Chapter 2: Camping Trip in the Starlight Forest

Many Years Later... (December 31st, 1931)

At a place called Galaxy City, there are many different beings, Celstian, known as the Angel folk. The Infernoians, known as Demons. Centaurus, Faes, Fairies, and other different kinds of living beings and animals. There are even humans who either can or can't use magic and hybrids. The city is a calm and quiet city, but does have its occasional loud streets, train cars, automobiles, and working people. The citizens have lived out their everyday lives. Despite it being a city, it has a good combination of nature and buildings and culture involving the stars, plantes, galaxies and such. As of now, it's the winter season, but it's actually still warm.

Somewhere in the streets of Galaxy City, there is a specific dark red Chevrolet Superior car. The driver is Blitzo Jonas, all grown up in his late 30s, and is clarified as an Infernoian. Even though his appearance is the same when he's young, he has grown taller since his youth. His horn has extended and he has gained black spines on his head and upper back, as well as on his tail. And the burns on his body scared into white. Blitz is wearing black pants, white button up shirt, a dark vest and bright red necktie. On his necktie is a red skull charm, one of the items have on his from his childhood, along with the necklace around his neck. He is wearing a medical coat, and black boots.

In the back of the car is his medical bag and some grocery bags.

Blitz brings out his gold pocket watch to see the time, 1:15 in the afternoon.

"Well, almost home. Glad I was able to get out of work early today. Now I can spend time with the children for the whole weekend," Blitz says to himself.

Soon, Blitz drives the car into a parking space next to a small house on the outskirts of Galaxy City where some of the other houses are. The house is a red victorian style house, with white and black at some areas like the porch and windows. A simple two story house. Once the demon parks the car, he takes out his items, and walks into the house. Blitz then walks inside the house and closes the door with his tail.

Once closing the door, Blitz calls out, "I'm home."

There's been multiple footsteps walking down and arriving to greet him are his three children, and one grown adult.

The first is his eldest, adopted daughter named Loona. Loona is a twenty year old wolf-like hound, and the tallest among the siblings, even taller than their dad. She has a pointed, dog-like muzzle with sharp and pointy teeth, and a dark gray nose. Her eyes have red sclera and white irises, and she wears gray eyeshadow and black winged-eyeliner for makeup. Her fur is white with gray countershading encircling her face, gray patches on her shoulders, and long, voluminous silver hair swept to the side to reveal her dark gray ears. She also has small piercings on her ears. She has a large, dark gray bushy tail with white on the underside. Loona is wearing navy blue pants and black buttons, and a dark gray shirt. She has her hair in a ponytail. She doesn't really wear shoes, because she doesn't feel comfortable with them. Around Loona's neck is a purple ribboned necklace that has a charm on it. The charm is that of white angel wings and a white halo that looks like a tiara with pink and purple gemstones on it.

His eldest daughter Aurora, twelve years old. She has long elegant straight black hair, and has two different colored eyes. (Left eye: sapphire blue, Right Eye: Red). She also has somewhat slightly fair tan skin. She has a heart skull mark on her forehead, along with pointy ears that have pink flower earrings, white angel-like wings on her back and a glowing white halo over her head. Aurora is wearing a purple short with light blue shorts, white socks, and shoes. She is also wearing a white sun hat.

His only son, Keenan, is eight years old. He actually has the same appearance as Blitz. Same skin color, same horns shape and color, and even the same tail, basically a spinning image of Blitz, but he doesn't have the blotches on his face. Keenan also has light sapphire blue eyes along with dark purple slightly shoulder length hair in a brushed back crop cut. He also has pointy ears. A along with the black heart skull mark on his forehead. But unlike Aurora, Keenan doesn't have angel wings. He is wearing a red shirt with dark purple short sleeves, and blue overalls, white socks, and black boot shoes.

Being held by Loona is the youngest daughter and child of the family is Tilla, who is two years old. Tilla has fair skin, and angel-like wings as well. She has red colored eyes, tail, and the heart skull mark on her forehead similar to her daddy. However, Tilla also has black, shoulder length shaggy-looking hair, and her horns are pure black, unlike Blitz's horns. Tilla is wearing a pinkish red dress with a white collar, short puffy sleeves with white cuffs. She is also wearing small white socks and black mary janes.

