Chapter 27: Hazbin Day Care
One afternoon in the Hazbin Hotel...
Blitz is sitting on the lounge couch, reading a newspaper as he watches Tilla playing with Keenan, KeeKee, Fat Nuggets, Sophie, and the Egg Bois. Blitz giggles to see Tilla happy and playing together with her brothers and little friends. He looks at the other side to see Charlie looking at her 10 foot long list. She seems to be thinking and struggling with it.
Charlie says to herself, "No that won't work... that won't work either... no... not that one... no no no..." She then groans in frustration, "Ugh!"
Soon, Vaggie walks into the scene to see Charlie frustrated, "What's wrong, Charlie?"
"I'm having trouble deciding what activity to do for today. There are some that won't work, and some we've already done," Charlie says.
"I'm sure you'll think of something," Vaggie says.
"I think Vaggie's right. I'm sure you can come up with an activity for everyone," Blitz says.
"I do hope so. I'm starting to run out of good ideas," Charlie says.
"Hmm, I'm sure you can think of something," Vaggie says.
Suddenly, they hear vibrating sounds.
Blitz says, "I think it's my phone," and brings his phone from his pocket.
"Sorry, let me take that," Blitz says and walks into the hall.
Blitz looks at the phone to see Stolas' caller ID.
Blitz answers the phone, "Hello Stolas."
"Hello Blitz, how are you and your family doing in the hotel?" Stolas asks with a smile.
Turns out, Stolas is in his tending to his garden as he has his hellphone on speaker.
"I'm doing fine Stolas, things have been kind of quiet at the hotel right now. The children and Loona are doing fine as well," Blitz says.
"I'm glad to hear it," Stolas says over the phone, "You see, Octavia and I are planning on going to the shopping center to get a few things and thought it be a good idea for you and Loona to come along so we can help you with finding essentials for you and your family."
"That sounds nice. I don't mind going. I'll ask to see if Loona and the kids would want to go," Blitz says.
"Okay, but it might be kind of boring for Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla and we'll be gone for a few hours," Stolas says.
Soon, Loona, Aurora, and Keenan walk into the lounge to see the others.
"Hey kids, Stolas is asking me if we can go shopping for some stuff. Though, we'll be gone for a while," Blitz says.
"I'll go. I can give you a hand in finding the supplies" Loona says.
"Nah. It sounds really boring so I'll stay" Keenan says.
"I think I'll stay too and help watch Tilla and Keenan," Aurora says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Then says over the phone, "Loona agrees to come, but Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla decide to stay at the hotel."
"Grand. Octavia and I will pick you two up in an hour," Stolas says.
"Great. Loona and I will see you later," Blitz says.
Then the two hung up the phone.
"Okay Loona, Stolas will pick us both in an hour so we do need to get things together," Blitz says.
"Sure. It would be nice to hang out with Octavia," Loona says.
Loona then asks, "What about the kids?"
Blitz walks to Charlie and Vaggie, "Guys, do you mind if you watch over the kids while Loona and I are gone?"
"Sure. We don't mind watching them. I'm sure the kids will be okay while you're gone," Vaggie says.
Suddenly, Charlie gasps as an idea hits her, "That's it!"
"What's is?" Vaggie asks.
"Our next activity!" Charlie says, excited, "Child Care!"
"Child care?" Loona says, confused.
"Yes, Loona. While you and your father are away, we can all take part in watching Aurora and the kids. It will help teach everyone how to help young children, responsibility, and to help others. Besides, everyone likes having the kids around so we can have some fun," Charlie says.
"Since when were we babysitters?" Husk speaks up, and yawns from exhaustion.
Everyone turns to see Husk at the bar, "I thought he was a rehabilitation hotel, not a babysitting service."
"Oh come on, Husk. Watching over the kids can be fun and it can teach us about responsibility. Besides, I thought you like them," Charlie says.
"I do like Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla, but I'm not sure about babysitting," Husk says.
"Don't worry, they're very well behaved so they won't be in any trouble," Blitz says.
"Then it's settled, Today's activity is Child Care and responsibilities," Charlie says.
Forty five minutes have passed...
Husk, Angel Dust, Niffty, and Sir Pentious are sitting on the couch as Alastor stands next to the couch on the right side. Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla are sitting on the other couch as they listen to the radio.
