Chapter 13: Scrambled Eggs Part 1
A few days later in the Hazbin Hotel...
KeeKee and Sophie are asleep on the couch, but soon shot up to the sound of banging noises. It's revealed that Charlie, Vaggie, Razzle, and Dazzle are putting up a banner that reads, 'Happy first week, Sir Pentious!'
"That looks perfect!" Charlie happily says, "Aah! I am so excited that Sir Pentious is staying at the hotel!"
"Um...Pentious was just trying to take over the city with his weird steampunk bullshit a few days ago," Vaggie says.
"Well, I haven't seen him try to pull any of that here," Charlie says as she climbs down the ladder.
Just then, Sir Pentious comes in, rolling in a new machine that his Egg Bois are sitting on.
"What the hell is that?" Vaggie questions.
"Oh, hello, purple female," Pentious says, bowing his head, and soon presents his new invention, "It's my new invention, the Skin Flayer 11,000! I'm really looking forward to shooting the other residents."
"What?! Why?!" Charlie exclaims, in shock.
"Everyone is being too nice. Obviously it must be a lie. I can sense that they are planning to kill me, but when? How? I must be prepared!" Pentious explains. But he soon notices, "Ooh, the new parts of my machine are here."
The group turns to see Odette and Clara walking into the hotel with boxes. Pentious runs over to them.
Odette holds out the clipboard, "Sign, please."
Sir Pentious signs the clipboard while Clara wheels in the boxes.
"Thank you for your business. Enjoy your Carmine purchase," Odette says as she and Clari walk out of the lobby.
At the same time, Sir Pentious takes the crate full of parts and weapons for his machine. As he slithers back.
Vaggie quickly realizes, "Carmine? As in Carmilla Carmine? You are buying parts from an overlord?"
"Of course, she's the top weapons dealer in Hell," Pentious says
Then Vaggie comes over to take the boxes away, "Okay, well that stops right now."
"Hey!" Sir Pentious yells.
Then Vaggie says, "You absolutely cannot build weapons in this hotel. No one is trying to kill you. People are being nice because they want you to feel welcome."
Sir Pentious looks at Vaggie with a wary expression. He peeks over his machine to scowl at the other residents and workers.
There's Husk, downing a bottle in the bar, who flips off Sir Pentious.
Then there's Angel Dust, standing near the bar on his phone, doing the same.
And then is Niffty, who is dusting a corner of the wall, looks at him and does a sinister-sounding giggle.
Then to Blitz who is cleaning his scepter. Loona and Aurora are playing with Tilla, and Keenan is reading. Each of them wave hello to Pentious.
Tilla happily says, "Hi Penny."
"Hmm...I have my doubts," Sir Pentious says, wary. "Well, except for Blitz and his family. They are not on my radar."
Charlie sighs in relief to hear Blitz and his family are not Pentious targets, but still concerned about Pentious wanting to attack the others.
"Well, it's true. You have to trust us," Vaggie says.
"But I don't," Pentious says with his arms crossed.
Then Charlie says, "Well, why don't we focus on that for today's activities?"
"Not before we lay some ground rules," Vaggie says, "No more building weapons, no more plotting against other guests, and you need to get rid of these things," and points to the Egg Bois who are on the crates of weapons
2 Egg Bois, having a tug-of-war over a laser, accidentally sets it off and blows a hole in the roof, much to Vaggie's frustration.
"Oh!" Vaggie shouts and points at the ceiling, "What did I just say? What did I just say?"
"What? Not my little Egg Bois," Pentious cries out and hugs Egg Bois, "They do my evil bidding for me!
"Do you want to stay here and redeem yourself?" Vaggie questions with a frown.
Pentious narrows his eyes, and answers, "Yes."
"Then no more eggs," Vaggie says.
Pentious then lets the Eggs go in tears, "All right, eggies. You've got to go. I" and soon begins sobbing, "Can't keep you anymore!"
"Okay, boss," The Egg Boi says.
They all follow Vaggie as she wheels Pentious' boxes away.
"No, don't resist. This is how it has to be!" Pentious says dramatically.
Sir Pentious begins crying as he watches his Egg Boiz walking away. Charlie, looking awkward, pats his shoulder.
Meanwhile in his room, Alastor is eating a deer carcass with a knife and fork while jazz music plays in the background.
It all suddenly comes to a stop when Vaggie shouts, "Alastor!"
He stops eating to see Vaggie at the door with the Egg Bois behind her. Alastor looks surprised for a second and his eyes go from the deer carcass on the table to Vaggie.
