Chapter 17: Twenty Five Year Reunion Part 1

Later that night, Stolas is in his royal chambers as he sits on his bed and reads a book. Stolas is rather excited but is also anxious. It's been over two decades since he has seen Blitzo, and now, he might actually be able to see him again. However, he's also worried that he might not remember, especially after 25 years have passed. Just then, he hears knocking coming from his balcony. Stolas places his book down, walks over, and opens it to reveal Zak, all dressed and ready to go.

"Hey Stolas," Zak says.

"Good evening, Zak. I'm glad you made it," Stolas says.

"Don't mention it. Anything we can do in order to see our old pal, Blitzo again," Zak says.

"Yes, but I'm a little nervous. I hope he and the princess won't mind us coming over out of the blue," Stolas says.

"Don't worry, I've got everything planned out," Zak says. He then asks, "So then, are you ready to go or what?"

Stolas nods his head, "Yes," He then uses his magic, "Allow me."

And with that, Stolas uses his magic to open the portal that leads to the bottom of the hill where the Hazbin Hotel is. Since it's night, the lights at the hotel are off, and everyone is most likely asleep or simply staying in their rooms.

"Now let us go," Stolas says.

"Nice shortcut," Zak says, and hops through the portal.

Stolas walks through the same portal before it closes behind him. And soon, the pair find themselves looking at the Princess' hotel at the top of the hill.

"Still amazed that you can make portals that will get us there in a matter of seconds," Zak says.

"Indeed," Stolas says.

"Well then, let's get going," Zak says and begins walking up the hill.

"Um Zak, where are you going?" Stolas questions.

"What does it look like, we're going to sneak into the building and find Blitzo," Zak says.

"What?!" Stolas reacts in shock. He quickly rushes up to Zak and says, "Zak, we cannot simply sneak into the building. The Princess of Hell is staying there. If we get caught, you and I will be in some serious trouble."

"Well, I don't want to risk running into the Radio Demon at the front door. You were able to see that commercial Blitzo was in for the Hazbin Hotel, Alastor is staying there too," Zak says

"All the more reason to not break in," Stolas says.

"Who said you're breaking in?" Zak responds, "I'm going to sneak inside and explore from the inside. You, however, will stay right here until I give you the message to let you know if I find Blitzo in the hotel.

Stolas sighs as he shakes his head. "Alright, you go inside and explore around. I will, however, search around from here. I might be able to find Blitzo's bedroom. But please be careful, if anyone sees you, you could be in serious trouble."

"I've snuck into places during my job all the time. I got this," Zak says, and begins his mission to sneak inside the building.

Stolas sighs and mutters to himself, "I'm already regretting this idea."

Stolas then begins to follow Zak as the imp reaches the hotel wall. He places his back against the wall and checks the window to find one unlock so he's able to open it easily. He then climbs through the window and closes it soon after. Stolas soon walks over to see Zak looking around to find no one is around. Zak then begins to slowly walk up the stairs and down the hall as Stolas watches from outside.

"Well, there he goes. I better start looking," Stolas says and begins to search around.

In the hall of the hotel, Zak begins to walk down the hall and begins to try looking in the different rooms. He checks the doors to be sure they're locked or not. Zak checks some of the rooms that are unlocked to reveal many of the vacant rooms, a closet, or other places. Those that are locked, he listens in to hear someone snoring, talking, or the television. That lets him know when someone is in there. Zak continues to search around and is trying to think of how to tell which room Blitz is staying in. Unknown to Zak, a shadow is secretly stalking him from a little distance away. Zak senses something off and turns to find nothing. He continues to sneak down the hall, but the mysterious shadow sneaks up from behind Zak.

"Huh?" Zak says, confused.

He then turns around to see what it is, but before he can react, the shadow transforms into a black tentacle and coils around him and lifts him in the air.

"Shit!" Zak cries out.

"Well well, it appears that we've got ourselves a little intruder," Alastor's voice appears.

Zak turns his head as he tries to open his eyes. He soon sees Alastor, the Radio Demon, walking towards him.

"So what's an imp like you doing in the Hazbin Hotel? I hope you're here for a reservation," Alastor questions.

Zak struggles to break free, "No, but I'm here for... for something important..."

"Really now?" Alastor replies.

"I... I need to see Blitzo... I saw that he's here and... ugh... I need to see him..." Zak says, struggling to break free.

