Chapter 1: The Mage and the Lost Boy in the Snow
On a cold snowy evening, on a planet called Thaumarata. The snow falls and the cold air blows. The snow continues to fall in a large forest of pine trees and mountain areas. With winter here, there are no signs of life during this season. But then...
"Hello!" A voice as a child calls out.
The voice calls out again, "Hello! Anyone here!"
And there, somewhere in the forest is a young boy, around nine years old, walking in the snow, cold, tired, and weak.
The little boy is an unusual creature. He has red skin, red irises with yellow pupils, and has a heart-shaped skull symbol on the center of his forehead. He also has sharp yellow teeth in his mouth with a small fork-like tongue. The boy has broad forearms and hands, and a slightly long narrow head. He also has curved, black and white striped horns. His tail ends with a triangular point.
He is wearing a pink shirt, with two purple colored overalls, and black boots. However, it shows that his clothes have been badly burned. There are various sizes of burns covering parts of his forearms, chest, and his tail, as well as most of the right side of his face. On his chest is some strange looking crystal attached to it. It's a dark red color and it's in the shape of a heart. Around his neck is a rose gold colored chain with a pendant attached. There is red ruby glass around the inner heart base, and the center has a crescent moon and a strange seal or symbol next to it.
The little boy has his arms wrapped around himself as he feels the pain of the burns on his body. He struggles to keep moving through the snow as the wind continues blowing and snow falls from the sky. His body begins shivering and is on the verge of frostbites.
The young boy is on the verge of tears as he cries out, "Someone! Anyone! Help! Help!"
The boy feels weaker and feels very cold and exhausted.
"Help! Someone help..." the boy calls out, but lets out a gasp in shock.
What the boy sees a strange dark figure approaching him, and appears to be having a strange bright yellow light. The little boy slowly steps back, stumbles and falls on his bottom in the snow. The figure continues to approach him and the little boy becomes frightened and shields his eyes in fear.
He expects the end of him, but, "Oh my goodness."
The little horned boy slowly removes his arms from over his eyes and looks to see the silhouette is a figure wearing a dark blue hooded robe. The figure is holding some strange wooden staff with an amber yellow round orb on it, making the strange glow.
The figure then removes her hood to reveal herself to be a human woman. She has beautiful long wavy black hair, ocean green eyes, and fair skin. She is also wearing gold hoop earrings. However, it also shows her having a light green halo over her head and white angel wings on her back.
The woman asks, "What are you doing out here, child? It's very cold this time of year."
"I... I don't know..." The boy answers, frightened and tears fall down his face, "I... I woke up in this place.... I've been walking around for um... I don't know how long or where to go... My body hurts... I'm cold... I'm... I'm... I'm all alone!" and soon begins to cry.
The woman kneels down to the boy, "Oh shh shh shh. It's okay. No need to cry."
The woman then gently rubs the boy by his right cheek, causing him to flinch in pain. The woman gasps in shock to notice the boy has been badly burned and his clothes are burned.
"Oh you poor child," The woman says.
She then reaches her hands out as her staff floats on its own, and picks up the child. She rocks the boy in her arms as she comforts him.
"It's okay. It's okay," The woman says.
The boy soon begins to slowly stop crying, ends whimpering and tears continue falling from his face.
"Come now, let's go get you somewhere warm," The woman says.
The woman then begins to walk through the forest with her staff floating from behind her.
Sometime later, the woman soon arrives at a large double door that is connected to a large building that is like a palace. The building is like five stories tall, and there are many different windows from different areas. There is also a large wall with a large fence which divides the area with the building from the outer area of the town.
Soon, the woman enters her living quarters with the young boy wrapped in her arms.
The woman sighs in relief, "There we go. Finally inside and away from the snowy weather."
"Thank you um, ma'am," The boy says.
"Now then, you wait here, and keep warm," The woman says, and uses her magic to levitate a blanket and have it wrapped around the boy.
She then uses her magic to make a fire and allows it to fly in the fireplace and it lights up.
"Wow. That's cool," The boy says, amazed.
The woman giggles, "Thank you."
"Now then, you just stay here and keep warm by the fire, and I'll fix you something to eat, and get the first aid kit to fix those wounds you have," The woman says.
And with that, the woman walks out of the living room and into a different room in the house. The little boy looks around to see the house. There are a few more couches along with a table in the center. There are a few pieces of furniture with a couple of potted plants on it. There is also a small chandelier on the ceiling. He also sees a cuckoo clock near the fireplace, along with a lamp nearby. He even notices an interesting old fashioned radio.
"Wow. The place looks very nice," The boy softly says to himself.
The young boy then snuggles himself into the soft blanket and feels nice and warm. He feels like he can just fall asleep right now.
Just then, he hears footsteps and turns to see the woman walking in with a tray that has two bowls of hot soup, and two mugs of hot drinks.
