Chapter 28: Spring Broken Part 1
One day on the road of Imp City, the I.M.P Van is driving back to the company. In the driver seat is Zak, who decides to have the radio cranked to full blast. Soon, loud metal rock music is being played on the radio.
"I love this song!" Zak shouts, with excitement, and begins to sing along with the radio.
Zak and the Radio:
You were the spicy little-
Demon with the-
bleach blonde hair!
Zoey looks pretty annoyed with Zak having the radio cranked up, and Ash actually likes having the music loud and is rocking it out with his dad.
Zak and the Radio:
Fiendin' for that semen when I caught your stare...
At the back seats, Millie rolls down the window to look at the view as Blitz, Wesley, Moxxie, Loona, Keenan, and Topas are covering their ears from the loud music. Tilla doesn't mind at all, mainly because of her nap. She can be a sound sleeper. Zak continues to drive the van into the parking lot and into their parking spot.
Zak and the Radio:
Thought it might be love, but you went-
Before Zak can park the van, a fast pink car zips into the parking lot with two demons inside.
"Zak, look out!" Zoey cries out.
Zak sees the car and panics, "Holy shit, fu-"
Zak quickly turns the wheel and slams onto the breaks and the van skids to a stop. The car that's taken the parking spot is a pink car and notices the license plate reads, 'SUCKS-4-LIFE.' In the car, it causes quite the whip lash. Soon, the radio is turned off.
Zoey asks, quickly asks, "Is everyone okay?"
"We're fine," Loona says.
Everyone answers that they're okay and in one piece.
"Good!" Zoey says.
Zak however is angry, "Oh, you Suck-4-Life, do ya?!" He then brings out his megaphone, and screams through it, "Listen up, you unoriginal pink cum dump! You have three goddamn seconds to get your tampon race car out of my parking spot..."
Coming out of the pink car is a rather tall female succubus demon with an enticing, curvaceous build. She has pink skin with black tipped horns, the left one is taller than the right, and a barbed tail with a black end along with two black stars on the side of her horns, and a black heart under her right eye, and white long hair with pink streaks to match the pink fur coat she's wearing. She is also wearing a small white and black dress with an X and O design on the chest, and a star design on the abdomen, and long black thigh highs with black high heels that have a heart motif and three X-shaped cutouts down the sides. She is also wearing a pair of round shades with pink hearts on the lenses.
The Succubus firmly stares at the demon shouting at her.
Wesley sticks his head out of the window, "Zak, how about we do it without the megaphone, especially when Aurora and Keenan are still hearing."
"What? The bitch deserves it," Zak says.
Wesley turns to see the demon who has taken the I.M.P parking lot.
His eyes wide shock in disbelief, "Sh-shit! Verosika!"
The succubus demon blows bubble gum and says with a smirk on her face, "Hi Welsey. Didn't expect to see you here."
Wesley then opens the door and climbs out the van, "I can say the same about you. Last I remember your fat ass was in rehab. And I can see that you're still a drunken whore, clutching onto that beelze juice bottle like it's the last cock in Hell!"
Verosika flips her hair dramatically, "They let me out because I'm still famous, and rehab is for sad, loser wash-ups."
Then takes a drink from her bottle.
Then Verosika says, "So, I heard you got a new girlfriend."
"Yeah. What of it?" Wesley questions, arching his eyebrow.
"Not much. I just wonder who would be desperate enough to go out with you," Verosika says.
"Forget about that. What I want to know is why are you parking here of all places?!" Wesley questions sternly, " This happens to be the I.M.P company van's parking lot. So I suggest you take your tampon race car somewhere else."
Verosika kneels down a bit and says, "Actually, sharky, it has my name on it."
Verosika points down to see her name is written in purple spray paint, but is also crossing the I.M.P sign on the ground. Wesley crosses his arms with a deep frown on his face.
Verosika says, "I'm doing a bit of freelance for one of the infinitely more successful companies in the building."
Back in the van, the group watches the two talking, well, more like the two are having an argument.
"No way..." Ash says, shocked.