"Do you mind? I'm in the middle of breakfast," Alastor says.
Not really caring, Vaggie says, "Pentious' eggs are all over the place, and I need you to get rid of them."
"Oh, well, in that case, I'd be delighted to!" Alastor says as he tosses his knife and fork, stands up, summons his microphone and walks over.
"Humanely!" Vaggie clarifies.
"Hmm," Alastor says, and turns his head away, "Well, that's a lot less fun," Then his eyes glow red and the x appears on his forehead.
Then reverts back to normal as he says, "But I suppose I can take care of that on my outing today," and walks out of the room.
"Great!" Vaggie says, giving him a thumbs up.
But then looks at the deer carcass in disgust, "That looks disgusting."
Vaggie then takes her leave, still grossed out by the display.
Shortly after, the Egg Bois follow Alastor to the lobby. Then Vaggie follows and reaches the lobby as well. Truth is, Vaggie doesn't fully trust Alastor to get it done more humanly.
Vaggie then walks to Blitz and says, "Hey Blitz."
Blitz turns to Vaggie, "Yes Vaggie?"
"Do you think you can help Alastor get rid of the Egg Bois, without him causing harm to them?" Vaggie asks.
"I guess I could do that," Blitz says.
Then Charlie says, "Hey, maybe you can use that time to explore the city. I'm sure Loona and the others will have a good time."
"I guess I could do that," Blitz says.
He then turns to his family, "What do you all think?"
"Well, it beats sitting in the hotel all day," Loona says.
"Hmm, I am curious to see what Pentagram City is like," Aurora says.
"Yeah. I really like to see it," Keenan says.
Tilla happily giggles with a nod.
"Well, it looks like I'll be having some company today. It's best we get going, I got a few things to do today," Alator says.
"Sure Alastor," Blitz says.
Vaggie whispers to Blitz, "Make sure Alastor doesn't do anything fishy, alright."
Blitz nods in reply.
Sometime later...
Charlie and the rest of the hotel residents gathered in the lounge. Angel, Husk, Pentious, and Niffty are sitting on the couch while Charlie and Vaggie stand in front of a stage with a banner on it that reads 'Trusting 101.'
"Hi, guys. Thanks for coming! It's been brought to our attention that there may be a little...tension in the hotel," Charlie explains.
It's clear that everyone is hating each other or on edge. Sir Pentious grabs Niffty with his tail and prepares to shoot her with his ray gun.
But Vaggie takes the gun away before he could attempt it, "Tension that can be counterproductive to what we're trying to do here."
"We think that this group could really benefit from..." Charlie says.
Then both Charlie and Vaggie go flying up into the air.
Charlie happily says, "Trust exercises!"
"Trust exercises," Vaggie says bit soon begins falling, "Ah, shit!" and falls to the floor on her bottom.
Charlie pulls Vaggie to her feet, "Vaggie, we rehearsed this."
She lets out a sigh and turns to everyone else, "We're doing trust exercises!"
"So, uh, what's with the whole, uhh...this?" Husk asks, gesturing to the stage behind Charlie and Vaggie.
He then crosses his arms with a frown, "I'm not about to put on some show for these fucking chumps."
"Oh, I will," Angel says as he puts his feet on Husk's legs, "But it's cash up front, and I know that one," Then points at Pentious, "Can't afford me."
Pentious responds in disgust, "Gross! I'd never think of it, spider!"
"Right, well, let's get started," Vaggie says.
Then turns to Charlie with a smile, "Charlie?"
But Charlie says, "Actually, I thought maybe you could take the lead on this one. I trust everyone, so maybe you know better on how to build it properly!" and walks over to stand by Husk, Niffty, Pentious and Angel.
"What? Uhh, I don't know if I'm qualified, uh..." Vaggie responds, sounding unsure.
"Oh, come on. It'll be easy! I'm sure you can handle this," Charlie says.
"," Vaggie replies and looks at them. All of them are looking grumpy except for Charlie and Niffty.
She soon calms herself, "Sure, I can handle this. No problem."
Vaggie takes a deep breath and walks down one side of the stage.
She acts like a drill sergeant, "All, right, so we are starting with trust falls! Each of you are going to share something vulnerable with the group about yourself and then fall backwards, while the rest of the group catches you. Got it? Who wants to go first?"
Charlie happily raises her hand, "Ooh, ooh, me me me! Me! Me! Me!"
All right, get on up here," Vaggie says.
Charlie runs past Vaggie and onto the stage..
