Chapter 36: The Enchantress Ghost Part 1
One day in the I.M.P Office, Blitz and his family are visiting everyone in the office, mainly because Zak invites him and the family over because it's been a slow day. Not that anyone minds, Ash likes hanging out with Aurora, Keenan, little Tilla even their older sister, Loona. The others actually feel the same. The kids are playing a game with Millie, Moxxie, and Ash, and everyone else is doing their thing.
"So Blitz, how's your job at the hotel going?" Zoey asks.
"It's been going okay. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to find other clients to be in the hotel, but Angel and Sir Pentious are doing fine," Blitz says.
"Even though Angel constantly flirted with you a few months ago," Loona says, rolling her eyes.
"Now Loona, Angel doesn't do that anymore. He and I have become friends, even Husk became friends with him," Blitz says.
"True. Angel is kind of a cool guy, but I wish he can not act so uh, on how he acts so often, especially with the kids around," Loona says.
"True, but Angel is a pretty cool guy," Topaz says.
Zak says, "Yeah. But still, business is kind of slow these days."
"Well, it might be a good thing for Earth because there hasn't been much death, but I'm guessing it's not good for business," Blitz says.
"Nope," Zak responds.
He then notices the book in Blitz's hand, "Hey Blitz, what are you reading there anyway?"
"Stolas let me borrow one of his books. It's a book about herbal remedies and healing," Blitz says.
"Kind of surprising. Back then, you didn't really like to read," Zak says with a grin on his face.
"Hmm, maybe. My past is still very cloudy, but I did remember I thought reading and books were boring when I was with Selene. She then taught me that books can be exciting and teach you a lot of things. It did kind of make me wish to go to more places in the other world. However, I also need to use books to cast spells and use magic potions and remedies," Blitz says.
Zak chuckles.
"What's funny, honey?" Zoey asks.
"Nothing much. I just find it interesting on how Blitz went from being a circus clown to a powerful mage," Zak says.
"Was I really that different back then?" Blitz asks.
"You sure were. You and Fizz used to be clowns together," Zak says.
"Really?" Aurora asks.
"They sure wore. However, out of all the group, Fizz is the one with a lot of talent for being a clown, and a major performer at that. That's one of the ways he became a famous figure around here," Zak says.
Suddenly, they hear a knock at the door.
Zak stands up, opens the door to reveal what looks like a human man, but is also a demon from the appearance. He has grayish cerulean skin, red scleras with white irises. He also has wolf-like ears and tail. He also has short grayish hair that is in a lower ponytail. He is wearing a purple long sleeve shirt, black pants, and also wears a black jacket. He also appears to be wearing glasses.
"Hello. Is this the I.M.P HQ" The wolf/human demon asks.
"Yes. This is it. I'm Zak Halls, the boss of I.M.P," Zak says and asks, "What can I do for you?"
"Well, My name is Alberto. Alberto Howards, and I've come here for a very important job," The demon, Alberto says.
"Sure, what do you have in mind?" Zak asks.
"Well, I need your help to prove my family's innocence and to execute the ones responsible for it. I have a feeling they are responsible for my death," Alberto says.
"Your family's innocence? And your death?" Zak questions, confused and interested.
He then asks, "Care to explain?"
"Well, it happened a couple of months ago. There were terrible killings and robberies going on, and my family was accused of being involved. I've been trying to gather evidence that can lead to my family's innocence. I've searched and learned that the thieves have all the items they've robbed secretly hidden as well as a book. But just before I can find any more clues, I hear a click. The last thing I saw were three sets of legs. I can tell those are the ones causing the trouble," Alberto explains.
"So you don't know who killed you or accused your family?" Zak questions.
"Actually, I have a good idea, but it's hard to say if it was them. That is why I come to you. I suspect you don't do much investigation, but I could really use your help," Alberto says.
"Hmm, we don't really do investigations. We kill targets, yes, but we never have to investigate to find the killer," Zak says.