"That's Verosika Mayday!" Zak says, shocked.
The group continues to listen to the conversation, Verosika continues, "And they wanted to have me come in this week to lead their team during spring break."
"I guess that makes sense, but can't you just park somewhere else," Wesley says, "This is the I.M.P Parking spot that we're assigned to. This isn't a free parking lot. There are other parking spots besides here."
"Aww, don't be like that Wes. It's only one little week. It wouldn't kill your company to go to a different parking lot," Verosika says in a lustful tone and removes her sunglasses.
Wesley groans, "Please, like that lustful charm of yours is going to work on me now."
"Well it's too bad, we're staying for a week, whether you like it or not. Shark bait," Verosika says.
She then flips him off and walks off with the Hellhound. Loona, Aurora, and Keenan are curious to see the popstar walking off, and Wesley going after her.
"Hold on Verosika! You better move your car right now or my boss is gonna..." Wesley angrily says.
Suddenly, Loona becomes surprised to see someone walking towards Welsey. Before Wesley can finish, he looks up to see a large Hellhound behind him, growling with anger. The Hellhound is male with a monotone gray color scheme fur, and it's rather darker. He has the same eye colors as Loona. He's muscular and has a scar on his left eye with slightly tattered ears. He has a black fur pattern on his left arm, and a wolf shaped head. He wears a ripped jacket with glowing red spikes, a black undershirt, and ripped pants.
The hellhound growls and asks, "Your boss will what?"
Wesley glances at the two and stammers in fear, "Or he'll... um..."
Then Zak cuts in and says, "Or I will be calling HR."
Soon the four awkwardly laugh, and soon come to a stop.
Then Verosika says, "Anyway, meet my new Hellhound, Vortex. He's a little bit like you, he does his job well. Only a little bit."
Then the two begin to walk away.
Verosika flips off and gives him the middle finger, "Ta ta, shark bait."
Wesley groans and pinches the bridge between his eyes, "Can't believe I have to be in the same building with her for an entire week."
"You know Verosika Mayday?!" Zoey asks, shocked.
However, Wesley isn't paying attention to her.
Topas walks out and Welsey comes up.
In concern, Topaz asks, "Wes, are you alright?"
"Not really," Wesley answers and lets out a sigh.
Zak then comes out and says, "I must admit, Wesley, I've never seen you this upset before."
"You'd be upset too when you have to be in the same building as your ex-girlfriend," Wesley says, frustrated.
"Ex-girlfriend?" Topaz questions. And quickly realizes, "Wait, she the ex you told me that one time? The Verosika Mayday?"
Wesley sighs and confesses, "Yeah Topaz, Verosika Mayday was my girlfriend. We dated."
"Really? You two dated?" Blitz asks.
"Was it before or after she became a pop star?" Millie asks.
Then Moxxie says in shock, "You dated a pop star?!"
"I can't believe you never told us this," Zak says.
"I must admit, this is certainly a surprise," Loona says.
Wesley sighs, "I get it, it's a big shock that someone like me dated a popstar."
"Well duh, it's Verosika Mayday?" Zoey says.
"We're just... surprised..." Millie says.
"Yeah. You never strike me as the guy to date a celebrity," Moxxie says.
"I know. It's weird that someone like me could date a popstar like her, but that's all the past," Wesley says.
And soon, Topaz wraps her arms around him, "That's right, guys."
And then gives Welsey a passionate kiss on the lips, and Wesley returns it.
After the kiss, Topaz then says, "And that's because he's dating me now."
"We don't mean anything like that. We're just surprised," Zak says, "You don't need to make this into a way bigger deal than it needs to be. I don't pry into your personal lives."
The others disagree.
Moxxie shouts, "You do that to tease us, sir!"
"Come on, you kinda do that," Millie says.
"You liar!" Wesley and Topaz shout.
"You actually do, hon," Zoey says.
Even Ash nods in response.
"You actually do, Zak. You even sneak in during Tilla's nap time one time," Blitz says.
