Chapter 37: The Enchantress Ghost Part 2

Later that night....

The group walk towards the replica village of Salem and look around to find the location where the grave marker is found. With the map in hand, Zak leads the gang to find one of the old cabins which is a replica of the old home.

Looking at the map, "According to the map, the grave was actually found right here."

When they arrive, they soon find a tree stump. Zak and Blitz look at the trunk of the tree.

"Hmm, judging by the many rings, I say this tree trunk is like around four hundred years old," Blitz says.

To his surprise and amazement, Alberto says, "All these years I've been searching around the wrong area."

"I believe so. This must be left of the tree where Margaret did her healing, you didn't notice because it was cut down hundreds of years ago," Blitz says.

"Well then, now we know where to look, we can get on digging," Millie says, and brings out a lot of shovels.

"Uh, where did you get these shovels?" Zoey questions.

"I found them in the shed nearby. Since we'll be digging, I figure we can use them," Millie says.

"Well then, let's start digging," Zak says.

And with that, everyone grabs a shovel and begins to dig in different areas around the tree.

After a while of searching, Moxxie hits something and calls out, "Guys, I hit something.

Hearing Moxxie, everyone rushes over as Moxxie digs out what he has hit with his shovel.

"What did you find?" Alberto asks.

"A box," Moxxie calls out.

Soon, Moxxie pulls out a brown box, looking really old as well. He places it down on the ground and begins dusting himself from the dirt he has. Alberto soon approaches and kneels down towards the box. His eyes are wide and picks up the box in astonishment and anxiety.

"Are you okay, Alberto?" Blitz asks.

"Just... excited is all..." Alberto answers.

He places the box down and opens the lid to reveal a book. However, the book isn't what they expect. They see a black box with a red upside down pentagram. What's more, there are strange designs that make it look kind of evil.

"That's the book. It looks kind of evil to belong to a wiccan healer," Topaz says.

"And you think there will be more items from the robberies as well as documents and other items," Wesley adds.

Alberto doesn't listen to them as he opens the book to see the pages inside.

"This doesn't look like a journal," Zak says.

Blitz soon looks at the pages and notices something off, "Hold on, this writing looks similar to the ancient Infernoian Writing. I remember learning about that language in school."

"What? But didn't you uh, you know..." Millie says.

"I know, and I can sense strong magic from it. Strong, dark, Thaumaratian Magic from this book," Blitz adds.

"Alberto, this doesn't seem to be a journal at all," Zoey adds.

Alberto turns to everyone and confesses, "Because it isn't, Mrs. Hall. It's a spellbook."

Everyone gasps in shock and is stunned by what Alberto said.

Then Alberto says, "The truth is, Margaret Howards isn't a wiccan, she is actually an enchantress, like a witch. An evil witch."

Everyone is shocked to hear it.

"A real evil witch?" Topaz says, shocked.

"Oh crumbs," Moxxie says, stunned.

"And since Margaret's blood runs within my veins, that makes me an enchanter," Alberto says.

"An enchanter?" Zak says, confused.

Blitz narrows his eyes and questions, "An enchantress? I have to suspect that judging by the writing, your ancestor wasn't from Earth or Hell, wasn't she?"

Alberto evilly smirks, "You are correct. You see, my ancestor is actually from a different world. It's called Thaumarata."

Everyone is shocked to hear it, especially Blitz, because he lived in Thaumarata before returning to Hell.

Zak then angrily says, "You lied to us, didn't you?"

"And I wouldn't be surprised you lied about who you really are," Zoey adds.

"Well gee, I had to. I've been searching for years for this book. It did belong to my ancestor after all," Alberto says.

"How about you stop blabbing and start talkin.' Why would you do it? And tell us who you really are," Millie demands and brings out her axe.

"Well, Alberto Howards is my real name. However, I am not a sinner, I'm a Hellborn, like the rest of the Hellborns in Hell. As you can see, I don't really look like one to be honest," Alberto says.

