Chapter 42: C.H.E.R.U.B Part 1

One day, Blitz and his family are visiting Zak, Zoey, and the others at the I.M.P Headquarters. Wesley and Zoey are doing some paperwork while Moxxie, Millie, and Topaz clean up the weapon supplies. Zak, Blitz, and Loona are watching television with the children. Tilla is sitting on Blitz's lap while Keenan is sitting on Loona's lap.

On the television set, it shows a video of a bright and sunny place known as Heaven. The first to appear is a human-like angel with an angelic glow, wings, circle on his blush, light purple eyes. He is wearing overalls, matching his light ginger hair, are an orange with a mix of pinkish red with two silver buttons. Under the overalls he wears a light baby yellow shirt with a white collar. His eyebrows are a darker purple, but still light.

The angel says, "Well, howdy! I'm Cletus! Welcome to Heaven! Guess you did something good to get here, and good people deserve to give loved ones special blessings!"


Does it make you want to cry?

A person pulls a parachute, but the rope breaks, and crashes on a rock.


When your loved one has to die?

And a man stands on the railroad, and is run over by a train.


Does it hurt you through and through?

A man accidently shot himself with a rifle.


When your face is turning blue?

And a man is being hanged on the noose and his face is turning blue.

Just then, a sheep angel that has a white halo that hovers over his head and has wings on his back. His skin and eyes are periwinkle, and he wears a white bow tie around his neck. His name is Collin.


Well luckily for you!

Then another sheep named Keenie appears. She is also a sheep angel with yellow fur, along with a yellow halo and wings. Her eyes have purple pupils with pink irises, and she wears a yellow dress with a pink bow tie.


There's something we can do!


We can help keep them alive!


So you can watch them thrive!

'Cause here at C.H.E.R.U.B.!


We'll save your honeybun from dying violently!

Cletus pulls a human girl up to save her, but Keenie pushes Collin forward with a plant with a nail to fight, but the rabid dogs attack.


'Cause here at C.H.E.R.U.B.!


No, we never even ask a fee!

A hand presents money to Cletus, but the angel refuses.


Because good people spread the love!

Keenie and Collin hug each other.


And we're here for all above!


We do the paperwork for you!

Collin paperwork in the office.


And the heavy lifting, too!

Keenie then lifts a boulder off of a girl that is flatten like a pancake.


So sit right back!

Then Keenie and Collin appear to a bleeding man who has been in a car accident.


And let us bless a soul for you!

Oh we are the C.H.E.R.U.B.!

Suddenly, the television turns off.

"Hey!" Aurora and Keenan respond, turning to Zak who has the remote.

Zak groans, "That's enough of that sugary junk."

"Well, the commercial may have good intentions, but uh, it doesn't seem good to show people dying," Blitz says.

"Fairies. Fairies," Tilla replies, pointing to the TV.

Ash giggles, "Silly Tilla, those aren't fairies. They're Cherubs."

"Cherubs?" Keenan questions.

"They're like little angels, like Tilla. Only they remain small," Zak says.

But Zoey, "Well, Cherubs are subspecies of angels from Heaven, and are tasked to protect the lives of humans and show them with love and reasons to live. They're in a way, the opposite of us demons. Like Hell, the angels have many different types of angels.

"They certainly look cute," Aurora says.

"Is there anything else on television?" Keenan asks.

"Let's see," Moxxie says and turns on the television

When the television turns on, it reveals a commercial. It's Wally Wackford, wearing white clothes, with a black top hat, and holding a cane.

The I.M.P announces, "I say, I say! Are you looking to get work making crazy contraptions and goofy gadgets? Well, call me at Wacky Wally Wackford's Wacky Idea Factory! Where you make the things and I make the money!"

Then shows a pleading face, "Please, I'm very desperate!"

"He sure looks desperate," Zak says.

"I guess so, but isn't he the same guy we saw at Loo Loo Land?" Blitz questions.

"That's right. He's what people call a Jack of Trades or something like that," Zak says.

"He seems like the type who will get around," Loona says.

Zak turns to Blitz, "Still, it's really nice of you to hang out with us."

"I'm glad to be able to hang out, especially what happened," Blitz says.

"Charlie told us what happened when her father visited," Topaz says.

And Wesley asks, "How are you feeling?"

"A little better now," Blitz says.

"I hope so. I heard you fainted or rather, lost consciousness, but you had us all worried when Charlie told us," Zak says.

"I'm sorry, I don't even know what happened. Through Lucifer's visit I felt a bit anxious, or even a little scared of Lucifer. And when the hotel was attacked by Loan Sharks and Alastor went full demon, I became so scared and I saw some things," Blitz says, still feeling uneasy.

