Chapter 4: Streets in Hell

Shortly after the Extermination Day...

At Carmilla's home, Blitz and his family along with his pet are all dressed in their attire and are ready to head out on their new journey in this new world of Hell.

Blitz turns to Carmilla, "Thank you for letting us stay for the Extermination?"

"It's the least I can do for rescuing my daughters from the Exorcists. It is the least I can do to assist you and your family," Carmilla says.

"It's no trouble at all," Blitz says.

He then says, "Still, I have to wonder what we can do. We've never been here before, so we had a lot of work to navigate here."

Then Carmilla says, "Hmm, perhaps I can assist you with it as well."

"Really?" Aurora asks.

"I believe so," Carmilla says. "Since this will be your first time here and don't know the city, I suggest you go to Princess Charlotte Morningstar."

"Princess Charlotte Morningstar?" Loona questions.

"Yes. She is the Princess of Hell, and is currently staying at the hotel called the Happy Hotel which is just out of the city. I believe she may be able to assist you," Carmilla says.

Carmilla then hands Blitz a map, "This is the map that will help you get there."

Blitz takes the map and says, "Thank you."

Clara walks over, "And we decided to give you something," and has something in her hands.

Clara passes the object to Carmilla and she presents it to Blitz. Whatever it is, it's wrapped in some kind of cloth.

"What is it?" Blitz asks.

"Just a little something. I believe it will be best for you to have it, just in case," Carmilla says.

Blitz takes it and unwraps the cloth to reveal a katana sword in a black scabbard with some white glowing design.

"A katana sword?" Blitz questions.

"Yes. However, this katana's blade is made out of angelic steel. The same material used to make the angelic weapons the Exterminations have. The sword and other angelic weapons are made from Angelic Steel that will be able to kill sinners and other demons," Carmilla explains.

"Are you sure I can have it?" Blitz asks, concerned.

"Yes. I believe it will be best for you to hang on to it. However, you must understand that having something made of angelic steel is very powerful and dangerous. So use it wisely and use it as a last resort," Carmila says.

"I shall use it wisely, and thank you," Blitz says with a nod.

Carmilla nods, "However, I should also advise you to be very careful, especially around powerful demons like Overlords. There are powerful demons and they would try to make deals with you. If they approach you or you've come to approach them, be sure to be cautious about it."

"Okay. Thank you," Blitz says, and Sophie hops on Blitz's shoulders and climbs up his head.

Loona and the kids nod their heads in response.

"And thank you again for helping me and my girls. I wish you and your children the best of luck," Carmila says.

Blitz nods in reply and turns to his children, "Come on children, it's best we start making our way to the princess' hotel."

And with that, Blitz and his children take their leave and make their way to the city to find the Princess of Hell and the Happy Hotel.


At another part of this strange place.

A sinner has fallen into Hell and has been transformed into a demon, "Aaaaah!" He falls face-first onto the road and is surprised, "Ugh. Huh?" Then checks himself, "I'm alive! I'm alive-

However, it's short lived when a black car drives over him and blood spreads on the street.

Just then, coming out of the car is a slender Spider-like demon, probably around 8 feet tall. His fur is white and he has a mop of fluffy white hair that extends from both the front and back of his head, with splotches of light-pink across it. He also has a distinctive and focal light-pink heart pattern on the back of his head. The light-pink outline of a heart also encircles his chest. He also has two pairs of arms. His eyelids are light pink and the color extends up to his eyebrows, giving the effect of eyeshadow, and his lashes are dark and thick. His irises are cerise pink. His right eye has a light yellow sclera, his left eye has a dark sclera. He has a wide mouth full of sharp, pointed teeth and possesses a single golden fang that sits slightly to his right of center. He has three cerise-pink dots under each of his eyes. He also has a prominent chest that is actually composed entirely of fluffy fur. He is wearing a long light pink suit-blazer with horizontal white stripes down the length, reddish-gray miniskirt, and long reddish-gray thigh-high heeled boots, accessorized with a reddish-gray bowtie with a cerise pink center and a black choker. On his top set of arms he wears long cerise pink gloves with white detailing at the cuffs, on his bottom set of arms he wears long white gloves.

