Chapter 41: Dad Beats Dad Part 2

Back to the tour...

Vaggie explains, "And we've almost been able to find all of Angel Dust's drug stashes... almost."

"So, once that's out of the way, it should be much smoother sailing!" Charlie says.

"Well that certainly is, uhh... is-is something," Lucifer says, sounding unsure.

Then Charlie asks, "So, what do you think?"

"About what?" Lucifer questions.

"The hotel," Charlie confirms.

"Oh! Yes! It does- it does look much better now, doesn't it?" Lucifer says and chuckles, "You know, but I'm thinking this railing needs work, one good push and you'd just go right over the edge! Whoopie! Bye bye!" And let out a chuckle.

"What? No, no, the plan, Dad! What do you think about using the hotel to help sinners?" Charlie quickly says.

Lucifer exhales and lets out his honest opinion, "Alright, I mean, look, I love that you want to see the best in people, but these sinners, you know, they're just the worst. I, I don't know how much you can realistically expect from them, and Heaven?" He adjusts his collar, "Hohooo boy, Heaven, is not exactly as carefree as you might think. Yeah, they have rules, lots of rules, and they aren't very open minded as you'd hope."

"These are our people, Dad, I... I have to try!" Charlie says.

"Our "people" Charlie, are awful!" Lucifer says, "They got gifted free will and look what they did with it! Everything's terrible!" And wheeze.

"Not everything is terrible," Blitz points out.

"Uh, why do you say that? You're well, an Imp, you're practically born here," Lucifer says.

"Maybe, but I wasn't really raised here. And even if I was, not everyone in Hell is terrible. I mean, sure there are a lot of bad and terrible things in Hell, but there are those who try to live a good life," Blitz says, "I mean sure, I was born here, but I wasn't raised here given my circumstances."

"Circumstances? What circumstances?" Lucifer asks.

Charlie sheepishly smiles and says, "Well dad, you remember you telling me about the Asmodean Crystal that went missing due to some crazy experiment."

"Yeah. Why?" Lucifer questions.

"Well, Blitz has them. The core is attached to his chest and during the past few months, Blitz managed to find two of the crystals you and the other sins were looking for," Charlie explains.

This has Lucifer shocked and turns to Blitz, "Wait, you have them?"

"Um yes," Blitz says.

"Well then, let's see them," Lucifer says.

Blitz uses his magic to conjure his scepter. Lucifer looks at the orb to see the two crystals are inside.

"Wow. An Imp that can use magic, wasn't expecting that," Lucifer says.

"Well yes, I've been doing it since I was adopted," Blitz says.

"Really?" Lucifer asks.

Blitz nods.

"Well, glad to know that you found it, and it will be cool if you can give them and the core back," Lucifer says.

"There's a few problems with that," Vaggie says.

"What's that?" Lucifer asks.

"Well, Blitz can't get the crystals out, and they only seem to work for him. As for the core, it's attached to his chest," Charlie says.

"It's what now?" Lucifer questions.

Blitz turns to Charlie in concern, and the princess nods her head in response. Blitz sighs and still feels uneasy. He unbuttons his shirt and reveals the crystal on his chest. This shocked Lucifer.

"Oh, there it is," Lucifer says, stunned.

He then asks, "Does... does it hurt?"

"No, but it's kind of off. The day I first came to Hell, it glowed and opened a portal. Then it sucked me and my family from the home world I grew up in, to here," Blitz says.

"Other world? Portal? And you have a core on your chest?" Lucifer questions.

He then looks at Blitz straight at his face. He says in thought, "This Imp. He looks so... familiar..."

Suddenly, a realization hit him, his eyes wide in shock, and says in thought, "No... it... it can't be... Is it... really him...?"

"Dad, are you okay?" Charlie asks.