"Yes. I suspect it much, but I can really use your help in finding my killers, but also my family's accuser," Alberto says.
"Hmm, well I guess we can help you find out with finding your killer and your family's accuser," Zak says.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it," Alberto says.
"But in order to help you, My team and I need to know more about the situation," Zak says.
"Of course," Alberto says.
He then explains, "From what I know there has been a lot of murder robberies lately in the town I grew up in. The place is known as Salem, Massachusetts."
"Salem?" Aurora questions.
"I actually heard of that place when we traveled around the living world. Salem Massachusetts, is a town in the living world. It's known for the numerous witch trials there," Zoey says.
"Witch trials?" Loona questions.
"Yes. Regretfully, it's true. Salem is well known for Salem Witch Trials where they prosecute and execute anyone who is believed is a witch who performs witchcraft," Alberto says.
"They killed witches?" Aurora says, shocked.
"That sounds terrible," Blitz says, just as shocked.
"Yes. Sadly, this wasn't the first time my family was accused," Alterto says.
"What do you mean?" Topaz asks.
Alberto sighs and explains, "You see, I once had an ancestor who was named Margaret Howards. Centuries ago, she was accused of witchcraft and was executed for it. My ancestor was a healer and legend has it, she kept a journal of all her remedies and the people she helped over the years. I wished to prove that as well. In fact, among them was actually the journal my family has been searching for. I hope to find my family's name once and for all."
"Don't worry, we'll help you. And we'll be sure to find your killers and your family's accusers, and give it what's coming to them," Zak says.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it," Alberto says.
He then asks, "But how are we going to get to Earth?"
"Uh we?" Zak says, confused.
"Yes. I feel that I can assist you. I was born and raised there so I know the place from the inside out. I feel that you can use some help," Alberto says.
"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Wesley asks.
"Is there something wrong," Aurora asks.
"Yeah. You all are able to get to Earth, why can't he?" Ash asks.
"Well Ash, it's complicated. They say that Sinners are forbidden to come back to the world they once lived after death. Of course, that's mainly one of the legends. However, that doesn't mean, they have their own way of getting around," Zoey says.
"Don't worry, I know the laws about being seen by humans, and I made myself a disguise for it," Alberto says.
Alberto then uses his magic to create a human disguise. Now is a fair skinned man with black hair, with white sclera and red eyes. And his clothes changed to fit his human form, and now he is wearing black shoes.
"Well, I guess you can come with us," Zak says.
"Thank you. I promise I'll be of great help," Alberto says.
Blitz looks at Alberto in suspicion. He doesn't know why, but he has an odd feeling about him.
Sometime later...
Zak and the I.M.P Crew along with Alberto arrive at Salem, Massachusetts through the portal using Stolas' grimoire. Blitz is also with them to assist in helping Alberto prove his innocence, but advises Loona to watch over the kids at the hotel because this could take a long while before this investigation is done.
However, upon arriving in Salem, they seem to arrive to find some kind of festivities. There are rides, food and merchandise vendors, and other kinds of tents with games and activities for children, teens, and adults. There are also a large number of people from locals to tourists.
"Wow! There are a lot of people here!" Millie says, amazed.
"I have to agree. Is this some kind of festival?" Moxxie asks.
"Yes. This is a festival that is not only a pre-summer festival, but also the anniversary of the Salem Witch Trials officially coming to an end," Alberto says.
"That's actually good to hear," Wesley says.
"Yeah. From what I hear, this is the month that the trial comes to an end," Topaz says.
"That's correct. After that, the festival ends up becoming fun for people, to get to learn more about the history and culture of Salem," Alberto says, "However, the festival can sometimes turn the town of Salem into a circus."
"Sure looks like it," Moxxie says.
"Well then, it will be a good opportunity for us to explore around," Zoey says.
"And to have some fun," Millie says.
