Chapter 35: Sisterly Fashion Show
Sometime ago...
There is a young woman who has blonde hair and cyan blue eyes. She is dressed in a long light blue dress. Her hair in a ponytail. The young woman is driving in her car and has her eyes turn to a briefcase and a few notebooks and fabric on it.
The woman says to herself, "I need to get there and explain everything about what she did. I need to expose her before she can get away with using my work."
The woman continues to drive the car and sees a turn. When she tries to press on the break to slow down, she notices something off.
"Wa... the... the breaks..." The woman panics.
She soon sees the sharp turn and is shocked to notice the car is going faster and is unable to get the brakes to work.
She lets out a scream, "AAAAAAAAAAAH!"
And the next thing anyone expects, the car ends up driving over a cliff and splashes hard into the sea and ends up sinking down and the person inside is already dead due to the crash.
Present Day...
At the I.M.P Office, Zak is in his office as he talks to a client on the phone.
"So, you want my group and me to kill your old partner," Zak asks.
"That's right. That conniving bitch stole my designs and claimed they were hers and was about to enter them in the fashion show in less than a week," The client says, over the phone.
"Sounds tough," Zak says.
"You don't know the half of it. I actually have copies of my sketches and other designs so I plan to hurry to the ones in charge of the show to confirm those designs are mine. Suddenly, my brakes stopped working and I ended up driving over that cliff. Next thing I knew, I woke up here. I just know Reya who had my brakes tampered or got someone else to do it," The client explains.
"Sure. We'll be sure to off this bitch," Zak says.
"Good. I want you to be able to expose the chick and then off her. That way she can be humiliated before she ends up in Hell," the client says.
"You got it. Just be sure you fax the bitch's picture and other details about her and we'll get right on it," Zak says.
Then he hangs up the phone.
Soon, Zak walks out of the office and says, "Hey gang, we've got ourselves a hit."
"Sure Zak, but don't forget, we got the cuties with us today," Millie says, playing with Tilla.
It's revealed that Loona, Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla are visiting the group at I.M.P today. Blitz has to help Charlie and the others with the cleaning all over the hotel as part of the exercise of working together. Since the kids and Loona will be bored and stuck in the hotel, he thinks hanging out with Zak and the others will be a good idea, which they accept.
"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten," Zak says.
"So uh, where is this hit at?" Loona asks, curiously.
"Well, the client will be faxing us the details, but she wants us to kill this uh, lady who is a fashion designer. Apparently she told designs for her clothing line and plans to use them for a show, and possibly responsible for her death," Zak says.
"Yikes," Aurora replies.
"Meany mean," Tilla replies.
"Yes it is mean, not to mention wrong," Loona says.
"Yes. It would be considered plagiarism," Aurora says.
"Sad, but true," Wesley says.
"Still, it sounds exciting about going to a fashion show. I'm sure there are some nice clothes and designs here," Topaz says.
"Well then, we should get ready to finish our work," Zak says.
"But what about us?" Aurora asks.
"Yeah. We don't want to stay here bored all day," Keenan says.
"Simple, you all can come with us," Zak says.
"Are you sure it's a good idea honey, I don't want them to see us kill someone," Zoey says.
"Don't worry honey, while we do our job, some of us will watch Loona and the kids so they can watch the show," Zak says.
"Well, I wouldn't mind watching the show," Topaz says.
"Not me. They sound boring," Ash says.
"Yeah. They don't sound fun. I don't want to see some silly clothing show," Keenan asks.
"I actually wouldn't mind seeing a fashion show," Aurora says.
"I wouldn't mind seeing this fashion show," Loona says.
Tilla giggles with glee.
"Looks like Tilla likes to see it too," Aurora says.
"Okay then," Zak says and informs everyone, "Ash and Keenan will stay here, and Moxxie, you and Welsey will keep an eye on them. Millie and I will kill the target. Topaz and Zoey, you two can watch the girls."
"Works for me," Wesley says.
"Great. So let's get our equipment, get our human disguises on and head to the living world," Zak says.
They soon hear the printing sound and Zak turns to see the fax machine sending the messaged papers on the printer. Once the faxing is done, Zak takes the papers and looks over. There he sees a picture of a beautiful woman who has dark brown hair in a bun, brown eyes, and is wearing an orange two piece dress, with a red and yellow colored saree. She also has a red dot on her forehead.