The demon is known as Angel Dust, the famous Porn Star.

Just then, a voice appears in the car, "Heh. Thanks for the fun time, hot stuff."

"Yeah, yeah, listen," Angel says, leaning inside the car.

He then comes out and closes it.

He brushes off his hair and says, "Keep this discreet, hear me?"

Then leans to the open window of the car, "I can't let it get out that I'm offering my services to randos on the street. It was a quick cash grab, ya got it?"

He then snaps four of his fingers to the demon in the car. In the car is some kind of black own demon. He has his hand with black claws on the steering wheel. He has buttons on his torso, a gray fedora, and a black a bow tie. His face appears lighter shade of gray with his left eye having a black sclera with a red iris in the shape of a heart.

The driver, Travis scoffs and says, "Whatever you say, slut!" then laughs.

Angel places his hands on his cheeks and dramatically says, "Ouch, ooh, such an insult!"

Then turns to his lower pairs of arms crossed while one arm is on the shoulder and the other on the upper shoulder.

The spider demon approaches the car causing the owl demon to lower his ears, "Let me know when you come up with something creative to call me... You sack of poorly packaged horse shit," and points all four fingers at the spider demon. Then has one pointing to his face. He then grabs the owl demon's tie, "Tell the missus I said hi." And gives him a smooch, "Schnookums," and leaves the car.

Annoyed Travis mutters, "Pack of poor-"

As Travis angrily drives off, Angel looks behind him to see a vending machine for his namesake drugs. He goes for the angel dust and just as he gets a hold of it.

Just then, a random demon runs by and steals his drugs "Yoink!"

"Hey!" Angel shouts, annoyed.

"Up yours, drag show!" The feather demon shouts as he runs away.

But just then, a boulder proceeds to fall out of the sky, crushing the feathered demon alongside Angel's drugs.

Angel gasps, "Oh, my GOD!" Then leans in to pick up what's left of his pack of drugs with a devastated look on his face, "MY DRUGS!" He then clenches the cloth angrily and looks up, "Damn it!"

A war ship can be seen passing by, destroying its surroundings.

Inside the airship, maniacal laughter is surrounding it. In the ship there are multiple white eggs called Egg Bois. They have small skinny black limbs. They seem that their yellow eyes are actually inside the large crack in their shells and their mouths are an additional crack on the outside of their shells. They wear a yellow shirt under a gray coat with yellow vertical stripes on it and a black tie. They also wear a black top hat with a pink or magenta stripe atop their shells.

The source of the maniacal laughter is actually from a demon named Sir Pentious. He's a slender snake-like demon whose body color is predominantly a charcoal gray. His eyes have cerise sclera with narrow black pupils, and he has a wide mouth with sharp yellow teeth; two of which being long snake-like fangs. His neck is long and his tail is black with thick yellow stripes featuring numerous cerise eyes running down the length of it. He has a black cobra hood with its front colored yellow with black corners and four cerise eye patterns spread across the center. Sir Pentious wears a jacket in a matching charcoal gray to his skin, pinstriped with yellow, and a black bow-tie with a single cerise eye in the center. beneath the jacket is a long sleeved yellow undershirt. He also wears black fingerless gloves with yellow dots on each knuckle and has sharp cerise claws. He accessorizes with a large top hat in charcoal gray which has a large cerise eye in the center of it, as well as many sharp yellow teeth and a pair of goggles.

He grabs the controls and says in pride, "Those other cowardly sinners dare not hinder my territorial takeover! A wise decision. The power of my machines are unmatched!" Then pushes the levers forward with his claws. "No other demon can compare to the likes of I!"

The Egg Bois, #23 says, "Gee, that was pretty swell, boss!"

"Yeah!" Another Egg Boi cheers.

A third appears in front of the controls, "You really showed them what for!" and points his thumb to the window.

Then says, "I liked when you shot them with your ray gun-"

Annoyed, Sir Pentious swats the egg away.

Egg Boi #23 says, depressed, "I wish he'd shoot me with his ray gun."

Then his comrade pats him on the head, much to the snake demon's annoyed expression.