"Hi dad," Aurora and Keena say.

"Hey dad," Loona says, and places Tilla down.

Tilla walks up to him, "Hi Dada."

"Hi Loona, Aurora, Keena, Tilla," Blitz says as he picks up Tilla, "Are you all ready for our camping trip?"

"We sure are. Our stuff and supplies are in the living room," Aurora says.

"And got the food and other stuff in the cooler," Loona says.

"Good to hear," Blitz says.

He looks around to notice, "Where's Sophie?"

"She's napping in the living room," Loona says.

Blitz walks into the living room to see a fox sleeping on the pillow. The fox is pure and white as snow, and it has six tails rather than one. The fox soon begins to wake up as it lets out a yawn and stretches her paws and back.

Blitz giggles and kneels down, "Hey Sophie."

The fox, Sophie, opens her pale blue eyes to see her owner and lets out a bark in glee. Then jumps onto his shoulders and licks his cheek.

Blitz giggles, "I'm happy to see you too, Sophie."

Blitz then turns to the family, "Are you all ready to go camping?"

"We're all ready," Loona says.

"I can't wait to go on our yearly camping trip," Keenan says.

"Me too," Aurora says.

Tilla happily says, "Camp camp camp."

Loona giggles, "Tilla is excited too."

"Okay. Settle down. Just let me get my stuff set and you kids gather your stuff and some of the supplies and I'll be right back," Blitz says, and places both Sophie and Tilla down.

"Sure dad," Aurora says.

Blitz then walks up the stairs and into his bedroom to gather his belongings for the camping trip. Blitz uses his magic to place a few last items inside. Among them is the scepter he has received from Selene during his childhood and training with magic. A brown wooden scepter that has a white orb on the top of it. It's old, but he's been told by Selene that it's been passed down from her family for generations. And since Selene doesn't have blood children, she passed it down to Blitz. It's one of Blitz's treasures.

He also looks at the rose gold heart pendant and the red skull charm on him as well. They're also some of Blitz's important keepsakes. And the only ones that he has among his belongings.

The last item he has is a photo album. He opens it to see of himself and Selene throughout his childhood to adulthood. There are pictures of Aurora and Keenan when they're babies and Loona as a small child. And photos of Blitz and his friends from his childhood. Among them is a young beautiful girl.

The girl is kind of tall, slim, and fair. She has fair skin and pointy ears. She has long, elegant, straight, dark purple hair that goes down to her knees. She also has beautiful sapphire eyes. She also has white angel-like wings and a white halo with a glowing light purple aura.

Blitz sadly smiles as he flips the pages of his album, especially the girl, a girl named Crystal. Then it is when Crystal was an adult and Blitz together, even some wedding photos of him and Crystal together, and photos of them when their children have been born. However, there aren't many photos of Blitz's childhood in Wisteria, and he knows that it's for the best.

Blitz sadly sighs, "Oh Crystal, I really miss you so much."

Then Blitz up a halo ring that's also been brought to him by his magic. It's white, but the light purple aura isn't anymore. That halo used to belong to Crystal. When Celestians died, their halos lost their magic and parts from the Celestian. They either can be disposed of or kept depending on the person. For Blitz's case, he decides to keep the halo, because it reminds him of his former wife. Blitz remembers how Crystal has an incurable illness and it fully caught on two months after Tilla was born. And then, time passed, and Crystal passed away half a year after Tilla was born. Blitz then put the items in his handbag, and headed down stairs to meet with the children to go camping.

Time has passed...

Blitz and the kids arrive at their camping spot. It's a beautiful forest clearing with bushes and trees covered with flowers, berries, and fruits. There is also a large waterfall that goes down to a lake with a river connected to it. There are also a few critters and magical creatures around the area as well.

"Well everyone, we're finally here," Blitz says.

"The place seems to have flourished more than last year," Aurora says.

