Chapter 32: Hellish Train Robbery
At the train station just outside of Imp city, there is a special event going on. It's a special train ride for demons of all ages. A Fizzarolli themed train adventure for everyone from children to adults, and there is something for every one of a different age. That is where Ash, Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla are going on, and without their parents there. Inside the train station, many of the demons of friends, family, or solo are getting ready to board the train. Blitz, Loona, Zak, and Loona are helping the kids make sure they have all their things together since they won't be back until late in the evening.
Aurora smiles and says, "I think we've got everything father."
"Maybe, but I wanted to be sure. This will be the first time you three will be going somewhere without me or Loona," Blitz says.
"I know, but you don't need to worry. Ash will be with us," Aurora says.
Ash smiles, "Yeah. You can count on me."
"Don't worry Blitz, we've been on this train for a few years. Nothing bad ever happens on the train, it's the same every year," Zak says.
Then Keenan turns to Ash, "Still, it's cool of you to invite us on the train."
"No problem, Keenan. You all are going to love Fizzarolli's Circus Express Event," Ash says.
Tilla happily makes her doll dance as she says, "Fizzy. Fizzy."
Aurora giggles, "Looks like Tilla is excited for the trip as well."
"Well what do you expect? Fizzarolli is a very popular clown, and Tilla really likes it," Zoey says.
"True, but I hope we have better Fizzarolli stuff than that robot in Loo Loo Land," Aurora says.
Zak rolls his eyes in annoyance, "Tell me about it."
Suddenly, they hear the sound of the whistle blowing.
Tilla happily says, "Whooo whooo."
"That must mean the train's here," Zak says.
The many different demons happily rush to the station and the window to see the train pulling in. They see a large locomotive with different tracks with Fizzarolli and symbols of an 'M' on it. There are also multiple train cars in a row as well.
"This is so cool," Keenan says.
"Let's go," Ash says.
"Alright kids, slow down," Zoey says, "You all have everything?"
"Yes," Aurora, Keenan, and Ash answer, each holding their backpacks.
"And you got your baby bag?" Loona asks.
Aurora holds the bag, "Got is right here."
"Then you all are ready to go," Zak says.
"Just remember to keep an eye on Tilla," Blitz says.
"We will," Keenan says.
Soon, Blitz, Zak, Zoey, and Loona help the kids get on board the train as other demons walk inside. Unknown to them, someone else also walks onto the train, but his face remains hidden with the coat and hat.
At the locomotive, the engineer shouts, "All aboard!" and blows the whistle.
Then the train begins riding on the trails for a ride around the Pride Ring of Hell, at least for a specific route for a circle around.
In one of the train cars, Ash, Aurora, and her siblings are sitting at their seats, as they wave goodbye to their families and will be seeing them in a few hours.
Tilla waves goodbye, "Bye bye, dada. Bye bye Loonie."
"Don't worry Tilla, we'll see them again in a few hours," Aurora says.
"Your sister is right, we're going to have a lot of fun," Ash asks.
Tilla smiles in response.
"So Ash, what do we do first?" Keenan asks.
"Well, there are a lot of different cars and different stuff to do on the train. So let's go explore around," Ash says.
"Good idea," Aurora says, and picks up Tilla in her arms.
Soon, the four friends begin to explore the train to see what they can do for fun. Of course, there's Fizzies, Fizzies, and more Fizzies, and a lot of animals of Hell, and other stuff.
"There are a lot of Fizzarollis," Aurora says.
Tilla giggles, "Fizzy Fizzy."
"Yeah. Fizzarolli is very famous in Hell," Ash says.
"It's kind of amazing that both our dad's are friends with him," Aurora says.
"True. Of course, your dad has trouble remembering him. As for my parents, well, I don't know much about his relationship," Ash says.
"How come?" Keenan asks.
"I'm not sure. My parents don't seem to want to talk about it. All I know is that my parents, Fizzarolli, along with dad, and a few others were in the circus together and have been good friends. The only other thing I remember was that after an incident at the circus, they all lost touch," Ash says.
"What kind of incident?" Aurora asks.
"I don't know. They don't really like to talk about it," Ash says.
"I see," Aurora says.
