Chapter 26: Goodship Mystery
One afternoon in the Hazbin Hotel, Blitz along with his family are packing a few things for a trip with Stolas. Charlie and Vaggie are helping Keenan and Tilla pack their things.
Charlie says, "It's very nice of you guys to be going on a trip."
"I agree. It's nice that Stolas is planning to take us on a trip," Blitz says.
"It's very nice of him to do that," Vaggie says, helping pack Tilla's things.
She then asks, "Where did you guys say where you're going?"
"I'm not sure," Blitz says.
Packing her stuff, Loona says, "Stolas said it's a surprise for us. From what he explained, Octavia will be going there as well. And he said he arranged this trip because he wants to make up for the uh, Loo Loo Land incident."
"Well from what you explained, the incident at Loo Loo Land was a mess," Vaggie says.
"You can say that again," Loona says.
"I'm just glad we were able to get out of there, but we did get some cute toys," Aurora says.
Tilla is playing with the Thing and the Fizzarolli toy as she giggles.
Charlie says, "Aww, that's cute."
"Still, I think a change in scenery would be nice," Blitz says.
"Well, I'm sure you all will have a lot of fun during your trip," Charlie says.
"Thank you, Charlie," Blitz says. "We'll be gone for a week and a half and hope you all will have fun while we're gone."
Shortly after having their things packed, Blitz and the family are waiting in the lounge waiting for the portal to open.
Alastor soon walks in, "Well, looks like something entertaining is happening."
"Hi Alastor," Keenan says, "And you're correct. We're going out on vacation with Stolas and Octavia."
"How nice? Where will this vacation destination be?" Alastor says, interested.
"We don't really know to be honest. Stolas said he'll open a portal to his palace to talk to us about something before we head off on the trip," Blitz answers.
"Hmm, well, this will be entertaining and an interesting surprise. I'm sure you will have an exciting time on this trip," Alastor says.
"I hope so. I do hope we can have a good time on the trip," Blitz says.
"I'm sure we will, dad," Keenan says.
"Yeah. You're right. I'm also quite excited for the trip. I think the portal to Stolas' place should open now," Blitz says.
And right on cue, the portal opens.
"Right on time," Loona says.
"Alright everyone, time to get going everyone," Blitz says.
"Okay," Everyone says.
Soon, Loona, Keenan, Aurora walk through the portal with their belongings as they say their goodbyes. Blitz, holding Tilla in his arms with his and Tilla's luggage. Sophie jumps on Blitz's shoulders with glee.
Blitz says, "Goodbye everyone."
Everyone says their goodbyes as Blitz walks through the portal and it closes soon after.
Soon, Blitz and the family walk to the front door and are happily greeted by Stolas and Octavia.
"Hello everyone, I'm so glad you all are able to make it," Stolas says.
"I'm glad too. Thank you for inviting us," Blitz says.
Everyone soon walks inside with their luggage.
"Glad you all can come," Octavia says.
"Yeah, and we're glad you decided to invite us," Loona says.
"We're curious about the trip you both set up," Aurora says.
"What is it?" Keenan asks, interested.
"Well, now that we're here, I can tell you. We're going on a cruise ship in the Human World," Stolas says, happily.
"The human world? You mean Earth. The world where Zak and the others go to for their work," Blitz asks.
"That's correct. We think it will be a good opportunity to show you the living world," Stolas happily says.
"That's cool," Keenan says.
"Yes, but first, we need to get into our human disguise," Stolas says.
"Human disguise?" Loona says, confused.
"But we walked with humans all the time," Aurora says.
"True, but on Earth, humans aren't aware that demons exist. They'll panic if they see demons and angel-like beings roaming about," Octavia says.
"I guess you have a point," Aurora says.
"Well, Tilla and Aurora can retract their wings. You know, they can make them invisible when they sleep," Blitz says. He then brings out his scepter, "I can also use my magic to give myself a human appearance. I can use a transformation spell easily."
"That's good to hear," Octavia says.
Then turns to Loona, "And we can teach Loona how to get a human disguise."
"Really? Can we really do that?" Loona asks.
"Yeah. Demons have human disguises so they can go to the human world. Demons like Succubi, Incubi, Hellhounds, Baphomets, and other demons with some magic use magic to gain a human disguise. My dad's grimoire also has a spell that can help," Octavia explains.
"That's amazing," Aurora says.
"We'll show you," Stolas says.
With that, Stolas and Octavia use their magic to change into their human forms.
