Chapter 14: Scrambled Eggs Part 2
Charlie, Vaggie and Angel standing in a room. Angel is looking satisfied with himself, Charlie is looking incredibly shocked, and Vaggie looks angry.
"Angel! What the actual fuck?!" Vaggie exclaims in anger.
Turns out, Angel's suggestion for trust bonding is a BDSM Sex Dungeon.
"No activity requires more trust than BDSM, baby," Angel says, holding out a pair of fuzzy handcuffs.
Much to Vaggie dismay.
"No bond stronger than those formed through bondage! That's their motto!" Angel says and points to the poster.
It indeed reads, "No bond stronger than those formed through bondage."
"Angel, love the enthusiasm. But, umm, uh...hmmm..." Charlie responds, having trouble finding the woods.
Mainly because she's disturbed by it.
Vaggie glares at Angel, "What makes you think anyone would be into this?"
However, Husk, who is purring as he gets massaged.
"You know, I...I don't hate this," Husk says, relaxing and chuckling.
Soon, Niffty appears in a dominance outfit.
"I'm ready to punish some bad boys!" Niffty says and giggles.
Seeing Niffty and her outfit makes Husk give up, "Never mind, I-I'm out!" And quickly runs off.
Just then, a demon with snake hair comes up behind Charlie and starts giving her a massage.
"Okay, hello there. Hi. Um. Hm. Hm..." Charlie says, getting nervous and lost for words.
Soon, other demons begin coming towards Charlie and rubbing themselves against her.
Luckily. Vaggie pulls Charlie away from the other demons, "Ugh! I can't fucking believe I let you drag us here, Angel. This is disgusting."
"It's no big deal, Vaggie," Charlie reassures, "You know, maybe I can just help, uh-"
But Vaggie, "No. I told you you could trust me, and I'm not going to let you down," And walks away from Charlie, "I just need to teach them...the way I was taught..." as she smiles with excitement when she has the perfect trust exercise for all of them.
Soon enough, the group standing on a rooftop with half-destroyed buildings all around them. Everyone was shocked that the exercise had taken them to a live turf war battlefield with guns blazing in the background, demons screaming, and explosions booming.
Charlie shouts over the other demons' scream, "THIS IS HOW YOU LEARNED TO TRUST PEOPLE?!"
On the ground, demons are shooting each other, brawling with weapons, and one demon is on fire, screaming and running around while others are still enjoying the carnage.
Cactus Cowboy Demon shouts, "Yee-haw!"
Punk Demon screams, "Let's go, Baby!"
Cactus Cowboy Demon also shouts, "Bring it on, Bitch!"
Back at the rooftop, Vaggie makes a drill sergeant march, "There is nothing stronger than the trust between comrades and arms. Buckle up, buttercups, because today you boys become men!"
There is a loud explosion in the background, sending shockwaves that sways Vaggie's hair with a satisfying smile.
Vaggie advances on Pentious, "You..." and picks up Pentious over her head.
Pentious panics, "Wait, wait! I can't fight without my minions-"
"Are gonna survive together!" Vaggie shouts as she throws Sir Pentious off the building.
Then she turns to Angel Dust, "And you..."
And Angel walks back to panic, "D-don't you even think about it-"
But Vaggie grabs him anyway, "Are gonna make this hotel work!" And throws him off the roof too.
Soon, Niffty bounces next to Vaggie, her arms raised with excitement, "My turn, my turn!" and psychotically smiling with anticipation.
Vaggie picks up Niffty as Husk goes back into the inside of the building, not wanting to get involved and realizing how far this exercise has gone. Vaggie makes to throw Niffty.
But before she could, Charlie snatches her up before she can, "Vaggie! No!"
"This is the only way they'll learn, Charlie," Vaggie says.
But Charlie says, "No, it's not," And puts down Niffty, "There are other ways. It just takes time!"
Niffty looks back at Charlie, asking to be lifted. When Charlie ignores her, Niffty jumps off of the building herself to join in the fight.