"Blitzo..." Alastor questions. And then says, "Are you referring to Blitz Jonas?"

"Ye-yeah... I think..." Zak says with a sheepish smile.

Alastor smiles, "Well, why didn't you say so."

And with that the tentacle releases Zak and makes him drop to the ground with a thud.

"Ow! The fuck, man!" Zak yells, and glares at the Radio demon.

"So sorry, but I think it would be best if we talk about this in the lobby," Alastor says.

Zak sighs with an annoyed expression and says, "Fine."

"Good. I'll inform Charlie and her significant other to come down and meet you," Alastor says.

Zak groans, "And I was trying my best to avoid you."

"Well, it can't be helped since I have my shadows to act as security for the hotel. They certainly secured you, didn't they," Alastor says, and laughs.

Zak says with an annoyed expression, "What a comedian."

Meanwhile, outside of the hotel, Stolas searches the windows on the upper floors, so far, he hasn't found any good leads. He then looks in one of the windows to see Loona sleeping in her room. Then finds the large room where Aurora and Keenan are already fast asleep in their bed, and Tilla is sleeping in her crib.

Stolas then flies to the next window to the other side of the hotel. To his surprise, he sees Blitz laying on his bed, but he isn't asleep. Judging by the room, it's a single bedroom. He also notices a fox sleeping on the bed next to him.

"There he is," Stolas says to himself.

Stolas watches over the Imp as he tosses and turns, trying to get to sleep.

In the room, Blitz is still tossing and turning. He lets out a groan in frustration. Blitz places his hand on his head as he rubs it as he lets out a sad sigh. Stolas is saddened to see Blitzo like this, and wonders what could be the matter. Blitz then lets out a sigh as he is deep in thought about something. Stolas has to wonder what Blitzo is doing as he watches the Imp open the drawer next to his bed. And he brings out the small black box. Stolas continues to watch Blitz as he takes the box out of the drawer.

"Hmm, I wonder what he has there," Stolas asks himself in thought.

Blitz sits down on the bed, opens the box and takes out what appears to be a necklace. Stolas gasps in shock to see the necklace Blitz has taken out of the box.

The necklace looks like it's made of rose gold, even the chain is made of the same material. In the heart charm, it shows off a red that seems to be made of a red gel. There is also a design around the heart outer area, and the center has a seal.

"That... that necklace... that pendant..." Stolas says to himself in thought. Soon, Stolas begins to smile as tears begin to fall from his face, "It... It's really true... this is Blitzo... he truly is alive..."

Meanwhile, down in the lobby, Alastor has used his shadow to get Charlie and Vaggie up and down to the lobby to meet their uninvited guest. Charlie is confused while Vaggie has her spear and is ready to attack if needed.

"Well, this is unexpected," Charlie says, and lets out a yawn in exhaustion.

"Yeah. It's not long and we've already got an intruder in the hotel," Vaggie says.

Then says to Zak, "And you better explain to us why you've come here."

"Like I should tell you, you bitch," Zak says, annoyed and rolling his eyes.

Vaggie growls in anger, "Don't push your luck! You're already on thin ice for breaking into the hotel and think it's okay to do so!"

But Charlie says, "Look, we won't hurt you or anything, but can you please tell us why you're here. Alastor mentioned that you wanted to see Blitz."

"One, why should I trust you? And second, why do you keep calling him Blitz? His name is Blitzo?" Zak asks.

"Well, Blitz is a good friend of mine, and he does trust us. He works at the hotel and we all care for him and his family," Charlie says.

"Family?" Zak questions, confused.

"Yes. We'll explain more about it, but you have to tell us why you're here. We can't help if we don't know all the details," Charlie says.

Zak thinks for a minute and soon sighs, "Fine. I'll tell you. Or rather, it's best to show you."

Zak then removes his backpack, opens it, and takes out a photo album from inside.

As he opens it to a childhood photo, Zak says, "You see, the one you called Blitz Jonas, might be my childhood friend, Blitzo Buckzo, who I thought had passed away."

Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor look at the photo album and see a picture of a group of Imps, with some behind hybrids, and a young Goetia demon at a young age. They see one of them look a lot like Blitz, but without the white blotches.


Blitz is still sitting on the bed as he decides to place the necklace around his neck, and look at the pendant. He then takes out the red skull charm that he has taken out from another box.