"Hmm, so this is the target huh," Zak says.
He then says, "Well now, that we got the fax of information, let's get to work and baby sitting duty everyone."
In the living world, more specifically in a place known as India, there is a large fashion show going on. There are many different people like celebrities, fashion judges, critiques, and even other people arrive at the show and are excited.
Somewhere backstage, the portal opens as Zak, Millie, Zoey, Topaz, Loona, Aurora, and Tilla walk through the portal. All of them are in their human disguise so they can blend in.
"So are we at the right place?" Loona asks, looking around.
"We are, but the client suggests we go through backstage so we can get through unseen," Zak says.
"Well, the girls and I are going to find a good spot to watch the show while you and Mills take care of this designer," Zoey says.
"Alright, hope you have a good time," Zak says.
"Be safe sweetie," Zoey says.
They both give each other a kiss on the cheek before going their separate ways.
As the audience sit down at seats where the runway is, Zoey and Topaz take the girls to see the show. It's away from the crowd so no one can see them, but are still able to see the show.
"This is a nice spot. We can still see the show, but we can make sure no one will not notice us sneaking in," Topaz says.
"I'm not too keen about sneaking in, but at least it's better than staying in the office, doing nothing," Loona says.
"I guess. Still, is it really good to kill someone over it? I mean, I know what this design did was just as bad, but still," Aurora says.
"True, but Earth is full of uh, humans with so many secrets. It's kind of one of the reasons many of them ended up in Hell because of their secret crimes and such," Zoey explains.
"Sounds rough," Loona says.
"You can say that again," Topaz says.
"Seems that Hell's overpopulation happens a lot more because of Humans' misdeed and not just because of demons having access to Earth," Aurora says.
"That's right," Zoey says.
"Wonder how Zak and Millie are doing?" Topaz wonders.
Somewhere backstage, Zak and Millie walk around in their human forms to find the designer Reya. They soon look around, but it's difficult when there are so many people backstage getting ready for the show. Setting the lights and curtains, checking the soundtrack, and assisting designers are helping and bringing in the clothes, makeup artists help the models with their makeup.
"Wow. There are so many people here," Millie says.
"That's true," Zak says and holds out the papers, "According to the information, Reya is a well known designer, but apparently, she also used to have another assistant before our client, but she mysteriously died as well."
"No doubt it's because of that bitch," Millie says.
"Possibly," Zak says.
Suddenly, Zak feels the door slammed at his face as his back hits the wall. Millie quickly moves to the side as she sees the designer, Reya walks over and is very upset.
She angrily says, "I can't believe those two are unable to make it, all because of a car failure! Like I give a damn that the older sister's car is broken down! I am Reya Lal, I don't have time to deal with those lame excuses!"
"Huh? She sure looks like her picture," Millie says.
Zak slowly opens the door, "No shit..." then grumbles in anger, "When I get my hands on that bitch."
"Easy Zak, no need to get your tail into a twist," Millie says.
Zak sighs, "That's true, plus there's too many people around."
Back at the runway, Zoey, Topaz, Loona, and the girls are still waiting for the show to start and are actually excited to see the show.
"I wonder when the show is going to start?" Aurora asks.
"I'm not sure. These things take time," Zoey answers.
Topaz yawns, and wonders, "I wonder when Millie and Zak will be back."
"Hmm, I'm going to go check on them," Zoey says and takes her leave to find her husband and Millie.
Topaz then says, "And I have to go to the restroom and also check on my makeup. You all stay right here."
Topaz places Tilla in Aurora's arms and she walks off.
"Alright, we'll stay right here and watch the show," Loona says.
"I wonder what the show will be like," Aurora asks.
"I'm not sure. I've never heard of India or Hindi before," Loona says.
"Me neither," Aurora says.
Tilla giggles and lets out a yawn of exhaustion.
Unknown to the girls, the designer Reya Lal, and few of her assistants notice the girls, Loona and Aurora specifically.
"So ma'am, what do you think of those two?" The assistant asks.
