his full demon form, but being too injured.
Blitz rushes over, "Alastor, are you okay. You're badly hurt."
But Alastor says in a sing-song, "Have to disagree with you there, Adam! Radio's not dead, but it is ending this broadcast," and feels the pain. Then turns to Blitz, "Blitz, make sure you end him!"
"Right," Blitz answers with a nod.
Alastor flees the battle and melts into his shadow. Adam, laughing, watches him disappear while leaning on his guitar.
"Bye, bitch!" Adam says.
Blitz clenches his scepter in anger to hear that comment.
Meanwhile, Vox watches in anger from V Tower, disappointed that Alastor wasn't dead and angry at him for seemingly fleeing like a coward.
Vox screams in anger, "No! Fuck you fuck you fuck you! Pussy!"
Back on top of the hotel, Blitz ends up blasting Adam with his scepter, sending a bright light at Adam. The light hits Adam and pushes him back towards the hotel sign. Adam mananges to get out as Blitz fires his fire magic at Adam. Adam dodges and charges at Blitz. Soon, both of them come face to face with one another as they hold each other off with their weapons.
Adam smirks, "So, you're the Imp who were able to fight against my girls, defeated my lieutenant, and killed one of my soldiers. Gotta say, despite you being an Imp, you're stronger than you look." Then Adam fires his magic, but Blitz dodges.
He then uses his magic to make the halo and wings appear.
"A halo and wings?" Adman questions before laughing, "Man, you're full of surprises. But let's see how you handle a real angel like me!"
Adam then fires his holy light at Blitz. Blitz quickly uses his protective bubble to stop the blast, but ends up making him push towards the wall of the hotel. Blitz then flies up to get away from the attack. Then uses the electric coins and throws them at Adam. Adam uses his axe to deflect the attack.
"Ha! Is that all you got?" Adam shouts in remark, but one of them circles back and electrocutes him upon contacting his back.
And Blitz uses his magic to cast ice magic at Adam, and it actually ends up hitting a part of his wing, freezing a bit of it.
Adam looks to see Blitz having his scepter and is ready for another spell.
Adam evil smirks and says, "Oh it's on, IMP BOY!"
Adam then fires Holy Light at Blitz and Blitz deflect the attack.
Meanwhile in the Human World...
Stolas is in his bedroom as he is thinking and worrying about Blitz and the others at the hotel.
"Oh Blitz, I hope you and everyone are okay," Stolas says to himself.
He then turns his head to see a photograph of himself and Blitz as children. He picks it up and looks at it in deep concern.
"Dad, are you okay?" Octavia's voice speaks up.
Stolas lifts his head and turns to see his daughter standing next to the door, looking worried with Tilla who is sleeping in her arms.
"Oh, hi Via. Do you need something?" Stolas replies, trying to show a reassuring smile.
"No, but you can use some cheering up," Octavia says.
Stolas sighs, "It's kind of obvious, isn't it?"
"Uh huh," Octavia nods, "You've been kind of out of it since before the Extermination."
"I'm sorry Via, I just have a lot on my mind," Stolas says.
"Or, maybe you're worried about Blitz, Zak, and the others," Octavia says, "Truth is, I'm worried about them too, especially learning that Blitz kind of angered the lieutenant of the angel army."
"I suspect Loona told you about it, huh," Stolas says.
"She did, and I'm worried about this," Octavia says.
"Yes. I'm very worried," Stoles says, sounding deeply concerned.
Octavia asks, "You want to help them, don't you?"
Stolas looks at Octavia, a little surprised.
"How did you...?" Stolas asks.
And Octavia says, "Well, you've been worried about Blitz since you found out what he did on the last Extermination, and learned that the angels are out for his life. So I can imagine how worried you are."
"Yes. I want to help them, but I worry about what might happen for getting involved," Stolas says.
"I'm not sure if anyone would really care, but I think the others need help, especially Blitz. Sure he managed to kill an exorcist, but he's going up against the entire army and Adam. And from what you told me, he's really important to you," Octavia says.
Stolas then looks at the photo, and remembers the time they spent together. After 25 years, Blitz finally returned to his life.
Stolas takes a deep breath and says, "I know what I need to do," and takes his leave.
Octavia smiles and says, "Don't worry dad, I'll watch over Tilla while you're gone."
"Dada..." Tilla replies in her sleep.
Octavia reassures, "Don't worry Tilla, your dad will be fine, especially now he'll be having an Ars Goetia to even this out."
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