"At this rate, I will seize control of the entire west side of the pentagram by day's end!" Sir Pentious says. He then pushes forward the levers, "And nothing, not a single beast in this inferno of suffering will be able to take back, "This empire from my constrictive grasp!" having an Egg Boi in his coil and squeezing him.

Suddenly, noise makers appear in the airship.

And Egg Boi cheers, "Whoo!"

Then pops a cork from a bottle and it hits his boss' face. The snake demon then throws the Egg boi from his coil while he uses his hand to swat away the other one.

Another Egg Boi cheers, "Oh boy!"

"Hell will be mine, and everybody will know the name of Sir Pe-" Sir Pentious says with pride.

But suddenly, someone calls out in a remark, "Egglord!" interrupting the snake demon.

He isn't pleased at all, "Pardon? Who said that?!"

He then looks around to find the source.

He then glared at two of his minions, "What did you just say to me you fried chicken fetuses?!" He then hisses with rattling sounds, and demands, "Sssspeak up!"

"That wasn't us, mister boss man," One of the Egg Bois speaks up.

Suddenly, they hear a strange sound and something crashes through the window and bounces off the floor as it makes a fusing sound. A closer look, Sir Pentious and his Egg Bois are stunned to see the object is a red bomb with a black skull on it. Before they can do anything, the bomb explodes leaving our sparkles and red smoke. The snake demon coughs out the smoke and sparkles that have got from his mouth.

Suddenly, a female's voice asks "You looking for a fight..."

Just then, a red boot stomps on the ground.

"Old man?" The female voice finishes her sentence with a grin and holds a bomb in her hand.

The demon who invaded Pentious' vehicle is a spunky powerhouse demon named Cherri Bomb. She's a cyclops demon. She has long pink hair with blonde and white accents contained in a large ponytail, and wears a large amount of mascara. Her eye has a bloodshot pink sclera and a pale yellow x-shaped pupil. Her skin is mostly white, with pink freckles on her face and right shoulder. She also has a tattoo along her right arm that changes with different artists' interpretations. Cherri wears a gray, fingerless satin glove on her left arm and appears to have a tattoo sleeve on her right arm. She also wears a red off-shoulder crop top, a black bra, a reddish, torn-up miniskirt with two buttons on the front with one loose suspender, and ripped black leggings underneath. She appears to wear a red and white boot on her left foot, while on the right, a pointed red shoe.

"Why don't you get that tinker toy bullshit off my turf before I smash it!" Cherri says, tossing the bomb in her hand.

Then a piece of large pipe classes to the ground.

"...more," Cherri adds.

"Oh, you wanna go, missy?" Sir Pentious questions.

He brushes his upper hand under his chin with an evil grin, "Well I'm happy to oblige!"

He laughs evilly as all of his eyes begin to glow red and his minions are ready to fight. Well, one is holding a flamethrower of some kind while the other holds a wrench.

In a large New station known as 666 News, a breaking report is about to take place. Sitting in front of the camera is a tall woman with short blond hair, pale face and red eyes and thick black eyeshadow. She wears a red long sleeve dress with a pearl necklace. The one sitting next to her looks like a man wearing a blue suit and has white hair, but wears a gas mask.

"Good after noon I'm Katie Killjoy," The news woman introduces.

"And, I'm Tom Trench," The male reporter adds

Then Tom announces, "Chaos in Pentagram city today as a turf war raging on the west side between notable kingpins Sir Pentious and self-proclaimed spunky powerhouse Cherri Bomb."

"That's right Tom. After the recent extermination, many areas are now up for grabs." Katie says.

Then the screen shows the event of Cherri bomb vs. Sir Oentious and his Egg Bois.

Katie continues. "Demons all over hell are already duking it out to gain new territory."

"Those two seem to really be going at it, huh?" Tom asks.

Katie says, bringing out a tooth and nail from her cup, "Looks like they're fighting tooth and nail for that hot spot!" Then eat them.

"And I'd sure like to nail her hot spot," Tom says, giving a perverted look.

"You are a lipdick jackass Tom. Or should I say?" Katie says. Then holds out her cup and purposely drops coffee on his private spot.

