Chapter 34: Masquerade Part 2

Time has passed...

Angel Dust returns to the hotel, completely worn out and lets out groans. Charlie awkwardly waves at him but is ignored. Angel drops himself on a stool next to Husks' bar as he cleans a glass cup.

"Eugh, I need a drink. The hardest you can make," Angel says.

"Hmm, You look like shit," Husk says, and begins to prepare Angel a drink.

Angel then takes a deep breath and regains his cocky smile.

He scoffs, "Pfft, Not possible. Just a long shoot, nothin' new."

Husk rolls his eyes as soon as he pours the liquor.

Angel snatches the glass and gulps down the alcohol but leaving a small portion spilled, "Eugh, I said a strong one."

"Excuse me. Didn't realize this was a 'drinking to forget' kind of night," Husk responds, and pours more alcohol.

"Oh, I forgot. You're the wise old bartender who's seen it all," Angel says, sarcastically, "Get the fuck over yourself and pour me real drink," and uses the tip of his index finger and pours the full cup of alcohol.

Then Husk says, "Look, if you've got a problem, you're not going to find the solution at the bottom of a bottle. I should know, I've been looking there a long time," as he cleans and wipes down the spilled alcohol.

Angel takes a deep breath, smooths his hair back and slips into his porn star persona.

"Oh sure, and where should I look? Hmm?" Angel says, sexily, "In your bedroom, maybe?" Husk flinches and stiffens. "Under the covers?" Angel continues as he shakes his shoulders suggestively as Husk cringes back, "Maybe we can go look together."

Husk unknowingly purrs as his eye twitches he holds up his hand, gesturing to Angel to stop, already feeling annoyed.

"Don't. Even start," Husk says, unamused.

But Angel continues, "Oh, c'mon, I bet I can make those wings flap!" and grabs one of Husk's wings, spreading it out before he wraps it around himself.

Annoyed by this, Husk pushes Angel off of him back onto the stool as the bottle of alcohol slips from his grasp and smashes onto the floorboards, spilling, "Stop! Fucking Christ!

Angel scowls at him.

"You can cut the act already, "Husk angrily says as he places both hands on the countertop, "It's never going to work on me," And rolls eyes, "So all you're doing is makin' an ass out of yourself with this fake bullshit."

Angel, now agitated and filled with rage,

Angel begins shouting, "Call me fake one more time, motherfucker! I dare you," as his pupils and freckles glow a dark neon magenta, taking the appearance of additional eyes, getting up in Husk's face.

But Husk gets close to Angel and uses index finger to poke his chest fluff, "Fake," And smiles smugly.

This makes Angel even more mad and rising, "Fuckin' asshole—!" But accidentally bumps into the bar ceiling, holding his head with his hands as he falls back off of the stool and lands on the floor, "Arrgh! God!"

Husk leans over the bar counter to stare down at him, "Ya done?"

Angel soon begins to get up as he growls angrily and starts shouting, "Ya know what? You would be fucking lucky to get a chance to fuck me!" and throws the half broken bottle of alcohol at Husk but misses as Husk stares unamused and unimpressed, "Ya know how much I'm worth? You know how many people would kill to have Angel Dust come onto them? Fuck you. Have fun being a lonely piece of shit!"

Angel then storms out of the hotel, pushing past Vaggie and Blitz

"Woah- The hell?" Vaggie yelps and turns to where Angel is running off.

Blitz calls out, "Angel, where are you going?"

"Out!" Angel shouts and slams the door.

"Yikes, what happened?" Blitz asks.

Vaggie turns to Husk, "Husk, what did you do?"

"Made him a drink," Husk answers, shrugging his shoulders.

Charlie grows worried, "Oh, no. He looks really upset."

"It's just Angel. He'll be fine," Husk says, waving off, dismissively.

"I'm not so sure," Charlie says, and grows even more worried, "I really messed up at the studio today and he got... Ugh, it was... It wasn't good, okay?"

Vaggie tucks Charlie's hair behind her ear and gives her a reassuring smile.

Vaggie turns to Husk and sarcastically says, "Gee, sounds like someone should go after him..."