He then explains, "You see, centuries ago, my ancestor, Margaret Howards was a powerful evil enchantress in Thaumarata. She's been terrorizing that world for years, and is able to have the power to travel to Earth and Hell. One day however, she was stopped by powerful good witches, known as wiccans. The wiccans managed to imprison my ancestor in her own spell book. However, unknown to the wiccans, she had a husband and two childrens in Hell, and I'm a direct descendant to her. After years of researching, I've discovered that the wiccans were able to hide the book on Earth, more specifically here."

"If that is so, then why get us involved?" Moxxie asks.

"Well, I needed help to find the book, and learned about I.M.P and how they have been given access to the living world. So I faked my story on how I was trying to prove my family's innocence and needed to go to Earth to assist in the search. I tricked you all into helping me, and it worked," Alberto says.

"Why are you backstabbing, convincing, sniveling..." Zoey angrily says.

"No kidding! That was a dirty trick!" Topaz says.

"And why would you go through all this trouble of getting us involved?" Wesley asks.

Then Blitz says, "I know why. If we knew what the book really was and what his ancestor did, we would never agree to help him."

"That's right. But you can't even begin to imagine the real power of this book. No low class demon like you can," Alberto says.

"You've been too caught up in your little game, Howards," Zak angrily says.

"Typical for you to say. However, I'm descended from a powerful wizard. I shall unlock the power of my imprisoned ancestor, Margaret Howards," Alberto says.

Everyone is stunned to hear it.

"And together, we will rise supreme over Hell and Earth," Alberto says, and begins to make a powerful wind.

Everyone is soon overwhelmed by the powerful winds Alberto is making using the grimoire.

"Can you feel it?! The power of the wind with the wrath of Margaret and will blow away the force of light. Now feel her full power," Alberto says.

The wind begins to get stronger as Blitz, Zak, and the others try to stand their ground.

"Alberto! Stop!" Blitz calls out.

"You're going to blow us away," Zak says.

"That's the idea," Alberto says with an evil smirk.

He then uses his magic to push everyone back, knocking everyone down their feet.

"We gotta stop him!" Zoey says.

"Trust me, I know!" Zak says.

And calls out, "Guys, grab the book and kill this fucker!"

Millie brings out her axe, "With pleasure!"

She then charges, jumps into the air and swings down her axe to kill Alberto.

However, Alberto turns to see her, "Not so fast, wench!"

And with that, he uses the book to use thunder like magic and zaps Millie. Millie screams in agony as she is thrown to the ground with a thud. Millie struggles to get up and feels pain in her right arm.

Moxxie gasps in shock and viciously glares at Alberto. He brings out his gun and fires at Alberto, but he uses his powers to create a protective bubble for himself. Moxxie quickly dodges the bullet. Welsley and Zak both bring out their guns and fire their weapons at Alberto. But again, the bullets repel from the protective bubble.

"You all have good shots, too bad my shield protected me. Let me show you what else I can do," Alberto says.

He then uses his magic to levitate the three guys' guns and clenches his fists, causing the guns to crumble and explode into pieces.

"My turn!" Alberto says as he puts down his shield.

He then makes fire come out of his hand and fires at the group. Everyone quickly ducked out of the way to escape the blast. He then fires again as everyone dodge from the attack.

"I am not like your normal human targets or low class demons. I'm now more powerful than a normal overlord," Alberto says and continues firing his attack.

Everyone continues to dodge the attack. However, in doing so, some of the buildings, trees, and other objects are being blasted or burned by the attacks.

However, Zak, Zoey, and the others try to attack physically and with his weapons. However, Alberto continues to use his new found powerful magic to block their attacks or use his own attacks to attack them.

"You are growing quite tiresome, you fools!" Alberto angrily says.

Alberto then uses his powers to slam his fist to the ground and create a powerful wave to knock everyone away and down their feet. Everyone feels the pain in their bodies and some even become dizzy from hitting the ground hard. Some struggle to get up, but only manage to sit up, but others end up collapsing on the ground feeling the pain in their bodies.