"I remember. Alastor caught you a second time the minute you tried to sneak in," Loona says.
Zak rolls his eyes, "I was trying to visit Blitz to check to see how he's doing. I don't want to meet Freaky Face."
"Zak, I understand you're worried about me, but that doesn't mean you should do things that get you into trouble," Blitz says.
Aurora and Keenan nod their heads in agreement.
Millie mischievously grins with her eyelids lowering as she asks, "What was sex with her like?
"Millie!" Moxxie quickly covers Tilla's ears with his hands and does the same with Keenan's, but with his tail.
"What?! It's a pop star! You'd wanna know what sex with Michael Crawford was like," Millie says.
Moxxie is about to say, removing his hands from Tilla's head, but ends up answering, "Touché."
And removes his tail from Keenan's head.
"Alright, let's just drop this," Zak says. He then tosses the keys to Millie, "Millie, find a temporary spot for that truck."
Millie gleefully catches the keys before running off.
Then Zak says to the others, "Come on everyone, let's go handle this mess."
Moments later, the group steps out of the elevator and Loona is looking nervous.
"You think they saw me?" Loona asks, nervously, "Fuck! I did my makeup shitty today."
"I think you look fine, sis," Aurora says,
"I agree. You're still beautiful. You look perfect," Blitz says.
"Dad, don't say it like that. It's embarrassing," Loona says.
"Sorry Loona," Blitz says.
Loona then checks her makeup with her compact mirror until she bumps into someone.
Loona looks surprised to see Vortex, "Oh. Whoa."
Then Vortex glances down at her, causing Loona to blush and wags her tail.
Topaz and Wesley look to see Loona blushing a bit. And can understand what's happening. Loona has a crush on Vortex.
"Hey uh, Vortex right? Where is your employer?" Wesley questions.
"She's in her office. There wasn't room on the second floor so they rented one here on this one. It's cheaper," Vortex answers.
The group looks and it turns out, Verosika has the office across the hall from the I.M.P office. It's decorated with pink lights and the door has V.M on the glass.
"Come on!" Wesley mutters frustrated.
Vortex scoffs it off and says, "Sorry, man." Then walks away.
Wesley sighs and says, "This day just keeps getting better," and it's more sarcastic.
Then Moxxie says to Zak "Sir, how about you let me go in and try to reason with her? I don't really listen to what's classified as 'pop genre' music, so her status to me is name recognition alone..."
Zak, Zoey, and Ash roll their eyes in response.
"In my opinion, her music is a bit derivative of-" Moxxie continues.
Then Zak interrupts, "Moxxie, can you stop. We get the idea."
"But still, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go there with Verosika and her crew. They are Succubi and Incubi, so they'll try to have sex and play around with you the first chance they get. Besides, she is quite a stubborn lady so she won't give in so easily," Wesley says.
"I think I'll be fine, Wesley. You don't need to worry," Moxxie says, and takes his leave to talk to Verosika.
"Good luck trying to convince them. We'll be in the office," Zak says and walks to the office.
Everyone else begins to follow soon after.
Meanwhile, Moxxie pushes the door open and goes inside Verosika's place of business.
Moxxie walks to Verosika and says, "Hello Miss Verosika, was it? I work for I.M.P and it is actually rather important for us to retain the singular parking space we were assigned because-"
One of the female Succubus, Coco says, "Aw, look at the little one. He's got a wittle bow tie."
Then the group begins to laugh.
"Please don't condescend me, ma'am. I—" Moxxie says.
Then another one, Josh says, "Want a kissy, little guy?"
"A... kind offer, but... I'm married," Moxxie nervously says.
Just then, the gang of demons begins to surround the short Imp.
Then Verosika says, "Hey, why don't you send a little message from me back to your limp-dick boss?"
The demons' silhouettes show off their fangs over Moxxie and sexually assault him.
Moxxie panics, "Don't touch thaaaaat!"
Moxxie is able to race out of the office and closes the door. Panting with his back against the door and his face is covered with lipstick kisses. He then walks back into the I.M.P office, forgetting to close the door behind him. Soon, Moxxie opens the door to the meeting room, much to everyone's shock and confusion.