Blitz explains, "Okay, so Loona and I will be gone for a few hours with Stolas and Octavia to do some shopping. So we're asking to watch the children for a few hours."
"Sure Blitz, I don't mind watching them," Angel says.
"Yes. I'm sure the children will behave very well," Sir Pentious says.
"Yes. All three of them are good so they'll be on their best behavior. However, Keenan can be pretty playful, and so can Tilla. So it will be a good idea to play with the kids and make sure Tilla doesn't grab anything. And remember to make sure Tilla has her nap a little later," Blitz says.
"I think we'll do fine. I mean, how much trouble can those kids be, especially since one of them is already a teenager?" Blitz questions.
"Maybe, but we do need to be careful around Tilla sometimes," Aurora says.
"Really? Why?" Niffty asks, walking towards little Tilla, "Then again, with the cute wings, she'll fly around the hotel."
"Yeah. She'll be all over the place," Angel says.
"That's true, but it's the magic surge I'm kind of concerned about," Blitz says.
"Magic Surge? So Tilla can use magical abilities like you could?" Alastor asks, taking an interest.
"She can be honest. However, the magic surge mainly happens to babies who are born with magical abilities like Celestian and Infernoian, especially hybrids like Tilla," Blitz says.
"Baby Celestians in our home get strange magic surges that come and go," Aurora says.
Keenan laughs, "I remember Loona telling me about when you had her magic surge, Aurora."
Aurora blushes and turns to Loona, "Why did you have to bring that up to Keenan, Loona?"
"What happened?" Charlie asks.
"Aurora was teleporting and kept letting out Angelic Feathers all over the city. When she finally stopped she ended up on the small island in the middle of Lake Constellations. It didn't bother her at all because she looked at the constellations formed in the lake," Loona says.
Charlie giggles, "Kind of remind me when I have surges and lack of control with my powers. I used to drive my parents crazy. Unexpected teleportation, climbing on the ceiling, Hellshake tantrums, you name it."
"You magical kids sure live differently than us sinners who used to be humans," Angel says.
"No kidding," Husk says, rolling his eyes.
"Still, don't worry, we'll watch the kids and make sure they stay out of trouble," Angel says.
"Thanks guys," Blitz says.
He then turns to the kids, "Now you three remember to be good and listen to Charlie and the others, and you remember what to do incase Tilla gets fussy or gets into her magic surges."
"Okay dad," The kids reply.
"Good to hear it," Blitz says and brings out his phone, "Stolas should be opening the portal to his place right now."
And right on cue, the portal opens which leads to Stolas' home.
"Well we'll see you around," Loona says.
"Bye kids, be good," Blitz says.
"Bye," The kids reply with smiles.
Soon, the two walk through the portal, and the portal closes soon after.
Seeing her daddy gone, Tilla sadly says, "Dada."
Angel walks over and picks up Tilla, "Don't worry sweetie, your daddy will be back in a few hours."
Tilla slowly nods in reply.
"Come on kids, let's go play a game," Angel says.
"Sure," Keenan says.
"Okay," Aurora replies.
Soon, Angel takes the kids to play a game.
"Wait Angel, Blitz let us all in charge," Pentious says and follows from behind.
"Can I join too?" Charlie asks.
"Sure, the more the merrier," Angel says.
And with that, the group walks off to play a game with them.
Husk sighs, "Well, I'll be at the bar if you need me."
"Alright. Still, I need to go on my outing today and see a friend of mine," Alastor says.
"Kay," Niffty says.
Alastor then takes his leave to do some errands and Husk and Niffty do their own activities.
"Well, I better go help Charlie and the others with the kids," Vaggie says and follows everyone
Soon, the group arrives in one of the large empty rooms, which is big enough for the kids to play.
"So what do you wanna do first?" Charlie asks.
"I'm not sure," Angel says.
Then Vaggie turns to Aurora and Keenan, "What do you kids feel like doing?"
"Hmm," Aurora and Keenan respond, trying to think.
Then Aurora says, "Maybe Tilla can decide," Then leans to Tilla, "Do you wanna play a game? What do you wanna play?"
Tilla giggles and says, "Housy! Housy!"
"Housy?" Pentious responds, confused.
"She means playing house," Angel says.
Tilla smiles, "Housy."
"Well then, let's go play house," Charlie says.
"Yay!" Tilla happily says as she flaps her wings and takes flight.