"No dick?" Katie concludes.

"N-not again..." Tom moans in pain and has his head flop on the table.

Yet Katie continues with the broadcast, "Coming up next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of hell's own head honcho who's here to discuss her brand-new passion project. All that and more, after the break!" as she crushes her cup to pieces.

She turns to her colleague who is in pain and angrily says, "Suck it up your little bitch!"

The TV changes to color and beeps. Backstage, the Princess of Hell, Charlotte Morningstar, Charlie for short, is getting ready for her interview.

Helping straighten her bowtie is her girlfriend, Vaggie.

Vaggie is a slim demon with muted gray-lavender colored skin. Her hair is white and has a jagged, moth-like shape to the cut, with gray-lavender stripes at the ends. She wears a large, ragged dark reddish-pink bow with two long tails on the back of her head, which reacts along with her moods. Her right eye has an ivory white iris and her sclera is light pink. Her left eye is missing and is replaced by a dark reddish-pink X on a slate-gray eyepatch, which glows when she is angry or irritated. She wears a dark pink blouse with a dark slate-gray peter-pan style collar, scalloped trim to the sleeves, and two buttons down the front. Her choker and skirt are the same dark slate-gray. Vaggie accessories are long slate-gray fingerless gloves and long thigh-high stockings, which are scalloped with white at the tops and the tips of the toes.

"Okay you remember what to say," Vaggie asks.

Charlie takes a deep breath and says, "Yes, Let's do this."

"Just listen and I'll it to you-" Vaggie says, causing Charlie to deflate.

Charlie groans, "Come on, Vaggie I know what to say. I just feel like we need to..."

"I don't know... make things sound more exciting," Charlie adds, walking to the table to pick up a donut and toss it away. She gasps as an idea reaches her, "OH!"

Then leans to Vaggie with a smile, "What if I-"

"Sing a song about it," Vaggie concludes.

"You knew I was gonna say that?" Charlie asks with a smile on her face and taps Vaggie's nose causing her to smile.

"Because I know you," Vaggie says tighten Charlie's bow tie.

But grabs her arms in a serious tone, "But please don't sing. This is serious,"

"Well you know, I'm better at expressing myself and my goal through song," Charlie says as she climbs on the table.

"But life isn't a musical hon," Vaggie says to her.

"Fine but I have these other ideas of what to say: the highlighted bits are the best board," Charlie says, eagerly taking out a paper.

Vaggie takes the paper and says, "Uh, it's all highlighted." Then notice something at the bottom, "Is this a drawing?"

"Yes! That's the happy endings," Charlie happily says.

The picture on the bottom shows the demons having halos, and a rainbow with clouds around them with hearts with smiley faces.

"Everyone's smiling and happy in heaven," Charlie answers, wrapping her arms around Vaggie with sparkles in her eyes.

But Vaggie says, "I don't think it's that simple." Then gives Charlie back her paper, as she says while Charlie looks over, "Just please follow the talking points we went over." Then drags Charlie over to face her saying in a serious tone, "And do not sing!"

"Okay fine. I'll just half the results of my impeccable improv skills," Charlie says in a strange accent.

Then walks over to Katie Killjoy. Vaggie can't help but have her arms crossed with a worried expression on her face.

Charlie nervously walks over to Katie, "Hiii! I'm Charlie." And offers a handshake.

"Katie Killjoy," Katie answers in a monotone voice. She then blows out the smoke of her cigarette.

She then says to Charlie, "I'd say it's a pleasure to meet you, but that would be a lie," throws away her cigarette, "And you can put that away," Then gestures to Charlie's hand, "I don't touch the gays. I have standards!"

"Yeah? How's uh... how's that working out for ya?" Charlie asks, nervously and turns to look around nervously.

But then Katie says, "Look, my time is money. So, I'll keep this short." And proceeds to poke Charlie, "You're not here because we wanted you here. You're here because Jeffrey couldn't make it for his cannibal cooking segment."

As she gestures to the billboard of Jeffrey's cannibalism cooking show titled "It's Dahm Good!" that can be seen in the background.