Once on stage, Charlie says with tears in her eyes, "I...I love you guys. Like, really, really love you," and falls backwards.
Vaggie runs forward and catches Charlie, "Gotcha!"
"That...felt...good!" Charlie says and shows a big smile on her face.
She then calls out, "Angel, why don't you go next?"
"Fine," Angel answers, annoyed and walks onto the stage.
"This time everyone needs to catch him, okay? Unless you want me to hurt you," Vaggie says as she takes out her spear.
She means it as a means of discipline for the others to come closer to the stage.
Once on stage, Angel thinks of it, "Somethin' about myself, huh?" Then has an idea in mind, "How about this? I LOVE to suck-"
Husk threateningly points at Angel, "I swear to fuck if you say dicks!"
But Angel says, "-popsicles, ya sicko! Get your mind outta the gutter!" and fall back.
Husk ends up being the one to catch him.
"But, you know, dicks too!" Angel says.
Husk drops him with a low growl in response.
Angel then turns to Pentious, "All, right, new guy, you're up."
Then for some reason the room goes dark melodramatic music plays.
A spotlight shines on Pentious and he dramatically says, "I...don't want to live without my minions. Nobody catch me!" And falls backwards.
Vaggie and Charlie catch him together.
"Damn it," Pentious mutters.
"That's great. Wow, you are slimy," Vaggie says and drops Pentious," Okay, good job. Uh, Niffty?"
Niffty runs past them onto the stage, giggling manically.
She then says, "Sometimes, I kill mother-bugs in front of their children as a warning to others!"
Upon hearing this and seeing Niffty, the others were disturbed by her sadistic nature . Niffty flings herself off of the stage, but the others actively move out of the way to let her fall on the ground in the face.
Despite that, Niffty seems to enjoy that, "Yay! Pain!" she giggles and runs back onto the stage to jump off again. She sighs, "Pain!"
Charlie and Vaggie walk off to talk privately.
"I don't know if this is really working the way we'd hoped. Maybe we should-" Charlie says.
But then Vaggie says, "Honey, you have to trust me here. I got this, okay? I'll figure something out."
Just then, Angel appears behind them, "If you're in the market for some ideas, I've got just the thing for some "trust buildin'."
Vaggie lets out a sigh and asks, "What do you have in mind?"
Somewhere in Pentagram City, Alstor, Blitz, and his family are walking down the street, closely followed by Pentious' Egg Boiz who are Alastor's 'new minions.'
Each of the Egg Bois ask, "Oh, boy! What's the plan, boss? I like your suit! What are the antlers for? Can I touch your staff thing? Are those your ears or is it your hair? I can't tell!"
Alastor's eye twitches as he walks down the street, a pained smile on his face.
Aurora whispers to Loona, "Do you think Alastor is going to be okay?"
"I don't know. From the looks of it, he might scramble the Egg Bois in a matter of seconds," Loona whispers.
Blitz says, "Say guys, maybe it's best to not ask Alastor too many questions. He's a very busy man, so it's best not to bother him."
"Okay," The Egg Bois replies.
Then they begin to ask, "Say Blitz, how do you learn how to use magic? Can I touch your scepter? Tilla is really cute. And Aurora and Loona are really pretty. And Keenan looks cool. How are they demons and angels?"
Blitz sighs because now they're commenting and asking questions.
"Great. Now they're asking us questions," Loona says.
Keenan laughs, "I like them. They're kind of funny."
Tilla giggles with a smile as well.
Unknown to them a shadowy person watches him from behind, before appearing in front of him, revealing himself to be an Overlord: Zestial.
Zestial is a very tall, slender spider-like demon with dark gray skin and lime green eyes. He wears all-black clothing, with a pitch-black cloak that covers most of his body. At the front of his cloak is a large black spider with lime green stripes on its eight legs, as well as lime green eyes and lime green on its back. The interior of his cloak is lime green colored with a spider web pattern and four red spider legs extending across the cloak. He also wears a distinctive big black top hat with a light gray patch at the front, along with a gray colored skull and a lime green and red striped feather on the right side.
The Overlord says, "Hark, Alastor. How fare thee this day?"
Alastor makes a radio static sound effect, looking slightly scared. Blitz and the family become surprised to see the demon appearing all of the sudden. Blitz can also sense a powerful and ancient essence coming from him.
The Egg Boi then speaks up to ask, "Who's that, boss? Want me to rough him up for you?"
Alastor leans to them and says, "Follow in silence if you value your shell!" and taps Egg Boi's shell with his cane.