"Yikes, are you okay, Moxxie?" Topaz asks.
"What happened to you?" Zak asks.
"Verosika and her crew, that's what happened. I... I gotta go lie down... now," Moxxie says, and then falls face-first on the ground.
Wesley groans, "I knew this would happen."
Soon, Millie walks in, "Hey guys, sorry it took a while, but I found the parking spot..." but notices Moxxie, "Moxxie?!"
Millie quickly kneels down to her husband, "Are you okay, Moxxie?"
Then turns to the others, "What happened?"
"It's Verosika and her stupid crew members," Wesley says, frustrated.
"Huh?" Millie questions.
Zak sighs, "Moxxie tried to reason with Verosika, but things didn't end well."
"That bitch!" Millie angrily says.
"Calm down, Millie. Moxxie is okay, but will need some rest," Topaz says.
"Still, I guess the only option is to allow Verosika to use the parking space for the week," Aurora says.
"I don't see any other choice we have," Loona says.
"Loona's right. There isn't much we can do about it," Ash says.
"Well, a week won't be so bad. All we need to do is ignore her and things will be fine," Loona says.
"She does have a point," Topaz says.
"Yeah. You're right. All we can do is focus on our job and nothing more," Wesley says.
"Great. I say let's focus on that," Zak says.
Then mutters, "Even though I still think we should prank her."
"Please don't, Zak. We don't want to get in trouble with a popstar or with her bodyguard," Blitz says.
"Yeah yeah," Zak says, annoyed.
Millie looks around, "Uh Blitz, where's Tilla and Keenan?"
Blitz looks around, "I don't know. They must have wandered off somewhere," Then leaves the meeting room, "I better go find them."
"I'll help you, Blitz," Wesley says.
"Yeah. I'll give you a hand," Zak says.
Blitz, Wesley and Zak leave the meeting room.
Blitz calls out, "Tilla."
"Keenan," Zak says.
"Where did they go?" Wesley asks.
Zak soon notices the window, "Uh guys, how long was that door open?"
The three turn to notice the office door is open.
"Shit, Moxxie must have left the door open when he stumbled in here, and the kids must have gone out," Zak says.
Blitz rushes out of the office and calls out, "Tilla! Keenan! Where are you?!"
Wesley and Zak rush out as well. So far, all they see is an empty hallway.
"They couldn't have gone that far," Zak says.
"Where can they be?" Wesley asks.
Suddenly, the group begins to hear giggling sounds and laughter coming from the office across the I.M.P office. Then they comment saying, "Cuties." "Adorable." and other cute comments. They also hear children's laughter.
Zak turns to the others, "You don't think...?"
The three soon rush to Verosika's office to see Verosika and her little crew are practically smothering baby Tilla and young Keenan with kisses, tickles, and other little kid affections. Keenana tries to break free, but one of them has a strong grip of his arms around Keenan's waist. Both of them actually have lipstick marks on their faces.
"Hey, what are you doing, Verosika?!" Wesley questions with anger.
Verosika and the others stop fussing and turn to see the three demons walking in.
"Well well, hello Wesley. What brings you here?" Verosika questions, "As you can see, we're having a little fun with these cuties here."
"That's why we're here!" Wesley says, trying to remain calm, but is upset with her.
Blitz steps forwards, "I'm sorry about barging in, but you appear to have my children in your possession."
Tilla sees Blitz and happily waves, "Hi da da."
"Dad, get these guys to let us go!" Keenan shouts, "They keep tickling and kissing us."
"I can see that," Blitz says with a sheepish smile.
Curious, Verosika asks, "These are your kids? My aren't they sweet little ones."
"Yeah. Those are my children," Blitz says, "Can I have them back now?"
"Of course," Verosika says.
The group then places the children down. Keenan picks up Tilla and walks to Blitz.
Blitz kneels down, "Are you both okay? You know better than to wander off."
