Chapter 12: Radio Killed the Video Star Part 2
Sometime later, back at the hotel...
The Ink Demons are currently fixing the hole in the wall. Charlie and Vaggie soon return from their outing. Charlie throws herself onto a couch, exhausted.
"Soooo? How'd it go?" Angel questions.
Vaggie sighs, "Not a single new recruit."
"Yeah well, who would wanna use their last days not fucking and fighting?" Angel responds, and checks on his phone.
"Angel, watch your language around the kids," Loona says.
"Fine," Angel says.
Suddenly, Angel feels something or someone tapping his leg. Followed by a choice, "Fluffy Angel."
Angel looks down to see Tilla, "Hey Tilla."
Angel picks her up and places the toddler on his lap.
"I think Tilla wants to play with you a little," Blitz says.
"Guess so," Angel says and ruffles the girl's head.
"Still, you never knew, maybe someone will be coming here to the hotel," Blitz says.
Angel rolls his eyes, "I don't know. After this new extermination deadline, I doubt anyone would want to stay in this hotel."
"Never say never," Blitz says.
Suddenly, the group hears knocking at the front door.
Vaggie then walks to the front door and opens it. When Vaggie opens the door, she sees Sir Pentious holding his hat.
With a smile, Sir Pentious says, "Why, hello my dears—"
But Pentious gets cut off by Vaggie punching him in the face, and then she brings out her spear at him.
Pentious cowers in fear with the tip barely at his neck, "Wait, wait, wait! I come in peace," and holds out a peace sign gesture.
"What are you doing here?" Vaggie demands.
Soon, Charlie appears behind Vaggie, "Vaggie, what's the problem?"
Charlie gasps with a smile, "Oh! Hello again!"
"I didn't come looking for a fight," Pentious says as he stands back up, "I uhh.. I heard that you're helping people, people who want to be better?"
Charlie lets out a gasp of excitement and runs over to grab hand, "You heard right! Welcome to our home of healing, our resort of restoration, our-" And leads him to the front door.
But Angel appears from the front and cuts her off in anger, "Are you fucking nuts? This chump was trying to kill us like literally 6 hours ago! And now you wanna bring him in here to live with us?"
"Absolutely!" Charlie quickly answers with glee, "This place is about second chances, and who deserves one more than this slithery... slippery..." and gives pentious a soft elbow on his arm, "Special little man!"
Angel asks Vaggie, "Aren't you supposed to protect this place?"
Charlie gives her puppy-dog eyes, begging Vaggie to give Sir Pentious a chance to live in the hotel.
Vaggie soon gives in with a sigh, "I guess he's not much of a threat without the war machine."
Sir Pentious' cobra head lifts with anticipation.
But then Vaggie bluntly says, "Or even with the war machine."
Sir Pentious' cobra head flaps down with depression, sighing.
Charlie happily hugs Vaggie, lifting her up in the process and twirls around as she screams, "Oh! Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
Then says to Sir Pentious, "Sir Pentious! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel!" Then she leads him inside.
Soon, Pentious follows after her, "Oh no darling! Thank you! You won't regret this."
"Eh, I give you a week, tops," Angel says and follows soon after.
The group soon walks into the hotel.
Soon, Charlie gives Sir Pentious the tour of the hotel, "So, this is the bar and the bartender," and introduces Husk to Pentious.
Charlie continues, "This is the curtain, and this is the new wall after you broke the last one, heh, and oh! Oh! This is the-"
But Vaggie grabs Charlie to calm her down again, "Babe, you don't have to show him every detail."
"Sorry, I'm just so excited to have our first real guest!" Charlie says, sounded excited.
"Uh, what the hell am I then?" Angel questions with a frown.
Charlie turns to Angel, "Well, you're an important part of our family here Angel, but you uhm, uh..."
"Constantly make us look bad, sexually harass the staff, and have literally never once tried to improve?" Vaggie points out.
And then Charlie says, "What she means is, it's just nice to have someone interested for once." as he comes back to Sir Pentious.
