Chapter 20: Murder Family, Next Hellish Move


Zak is in the office, talking to Mrs. Mayberry.

Mrs. Mayberry is a demon who seems to be a bit like a human woman, but has a devilish figure. She has violet skin, pointed ears, red eyes with yellow pupils, sharp yellow teeth, a long tail, with goat-like traits like horns and dark purple hooves. She has messy white hair with black, scrunchy scarf like a headband. She is wearing a dark pink shirt with noticeable stitches and an upside down red tear drop jewel on her chest with a yellow tip, black torn skirt, red earrings, and pink glasses.

Mrs. Mayberry finishes her story, "You do everything right in life. Play by all the rules and still get sent down here with all the Hitlers and Epsteins of the world. After one measly massacre propelled by blind rage. So that's why I'm here. To get my revenge."

"I see," Zak says, "However, It appears that you've managed to kill those responsible for your downfall and your marriage fell apart. Unless, one of them happened to survive,".

"That's correct," Mrs. Mayberry says, then clenches her fist, " That whore survived. Now they all call her a hero. Between the talk shows and the donation bullshit, she made so much goddamn cash. Getting shot was the best thing to happen to her!" Mrs. Mayberry says, angrily.

She then slams her fist on the desk, causing it to crack, and shouts that echoes, "She is not a hero!" and leans to Zak with her face turning red with rage.

"Alright alright, but calm down. Just tell me about your target and where we can find her, and my team and I can take care of the rest," Zak says.

Mayberry soon calms down and says, "Of course."

In the lobby, Moxxie is black and red crossbow in his hands. In front of him is a picture of a smiling family: a father, a mother, a baby and two children. His arms are shaking as the pointer hovers away from the possible target.

Then Millie "Moxxie, stop shaking. "You're gonna shoot our boss' wife!"

Laying down on the couch is Zoey who is holding the picture up with one hand and is holding her hellphone on the other.

"Doing okay there, mom?" Ash asks.

"Doing okay sweetie, I just don't know how long I have to lay here," Zoey says.

Then Millie says to her husband, "Just take a deep breath..."

She takes a deep breath and says, "And let it out."

"But, it's a family. Under what circumstances would we ever need to kill a human family?" Moxxie dejects.

"I mean, if that's what the client wants," Millie says, shrugging her shoulders.

"Maybe like a shitty dad, " Moxxie says.

Then says in somewhat of an Italian accent, "Or a mob family. That's understandable."

Then says in his normal voice, "But to eradicate an entire innocent—seemingly in this instance—upper middle class family bloodline?"

Still laying down, Zoey says, "Well Mox, you don't know if they're innocent or not," and sits up. She then points to each person in the photo, "This kid probably sets dogs on fire... Maybe this girl gets off to bullying Australian kids online... And this guy... this guy definitely watches."

"Watch what mom?" Ash asks.

"You don't wanna know, kid. Trust me," Wesley says, doing some paperwork.

"Exactly. Humans are full of secret nasties. It's why so many of them end up here," Millie says.

"But—" Moxxie says, about to protest.

But Millie interrupts him, "Guilty and innocent aren't our business, Mox."

Then cuffs her husband's cheeks and shakes them, "Killing who were paid to is our business. Choose a target."

She then gives Moxxie a kiss on his cheek and steps back.

After the moment, Moxxie then aims the crossbow at the target.

"I just think it's a bit excessive and we could be a bit more selective, is all," Moxxie says.

"I'm sure everything will be fine, Moxxie. I mean, we kill people for a reason. And not all humans are the most friendly in the world," Wesley says.

"I suppose," Moxxie says.

Soon, Zak opens the door and walks out with Mayberry close behind.

"Hello everyone, this is our client, Mrs. Mayberry. She asked us for an assignment to kill a woman who had an affair with her husband," Zak says.

"Good to know," Topaz says, looking at her phone.