Husk just stares and blinks blankly.

"Someone named 'Husk'," Vaggie adds.

"Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me," Husk responds, annoyed, "Why don't you go if you're so worried?"

"Because I'm not the one who sent him storming out," Vaggie says and approaches Husk, "You caused it. You drag him back."

But Charlie says, "No! No... Don't force him back. Just make sure he's safe. I pushed too hard earlier and... I only made things worse. Look, he'll come back when he's ready. I just don't want anything to happen to him until then."

Vaggie shoots a pointed look at Husk, who grumbles..

Then Charlie says, "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go write one hundred apology letters and a lesson planned for tomorrow about... Boundaries."

Husk rolls his eyes and slumps forward while whining like a cat.

Blitz then says, "I'll go with you Husk. To be honest, I'm very worried about Angel, especially after what Charlie told me."

"Glad you're willin' to come," Husk says, annoyed.

Sometime later, Angel enters a bar. Husk and Blitz follow behind with sirens blaring in the background.

Angel sits at the bar with a gang of shark demons, snorting drugs.

"Oh, yeah," Angel says.

Soon, Husk and Blitz enter the bar and someone bumps into Husk which makes him growl and glare in their direction briefly until he hears Angel and the gang of sharks laughing.

Angel laughs and says, "I'm so fucked up!"

Husk and Blitz sit at the bar counter, placing money down, and order a drink.

"Gimmee a whiskey..." Husk says.

"I'll have a cider," Blitz says.

Bartender places a glass down and pours some before Husk grabs the bottle.

"I meant the whole bottle, jackass," Husk says.

The bartender stares at him silently before letting him have the bottle and takes away the glass instead as Husk drinks down the bottle. Then the bartender pours Blitz a drink and passes it over to him. Blitz begins to take a drink of his beverage.

Angel laughs and says, "Haha, ya, ya, so I said 'You couldn't afford me in a million afterlives.' I got better options, right boys?"

"You got that right!" The demon says.

The gangsters laugh as Husk watches and snarls.

Blitz whispers to Husk, "Okay, I'm really starting to worry about Angel, right now."

"It's obvious he's getting drunk over this," Husk says.

Angel turns to the demon, "Hey, baby, be a doll and bring me another one? Daddy's outta juice!"

"Sure," The demon says.

The demon is seen taking his and Angel's empty glasses by the bar counter as he sits down on a stool next to Husk who glares at him in suspicion as the bartender pours the liquor in the two glasses. Just then, the shark demon reaches into his suit and takes out some bottle that has a dark purple skull shape cap on the top, and pours it into Angel's drink making the color pink.

Husk and Blitz's eyes widen as he watches and the demon gets up from the stool to return to Angel.

Realizing what the dark is up to, Husk huffs and sets his bottle of whiskey aside as he mutters, "Son of a-"

The demon returns, "Here you go, darlings. Just for you-"

Just as Angel is about to reach for the drink, Husk appears from behind the demon and grabs him by the back of his suit, lifting him off of the ground as the drinks spill.

"Woah!" The demon yelps in response.

Angel is surprised to see him.

"Nice try, fuckhead," Husk says, and throws the demon across the room, causing him to scream and land headfirst into a jukebox as up temp music plays and another demon dodges.

The rest of the gangsters take out their guns.

"Let's go," Husk says, grabbing Angel.

He then throws a stack of cards at the demons which cuts the barrels off their guns and cuts a net loose from the ceiling, immobilizing them. Then Blitz uses his ice magic to freeze the ground causing some of them to slip and fall to the ground.

Husk drags Angel, and Angel shouts, "What the? Hey! H-h-hey, hey!"

Husk drags Angel out of the bar with Blitz following from behind.

Angel angrily says, "Husk! Blitz?! What the actual fuck are you both doing here? Let go of me, Husk."

"No. I'm takin' you back to the hotel. Both of you," Husk says.

"Get off!" Angel shouts, trying to break free of his restraint.

Husk let Angel go and says, "That fucker put somethin' in your drink."

And Angel angrily says, "You don't think I can tell if someone spiked my drink? I do this all the fuckin' time!"