"I know. I think the Starlight Forest got more colorful than last year," Loona says.

"Yeah! I can't wait to have some fun!" Keenan says.

"Yay!" Tilla happily says.

Blitz chuckles, "I know you're all excited to have fun, especially since it's Tilla's first campout, but remember, we need to set up the tent and supplies."

"Don't worry dad, I remember," Keenan says.

"And one of you needs to watch little Tilly," Blitz says.

Aurora volunteers, "I can watch Tilla."

Sophie happily barks, volunteering to help watch little Tilla.

"Sounds good," Blitz says, "Loona. Keenan, can you help me set up the tents and supplies.

"You got it dad," Keenan says.

"Sure," Loona replies.

Aurora has set a red and white checkered planet on the ground and places some of Tilla's toys on it as Sophie follows from behind.

Aurora then places Tilla on the blanket, "Here you go, Tilla. We'll play together while the rest of the family gets the site set.

With that, Aurora and Tilla then begin to play. Loona brings out some jugs and walks to the river nearby to fill up the jugs. Keenan sets up the sleeping bags and the pot and pans while Blitz sets up the large tent. Sophie is busy playing with Tilla and Aurora on the blanket, so she'll have someone else to play with. After finishing setting up the tent and the sleeping bags, Blitz and Keenan head off to the forest to gather some wood and rocks for the campfire. Loona then returns to place the jugs near the tent.

As they play, Tilla sees a bird flying by.

She happily says, "Birdy birdy."

Tilla then begins to walk towards the lake to see little fishes in the water.

"Fishies. Ooooh," Tilla says, and reaches her hand towards the water.

Aurora then picks up Tilla, "Oh no, you don't."

Soon, Blitz and Keenan return to the camp with the rocks and sticks.

"How's the baby sitting going?" Keenan asks.

"Going good. Tilla tried to go into the water," Aurora says.

Tilla reaches the lake, "Fishies fishies."

"Looks like Tilla wants to go for a swim," Loona says.

Blitz places the wood down and picks up Tilla, "Don't worry Tilla, we'll go swimming later, okay."

Tilla nods her head with a smile, "Okay."

"Great. The sooner we finish, the sooner we can have some fun," Keenan happily says.

Sometime later, the camping site is all set up. The tent is set up, the sleeping bags are set inside, and even the firewood is all built, with a bucket of dirt and two jugs of water.

"The campsite is set, dad," Keenan says.

"And all the supplies are safely secured so no wild animals can get them," Loona says.

Sophie walks to Blitz and then jumps on his shoulders.

"Come on kids, let's go on a walk before we go swimming," Blitz says.

"Yes dad," Loona, Aurora, and Keena reply.

Tilla giggles and nods happily.

And soon, Blitz and the kids are on a nature hike. They walk along the trail to see the many different plants, trees, and wildlife. Sophie happily climbs up the trees and plays along in the grass.

"So dad, what do you think we're going to see this time?" Keenan asks.

"Well, the Starlight Forest has a lot of different life here. Sure we've seen them before, but there's always something new for us to see," Blitz says.

Suddenly, Tilla notices a bright glow on his right.

She reaches out, "Pretty pretty."

Blitz, Aurora, and Keena turn their heads to see the strange multi-colored lights.

"You're right. There's strange lights coming from others there" Loona says.

"What is it, dad?" Keenan asks.

"Hmm, let's go see, but remember to stay close," Blitz says.

With that, they begin to walk down the trail on the right and soon reach a large field of flowers where many different tiny people with wings fly around and seem happy and glowing in different colors. They seem to be making the flowers bloom and glow.

"Wow. This is beautiful," Aurora says.

"Those are Floral Fairies. They're fairies that live in the flowers and use their magic to help floral life grow," Blitz says. "It's actually rare to see them here."

"It's really cool to get to see them here," Keenan says.

"Fairies. Flowers. Fairies. Flowers," Tilla says with a big smile.

"You really like them, huh?" Blitz asks.

Tilla happily nods in reply.

"Can we get a closer look, dad?" Keenan asks.

"That's not a good idea. They don't like being bothered by others while doing their work, especially those that are larger than them," Blitz says.