Shortly after, Mrs. Mayberry took their leave.

"Don't worry, ma'am, we'll be sure to kill your target before you know it," Welsey says.

"We'll make sure to bring a souvenir," Zak says

"Uh thanks, I guess," Mrs. Mayberry says, a bit disturbed.

Then she leaves the office.

"So, which one of us is going to take the job?" Topaz asks.

Zak says, "I'll do it."

"I'll come too," Millie says.

"I'll go too," Moxxie says.

Zoey then brings out the book, "And I'll open the portal for us."

Zoey shows the picture and Millie uses a piece of chalk to draw a circle with a pentagram inside. The picture glows and makes a portal.

"Well then, let's go kick some ass," Zak says.

"Yeah. Let's go," Millie says with excitement and jumps through the portal.

The three Imps then jump through the portal. They soon arrive in the wilderness. There is a small red house near a lake with a red fence surrounding the property. The group then sneak to the side of the house as they rise from the bushes, under a garden box outside the window.

Zak looks through the window and says, "That's gotta be her. This seems too easy."

Then turns to Moxxie, "Yo Mox, you want to take this one."

"Me?" Moxxie asks.

"Yeah. This seems simple for you to handle," Zak says.

Moxxie looks through the window and is shocked to see the family of four are at the dinner table and ready for dinner. There is a small girl with brown pigtails and wears a purple blouse and black skirt. Next to him, is a young boy wearing a hat that has a raccoon tail, and a white shirt.

Soon, a blonde haired woman, Martha, is wearing a white blouse with red polka dots, and blue pants walks to a man named Ralphie, who has brown hair and a red shirt. They both affectionately rub each other's noses as the woman is holding a dinner plate. Seeing this is making Moxxie nervous.

Then hears Zak say, "You snooze, you lose, Mox."

Moxxie turns to see Zak holding a sniper and aims it towards Martha's head.

Zak aims the sniper and says, "Aaaand I've got ya, bitch."

But Moxxie quickly panics, "Wait... Are we actually killing a family?!"

"No, don't be a puss. We're just killing a mother," Zak says. Then position the sniper, "We're ruining a family!

"But... hold on hold on. Let's just think about it," Moxxie quickly says and lifts the sniper up, making Randall miss his shot.

The bullet ends up shattering the glass mirror in the house, causing the family to gasp in fear.

"What was that, Ralphie?" Martha asks, sweetly.

Ralphie shakes his head and says, "I don't know, Martha. But whatever it is..."

Ralphie then reaches under the table and pulls out a rifle.

"They're gonna be tomorrow night's dinner!" Raphie says with an evil grin.

Martha sets the platter on the table and brings out another rifle. She then drinks a glass of wine and smashes it on the floor.

"Alright, kids! Guns out!" Martha says.

The boy pulls out a small gun from his hat and the girl pulls another rifle. They all show evil grins and sharp teeth.

"Looks like we got some rabbits to catch, young'uns!" Ralphie says and lets out an evil chuckle.

Still outside, Zak is not pleased with Moxxie botching the job, more like pissed off.

"What the FUCK was that, Moxxie?!" Zak asks in anger as Moxxie takes deep breaths.

Moxxie lets out a croak with his tongue and falls to his knees with his hands over his face, "I'm sorry. They just seemed so wholesome and happy."

Then tears fall from his eyes, "I panicked."

Zak facepalms and says, "Oh, who the fuck is innocent, Moxxie? From the moment of birth, you're already a parasite leeching off your momma's tits."

Just then, a blast of the gun shoots through the window and hits Zak in his arm, and black blood is blasted out of his arm.

Zak screams, "Aah! A new hole! SCATTER!"

Zak and Millie flee the scene while Moxxie quickly hides in the bushes. Then another hole appears from the blast. Martha and Ralphie leap through the large hole with their guns, and run out to find the targets. Moxxie peers out of the bushes to quickly look around. Before he can get away, one of the kids grabs Moxxie's tail and pulls him away.