Lucifer regains himself, "I'm okay. I'm just surprised, is all. But still, I'm glad to know that the core and the two crystals are found, but uh, this situation has become complicated. With the core attached to his chest he has the crystals and is unable to give it back. I might need to talk to Ozzie and discuss it with him."

"Why?" Vaggie asks.

"Well Maggie... we were hoping to find the crystals and put them under lock and key, but now we see that the crystals have been obtained by Blitz and will only work for him, we need to take safety precautions," Lucifer says.

"I'm sure we can work something out. Blitz and his family have been doing fine in the Hotel. Blitz may not be able to answer yours or Ozzie's question clearly due to his amnesia, and..." Charlie says.

But Lucifer says, "Look Charlie, I know that you want to help, especially the situation Blitz and his children are in, but I just don't want you to put yourself on the line for them on your own, given that they have rare and powerful objects, and for people like—" but is interrupted when a loud thud shakes the hotel, rocking the three of them on the balcony.

"Geez! What now?!" Vaggie exclaims.

Lucifer looks down and points at the situation, "Well, like that."

The group looks down to see dozens of loan shark demon mafia on the ground holding a battering ram. The loan shark mafia were armed to the teeth with guns, melee weapons, and a battering ram as they ram the front door open.

The leader of the loan shark mafia looks up at the balcony and shouts, "Mimzy! We know you're in there you lousy bitch!"

Inside the lobby, Mimzy realizes that the loan shark mafia found her, "Oh shit," and cartoonishly goes down in a sheepish wince, now already busted.

A portal opens up by Lucifer and all three of them return to the lobby as the loan shark mafia continues to ram the front door.

Vaggie exclaims, "Que Carajo?!" (What the fuck?!)

"What's going on?!" Charlie asks.

"What's all that racket?" Loona asks.

"I maaaaaay be in trouble with some loan sharks. I may or may not have borrowed 50 grand from—" Mimzy sheepishly confesses. And a loud thud causes her to yelp, "Eep!" And cowards behind the bar counter to hide.

With one of the lone sharks shouting in the background, "You better come out!

Mimzy then confesses, "And I may have also stolen a car... and crashed it... into the loan shark's girlfriend, but that bitch had it coming!"

"Are you serious?" Aurora asks.

Before Charlie, Vaggie, and Blitz could even respond, the windows and the walls were barraged with fireballs from the outside. The windows crashed and the floors are meteored with the fireballs. Charlie and Vaggie screamed as more fireballs came raining on them.

Niffty cries out in horror, "My windows!"

Angel Dust scoots back to his seat after a fireball nearly hits him. Loona and Blitz quickly pick up Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla.

Realizing what is happening and holding the tray of baked cookies, Pentious cries out, "Ah! We're under siege!" and dodges a fireball, "Ah! Take cover!"

Everyone in the hotel scrambles in panic and defense as more fireballs fall down on them. Charlie dodges one of the fireballs close to her. Niffty was nearly crushed by one fireball before Angel picked her up, shocked.

"Look out!" Blitz cries out, and uses his water magic on the fire.

"What the fuck?!" Angel cries out.

Angel throws Niffty out of the way, but she scurries around all over the lobby while Lucifer remains composed, oblivious to their dire situation. The lobby was on fire from the fireballs. Husk tries to put out the fire close to his bar, stomping on it in anger while Mimzy hides behind the counter. Angel runs for cover, and Pentious can be heard screaming as fireballs meteor through the windows.

And soon, Lucifer begins to lecture Charlie, "You see? This is exactly what I'm talking about Charlie. You build something nice, you invite people in and offer them everything and they just bring violence and chaos to your doorstep. It doesn't matter how well intentioned you are, they're always going to disappoint you," this causes Charlie to get angry and her eye twitches.

Niffty was on the floor recovering the windows that were shattered, unaware that falling debris was about to crush her.

"Niffty! Come along!" Pentrious says, grabbing Niffty and pulls her away before the debris crushes her.