She then flies around and happily down and lands on the ground, sitting and waiting to play the game.
Aurora giggles, "You're really to play huh."
"I can get my old tea from the attic in the hotel. I'll be right back," Charlie says.
"I'll go help you find it. From what you told me, the place is a bit of a mess," Charlie says.
And with that, the girls take their leave.
Once they're gone, Pentious asks, "So, what do we do until the girls get back."
"We can always play ball," Angel says.
"Sounds good to me," Pentious says.
Soon, one of the Egg bois says, "Hey boss, are you all playing birdie?"
The group turns to see the Egg Bois at the door.
"Uh no, we're about to play house," Pentious says.
"Oh. then how come I saw the little horned angel flying down the hall," The Egg Boi says.
"Horned angel?" Angle questions.
The group turn their heads to see Tilla is no longer sitting down.
"Uh oh," Aurora says.
"Tilla must have flown off," Angel says.
"Not long ago our backs were turned, and the little angel already got away," Pentious says.
Angel angrily says, "Come on, let's go find her."
Soon, the group leaves the room to see if they can find where Tilla disappeared to. They walk down the hall to see where they can find her.
"Hmm, I'm sure Tilla hasn't gone too far," Aurora says.
"Hmm, if you were Tilla where would you go?" Pentious questions.
"How's about with kitty and wanting to play," Husk's voice speaks up.
The group then walks into the lobby and towards the bar to find Tilla sitting on Husk's shoulders as she giggles. Husk is kind of annoyed as he holds his bottle of booze in his hands. The group begins giggling to see Tilla sitting on Husk's shoulders and holding his head.
"Kitty play. Kitty play," Tilla happily says.
"Aww, Tilla wants you to play with us," Aurora says.
"Yeah. Tilla wants you to have fun with us," Angel says.
"I'm not going to play. I got things to do. Plus, Alastor went out for a bit," Husk says.
"Kitty play. Kitty play. Kitty play," Tilla happily says and begins playing with his ears.
"Come on kid, I've got things to do," Husk says.
"Kitty play. Kitty play," Tilla says.
Husk sighs, "Alright, you win. I'll play with you."
"Yay!" Tilla happily says.
Angel snickers, "Can't say no to her, huh."
"Yeah yeah," Husk says and leaves the bar as he places his bottle down.
"Well, the more people we have, the more fun we can have," Pentious says.
Soon, Charlie and Vaggie return, and Charlie has the box with the old toy tea set.
"There you all are, we were looking for you," Charlie says.
"Eh, there aren't any problems. Tilla just wanted Husk to play with us," Angel says.
"And she convinced me," Husk responds.
"Aww how nice. Let's head back to the room and play house," Charlie says.
The gang head off to the room to play house.
Stolas, Octavia, Blitz, and Loona arrive at the store to look at some furniture, lamps, televisions, and other essentials for the rooms and other appliances.
"The place seems nice," Loona says.
"Yes. This is where I get some of the furniture for my room," Octavia says.
"True, but we don't actually live in the hotel. Well, we kind of made it our home," Loona says.
"Hmm, the furniture is nice," Blitz says.
"Indeed. However, I understand if you're skeptical about buying the furniture and appliances, but maybe Charlie and Vaggie could use some for the hotel," Stolas says.
"Probably," Blitz says.
"Let's go look around and see if there's anything good to use," Stolas says.
Soon, the four begin to explore around to find good furniture or appliances to use.
Sometime later back at the hotel...
Charlie and the others begin playing with the children. Everyone continues to play the game of tea party and house as husk decides to perform some magic tricks. Husk shuffles a deck of cards around and Tilla claps happily with glee.
Husk then presents the cars, "Okay, anyone willing to pick a card."
Keenan steps forward, "I'll pick one," and picks a card from the deck.
"Don't show it to me and make sure only you can see it," Husk says.
"Okay," Keenan says.
Keenan looks to see the card, 'The black five of spades.'
Husk presents the deck, "Now put the card back in the deck."
Keenan does just that.
Husk shuffles the cars and performs tricks with it. And with that, he made the deck of cards disappear. Everyone is amazed to see it.
Soon, Husk reaches Keenan's horn and pulls it out to reveal the five of spades.
Then presents it to Keenan, "Is this your card?"
"Sure is," Keenan says.
Everyone happily claps happily.
"That was amazing, Husk. I didn't know you could do magic," Charlie says.