Suddenly, Tilla reaches out, "Fizzy. Fizzy."
The group look to see a cardboard standee of The Robotic Fizzarolli. There are some demons who are getting pictures taken with it.
"That's cool," Keenan says.
"It certainly is," Aurora says.
Then turns to Tilla, "Would you like to have your picture taken."
"Picture," Tilla says with a smile.
"Come on, let's go get the picture taken," Ash says.
Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla head to the Fizzy Standee.
Ash brings out his phone and sets the camera up to take the picture.
Once he's done, Ash says, "Say Cheese!"
"Cheese!" The three siblings say.
Ash then takes the picture.
Tilla giggles with a smile on her face.
"I'm glad to see you're having a good time even though we just started," Ash says.
Then says, "Come on, I'll show you what other stuff they got."
The four kids continue to explore around the train car. There is a small play area for children with a small playground, toys, and other games. Keenan and Tilla play at the fun center as Aurora and Ash watch and read some books at a bookshelf nearby.
After that, they explore around one of the train cars, which is like a store. They have toys, books, clothes, accessories, and a lot of other stuff that relate to Fizarolli dressed like a clown, ringmaster, and other performances, and even a lot of animals and Fizz dressed up as one.
Aurora looks at the clothes as Keenan looks at a cap. Little Tilla is also looking at some of the toys, mainly stuffed Fizzies and stuffed animals.
Ash also looks at some of the stuff as well. Of course, the group makes a few purchases, especially a couple of toys and clothes. for little Tilla. Aurora looks at some of the clothes and looks at some for Tilla. Keenan and Ash look at some of the cool stuff.
The train ride is a very fun trip for families, friends, and other demons, especially for Ash, and the Jonas siblings.
The train ride continues on as it comes to a mountain area and somewhere at the outskirts of the Pride Ring. Somewhere around the cliff area, there are cowboy dressed demons who are riding on horses. Around a dozen of these cowboys. One of them has a telescope and holds it as it has it pointed towards the Fizzarolli's Circus Express
"There's our target," One of the cowboys says.
"Yeah. the Fizzarolli's Circus Express. Easy picking," Another cowboy says.
They turn to another cowboy.
One of them says, "What do you think, boss?"
Soon, the boss cowboy says, "I say, it's a good opportunity for us to rob the place."
The cowboys cheer, and are ready to invade the train.
The leader shouts, "Let's ride!"
And with that, the cowboys ride on their horses down the cliff area and make their way towards the train.
Back on the train, there is a dining car where many demons are having snacks, lunch, or chatting among each other. Among them are Ash, Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla who are having lunch at one of the tables. Aurora giggles to see Tilla making a little mess as she eats. She brings out a napkin to wipe her lips of the cheese on her face from the macaroni and cheese.
"Seems like Tilla likes the food," Ash says.
"She sure does," Aurora says.
Ash smiles, "You're a really great sister."
"Thanks Ash. Of course, learning magic, reading, cooking, and watching my siblings are not the only things I do," Aurora says.
"Really? What's that?" Ash asks, curious.
"Well, I don't know how to explain it, but I do a few athletic sports," Aurora says, blushing.
"Really? What kind?" Ash asks, taking an interest.
Before she can answer, they hear loud thundering sounds that catch the passengers attention.
At the front, the conductor is heading the sound as well, "What's going on?"
Before he can figure it out, a large gun bang appears, and the conductor has been shot from the head. The body falls off the locomotive and falls on the ground as the train continues. Soon, a shark demon cowboy jumps on the track and takes control of the train.
He calls out, "Got control of the train boss."
A muscular Imp cowboy with a black hat says, "Good."
Then commands, "Alright boys, let's take over this train! Boys, jump into the cars!"
All the cowboys shout, "Yee haw!"
Soon, all the cowboys in the group head to the different train cars. They soon jump off their horses and onto the roof of the train. One of the cowboys landed on the train car, catching the passenger's attention.
"What's going on?" Keenan asks.
Suddenly, they hear guns firing and sounds of screaming, panicking, and crying. Soon, some of the passengers are pushed inside the dining car. Then four cowboys with guns and knives walk inside the train car. Two Imps, one Hellhound, and one Shark like demon.