Vaggie appears with her spear ready at arms, "All of you! Get a safe distance, I'll take care of this."

But Alastor appears out of nowhere and places a hand on Vaggie's spear to lower it, "No, my dear, leave it to me. It's time I remind everyone why I am here," Upon saying those sentences, Alastor turns demonic with his eyes turning to a radio dial.

Mimzy pops up from the counter, "Oh, finally! Took you long enough!

Alastor goes into his demonic form as a green aura lights up from the outside as he says, "A reminder to all..."

The mafia outside were just about to reload theri catapult when they notices the eerie greenish glow before Alastor turned to his sinister demon form.

And Alastor begins to turn into his sinister demon form, "Not to mess with the radio demon!"

With Alastor now in his demon form, he expands his tentacle tendrils outside where one smashes the catapult, the other killing several of the mafia gangsters. The remaining gangsters panic at the sight of the radio demon's magic.

Seeing the event, Mimzy cheers, "Yeah!"

"I will devour each and every one of you!" Alastor says as his body grows larger and limbs become longer before exiting the front door with a sinister unmoving grin.

Alastor heads out to massacre the mafia for attacking the hotel. As he exits the front door, Mimzy, Charlie, Lucifer come out to watch the bloodbath. Charlie was totally appalled that Alastor is truly terrifying and maliciously monstrous. Body parts spread all over the front door.

Lucifer nods, "Mhm, you see? What'd I tell you? Charlie, sinners are violent psychopaths, hell bent on causing as much pain and destruction as they can. There's really no point in trying."

This has Charlie angrily saying to him, "Dad! Stop! He's defending this hotel!" turning to see Alastor eating a mafia loan shark, "It may be a bit more sadistic than I'd hoped, but he's doing it for me! How come he and Blitz, for that matter, can have faith in me but my own father can't?"

Nearby, behind the turned table, Angel, Pentious, and Husk saw the melodrama that was occurring between Lucifer and Charlie.

"Ooh, drama." Angel says, and begins to eat some popcorn.

Husk also picks up a handful of popcorn to eat.

Seeing them having the popcorn, Loona groans and mutters, "Seriously...?"

Suddenly, they hear a thud and turn to see Blitz has dropped his scepter to the ground and is looking horrified.

"Blitz, are you okay?" Charlie asks.

"You okay there?" Husk asks.

"Dad..." Keenan adds, worried.

Blitz eyes wide in shock and fear as he looks terrified of Alastor's monstrous form as he sees him kill the loan sharks. What's more, the lobby that has been damaged and has fire burning makes Blitz's fear and anxiety even worse.

"Is he okay? He looks like he've seen a ghost?" Lucifer asks

Blitz feels pain in his head and clenches it with his hands. Blitz's vision begins changing. In Blitz's eyes, he finds himself in some wreckage of some large lab and hears the sound of people screaming and panicking. Blitz continues running around in fear. Lucifer's form changes to a monstrous figure. Having angel wings, large horns and a black tail with a red heart and his eyes are glowing black. And when he looks at Alastor, he changes to some strange shadowy figure.

The figure changes to that of black, and all there are some white lights on the body. The face is glowing a greenish color, and there is a white and reddish pink horn coming out of the head. To make it even more frightening, he also sees a large shaggy hair attached and it looks like it has two extra sets of faces, one on each side, and it looks like he's surrounded by a mixture of red and blue fire.

"No... no... Please no..." Blitz says, beginning to have an anxiety attack.

Soon, Blitz collapses on the ground and loses consciousness.

"Dad!" Aurora cries out.

"Blitz!" Charlie cries out.

"Oh no!" Vaggie panics.

Loona kneels down and holds her dad in her arms, "Come on dad, wake up. Dad! Dad!"

But Blitz is not waking up, and has lost consciousness.

Outside, Alastor has finished massacring the mafia as he shrinks back down to his usual self, now satisfied that he's killed a lot of demons today.