Katie continues, "You might be some royal big shot" fluffing her hair, "But that doesn't mean shit to me. I'm too rich and too influential to give a flying fuck about what some tux-wearing demon," as she air quotes with her fingers, "'princess' wants to advertise."

During the whole situation, Tom shakes his head in disapproval as Katie boasts about her wealth and influence to Charlie.

"But, I-" Charlie speaks out.

But Katie continues to poke Charlie's chest, "So, don't get cute with me, honey, or I will fucking bury you!" and clenches her hand.

Suddenly, the news staff says, "And we're live!"

A Little Earlier...

At a different part of the city, Blitz and his children continue to walk down the street as they try to find the hotel Carmilla told them about. Loona, Aurora, Keena, and Tilla remain very close to their father. Mainly because of all the many uh, dangerous events that's happening.

"Da da..." Tilla says, frightened and hugs her dad with her face pressed against his chest.

"I know Tilla, this is not a good place. It's very different and dangerous looking," Blitz says.

"Dangerous doesn't begin to cover it. The beings here are either frightening, dangerous, or even uh..." Aurora says, and notices a demon leaning against the trash can, looking sickly and weak, "Uh... depressed."

"It's best not to think too much of it. Carmilla also mentions to be careful of the other demons around here, especially the Overlords. For now, we need to find the Happy Hotel," Blitz says.

"Yeah. I bet the demons living here will be glad to get out after this Extermination," Loona says.

Keenan turns to Aurora, "What does the map say?"

Aurora looks at the map, "Well, according to the map, we still have a long way to the hotel. However, if we can find the gold tower, there's a street we can take that will take us straight to the hotel."

Blitz looks at the map, "It appears so."

Keenan turns his head and notices something, "Hey, what's going on over there?"

Blitz and Aurora look over to notice a group of demons are looking at something at a window display.

"Wonder what's going on?" Aurora asks.

"I don't know, but a lot of people are interested in it," Loona says.

"Can we check it out?" Keenan asks.

"Can we?" Aurora asks.

"Well, I don't see why not, but not too long. We still need to find a place to stay," Blitz says.

"Okay," Keenan and Aurora reply.

Blitz and the kids walk closer and soon find a window display with many different uh, picture boxes in their eyes.

"What's that?" Keenan asks.

"Hmm, I think it's what people call a television. Back in Thaumarata, it was still pretty new, but I never bought one for our house," Blitz says.

"It seems to work similar to a radio, but you can actually see something," Aurora says.

On the picture box, it shows Katie Killjoy rushing back to her desk, holding papers while cracking her neck, "Welcome back! So, Charlotte!"

Soon, the spotlight shines on Charlie.

"It's... Charlie," Charlie nervously says.

"Whatever," Katie says, "Tell us about this new passion project you've been insistently pestering our news station about!" and tries to hold in her outburst by clenching her pen.

Back at the news station....

"Well," Charlie says nervously as she looks at the audience.

Vaggie motions her to go on with a smile.

Charlie clears her throat and exhales and says, "As most of you know, I was born here in Hell and growing up, I always tried to see the good in everyone around me."

Killjoy spots a slug and stabs it with her pen, the slug's blood bursts all over.

"Hell is my home and-" Charlie says. And then gets slug blood splattered across her cheek which she then wipes off.

Charlie continues, "You are my people. We... we just went through another extermination."

Vaggie is seen giving Charlie two thumbs up as Killjoy quickly starts to lose interest.

Charlie continues, "We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see my people being slaughtered every year. No one is even given," She slams fist on table, waking Killjoy up, "A chance!" She walks up from Killjoy's desk, "I can't stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence! So, I've been thinking: Isn't there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation here in Hell?," She walks around the audience" Perhaps we can create an alternative way to change souls through... redemption?" as she throws her arm around one of the News Cast's staff members, "Well, I think yes! So, that's what this project aims to achieve!" returns to Killjoy's desk, "Ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening the first of its kind! A hotel that rehabilitates sinners!"

The broadcast continues at a place called the Radio Shack, which many other demons are also watching by the streets and everywhere else in Hell. Blitz and the kids are confused and curious about this project Charlie is doing.