"There's a lot you don't know about me, kid," Husk says.
"That was fun," Aurora says.
Tilla giggles and claps her hands.
"That was cool," Keenan says.
"Thanks. I guess," Husk says.
"So what do you wanna do now?" Aurora asks.
"Hmm, we played a lot of games and such. I think it's almost time for Tilla's nap," Vaggie says.
Suddenly, Tilla begins to take flight, "No nap. Play tag." and flies off and leaves the room.
"Wait, Tilla!" Charlie calls out.
Aurora sighs, "Not again."
"Whenever Tilla has too much fun. She wants to play until she wears herself out," Aurora says. Then grows concern, "However, sometimes her magic surges cause to do a lot of Celestian magic."
"Enough about that, we gotta go after her," Charlie says.
And with that, the group begins to chase after Tilla. They soon find Tilla flying around in the lounge.
"There she is," Aurora says.
"I'll get her," Husk says, and flies over to Tilla.
But before he can grab her, Tilla disappears and reappears at Husk's bar.
"What the...?" Husk says, shocked.
"I'll get her," Charlie says and walks over to pick Tilla up.
But she disappears again.
"Huh?" Charlie reacts.
Then Tilla appears and sits on the couch.
"I got her," Angel says and tries to lunge at her.
But Tilla teleports away too, making Angel hit face first on the couch.
Angel sits up, "What the heck?!"
"Uh oh. Tilla is on her magic surge again," Aurora says.
"So this is the magic surge she has," Husk says.
"That's right. She teleports here and there with that ability and loves to fly around," Keenan says.
The group looks to see Tilla flying and teleport to different locations as she laughs and giggles. Then Tilla flies up the stairs and down the hall.
"And there she goes," Vaggie says.
"After the little angel!" Sir Pentious says.
And with that, everyone chases after her. Tilla flies down the halls as everyone chases after her. Husk flies over to catch her, but Tilla teleports from in front to behind Husk, Pentious and Vaggie try to catch her, but she teleports away and the two crash to the ground.
"She's getting away!" Charlie calls out.
"After her!" Aurora calls out.
Everyone runs after Tilla as the little hybrid flies down the halls with a smile on his face. Tilla continues flying away and lets out a bright glowing yellow that blinds everyone. When the light quickly disappears, Tilla is gone.
"Where did Tilla go now?" Aurora asks.
"What was that light?" Vaggie asks.
"It's Angelic Light," Keenan says, "It's a bright light of Celestian Energy. It mainly blinds anyone in the light for a short while."
"No kidding," Angel says, rubbing his eyes, "I wish I had my sunglasses for that light show."
"No kidding," Husk says, rubbing his eyes.
"Indeed," Pentious says and looks around, "But I have to wonder where the little angelic hybrid goes now?"
"Knowing Tilla, she teleported to places she has gone to, including some of the rooms in the hotel," Aurora says.
"Then let's check all the rooms," Charlie says.
With that, everyone splits up and looks in their bedroom. Charlie and Vaggie's room, Sir Pentious' room, Husk's room, and other places. Charlie and Vaggie also help Aurora and Keenan check the bedrooms and soon notice Niffty cleaning the hall.
Soon, Nifty comes down the hall and asks, "Hi everyone, are you looking for something?"
"We're looking for Tilla. She flew around the hotel and teleported around the hotel, and now she disappeared," Charlie says.
"Have you seen her?" Vaggie asks.
Niffty shakes her head, "No. I haven't seen her. Did you check Alastor's room?"
"No. We haven't looked in there," Charlie says.
"Nor would Tilla be in there," Vaggie says.
Charlie turns to Vaggie, "Still, let's go check the room, just in case."
"I guess you're right," Vaggie says.
Moments later...
Charlie and Vaggie walk down the hall to where Alastor's bedroom is. As they do that, Alastor arrives down the hall.
"Hello my dears. I've returned from my outing today," Alastor says.
"Oh hey, Alastor," Charlie says.
"About time, we need to check your room," Vaggie says, kind of annoyed.
"Hmm, why would you need to look in my room?" Alastor questions.
"Well, Tilla was flying and teleporting around the hotel and suddenly disappeared. We tried checking the other rooms, but we couldn't find her," Charlie says with a sheepish smile.
"And we think she might have ended up in your room or your radio station," Vaggie says.