Stolas is now a human man. He is shorter than his regular form, while still relatively rather tall compared to other humans. He only has one set of eyes, which have white sclera with red irises, and a pair of pupils which he normally lacks in his regular form. He lacks any type of plumage so he instead has gray hair atop his head. He is wearing a deep red vest with coat-tails reminiscent of his tail feathers, over a gray long-sleeve, high-collar shirt with a light gray puff tie. His pants are dark gray and he now has black shoes. He also has a pair of red lensed glasses that he wears on his forehead, being reminiscent of his regular forms second set of eyes.
Octavia also looks like a human teenage girl, but is shorter than her normal form, but is quite tall for a human teenager her age. Octavia has white sclera and pink irises. Her feathery hair is now a darkish gray black hair. Her clothes also seem similar to the clothes she currently wears. Of course, both she and her father, Stolas have the same skin tone.
Amazed, Blitz says, "Wow. That's very impressive."
"That's cool," Loona says.
"Amazing," Aurora says.
"Wow," Keenan says.
Even Tilla is surprised.
"See, now you all give it a try," Stolas says.
"Well, I just need to hide my halo and wings," Aurora says.
Aurora then uses her magic to retract her wings and halo, so they disappear, almost invisible. Without them, Aurora looks like a normal human girl.
Blitz brings out his staff, "I'll help myself, Keena, and Tilla with this."
Blitz then uses his magic. That makes Tilla's horns, tail, and wings disappear.
Blitz then gains a human disguise. His human form has tan skin, and a light blotchy skin like the blotch he has in his demon form. He has black hair with white streaks on his head. Other than that, his clothes seem to remain the same. He opens his eyes to see his sclera is white and red irises like his original eye colors.
Keenan actually looks a lot like his dad, but his skin doesn't have blotches and is a later tan color. Of course, he still has the same blue eyes and his white hair.
Loona nods her head and uses her magic to change their forms.
Loona is now a human woman, and it's greatly similar to her hellhound form, albeit now she takes on the appearance of a goth teenager. Her eye colors are inverted, as she has white sclera with red irises and her navel is now exposed, which was absent in her hellhound form. She shrinks down from her demon form, appearing to be of average height compared to most humans in this form and somewhat slimmer than normal. Her clothes also change forms as they seem suitable to her human form.
Stolas happily claps with a smile, "You all did a splendid job."
"Yeah. you all did good," Octavia says.
"Now then, let's all attend the cruise. I'm sure we'll have a wonderful time," Stolas says.
He then uses his magic to open the portal. Everyone soon walks through to see the large cruise ship where many families and couples are attending. The cruise ship is really huge and long and can fit hundreds of family and employees of the ship.
"Oh my," Aurora says.
"Looks cool," Loona says.
"The cruise is so amazing," Blitz says.
"It sure is. This is a family cruise, so there's a lot for us to do there," Stolas says.
"We better get going," Octavia says, and looks at her phone, "They'll be boarding soon."
Soon, the groups begin to head inside the building to get ready to board the cruise ship.
Sometime later...
The two families are in the cruise ship and head into their deluxe window view family rooms, two connecting rooms. Stolas, Blitz, holding Tilla, and Octavia go into one room. Loona, Keenan, and Aurora enter the other room to put their belongings in their room.
"Wow. The rooms look great," Aurora says.
Keenan walks to the window, "Look at the view. This is amazing,"
In the other room, Blitz walks to the window to show Tilla the view.
"Look Tilla, it's the ocean," Blitz says.
"Ocey Ocey," Tilla happily says.
Octavia giggles as she walks over, "Yeah. It's really nice."
Stolas sits on the bed, "Glad to see you all having a good time, but remember, we'll have more fun throughout the week."
"Yes. We're all going to have a good time this week," Blitz says.
Time has passed, and the cruise ship has departed from the port and sailed on the ocean blue. Later in the night, the two families are now having dinner together in one of the ship's restaurants.
"So what do you guys wanna do tomorrow?" Keenan asks.
"Well, there are a lot of activities to do on the ship, so it's difficult to decide," Octavia says and looks at the scheduling book.
"There is a lot of stuff to do for it, even some for little Tilla to have fun at," Aurora says.
Blitz looks at the schedule, "Yes. I'm sure we can come up with something. There's even some for families as well."
There are plenty for all of us to do on this ship," Keenan says, excited.
Just then, Loona says, "You know, I heard a weird rumor going around the ship that there are strange things going on here."
"Strange? Strange how?" Aurora asks.