Then walks away, "It's best we let them be."

"It's too bad though. I really like to get a closer look," Aurora says.

"I know, but it's a good idea to leave them alone. Let's finish with our nature hike and then we can swim," Blitz says.

The family continues walking along the trail to see many different flora and fauna. They even see Unicorns, Sprites, animals, and other creatures. Sophie loves exploring in the forest, but makes sure to remain close to their owners.

Time has passed and the Jonas family has returned to the camp, changed into their swimsuits, and are now playing in the water. Aurora and Keena splash at each other while Blitz holds Tilla as he sits in the water with her. Tilla keeps getting her toes tickled by the fishes nibbling at her feet. Sophie is also having her nap.

Blitz continues watching as his children have fun and play together. It's been difficult for the family since Selene and Crystal passed on, but they do their best to move on with their lives. Despite all that, they all have been a happy family.

Later in the night, Blitz and his kids are sitting by the campfire and are having dinner of vegetable soup. Sophie is also enjoying their meal as well.

Keenan happily says, "This vegetable soup is good, dad"

"And the honey bread tastes good too, Loona," Aurora says.

"Thank you," Blitz says.

"Thanks," Loona says.

Tilla is drinking the milk from her little cup.

"I'm glad you all are enjoying dinner. It's really nice to be camping in the Starlight Forest," Blitz says.

"I agree. It's really nice to go camping at our usual spot," Aurora says.

"And we get to spend the entire weekend here," Keenan says.

Tilla happily says, "Camping. Camping."

"That's right, Tilla. A whole weekend in the great outdoors," Blitz says.

"And tomorrow we get to go out on our morning hike, right father?" Aurora asks.

"That's right," Blitz replies with a nod.

Soon, Sophie finishes eating and slither up to Blitz's shoulder.

Keenan giggles and pats Sophie, "You had your fill, huh girl."

Sophie barks and yawns in response.

Aurora and Tilla giggle in response.

Tilla then sadly says, "Dada. Mama. Mama."

Blitz hugs Tilla, "I know. I miss her too."

"I miss mom too, Tilly," Keenan says.

"Me too," Aurora says.

"Yeah. I miss her too," Loona says, sadly, and gently touches her necklace.

Truth is, the necklace Loona wears actually used to belong to her mother. Where Blitz lived years ago, some families have arranged marriages. According to Blitz, both he and his wife, Crystal, have feelings for each other and ended up having an arranged marriage by their parents. They don't mind at all because they already have strong feelings for each other.

Of course, Blitz and the kids understand how Tilla feels. It's been sad since Crystal has passed away. Loona and Aurora decide to step up and help her dad with the housework whenever he has to go to work. Keenan also helps take care and play with Tilla along with Sophie. Tilla barely knew her mother so it's difficult for her to remember her mother. Sophie also feels sadness because she is practically raised by both Blitz and Crystal.

Blitz softly smiles, "I understand how difficult it's been, but we all promised to live the best we can. Besides, we managed to do well so far."

"You are right, father. We were able to do what we could and help you out. Even some of our friends and neighbors," Aurora says.

"And my friends don't mind me and Tilla staying over for the night when needed, especially Roger and his little sister, Maggie," Keenan says.

"That's true," Loona says.

"Yes. Everyone has been helpful, and I'm grateful for the help, especially since your mother passed away," Blitz says.

"Yeah, but they're watching over us from above, right?" Aurora asks.

"I agree," Keenan says.

Loona nods in reply

"Yes. Now then, let's finish eating, clean up, relax, and get into bed, we want to make sure we get up before the sunrise for the new year," Blitz says.

"Okay," The kids happily reply.

The kids continue to have their dinner with their father and can't wait for tomorrow to have their day together.

Time has passed, and Blitz and the kids are now sleeping in their tent.

Suddenly, Tilla sturs a bit and mutters, "Dada."

Blitz soon wakes up to see Tilla stirs in her sleep and shows signs of tears falling down her face. Soon, Tilla begins to shed tears and begins to cry.

