Chapter 18: Twenty Five Year Reunion Part 2
Back in Blitz's bedroom...
Blitz has explained everything he knows about his past, and about his life in Thaumarata. Along with his marriage to Crystal, having a family, and everything that leads to how they ended up in Hell. Of course, Blitz keeps the incident during the Extermination Day between himself for obvious reasons.
"And that's how I ended up in the Hazbin Hotel," Blitz concludes.
"My, I must say that you've been through quite a lot. I've never would have thought that you ended up in a completely different universe all this time," Stolas says, though it's clear that he's shocked to hear Blitz's story.
"Yes. Charlie and the others had trouble believing it at first as well. That is, until I display my magical abilities to them, and they see how well different three of my children are," Blitz says.
Stolas giggles, "I can imagine, especially from what you told me about their adopted mother."
"Yeah," Blitz replies.
Stolas saddens, "Still, I'm sorry to hear about your adopted mother's death, and your wife' passing. And yet, despite everything, you still remain strong for your children's wellbeing."
"Thanks. My children mean a lot to me, and I want them to have a very healthy life," Blitz says.
He sighs, "But the crystal on my chest has gotten us in quite a mess. Luckily I've met Angel and Cherri when I did after the Turf War. Angel also helped me meet up with Charlie and Vaggie and they got us to the hotel. They've been taking good care of us."
"I'm glad to hear it," Stolas says.
He then becomes curious, "Still, about the crystal on your chest? Do you mind if I have a look?"
"I don't mind," Blitz says.
He unbuttons his buttons a bit and reveals the heart shaped crystal on his chest. Stolas is shocked and astonished to see the crystal stuck to his chest. He gently places his fingers on it and touches it.
Surprised, Stolas says, "Oh my. This is a genuine Asmodean Crystal."
"Yes. Charlie told me about the crystal earlier today when I showed it to her. From what she explained, these crystals are not easy to get unless you have permission from the Sin, I think she said his name was Asmodeus," Blitz says.
"You are correct. I'm glad to hear that Princess Charlotte was able to explain the details to you," Stolas says, "These crystals are originally used to help demons to get to the human world. Of course, the demons will be under Asmodeus' jurisdiction. Although, I've never heard of one getting you to a different world other than Earth."
"I have to wonder about it myself," Blitz says. He sighs and says, "But sadly, I don't remember how I even got it. Charlie told me about an incident that happened 25 years ago, and wasn't told much about it other than the place that exploded when the crystals were used for this machine."
"Machine?" Stolas questions.
"Yeah, and that's all she knows about the incident,," Blitz says.
Then uses his magic to bring his scepter to him to reveal the crystal in the orb, "And the crystal that I found during the Turf War also reacted with my crystal."
Stolas looks at the crystal, "Hmm, the crystal on your scepter appears to be an Asmodean Crystal as well. From the way you describe the incident, it appears that the crystals are drawn to each other."
"I was thinking the same. Even Charlie suspects it," Blitz says.
"Phenomenal, I've studied Gemology during my pastime, but I've never heard of anything like this," Stolas says.
"Neither have I. Thaumarata has some magical gems for mages and other creatures, but the crystal on my chest isn't like the one Selene has seen, or any of the other mages we've met," Blitz says.
"I have to agree," Stolas says, "I've studied quite a bit about rocks, minerals, and gemstones as a child, but never mention the Asmodean Crystals to be like this, much less take on these kinds of shapes, and attach themselves to someone's body."
Then Stolas wonders, "I wonder if the Asmodean Crystal is connected to your disappearance, because I've never seen it on you before."
"Well, from what Charlie explained to me about the crystals, it's possible. Although, I don't remember how I got them, or remember anything about my past like I've mentioned before," Blitz says. He then rubs his head, "And everytime I try, it makes my head hurt."
He lets out a sigh, "And recently since I've got here. I've been gaining a little bit of my memories."
"And what were they about?" Stolas asks.
Reluctant, Blitz answers, "I remember hearing someone calling me Blitzo, crying out my name, calling me their son. I remember trying out Papa... Mama... Barbie, and something else flashed on my mind, I was being pulled in by what seemed like a vortex. I was so scared and it hurts when I try to remember it."