"It's a really beautiful necklace. Whoever gave it to me must have been very important to me, and I never have the heart to let it go," Blitz says to himself.

Still outside, Stolas is watching Blitz from outside. He is very relieved to notice that Blitzo is alive and still has the pendant he has given to him.

Just then, Blitz senses something and about to turn to the window. Stolas quickly leaves the window before Blitz can see. Blitz turns to the window to see no one is there.

"Huh?" Blitz responds, confused.

Sophie soon wakes up from her sleep as well and yawns a bit before going back to sleep.

Blitz then climbs off of bed and walks towards the window. Once he approaches the window, Blitz opens the window and looks outside to see if anyone is here. Unknown to Blitz, Stolas is hiding behind the corner of the hotel as he sees Blitz peeking out. Stolas wants to say something to him, but isn't sure what to say.

Blitz shakes his head and says, "Probably nothing," and walks away.

Stolas tries to lean close to get a look, but yelps to almost drop his hat. That ends up earning Blitz's attention and looks around the window again and looks around. And he soon comes face to face with the tall demonic Goetia Prince. Blitz becomes startled as he steps back a little.

Stolas quickly says, "Oh, don't be scared. I... um... I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanted to um, pop in for a visit."

"I see..." Blitz responds, having trouble believing the statement.

Stolas blush, "Yes. I kind of decided to come over unexpectedly, but I really like to talk to you about something. So um, do you mind if I come in, please..."

Blitz isn't very sure, but looking into his bright red eyes, he can sense his honesty.

Blitz nods his head and says, "Of course. Please, come in."

"Thank you," Stolas says.

Stolas then flies through the window and places his feet on the bedroom floor.

"I think a proper introduction is in order," Stolas says and introduces himself, "I'm Prince Stolas, of the Ars Goetia, and your name will be..."

"It's nice to meet you, your highness," Blitz says and bows a bit, "My name is Blitz Jonas."

Stolas giggles, "You don't have to bow to me. I'm not really into those royal stuff very much."

"Of course," Blitz says.

He then asks, "So what is it you want to talk to me about? I assume you have a good reason if you're coming here in the middle of the night?"

Stolas then walks towards Blitz calmly. He soon kneels down to Blitz to be close to the Imps height. Blitz grows worried, but soon notices the look on Stolas' face. His eyes glow red, but they have a sigh of hope and relief, and have a gentle smile on his face. Stolas then places his hands on Blitz's shoulder.

He then says, "I can't believe it, it... it really is you."

"Huh?" Blitz replies confused.

Then Stolas hugs Blitz and says, "Oh thank goodness."

"Um, I'm sorry, but do I know you?" Blitz asks, confused.

Stolas lets go of Blitz and says, "Yes, you do. You've been gone for a very long time, twenty five years to be honest.."

"Twenty five years?" Blitz questions.

He then asks, "But, how do you know me?"

"Don't you remember, you and I first met as children in your family's circus. It was on my birthday when my father and I went to see the circus. I laughed at your Worm Horse joke," Stolas asks, trying to remain calm.

Blitz stares at Stolas with a confused expression.

"Your birthday? Worm Horse? My family's circus?" Blitz softly says.

Suddenly, Blitz lets out a soft gasp and a memory flashes in his mind. Then clenches his head in pain.

"Blitzo? Wha-what's wrong?" Stolas asks, concerned.

Blitz continues clenching his head to feel the pain, and suddenly has a memory flashed into his mind.


"Heya, folks! Wanna see me make a horse?" Blitzo says and takes out a green balloon.

Blitzo then blows it up and attempts to tie it into a horse shape, but the appearance is an incomprehensible knot, and pops immediately after.

Blitzo's eyes wide in surprise, "Crap."

Blitzo then continues to pull out balloons and attempt to make a horse, but the same results happen. He soon grows worried each time his balloon pops. At one point, the balloon somehow appears as a normal oval-shaped balloon. Blitzo is surprised, but the balloon pops nonetheless.. The audience looks dead silent and unimpressed as Blitzo keeps trying and failing at making a balloon horse.

" De-de-de-de-do-do-do-do- Ah, heheh," Blitzo says nervously.

And finally, "Horse!" Blitzo makes a horse, but it doesn't have any legs.

Blitzo is disappointed, but decides to improvise.