"Fair enough," Alastor then unlocks the door, and opens it, "Let's see if she's in..."
When Alastor opens the door to the room, he is, well, surprised at what he is seeing. Charlie and Vaggie also look inside and are surprised to see Tilla in Alastor's room. She is sitting on the ground as feathers are laying on the ground as she rolls around it. She then uses her magic to lift some of Alastor's things in his room. Tilla turns to see Alastor and the girls, which make her place the items and furniture down. Luckily nothing breaks in the process.
Tilla happily says, "Hi Al. Hi Char Char. Hi Vag Vag."
"Why hello, Tilla. I see that you've managed to come into my living quarters. Aren't you a little mischief maker," Alastor says.
Charlie then picks up Tilla, "You certainly are. You're just a silly little troublemaker."
Tilla giggles in reply.
"Ugh, look at this mess. For a toddler, she sure knows how to get into trouble," Vaggie says.
"Hey gals, did you find her?!" Angel's voice calls out.
Everyone turns to see Angel and the rest of the gang walk into Alastor's bedroom, and are shocked and surprised to see the mess.
"Shit, what happened here?" Husk asks, shocked.
"Why are there so many feathers in here?" Pentious asks.
"Oooooooh, this room has gotten messy," Niffty says, looking around.
And begins cleaning.
Aurora then picks up some of the feathers, "These look like Celestic Feathers."
"Not again," Keenan says, face palling her face.
"She did this before?" Alastor asks.
"She did," Aurora says, "She loves playing with the feathers like they're leaves. She made a mess in mom and dad's room when she first started having her magic surge after her first birthday."
"Celestian's magic is certainly different from demon magic," Charlie says.
"It certainly is, but I suggest we take the children to the lounge," Alastor says.
"But what about your room?" Charlie asks.
"Not to worry, You, Angel, and myself will watch over the children, and the rest can clean up Tilla's little mess," Alastor says.
Husk is not pleased to hear it, "Why do we have to clean up this mess?"
"Well Tilla is a little too young to clean up her own mess," Alastor says, and showing a glare towards the group, "If I remember correctly, you all should clean up her mess since you're the one watching her and her brother and sister."
"He does have a point, Husk," Pentious says.
Husk groans in frustration, "Ugh, fine."
"Don't worry, we'll get your room done real quickly," Niffty happily says.
"Thank you very much. You'll be in charge of the cleaning," Alastor says.
Vaggie sighs, "Babysitting magical babies is a struggle."
Charlie giggles, "My parents would agree if you know how different it is to raise me when I started developing magical abilities."
Soon, Alastor, Angel, and Charlie leave the room with Aurora, Keena, and Tilla.
"Come on, let's get started," Niffty happily says.
"Yeah yeah," Husk says, annoyed.
Vaggie sighs, "The sooner we clean this the sooner we can check on Charlie and the kids."
Shortly after...
Alastor, Charlie, and Angel are sitting on the couch as Aurora and Keenan are relaxing. Keenan is playing catch with his ball on his own. Aurora is reading the book. Tilla is playing with her blocks.
"Glad to see Tilla is settling down," Angel says.
"Yes, but we still need to get her to take her nap," Angel says.
"Hmm," Alastor thinks. Then turns to Aurora, "Aurora, dear?"
"Yes Alastor?" Aurora asks.
"When is Tilla supposed to have her nap?" Alastor asks.
"Well, she's supposed to have her nap soon to be honest," Aurora says.
"And how did you get Tilla to take her nap?" Charlie asks.
"Well, the thing is, Tilla usually naps with lullabies from dad or from my music box," Aurora says.
"And she usually sleeps when she hears soothing and quiet music," Keenan says.
"Well, I'm sure we can come up with some songs for Tilla to play," Charlie says.
Suddenly, Tilla says, "Dada..."
The group turns to see Tilla.
Tilla says, "Dada... Dada..." and soon begins to cry.
"Oh, it's okay Tilla. Don't cry," Charlie says and picks up Tilla.
Charlie begins rucking her, "Don't cry sweetie don't cry."
However, Tilla cries harder as she screams, "Dada! Dada!" crying.
And then, Tilla begins to make tears like waterfall coming down her face and splash on the floors of the hotel. Everyone quickly got up and reached higher ground on the couches.
"Well, this is certainly unexpected," Alastor says.
"This is rather new," Aurora says.
