Chapter 38: Caught in a Red Moth's Wings
One day at the hotel, in his bedroom, Angel Dust is getting himself ready for work, and to gather the items he needs for today's work.
Angel grumbles, "Stupid fuckin' Val... Stupid fuckin' last minute work... Stupid ass bondage shoots... gang bangs... and all that last minute shit..." He sighs, "At least I was given a couple of days off after this."
He then finishes with getting his stuff together and leaves his room.
As he leaves, Angel lets out a sigh and walks down the hall. He soon reaches the hotel lobby to see Aurora, Keena, and Tilla watching television. Blitz is busy brushing Sophie's fur.
Blitz turns to notice Angel, "Hey Angel."
"Hey Blitz, can't talk too much, gotta get going," Angel says.
"Work today?" Blitz asks.
"Yep. Val wants me to work for last minute shots and filming," Angel says, annoyed, "He's an absolute jerkface..." and mutters, "And a fuckin slave driver."
"I see," Blitz replies.
"Anyway, tell Charlie I'll be gone until tomorrow and I'll see y'all around," Angel says.
"Okay, bye Angel," Blitz says.
"See ya," Angel says and takes his leave with his bag.
"Well, there goes Angel," Keenan says.
"Yeah," Blitz says. Then turns to Sophie, "Alright Sophie, you're all good."
Sophie barks and jumps off of Blitz's lap to sit next with the kids.
Soon, Charlie and Vaggie walk into the lounge to see Blitz and the kids.
"Hey Blitz, what are you up to?" Charlie asks.
"Not much. I just finished brushing Sophie's fur. And also, Angel wants me to let you know that he went to work," Angel says.
Vaggie sighs, "I still can't believe he's still going over there."
"Well, there isn't much we can do. After all, Angel has to work and Val does have him on a contract according to him," Charlie says, but she doesn't seem happy.
"I remember Angel mentioned it," Blitz says.
Blitz then stands up from the chair, "But like Charlie said, there isn't much we can do. All we can do is to help him when he needs it."
"True," Vaggie says with a sigh.
He then begins walking upstairs, "We'll, I'm going to be doing things in my room, so I'll be back in a little bit."
"Okay. Take care now," Charlie says.
Blitz waves and continues walking up the stairs. He soon walks down the hallway and suddenly hears scratching sound coming from Angel's bedroom door.
"What's that? Hmm, is something wrong with Nuggs?" Blitz questions.
Blitz soon opens the door to Angel's room to see Fat Nuggets staring at him.
"Hey Fat Nuggets," Blitz says. He kneels down and scratches the back of the pig's ear, "What's the matter boy?"
Fat Nuggets walks to the bed and looks up to see a black outfit. It seems like one of the sexy outfits.
"Hmm," Blitz responds, and picks up the clothes, "These look like the clothes that Angel mentioned. He said that he needs it for an important shoot. Angel must have forgotten it," Blitz then folds it and says, "I better hurry and give it to him."
Blitz then leaves the room and leaves the hotel to catch up with Angel to bring the clothes he needs for his work.
Sometime later...
Blitz arrives at the tall V Tower. He looks up to see the tall building and the brightness of the building's light.
"This is a really big building. Then again, Angel and the others told me about how the Vees are," Blitz says.
He then walks towards the front door, and mananges to walk inside. He walks in the large lobby and towards the front desk.
"Um excuse me," Blitz says.
The receptionist notices Blitz, "What can I do for you?"
"Can you show me where the Porn Studio is? I need to bring something to Angel Dust," Blitz asks.
The receptionist answers, "Yeah yeah, you just go down that hall and make a right turn, then you'll find large purple doors. Can't miss it."
"Thank you," Blitz says and does just that.
Blitz walks down the halls and makes a right turn. He continues walking down the hall to find a large pair of purple doors.
"This must be the place," Blitz says.
Blitz then opens the door to reveal the Porn Studio, there are cameras, lights, a large bed and other essentials. However, he notices that no one is even here.