Then turns to Stolas, "But I started to remember you, and you and I were pretty close in those memories," Stolas blushes a bit after hearing that.
Then Blitz says, "And there is something else I remember that I felt really bad about."
"And what will that be?" Stolas asks, curious
"Well, the day we met, my dad kind of forced me to steal as much of your family's treasures as I could. I mainly did it because my dad convinced me that it will be good for my family, especially my mother," Blitz says. "After the day with you, I felt so bad that I tried to give everything back, but your father caught me after a few days of visiting you so I had to tell him everything. You were there as well. At first your father was not happy about it, but you managed to convince him otherwise, barely. I still felt very bad and thought you wouldn't forgive me after what happened.
Stolas shakes his head with a smile, "I don't think it's a problem at all, especially after over two decades have passed, especially since you tried to go out of your way to bring it back. Even if it's a little at a time when you sneak them back from your father. Besides, you and I have become very good friends after my birthday."
"I guess, but I still want to make up for what I did," Blitz says.
But Stolas says, "It's no trouble at all. It's been so long that it's not really a big deal anymore."
"I guess you're right," Blitz says.
"Still, from what you mentioned about what the princess shared, it's possible that it may be involved with your family's and especially your disappearance," Stolas says.
"Really?" Blitz asks.
"I don't remember the entire details, especially since everyone, including I, were mourning for your supposed death," Stolas says.
He then explains, "You see, before the Extermination 25 years ago, you, your sister, and both your parents disappeared and were gone for days. A few days later, your sister and parents came back, but you didn't. They never told us why it happened, all we know is that you were gone. We never saw you again, and it was presumed that you're dead."
"I see," Blitz says.
Stolas then says, "Still, I wish to help you regain your memories."
"Thanks, but still, everything is complicated, especially the crystal that is on my chest. From what the others confirmed, we believed that the crystal maybe the reason why I ended up in Thaumarata to begin with, but I have to wonder why it send me and my family back to Hell after 25 years, "Blitz says, Then looks down on his chest to see the crystal, "I believed that you and Charlie are right, and the Asmodean Crystal is the reason why I was sent there to begin with, and after so many years, it sends me back to Hell, which is really my birth place. I'm not even sure how that even works. I may be a mage, but the crystal must also obtain a different kind of magic that I need to control. Especially since Charlie concluded that I was the only one who can control the crystal I've obtained from the War. My guess is that if anyone else tries tough or uses it, it could be dangerous."
"Hmm, and why is that?" Stolas asks.
"Well, the crystal on my chest was used as the core and the other seven crystals that went missing served under it. So maybe it's because of that I can use the crystals' powers, and it also helped that I was raised by a powerful mage that it's more easy for me to control. At least, that's what I theorized," Blitz explains.
Stolas giggles, "Well Blitz, it seems that we have a lot of work to do," and places his hand down.
"We?" Blitz asks.
"Yes. You're my friend, and I want to help you, not just regain your memories, but also help you understand and control the crystals' powers, and maybe even find the other six crystals that are missing," Stolas says.
"Really?" Blitz asks.
Stolas nods.
"Thanks. I really appreciate it," Blitz says with giggles and places his hand down.
Soon, Blitz and Stolas look down to notice their fingers are intertwined with each other's.
Blitz takes his hand back, looking flustered, "Oh, I'm uh, I'm sorry."
"It's quite alright," Stolas says, and shows a smile on his face.
Then Stolas leans towards Blitz with the same smile on his face.
Blitz blushes more and leans back, "Um Stolas, are you okay?"
"I'm quite alright," Stolas says, and places his hand on Blitz's left cheek, "I'm just very relieved to see you again. I was afraid you were gone forever."
"Re-really?" Blitz asks, sounding uneasy.
"Blitz, you seem a bit tense, nervous," Stolas says, gently rubbing his cheek.
"Oh um, sorry. It's just been sometime since I've been with someone. Since my wife's passing, I haven't dated since, I was too focused on raising my children. My family needed me," Blitz says, flustered.
"Of course," Stolas says.