Vaggie argues, "Time we don't have! How many Exterminations will have gone by before these idiots get their shit together? How many times will we have to watch your people be killed before we make headway?" And turns away from Charlie.
"Vaggie..." Charlie says, worried.
"I took charge today and it all went sideways. I'm supposed to make your dreams a reality. I'm supposed to protect you," Vaggie says as she takes Charlie by the shoulders, "I'm supposed to never fail you," and goes back to the edge of the rooftop.
They can hear Angel shouting, "I blame you for this, you crazy bitch!"
Charlie tries to reassure Vaggie, "You didn't fail me. Vaggie, you're not-you're not-"
"If I can't help you, what's the point of me?" Vaggie replies,
Charlie gasps in shock, "Vaggie, don't say that! You do so much! It's-"
"I'm sorry. I'd...I'd like to be alone for a minute, Vaggie says.
Seeing Vaggie in this state, Charlie walks to the other side of the rooftop, an exhausted Angel and Usagi come out of the door, carrying a battered, but intact Sir Pentious, before Angel throws him onto the roof.
"Made it!" Angel says.
But Charlie walks to the door as she says, "Let's go home, guys."
Angel groans, "Ugh! I just walked up all those stairs!" As he pulls Sir Pentious back down the stairs by his tail.
Vaggie stays on the rooftop by herself.
Inside the room, that is Carmilla's office, Carmilla mutters in Spanish as she pours herself a drink, before beginning to down the bottle instead of the glass she poured for herself.
Zestial soon approaches her to ask, "Carmilla, what troubles thou? Losing thy composure is unlike thee."
Carmilla sighs and answers, "It's nothing, Zestial, really."
"Are you sure Carmilla? You sounded upset when Velvette brought those uh, Exorcist heads to the meeting and called out on it," Blitz asks, showing concern.
Carmilla remains silent about it.
Blitz soon realizes, "Carmilla... did you... did the same thing that I did... During the Extermination..."
Carmilla sighs in response. However, Blitz can see that it's true. Hearing what Blitz has said, Zestial is able to put two and two together, same with how Carmilla reacted.
That has Zestial asking, "The felled angels... t'was by both thy hands, was it not?"
"Let's not talk about it," Carmilla says and walks back to her desk.
Clara then speaks up, "Mom...maybe he should know."
But Carmilla slams her hands on the desk, "Nobody should know. I did what I had to do. I am not discussing this."
Unknown to the group, Frank is hiding behind the potted plant. He quickly hides behind it and retrieves his hat, realizing it has fallen off his head.
Carmilla and her daughters remain silent about it. Even Blitz and his family remain silent about it.
Blitz then says to Carmilla, "I had no idea. But I understand how you felt. I did the same thing you did, and well, I haven't told that to Charlie or the others about it. So I understand how reluctant it is to not have the heart to tell someone about your actions. But I have a reason for not telling them about that Exorcist. and I suspect you have your reasons as well."
Just then, Zestial lays his hand on her shoulder, to counsel her.
What weighs on your soul, old friend?
I implore you to share the load!
If it was thou who slew the angel, why not let your strength be known?
Carmilla remains silent. She then stands up and walks away.
Carmilla Carmine:
I always thought
That I would keep blood off my face.
But when that thing attacked
I had to act
To cross that line and keep them safe.
She then looks out the window.
Carmilla Carmine:
But if anyone knew, then all of Hell would rise to war, and who's to say?
Who'd survive the fray?
I might lose the ones that I'd been killing for!
So, I'll
Soom, Clara and Odette come over to her and Carmilla wraps her arms around them.
Carmilla Carmine:
I'll be your keeper!
Do whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes!
I'll keep you safe and keep this secret.
Meanwhile, Vaggie is now at the foot of the hotel and beginning to climb up the hotel's structure.
When I saw your face, you made me feel like a stranger in a brand new place
And it felt so good to be understood!