"It's okay, Tilla. It's okay," Blitz says, sitting himself up.

He then picks up Tilla and rocks her in his arms.

"Don't cry sweetie. It's okay, daddy's here," Blitz says, gently and rocking her in his arms.

Tilla softly sniffles and mutters, "Mama."

Blitz is surprised to mutter 'Mama' in her sleep. Despite barely knowing her, Tilla has some memories of her mother, more like a feeling.

Blitz hugs her and says, "Yeah, Tilly. I miss her too."

Soon, Loona, Aurora and Keenan wake up a little, still feeling tired.

"Dad, what's up?" Aurora asks.

"What's wrong with Tilla?" Keenan asks, and lets out a yawn.

"Yeah. Is she okay?" Loona asks and lets out a yawn.

"It's okay kids. Tilla was probably having a dream, of your mother," Blitz says.

"Will she be okay?" Aurora asks.

"She'll be okay," Blitz says.

He then says, "Maybe it will make you all feel better if I sang the song my adopted mother used to sing to me."

"Can you dad? I really love it," Aurora asks.

"Yeah. It's actually kind of nice," Keenan says.

"Of course," Blitz says.

He then raises his hand to cast his magic, "We just need a little music for it."

With his magic, his guitar floats into the tent and over their heads. Soon, the melody begins to play the music. Blitz soon gently rocks Tilla in her arms as Loona, Aurora and Keenan lie back down. Sophie remains sleeping next to Blitz close by.


Where the North wind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory

Sleep, my darling, safe and sound

For in this river, all is found

Soon, Blitz lays Tilla down in the sleeping bag as the little toddler begins to get sleepy.


In her waters, deep and true

Lie the answers and a path for you

Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far or you'll be drowned

Blitz then lies down as he tucks himself and Tilla in the sleeping bag.


Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear

And in her song, all magic flows

But can you brave what you most fear?

Can you face what the river knows?

Tilla lets out a yawn and soon falls asleep as Blitz lies next to her.


Where the North wind meets the sea

There's a mother full of memory

Come, my darling, homeward bound

When all is lost, then all is found

Blitz then uses his magic to place the guitar down as it plays the last verse before stopping completely. Blitz then gently gives Tilla a kiss on her forehead before falling asleep himself.

Time has passed and it's the middle of the night. The family continues to sleep peacefully like they don't have a care.

Still sleeping, the crystal under Blitz's shirt and on his chest begins to glow and a strange bright light begins shining outside. Blitz slowly wakes up from his sleep as he lets out a grunt and groan. He rubs his eyes and opens it to see the strange glow. Loona, Aurora, Keenan, and Tilla soon wake up from their sleep as well.

"Ugh, what in the world is that?" Loona asks, feeling a bit blinded.

"Dad, what's that strange light?" Keenan asks, rubbing his eyes.

"It's bright," Aurora says, covering her eyes.

Tilla is still very sleepy.

"Let's go check it out," Blitz says, picking Tilla up.

Blitz and the kids climb out of the tent and look to see a strange diamond shaped light glowing in front of them as his crystal glowing the same color. Even Sophie rushes out and remains close to her owners as she growls fearing some danger from what just appeared.

Aurora asks, "Dad, what's going on?"

"I'm not sure," Blitz says.

The diamond glows bright blood red, and a strange portal opens up and begins to vacuum everything in the area.

"What is that thing?!" Loona explains.

"I don't know," Blitz says.

The portal continues sucking everything in the area, including all the camping gear and their stuff. Suddenly, Keenan and Sophie pulled back. Keenan mananges to grab Sophie, but the young boy continues to get pulled in.

"Keenan!" Loona cries out and grabs Keenan's hand.

Keenan cries out, "Loona! Aurora! Dad!"

"Hang on, Keenan!" Blitz calls out.

But the portal is proven to be very strong and mananges to pull the entire family off the ground and pull them through the portal in a matter of seconds. Soon, all the belongings they have from the camp have been sucked in as well. To where this portal will take them, they have no idea where. One thing they'll find out, it's a world that is far different from their own.

All is Found: Frozen 2

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