Suddenly, they hear yawning and turn to see the fox waking up from her sleep. She then takes a sniff and soon, her fur stands on end. She turns to see Stolas as she raises her tails with her fur standing on end. Then she begins barking at Stolas and ready to attack.
But Blitz reassures, "Hey hey, it's okay Sophie. This Goetia Prince is really an old friend of mine," And comforts and reassures her, "I promise, he won't hurt me. He's really nice."
Sophie soon calms down and looks at Stolas with curious eyes.
"Oh my, I didn't really notice you have a fox, and one that can use magic," Stolas says.
"That's right. Crystal and I raised her since we were children," Blitz says and picks Sophie up.
Then presents her to Stolas, "Stolas is my family's pet, Sophie. Sophie, This is Stolas Goeita. He's a very good friend of mine. As far as I was able to remember."
Stolas slowly reaches his hand out, "Hello Sophie, it's nice to meet you."
Sophie sniffs Stolas' hand, and soon happily barks. She leaps from Blitz's arms and lands on Stolas' shoulder, allowing herself to sit then. She then licks his cheek, causing him to giggle.
"Aww, she is so cute and affectionate," Stolas says.
"She sure is. Once she gets to know you, she's very affectionate, but will take a little time to those who have strong magic. She probably sensed it from you when she woke up," Blitz says.
"I see," Stolas says.
Then Blitz asks, "By the way, why did you decide to explore around the hotel anyway?"
"Oh, it's kind of a funny story. You see, our childhood Zak convinced me to come to the hotel to see if you were Blitzo. Instead of knocking on the door, he decided to sneak inside while I explored outside," Stolas says.
"Zak...?" Blitz questions, and then his eyes wide open, "Zak.... Zachary Halls...?"
"That's right..." Stolas says, surprised. "You remember..."
"Only a bit, but I think I know him," Blitz says.
"You most certainly do, as I said, he was one of our childhood friends, especially yours since you both lived and worked at the circus together," Stolas says.
Blitz then says, "I remember there are a few more Imps I'm friends with, especially this one who I'm really close with. He was very funny, and out of all of us, he has the longest horns. I think I was envious of him, but he always makes us laugh when we feel sad. Everyone loves him. And there was some talk about us believing he'll be big someday," he then clenches his head, "But I don't remember his name. I don't even remember his face."
Stolas then reassures Blitz, "Don't push yourself, Blitz. I'm not a psychiatrist, but I know memory recall takes time, especially after so many years have passed. It's best we take this one step at a time."
"Right," Blitz says.
"Good. Now, I think it's time we find Zak. I haven't heard from him and I figure he would have found his way here by now," Stolas says.
"Good idea. Plus, if Alastor or Vaggie catches him sneaking around, he'll be in big trouble," Blitz says.
"That's actually his reason for wanting to sneak in to begin with," Stolas says.
"Really?" Blitz says, confused, "I mean, I know Alastor is a powerful Overlord and can be dangerous, but he's also a gentleman, so he shouldn't worry about it. My youngest daughter really liked him."
"Really now," Stolas replies.
"Yep," Blitz says.
"Well, we should go find Zak before he gets himself into trouble," Stolas says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
Soon, the pair begin their leave from the room to find Zak.
Back in the lobby...
Everyone has been runned up to speed on the details about two the Imp is.
"So this guy is really an old childhood friend of my dad?" Loona asks.
"That's what he said, and I believe him because of all the old photos he has of himself and Blitz," Charlie says.
"Yeah. Even I believe him," Vaggie says.
"At least it's an old childhood friend and not one of my fans. Some tend to stalk me from time to time," Angel says.
"Really? Your fans stalk you?" Loona asks.
"Yep," Angel says.
"I'm surprised no one has broke into the hotel for that yet," Vaggie mutters.
Charlie then turns to Zak, "So Zak, you were about to tell us about some proof you have that Blitz Jonas is Blitzo Buckzo."
"That's right," Zak says.
He then takes out another photo from the album, "This is the photo of us and Blitzo during his and Barbie's birthday." And let out a sad sigh, "Of course, months later before the Extermination, he and his family disappeared, and Blitzo didn't return."
Charlie takes the photo and she looks at it. The others look at the photo as well. They see a group of Imps, along with a young owl boy.