But there's so much I wished that I could say
So I, I'll be your armor
Do whatever it takes, I'll make the mistakes
I'll spend my life being your partner
Carmilla Carmine:
And I don't know what we might face
But I know I can't replace you
So I'll do anything to save you
And I will try to make your dreams come true
Whatever we go through
I know I
Carmilla Carmine:
I'll be your keeper
I'll be your armor
Whatever it takes
Carmilla Carmine:
I'll make the mistakes
I'll make the mistakes
Whatever it takes
Shortly after, the Egg Bois are scavenging for weapons, parts, and garbage in the dumpster outside of the building.
Each of the Egg Bois says, "Ohhhh, this one smells like fun," One of them laughs, "Oh, I love garbage."
The elevator door rings, and Alastor is waiting for the Egg Boi, Frank, to return after spying on Carmilla and Zestial. He's about to join the others when Alastor stops him.
Alastor asks, "So, what did you hear?"
Frank soon explains, "First, the old guy w-was all, 'You're not yourself. You're the one who killed the angel,' a-a-and, Blitz wa-was like I understand how you felt, I did the same that you did, a-a-and, she was all..."
And begins to sing.
Frank the Egg Boi:
Whatever it takes
But Alastor interrupts him, "And then what was the last thing?"
"Blitz and the knife lady killed the angels?" Frank confirms.
"Interesting," Alastor says, taking an interest in the new information, "I must say, Blitz is more interesting than we all thought."
She then leans to Frank, "Lets keep this between us," and makes an evil grin that statics, "Shall we?"
"You got it, boss!" Frank the Egg Boi says as he salutes.
Soon, they turn to see the lift heading down and open to Blitz and his family walking out of the elevator.
"Hello Blitz, did you have a good time at the meeting?" Alastor asks.
"It went alright, just had a talk with Carmilla, and met up with her daughters," Blitz says.
"Charming. Now then, let's head back to the hotel, shall we," Alastor says.
Later on in the hotel, Charlie looks down after a disastrous trust exercise. Vaggie came on the balcony to see her.
"Hey," Vaggie says with a wave.
Charlie waves back, "Hey."
Vaggie walks over to Charlie.
After a moment of silence, Vaggie sighs and apologizes, "I'm sorry I got so crazy today."
But Charlie grabs Vaggie's hand, "No, no, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I put pressure on you. We work as a team. I guess I just thought all this would be easier, but...we'll figure it out...together. I mean, look what your exercise did for them," and gestures to the lobby.
There Angel, Pentious, and Niffty laughing amongst themselves after one crazy battle against the demons in a turf war.
Angel laughs, "And then, when that buff guy started beating the shitoutta you!"
Pentious is also laughing, "Yes, and with the dismembered arm," He lets out another laugh, "Yes, that was particularly unpleasant," And soon feels dejected.
"I liked that part," Niffty adds, giggling.
Then Husk says to Pentious, "Well, hey, at least you can take a beating like a champ," as comes over and pats him, "You did okay, new kid."
"Really? Oh well, I suppose I did get into a little of the old rough and tumble today," Pentious says with a small laugh. Then turns to Angel, "And uh...thank you for pulling me out of there."
Everyone laughs with enjoyment, but Niffty had to ruin the moment when she started to maniacally laugh evilly in front of her peers, and the guys stopped after hearing her laughter turning sadistic.
"Well, how about that?" Vaggie says, actually impressed.
And guess her exercise has worked after all.
The front door opens, and Alastor enters the hotel with the Egg Boiz minions tailing behind him. Blitz and his family also follow from behind.
Vaggie notices them and calls out to Alastor, "Alastor... Failed to get rid of the eggs, I see."
"Yes, well, the little monsters prove to be rather useful," Alastor says. And Alastor glows with excitement over the new information he received about the overlords.
Then Vaggie says, "Why don't you give them back to Pentious."
Upon hearing this, Pentious gets teary, "Really?"
"Yeah. After today, I guess I can trust you with them," Vaggie replies.