One of the Imps in the dining car, who's been sitting quietly, looks up to see the cowboys.
And soon, a fifth cowboy entered the room. This demon is a large brown furred hellhound. He has red sclera and white irises. He has sharp ears, sharp teeth, and has a bushy brown and black tail. He is wearing a black jacket, black pants, a red bandana around his neck, and a black hat. He also isn't wearing a shirt, but wears black and red colored gloves.
Many of the passengers are frightened and terrified to see the demon cowboys.
The Hellhound says, "Alright everyone, I suggest you all stay right where you all if y'all don't want to be hurt. This is a stick up."
The passengers become scared and gasp in shock.
"A stick up?" Keenan questions shocked.
"These guys are train bandits," Ash says.
"Tra-Train bandits?!" Aurora says, shocked.
The lead Hellhound bandit says, "Now, then, I suggest you all hand over any personal belongings and make your way to the cabins, or you'll be finding yourselves with a head shot."
Soon, the bandits bring out bags and come to each of the passengers as they are forced to give them their money and other personal items. Aurora picks up Tilla and holds her close to her in concern. Keenan also stands by Aurora's side as Ash stands close to them, trying to protect them. Soon, one of the bandits make their way towards Ash and his group.
One of the Imps notices Aurora, "Hey, aren't you a cute little lady. And you sure got a cute little toddler."
Tilla turns away from the cowboy and tries to reach out to Aurora.
Aurora comforts Tilla, "It's okay, Tilla. Everything will be okay."
"As long as you've behaved yourself, sweet cheeks," The demon says.
Aurora becomes flustered and uneasy, "Swe-Sweet cheeks?"
He then smirks, "How about you come with me, cutie," And grabs Aurora by the arm, which catches Aurora off guard.
But suddenly, the bandit finds his face being kicked by Ash's foot. Soon enough, the bandits fall to the ground. Aurora and Tilla are shocked and Keenan snickers as he covers his mouth. However, the bandit gets up, grabs Ash by the collar of his shirt, and has him pressed against the window, and it cracks from the collision.
The bandit angrily says, "You little shit, are you trying to break my jaw?" Then has his gun point towards Ash, "Do you have any fuckin idea who you're dealing with?"
Before he can do anything, someone else grabs the bandit's wrist and pulls it with the gun away.
The Imp is revealed to be a tall male Imp, taller than Blitz, and looks like a hybrid between a shark demon and an Imp. He has black and white striped horns, but his stripes are thin, and the right side has been broken off. He also has dark carmine red skin, no hair. He has crimson red eyes, and light red rings with yellow scleras. However, it revealed that most of his skin on his left face is white, and his left eye is a prosthetic eye. Along with his left leg and right eye. Instead of an Imp tail, his tail looks like a shark tail. He is wearing a gray trench coat, a white long sleeve button up shirt with a blue neck tie. He also wears dark gray slacks, and black boots. He also wears a black fedora with a white band on his head. And the band has a red upside down pentagram with an upside down cross on it.
The imp/shark demon sternly says, "I suggest you let go of the child, or I'll be sure you'll be losing an arm."
"Oh yeah," The bandit glared.
The Imp clenches the bandit's wrist, causing him to clench his teeth.
Soon, the lead Hellhound demands, "Hey, you're messing with one of my men."
"Well, he is threatening a kid," The Imp says.
But the imp bandit says. "Only because that kid kicked me."
The leader growls in annoyance, "Just put the kid now, he ain't going to do anything," Then the leader points to the imp with the cybernetic limbs, "But you're watching over that runt and his little friends."
The Imp nods his head.
Moments later, Ash, Keenan, Aurora, Tilla, and the Imp are placed in one of the rooms in the cabin. Then the bandit closes and locks the door.
"Are you okay, Ash?" Aurora asks, worried.
Ash sits up, "I'm okay, but what about you? Are you okay?"
"I'm okay, just caught off guard," Aurora says.
Just then, the Imp says, "Well, despite what you did was stupid and reckless. You were brave for trying to defend the little lady."
"Ugh. No, it was stupid, but I couldn't just stand there and let him do something to Aurora and Tilla," Ash says.