"Sorry dad. Tilla walked out of the office and I followed to get her back. But then, these guys showed up and started fussing over us," Keenan says.
"Well what matters is that you're okay," Blitz says.
"Now that problem is settled," Zak says. And then glares at Verosika, "Are you going to give us the parking spot back."
"You're still on that?" Verosika questions.
"Yes, we're still on that. And let's not forget that stunt you did on Moxxie," Wesley angrily says.
"Oh, you mean the little Imp from earlier?" Coco questions.
"Listen bitch, you got ten seconds to take your car off the parking lot we were assigned to, or I'll let Zak make your car completely unrideable," Wesley angrily says.
The succubus, Kiki thinks and says, "Mmmm. Is this Shark boy threatening us?"
Verosika chuckles and says, "I think he is." and then an idea comes to her, "How about this, why not have ourselves a little Demon Duel. Your company, versus ours."
"Like what? A bet?" Wesley questions.
"That's one way to look at it," Verosika says.
"What kind of bet are you doing?" Zak asks, confused.
"Well, as you all know, every year during Spring Break my team and I go up to the living world for easy picking among the humans. Meanwhile your company does a lot of killing which is also perfect because humans do a lot of crime and all that. So then, the bet is that we try to fuck as many humans as we can, while you off as many humans as possible. If you off more humans than we do, you get your parking space back," Verosika explains.
"Okay then, and what happens if you win?" Zak questions, arching an eyebrow.
Verosika then walks to Blitz and his kids, "Well, my crew and I will get to have fun with these cuties for a week. Giving them kisses, dressing up, and tickling them. As for the father, we can have some adult-like fun. For an entire week,"
Blitz blushes and is shocked, "Wha-what?!"
"You want Blitz and his kids for a week?!" Wesley asks in shock.
"You can't be serious?!" Zak asks, just as shocked.
"Oh, I'm serious," Verosika says, and places her hand on Blitz's shoulder, "I'm sure we can find some use for him for a week, especially on the kind of fun we can have with that unique face."
Blitz turns to Verosika, "I don't know. I mean, I still have my children to worry about..."
"Don't worry, we won't bite, Blitz Jonas, was it," Verosika says.
Blitz is shocked to hear it, "Wait, you know my name?"
"Of course I do. You've become quite the topic, especially seeing your magic tricks. I wonder if you can perform other ways than your magic," Verosika says, giving off a lustful tone.
"I don't know about that," Blitz says.
Then Versoika turns to Wesley and asks, "So what do you say, is it a deal?"
Wesley clenches his fists and says, "Game on... bitch."
Later in I.M.P HQ, everyone gathers in the meeting room for a meeting on how they can win the bet against Verosika and the Succubi.
Zak soon begins the plan, "Alright guys, I'm going to be in charge of this situation. Verosika had us making a bet with her. If we win we get the parking spot back. If we lose, Blitz and the kids are going to be stuck with her and the succu-bitches for a week."
"I can't believe Blitz and his kids got betted by this," Topaz says.
"Neither can I," Zoey says, and groans as she places her hand on her face.
Wesley groans, "Believe me, we don't have much of a choice. Maybe Zak should have blown her car."
"Well now we have this to deal with. Anyway, I've got a plan," Zak says.
And then explains the plan, "First, we find a fuck ton of clients... We portal up... We have our fun murder time as per usual... We pile all the bodies into a big fucking canoe... We push said canoe into some water! We light it on fire to attract the sharks and eagles and shit, maybe a goose, too! Fuck it... They come and eat the bodies, we win the bet... We rub it in that sloppy bitch's drunken whore ass face... Do you have... any questions?"
Moxxie raises his hand and says, "Uh, yeah. Why was that nonsense?"
Zak walks to Moxxie, "That wasn't a question."
"That wasn't a plan," Moxxie says.
Then Zak says, "I'm sorry, but that was a flawless presentation of what we should do, Mox. It's not my fault you've got a smooth little brain upstairs."
"A what now?" Moxxie says, confused.