"Well, despite this being a great family cruise line, there are strange rumors going around about people going missing for a couple of days or so during a trip. When the guests were found, there were strange marks on their bodies, and signs that they've been restrained. And well, there are also situations that are also adult rated," Loona explains.
"Oh goodness," Stolas says, shocked.
"Yeah. From what I heard, the culprit seems to be going after adults, especially men," Loona says.
"That doesn't sound good," Octavia says. He then remembers, "But I also heard the rumor as well, their bodies look like they've been stuck to suction cups or something."
"And the culprit wasn't caught?" Blitz asks.
"No. The police can't seem to find any leads," Loona says.
"However, I've heard that they're having an increase in security lately, and passengers are to be extra vigilant to their surroundings," Octavia says, "And I also hear that valuables of the people who went missing, along with other stuff in the shop have been going missing as well."
"Well, I hope the police were able to figure out who was responsible for this," Blitz says.
"Me too," Aurora says, sounding worried.
"Don't worry, I don't think it's something for us to worry about. We should focus on having fun tomorrow and forget about that rumor," Stolas says.
"Good idea," Octavia says.
"Well then, let's finish eating and make plans for tomorrow," Blitz says.
And with that, everyone continues to have their dinner and will make plans for tomorrow to have fun.
Late at night in the hall, there is a security officer who is walking around the deck during his shift, and keeping an eye out for the culprit. Then the employee continues walking around until he hears some strange squishing noises. He turns around to find no one is around. The security guard continues to walk around on patrol, unaware of something reaching out for him. When he senses something wrong, he tries to turn a round, but something covers his mouth before he can yell and pulls him away, causing the guard to drop his flashlight and his sunglasses.
The next day...
On the deck of the ship, Blitz, Tilla and Keena are at the pool. Of course, Blitz is with little Tilla at the kiddy pool for her to play since she can't swim well yet. Keenan is playing at the play area where people can get wet. Tilla happily splashes in the water with glee. Stolas and Octavia are relaxing on the deck. Stolas is reading a book and Octavia is listening to her music. Loona is having a snack as she sits next to Octavia. Just then, Loona hears something concerning.
"What? More people ended up in similar circumstances?" A passenger says.
Another passenger says, "I heard it from the captain and some of the crew earlier. Some were also security and employees who were asked to search around the area. In fact, I heard that one of them was able to remember a bit of what happened. One of the security guards was walking on the deck and heard strange sounds, like sucking sounds or something, and something that sounded like a squishing sound, like they've been in the water. And more stuff has gone missing as well."
"You think someone was swimming that night?" The first passenger says.
"I don't know. This is starting to get weird. I hope the crew and employees are doing something about it," The second passenger says.
"Me too, especially since the rumors say that the creep is more into guys, it's possible that they might target other men," The passenger says.
"How horrifying," The female passenger says.
Loona looks concern to hear the conversation
Later that day, Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla are at the kids area as they do some activities. Blitz watches little Tilla who is at the little children section for little toddlers who are younger than four.
Octavia and Loona at the dance floor dancing to the music. Stolas is watching his daughter as he relaxes as well.
Day 3...
Blitz and Stolas have some to themselves as they watch a performance in the ship's theater. Loona , Aurora, and Keena participate on the deck playing a family game while Octavia is in the stateroom relaxing as Tilla is having her nap.
Day 4...
The passengers including Blitz and the others are participating in an event party on the ship. This year's theme is a mardi gras, bead necklaces, masks, loud fun music, dancing, food and all kinds of fun.
Day 5...
It's evening, and there's still a few days left of the vacation. As of now, everyone is resting in their cabins, including Stolas, Loona, and the kids.
"That was a lot of fun," Aurora says
"Yeah. There is a lot of stuff to do on the ship," Keenan says.
"Yeah. It was actually nice. It was difficult to get used to the technology this ship has, but it's interesting," Loona says.
"It sure was different, but I like it," Aurora says.
"I figure you like it. And I know it's going to take some time to get used to modern technology and the 21st century," Octavia says.
Stolas soon walks into the room with Tilla, "How is the packing going for our next destination?"
"We're doing fine, dad. We got most of our stuff packed," Octavia says.
Aurora asks, "Where's our dad?"
"He said that he wanted to check out the gift shop before it closes to see if there's something he wants to get," Stolas says.
Loona looks a little concerned, but knows that her dad can handle themselves.