"Hello, is anyone here?" Blitz calls out.
However, no one seems to answer.
"Angel! Angel!" Blitz calls out.
Again, no one answers.
"Hmm, I guess Angel isn't here," Blitz says, and begins to walk around, "Or maybe there's another room around here," and begins to search around for Angel.
Unknown to Blitz, the door opens and Valentino, Angel's boss, steps into the room.
He grumbles annoyed, "Can't believe Angel forgot the outfit he's supposed to wear. This will delay the shoot and the schedule. He should be grateful that I..."
He soon stops to notice Blitz in the room and seems to be looking around.
Val smirks and says, "Well well, what do we have here..." and walks over towards Blitz.
Blitz, who isn't aware of Val's arrival, continues searching to find another door or set Angel could be at.
"Maybe Angel isn't here, or maybe went somewhere else for his work," Blitz says to himself, scratching his head. He lets out a sighs and says, "I guess I could give this to one of the employees and they can give it to Angel for him. I have no clue where he is."
Before Blitz can leave, a pair of black hands covers his eyes, startling him a bit.
"Hello, little Imp Wizard, welcome to my sex dungeon," Val's voice speaks up.
Blitz quickly moves away and turns to see the owner of this department of the V Tower, and Angel's boss.
"Certainly didn't expect to see a famous Imp in my department," Val says with a lustful grin.
"Um yes, I uh, apologize for coming here unannounced, but uh... my friend Angel forgot something, and I came to deliver it," Blitz says and brings out the bag with the outfit inside.
"Really? You've come all this way just to deliver it to him?" Val asks, a little surprised, but remains a smile.
"Yes sir," Blitz says, and hands Valentino the bag.
Val takes the bag and says, "My, aren't you a sweet little Imp for doing such a favor," and pinches Blitz's cheek.
"Um yeah. Anyway, I'm just here to drop the outfit off, and I'll be out of your hair," Blitz says, and about to take his leave.
But Val grabs his wrist and says, "What's your hurry? You just got here. I'm sure you would love to see more of the tower."
"I-I don't know," Blitz says, unsure.
"I'm sure you have plenty of time," Val says and leans to Blitz, "It's just a little visit and it won't be too long."
Blitz feels very unsure of it, but worries that Valentino could be up to something. He simply decides to play along for the time being.
Blitz sighs and says, "Well, I guess I could spare a little time."
"Wonderful," Val says, and begins to escort Blitz out of the room, "We can discuss more in my room, and then some."
"I see," Blitz says, sounding uneasy, "But what about the clothes?"
"Don't worry, I'll have one of the other employees deliver this to him," Val says.
Soon, Valentino walks Blitz out of the studio and makes their way to the room.
Charlie and Vaggie have finished with some work they have to do at the hotel. Aurora is reading her book in the lounge as Keenan listens to the radio and Tilla is having her nap on the couch.
Charlie yawns, "That was a lot of writing I had to do."
"Well, around 70% involves more exercise ideas and methods for the hotel," Vaggie says.
"True," Charlie says.
Then she notices Blitz is not around.
Charlie turns to Aurora, "Hey Aurora, where's your dad?"
"Dad found out that Angel forgot an important outfit he needs for work so he decided to bring it over himself," Aurora says.
"Wait, Blitz went to the V tower? And to the Adult Studio? Alone?" Vaggie asks, shocked.
"Dad said that he'll only be gone for a little while to get the outfit to him and then he'll be back," Keenan says.
Aurora soon looks at the clock, "Of course, it's going to take some time considering how far it is."
"That's true," Charlie says. She then brings out her phone, "But just in case, I'm going to text Angel to let him know Blitz is coming to drop his outfit."
"Probably a good idea. I'm sure Blitz let Angel knows he is coming, but it's best to text him just to be sure," Vaggie says.
Charlie nods in agreement and begins texting him.