He tries to smile and says, "Well, heh. It was a horse, but then it ate too much sugar and its legs stopped working so he had to amputate. Now, it's a gross worm horse."

Stolas begins to laugh softly, and is clearly impressed by the joke.

Blitzo points at Stolas and says, "See? He gets it. Because, horses - they make no sense."

Memory Ends:

Blitz soon realizes, "You're... you're the owl prince, I've met before. A long time ago."

Stolas nods his head, "Indeed, I am. It's been a long time, but I have a very good memory."

Stolas then places his hand under the charm of Blitz's necklace and lifts it up a bit to have a better look.

Stolas smiles and says, "I'm glad you were able to keep this."

"You know this necklace?" Blitz asks.

"Yes, Blitzo. I gave it to you on your birthday, the night before you disappeared. I recognized it anywhere," Stolas says.

"Blitzo?" Blitz questions.

"Yes. That's your real name," Stolas says.

"Blitzo... Blitzo..." Blitz softly says.

Suddenly, Blitz feels a sharp pain in his head and presses his hand on it as he grits his teeth.

Concerned, Stolas asks, "Are you okay, Blitzo?"

"I... I don't..." Blitz tries to speak, but feels his head in pain.

Soon, he sees images of himself as a child, and other strange images, but struggles to have a clear image. But his own face is clear and looks very scared and in tears. Remembering a blast and feeling pain around his body. Blitz's body soon begins to shake as he heavily takes deep breaths. He then wraps his arms around himself and his tail circles around himself in fear.

Stolas gently wraps his arms around Blitz, "It's okay, Blitzo, it's okay." and rubs his back, "Shh. Shh Shh. Take deep breaths. Gently breathe in, and gently break out."

Blitz mananges to hear Stolas and begins to take deep breaths softly in and out. And soon enough, Blitz is able to calm down.

"Are you feeling better?" Stolas asks, worried.

"I think so," Blitz says, "I'm sorry, it... it happens sometimes."

"So this isn't the first time that happened?" Stolas asks, concerned.

"Yes. It happens when I try to remember something. I don't know, but I can't remember anything from my childhood. I was found when I was around nine, but before that, my memories were a blur," Blitz explains.

This has Stolas deeply saddened and worried, especially seeing that it's the truth. Blitz can't remember his friendship with him, and anything before that. Like his life began when he started living the new life he had in the past. And every time he tries to remember a certain part of his past, it causes him pain.

Stolas sadly sighs, "I see. I'm so sorry to hear that. It must be very difficult."

"It was. I did my best to move on with my life, but a small part of me still wishes to remember my past. Where I live, I had no clue how to start nor any ideas where to start," Blitz says.

Stolas then gently rubs Blitz's head, "It's best to take this slowly. I can help you."

"Re-Really?" Blitz asks, a little surprised.

"I can certainly try. After all, it might help if you have someone you used to know to assist in your memory recall," Stolas says.

"Okay," Blitz says.

Stolas stands up and helps lead him towards the bed.

"Here Blitzo, have a seat," Stolas says, and sits down.

"Okay," Blitz says and sits on the bed next to Stolas, "And, you can call me Blitz. That's what I've been called in the past twenty five years."

"Of course," Stolas says with a nod.

Then Stolas says, "I think it's best you tell me what you already know, and a bit about yourself."

"Well, it's kind of a long story," Blitz says, "And some of it is very difficult to tell."

"It's okay Blitz, just explain in any way you can. There's no rush," Stolas says, being gentle with Blitz.

Blitz takes a deep breath to calm his nerves a bit, and begins to explain to Stolas about all he knows and his life in the other world.

Back downstairs in the lobby...

Zak has explained to Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor about Blitz, who's real name is Blitzo Buckzo, son of his former boss and ringmaster of the Imp Circus, Cash Buckzo and his wife, Tilla Buckzo, and his twin sister Barbie Wire. He also has to explain about his disappearance.

"So, let's see if I got this straight, Blitz, or rather, Blitzo, was one of your childhood friends and the son of the Ringmaster that runs the Imp Circus?" Vaggie asks.

"That's right," Zak answers with a nod.

"And you say that twenty five years ago, Blitz and his family disappeared and were gone for days. However, they returned, but Blitzo was presumed dead?" Charlie asks.

"Also right," Zak says with a nod.