"Things?" Zoey questions.

"I'm not sure how to explain it, but I found myself in some place that looks like a lab, and Lucifer seems to look like a dangerous demonic angel with sharp teeth and horns. And then I saw this giant monster," Blitz explains.

"A monster?" Zak questions.

"Uh huh," Blitz says with a nod, "I don't fully remember, the figure seems really big. Its hair or mane looks like it is made of fire, but it's red and blue. And it has a green face, and there are two more on the main. It's like it has three heads."

"Three faces? What kind of demon has that?" Zak questions.

"And one that has a mixture of red and blue?" Topaz adds.

"That's odd," Zoey replies.

Just then, the room begins to shake rapidly and it's enough for anyone to take notice. Tilla becomes frightened and clenches to her dad, as Keenan and Aurora rush to Loona and Blitz in concern.

Loona asks, "Guys... Do you feel that?"

"Oh, crud! Is that a hellshake?" Zak asks.

"That's possible?" Moxxie asks.

Millie holds Moxxie and panics, "Alright! Don't panic, Moxxie!"

"I'm not panicking,'" Moxxie says.

"So Hell has their own version of Earthquakes?" Blitz asks.

"Actually Blitz, Hellquakes don't happen," Moxxie says.

"Then what's causing it," Loona says.

"I don't think this is a normal Hellshake," Zoey says.

Just then, something burst through the wall. The smoke clears to appear what looks like a wrecking ball, but unravels to reveal robotic arms. With that, a demon enters the building.

The demon is fairly tall with a red color scheme, with a lighter red face, darker red horns and long nose, and a black mustache. He is wearing a black top hat with a neon green band on his head with acid green goggles that have dark green swirls on the lenses, and a black strap on the face. He is also wearing a black jumpsuit with a bright green neck piece, a bright green curve shape on the chest and stomach that looks like a question mark, red gloves, bright green boots, and a blood-red cape. He is responsible for the black tentacles with red outlines on them.

The man reveals himself as he says, "Do not be afraid!" and extends the metal robotic arms.

"Please tell me you got that insurance thing," Zak mutters.

"Who are you and what do you want?!" Millie demands and brings out a sharp ax.

"I am Loopty Goopty!" The man says as he performs a loop with his tentacle and a villainous pose between the group.

Then says in a singing tone, "Dastardly inventor of all things loopy and loopish!"

"Coulda just used the door, dude. Doesn't need to be this whole thing," Loona says.

"I am eccentric, and must therefore do eccentric shit!" Loopty says, and performs a wavy dance.

Keenan mutters, "He's kind of weird, dad."

"Well, he sure is eccentric," Blitz says with a sheepish smile,

"Yeah, but he also strikes me as crazy," Welsey says.

Zak sniffs the man and flinches, "Ugh! This old fuck reeks of the living world. Did you just die?"

"YEEEEES! Moments ago, in fact! Which is what brought me HEEEERE!" Loopty says.

Loona says, "Just sayin'... the front door would've gotten you here fine."

"Shut up, dear furry!" Loopty says to Loona, making her growl in anger.

Then presents a photograph to Zak and the others, "This is the man I'm gonna need you to kiiiill!"

Zak takes the picture to reveal an old man in bed.

"Not even a shit's length of time in Hell and already plotting revenge. I can respect someone with that sort of passion," Zak says with a comment.

"Why thank you," Loopty says.

Then Zak introduces himself, "The names Zak, founder and CEO of I.M.P. So who is this man and what he did to you?"

"He was... my business partner!" Loopty answers, dramatically.

Loopty then explains, "You see, I was not always an old man. My partner Lyle and I ran Lyle-Loopty Robotics, a technological empire! Earlier today, we were testing a new machine intended to stop or reverse the aging process! It could've saved all three trillionaires! Unfortunately, we neglected to test the machine on the poor like we usually do. We were too sure of our own genius. But the machine was accidentally set forward! By the time we managed to get out, it was too late. At least, for me. Now, that evil son of a bitch is going to take over the empire we built together! Without me to share it with him, he'll make all the goddamn money in the world and become the fourth trillionaire and get all the credit!"

"Ehhh, that's not really evil," Wesley says, a bit unsure.

"It's evil towards me!" Loopty says.

Topaz turns to Welsey, "I supposed he has his own level of evil."

"I have to agree," Wesley says.

Then angrily says, "Now, get your crimson asses up above and send that heartless no-good son of a bitch to Hell, where he belongs!"