"Still, what you did was really brave," Aurora says, and gives Ash a gentle kiss on the cheek.
Ash blushes in response.
Keenan asks, feeling uneasy, "Hey guys, how are we going to get out?"
"I don't know," Ash says. Then sighed, "Unfortunately we're stuck on this train, and I don't think they'll let us leave so easily."
"That's true. However, you're not just going to beat them with brute force," The imp says.
"How so?" Keenan asks.
"I heard of these guys. They're well known train bandits that steal everything in sight and leave the passengers for dead," The imp says.
Tilla and Aurora grow scared.
"Then that means we have no hope of escaping," Aurora says, worried.
"We can't just sit here and do things," Keenan says.
"I think you're right, Keenan. As long as we're stuck in this train, those bandits will rob everyone blind and who knows what else. The sake of our lives and everyone is at steak," Ash says.
"I think you're right, Ash. We need to do something," Aurora says.
The Imp says, "Sounds like you all want to teach those creeps a lesson."
"Do you think you can help us?" Aurora asks.
The Imp thinks a bit, "I think I can help you kids. I might have an idea on how we can beat those guys off guard."
Everyone gathers together and the Imp whispers to each other.
Blitz and Loona are with Zak and Zoey at their home as they wait for the train to return to the station in a few hours.
"Do you think the kids are having a good time?" Blitz asks.
"Yeah. We don't leave the kids on their own very much," Loona says.
"Well, I wouldn't worry too much," Zoey says, "We've been going to the event for years and it's always a fun event and we haven't had any trouble."
"Yeah. We always have fun on the train. There are games, play areas, reading rooms, napping cars, and more," Zak says.
"It's nice to know that the kids are going to have fun, but I'm worried about what trouble we could get into," Blitz says.
"Come on, Blitz. What kind of trouble could those kids get into?" Zak responds.
Suddenly, the news appears on the television.
Katie Killjoy says, "Good afternoon, I'm Katie Killjoy."
"And I'm..." Tom says.
But Katie shoves him, "No one cares. Breaking News, Tran Bandits have invaded the Fizzarolli's Circus Express today. So far, they have taken the entire train hostage with the passengers inside.
Zak groans in frustration, "I just have to jinx it, did I."
"Who cares?! The kids could be in terrible danger," Blitz says.
"We should get to the train station fast," Zoey says.
And with that, the adults head off to the train station to check on the situation.
Back on the train...
The group begins their work on how to escape. The Imp uses his mechanical arm to break the knob, and uses the tools in them to make it open. Soon, the imp opens it.
"That's cool," Ash says.
"Thanks," The imp says and shows his arms, "It comes in handy."
He then says, "Come on, let's go find the front of the train."
The group then begins to walk along the train cars as they secretly sneak down to see none of the goons around. The group continues sneaking down the train car and reaches the door.
The Imp then looks through the window to see the car is empty.
"Looks like we're in the clear," The Imp says.
The imp opens the door and the group begins to sneak into the car, but unknown to them, the rest of the bandits begin to arrive from the other side. The group flinches and turns to see the gang.
"They escaped!" The bandit says.
"Let's get out of here!"
Soon, everyone begins running down the train cars and into a different car to get away. Some of the demons have their guns out and begin firing.
"Duck!" The Imp calls out.
Everyone ducks down as bullets fly and hit the wall.
"We need to get to the front of the car, and fast," Ash says.
Everyone continues running away from bandits. They continue running through the train cars, but the bandits aren't far behind. Suddenly, Aurora falls to the ground.
"Aurora!" Ash cries out.
Aurora stands up, "It's okay. I'm able to defend myself."
"But Aurora..." Ash calls out in concern.
Aurora smiles as the bandits approach her and has her eyes turn to see the sword decoration on the box that is supposed to be like an iron maiden or something.
"Don't worry, I've got everything handled," Aurora says.
And then one of the goons begins to bring his dagger and have it dive down towards Aurora.
Ash cries out, "AURORA!"
And then a shocking revelation occurs, Aurora ends up stabbing one of the goons in the stomach with a saber sword. Ash and even the mysterious Imp and the bandits are shocked to see Aurora being able to stab him so easily.