Alberto maniacally laughs with an evil grin, "Now that you all are done with. I believe it is time for me to reign supreme!"

And soon unleashes his power into the sky and sends out a red magical power. He then uses his magic to open the spell book to a specific page.

"Now then, I shall unleash the full power, but releasing the great Enchantress Margaret Howards!" Alberto announces.

He then reads the spell, "Night of darkness. Wind blows hard. Reignite the magic spark of the past. Revive the enchantress from the realm of spirit. Rise from the grave and live once more!"

Just then, the earth begins shaking causing everyone to feel it shaking. Everyone struggles to get up, despite the ground shaking and everyone feels the pain from the attack. Alberto maniacally laughs as the wind continues to blow, thunder and lightning appears in the sky and fire burns in some areas.

Soon, the wind, the fire, and thunder and lightning circle around in the air above Alberto. Then lands in the ground in front of Alberto. Soon enough, a woman appears in front of him, Margaret Howards.

Margaret Howards is a tan skin woman with black hair and green eyes. She also has black wings sticking out of her head, and a black tail with a triangular end. She is wearing a black cloak with a hook. She is also wearing a white, green, and black peasant outfit with a rope tied around her waist, and slip on shoes. She actually looks very beautiful to be a witch.

Alberto is astonished, "Oh wow. Never in my wildest dreams that I get to meet you. You certainly are beautiful and powerful.

Margaret says, "Thank thou for the compliment, despite being trapped in my own book. Who are thou."

"I am Alberto Howards. Your descendent in the Modern World on Earth." Alberto says.

"Hmm..." Margaret responds and looks around to the village, "Thou must be confused. The village of Salem doesn't appear to have changed. Although it is also quite different from Thaumarata."

"Um yes. I know about it. Your story was passed down from generations," Alberto says, "As of now, Salem is having this festival, so the place is changed to be a recreation of the village from centuries ago."

"Hmm, appears so. How long have I been in the book?" Margaret responds.

"I would have to say around 400 years," Alberto says.

Margaret smiles and says, "No matter. Now that I'm free from my imprisonment, I will have my revenge."

"Wait..." Alberto calls out, earning his ancestor's attention, "All my life, I wanted to be just like you. I have magical abilities. They may not be as strong as you, but together we can be more powerful."

"An amusing offer, but to be clear, I serve no one. Now that I'm free, I will make all those pay for my imprisonment," Margaret says.

Margaret then uses her powers to send a blast of fire to destroy the trees nearby and they all end up getting burned in the process. She then uses her powers to control lighting and thunder to destroy some of the log cabins and houses nearby.

"I shall spread darkness across this land and I will destroy anyone who stands in my way," Margaret says.

She then slams her hand on the ground, creating a massive earthquake, "and I'll enslave anyone as well."

Shocked to see what is happening, Alberto says, "This... this isn't what I envisioned. We should be ruling this world and other worlds together, not destroy it."

"Well, I think it's fair because some of the wiccans of the village helped the good witches from Thaumarata imprisoned me. Their generation will suffer as well. Now I suggest you don't interfere or you'll be destroyed as well.

"But I'm the one who released you out of your book, and I can return you back into the book," Alberto says.

He then opens the book and finds the spell, "The light of angels. Tune with the earth. Goodness of heart counter the darkness. Only the good and pureness..."

But Margaret laughs, and says, "You really think you can read a spell when you're not a wiccan or a pure hearted mage. Only a being of sorcery who possessed a pure soul can use that spell."

And with her powers, she imprisoned Alberto inside a magical glowing red bubble.

Alberto cries out, "Nooo! Help! Let me out of here!"

Zak and the others managed to regain themselves and stand on their feet.

"We gotta find a way to stop that witch," Topaz says.

"But how?" Millie asks.

Moxxie says, "The only way to stop her is to return her to her prison. Her spell book."

"Moxxie's right. We need to grab that book and keep it away from her," Zak says.

"But even if we can get it, we're not wizards who can return her to the book," Wesley asks.