"She never did this before," Charlie says.
"No. She never did that," Keenan says, shocked.
Soon, Vaggie and the others rush over and head down the stairs.
"What's going on?!" Vaggie cries out.
Soon, everyone stops to see Tilla crying as floods of tears come down her face and begin to floor around the lobby floor. Soon, Tilla lets out some kind of hyper screaming, causing everyone to cover their ears.
Tilla continues to cry, "Dada! Where's dada?! Dada! Dada!"
Tilla continues crying and wailing and begins squirming around.
"How do we get her to stop?!" Husk cries out.
Angel then has an idea, "Angel, pass me Tilla!" and presents his upper arms towards Charlie.
"Um okay," Charlie says.
Charlie then presents Tilla to Angel. Angel then takes Tilla in his arms as he begins rocking and placing her head against his fluffy chest. Tilla is beginning to calm down a little, and soon begins humming a melody, which begins to calm Tilla more.
Angel Dust:
La la lu
La la lu
Oh, my little star sweeper
I'll sweep the stardust for you
Angel continues gently rocking Tilla as the little girl begins to stop shedding tears.
Angel Dust:
La la lu
La la lu
Little soft fluffy sleeper
Here comes a pink cloud for you
Angel then sits on the couch as Tilla is calming down further and soon stops crying. She then looks at Angel who continues singing.
Angel Dust:
La la lu
La la lu
Little wandering angel
Fold up your wings, close your eyes
Angel then gently wipes the tears from Tilla's face and continues rocking her. Tilla snuggles her head against Angel's fluffy chest and lets out a yawn.
Angel Dust:
La la lu
La la lu
And may love be your keeper
La la lu
La la lu
La la lu
Angel continues comforting Tilla as the little girl yawns and soon begins drifting off to sleep. When Tilla begins to fall asleep, the water begins changing into feathers and drying up the floor.
Angel Dust:
There now, little star sweeper
Dream on
Finally, Tilla has fallen asleep peacefully and rested peacefully on Angel's chest and arms.
Everyone sighs in relief and can't help but see Tilla's sweet sleeping face.
"That's so ssssweet," Pentious says.
Everyone turns to Pentious, "Ssssssh."
"Sssorry," Pentious softly says.
Angel comforts and snuggles the little darling, "She is very sweet, and really peaceful."
"You did great, Angel," Charlie softly says, "It was a really sweet song you sang."
"Thanks. It's a song that my mother used to sing when I was a kid. Glad to know it still works with Tilla as well," Angel says.
"Indeed it has," Alastor says.
"That's actually impressive," Hsuk says, and notices the feathers scattered around, "And now we need to deal with more feathers."
"I'll take Tilla to her room for her nap," Angel says.
"Good idea. The rest of us will finish cleaning Alastor's room and the mess here," Charlie says.
Everyone nods their heads and begins to clean up the mess.
Moments later, Angel walks into the children's room and places Tilla on her little bed. She then tucks Tilla in, gives her a gentle kiss goodnight. Then Angel quietly leaves the room to help clean up.
Later in the evening....
After the day everyone has, they are now relaxing in the lounge. Tilla is now relaxing next to Angel as they listen to radio music. Aurora is still reading his book, and Keenan is juggling with some small balls. Charlie and Vaggie continue on with lessons plans while everyone else turns into their rooms for the evening.
Soon, the portal opens. Then Blitz and Loona walk through it.
"Kids. Loona and I are back," Blitz calls out.
"Ha dad," Aurora and Keenan say.
"Hi daddy," Tilla happily says.
"Hey Blitz, how was the shopping?" Charlie asks.
"Well, it went okay, but we didn't get much," Blitz says.
"Yeah. We mainly browse around and also grab something to eat and hang out with Stolas and Octavia," Loona says.
"That's nice," Vaggie says.
"So, how did the babysitting go?" Blitz asks.
"Well the kids and I had a great time today," Charlie says.
"Yep. We did have a bit of trouble with Tilla's flying and magic surges, and with Aurora and Keenan helping out. Still, the kids are actually really sweet. They were no trouble at all," Angel says.
Then winks towards Tilla, "Right Tilly."
Tilla giggles and says, "Angie Angie," she then leans to Angel and gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Angel becomes surprised at first, but chuckles and ruffles the little girl's hair.
Song: La la lu from Lady and the Tramp
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