Meanwhile, Ralphie continues to fire at Millie who flips backwards towards the docks. Then dives into the lake.

"Where'd you go, little critter? Y'all can't hide long from me," Ralphie says, aiming his rifle at Millie as he walks towards the docks.

Millie swims up to the surface with a dagger in her mouth. She then breaks through the docks and lands on it with her knife in her hand and grins. Ralphie swings a glass bottle at Millie, but she quickly runs behind him and jumps into the air with two knives in her hands. Raphie quickly swings the bottle upward, and knocks Millie in the head. Millie yelps and falls into the ground. She struggles to stand, but soon collapses on the docks. And the last thing she sees before losing consciousness is Ralphie's sinister face.

Elsewhere, Moxxie soon regains consciousness and opens his eyes. He lets out a gasp with a squeak to find himself tied up to a chair that has a stitched up dead body. His face falls into fear when the little boy and girl appear with red eyes and devious sharp grins on their faces.

Moxxie tries to settle the situation and says, "Oh. Well hello there, little ones. Aren't you cute?"

They both quickly speak with low creepy tones, "It's nice to have a new critter to play with."

Moxxie soon gazed up in fear at the red light. To his shock the light reveals a human head high up with limbs on plaques. He soon looks around to see the walls and table are decorated with human corpses, there's even a dead human body on a platter with an apple in its mouth and human organs in a bowl close by.

Moxxie says, softly shocked, "Oh... crumbs."

Somewhere in the forest, Zak dashes through the bushes and into the forest where Martha evilly laughs and fires her gun at him. Martha's evil laugh surrounds the forest as he runs through the forest. He slides down the hill and catches their breath.

Then he hears Martha in a singing-like tone, "I know you're hurting' little devils."

Zak quickly hides behind the tree as he takes deep breaths. Then quickly covers his mouth.

Soon, Martha comes walking back and continues to call out in a singing voice, "I promise that I can make that pain go real quick. Just come let Mama Martha put a bullet in your pretty little skull!"

Knowing that Martha is gone, they both take a deep breath in relief.

Zak grits his teeth and angrily says, "When I get my hands on Moxxie, I'm going to pound his fuckin..."

Suddenly, Zak hears a clicking sound from the other side of the tree, and ducks down before the fire blows a hole in the tree, and reveals Martha with some sharp teeth.

"I can hear ya, darling!" Martha says.

"Shit!" Zak mutters, and runs off.

Zak continues running through the woods as Martha tries to shoot him. Zak is soon able to hide behind the tree.

"When Mayberry explained to us about Martha not being a hero and her being a whore, she didn't mention about her being a fuckin psycho!" Zak angrily says.

Then a bullet blasts through the tree he's hiding behind.

"Shit!" Zak says, and continues running and soon hides behind another tree.

He then angrily says, "Moxxie is gonna fuckin get it...!" Then he brings out his gun, "But first, I got a bitch to kill!"

But before he can begin searching, his gun is knocked from his hand. And soon finds himself pinned to the tree with the butt of Martha's gun.

"Gotcha!" Martha says.

Then says, "So, you're a little devil, huh? Come to drag me and my kin to Hell? Well, not today, Satan!"

She presses the gun harder to Zak as she says, "Gonna send y'all back to where ya came from!"

Back in the house, Moxxie struggles to break the ropes that tied his hand behind his back. He soon looks up to see fire being lit outside.

Moxxie gasps, "Millie!"

Moxxie continues to struggle to break his ropes as the two kids stare at him with evil grins. He then notices the girl pulling out a sharp knife. Seeing the blade, he shows a determined face as the girl raises her blade. But before she can strike, Moxxie pushes the chair back and knocks them both to the ground. Moxxie then uses the blade to free himself and breaks the window holding the gun. He then jumps through the window and runs to the forest to save his colleagues.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the forest, Zak and Millie have been tied to a stake that was decorated with spikes. Ralphie pours a canister of gasoline on the bottom of their feet while Martha is a short distance away holding a torch.