And give them a serious stern expression, "But seriously, no more weapons," as she narrows her eyes with each word.
Pentious gets emotional and slithers down to hug his Egg Bois as Alastor walks away.
Pentious happily screams, "Ahhh! My eggs! Yay. Ah, it's so good to have you back."
He then drops the eggs and says, "Now, go clean my quarters this instant!"
At his command, the Egg Boiz immediately scatters away as Charlie and Vaggie watch them leave.
"Maybe, things'll move fast than you think," Charlie says.
Charlie then sees Blitz and his family walking up the stairs.
"So Blitz, how was your outing with Alastor?" Charlie asks.
"It went okay. We're just glad that Alastor didn't crush them with their questioning," Blitz says..
Charlie sheepishly giggles as Vaggie bluntly says, "I can imagine."
"And Alstor took us to an Overlord Meeting," Loona adds.
"He what?!" Vaggie questions and turns her glare towards Alastor.
Alastor, who is walking up the stairs says, "Well, I like to think of this as an educational trip. Then meeting Overlords and learning a bit about them. Consider this a learning experience."
"Um yeah, but it was surprising that Tilla called Velvette Dolly," Aurora says.
Vaggie questions, "Dolly?"
Charlie giggles in replies.
"Yeah. We're glad that Velvette didn't give us trouble," Blitz says.
"Other than laughing about the fact that we've grace ourselves in her presence," Loona says.
She groans in frustration, "She's a complete weirdo."
Angel calls out, "I advise you don't call Velvette weird in front of her!"
"Well, glad you know you all had a good day, and hope you can join us in our next activity," Charlie says.
Vaggie rolls her eye, "And we're glad you didn't join us for this one."
"Why? What happened?" Keenan asks, curious.
Charlie sheepishly smiles, "You really don't want to know."
"If you say so," Keenan says, shrugging his shoulders.
At the end of the day, Pentious was getting ready for bed with his Egg Boiz in tow.
Sir Pentious fixed up his pillow, "Ah! How was your day with Alastor, my minions?"
"It was awesome boss, I went to this meeting and there was a knife lady, an old guy, and a dinosaur," Frank says.
"Mmm, that's nice," Pentious says.
Then Frank says, "And Blitz and the knife lady killed an angel, and I was not supposed to talk about it."
"Oh, I'm so sure and maybe you'll meet Martians tomorrow, but now is time for sleep," Pentious says, lying down in bed.
Soon the Egg Bois gather around Pentious for sleep.
"Good night Eggies," Pentious says before falling asleep.
They all cuddle together as Frank yawns to sleep, while everyone is completely oblivious to the whole thing.
Meanwhile, in Blitz's room, he is holding the angelic blade he has received from Carmilla. He still can't stop thinking about what happened today, especially for him having a hand in ending the Exorcist's life.
Suddenly he hears a knock on the door, "Come in."
The door opens and Loona walks into the room.
"Hey dad," Loona says.
"Oh, hi Loona, how are you doing?" Blitz asks.
"Okay, I guess," Then walks to Blitz, "But are you okay?"
"I'm okay, but I feel a bit guilty about what happened, and I can't help but feel that I'm partly responsible because the Extermination ended up being changed to six months instead of the year like it supposed to," Blitz says, showing remorse.
"That's not your fault, dad. You were just trying to keep us safe and protect us, and even save Odette and Clara," Loona says.
"I know, but it's still uneasy to process what happened, especially since this is my very first kill, ever," Blitz says, "And I'm very reluctant about letting Charlie and the others know what I did to the angels and to that Exorcist."
"I know dad. I'm even shocked to learn you did that. Didn't think you had it in you," Loona says.
Blitz and Loona giggle.
"I'll tell them when I'm ready," Blitz says, "For now, it's best to get some sleep for the night."
"Yeah. Night dad," Loona says, and leaves the room.
"Goodnight, Loona," Blitz says.
Loona leaves the room and closes the door behind her.
Blitz then places the sword under the bed and turns in for the night.
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