Angel has his doubts about Pentious, but looks a bit upset at everything Vaggie described him to be.
Meanwhile, Niffty is playing with KeeKee with a string when Charlie and Sir Pentious approach them.
Charlie introduces them, "Over here we have our maid Niffty."
During the time, Keekee hisses at the sight of Sir Pentious and scatters away while Niffty turns around to meet him.
Niffty gasps in excitement and approaches him, "The bad boy is back!
Niffty gets up on Sir Pentious and holds his collars, looking at him with insanity in her red eyes and a very sadistic smile.
She lets out a creepy whisper, "Never leave me again," Which creeps out Sir Pentious.
"We're about 80% sure she's harmless," Charlie says.
Then Charlie walks to Blitz who is sitting on the couch reading the paper as Aurora and Loona are playing chess. Keenan and Tilla are playing on the floor as they roll the ball to each other. And Sophie is sleeping on the couch next to Blitz.
"This is our doctor and therapist, Blitz Jonas. These are his family, his daughters: Loona, Aurora, and Tilla. And his son, Keenan. And their pet fox, Sophie. Loona also helps out with security," Charlie says.
"Hello. It's nice to meet you," Blitz says.
"A pleasure. And my, you have very nice children," Pentious says.
"Thank you," Blitz says.
"Hello," Aurora says.
"Hi," Loona says.
"Hey there," Keenan says.
Tilla happily waves, "Hi Mr Snakey."
Sir Pentious blushes in response, "Mr. Snakey, me?"
Tilla gets up and walks over as she says, "hi."
"Aww, she is such a sweet little child," Pentious says with a smile and picks up Tilla, "She is just like a little doll."
Tilla giggles and reaches her hands towards Pentious' hat.
Pentious lowers her a bit, "No no no, little one. The hat has to stay on."
Aurora and Keenan giggle.
"Sorry, Tilla is still a bit of a grabber," Blitz says and takes Tilla in his arms.
"It's quite alright," Pentious says.
Pentious says, "So um, you're the Imp sorcerer I've been hearing about. I must admit, learning that an Imp like yourself that can use magic is quite a surprising feat."
"I understand. I was told by a few people about it. I understand that it's unusual, but that's just how it is in my life," Blitz says.
"Yes. Blitz is different, but he's really a great demon who is willing to help the hotel," Charlie happily says.
She then continues on with the tour, "And over here we have-" And nearly bumps into Alastor.
She turns to see him, "Oh! Uh, Alastor! Our gracious facility manager! You've met our newest guest Sir Pentious...hehe.."
And this time, Alastor recognizes him, "Ah yes! You're the one who ruined my coat!"
He then says in a sinister tone, "I definitely remember you now."
As saying so, Alastor's eyes glow red in the dark with a violent temptation to rip him apart.
Sir Pentious gulps nervously, and hides behind Blitz, still holding Tilla in his arms.
Seeing the tension between them, Charlie says, "Well, I guess this is a great time for your first lesson!" And clears her throat, "'How to apologize!' The first step to becoming a better person is to admit when you are wrong, why don't you give it a try?"
And gently pushes Pentious a little nudge so he's facing Alastor.
Reluctantly and nervously, Pentious begins to apologize, "Yes..uhm.. Mr uhm.. Radio Demon sir, please forgive me for attacking you and ruining your very lovely coat.. uhm.. Here."
As a token of apology, Sir Pentious hands back the small fabric he tore from Alastor's coat earlier today.
Alaster takes it and inspects the damage, "Ah-Ho! Not many people have been able to take even this much off me, it must have meant quite a lot to you."
Despite being generous, Alastor burns the fabric tear in green flames, leaving Sir Pentious, Blitz, and Charlie stunned.
Loona and the kids witnessed this and are also shocked.
"I'm guessing Alastor is still mad at him," Keenan says.
"That wasn't nice," Aurora says.
"Kind of feel sorry for him," Loona says.