"And I have to assume that you saw our imp friend, Blitz on the news and the commercial, and have this assumption that your childhood friend and our acquaintance, Blitz Jonas are the same Imp?" Alastor also questions.

"Yes. That sounds about right," Zak says.

"You know, you could just knock on the door and explain yourselves during the day. You didn't have to sneak in," Charlie says.

Zak sighs, "I suppose, but I just want to be double sure if Blitz is really Blitzo or not. He's been gone for twenty five years, and suddenly Stolas and I saw an Imp sorcerer who resembles his dad and twin sister, and looks like our old friend. Can you blame me for just wanting to check without questioning him myself. Plus, I didn't want to take chances with the smiling freak over here knowing that he's staying at the hotel too," and pointed his thumb towards Alastor.

"Well, it's not the right way to handle it, but I think it's understandable, especially since Blitz doesn't remember anything from his past," Vaggie says.

"Wait, what?" Zak asks, shocked. "What do you mean that Blitzo doesn't remember?"

"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. According to Blitz, he doesn't remember what happened before passing age nine," Charlie says.

"Nine?" Zak questions, "I mean sure Blitzo was around nine when he disappeared and was presumed dead and that happened before the Extermination, but still..."

"I understand it's hard to believe, but that's all Blitz knows. He doesn't remember what happened that led to his disappearance. He was found wandering around in the snowy woods of a another world during the time, and was found by a mage who was willing to take him in and raise him as her own," Vaggie says.

Zak becomes dumbfounded, "Another world? Now I know that's hard to believe."

"We understand. The rest of us had trouble believing it ourselves, but seeing the crystal attached to his chest and him being able to use magic, we have no choice but to believe it," Charlie says.

"Indeed it was. I must admit, even I was surprised, but it's astounding to hear his story. Even when he actually was engaged to an angelic being, fell in love, married, and had a family," Alastor says.

"Blitzo was married?!" Zak asks, shocked.

"Yes. Despite being arranged, from what Blitz explains, he and Crystal really loved each other. They also adopted a Hellhound, and gave birth to three children. He and Crystal even had an enchanted fox they have since childhood.

"Wow. Blitzo sure had quite a life in this other world," Zak says, still amazed.

He then sigh, "I felt as though we all missed it."

"I can imagine," Vaggie says.

Zak sighs, "Still, I can't believe Blitzo, doesn't remember what happened, or us for that matter."

"I know it's not easy for Blitz either. From what Blitz explains, his guardian was also a doctor and can see that he has suffered physical and mental damage, and it's possible Blitz may have experienced a mental shock and it brought on his condition," Vaggie says.

"I see," Zak says, and thinks for a minute, "I wonder if what happened had anything to do with the reason why he and his family disappeared."

"It's possible. Usually, this information was supposed to be confidential, but since you're an old friend of his, it's important for you to know what we discovered earlier today," Charlie says.

"However, we would like to know if you have any idea why it happened?" Vaggie asks.

"No. I don't," Zak says, "Barbie and her parents didn't seem to want to talk about it, not that I blame them. They were all abducted and Blitzo was gone. In fact, Tilla, his mother, was deeply broken-hearted when she came back."

"That's weird," Vaggie says, thinking a bit.

She then asks, "By the way Zak, do you at least have some way to tell if Blitz is your old childhood friend. I mean, you showed us some pictures of him and his family and birthday photos, but was there anything specific...?"

"That's an easy one. That is, if he still has the pendant that Stolas gave him for his birthday, and his mother's choker" Zak says.

"Stolas? As in Prince Stolas? Isn't he one of the Ars Goetia Royals," Charlie asks, surprised.

"Yeah. Blitzo met Stolas during the prince's birthday, and since their little playdate, they became good friends. Blitzo introduces Stolas to the rest of us and we became good friends, especially those two. In fact, I think the two end up having a crush on each other," Zak says.

"Huh?" Charlie and Vaggie react, confused.

"Hey, what the fuck is all that noise?" Angel's voice appears.

Everyone turns to see Angel Dust, Sir Pentious, Husk, and Niffty, Even Loona is there walking down the stairs and they're still in their pajamas.

"What the hell is going on here? It's pretty late," Husk says.

"And can you keep it down, the children are trying to sleep," Loona adds.

"Sorry everyone, but we have an unexpected guest," Charlie says.

"Yo," Zak says.

Everyone becomes confused to see the Imp sitting on the couch.

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