"Oh, I missed getting to let off steam!" Alastor says.

Mimzy checks outside if the coast is clear before approaching Alastor, "Oh, Alastor! What a fantastic show! Bravo! As always. Thanks for helping lil' old me out of a tougher spot, you're always such a pal!" A railroad debris falls close to Mimzy, making her back away in surprise, "Oops. Heheh... sorry about the mess, but I'm sure the little bug can take care of it for you."

Just then, Alastor says to Mimzy, "I think you should go Mimzy, now."

"Oh pff, Alastor, you're such a kidder you!" Mimzy says with laughter, "Haha, you are so funny!"

However, Alastor says, "I mean it. You deliberately brought danger to this place just to have me clean up your mess. I can't have that here."

"But you love taking care of me! What, you don't actually give a shit about this tacky place, do ya? Come on, I know you, "Mimzy pokes his chest with every word in the sentence. "You... heartless... son... of... a...bitch..."

Alastor casually moves her finger away. He moves around Mimzy before standing in front of her with his microphone stick placed in front, "You are welcome if you actually want to give redemption a shot, but I think we both know that's not really your style, so you need to leave."

"Fine! Who needs you? Have fun with your little princess and your little hotel! See if I care!" Mimzy says, insulted and offended.

She then turns around and flips Alastor off before walking away.

Husk was rather amused before turning back to the melodrama between Charlie and Lucifer, now with a bucket of popcorn of his own. Angel has his, but he also has a drink to go along with it. Pentious was holding a TV guide by Vox.

"This is really getting good," Angel says.

"Not really because Blitz has fainted," Pentious says.

"Yeah, but Loona took him to his room to rest," Husk says.

Lucifer retreats to the lobby while Charlie follows him behind.

Charlie begs her dad, "Dad, just... help me."

"I... I can't," Lucifer says, reluctant.

"Why can't you?" Charlie asks.

Lucifer then approaches Charlie, "Charlie! You don't understand. Heaven never listens! They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you!"

"You don't know that!" Charlie says.

"I do!" Lucifer says with tears filling his eyes.


You, didn't know that when

I tried this all before, my dreams were too hard to defend.

And in the end,

I won't lose it all again. Now you're the only thing worth fighting for.

While he is singing, silhouettes of higher angels appear, surrounding Lucifer with spears. Next shot shows Charlie being surrounded by spears that slowly come towards her, with Lucifer noticing them in horror, and pulls Charlie away on the other side to defend her.


More than anything, more than anything.

I'll shelter and adore you more than anything.

Charlie then says, "Dad, I don't need you to protect me from this."

"I just don't want you to be crushed by them like... like I was," Lucifer says in sadness.

"Dad..." Charlie says.

And then she begins to sing.



When I was young, I didn't really know you at all.

I always felt so small.

But I heard your stories and I was enthralled.

A young Charlie saw her father by his workshop who looked all sad and moopy. He notices her and takes her into his lap.


The tales about your lofty dreams.

I listened breathlessly.

Imagining it could be me.

He presses the button on a crystal box, revealing a magical swan in the center and swimming around. Lucifer talks to little Charlie as he shows her his magic and it becomes a magnetic six wing swan that little Charlie is fascinated in.


So in the end, it's the view I had of you, that showed me dreams can be worth fighting for.

A silhouette of Lilith appears before taking Charlie away. Charlie looks at her father sadly while Lucifer gazes at her with sadness too.

Flashback ends:


More than anything, more than anything.

I need to save my people more than anything.


I've been dying to find out who you are.


I've been waiting,

wanting the same thing.


Looks like the apple doesn't fall far.


Took you a while.


I've missed that smile.

Charlie and Lucifer:

All that I'm hoping,

Now that my eyes are open, is that we can start again.

not be pulled apart again. Cause in the end, you are part of who I am.


I'll support your dream whatever lies in store.


And who could ask for more?