Charlie says, "I hope Blitz will be okay over there. I don't want him to run into trouble like what I did the last time I was there. Especially since he already interacted with Vox and Velette."
"I hope so too. Valentino is a pretty dangerous Overlord, and a complete sleazeball," Vaggie says.
Back at the Studio...
Blitz is now sitting on the couch in Valentino's room. He remains silent as he looks around to see the room full of posters of Val, a television, and other decor. He soon turns to see Valentino walking towards him and with a servant who has two glasses being held by his lower hands.
"So Blitz, was it, how do you like the place?" Val asks as he places the glasses on the table.
"It's nice..." Blitz answers, sounding reluctant.
Val chuckles, "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you if that's what you're thinking," and sits down next to Blitz, "It's just that Vox and Velvette have had a run in with you sometime ago, and so I like to meet you as well."
"I guess that makes sense," Blitz says, still a bit nervous.
"However, they didn't have too much knowledge of you besides you being able to cast magic, have a family, and staying in that little ratty hotel with the Devil's princessa," Valentino says.
"Where are you going with this?" Blitz asks, confused and not liking the sound of it.
"Oh, I'm just curious about you. And not just me, practically all of Hell likes to get to know who you are. An Imp suddenly appears, revealing to be able to perform sorcery like you're an expert," Val says.
"I wouldn't call myself an expert. I've been learning magic for a very long time. And it's thanks to my guardian, who raised me. She taught me all kinds of magic, especially when I need it to defend myself in emergencies. She taught me to fight without magic, potion making, and medicine," Blitz says.
"Hmm," Val responds, and drags his cigarette before blowing the red smoke at Blitz.
Blitz coughs and covers his mouth in response.
"That's quite interesting. Last time I remember, Imps shouldn't be able to cast magic, especially with the magic you cast and enough to be a high class wizard," Val says.
After clearing the smoke, Blitz says, "Thank you, I guess..."
"And about your children. Your eldest daughter looks like a Hellhound and the other two daughters look human. And your son looks more like you. Of course, your two younger daughters look almost human, except for the angel wings" Valentino says, "Curious how that happened?"
"Well, it's kind of hard to explain, but my son inherited more of my traits, while my second daughter got hurt traits from her mother. My youngest got it from both. That eldest daughter is actually adopted, but I really love her all the same," Blitz says, but is careful to only bring up the basics, nothing else.
"Seems like it," Val says, "Anything else you like to talk to yourself? Like how an Imp like yourself is able to cast magic and perform sorcery."
"Well, that's kind of hard to explain. Even I'm not sure of all the details," Blitz says.
"You don't say," Valentino says.
He then picks up one of the glasses, "Have a drink. It's really refreshing," and takes a sip of the glass he has in his other hand.
"Um okay," Blitz says and picks up the other glass, "Thank you."
Blitz then takes a few sips from the glass, "It tastes good."
"Glad you like it. The drink has some special quality," Valentino says and continues drinking.
Blitz does the same and drinks the beverage Valentino has for him. Once he finishes at least three quarters of it, he places the glass back on the table.
"Still, I know it's a bit of a short visit, but I really should be going," Blitz says.
"Aww, what's the hurry? You just arrived here and there are more for us to discuss," Valentino questions.
"True, but I really need to get back to the hotel, and..." But before Blitz can get up, he begins to feel dizzy.
Blitz struggles to stand up and ends up sitting back down. He places his hand on his head, feeling light headed and dizzy.
"Wha-what's going on...?" Blitz asks himself.
"Aww, what's the matter? Are you feeling tipsy?" Val questions with an evil smirk on his face.
"Kind of, I just feel a bit hot and dizzy all of the sudden," Blitz says, and can't seem to get up from his seat.
"Aww, you poor little thing. I think I might have accidentally added some Love Potion into your drink," Val says with a smirk on his face.
"Lo-Love Potion..." Blitz says, feeling dizzy and his eyes are starting to get glossy.