And Blitz also says to himself, "That's kind of harsh."
Pentious whispers to Blitz, "Yes. But I should at least get out of it without any more trouble."
Blitz nods in response.
Unknown to Blitz, Pentious has a hidden camera hidden on his hat and hidden behind his goggles. And the Vees are watching it right now.
"So, that's the Imp that defeated the giant Egg Monster," Velvette says.
"Hmm, he definitely isn't what I expect, but he definitely shows how unique he is," Valentino says.
"I have to agree. It's very unusual for an Imp like Blitz Jonas, that can use magical abilities from the Turf War," Vox says.
And soon notices Tilla and grows annoyed, "I'm still shocked to see that his youngest daughter actually thinks Alastor is cool and decides to kiss him. I mean, does she have no clue what kind of demon he is."
"You're still going on about that?" Val questions.
"I'm surprised you're not shocked. One of the things I do know is that alastor isn't really the type who likes to be touched, so it's surprising that he's okay a little touching him like that," Vox says.
Velvette chuckles, "Oh lighten up, this Tilla is a small child. A toddler. I don't really see a big deal about it."
"True," Vox says, "Although, it's unusual to see his children's appearance. The boy clearly has more of his father's appearance but never heard of an Imp with purple hair and blue eyes."
"Nor a little girl with angel wings, Imp horns and tail," Val adds.
"And the other girl looks more like an angel, but has two different colored eyes," Velvette says.
"And it's clear that Hellhound is adopted because she doesn't have her father's appearance, or look like her siblings," Vox says.
"Not much to go on but appearance," Velvette says.
"It's best we wait it out and see if we can learn more about them when the time comes," Vox says.
Back at the hotel...
Everyone gather at the fireplace for a little group gathering, and introduce Pentious to the hotel
"Now, with a new resident, I think it's important we all get to know each other! So we are going to play a little game. Everyone, follow me," Charlie says.
And Charlie starts the exercise, "My name is Charlie," claps twice, "I like to sing!" claps twice, "and when we get to know each other it's the greatest thing!" claps twice.
Then Charlie gestures to little Tilla.
Aurora helps her out by saying, "My name is Tilla," And Tilla happily claps, "I love my daddy," And Tilla claps, "I love picking flowers, cute toys, and being with my big siblings," and Tilla happily claps.
Everyone practically gushes, "Awww!"
Husk calmly smiles, "That's kind of cute, but you're all too easily swayed."
Tilla reaches out, "Aura's turn."
"Okay, Tilla," Aurora says.
She then places Tilla down and Aurora begins her turn, "My name is Aurora," and clasps her hands, "I like to sing and dance. I can perform magic, love to study, especially history and astronomy, astrology, and botany, and love my family," and clap his hands.
Keenan raises his hand up, "Can I go next?"
"Sure Keenan," Charlie says.
"My name is Keenan," And Keenan claps his hands, "I love to play sports and do some performance," And clap his hands again, "I may be short and don't do much magic abilities, I can make up with my athletic skills."
Then turns to Loona.
Loona sighs, "Well, might as well play the game."
She begins her turn, "My name is Loona," And claps her hands twice, "I'm the eldest and adopted daughter," And claps twice as well, "I can use some magic, but mainly use Ninja skills, and love my family," and clap her hands twice.
"Wanna go next, Blitz?" Charlie asks.
"Of course," Blitz says.
And begins his turn, "My name is Blitz," And claps his hands twice, "I like being a medical mage who helps people. I like to do some performances with my magic, and love my children and Sophie," And clap his hands twice.
Sophie barks in response.
Blitz gestures to Sir Pentious.
Then Sir Pentious says his verse, "My name's Sir Pentious," claps twice, "I like to build," claps twice, "And despite my stupid Egg Bois, I think I'm very skilled!" claps twice.
Then Charlie, and Sir Pentious gestures to Angel, letting him know that it's his turn. However, Angel is not interested and is looking at his phone.
He then looks up from his phone and says, "This is stupid."