Zak then points to each of the imps, "At the corner there is me, and Zoey, our childhood friend, and well, my wife, is next to me. There's Clayton, and the one next to him is Lucina. The one on the right is Fizzarolli."
"Fizzarolli?" Angel questions, "Fuck, you mean the famous brand figure that's been all over Hell."
"That's the one," Zak says.
"Aww, he looks so cute," Charlie says.
"Yeah. Everyone loved him since he was a kid, and everyone loves him now," Zak says.
Then Vaggie points to one of the twin Imps, "Is that Blitz and his twin sister?"
"Yeah. The one on the right is Blitzo, and the one on the left is Barbie," Zak says, pointing to the twins.
And you see the owl boy that Blitz is close to, "That's Stolas when he was a kid."
"Awww, he looks so adorable!" Charlie happily says.
"Awww. He and Blitz were so small. I want to pinch those cheeks," Niffty says, gushing.
"Well, you have to admit, it's kind of cute. You all look like you're close," Vaggie says.
"Thanks," Zak says.
Then Hsuk notices something, "Wait..." and then points to something around Blitzo's neck in the photo, "Doesn't that pendant around his neck look familiar."
The group notices it themselves.
"You're right. That's the necklace that Blitz has. The one he showed us earlier today," Vaggie says.
"Really? He has it?" Zak asks, shocked.
"Yeah. Blitz showed it to us. He doesn't know how or why he has it, but all he knows is that it's very important to him," Charlie says.
Zak smiles and says, "And that pendant shows that your friend, Blitz, is really my childhood friend, Blitzo."
"Why's that?" Pentious asks, curious.
"The pendant Blitz is wearing is one of a kind. Stolas gave the pendant to Blitzo for his birthday, and it's the only one made," Zak explains.
"So it's one of the kind, then," Charlie says.
"Yes," Zak says. "Stolas gave it to him years ago. Blitzo was so pleased that he wore it soon after getting it. He was also wearing it the night he disappeared so he should have it."
"And Blitz still has it now," Angel says.
"Exactly," Zak says.
"Well, at least we're able to get things settle, but still, next time, knock on the door like a normal person," Vaggie says.
Zak sighs, "Fine." Just then, he remembers, "Which reminds me, I should find Stolas, I left him outside to sneak around the building to find Blitzo while I sneak from the inside."
"Wait, so Prince Stolas is here, like right now?" Charlie questions.
"Yeah. I managed to convince him to come because we both wanted to know if Blitz is Blitzo, and we really wanted to find out since we saw the news broadcast about the Turf War," Zak says.
Suddenly, someone says, "Yes. And I was able to find Blitzo."
Everyone turns to see Blitz and Stolas up the stairs and the two are kind of tired.
"Hey Stolas, I see you were able to find Blitzo," Zak says.
"Yes. He even has the pendant I've given him," Stolas says.
"Good to hear," Zak says.
Vaggie sighs, "Sometimes I wonder why we even have doors when some demons aren't fully willing to use it."
"I'm guessing you all are up," Blitz says.
"Yessss. We all heard the commotion and we found that your um, childhood friend decided to sneak in," Pentious says.
"At least it didn't wake up the kids," Blitz says.
"I'm just glad he only woke me up and not the kids," Loona says.
"Yeah. We don't want to wake them up, especially baby Tilla," Vaggie says.
"Tilla?" Zak questions.
"Yeah. Blitz's baby daughter. She is so cute," Charlie says.
Blitz and Stolas begin to walk down stairs.
"Yes. Right now, she and the others are still asleep," Blitz says.
Stolas then says, "Still, we are really sorry for disturbing you, your highness. I'm sure Zak had already explained the reason why we're here and-" But before he can finish, he ends up getting his feet tangled by his cloak and begins to fall down the stairs.
Blitz turns and tries to catch Stolas, but the Goetia Prince crashes into him and they both fall down the stairs and crash to the ground with a loud thud.
"Dad!" Loona calls out.
"Yikes, are you both okay?" Charlie asks, worried.
"That was a nasty fall," Angel says.
Everyone quickly turns to see if the two are okay. However, they end up seeing a shocking sight.