Reya looks at the two and smiles, "Yes. I think those two will be perfect. I think I even have a good idea for the little toddler. Especially the girl with the two colored eyes. She's very unique."
Still watching the runway, Aurora, Loona, and Tilla are still waiting for the show to start.
"I can't wait for the show to start," Aurora says.
"I just hope it's worth the wait," Loona says.
Suddenly, someone walks over to the girls and says, "Excuse me, can I talk to you two."
The girls turn to see a tan girl with long black hair and has a sari, and a dress.
"Is it alright if you two girls do a small favor for us? I hope you and your sister don't mind," The woman says.
"Um sure," Loona says.
The girls then follow the assistant and make their way towards backstage.
Meanwhile, somewhere backstage, Zoey searches around for Zak and Millie.
"Where are those two?" Zoey asks.
Suddenly, she hears whispering sounds, "Zoey."
Zoey turns to see Zak and Millie hiding behind a large rack of clothes. She then gets behind the rack of clothes to hide from the employees before they can see.
"What's going on?" Zoey asks.
"Sorry, this has proven to be more difficult than I thought, especially when there's so many people here," Zak says.
"That's true," Zoey says.
"Yeah. It seems that a few of the models are forced to drop out due to an incident or something, so the designer is a bit heated," Millie says.
"I see," Zoey says.
"It's best to wait here until we have our chance," Zak says.
Back at the runway, Topaz has finished putting on her makeup and using the restroom and walks over to meet the others.
"Sorry it took a little long, the restroom was kind of crowded and..." But Topaz notices the kids are gone, "Huh? Where did they go?"
Meanwhile, in the dressing room, Reya and the other two assistants look over Loona and Aurora to see if they're fit for the favor.
"Yes. I think those two will be perfect," Reya says.
"Perfect?" Aurora asks.
"Yes. I think you two will be perfect to be my new models," Reya says.
"New models?" Aurora says, surprised.
"Us?" Loona asks.
Reya nods her head, "Yes. You see, two of my models are unable to make it. Then when my assistants and I saw you two, I figured you both would be perfect to model my designs."
"Well uh, are you sure? I... I'm not a model," Loona says.
Aurora blushes, "I've done some performances with my singing and ice skating, but never modeling."
"It's very simple, dear. You two just need to wear the clothes, walk down the runway as you do some poses and you both will be done," Reya says, "I promise you both will not regret it."
"Well, I don't see why not," Loona says.
"I think it sounds fun, but what about our baby sister," Aurora says.
One of the assistants says, "Don't worry, I can watch over until your guardians are here. I assume you girls didn't come alone."
"That's right. We've come with friends of our father," Aurora says.
"Good," Reya says, and claps her hands twice.
With that, the workers begin to measure Loona and aurora, brushing their hairs, removing their accessories, and getting ready to bring out the clothes. Tilla giggles and claps her hands with response.
Reya giggles, "She's so cute. Maybe I should give her a cute outfit as well."
Tilla giggles and claps her hands happily.
A little later...
"The girls are gone?" Zak asks.
Turns out, after discovering the girls gone, Topaz rushes to find Zak and the others. Luckily, it's not difficult for her to find them.
"Yes. I went to the restroom while Zoey went to find you. When I came back, the girls were gone," Topaz says.
Zak groans, "Ugh, that's what I need."
"What do we do?" Zoey asks, worried.
"Well, Zoey, you and Topaz find the girls, Millie and I will try to get the target. The fashion show should be starting soon. We'll get her then," Zak says.
The girls nod in response.
Soon, the group split up, Zak and millie remain hidden the entire time as they are ready to strike.
"So how are we going to get her with the crowd," Millie asks.
Zak thinks about it and has an idea, "I think I have an idea. It's a risk, but it's a good thing that we can see in the dark."
Millie grins and nods in response.
"Now, here's the plan," Zak says and whispers to Millie about the plan.
Back at the runway, Topaz and Zoey are searching for Loona and her sisters.
"Where did those three go?" Topaz wonders.
"I don't know. I'm sure the girls wouldn't go far," Zoey says.
She then turns to Topaz, "Did you see them when you're in the restroom?"
"No. I haven't seen them," Topaz answers.
Suddenly, they begin to hear clapping and cheering in excitement.