Charlie then says, "This is not stupid!" claps twice, "It's just a game!" claps twice, "Sir Pentious did it well so now please try to do the same!" claps twice.
"I am too sober for this," Angel says, pinching the bridge between his eyes.
"Well, get used to it and learn how to play, this is gonna be your whole day!" Vaggie says and claps twice.
And Loona, Aurora, and Keenan end up laughing. Tilla giggles as she claps her hands. Blitz smiles to see Tilla being happy.
Still watching from the hidden camera, Vox says, "I have to agree with Angel. This is very stupid. What is this elementary school?"
The next part of the exercise is a little role-playing. Angel Dust is wearing a trenchcoat and a hat while he reads a script. Sir Pentious was also role-playing as an innocent child wearing a sailor suit, licking a lollipop.
Angel reads the script, "Oh, I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs, now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?" Then stops reading it and says, "Wow, who wrote this?"
"It's great right? Keep going!" Charlie eagerly says.
Angel then decides to continue, "Hey you."
"Who, me?" Pentiou asks, turning to face Angel with sparkles in his eyes.
Angel continues to read the script, "Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some... devil's dandruff?" and soon get annoyed, "Oh, for fuck's sake."
Sir Pentious then says, "Not me! I have to go home and study!"
"Come on kid, it'll make you cool like me...the crackhead," Angel says.
"The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!" Pentious says.
Charlie stands up and happily claps, "Yes! Oh bravo! Bravo!" She chuckles, "Wow Pentious! At this rate, you'll be redeemed in no time."
"I..I'm going to bed," Angel says, and begins to head back to his room.
As he walks towards the stairs he overhears Charlie congratulating Sir Pentious, "I am so proud of you Sir Pentious! That was amazing!"
"Thank you! Thank you! You like me! You really like me!" Pentious says, flattered.
Angel then walks up the stairs to his room.
In Angel's room, Fat Nuggets is asleep on his bed until Angel accidentally throws his coat on top of him. Fat Nuggets grunts and crawls out of the coat as he watches Angel lie down on his bed. Angel looks at his phone and sees all his voice mails from Valentino. Angel sighs and begins to play them. Valentino's voice mails switch back and forth between a friendly, apologetic tone and a barrage of screams threatening violence.
Valentino (voice message):
Angel baby, come home! It's not the same without you here, I miss you! Come back-
Hey, amorcito, I didn't mean to yell, but you know how crazy you make me-
Hey, Angie! About earlier-
Work's really stressful!
Then the voice changes to dead serious, "You actually think you can change? Addict trash like you doesn't change. I'll see you soon, baby."
Messages End:
Angel sighs as Fat Nuggets gets on the bed next to him.
"Sorry, not now, Fat Nuggets," Angel says as he gets up and leaves his room with Fat Nuggets looking worried.
Angel goes to Husk's bar and starts drinking alcohol. Then he notices a slithering noise. He finds Charlie's office door opened, and takes a peek inside. There, he discovers that Sir Pentious is setting up a small camera in one of the bookshelves, a camera that belongs to Vox.
Realizing what's going on, Angel slams the door open to confront him, "You slippery little shit!"
That causes Sir Pentious to scream in fright.
"You're working for the Vees? I fucking knew there was something shitty about you," Angel angrily says.
"I don't know what you're talking about!...whore bug!" Pentious says.
Being called a 'whore bug' really ticks Angel off and tackles Sir Pentious to the ground, unaware that the hidden camera on his hat and behind his goggles have fallen off and broken on the floor.
Pentious struggles to break free, "Get your aggressively average body...OFF OF ME!" and opens his hood to reveal his hypnotic powers from his eyes.
Angel becomes hypnotized, "Fuck!" and backs away.
He then quickly snaps out of it. He now has Sir Pentious cornered. Right then, Charlie, Vaggie, Blitz and Loona wake up after hearing the scuffle.
Charlie yawns, "What's going on?"
"What's all the noise?" Blitz asks.