Blitz groans in frustration, "I had that fucking shot. God dammit, Moxxie."

And speaking of Martha, she looks and dresses differently now. She is wearing skull earrings, jeans and a low-cut shirt with polka dots, and her eyes are red, and her hair is messy. And looking really evil.

Martha calls out, "Satan! We return your filthy creatures back to the pits of Hell!" and raises the torch.

Zak and Millie struggle to break free, but the rope has wrists tightened on to the stake.

"May the root of evil remain honored as we continue thy work!" Martha calls out, and throws the torch to the ground where it lands under the three tied up.

With evil laughter, the flames rise around the two Imps, but are unharmed.

And Zak says, "Yeah, that's not exactly how it works, lady. Sorry, your fire doesn't actually hurt us, but I mean I could fake it if that'll get your dick hard."

Millie and Zak smirk as Martha stares at them looking confused.

"Oh. Shit," Martha comments.

She rolls her eyes and says, "Well..."

Then evilly grins as she brings out her rifle, "...I'll just shoot you in your smart-ass mouth!"

"That would be more effective," Zak says.

"Zak!" Millie angrily scolds.

Martha laughs evilly as she aims her rifle at the two imps. They both close their eyes and flinch. Suddenly, Martha lets out a yelp to hear a gunshot and is shot on the head that her eye flies out of her socket. She then collapses on the ground, and dies instantly to reveal that Moxxie has shot her with Blitz's sniper.

Millie happily says, "Moxxie!"

Moxxie then runs over and begins to untie them from the stake.

"You aren't getting your fuckin' paycheck for this mess, Mox!" Randall angrily says.

When Moxxie unties them, Zak falls to the ground as Moxxie quickly pulls Millie into his arms. Millie embraces him and both Imps rub their heads with smiles on their faces. Frightened, Ralphie ends up tripping over Martha's lifeless body and flees the scene.

Still on the ground, Zak sarcastically says, "Oh yeah, thanks! I'm fine!"

Moxxie then helps out, "I'm sorry, guys. I compromised our objective and put us in harm's way. It won't happen again. I promise."

"Apology accepted," Zak says happily and gives Moxxie a hug.

But speaks in a low voice, "But if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will fuck you and your wife."

Then Zak lets go of Moxxie as he holds a feared look on his face. Millie then raises her arms as she cheers.

Then Zak says in a good mood, "Alrighty! Job well done! Now let's get off," and then pulls out his phone.

Moxxie says, "Eh, yeah give me a moment. I need to get something I left at the house."

"Okay, fine, but hurry up," Zaksays.

He then calls Loona on the phone and says, "Loona! We're ready to come home, dear!"

Moxxie then runs through the forest to get back to the house.

Meanwhile, back in the house, Ralphie is with his two children. His children then hurried to his father as he hugged them.

When Moxxie holds out the gun and says, "Don't move!"

Ralphie chuckles and says, "What are you gonna do little guy? Kill us?"

"I should! You people are monsters!" Moxxie shouts.

Then says to Ralphie, "But... you should have a chance at life and a purpose. Look at your children. They have their whole future ahead of them! You are going to face your crimes, justly."

He then picks up a phone, "I will call your earthly authorities and they will make sure you are dealt with, fairly. I'm handling this, my way."

He presses the button and it ends up turning on the T.V.

"Oh, shit," Moxxie mutters, and looks to see he has a 'T.V' remote.

Moxxie then asks, "Uh, do you have a phone to summon 911?"

Ralphie points his thumb in the direction, "Yeah, it's in the kitchen."

"Then, what is this for?" Moxxie asks, holding the remote.

"It's a universal remote. Got it for the kids," Ralphie says, and hugs his children.

"Aww," Moxxie happily replies.