"It seems that the show is starting," Zoey says.
Soon, Reya Lai walks on the stage and announces, "Welcome everyone to the My Back to School Fashion Show! You'll be seeing some spectacular show clothes for young ladies from elementary to college. And now, allow my models to show you our lovely designs."
As the music begins to play, a model begins to come out and presents the outfit. The model is presenting herself in the outfit. And then another model comes out. Some of them dress like stylish students, and some also wear saris and other outfits that represent that of an Indian girl.
And then Reya says, "And now we have the last of our college and middle school line. And our new latest addition for little toddlers.
And with that, Loona and Aurora walk over.
Loona is wearing jean shorts, a grayish blue shirt, that has a white crescent moon on the chest, black and white sneakers and white socks, and has her hair in a ponytail.
Aurora has her hair down. She is wearing a purple short sleeve and a long dark purple skirt, black flat shoes. She is also wearing gold hooped earrings, with a red bindi on her forehead. She is also wearing a purple cloth headdress with pink designs.
Tilla is wearing a bright red dress with a bindi on her forehead as well. She is also wearing red shoes.
Aurora smiles as Tilla happily waves with a smile. Loona however, feels embarrassed about it. When Zoey and Topaz turn to the stage, they are shocked.
"L-Loona?!" Zoey exclaims.
"Aurora and Tilla too?!" Topaz adds, just as shocked.
Aurora and Tilla waves as Loona waves, feeling flustered. Then the two pose and show out the clothes they're wearing.
"This is very unexpected," Topaz says.
"I know, but the clothes do look nice on them," Zoey says.
The two females continue watching the girls showing along the runway and head backstage.
"Come on, let's go catch up with them," Zoey says.
With that, Zoey and Topaz rush backstage.
Soon, the assistant announces, "And now presenting Reya Lai, as she gives a speech about her design."
Soon, Reya takes the microphone as she begins to give the speech.
Unknown to them Zak has his gun out, and is ready.
He smirks, "Now that the models are out of the way, it's time for lights out."
With that, Zak fires his gun at the stage lights. Each fire, causing them to shatter and the lights turn off. That ends up catching the audience's attention. Soon, all the lights were turned off. The audience and the staff begin to panic and grow concerned as they try to keep things under control. Millie, who is hiding behind the curtains, sees the target. She aims her gun at Reya, and fires the gun. Soon, Reya falls over dead. Hearing the recent gun shot makes everyone panic even more.
Meanwhile backstage, Loona, Aurora, and Tilla are wondering what's going on.
"What happened?" Aurora asks.
"The lights turned off," Loona says.
Soon, Topaz and Zoey rush over.
"Well, Zak and Millie got the job done. Let's get out of here," Zoey says.
The girls nod and follow Zoey and Topaz away. They soon reach the exit door to where Zak and Millie are.
Zak opens the door, "Come on, let's get out of here."
Everyone runs out through the exit door and Zak closes the door. Soon, the portal to Hell opens and everyone rushes through. Once everyone is through, the portal closes.
After that...
"Well that was an unexpected job at that fashion show," Zak says.
"At least we were able to get it done," Millie says.
"Yeah. That's true," Zak says.
Zoey turns to Loona and the girls, "So girls, you mind telling us why were you three dressed and modeling on the stage."
"Well, the actual models weren't able to make it, and then Reya along with her two assistants saw us. They then decided to have us take their places. She seems to like Tilla and decided to make an additional outfit for little children and toddlers," Aurora explains.
"Sounds like you three are having a good time. Loona looks embarrassed," Topaz says.
Loona turns to Topaz, "Of course, I'm embarrassed. I've never been a model before, and my first time was embarrassing. I'm just glad I didn't fall on my face."
"That's good, but I have to admit. You look good in your outfit," Topaz says.
"I have to agree. The outfit does look good on me," Loona says.
Aurora giggles, "I agree. The clothes look really nice. Even Tilla looks cute in her clothes."
Tilla giggles.
"I have to admit, she is quite adorable in the outfit. And we do look good in them," Loona says.
"Well, I say that you three had a good time," Zoey says.
Loona and her sisters look at each other. They soon smile and say, "We sure did. It was fun."
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