Ash is shocked, "Aurora?"
Aurora then pulls the sword out and begins to kill the goons with the sword. She performs the sword fighting skills very well and she is also very light on her feet. She stabs slashes, and even brings out another saber to kill the goons. Aurora then uses her fire magic on them, and soon, many of the goons before her have been slaughtered.
Still on the ground, Ash is stunned, and yet very astonished to see Aurora sword fighting skills with dance combat. Unknown to him, there is another goon behind him, but Aurora stabs them all through the bandit's head.
Aurora looks down towards Ash to ask, "Are... are you all okay?"
"I uh, yeah..." Ash answers and blushes a bit, "We're all okay."
"That was really cool, Aurora," Keenan says, amazed.
"Thank you. However, I feel awful that I have to use this skill to kill. I never want to use my skills for this, but I don't have too much choice at this point," Aurora says, full of remorse and tears fall down her face. "However, I have to remember that this is Hell, so you don't really have much of a choice when having to kill."
Then removes the sword from the goon's head and they fall dead on the floor. Then turns around to see the rest of the goons who arrived with weapons, and they are not happy to see a girl of her age taking down their strong men.
Aurora says, "My father has done so much for our family and even when we started living in this world. And now, it is my turn to help protect my family," Then she positioned herself with the two swords to fight, "I Aurora Ariel Jonas, will protect my family!"
And with that, Aurora uses both her dancing and sword fighting skills to fight off and defeat the goons to their death, even resorting to using her magic to end them. Ash and the others watch as Aurora eliminates the threat.
"Woah, Aurora is so awesome," Ash says, astonished.
"Yeah. Aurora is really great with the sword," Keenan says.
Tilla says, "Aura great."
The Imp chuckles, "She sure is. Didn't know she had it with her."
"Yeah. We have an older sister who is also good at fighting, but when it comes to swordsmanship, Aurora is the best," Keenan says.
"Since when Aurora knows how to use a sword?" Ash asks, still shocked and amazed.
"Easy, our mother and her teacher taught her. Aurora is very skilled when it comes to using the sword, but the only other person who is stronger with the sword is my mom," Keenan explains.
Ash says in surprise, "Oh I believe it."
"Sure is. She sure is slaughtering them," The Imp says.
The group continues watching as Aurora uses her two swords to kill the demons and then uses her powerful magic to burn them into ashes or freeze them in ice before shattering them. In the matter of time, all the goons are now on the floor, dead. Aurora stands holding the sword and breathes heavily. Once she's done, Aurora places the swords down and rushes towards the others.
"Are you all okay?" Aurora asks.
"We're fine," Keenan answers.
Tilla nods her head in response.
"Yep," The Imp says.
Aurora wipes the tears on her face, "I'm sorry you have to see me like this. Usually, I'm very lady-like, but it feels like I've become a different person when I get like this.
Ash smiles, "Still, you're amazing."
Aurora blushes and says, "Thank you."
Then kneels down to Ash and the two look at each other.
"Hey, what the fuck is going on in here?" Someone shouts.
Soon, the leader of the gang barges in, "I can hear a lot of yelling and..."
However, he finds that all his goons from the gang are dead and the Imp and children are still standing.
"What the...?" The leader reacted shocked.
Before he can process, the Imp then picks up one of the swords, throws it, and it pierces the leader's head. The leader soon falls over to the ground, and dies instantly.
The imp sighs, "Well, looks like the leader is taken care of."
"Well now that all the bandits are finished, what do we do now?" Keenan asks.
"We stop this train and head back to Imp City Station," The Imp says.
The Imp then leaves the car as he says, "You all head back to the car and get some rest. You've earned it, especially the wizard's kid there."
"Thanks," Ash says.
Soon, the Imp leaves the car and closes the door.
Ash helps Aurora up, "Here, let me help you up," and holds her bridal style.
"Thank you, Ash," Aurora says, blushing.
Keenan picks up Tilla and follows Ash.
As they head back to the train car, Ash says, "Still, you were very amazing, and surprisingly very graceful. It's like you were dancing."