Soon enough, Moxxie returns to where the portal is, and the others are ready to head back.

"There he is," Zak says. Then asks, "Have a good wank-off session, Moxxie?"

"Excuse me?" Moxxie asks, confused.

Zak laughs and says, "Just kidding. Just come to your job on time, alright?" and pokes Moxxie a few times and pinch his cheek.

"See you at the office!" Zak adds and goes through the portal.

Millie places her hand on Moxxie's cheek and asks, "You doing okay, sweetie?"

"Better, now, honey. I think I just needed a minute to process," Moxxie says.

Millie then touches Moxxie's chest, "You have a good heart, honey."

Then playfully pinches his nose, "Just a fuzzy head."

She then kisses Moxxie and he smiles lovingly. Then Millie walks through the portal. Moxxie walks through soon after. Once everyone is through, the portal closes.

Flashback Ends:

"And that's basically how our assignment went for that one," Zak says.

Charlie, Blitz, and the others have different expressions on their faces. Some are shocked, and some actually take an interest in the business. Loona, and the kids are rather shocked and confused.

"It sounds really creepy," Keenan says, feeling uncomfortable.

"It's scary," Aurora replies, frightened.

"Sheesh, who knows humans can be this scary. I mean, I've heard of some cases like this with cults and cannibals, but this seems like a whole new level," Blitz says.

"Yeah. At the end, the police surrounded and blew the whole house up. It shocked Moxxie, but finally agreed that it's the punishment they deserve," Zak says.

"I was reluctant at the result at first, but I have to agree that it's for the best. However, I wish they could have spared the children, even if they were cannibals themselves. In a way, I still feel sorry for the children for the behavior they had been brought up with by their parents," Moxxie says.

"You do, huh," Blitz replies, understanding Moxxie's situation.

Then says, "However, maybe it is for the best. I mean, back in Thaumarata beings who perform cannibalism at their kin or their kind would have been given a life of imprisonment or a death sentence depending on the outcome."

"Scary," Wesley replies.

"Well in the living world, cannibalism is a serious crime and offense in the living world, same with murder, rape, robbing, and a lot of other sins you can think of," Zak says.

"Yikes," Loona say

"Yep. A lot of humans are crazy," Husk says, rolling his eyes.

"That is true, but I'm sure not all humans are so bad," Stolas says.

"Maybe," Vaggie says.

Charlie then says, "Well, despite some of the hitches, I'm glad that things have gone well for you all.

But then asks, "But are you sure that kind of business is a good idea? I mean, Hell is already having trouble with overpopulation."

"Well, just be glad we take care of bad humans. We're almost like grim reapers or something," Zak says.

"And it's dangerous for you to be roaming around without disguises," Vaggie points out.

"Well, we were still getting used to using our access to the living world, so Stolas had to teach us how to use it in order to get our disguises. Besides, when we got this job, we were still starting, which was around a year ago," Zak says.

"I see," Charlie replies, but then decides to change the subject, "But still, there are some important matters we need to discuss."

"What's that?" Keenan asks.

"Well, for one, we need to discuss what we need to do, since we're all going to be living in Hell," Blitz says.

Then touches his chest, "And what to do about the Asmodean Crystal on my chest, and the one in my scepter."

"And the other six that were scattered in Hell," Loona says.

"Wait, did you say there's Asmodean Crystal on your chest?" Moxxie questions.

Blitz unbuttons his shirt and opens it to reveal the crystal to the others. Of course, everyone who first sees it is shocked, even Zak is shocked to see it.

"Oh crumbs," Moxxie says.

"Damn, you really do have an Asmdoean Crystal on your chest," Zak says.

"Yeah. Sadly, I don't remember how I got it, but Charlie believed that I was somehow involved with an incident regarding a group of demons using the Asmodean Crystals for some devices 25 years ago before the Extermination," Blitz explains.

"25 years ago? That's when you and your family disappeared, and you never returned," Zoey says, shocked.