"I'm calling you slow, Moxxie. God, why don't you learn to take criticism, you talentless baby dick troll?" Zak says and points at Moxxie's chest a few times.
In anger, Moxxie stands on the table, "Well why don't you take an art class?"
"Why don't you see how EXPENSIVE THEY ARE?!" Zak angrily says, grabs Moxxie and throws him on the chair.
"Uh no offense Zak, there are a few flaws with this plan of yours," Blitz says.
"What do you mean?" Zak asks, confused.
"Well for one, where do you expect to find a canoe for that plan," Wesley says.
"And not all animals are attracted to human corpses, especially when they're on fire," Topaz adds.
"And we're dealing with a bunch of Succubi and Incubi so this will not be easy," Zoey adds.
"True, but we have an advantage too. After all, we all can change into humans to blend in more," Zak says.
"Change into humans?" Keenan says, confused.
"Do you guys change into humans too?" Aurora asks.
"Yeah. Demons who have business up on Earth can change into humans so they can blend in more. We use a spell in Stolas' book to give us human disguises for our work. That's also how we got to Earth as well," Zak says.
"I remember Stolas telling us about it as well. Even the fact that Asmodean Crystals have the same powers for some demons to use," Blitz says.
"Glad Stolas gave you the intel on it," Zak says.
"Thanks. Although, using the book, and crystal is different for me when I do my metamorphosis spell," Blitz says.
"A what?" Millie questions.
"A metamorphosis spell or a transformation spell. It's a spell wizards, sorcerers and even mages use on others or on themselves. It allows them to change their forms at will," Blitz says.
"Can you do that spell?" Zoey.
"Well yeah. I don't use that spell a lot, but Selene taught me the spell so I can change my form or change other objects' forms when I find myself in danger. It's pretty useful. I actually used it when Stolas and Octavia took us on the cruise in the human world," Blitz says.
"Oh yeah. I remember. Stolas told us you almost got uh, you know, by some insane Octopus Incubus demon or something," Wesley says.
"I remember, it wasn't fun being kidnapped," Blitz says. And then mutters, "And almost being raped."
He then says, "Still those that can use magic can perform the transformation spell. It's a rather difficult spell to use."
"Can you show us?" Ash asks, curiously.
"Sure," Blitz says.
Blitz stands up, conjures his magic, and uses it to change into his human form like the one from the cruise.
Everyone applauds, impressed by the magical display.
"That's the coolest," Ash says.
"That's amazing," Topaz says.
"I have to admit. That's very impressive," Moxxie says
"Thanks," Blitz says. "Of course, I need to help Keenan with his disguise. Same with Tilla."
"What about Aurora and Loona?" Millie asks.
"Well, Stolas and Octavia taught Loona the spell when we were at his place. As for Aurora, she doesn't need to worry about
"How so?" Zak asks.
"Well, Celestians can retract their wings and make their halo invisible. I've already learned how to do it since I was little." Aurora says.
"Great," Zak says, "As for the plan, Zoey and Topaz can lure the victims to us, and we'll take care of the rest. As for Blitz, you can spend some time with family at the beach. I think you'll like it."
"Um thank you," Blitz says.
"Flawless logic," Millie says.
But Moxxie says, "I think you're missing the biggest issue, sir. Isn't it crucial to have a client who demands enough kills to win this bet? We aren't just going up to massacre."
"I got that covered, Mox," Zak says, having an idea in mind.
Outside in front of the office, Zak has put a flier on a telephone pole reading 'Spring Break Victims, 50% Off!" And with a few drawings, including himself.
Zak walks to Moxxie and says, "Now, we wait."
"Sir, there is no way we are going to get enough clients by the end of the day with one poorly spelled bad grammar flier!" Moxxie says, disapproving the idea.
Moxxie and Zak turn their heads to see demons lining up looking at the flier.
Zak elbows Moxxie with a smug face and walks towards the demons, "Now, who's first?"
Loona, Aurora, Keenan, and Ash, and even Tilla laugh in response.
Blitz rolls his eyes with a smile, "Something tells me this is going to be very eventful today."
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