"Not us," Zak says and turns his head, "Blitz can read the spell."

"Me?" Blitz questions, "But I'm not a witch, and she seems so powerful. I don't know if I can beat you."

"But you said that Selene taught you to be a mage and talk to you about a few ways of being a wiccan," Zak says.

"That's true," Blitz says.

"So true," Zak points out, "You've been raised to become a powerful mage and been raised to use your magic and healing for good. Which means, you're the only one who can send Margaret Howards back into her book."

Blitz sighs and says, "You're right."

"Question is, how are we going to get the book away from her?" Zoey asks.

"We need to distract Margaret long enough for one of us to grab the book and get it to Blitz," Zak says.

Then Wesley has an idea, "I know what we can do."

Everyone gathers around and Wesley whispers about the plan he has.

Zak grins and says, "That will work."

"Then let's get this witch," Millie says.

Margaret maniacally laughs and begins to use her magic to destroy the place. Just then, Zak and Zoey walk up from behind her.

Zak shouts, "Hey you beauty banshee! Over here!"

"You will pay for your foolish insult!" Margaret angrily says and throws her fireballs at them.

Zak and Zoey quickly dodge the attack.

Wesley calls out, "What the hell was that?! You think after 400 years you'll be good with your aim!"

Then Wesley and Topaz run away from the witch.

"You fool!" Margaret angrily says and begins chasing after them.

The pair continue running as fast as they can. They stumble over a pumpkin patch. Margaret then uses her magic to bring them to life to attack the demons. Zak runs away from one of the pumpkins, but soon stops and brings back his foot. And without the Pumpkin monster being away, Zak kicks the pumpkin, which splatters into pieces.

"Glad to know my soccer skills come in handy," Zak says.

Then Margaret fires it at the tree, causing Zak to run away.

While the enchantress is distracted, Moxxie and Millie are able to reach the area where Alberto is trapped in.

Moxxie picks up the book, "We got it."

"This is too easy," Millie says.

Margaret soon turns to see the couple.

"You think a couple of Imps can help thee," Margaret says.

"Run!" Millie cries out.

Then both Moxxie and Millie begin to run for it.

Margaret then casts her magic, "Do my bidding, bird! Destroy those demons and bring me the book!"

And with that, she uses her magic on the turkey, which enlarges instantly.

"Uh oh!" Moxxie says.

Moxxie and Millie scream as they run away with the book in hand.

Meanwhile, Topaz and Wesley are running away from one of the pumpkin monsters. However, one of them coils it's vines around Topaz's ankle, causing her to trip and fall

Wesley quickly turns around in shock, "Topaz!" and runs back to save her.

Topaz screams in fright as the pumpkin monsters restrain her arms and legs and even her waist.

Wesley then brings out his gun, "Let her go, you overgrown squash!"

He then fires his gun at the pumpkin which explodes into pieces.

Wesley kneels to Topaz and unties her, "Are you okay, Topaz?"

"I'm okay," Topaz answers.

Meanwhile, Zoey and Zak are being chased by more of the monstrous squash. Zoey then notices the antique butter churn. Zoey then pours out the churn and has it spill across the ground. The monsters slip on the butter and slide across the area, causing them to crash into the buildings and are crushed into pieces.

Zak turns to Zoey, "Nice job, honey."

"Thank you very much," Zoey says.

Moxxie and Millie are still being chased by the giant turkey monster.

"How are we going to stop that overgrown bird?" Moxxie asks.

"Well, it is big," Millie says. Suddenly, she skids to a stop and turns her head to face the turnkey, "Wait a minute, why am I running from a turkey. I've helped skinned animals for my ma and pa all the time. I can handle this overgrown bag of feathers," Millie then charges towards the turkey and lets out a battle cry.

Moxxie turns around and cries out, "Millie, wait!"