In the gift shop, Blitz is looking around to see some of the items being sold: clothes, mugs, pens, pins, and other kinds of items. Blitz then notices a very nice snow globe on the table. The snow globe has some pine trees and a couple of dancing snow fairies inside. He observes it and notices a windup key under it. He turns it, and it begins to play nice music. He then decides to buy the globe along with a shirt and a couple of pins.
Blitz then begins walking down the hall, and it's practically empty because there aren't many people around, and many passengers are packing their things. Suddenly, Blitz hears a strange suction sound. He turns his head to see no one is around.
"That's weird," Blitz responds, confused.
Blitz continues walking the halls and walks up the stairs, and to the next hallway to get to the room, but he hears strange sounds, and the sound of dripping water. He looks around to hear the strange noises.
Blitz calls out, "Hello. Is somebody there?"
Blitz continues walking down the hall slowly as he tries to figure out where the noise is talking about. As he walks down the hall, he notices that a shadowy figure is walking from behind. Blitz senses trouble and turns to turn around to see, but a strange tentacle wraps itself around his mouth, preventing him from screaming. Blitz tries to get away but a pair of arms wrap around his waist as more tentacles pins his arms against his body, forcing him to drop his purchase. Then the figure runs off with Blitz in tow.
Back in the room...
Stolas and the others have finished packing their stuff in their suitcases and are getting ready to go to sleep for the night. However, they're getting worried when Blitz hasn't come back.
"I wonder what's taking dad so long?" Loona says.
"I don't know. He should have been back right now," Aurora says.
Loona then stands up, "Well, I'm not waiting any long, I'm going to find him."
"I'll go with you, Loona," Aurora says.
Then Stolas says, "I'll go as well," Then turns to Octavia, "Octavia, you're in charge until we get back, and make sure the young ones are asleep."
"Alright," Octavia says.
Stolas, Loona, and Aurora leave the room as Octavia takes care of the children. They arrive at the gift shop Blitz has gone to, but they find the store to be closed for the night.
"The store appears to be closed," Stolas says.
Aurora looks around, "Where could dad have disappeared to?"
"Hold on," Loona says and begins sniffing around, "I think I got his scent."
Loona then walks away from the store as Stolas and Aurora follow. And soon, Loona picks up the bag that has some stuff.
Loona presents it to the boy, "Look what I found."
"A bag?" Stolas questions.
"Yeah. And it has my dad's scent," Loona says.
Concerned, Loona says, "My guess is that he was on his way back to the groom, but something or someone stopped him."
"No kidding," Loona says.
"Can you track his scent with the stuff he bought?" Stolas asks.
"I could try," Loona says.
Loona takes a whiff of the bag. And then begins sniffing around the area. He then turns to the hall.
"It smells like he went this way," Loona says, and runs down the hall.
Stolas and Aurora follow after her.
Blitz soon regains consciousness. He feels a bit dazed, and has trouble feeling his arms and legs. Hee fully opens her eyes in shock and finds himself tied up. His arms are tied behind his back while his ankles and knees are tied together so he can't move his legs, and his mouth is gagged by a cloth wrapped around his mouth to the back of his head. What's more, he finds himself without most of his clothes except for his red boxers. Blitz struggles to break free, but the restraints are too tight. He soon looks around to find items sitting on the ground, wallets, money, jewelry, and other items, meaning that the stolen items are hidden here. Blitz continues struggling to break free, but the ropes are too tight.
Suddenly, someone steps forward, 'Finally awake I see."
Blitz looks up and is shocked to see a bright red demon, and judging by the appearance, he looks like the mixture of an Incubus and an Octopus. He has short black hair with black horns on his head, along with yellow sclera and red irises, and black pupils. He has wings on his back that have black markings on it. He is wearing a burgundy vest jacket that is open, revealing that he isn't wearing a shirt. His bottom half is that of octopus tentacles with suctions underneath. He also has a long red tail with a red tip and triangular end.
"You sure are a handsome man," The succubus says.
Blitz tries to scoot away, but the tentacle wraps itself around Blitz and lifts him up for the demon to get a good look at him.
He cuffs Blitz's chin and says, "Aren't you good looking. You may have some blotches, but you surely have quite the figure."
Blitz struggles to break free, but the tentacle also wraps around his legs as well as he wraps his arm around the Imp's waist.
The demon chuckles, "Oh, don't be so scared. You are about to have a good time with me," He then leans to Blitz and whispers to his eyes, "I promise, you will be satisfied. You will have the night of your life," And then give him a gentle kiss on his neck.