Blitz tries to get up and leave, but Valentino is not letting him off the hook. Val grabs Blitz's wrist and pulls him towards him. Then he has Blitz placed on the Overlord's lap. He places his lower right hands on Blitz's waist. His lower left hand has hold on Blitz's right wrist, and his upper hand cuffing Blitz's chin so he'll face him. The last free hand is still holding his cigarette.
"You look cute getting all tired and dazed like that," Val says.
Blitz struggles and tries to break free, but the 'Love Potion' is overwhelming him.
"Don't struggle, it won't do you any good," Val says with an evil lustful look on his face.
Then blows more smoke at Blitz's face. Blitz struggles as he tries to cover his mouth from the mouth and coughs, but the smoke is making him even more dizzy and tired.
Angel has just finished with one of the scenes, and is taking a break. He thinks it's odd because he hasn't seen Valentino. To him, he thinks his boss is through a fit or shooting at someone or someone, or breaking something.
"Hey Angel," A voice calls out.
He turns to see one of the employees walking over.
She presents the bag to Angel, "Val wanted me to give this to you."
"Huh?" Angel says, confused and takes the bag.
He then opens the bag to reveal the outfit he forgot.
"Uh thanks," Angel says, confused, "How did Val get this?"
"He mentioned something about one of your friends who decided to come over and bring it to you. An Imp I think," The employee says. He soon remembered, "Oh yeah, it's that Impish Wizard that appeared on the news a while back."
Angel flinches in shock, "What?!"
"Yeah. Last I saw them, Val was taking the Imp to his room or something to talk. That's all I know. I gotta get going," The employee says before leaving to continue their work.
Angel brings out his phone and notices a message has been left on his phone. He opens it to see a text message from Charlie.
Charlie: Hey Angel, I was told that Blitz went to the Porn Studios to deliver an outfit you forgot in your room. I wanted to check to see if he gave it to you. Let me know when you're on your break.
Angel then quickly texts back.
Angel Dust: Charlie, you and Vaggie need to get to the studio and fast! I got the outfit from one of Val's employees, and they said that he's with Val, right now. I think Blitz might be in trouble, get over here quickly!
Soon, a message appears from Charlie.
Charlie: Alright, we'll be there as fast as we can. Meet us at the front."
Angel text back.
Angel Dust: Okay.
Then Angel leaves the room and makes his way to the front to meet the girls so they can rescue Blitz.
Back in Val's room...
Blitz tries to struggle, but he feels very weakened and dizzy, and it doesn't help that Valentino has all four of his grip on him. Valentino has kept Blitz in place with an evil lustful smirk on his face.
"Oh quit your squirming. It's not like I'm going to hurt you. I just want to ask you some questions," Valentino says before dragging his cigarette.
And then blows the red smoke to his face. He coughs as Val has a grip on him, but barely able to turn away.
"Now then, how about you start answering my questions, and just relax," Val says.
He then places Blitz on the fluffy collar on him and gently rubs his head.
"There there, relax," Val says.
With the comfort, Blitz begins to feel very relaxed, and the smoke and drug are making him even more dazed and his cheeks begin to blush.
"Now that you're relaxed. I have a few questions to ask you. Like, about your magical abilities. It's quite a surprise to learn that an Imp, that is the lowest class of demons, can use magic the way you can. So how about you tell me that," Val says, comforting Blitz.
Almost without a second though, Blitz begins to answer, "To be honest, that's kind of a mystery. But all I know is that I was able to cast magic at a young age. I don't remember what my life was like before that when I was ten."
"So you can't remember?" Valentino questions.
"Sadly, I have suffered from amnesia for a long time. So I don't remember what happened before Selene found me in the snow. All I had was the necklace I had around my neck, and the strange crystal attached to my chest," Blitz says, still dazed.
"Crystal?" Val questions, taking an interest.
Blitz nods, "Yes. Selene suspected that's how I got my magic."
"Mind if I take a look?" Val questions.