"Well, it will be a good opportunity to split up," Zak says.
"Zoey and I are one group. Topaz and Wesley are another. Moxxie and Millie are team 3, and Blitz looks like you're with Alberto," Zak says, "Well all split up and search around for clues or anything suspicious. And in order to keep the search a secret, it's best we act like tourists."
Everyone agrees and split up in different directions.
At one part of the festival, Welsery and Topaz are exploring around the shopping vendors to see all the kinds of items to buy, clothes, accessories, toys, and other stuff.
"Wow. There are a lot to see here," Wesley says.
"And quite a few items to buy," Topaz says.
She walks over to one of the vendors, "Look Wesley, Courthouse dolls," And presents one to Wesley, "Aren't they cute."
Wesley giggles, "They actually kind of are."
"Hmm..." Wesley then begins looking around to see everyone smiling and having a good time.
"What is it, Wesley?" Topaz asks.
"I don't know, you think humans will be on edge about robberies and murder cases taking place here," Welsey says.
"That's true," Topaz says, looking around, "It's like no one phased by it. You think they are more alert about it."
"Weird," Wesley replies.
Then Topaz says, "Come on, let's go see if we can find any clues."
The couple then begins to explore the area.
Zoey and Zak have arrived at a village of what it's like in the late 1800s. There are turkeys in pens, wooden houses, and people performing what the humans did back then, making thread and yarn, making butter, clothes, toys, and other such. There are also tourists and locals taking pictures and enjoying the event.
"This place looks great," Zak says.
"Yes. Who knew that humans can recreate a culture and exhibit what happened in the earlier days," Zoey says.
She then notices Zak is gone.
She calls out, "Zak. Zak, honey. Where are you?"
"Over here, honey," Zak calls out.
Zoey turns and to her surprise, she finds Zak in the stocks.
"What are you doing here?" Zoey asks.
"Sorry dear, but this is for props. In fact, I've been a bad boy," Zak says.
And then some of the people begin laughing and giggling, even Zoey finds it kind of funny.
Zoey walks over and opens the stocks, "Come on dear, we need to find some clues about the mystery."
"Alright, but it couldn't hurt to have some fun," Zak says.
"I know. Maybe we can bring Ash here after we're done," Zoey says.
"Good idea," Zak says.
The couple then head off to explore around.
"I'm surprised everyone is able to relax with the robbery murder going on," Zoey says.
"Yeah. And with so many people here, it will be difficult to find out who did it," Zak says.
He then says, "Let's ask a few people around to see what they think."
In another area...
Moxxie and Millie are on some of the rides. Part of it in order to scale the area and another part to have a little fun. Well, Millie ends up having fun with some of the rides. Moxie ends up getting sick to his stomach on the roller coaster ride.
After exploring around, Moxxie and Millie are on the ferris wheel. Millie is scaling the area with her binoculars, while Moxxie is sitting and feeling sick.
Millie turns to Moxxie, "How are you feeling?"
"Not much. I'm still getting over the motion sickness," Moxxie says, feeling green around the gills.
"Don't worry Moxxie, you relax on the roller coaster and I'll search around," Millie says.
"Okay Millie," Moxxie says, still feeling sick to his stomach.
At the other part of town...
Blitz and Alberto search around the town square.
"I'm surprised to see how Salem is. It's hard to believe that this place was known for the deaths of dozens of people," Blitz says.
"I know. People have tried to make sure history doesn't repeat itself. Sadly however, some habits die hard," Alberto says.
Blitz asks, "What was Margaret like?"
"Margaret was a beautiful and kind hearted woman, and was a medicine woman in the late 1800s. She wasn't too popular with some of the doctors, and she believed in using herbs and natural remedies to heal, which was untraditional in their eyes," Alberto says.
"You said she was a wiccan. Truth is, my adopted mother is kind of a wiccan herself," Blitz says.
"Really now?" Alberto asks.