And with that, he hears Millie screaming as he covers his eyes with the book. There are sounds of screaming from the turkey as feathers fly all over the place. There's also splatter and guts flying around the area. There are some things that people shouldn't see, not even in stories. When the screaming and shouting stop, Moxxie looks to see Millie has killed the giant turkey. Millie has plucked, decapitated, gutted, and well, done what she can to the turkey and now in a net that looks like a store-bought turkey.

"Wow Millie, you really went all out with that bird," Moxxie says, shocked, but also impressed.

"Thank you Moxxie. I can bring this home to my family so we can have turkey," Millie says.

Moxxie chuckles, "Your parents will be impressed, especially Sally."

"I know," Millie says with a big smile on her face.

Suddenly, they turn to see the enchantress flying towards them.

"Here she comes!" Millie cries out.

"Let's hurry to the others!" Moxxie says.

Millie and Moxxie begin to make their run to find the others so they can get the book to Blitz.

Meanwhile, the rest of the group gather together.

"Are you doing okay, Blitz?" Zak asks.

"Okay, but my ankle really hurts after that fall," Blitz asks.

"We barely got away from that witch," Topaz says.

"Where are Moxxie and Millie?" Wesley asks.

Zoey soon notices, "There they are."

The group turns to see Moxxie and Millie running away with the book in Moxxie's hand.

Zak calls out, "Moxxie! Millie! Over here!"

Millie notices them, "There they are! Let's hurry!"

"Right," Moxxie says.

But then something or someone grabs Moxxie's tail and pulls him away. It's revealed to be Margaret Howarrds.

The enchantress angrily says, "Give me back my book, you little insolent possum!" and swipes the book away.

Moxxie is not pleased, "Why do people assume I'm a possum?!"

Millie stops to see, "Moxxie!"

She then sees a large trash bin. She empties it out and runs over as she shouts, "Let go of my husband, you creepy crone!"

And with that, Millie slams the trash bin on the enchantress' head, causing her to drop Moxxie and the book.

Margaret screams, "Let me out! Get this stupid thing off of me!"

Millie then takes the book, "I'll take that," Then turns to her husband, "Come on, Mox!"

Moxxie and Millie then begin running away from the enchantress and back to the others. The enchantress is so enraged that she uses her magic to blast the trash bin off of her, which destroys it into pieces.

Margaret then casts her magic on three pumpkins and demands, "Stop those two Imps and bring me back my book!"

The pumpkins come back to life and chase after the Imp couple. They soon attack Millie who has the books, restraining her.

Millie then calls out, "Moxxie!" And throws the book.

Moxxie catches the book and begins running towards the others.

"Enough!" Margaret shouts and casts her magic on a large, bringing it to life.

The tree monster then grabs Moxxie and tries to take the book.

Moxxie then calls out, "Topaz! Catch!" and throw it to Topaz.

Topaz mananges to catch the book, but isn't able to get far because the root of the tree coils around her ankle. Topas tries to pull away, but the root coils around her and up to her neck.

"Wesley!" Topaz cries out.

Wesley rushes over and Topaz gives him the book. Wesley then makes a run towards the other, but a giant tree root catches him too.

Wesley then throws the book, "Zak!" and throws the book.

The book hits the ground and slides past Zak. Zak mananges to catch it before the roots can grab it. Zak then rushes to Zoey and Blitz as he turns the pages.

Soon he presents the book to Blitz, "Here's the spell, Blitz. It's up to you now," and Blitz takes the book from Zak.

Suddenly, large roots surround the three Imps.

Margaret maniacally laughs, "The book is useless to a mere low class imp."

The book tries to grab the book away from Blitz, but a powerful magic counters Margaret's spell and forces the vine down.

"But not to a mage who is pure of heart," Zak says.

Witnessing this, Margaret shouts, "Impossible! You're a mere Imp! I'll stop you three myself!"

And with that, the enchantress begins to fly right towards them.

"Hurry Blitz, read the spell," Zoey says.

Blitz then begins to read the spell, "The light of angels. Tune with the earth. Goodness of heart counter the darkness. Only the good and pureness can counter the evil that you've done. Evil sorcery shall become sealed within their enchanted source."