"What the..." Vaggie says, shocked.
"Fuck?" Husk adds
Charlie blushes, "Oh my."
"Goodness," Pentious says, also blushing.
Angel and Zak begin laughing.
Alastor also laughs, "Well, this is certainly an unexpected development."
"I think it's funny," Niffty says, and begins laughing.
What everyone sees is both Blitz and Stolas on the ground, and both of their lips are pressed against one another. They both stare in shock of the unexpected event and their cheeks are blushing. Angel and Zak continue laughing.
"Of man, this, this is too much," Angel says.
"Yeah! That's fuckin rich!" Zak adds.
Stolas and Blitz slowly parted their lips in shock as they stared at each other. They soon quickly sit up and turn away, feeling very embarrassed.
"I uh, I'm so sorry about that," Stolas apologizes.
"It, it's okay. It was an accident," Blitz says, bashful.
Stolas then helps Blitz, "Here, let me help you up."
"Um thank you," Blitz says.
Blitz then takes Stolas' hand, and the owl prince helps Blitz back on his feet. Blitz and Stolas soon look at each other and blush a bit with smiles on their faces.
Charlie then speaks out, "Well I have to say that this has become an unexpected, eventful night."
"I have to agree on that, Charlie," Vaggie says.
"Yes. Again, we were so sorry for intruding the way we did. The last thing we want is to cause trouble," Stolas says.
"That's okay. There wasn't too much trouble. In fact, to be honest, we were thinking of coming to see you tomorrow, or at least give you a call," Charlie says.
"Really?" Stolas asks.
"Yes," Charlie answers, "Once Blitz actually remembers him being friends with you, I figure it will be a good idea to get in contact with you to explain what we found out. But uh, it looks like you saved us quite the trouble of contacting you, considering you also have your royal duties to worry about."
"But next time, just call or knock on the door, or wait until the day time when we're not so tired," Vaggie says, and turns specifically towards Zak.
Zak sheepishly chuckles, "Right. We should probably get back home."
"Well, it's already very late. Why not you and Stolas stay over for the night. That way, tomorrow you can tell Blitz more about yourselves," Charlie says.
"That's actually not a bad idea," Zak says.
"Are you certain? We decided to come here unannounced," Stolas asks.
"It's no trouble at all. Besides, it's a great opportunity for Blitz to get acquainted with you two again,'' Charlie says.
Blitz then says, "I don't mind you both staying over. And maybe tomorrow I can introduce you to my family."
Then turns to Loona, "Well the rest, anyway."
"Yes. I really appreciate it," Stolas says.
Then sees Loona, "I'm assuming this is your adopted daughter."
"Yes. This is Loona. Loona this is Stoals," Blitz says.
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Stolas says.
"It's cool to meet you too," Loona says, and yawns a bit, "though, it would have been better to meet one of my dad's friends if I wasn't tired."
"Great. There are some clean rooms up stairs near Blitz room, you guys can stay there for the night," Charlie says.
"Works for me. I can call my wife and the others to come by tomorrow. I'm sure Zoey would love to see Blitzo again," Zak says.
Blitz walks to Zak, "I'm guessing that you're Zak, um right?"
"Yep. Charlie told me about your uh, problem, and Stolas and I are going to help you," Zak says.
"Thank you. I suppose," Blitz says.
"Well, now that all that is settled. I say it's time for all of us to go to bed," Alastor says.
Sometime later, after the little incident, everyone turns in for the night. Blitz is already asleep in his bed. Stolas however, who decides to stay with Blitz for the night is not. In fact, Stolas is simply unable to, especially being reunited with his childhood friend, and his childhood crush. The Goetia Prince turns to see Blitz fast asleep in bed.
Stolas gently rubs Blitz's cheek with a gentle smile and says, "Do not worry Blitzy, I promise to help you gain your memories back. I can only hope you can handle what memories that are within your mind. I'll do whatever it takes to help you gain your memories back, and to find out what happened to you. I promise," Stolas leans to the sleeping Imp and gives him a kiss on his forehead, "Sweet dreams, Blitzy."
Then Stolas falls asleep himself for a peaceful sleep, finally reuniting with his childhood friend.
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