Then Topaz says, "You know, I remember my dad telling me something happened a couple of months before that Extermination day that year as well."

Everyone looks at Topaz with a confused look.

"You see, I was born and raised in the Lust Ring, and my father actually worked with Asmodeus regarding going to Earth for his work," Topaz says.

"Really?" Loona asks.

"Yes. I remember my dad telling me about the jurisdiction of the crystals becoming more strict. He said that some of the crystals from Ozzie's personal supplies were stolen," Topaz says.

"What?" Blitz asks, shocked.

"Stolen?" Alastor questions, taken an interest.

"Really?" Zoey questions, shocked.

"I remember my dad telling me that too," Charlie says.

"Yes. And I think one of them is actually dark red and shaped like a heart. According to my dad, and it looks just like the one Blitz has on his chest," Topaz says.

"So you mean, that our dad ended up having stolen property?" Aurora asks, worried.

"Dad won't be in trouble for having it, will he?" Keenan asks, worried.

"No. Of course not," Charlie says, "They already know who took the crystals. I can even vouch for it. However, Blitz might need to be questioned, even though his memories are questionable."

"That's true. I don't even remember how I got it," Blitz says.

"Still, what were you doing in a place full of scientist demons anyway?" Millie asks.

"It must be due to his family's disappearance that day," Zoey says.

"Well, I don't know much about it because my dad didn't tell me everything," Charlie says.

"Hmm, quite the mystery we have," Moxxie says.

"That's true," Wesley says.

"Still since Blitz and his family will be living in Hell, it will be important for them to have official documents. And in Blitz's case, update any documents he may have in the past," Charlie says.

"You are correct, but it will take some time," Stolas says.

"That's true," Loona says. Then sighs, "It's too bad we don't have any copy of the documents or paperwork with us. Not even our passports. Especially since we dropped into Hell unexpectedly."

"So what do we do?" Aurora asks.

"Well, it will take time, but it wouldn't hurt for you all to get a medical appointment. Examinations, vaccines, and other needs you all might need. Since you, Keena, and Tilla were born and raised in another world, and also Blitz and Loona were raised in the other world, it's important to be sure there aren't side effects from the transport," Stolas explains.

"Side effects?" Keenan questions.

"The St. An's Hospital might be the best choice, but sometimes the services can be off," Zak says.

"No kidding," Zoey says, rolling her eyes.

Zak turns to Blitz, "Still, we want to help you regain your memories. And also help you get used to living in Hell again, like you used to. And it appears your family needs help adjusting as well."

Then tickles Tilla, "Isn't that right, Tilla?"

Tilla giggles and says, "Zakie Zakie."

Zak is taken back and blushes, "Zakie!"

Zoey giggles, "That's adorable."

Tilla then turns to Zoey, "Zo Zo."

And then to Topaz, "To to."

"Awww!" Topaz and Zoey happily reply.

Tilla then turns to Millie and Moxxie, "Milly. Mo."

"Mo?" Moxxie says, confused.

Then Tilla turns to Wesley, "Wely."

Wesley chuckles, "Well, that's kind of cute."

Tille happily turns to Ash, "Ashy. Hi Ashy."

"Hey Tilla," Ash says.

Octavia giggles, "Well, Tilla is actually pretty cute."

"Isn't sure, Octavia. She reminds me of you when you're little," Stolas says.

Octavia blushes, "Dad, you're embarrassing me."

Tilla happily reaches Octavia, "Oc... Octa..." Trying to say her name, but she ends up saying, "Octi Birdie. Octi Birdie."

Octavia blushes, "Wait, is she calling me that?"

"She sure is," Loona says.

Tilla giggles, "Octi Birdie."

"Okay. That is really embarrassing," Octavia says, blushing.

Then she had an idea, "Um how about you call me Via, instead. My dad calls me that.

Tilla happily says, "Via Via."