"You just let people drug you all the time?" Husk questions.

"You think I ask for it? I don't ask for any of this shit! I didn't ask to be this way. I didn't ask for Charlie to save me, I didn't ask for you to save me. I can handle myself," Angel angrily says.

"Really? Because I just saw someone self-destructing," Husk says, "It seems like... I don't know... you might need a bartender to talk to."

Angel then chuckles, incredulous, "Oh, so now you're going to act like you give a shit about me? You think after how you treated me, I'm gonna open up to you? Please," And walks off.

"Angel, wait!" Blitz calls out, worried.

Husk then angrily says, "Maybe I'd treat you better if you were real, and not some bullshit version of yourself, always pushin' my boundaries! Lemme tell ya, nobody in that hotel cares who you are. How famous, how hot, so you might as well just... cut the act.

Angel stops walking, eyes widening before tears form in the corner of his eyes.

He drops his persona and shouts, "It's not an act!"

Husk flinches back a bit and stares at Angel in shock. Even Blitz is shocked by his outburst.

Sobbing, Angel explains, "It's who I need to be," He crosses arms to chest, "And this..." Gestures to the redlight street, "This is my escape. Where I can forget about it all! How much I hate... everything. A place where I can get high, and not have to think about how much it hurts. And maybe... If I can ruin myself enough in the process... if I end up broken, I won't be his favorite toy anymore..."

Husk and Blitz stand there listening and blinking as Husk frowns at what Angel says. Holding his hands as his eyebrows furrowed and his ears and tail falter.

"...and maybe he'll let me go..." Angel adds and sits down on the sidewalk, curling up into a small ball with his legs close to his chest with his arms wrapped around them and his head buried into his knees.

Husk stares at Angel with sympathy and pity, then walks over and sits down on the pavement near him. Blitz decides to sit on the other side of Angel, and places her hand on his shoulder.

Husk sighs, "I was an Overlord once, you know."

Angel perks up.

"You were?" Blitz asks, shocked

"Yeah, and uh... It was nice to have that power," Husk says.

He then explains, "But when you're dealing in souls... while also being a gambler... The stakes are pretty high. And losing a few hands can be more than a little dangerous."

As he explains, it reveals that Husk begins losing the gamble, signified by the numbers of the cards counting down from 10.

As Husk continues, "So when you're down on your luck, you turn to anything to..." And soon, the card shows Alastor's figure.

"...Keep you afloat, even making deals with yourself," Husk says.

As it reveals that Alastor is holding the cards, looming over Husk to pick the card. Blitz is shocked to realize what happened, Husk ends up making a deal with Alastor, and now, Husk is owned by Alastor.

And Soon, Husk says, "So I know what it's like to... Regret the choices made... And knowin' ya can't take it back."

Blitz, Angel, and Husk sit in silence for a moment. Blitz also realized that being an Overlord also has its own danger. Then Husk begins to sing as he begins to get up.


So things look bad, and your back's against the wall

And walks past Angel as he steps in a puddle.


Your whole existence seems fuckin' hopeless

And walks behind him.


You're feelin' filthy as a dive bar bathroom stall

Husk then walks to the door as a demon walks out. He grabs an umbrella from a trash can and uses it to shield himself before the demon throws up.


Can't face the world sober and dopeless

Then Husk begins walking past the pair from behind.


You've lost your way, you think your life is wrecked

Well, let me just say you're correct

That ends up getting Angel's attention, "Wait, what?"

And Hsuk continues.


You're a loser, baby

A loser, goddamn baby

You're a fucked up little whiny bitch

"Hey!" Angel shouts, feeling offended.


You're a loser, just like me

"Thanks, asshole," Angel says, flipping his middle finger at Husk

"It's kind of harsh," Blitz responds.


You're a screw's-loose-boozer

An only one-star reviews-er

You're a power-bottom at rock bottom

But you got company

"This supposed to make me feel better?" Angel asks.


There was a time I thought no one could relate

To the gruesome ways in which I'm damaged

But lettin' walls down, it can sometimes set you straight!