"Yes. Sure she's a doctor and uses medicine and other remedies like normal doctors, but she also believes some cures work wonders with natural herbal remedies from the earth and the forces of nature," Blitz says.
"Indeed, Margaret said the same. She does all her treatment under a large pine tree that symbolizes strength and new beginnings, and is believed to have unique healing powers," Alberto says.
He then asks, "I take it you're kind of a wiccan."
"Well, not by blood, but I decided to follow her footsteps to learn about medicine and healing, even from herbs and other forms of healing," Blitz says.
"It's good that you've taken it to heart. I can tell that you have an expertise in the medical field," Alberto says.
"Thank you," Blitz says.
Blitz then asks, "Do you know which pine tree Margaret does her healing?"
"Well, there are some pine trees, but many of them have been cut down years ago, so it's difficult to tell where they are," Alberto says.
"Hmm," Blitz says.
Suddenly, hears something, "Oh dear."
Blitz soon turns his head to notice an elderly woman sitting on the ground as she picks up her item and her bag is on the ground. She notices the strap is broken.
Blitz walks over, "Here let me help you."
Blitz kneels down and helps the woman pick up her things.
The woman smiles and says, "Thank you, young man."
"It's no problem," Blitz says, and helps the woman pick up her belongings.
Then Blitz helped place the woman's things in her bag.
And then a young man walks over and says, "Thank you for helping my mother. I think I can take it from here."
He helps the elderly woman up and asks, "Are you okay, mother?"
"I'm fine, son. My bag broke and the nice man was helping me pick up my things," The woman says.
Blitz then picks up the woman's bag and presents it to the man, "Yeah. The strap is broken off."
The man takes the bag, "Thank you for helping my mother. I'll see if we can get a new bag."
"Good idea," Blitz says.
He looks around and says, "It's actually nice that everyone is able to have a good time despite everything that has been happening."
"What do you mean? Salem has been kind of quiet recently," The man says.
"Huh? But uh, I heard there's been robbery and murder cases happening at Salem," Blitz says, confused.
This has the two humans confused.
"Well, there was a robbery at the bank, but the culprits were already caught and taken to prison," The man says.
"And there hasn't been any recent murder," The woman says.
"That's strange," Blitz says.
Then says in his thoughts, "Why were we told there was?"
Sometime later...
The gang decides to stop to have some lunch, and Millie is still comforting Moxxie from the motion sickness he has received from. During the break, Alberto does tell the rest of the group what he explains to Blitz about his ancestor.
"So how did the search go?" Zak asks.
"So far, we didn't find anything good," Zak says.
"Not much on our end," Zoey says.
"Well, we did see a lot of cool stuff, but we didn't find anything specific," Topaz says.
"Neither did we," Wesley says.
"Well Moxxie and I surely had a good time on the rides, but we didn't find anything either," Millie says.
Moxxie groans in sickness, "Unfortunately, I'm still feeling a bit sick."
"There there, honey," Millie says, comforting her husband.
"Sadly, Blitz and I didn't find anything either," Alberto says.
"Yeah. We didn't find any new information," Blitz says.
He then says in thought, "In fact, I'm not even sure if this even exists."
Alberto then gets up, "I'm going to take out my trash. I'll be right back."
Alberto then takes his leave to take away his trash. Seeing Alberto is gone, Blitz is now in deep thought about the situation.
Millie notices, "What's up, Blitz?"
"While we were exploring, I talked to some people, and apparently, there weren't any reports of any murders/robbery cases. There was a robbery, but the culprit was already caught, and there aren't any well known murders happening here as of late," Blitz says.
"Now that you've mentioned it. Everyone around the festival seems calm despite everything that's been going on," Wesley says.
"Maybe the people don't really care much about it, or the festival is too important for them to cancel," Zoey wonders.
"Maybe, we explored around the area and we haven't seen many crime scenes or increased security," Millie says.