When Margaret tries to grab the book, Blitz has finished the spell and its counter's Margaret's touch. Margaret screams in agony and is repelled across the area. Blitz, Zak, and Zoey are shocked by what has happened as the book flips its pages, causing Blitz to drop it. Then the book begins to glow red sparkles as it launches in the air, spreading the red sparkle across the area. Soon, everything Margaret has done begins to reverse.

Zoey looks around, "Guys, it's working!"

Margaret soon regains herself and is shocked to see her magic is disappearing. Everything restraining the others revert back to their original forms, releasing them in the process.

Margaret flies away as she cries out, "Noooooo!" as the spellbook chases after her.

Once at close range, the spellbook begins to suck Margaret back into the book.

Margaret screams, "Noooooo! Not again!"

Margaret tries to break free from the book, but she is being pulled further and further into the book. Soon, the bubble that Alberto is trapped in pops, causing Alberto to fall to the ground. When he tries to run away, Margaret grabs him by the ankle.

"Noooo!"Alberto cries out.

But Margaret says, "I will not go back alone!"

"Nooo!" Alberto cries out and tries to get away from her grasp.

But he isn't able to keep his grip and is being pulled into the book as he screams, "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" In a matter of seconds, Alberto is sucked into the book, and the book closes shut.

Everyone soon begins to approach the book, but hears a sound. Everyone turns to see one of the burning trees begin to fall.

"Everyone, get back!" Zak cries out.

Everyone runs away as the burning tree falls over and onto the spell book, causing it to burn and everyone watches as the spellbook burns, trapping Alberto and Margaret within its pages forever. Everyone is relieved to see the book is destroyed and can never be used for this evil again.

The next day...

After the whole incident, Blitz and the others returned to Hell before anyone in Salem could ever find out. They return to the Hazbin Hotel to drop Blitz off and to pick up Ash. Of course, everyone is tired from the day and night they've gone through.

"Damn, talk about a fuckin hair raiser," Angel says.

"It was also very dangerous. We didn't know that Alberto was a descendant of a Thaumaratian enchantress," Blitz says.

"And an insane one too," Zak says.

Charlie sadly sighs, "It's too bad that Alberto ended up getting pulled in as a result."

"I know. We couldn't stop it from happening," Blitz says, also saddened.

"If you ask me, that guy deserved it for lying to us to help him try to take over our worlds," Zak says.

"I guess, but still... It just doesn't feel right..." Blitz says, feeling bad about it.

"Well Blitz, it just shows that you do have a good heart, showing sympathy towards the one who was deceiving you for their own evil ambition. I do believe he doesn't deserve your sympathy and sorrow," Alastor says.

"As much as I hate to admit, Alastor kind of has a point," Vaggie says.

"Yeah. He's not worth your kindness," Husk says.

"I guess," Blitz says.

"With the book destroyed, there isn't much we can do now," Moxxie says.

"Yeah. We weren't able to get the book back after all that mess," Millie says.

"At least with the book destroyed no one can use whatever magic that can be used in it," Wesley says.

Zak then turns to Blitz, "Still, there is something that's bothering me?"

"What's that?" Blitz asks.

"How did Margaret manage to be able to travel to Hell and Earth?" Zak wonders.

"Actually, I've been wondering about that as well. During my studies, there weren't many stories or events about people from Thaumarata traveling to other worlds. Going to a different world would have to take a lot of magic to perform it," Blitz says.

"Hmmm..." Charlie thinks as well, "That is strange. Sadly, without the book, we don't have much to go on. Even though Blitz and Loona ended up in Thaumarata in some way, there isn't much we can do about it."

"It would appear that we have quite the mystery," Alastor says.

"A mystery that we might not be able to figure out," Blitz says.

"Never say never," Zak says.

"You're right. I guess we'll just have to be patient about it," Blitz says.

He then looks out the window, "It just shows, there's always going to be unsolved answers, or answers that are waiting to be solved. I do hope we get to solve this someday..."

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