More than anything,


More than anything,


More than anything.


More than anything.

Charlie and Lucifer:

I'm grateful you're my






Charlie and Lucifer:

More than anything. More than anything.

Lucifer and Charlie return to the lobby after traveling across the dimension to a mystical place. Pentious was teary after seeing the sweet tender moment between Lucifer and Charlie.

Pentious then speaks out, "Aww, that was ssssweet."

Lucifer then says to Charlie, "Ok, I can get you the meeting but once you're in Heaven, I won't be able to go with you. Will you be ok?"

"I'll be fine," Charlie says.

"That's my girl," Lucifer says. He lets out a sigh and says, "Good luck kiddo, and be sure the Imp and his family are safe."

And with that, Lucifer turns into a violet red mist before disappearing away from the lobby.

Vaggie comes over to talk to Charlie with uncertainty, "This next part is going to be scary. You ready?"

"I'm ready," Charlie says and hugs Vaggie, "Cuz you'll be with me."

Vaggie looks reluctant, and asks, "In spirit, right?" hoping she does not mean 'physically being in heaven'

"In Heaven!" Charlie says.

"Yay..." Vaggie says as her face winces at the thought of going to Heaven and tells that it was not going to be a very good thing, especially when her face says, Shit...

She then changes the subject, "Lets us, check on Blitz. I'm kind of worried about how he reacted."

"You're right," Charlie says, "I'm worried about him as well."

Sometime later...

Blitz is lying on the bed unconscious as Loona tends to him. Sophie is also sleeping next to him in deep concern. Charlie and Vaggie soon enter the room.

"Hey Loona, how's your father?" Charlie asks.

"He calmed down, but I'm worried about his reaction to seeing Lucifer and Alastor," Loona says.

"Now that you've mentioned it, your dad was acting kind of uneasy around Lucifer. Almost like he's afraid of him," Vaggie says.

"It does seem like it and after Alastor attack the loan sharks and the hotel lobby became damaged, he became even more scared," Charlie says.

She thinks, "I wonder if this has anything to do with his past. Something happened that made him feel scared, and my dad was part of the reason."

"It's hard to say," Loona says.

Then Charlie says, "Maybe once your dad wakes up and feels better you and the kids can take him out to see Zak and the others. Maybe a change to scenery can help keep his mind off of what happened."

"Okay," Loona says.

Charlie looks at Blitz, and says in thought, "I have a feeling this is related to the incident that occurred 25 years ago, and my dad was there so it makes sense. However, he also lost his memories and managed to obtain the crystal core. And the way he reacted, something terrible must have happened that made him lose his memory from his past. What could have upset him that much?"


Lucifer has returned to his workshop and is feeling tired from the long day. Seeing his daughter's hotel, meeting her friends, and meeting an Impish Mage and his family, and all kinds of crazy surprises. However, the most shocking thing is seeing Blitz and the crystal.

Lucifer says to himself, "It... It can't be... that Imp Blitz... could it be the boy from back then..."

He soon has a thought of the past in his mind.


In the flashback, Lucifer and other figures are there as they look in shock. In front is a portal and it has someone trapped as he's being sucked in with the Asmodean Crystal Core. That someone is Blitz as a child.

Among them are Blitz's parents, Cash and Tilla.

Tilla tries to run towards the portal, "My son, no!"

But Cash holds her by having his arms around his waist so she doesn't get sucked in.

Still being sucked in, Blitzo reaches out and cries out, "Mama! Papa! Help Me! Please, help me!"

But Blitzo is fully sucked into the portal

Tilla reaches out with tears in her eyes as she cries out, "Blitzo! Blitzo, no! NOOOOO!"

Then the place begins to explode in fire as everyone tries to escape as the rest of the crystals glow and end up scattering out of the area.

Flashback Ends:

Lucifer lowers his head in sadness and regret, and soon, Tears begin streaming down his face.

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