That's when Blitz begins to struggle, "Tha-that's okay... it just... Well, I'm not really supposed to show it to many people, but I did show it to Char... I mean... um..."
Val however, drags his cigarette and blows the smoke at his face. Blitz coughs and breaths in the smoke that puts him more in a daze.
"It's just a little look. I'm curious," Val says in a lustful tone.
Fallen more in a daze, Blitz answers, "O-Okay..."
"Good," Val says and lifts Blitz's chin up, "Now hold still and relax, I like to see it for myself."
Blitz allows Val to lift his chin up, and Valentino to unbutton his shirt and remove his necktie to see the crystal he has. To Valentino's surprise, he can see the Asmodean Crystal attached to his chest.
Val smirks, "Well well, ain't this a unique surprise. And you have no clue how you got it?"
"No. I don't..." Blitz answers, starting to feel tired.
"You are more mysterious than anyone thought," Val says.
In front of the V Tower...
Angel is now at the font of the tower and waiting patiently for Charlie and Vaggie. Soon, the girls arrive after the limo has been parked. They rush over and stop to meet up with Angel.
"Sorry Angel, we tried to get here as fast as we could, but there was traffic and a lot of cars," Charlie says.
"Do you have any idea where Blitz is?" Vaggie asks, worried.
"He's most likely with Valentino in his room," Angel says.
"We better hurry. Who knows what your boss is doing to him," Vaggie says.
"Right," Charlie says.
The three then rush into the tower to get to Val's room and rescue Blitz.
Back in Val's room...
Val then picks Blitz up and then lies him down on the couch, "That's it. Just relax."
"Wha-what are you..." Blitz softly speaks up.
"Don't worry, you just need to lay here and relax," Valentino says.
Just then, his coat begins to change and reveal his large moth-like wings as he drags his cigarette and blows smoke at Blitz. Blitz coughs a bit, and the smoke travels into his mouth.
"I have to admit, you are quite a unique character. You can cast magic and have a crystal attached to your chest. And what Vox explains, where you live, you don't have any modern technology and are new to it. Velvette explains that you have unusual children, especially your younger children. Two of them look human and your son had unique hair and eye color from normal Imps. And yet, we only scratch the surface," Valentino says.
He then leans close to Blitz and softly says to him, "I wonder what other secrets you have. Other than the fact that you don't seem to be into lustful desires," and curtsy Blitz's cheek.
That sends a chill up Blitz's spine, and he is unable to move his body, and the smoke practically circles around his body, almost like they put a weight on his body. Val then lowers his head towards Blitz's neck and his tongue out towards it.
"I can always teach you. You will have a lot of fun with me. I promise I'll play nice," Val says.
Blitz struggles to speak up. He's been so drugged and dazed that he isn't able to utter a word. Before the situation can go any further, the door is slammed open, and the one who did it is Angel.
"Valentino!" Angel calls out.
Val turns to see Angel bursting through the door with Charlie and Vaggie behind him.
"Hello Angel, didn't expect you to come over," Val says, sitting up and holding Blitz in his arms, "Aren't you supposed to be working. Your little imp friend and I were about to have a little fun."
"A little..." Angel says, stunned.
He then notices the tired and dazed expression on Blitz's face. His eyes half open, revealing the glossiness, and his cheeks are flush. His body also looks rather limped and the buttons on his shirt open and his tie is undone. It looks like Blitz would allow Val to do whatever he wants with him.
"Val why is he..." Angel asks, shocked, "What did you do to him?"
"Oh, it's not so bad. I just wanted to have a little conversation with him," Val says, "Of course, we also have drinks as well."
"Drink my ass!" Angel angrily says, "You drugged him with that Love Potion, didn't you?!"
"Oh you know me a little too well Angel," Val says.
Angel soon grows angry. But he lets out a sigh and says, "I have no time for this."
Vaggie soon walks over, "Well, this discussion is officially over," and takes Blitz away from Valentino.
Val crosses his arms, "Well that's rude."