Blitz ends up letting out a moan and wants to break away, but the demon has a strong grip on him. Blitz flinches to feel the demon is touching the outer thigh of his right leg.
The Incubus/Octopus demon continues to tough Blitz's body causing him to feel shivers down his spine.
"Let me remove this gag, I like to hear your voice," The succubus says, and does just that.
Once the gag is removed, Blitz asks, frightened, "Wh-who... who are you?"
"Oh, don't be scared. As for me, Koji is the name," The demon, Koji says as he curtsey Blitz's cheek, "Hmm, you sure are unique. I didn't expect to find an Imp in a human disguise, but you look quite handsome."
"How did you...?" Blitz asks, surprised.
"Your eyes. Humans don't really have red eyes, and the heart mark on your forehead are mainly well known to Imps, especially from the old imp circus from years ago," Koji says.
He then kisses Blitz on his neck again, causing him to gasp and moan. Blitz soon blushes to feel one of Koji's tentacles touching his bottom and tail base.
Blitz struggles and says, "St-stop it... I uh, well..."
"I see. You have never experienced this kind of pleasure before. I can tell you have sex before, but not the kind that makes you have lustful satisfaction," Koji says, sucking his neck.
"I... I suppose..." Blitz says, blushing and getting flustered, "Pl-please stop..."
"Now now, no need to get all flustered. There's nothing to worry about. You'll be having a pleasurable night," Koji says.
"Stop please, I-I don't want this!" Blitz cries out.
"Don't worry, you'll accept it one way or another," Koji says.
Before he can get further, someone grabs him by the collar of his vest and pulls him away, causing Blitz to fall to the floor. Before Blitz can hit the ground, he is surrounded by a magical aura. The one to grab Koji is Loona who has lifted in the air.
She growls in anger, 'Nice try, you sick freak!" and drags him away.
Loona soon finds the window, opens it, and throws him into the ocean without a second thought. Outside, Koji rises from the sea and spits the water out. It's a good thing he could swim and swim back to shore without a second thought.
Back on the ship...
Blitz finds himself levitated by the magic and soon finds himself in Stolas' arms.
"Blitz, are you okay?" Stolas asks, concerned.
"I-I'm okay," Blitz says, feeling relieved, but still overwhelmed by what happened.
Stolas kneels down, places Blitz down, and sits down on the ground himself.
"Here, let me help get these ropes off you," Stolas says.
Stolas then helps Blitz unties the ropes on his arms and his knees and ankles. Soon, Blitz is free from his restraints.
"Thank you, Stolas," Blitz says.
"You're welcome," Stolas says.
Aurora soon arrives, after being able to find Blitz's clothes.
"I found your clothes, and I found your bag," Aurora says.
"Thank you, Aurora," Blitz says.
"We're glad you're okay dad," Loona says, "What happened?"
"I was trying to get back to the room after buying a few things from the souvenir shop and that demon, Koji, grabbed me. He was trying to give me a 'good time' but I didn't like it at all," Blitz says.
"Well, thanks to Loona, you don't need to worry about it," Stolas says.
Then Stolas picks Blitz up, "Come on, let's get back to the room."
"Good idea," Blitz says.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Aurora asks.
"I think I'll be okay, but that was overwhelming," Blitz says.
"Well now that we got that creep off our backs we can return what he stole," Loona says.
"And enjoy the rest of our vacation," Aurora says.
The next day, Loona, Aurora, and Stolas managed to return everything that's been stolen and managed to stop the culprit, even though he got away. However, the captain is pleased that he decided to let them have the rest of their vacation fully paid for. And with that, the family enjoys the rest of their vacation.
A few days later...
After the cruise trip, Stolas, Blitz, and the families have returned to the Goetia Mansion and have relaxed. The families are now relaxing at the Goetia Palace Garden having a good time relaxing and having a nice chat.
"Glad we were able to have our vacation without any more hitches," Blitz says.
"True, but we all did have a wonderful time," Stolas says.
"Me too," Aurora says.
"I like the play areas on the ship the best," Keenan says.
"Me too, I just hope we see the last of that octo-freak," Loona says, with her arms crossed.
"It's hard to say. Considering that he's aquatic he can swim in the water and such. However, I just hope we don't end up meeting this Koji again if he knows what's good for him," Stolas says.
"Agree," Loona says.
Back on Earth, in the ocean, there are many different sea creatures swimming about. However, among them is a familiar demonic incubus octopus swimming and letting out a sinister chuckle with a grin on his face. From the looks of things, this won't be the last they'll see of Koji.
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