Keenan then whispers, "Hey Alastor, who is that guy?"
"He's an ancient and powerful ancient Overlord, young lad," Alastor says.
He then says to Blitz and the family, "I suggest you all try not to speak too much if you value your lives."
Blitz, Loona, and the kids nod their heads. Tilla simply looks at Zestial with a curious expression.
Then Alastor turns to the Overlord, "Greetings, Zestial!"
A demon comes out from an alleyway and sees Alastor and Zestial.
The demon cries out, "Oh, holy shit!" And runs away.
"Ah, the weather, doth become this fine day," Zestial says.
A cowboy demon comes out of the backdoor after a fight, and was about to go back in when he notices Zestial and panics before fleeing.
"Indeed, looks like we might have some acid rain this afternoon!" Alastor says.
A demon, seeing Zestial, pours gasoline over himself and sets himself on fire as he runs away.
"If our luck doth hold! I do revel in the screams," Zestial says, "How art thou?"
Zesital begins walking down the street with Alastor and the others as tons of demons spotted them and hide, run, or avoid them from getting in their way. Blitz, Loona, and the kids follow from behind.
"It has been an age since thou hath graced us thy presence. Some hath spun wild tales of you falling to...holy arms," Zestial says.
Alastor laughs, "Oh, I just took a well-earned sabbatical, nothing serious," and adjusts bow tie and coat in a window reflection, "Though it's fun to keep everyone on their toes!" And laughs as a laughing sound effect plays from his microphone.
Zestial chuckles, "There too hath been rumor of thy involvement with the princess and her recent flight of fancy. TELL ME," cloak flares open briefly. It reveals his eyes glow and the top pair gain red irises.
Then calmly asks, "How does thou fall in such folly?"
Alastor spins his cane as he says, "That is for me to know. But please, do guess, I'd love to know the theories!" And continues walking.
Zestial chuckles and says, "T'would be grander folly by far to assume the workings of your mind, Alastor. Thou hath been naught but an enigma since thy manifested in this realm."
"Coming from someone as ancient as you, I take that as quite the compliment!" Alastor says.
"He has no idea how right he is," Loona whispers to Blitz.
Blitz calmly nods his head, given on what Alastor really thinks of the hotel and Charlie's project.
He then turns to see Blitz and his family, "I couldn't help but notice that thou is accompanied by the Impish Sorcerer that's the sinners spread word about."
"Yes Indeed. This is Blitz Jonas, the Imp Mage that has caused white an uproar throughout Hell with his magical flare. And has family, his daughters: Loona, Aurora, and little Tilla, and his son, Keenan. They'll be accompanying me today," Alastor says.
"Indeed," Zestial says and kneels to Blitz, "I hear that you have made quite the spectacle in Hell with your power."
"Um yes, sir. I didn't have much warning, but I did what I had to in order to defeat the Egg monster that ended up attacking us," Blitz says.
"Charmed," Zestial says.
Blitz is relieved that he hasn't gone far with the conversation and everyone continues walking on until they walk into an alleyway with a row of lifts. The security camera spots Zestial walking in view, but Alastor's image glitches when the camera is on him. Zesital and Alastor get into one elevator.
The Egg Boiz attempt to follow, but Alastor blocks them with his cane, "No, no. I have a very important task for you. Stay here and guard the front until I return."
The Egg Boiz salute
Alastor then turns to Blitz, "Blitz, how about you and your children accompany me to the meeting."
"Wait, you want us to go to a meeting with a bunch of Overlords?" Loona questions.
"Are you sure, Alastor?" Blitz asks.
"I'm sure. This will be a good opportunity for you and the young ones to learn about the Overlords of this fine city," Alastor says.
The family members look at each other.
"I guess it would be okay," Blitz says.
Then says to his family, "Come on, let's go."
And with that, the group enters the elevator and the lift begins its ascent.
Then one of the Egg Boi points to the lift, "Oh, look. Frank is up there."
Another Egg Boi questions, "We have names?"
The lift reaches the top of the building and opens, where Alastor, Zestial, Blitz and his family, and Frank walk out.
Frank watches as other Overlords come out of other lifts and go into another room. Frank follows them in and stands near Alastor's seat. Blitz sits on the chair next to Alastor and his Tilla sitting on his lap. Loona, Keena, and Aurora are standing behind Alastor and Blitz. The overlord sitting next to Alastor turns to look at Frank and he waves. The female overlord smiles widely at him, showing her pointed, knife-like teeth. Frank hides behind Alastor's chair.