"Can you guys keep it down? You're going to wake up the kids!" Loona says, sternly.
Angel and Pentious stop with their little fight.
Angel then confirms the situation, "This little bitch is a traitor!"
Pentious denies it, "Preposterous! I would never betray you. You... are my best friends!" and hugs Charlie and Vaggie.
"Uh huh, then explain this!" Angel says and points to the device on the shelf.
Blitz walks over and takes the strange device from the bookshelf.
"What is that?" Blitz asks.
"It's a spy camera," Angel says, taking the device away, "This is one of Vox' devices. Snake face here was placing this in Charlie's office."
"What?" Loona asks, shocked.
"And we really don't want this in here," Angel says, and places the device in his pocket, to dispose of it later.
Then Loona walks over to notice something else on the ground.
"What's this?" Loona asks.
Loona then picks up what looks like a small camera that's been broken and has the lens broken off.
"Shit, this is a Vox miniature hidden spy camera. Anything that comes into view will be recorded and all that shit," Angel says.
"That's not good," Loona says.
Blitz turns to Sir Pentious, "Sir Pentious, what's going on?"
Sir Pentious realizes that his cover was blown scurries away. He brings out his wrist watch to make contact with Vox.
Pentious explains after contacting Vox, "Ah! Ah! Abort! Abort! S.O.S! Agent Pentious in need of immediate evacuation!"
Vox immediately picks up,"Pentious? Wait... you were caught?! It hasn't even been a day!"
Pentious then begs for help, "Please! You've got to get me out of here!"
But Vox says, "I can't believe we thought you could handle even something this simple. Do us a favor, if they don't kill you, go ahead and do it yourself! You miserable failure!" and hangs up soon after.
Soon, Pentious begins crying, "I... I... just make it quick I guess...not that I deserve it," And lies on the ground.
Charlie and Blitz can't help but feel sorry for Pentious, especially since he's trying to impress him and his colleagues. Loona is not amused about being tricked, but can't help but have pity for him.
Vaggie holding a spear ready to pierce the skull, "Gladly."
But before Vaggie could put him out of misery.
Charlie stops her, "Wait! Pentious?"
And begins to sing.
It starts with sorry, that's your foot in the door.
One simple sorry, spoken straight from your core.
The path to forgiveness, is a twisting trail of hearts!
But sorry is where it starts!
Sir Pentious:
Who could forgive a dirtbag like me?
I don't deserve your amnesty.
Angel comes with dual Tommy submachine guns in both hands with Vaggie tailing behind with her spear.
Angel Dust and Vaggie:
Can't we just kill him?
Shoot him and spill his blood?
That's an option you could choose.
Angel Dust and Vaggie:
Works for us.
But who hasn't been in his shoes? It starts with sorry.
Sir Pentious:
Dig down deeper and say one sincere sorry!
Sir Pentious:
I'm so sorry!
And your journey's underway!
Charlie and Sir Pentious:
It'll take time to cover your/my vast multitude of sins
But sorry is where it begins. It starts with sorry.
As the song ends, Niffty is awake, but she is disappointed that Sir Pentious isn't who she thought he would be: a bad boy.
Niffty shouts, "I hated that song! Why are you so lame?!" She then kicks him on his body and walks away, "Not a bad boy."
Charlie happily sighs, "Good first day! Let's get some rest!"
And with that, everyone begins leaving the room so they can get to bed.
Meanwhile back in the office, the wrist watch communicator is still on the floor. Soon, Alastor appears from the shadows of the dark hallway with a smile. He then comes in. picks up the watch, and uses his magic to contact Vox on it.
Vox notices and shouts, "WHAT?!"
But pauses to realize that it's Alastor who is calling him, showing fear in his screen face.
With an evil smile Alastor says, "You'll have to try harder than that next time ol' pal!"
And then crushes the watch with his bare hand, and the only sound Vox makes is a raging scream as Alastor evilly laughs. Then the Radio Demon retreats back into the darkness.
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