"Thank you. I've done ballet as well, and most of my dance steps come from my fencing," Aurora says.
"I can tell. Of course, both our parents are going to freak out when they discover what you did," Ash says.
"I do have to agree. My father won't like this one bit," Aurora says.
"Well, you don't have much of a choice. Besides, he'll be glad to know that all those fencing lessons come in handy," Ash says.
Aurora giggles, "Thank you, Ash."
At the locomotive on the front of the train...
The imp reaches the front to see the last bandit. Before the bandit has a chance to notice what's going on, the Imp grabs him, beats him up, and throws the bandit off the train in a matter of minutes.
The imp then says, "Alright, time to turn this train around and get everyone back home..."
And with that, the imp works on getting the train back on course and back to the city's train station.
Time has passed...
After a long train ride, the Fizzarolli Circus Express arrives back at the train station. Once arriving, the Imp is able to have the train come to a complete stop. The imp then has the doors open so the passengers are able to get out. Despite what happened, some of them ended up having a good time, but most of them are still scared and upset about having their trip ruined by the robbers.
The last ones to get out are Ash, Aurora, Keena, and Tilla, who is fast asleep in Aurora's arms.
Ash sighs in relief, "I'm glad that trip is over."
"Yes. I did have fun on the train, but I don't think I want to go back on one for a while," Aurora says.
"Or see any more bandits," Keenan says.
The Imp walks over, "So you kids doing okay?"
"We're fine," Ash says.
"Yes. We're all okay," Aurora says.
Keenan smiles, "But you really helped us a lot."
"Maybe, but you all were able to handle yourselves in a tough spot," The Imp says.
He then asks, "What will you kids do now?"
"We should wait for our parents. They might have heard about what happened," Aurora says.
"Well, it's best I take my leave. But glad to be able to help Blitzo's kids, and Zak and Zoey's son out," The Imp says.
That catches the group by surprise.
"You know our parents?" Keenan asks.
"That's right. I've known your parents for a very long time ago. However, I must take my leave. I got other work to do," The Imp says, and begins to take his leave.
"But can you tell us who you are?"Aurora asks.
The Imp stops and turns to the kids with a calm smile, "Clay. The name is Clay Andrews. It's a pleasure to meet you kids. Stay safe," And the Imp, Clay, takes his leave with a calm smile on his face.
The kids watch Clay take his leave.
Suddenly, they hear Zoeu's voice, "Ash!"
The group turns to see Zak, Zoey, and Blitz.
"Mom! Dad!" Ash calls out.
"Dad!" Keenan and Aurora call out.
The kids then run to their parents and happily embrace them.
"I'm so glad you're alright," Zoey says.
"Don't worry, mom. I'm okay," Ash says.
Blitz hugs his children and asks, "Are you all okay?"
"We're okay, dad," Aurora says.
"And Aurora was so cool in fighting and slashing those bandits dad," Keenan says.
"Really now?" Blitz asks, looking a bit surprised.
Aurora sheepishly says, "Yes. I kind of didn't have much choice, but to use my skills."
"Well, it's good to know that your mother and teacher's teaching came in handy," Blitz says.
"But we actually got some help, dad," Ash says.
"Really?" Zak questions.
"Yes. He helped us stop the bandits and get the train back here," Aurora says.
"Where is he now?" Blitz asks.
"He left not long ago, but he seems to know you and Ash's parents," Keenan asks.
"Really?" Blitz asks.
Aurora nods, "Yes. He said his name is Clay Andrews."
This comes as a shock to Zak and Zoey.
"Clay Andrews?" Zak says, shocked.
Zoey turns to Zak, "It can't be?"
"Yes. He said that he knows we're your kids," Aurora says.
"Clay... Clay," Blitz thinking a bit. He then remembers, "Clayton Andrews... I think his real name is Clayton..."
Zak is surprised, "You remembered."
"Well then, it seems you all have an eventful day," Zoey says.
"Yeah. After this, I don't think I want to go on a train again," Ash says.
Blitz then says, "Come, it's time we all head back home."
The families soon begin to take their leave and are heading back home. Unknown to them, Clay Andrews watches the family take their leave. He then smiles and takes his leave.
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