"Um, we're sorry for intruding, but we were just here to pick up our friend," Charlie apologizes.
Then turns to Angel, "We'll see you when you're finished with your work."
"Kay, just take care of him, alright," Angel says.
"Right," Charlie says.
Then Charlie and Vaggie took their leave with Blitz in Vaggie's arms. Angel watches the girls leave and walk out of the door. Just then, he feels a pair of hands on his shoulders and turns to see Val.
"Aww, don't look so upset. I wasn't going to hurt him," Val says.
"I know," Angel says.
"Then, let's forget this little incident. You still have work to do," Valentino says.
Angel sighs, "Yes Val."
Then Val glares at Angel, "However, don't think I'll be letting this little incident slide so easily."
Angel simply nods.
But says in thought, "I figure he won't let this go so easily. I'm just glad I got Blitz away from him."
Sometime later...
Charlie and Vaggie are able to get Blitz back to the hotel and into his bed. Loona and the kids grow worried when they see their dad in such a state. Tilla sits next to their dad as she gently pats his head.
Little Tilla says in worry, "Dada."
"Is dad going to be okay?" Keenan asks.
"Your dad is going to be okay, but he will need to be in bed for the rest of the day. Maybe a couple of days or so just to be on the safe side," Charlie says.
Vaggie sighs, "I'm just glad we were able to get Blitz out of there when we did. I wish we could have gone with him."
"It's not your fault. You didn't expect this to happen. Dad just wanted to drop off Angel's clothes and be on his way. There's no way he would expect running into Angel's boss," Loona says.
"Loona's right. I think it's just a case that dad ended up going there at the wrong time," Aurora says.
"Well, it's best we let your dad get some rest and let him recover," Charlie says and picks up Tilla in her arms.
"Yeah. Blitz could really use it after what he just went though,"Vaggie says.
Everyone then leaves the room so Blitz can rest.
A day later...
It's evening in Hell, and Blitz is feeling a lot better now, but still a bit tired and dizzy from the drug and the smoke. Sophie is in the room with him as he sits on his lap and Blitz is petting him. Soon, the door opens to reveal Angel Dust, looking tired.
"Hey Blitz, how are you feeling?" Angel says, a little tired.
"I'm doing okay. I feel a lot better now. Still a little tired though," Blitz says.
"Glad to see you're doing better," Angel says.
"Thanks," Blitz says. He then asks, "So how was work?"
"Alright I guess, I just had to stay longer and make up for the time we lost yesterday," Angel says and stretches his arms, "Doing jobs with fuckin demons and being in bondage shots really takes it out of someone."
"I see," Blitz replies.
Angel lets out a sigh and says, "Hey Blitz, I'm sorry about the mess you got into. If only I hadn't forgotten my outfit, then you wouldn't have to go there. Then you wouldn't have a run in with Val."
"But Angel, it's not your fault," Blitz reassures, "You didn't expect this to happen, it just happened that way. Plus, I kind of got myself into this mess by going there on my own without asking if the others would come, even though I know how risky it is to go there."
"I guess it also means we both fuck up," Angel says, still feeling guilty.
"Maybe so, but I'm glad we were able to get out of the situation," Blitz says.
"Yeah. And glad to see you recovering," Angel says.
He then asks, "I know it's a long shot, but do you remember what Val asked you?"
"A bit, but he wanted to know more about me, and about how I was able to cast magic. I think he got me to share some of the details," Blitz says.
"That explains why your shirt was unbuttoned when we got there, he must have known about the crystal on your chest," Angel says.
"It's possible," Blitz says.
"Anyway, it's best to be careful next time, and be sure to stay away from the V tower," Angel says.
"Yeah. and thanks," Blitz says.
Then Angel ruffles Blitz's head, "Good to head."
He then begins to take his leave, "Get some rest. You'll feel better tomorrow morning."
"Okay, night," Blitz says.
Angel then leaves the room as Blitz decides to get some sleep.
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