Blitz soon hears footsteps and turns to see Carmilla Carmine along with her daughters, Clara and Odette walk into the meeting room.
Upon arriving, Carmilla says, "Welcome, Hell sovereign overlords. I've invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together, you own millions of souls. Souls at risk with the new Extermination schedule." She then pounds her fist on table, "We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interest."
She soon notices Zestial taking his seat.
"Zestial, so good to see you, my friend," Carmilla says,
Zestial summons teacup and saucer, "Enchanted as always, Carmilla."
Carmilla then notices Blitz, "Blitz? Is that you?"
"Yes. It's nice to see you again, Ms. Carmine," Blitz says.
"Indeed it has, and I see you brought your family with you," Carmilla says.
"Uh huh," Blitz says.
Tilla happily waves, "Hi Ballet Lady."
Carmilla can't help but smile and gently wave back.
Alastor grins and says, "Ballet Lady?" Then says to Blitz, "I didn't know you'd become acquainted with Carmilla."
"Um yes. I have. It's kind of a long story," Blitz says.
"Really now?" Alastor replies, "I'm quite interested to learn the details," and leans towards Blitz, making the Imp feel uneasy.
Carmilla soon notices Alastor, "Alastor?"
"Yes, I know I've been absent some time. I'm sure you've all been wondering!" Alastor says, giving a smile.
But Carmilla says, "Not really. But welcome back in any case."
Alastor narrows his eyes and looks offended in Carmilla's general direction.
With a snap of her fingers, Odette passes her a clipboard and Carmilla says, "This year's Extermination was brutal, far more even than years past," Soon Carmilla's daughters sit down.
Carmilla continues, "We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost."
Carmilla turns to Odette, and she nods in response. She uses a remote to activate a slide being projected onto the wall behind Carmilla.
Carmilla continues, "With the angelic legions now returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we-" but is interrupted as Velvette opens the door and walks in, on the phone.
Velvette continues talking on the phone as she walks into the room, "Yes, I've got it handled, Vox. Are you doubting me? Really? Me? That's what I thought," She begins to laugh, "Yes, I know. They're all a joke," she laughs again, "Thank you, V. See you soon. Kisses, darling," and hangs up before she sits down at the opposite end to Carmilla.
Blitz and his family stare at Velvette's sudden entrance with confused and dumbfounded expressions.
Then Tilla suddenly says, "Dolly loud."
Alastor grins while everyone looks surprised to hear Tilla's comment.
"Dolly?" Velvette ends up hearing her and turns to see Blitz and his family.
"Well well, this is surely a surprise. The Imp Wizard has decided to come and grace us with his presence," Velvette says. She then laughs and says, "And he decided to bring his entire family with him, I mean, why bring a baby and a couple of kids to a meeting like this," and laughs.
Loona glares at Velvette, "Is there something funny?"
"Not really," Velvette says, "But you can't blame me for being a bit surprised to see your dad. I mean, an Imp that can actually use powerful magic is close to impossible. So it's no surprise that I'm curious about it. Your dad has become quite the topic after the recent Turf War over a week ago," Velvette says. Then Velvette uses her phone's camera towards Blitz.
She then digitizes magic sparkles around Blitz before taking the picture.
"I see," Loona says, and is still keeping a close eye on her in case he tries something.
"And it was rather bold for a toddler to call me that. After all, I am rather a doll myself," Velvette says and sits down to take her seat.
Then Carmilla calmly says, "Nice of you to join us, Velvette. Will your...colleagues be joining?"
"No, they have better shit to do than to listen to an old windbag who thinks she's tough shit. I'm here to represent," Velvette says.
"Charming," Carmilla calmly says.
But unaware that Velvette uses her phone to make a photo, and adds poop signs on it that have devilish grins.
Carmilla continues the meeting, "So, as I was saying, we need to discuss-" but stops as Velvette waves her hand in the air.
"Yes?" Carmilla questions.
"On the subject of discussion..." Velvette says as she takes out two heads of an Exorcist and throws them onto the table. The other overlords look at it and mutter to each other. Aurora ends up screaming as she covers her eyes in fear and shock. Loona panics and covers Keenan's eyes and wraps her tail around him and herself.
Zeezi says, "Holy shit!"
"Oh! Tasty..." Alastor says.
Blitz also turns Tilla's so she'll face the opposite from the Exorcist head on the table.
In his thoughts, Blitz recognizes one of them, "It... It's the Exorcist from before..."