Charlie however, begins to lose her confidence, "Y'know? 'Cause hotels are for people passing' through... temporarily..."

Suddenly, a lizard demon says, "Ahahaha! IS this girl for real?! She thinks-" tries to hold in his laughter, "You hear what she thinks?! She thi- HAHA! Ah, she's nuts," and walks out of The Kaiju Klub with his friends.

"I think it'll serve a purpose... a place to work toward redemption... yay...!" Charlie says and sheepishly smiles.

Back to the demons watching her broadcast from The Radio Shack, the demons are still watching the news broadcast. Just then, a red demon walks over to the television sets, hears about Charlie's project and is taking an interest with a devilish smile on his face.

Back at the News Station...

A Cameraman Demon snickers, "Stupid bitch."

And then Vaggie punches the cameraman square in the face.

Charlie looks around in sadness, "Look, every single one of you has something good, deep down inside. I know you do! ...Maybe I'm not getting through to you."

Razzle and Dazzle are then alerted that Charlie's about to sing.

Vaggie facepalms, "Oh no..."

And with that, Charlie snaps her fingers as the room turns dark and a spotlight is shown over a piano that Charlie, Razzle and Dazzle start performing on.

Meanwhile, back at The Radio Shack, the deer man along with his shadow can be seen tilting their heads curiously as their smiles widen.


I have a dream, I'm here to tell!

And she begins to walk away from the piano as two news staff look at each other.


About a wonderful fantastic new

Then takes out a drawing of The Happy Hotel.




Yes, it's one-of-a-kind! Right here in Hell, catering to a specific clientele

And Charlie boops Dazzle's nose

Razzle and Dazzle:

Oooh, ooh, ooh

Killjoy is in shock as Trench looks around, confused.


Inside of every demon is a rainbow

Then she throws her arm around the necks of two bird demons.


Inside every sinner is a shiny smile

Then she passes underneath a hellhound's tail.


Inside of every creepy hatchet-wielding maniac is a jolly, happy cupcake-loving child

Then hands the masked demon a sparkling cupcake and pats his head.


We can turn them 'round!

She then turns to Killjoy and Trench.


They'll be Heaven-bound! With just a little time, down at The Happy Hotel!

Meanwhile at the audience, Vaggie stands with a disappointed expression.


So, all you junkies

She takes out a syringe from a doll demon's head.



Then takes a pic with a Siamese twin demon in its cage.


And weirdos

Then fends off a several-eyed blob demon



Then stares at a snail demon out the window



She then boops a couch demon on the nose


Crooks, and zeroes

She then returns the stolen money to charity


And down-fallen superheroes

She then throws her hands behind the necks of two supervillain demons.


Help is here!

All of you cretins

She then dips her hair into the water by the pier.



Then holds out a pair of panties in disgust.


And losers.

And calls her rival, Helsa a loser, causing her to sneer in anger.


Sexual deviants

She then backs away from the sex offenders.


And boozers

Then turns to face a depressed demon.


And prescription drug abusers.

Charlie then throws away the drugs a blue demon is taking into a burning trash can.


Need not fear!

Forever again

A demon lands on a wheelchair and is pushed by Razzle towards Charlie and Dazzle.


We'll cure your sin.

She then shows the demon her clipboard.


We'll make you well

Dazzle injects a happiness serum into the patient.


You'll feel so swell! Right here in Hell!

She then briefly turns to her full demonic form.


At the Happy Hotel!

Razzle continues to aggressively play the piano.

She then slides over to Killjoy's right


There'll be no more fire

Then slides over to Trench's left


And no more screams. Just puppy dog kisses.

And now Charlie is holding a dog close to her face.


And cotton candy dreams

She holds out a stick of cotton candy.


And puffy-wuffy clouds

She cuddles both the dog and cotton candy.


You're gonna be like 'Wow!''

And soon showing the clouds forming the word 'Wow!"'


Once you check in with meee

Then Charlie shows a check-in chart

Vaggie is seen with both her hands covering her face.


So, all your cartoon porn addictions

Then Charlie confiscates a neckbeard demon's cartoon porn magazine.


Vegan rants.