Millie squeals, "I'm going to explode."

Octavia blushes, "Well, I guess you can call me Via. It's better than calling me Octi."

"I think it's a funny name," Zak says with a grin on his face.

Octavia turns to Zak, "Zak," very embarrassed.

"Sorry Octavia," Zak says.

"So, other than making Blitz and his family's official residence, and learn more about what happened to him that ended up in the other world. Not to mention help his family adjust to the place, what else do we need to do?" Millie suggests.

"What about his family? His birth family?" Moxxie asks.

"Well, I think it will be best to take things slow. Blitz still needed help recovering his amnesia, and for the past fifteen years, we all in a way, kind of split up. For me, I ended up having to be married to Stella until we divorced five years ago. Zak and Zoey stuck together, married, and have Ash," Stolas says.

"That's true. We don't know where Clayton is now," Zoey says.

"And last I heard, Lucina runs a food truck business and revolves around Hell," Zak says.

"And Fizzarolli is working for Mammon, and is also business partners with Asmodeus. It will be difficult to see him, not without an appointment. We would have to talk to one of them. However, I suggest Asmodeus would be best," Stolas says.

"I have to agree. Mammon is well, not very easy to talk or reason with," Charlie admits.

"Hmm, I think we covered everything," Zak says.

Stolas and Zoey look at Zak with confused expressions.

"Are you sure?" Blitz asks, "I mean, I'm sure there's a lot I like to know about my previous life and perhaps my family."

"Well, to be honest, I have no clue where they are now. We haven't seen them in years," Zak says.

"Oh, that's okay. I'm sure we can figure things out, eventually," Blitz says.

"Yeah. It's best we take things slow and once you have more of your memories, we can find the others," Zak says.

"Okay," Blitz says.

Stolas and Zoey look kind of concerned to hear Zak saying it. However, they understand why.

Sometime later...

Stolas and everyone of I.M.P are ready to head back.

"It was really nice to meet you all, and I do hope we'll get along," Blitz says.

"It's no trouble Blitz. I'm sure once you get used to being here, we can take you to all kinds of places. I can show you some cool places around imp City," Zak says.

"Or even the Wrath Ring," Millie says.

"That might be a good idea. I can show you some great places to hang out in the Lust Ring and Gluttony," Topaz says

"Yeah. you might like it there," Wesley says.

"Hmm, maybe someday," Blitz says.

"And don't worry, I'll make the arrangements for you and your family at the hospital as soon as we can," Stolas says.

"Thank you Stolas," Blitz says.

"You're welcome. I'll visit again soon," Stolas says.

"Yeah," Blitz says.

"Now, then let us all return," Stolas says and opens the portal. Zak and Stolas walk through while Zoey takes the car back to Imp City with Ash. Moxxie, Millie, Wesley, and Topaz pair up in separate cars and drive off.

After returning to the Goetia Mansion...

"Zak, are you feeling okay?" Stolas asks.

"No. Not really," Zak answers.

Stolas sadly sighs, "It's about his family, isn't it?"

"What else will I be talking about," Zak says, upset, "I mean, yeah. It's true that I have no clue where they are. I haven't been in contact with Cash and Barbie for years, not since..." and gently touches his broken horn, "Not since the fire..." He then groans an on the verges of tears, "Fuck, I just know if I explained to Blitz about the fire and what happened to his mother... He lost his adopted mother and his wife died of an illness. If he learns that he lost his birth mother, he's going to be heartbroken."

Stolas places his hands on Zak's shoulders, "I know. I'm concerned about him as well," And sighs, "Still, Blitz has the right to know about what happened."

"You're right, but I want to wait for a little while, until we're all ready," Zak says, and wipes his tears, "I just hope things will be okay for him and his family. We got him back after all this time, and I don't plan on losing one of my best friends, not after having him back all these years."

Stolas nods, "Yes Zak, I... I know exactly how you feel..."

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