Then Zak says, "You know Loopty. If we do kill him, though, and he ends up down here, y'know, you will be stuck with him. Forever,"

"Oh, trust me!" Loopty says, sinister.

Then summons an array of weapons from his metal tentacles, "I'm counting on it!"

He then says, "Let me know when you get the job done. Until then, toodaloo." And with that, Loopty jumps out of the window.

"That has to be the weirdest sinner I've ever met," Topaz says.

"I have to agree," Moxxie says.

"Well, we might as well get this job done," Zak says. Then turns to the group, "Topaz, Wesley, and Zoey, you three can clean up the mess that Loopty left behind. Moxxie and Millie, you're both with me on this assignment.

"Yes sir," Moxie says.

"You got it Zak," Millie says.

"We'll take care of it. Loopty kind of caused a bit of damage," Wesley says.

Then Blitz asks, "What about me and the kids? I'm guessing that we need to leave the office until the construction is cleared."

Then Millie has an idea, "Hey Blitz, why not you all come with us? It won't be a long assignment, and after that, we can take the kids out for some fun."

"Can we go, dad?" Keenan asks.

"Wanna go!" Tilla happily says.

Blitz smiles and says, "I don't see why not. Besides, it might take some time for the work to be done. But we should ask Zak first.

"It's alright with me. Let's go get this job done, and then we can take you and the kids out for some fun," Zak says.

"Can I come dad?" Ash asks.

"Actually, I need you to stay and help your mother clean up," Zak says.

"Alright dad, I understand," Ash says.

Sometime later, the group are in the human world in their human disguises and arw now on a tour bus when it stops in front of a large mansion.

"Gee, I wonder whose house this is?" Moxxie asks.

The Tour Guide soon answers, "And to your right is the home of famous inventor, Lyle Lipton!"

The crowd is amazed and takes pictures with their cell phone.

"Well, it looks like we're at the right place," Loona says

Zak then grins, "Let's do it, gang!"

Soon, Zak, Millie, and Moxxie take out their weapons. Zak has a flintlock pistol, Moxxie a rifle, Millie two sharp swords. They jump over the fence and land in formation.

"Let's kill this rich guy!" Millie says.

Then they race towards the house.

Then the Tour Guide says, "And here you'll find three tacky stalkers about to attempt a murder! Things like this could happen to famous people all the time!"

And people are snapping pictures without a care.

Blitz rolls his eyes, "Oh brother."

"What do we do?" Keenan asks.

"It's best we follow them," Blitz says.

"True. I may not fully understand their work, but we should follow them," Aurora says.

Blitz stands up and picks up Tilla. Aurora picks up Keenan.

"Come on, let's go," Blitz says.

Blitz then uses his magic to levitate himself and the kids out of the bus, over the fence and land on the ground. Then the group follows the three assassins.

"And it looks like a magician, his sister, his little kids are going to explore the mansion. That was an amazing trick," The tour guide says.

Soon, the group gathers around the window making sure no one is around. Blitz and the kids are able to catch up.

"Wow, that machine really did a number on him," Moxxie says.

The others peek inside to see Lyle Lipton is so old that he has to remain in bed and is connected to an IV pump. He is holding a picture frame in his head with depression.

He kisses the photo and says, "Goodbye, my one true love."

The picture in the frame consists of dollar bills with the sign 'free stock photos' on it.

"All the riches of the world can't fill the emptiness I'm feeling now that my shitty old body can't do anything of value," Lyle adds and holds the IV tube.

Seeing what is happening, Zak says, "Oh, fantastic! He's gonna do our job for us!"

Soon, Lyle makes a noose out of his IV tube, preparing to take his own life.

"Should we go in there and tie it for him?" Moxxie asks.

Lyle has the IV tube tied and is about to put it over his neck as the imps watch with drinks and popcorn. Blitz simply rolls her eyes to see the Imps act like this is a show. Even Loona and Aurora roll their eyes in response. Before Lyle can put the noose over his neck, the noose IV Tube lights up a bright white glow, followed by a strong pulse that sends the group back.

Still in his room, Lyle adjusts to the light to see three angels, who are really Cherubs, floating down gracefully in three rays of light.

Seeing them catch Lyle by surprise, "Oh lord, I'm being haunted by ugly orphan children now!"

"Who the fuck are they?!" Zak questions, annoyed.

Seeing who they are, Moxxie says in shock, "Oh no! Sir, those are..."

In the room, the three Cherubs who have been seen on Hell's TV appear before Lyle Lipton.

"Cherubs, Mr. Lyle!" The child Cherub, Cletus says.

"I hate filthy stinking orphan children!" Lyle angrily says, raising his fist at them.