Husk then uses the umbrella to burst through the window and move around the way before it explodes from the inside.

And then Husk sits next to Angel.


We're all livin' in the same shit-sandwich

Angel Dust:

I sold my soul to a psychopathic freak


Haha! And you think that makes you unique?

Get outta here, man!

Then Husk helps Angel up and begins to dance with him.


We're both losers, baby

We're losers, it's okay to be a-

Angel Dust:

Coked up, dick-suckin' hoe?


Baby, that's fine by me

Angel Dust:

I'm a loser, honey,

A schmoozer and a dummy!

But at least I know I'm not alone


You're a loser


Just like me!


I got an appetite for gamblin'

Angel Dust:

I got an appetite for samplin' every drug and sex toy I can find!


Go ahead baby, sing that song, come on!

Angel Dust:

I got no holes left to deflower


I sold my soul to save my power

Now I'm on that demon's leash


I'm trapped and it gets worse with every hour

Angel Dust:

You're a loser, baby


A loser, but just maybe if we


Eat shit together, things will end up differently!

Angel begins humming while Husk sings.


It's time to lose your self-loathin'

Excuse yourself, let hope in, baby

Play your card, be who you are


A loser, just like—

But suddenly, there is a shout, "There he is!"

Husk, Angel, and Blitz turn to see the shark demons bursting through the doors of the bark

"They're fucking singing?!" The shark demon screams, "Get 'em!"

And soon, they all begin firing at Angel, Husk, and Blitz. The three quickly find cover behind a car.

"Oh shit!" Husk says. He then turns to the others, "Stay down. I'll deal with this."

"Hehe, you're fucking dead -" The demon says.

Husk then takes action as he kills each goon with relative ease using his cards, but has trouble with one goon jumping on his back, until Angel also pulls out one of his firearms and obliterates the demon.

"Eat lead, sucka!" Angel says and fires his firearm at them.

Angel then leads Husk a hand, "I told ya. I can handle myself, baby."

Angel pulls out 5 extra guns and begins fighting the rest of the demons as Blitz uses her water magic to spray like a powerful water gun with Husk until all the shark demons are reduced to blood and guts.

"This did not go as planned-" The shark demon says before he dies.

Soon, Blitz, Angel and Husk are banged up and are covered in the goons' blood.

"Well, that was something I didn't expect to see," Husk says.

"Like I said, you don't know me," Angel says as he brushes up his hair, "Sex ain't the only thing I'm good at."

"Good to know, cause this guy ain't that bad," Husk says

"Thanks," Angel says.

Then turns to Bliz, "And you did good yourself with that water magic you got there."

"Thanks," Blitz says.

Sometime later, the three return to the hotel as they laugh together.

Angel says, "He had like 3 bills, and it took him 30 minutes to count them. His eyes are so shit!"

"Really, his eyesight was that bad?" Blitz asks.

"Yeah. At least despite you only being able to see through one eye, you can do a lot more than he can," Angel says with a grin.

"Hehe, and this is the guy you gotta take orders from?" Husk asks.

"I know! What a fucking joke, right?" Angel says.

Charlie rushes to Angel in relief and hugs him tightly, "I'm so sorry, Angel. I promise I won't ever, ever, ever, ever-"

But Angel says, "Charlie, it's fine. I get it. Thanks... for caring about me."

Soon, Charlie weeps tears of joy.

Angel picks her up, "Ehh, I think this is yours."

And gives Charlie to Vaggie.

Vaggie holds Charlie in her arms and says, "Okay missy, let's get you to bed."

Charlie still blubbers as she says, "He-he-he said he - for-forgave me!" and inaudible cries, "It's so beautiful, Vaggie..."

And soon, Vaggie carries Charlie off to bed, who is still crying in her arms.

Once they're gone, Husk says to Angel, "Hey, how about that drink?"

"You read my mind," Angel says.

Then turns to Blitz, "Hey Blitz, you wanna hang out with us?"

"Sure, if it's alright with you two?" Blitz replies.

"I don't mind. Let's grab a drink," Husk says.

Then the three head to the bar for a drink.

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