And Blitz's memory flashbacks to when he took off the Exorcist head by using the spear to decapitate it. Blitz remains calm, but keeps his concern and turmoil in his thoughts.
With narrow eyes, Carmilla demands, "Where did you get these?"
"We found them during Extermination day in different areas," Velvette answers, and then stands up, "If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed," Then she stands on top of table, "We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan.
Velvette stops talking and she and the other overlords look at Zestial, who is sipping his tea loudly and aggressively to drown out Velvette.
In his thoughts, Blitz says as he looks at the two heads, "Two Exorcists? But I only remember killing one of them. Where did Velvette find the other one?"
Once he's done, Zestial says, "If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meager proof, thou art far more...foolish than I be thought."
Velvette scoffs, "Meager proof? It's a dead fucking Exorcist. I'd say that's pretty fucking definitive. You going blind, old man?"
"We know not how they perished. Mayhaps t'was not by a demon's hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing mightn't, they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?" Zesital says.
The other overlords mutter in agreement to Zestial's statement. Meanwhile, Velvette notices Carmilla's expression on her face as her head is turned away from the angel's head. Velvette soon smiles in response.
Soon Velvette says, "Oh, I get it. So Grandpa is too pussy to fight, so I guess there's no point, right?"
Zesital begins to narrow her eyes in response.
"Oh, what's the matter, Fossil?" Velvette questions and gets up in Zesty's face, "Too senile to make a real power grab for-"
Right before she could continue, Carmilla starts to get into her face, expressing her outrage towards Velvette's attitude.
Carmilla Carmine:
You better show some respect!
Check your behavior!
No one speaks to Zestial that way!
Did you expect us to sit back and take your insolent brazen display?
Velvette laughs it off.
You got it twisted!
I'm not the one who needs a new attitude!
Maybe you missed it, but I'm that #Bitch and I will do nothing less than what I please, whoo!
I'm the backbone of the Vees
Mad that I acted respectless?
Well, it's cause no one could respect this!
Then walks across the table.
Sorry, group attendin'!
Since when are Overlords too scared to fight?
Then slams her fists on the table where Blitz is, startling him and Tilla. Then Velvette begins hashtagging on her phone and taking selfies of herself.
You're long past trending!
Sorry, bae, but I ain't swiping right!
You've lost your relevance-
We can't act without more intelligence!
No wonder I'm so respectless!
I could eat you lot for breakfast!
Carmilla Carmine:
You and the Vees are inane and uninformed!
Smug wannabes who don't heed when you've been warned!
Oops! Did I strike a nerve?
'Cause when I brought out the angel's heads.
Velvette holds out the two heads before throwing them across the table.
Couldn't help but observe, that your wrinkled face was turning red!
This makes Carmilla angry as she clenches the table and Zestial and Blitz begin to take notice.
And soon, Velvette begins to approach Carmilla.
And why are you avoiding war?
That's what the guns you sell are for!
Thanks to my being respectless, one thing I'm starting to suspect is
And soon gets in Carmilla's face.
You know why this angel's headless!
Do you have a disclosure?
Carmilla Carmine:
This meeting's over!
Both Carmine and Velvette glare at each other. The other overlords, even Blitz, Loona, Aurora, and Keenan are all staring at Carmilla Carmine and Velvette. Tilla is rather confused by it.
Alastor finally decides to break the silence, "That was a productive meeting!"
Velvette shrugs her shoulders as she turns away from Carmilla, "Hm. Fine," She then begins to take her leave, "Safe travels back to the nursing home, fuckers!" And practically flip everyone in the room, "Kiss my ass!" And leaves the room laughing.
Zeezi scoffs, "What the hell? We literally just got here!"
Odette and Clara grow concerned, especially from their mother's sudden rage.
Odette turns to her mother, "Mother?"
Carmilla lifts her hand, and simply walks away. Zestial and the girls follow. Blitz decides to follow them with Tilla in his arms. Loona, Keena, and Aurora decide to follow as well.
The overlords all begin to get up and leave. All of them walk back towards the lift except for Carmilla Carmine, Odette, Clara, and Zestial, who go into another room. Blitz with Tilla in his arms, Loona, Aurora, and Keenan follow from behind.
Alastor notices this as he is walking towards the lifts, "Hmm. Well that's interesting," and also takes an interest to see Blitz and his family following them from behind.
Then points at Frank with his cane, "You, little egg creature. I have a job for you."
"Oh. Yes, boss!" Frank says.
Then Alastor instructs, "Follow them!"
Frank salutes and runs after the overlords, and the Jonas family who went into another room.
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