She confiscates a vegan demon's Hellphone and takes a selfie with it.


Psychic predictions.

Confiscates the spell books and crystal ball of a psychic demon.


Ancient Roman crucifixions

She avoids running into a crucified demon and knocks over two other crucified demons.


End right here

She then throws away all the confiscated items off a cliff.


All you monsters

She then clenches the hands of two monstrous demons.


Thieves, and crazies

She then points finger guns over a dog demon trying to steal baguettes from an insect demon whose hood flares open.



She also tempts the cannibals with a severed arm on a plate.


And crying babies

Charlie then looks at a possum mother and her rabid babies, annoyed.


Frothing mouths that's full of rabies filled with cheer

She then pulls a hellhound with rabies close to her.


You'll be complete

Completes a puzzle demon.


It'll be so neat

A wrecking ball demon destroys the puzzle demon as Charlie gives two thumbs up!


Our service can't be beat

And soon Charlie is dressed in her doorman uniform.


You'll be on easy street, yes

She then hugs three demons, which include Mimzy.


Life will be sweet

She then turns to her demonic form.


At The Happy Hoteeel

She then twirls happily in flames as she jumps up, revealing a land made of candies and sweets behind her.



Soon Charlie finishes the song, looking exhausted as everyone in the news station looks at her with disgust and disbelief.

A Top Hat Demon speaks out, "Wow! ...That was shit!"

And everyone in the news station begins laughing.

Back in the city...

Blitz, and his kids have seen the interview. Although they are a bit confused, Blitz has taken an interest in Charlie's project, and how she wants to help demons. However, everyone around the family begins laughing and mocking Charlie's project.

Sometime later, after the interview...

Blitz and the kids are walking down the sidewalk and soon walk into a park and sit at the bench.

"Hmm..." Blitz thinks.

Keenan says to Aurora, "The Princess's plan for redemption seems pretty cool."

"And it's very generous that she wanted to help other demons get redeemed," Aurora says.

"Well, the other demons didn't seem to think so," Loona says. Then mutters, "Ungrateful dumbbells."

"Yeah. What they did wasn't very nice," Keenan says.

"I have to agree," Aurora says. Then turns to Blitz, "What do you think dad?"

"Well, I think what Princess Charlotte was doing is quite noble, especially on how she's trying to make life better for everyone. Maybe there's something I can do to help," Blitz says.

"Maybe we can ask her since we're trying to go get to her hotel," Loona says.

Aurora says, ""But still... I can't believe that this is the Underworld of this place, or Hell. It's definitely different from what I've read in books."

"You're right, Aurora, " Blitz says, "It sure is different, it seems like a civilization. Rather than a world full of fiery pits, lava, and souls being tortured."

"Yeah. There's an actual city," Keenan says.

"Indeed. However, the interview did give us an idea about Princess Charlotte and what the Happy Hotel is about. Which gives us another reason to go," Blitz says.

"You have a point, dad," Loona says.

"Maybe Princess Charlotte can let us stay and let us have a job there. It solves all our problems," Aurora says.

"That's a good idea, sis. It sounds cool," Keenan says.

"Yes, but first, we need to find the hotel and this Clockdown Tower," Blitz says.

"I can fly up to see where it is .Despite how the drawings look, I think I can get a good picture of the building from above," Aurora says.

"Okay, but be careful," Blitz says.

Aurora then takes flight up into the red sky to find the Happy Hotel. The eldest daughter looks around and finds the particular building of Princess Charlotte. Soon enough, Aurora spots the clock down tower. It's a large bright yellow building with a large hourglass. She then looks further down at one of the roads and see the Happy hotel

"There it is," Aurora says.

Shw then flies back down and says to the others, "I think I found the hotel. It's on a hill at the end of this side of the city. I also found the tower and a street that will take us straight over there." And points the direction where the hotel is.

"Alright, so let's head to the hotel," Keenan says.

"Well, the hotel is pretty far from here. It will take us a while to get there," Aurora says.

"It's best we start heading over there," Blitz says.

And soon, he and the children begin heading to the Happy Hotel but aren't aware that they're heading straight to trouble.

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