Just then, Blitz says, "Guys, I have this odd feeling that Alberto didn't give us the whole story."
"What makes you say that?" Topaz asks.
"Well, it's hard to explain, but I sense something coming from Alberto. It seems familiar," Blitz says.
"Really?" Millie asks.
Blitz nods his head.
"Well, I don't want to give you a doubt, but still, it's odd that there might be a possibility that there isn't any crime happening around here," Zak says.
"Do you think Alberto has alternative motives?" Wesley asks.
"Possible. I like to go through this case and figure out what's going on," Zak says.
"I think it would be the best approach," Zoey says.
"I have to agree," Moxxie says, feeling a little better.
Wesley then asks, "So, where else should we look? We looked around a lot of places during the festival."
"Question is, where do we go to find more clues?" Zak asks.
Then Millie has an idea, "I think I know. I saw that Salem has a Witchcraft History Museum. Maybe we'll find some clues there."
"The museum would have some good details about its history, including Alberto's ancestry. It might give us an idea on where Margaret's journal is," Wesley says.
"Sounds like a good idea," Topaz says.
"Great," Zak says, "After having lunch, we'll head to the museum and see if there's any clues about the journal."
Alberto soon walks back and says, "Sorry for taking so long, I had trouble finding the trash bin."
"That's okay. We have the idea on where to go next," Zak says.
"Great," Alteor says.
Sometime later...
The group is now inside the museum replicas of the witch trials, documents, clothes that the people wear back then. There are also the pentagram on the ground in the room, and other information and all that.
"This place seems kind of uneasy," Blitz says.
"I have to agree. The museum has a lot of history of humans being horrible to each other. Sometimes I wonder if Humans are the scariest thing and not demons," Zak says.
"Kind of funny for you to say that since we kill humans as well," Zoey says.
Wesley chuckles, "No kidding. Demons are just as scary as humans."
"I'm a bit concerned about this place. I'm not sure about letting my family see a place like this," Blitz says, sounding uneasy.
Blitz soon turns his head to see the more items like torture divices for witches. Blitz soon noticed a large frame with a paper inside.
"Hmm," Blitz responds and looks at the paper to see that there's a list on it.
Blitz says in thought, "This list is the list of people who are the accusers. The people who accused those of being a witch." He then walks to see another list, "And this must be the list that contained the names of those who were accused of witchcraft."
Blitz soon looks at the list to see the many different lists of people who were accused of witchcraft. It shocked him to see how many people were accused of witchcraft.
Blitz says to himself in thought, "I can't believe there are so many people who died in that era," However, he notices something, "That strange, Margaret Howards' name doesn't seem to be on it. Strange."
Suddenly, they hear Zoey call out, "Hey guys, I think I found something?"
The group turns and walks over to where Zoey is. They soon arrive to see a display that shows a few broken grave markers and tombstones. She then notices that one of them has the words 'Marg Howar' along with 1667-169, but nothing else. It shows that some pieces of it are either broken off or scrapped off.
"So this is Margaret Howards' grave marker," Atlero says.
"Yes. It appears so," Wesley says.
"There are a few more, and some of them seem to show the location where they found them," Topaz says.
"Hmm..." Moxxie says, and looks at the research on the board, "According to the information, it appears that Margaret's grave marker is actually in the recreation village."
Zak looks at it and says, "I think I know that spot. It's actually near the stump around the center of the village."
"Great. That means the recreation village must be where the journal is," Alberto says.
"Yeah. We may haven't found the documents that would help your family's innocence, but we may be able to have proof of your ancestor's innocence," Zak says.
Alberto smiles, "I'm so relieved to hear about that."
"Well, wait until it gets dark so we can search around the area when there's no one around," Zak says.
Everyone agrees with the idea.
"I think it's a good idea. And I really appreciate all you've done for me," Alberto says.
He then secretly shows an evil grin, "More than you think..."
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