The periwinkle Cherub, Collin says, "We're here to convince you not to kill yourself, sir. To grant you a blessing, on behalf of those in Heaven benefited by your amazing technological advances."

But Zak is against it, "Oh hell no!" and brings out his gun.

Zak then changes into his original demon form and approaches the building.

"Uh Zak..." Blitz replies, but Zak doesn't listen.

"Don't forget-" Zak shouts, charging into the room through the window.

He faceplants on the floor as the glass shatters to the ground. Of course, the others enter the room through the door close by as they change back to their original bodies as well.

"Lyle Lipton, it is our-" Moxxie says, before glancing at Zak.

Then turns back to Lyle, "...humble opinion that you should continue the process to commit die."

Then Millie walks in and asks, "I mean, what do you expect to do with all this money now you're old and gross?" and becomes disgusted.

"Is that a serious question?" The yellow Cherub, Keenie says, and tucks the man in bed.

She happily flies around and says, "He can help spread his wealth around with the people of the world!"

"And do so much good with it!" She then throws Lyle's dollars in the air.

And happily says, "And be so fulfilled!"

But Lyle frowns with his arms crossed and says, "No!"

"He could pay for new hospitals and schools!" Collin adds.

Even more depressed, Lyle clutches his blanket and calls out, "Why won't you let me die?"

Soon, Zak appears next to Lyle as he leans on the furniture next to the bed, "Oh, sounds like you need help offin' yourself there, buddy."

Then turns to Moxxie, "Moxxie, what do we got for this fella?"

Soon, Moxxie brings out each weapon and tosses them to Zak and Lyle by name, "I have some assault weapons, crossbow, hunting bow, tommy gun, old-fashioned shotgun, revolvers in three colors, chainsaws, katanas..."

"He's classier than that!" Collin says.

"Uh yeah, but well..." Blitz says and points to where Lyle is.

Collin looks to see what Blitz means. Lyle has the rifle in his mouth and plans to shoot himself with it.

Collin takes the rifle away and says, "There are still plenty of reasons to live, Mr. Lyle," Collin says.

"Yeah, right. Smells like he ain't been out of bed in months," Millie says, and sniffs.

Feeling disgusted, Millie covers her mouth and vomits a little on the floor. Moxxie then comforts her.

Cletus happily says, "Love can be beautiful at any age."

"And we'll show him!" Keenie adds.

Then the Cherubs happily cheered, "Yeah!"

Zak and Moxxie shout, "NO!"

While Millie screams, "NOOOO!"

Loona sighs, "Something tells me that this is going to be another long day."

"I have to agree," Blitz says.

Tilla giggles and reaches out towards the Cherubs, "Faires. Fairies."

"Tilla, they're Cherubs, not fairies," Aurora says.

The Cherubs turn to see Blitz and his family, but they're mainly focused on Aurora and Tilla.

Well Keenie gushes,"Oh my gosh!"

And flies towards Tilla, "Look at her, isn't sure adorable."

"Sheepy fairy," Tilla happily says.

"Awww!" Keenie happily replies, Cletus and Collin do the same.

Tilla giggles.

Cletus comments, "Why, that's really adorable. She looks like a little angel, but has uh, demon horns and a tail."

"But she looks so sweet," Collin says.

"And she has an adorable smile. I just want to pinch her cheeks," Keenie says.

Blitz giggles, "I'm glad you think so about my daughter."

"REally? She's your daughter?" Collin asks.

"Um yes. Hello I'm Blitz. This is my family. Loona, Aurora, Keena, and the youngest is Tilla."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you all," Cletus says.

"You seem really nice for a demon," Keenie says.

"And you seem to have a nice family. Why, your daughter looks alot like an angel," Collin says turning to Aurora.

Aurora smiles, "Thank you."

"You all actually seem kind of nice to be demons, but you also look like angels, well, the girls do anyway," Cletus says.

"And the boy looks like a demon, but his eyes are different," Collin says.

Zak, Moxxie, and Millie look at the dumbfounded group.

"Sheesh, even the Cherubs are all over Tilla and Blitz family," Zak says.

"But you have to admit, who can resist little Tilla, she is just too cute," Millie says with a smile.

"I have to agree. Although, we have to agree that this is going to be a long day for us, especially with a simple kill," Moxxie says.

Zak and Zoey nod their heads.

Cletus then says, "As much as I like to talk with you some more, but we have a job to do in saving the poor soul."

"I see..." Blitz says.

Then says in thought, "Although, I have a feeling that I.M.P and C.H.E.R.U.B are going to have quite a conflict by the end of this.

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