"Here you sweetie. I made some hot soup and some hot milk and honey," The woman says and places the tray on the table.
Then she uses her magic to levitate the bowls and mugs and puts them on the table.
"Thank you ma'am," The boy says.
The boy then picks up the bowl and uses the spoon to blow on to the soup and begins to eat it.
"Wow. It tastes good," The boy says.
"Thank you, dear," The woman says.
She then says, "Before I forget, I think it's important to introduce ourselves. My name is Selene Jonas. It's nice to meet you. What's your name?"
"M-my name..." The boy says, unsure and trying his hardest to think.
Suddenly, the boy feels the pain in his head.
The woman, Selene, grows concerned and asks, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?"
"I... I... I don't remember," The boy answers.
"You don't remember?" Selene says, confused.
The boy nods and says, "I can't remember. I can't remember anything. I don't remember my name."
"You don't remember anything? Not even your family?" Selene asks.
The boy slowly shakes her head, "No ma'am."
"Oh my, so then, you've been alone for sometime," The woman says.
"Yes," The boy says.
He then says, "But um..."
"What is it?" Selen asks.
"Well um... the only thing I seem to remember it's uh, Blitz..." The boy says.
"Blitz?" Selene questions.
"Uh huh," The boy says with a nod.
"Hmm," Selene thinks for a minute.
She then says, "Blitz seems like an interesting name. If you want, maybe we can call you Blitz..."
The little boy begins to think for a minute and says, "Um okay," and soon shows a smile, "I like that."
"Well then, Blitz it is," Selene says.
Then takes a sip of her drink.
Then Selene says, "After you finish eating, I'll help fix those burns and wounds you have, and I think it's a good idea to perform an examination."
"Examination?" The boy, now called Blitz, asks.
"Yes. I'm a medical mage, kind of a doctor. I can help you with the burns and wounds, and check any other conditions you might have had," Selene says.
"Okay," Blitz replies with a nod.
Blitz and Selene continue to have the soup and hot milk with honey. Blitz feels nice warm having the hot meals along with the blanket on him getting comfortable and feels warm from the fire at the fireplace.
Sometime later, after having dinner. Blitz and Selene are in the room that looks kind of like a medical room. Blitz has most of his clothes removed except the black underwear. Selene walks into the room and places her staff down as she walks to the boy.
"Now then, let's see what condition you have," Selene says. "Now then, lie down so I can examine you."
"Okay," Blitz says and lies down on the medical bed.
Selene soon looks at Blitz to see the many burn marks on parts of his body.
"Hmm, you seem to have suffered from serious burns," Selene says. He soon looks at his hands, his face, and his feet, "And it appears you have some frostbites."
"Was it really bad?" Blitz asks, worried.
"Yes. You seem to have suffered terrible skin burns and frostbites," Selene says.
Selene examines Blitz's eyes. She then looks at Blitz's left eye to see that he can see and blink okay, but notices Blitz's right eye is starting to show signs of blurs, and trouble blinking.
"Oh dear," Selene says, worried.
"What's wrong?" Blitz asks.
"Well, the good news is that your vision and sight seem fine on your left eyes, but your right eyes show some effect. I suspect the burn may have caused it. It's possible it might have caused some permanent damage," Selene says, worried.
"Oh no," Blitz says, worried.
"No not worry, I'll try whatever I can to help you. However, we should perform some treatments right away," Selene says.
Soon, Selene then brings out a few bottles, jars, and bandage wraps out with her magic and places them on the table close by.
"What's that?" Blitz asks.
"These are some ointment, cream, bandages, and other items to help with the treatment," Selene says.
Blitz nervously gulps, "I'm a little nervous."
"Do not worry, Blitz. I promise, everything will be fine. The burns seem serious, so it will take a while for them to heal," Selene says.
"You promise?" Blitz asks, feeling uneasy.
"I promise, Blitz. Everything will be fine," Selene says.
Blitz takes a deep breath and says, "Okay."
Selene then creates a magical aura around her hands that shines in a bright yellow color.
"What are you doing?" Blitz asks, curious.
"It's a relaxation spell. It will allow you to feel relaxed and put you in a deep sleep. Then I'll put some medicine so your body can't feel the pain," Selene says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
"Now then, breathe in nice and slow and allow your mind and body to relax," Selene says.
Blitz begins to inhale and exhale as he allows his body and mind to relax. Then Selene begins to cast her magic on Blitz, causing a magical yellow aura to surround him. Blitz soon begins to feel very relaxed as he slowly takes deep breaths and calms himself. Soon enough, the young boy falls into a deep sleep.
"Now then, let's begin the treatment," Selene says.
And with that, Selene begins to work on Blitz's medical treatment of the burns, frostbites, and any possible injuries that Blitz may have had. As Selene performs the treatment, she can tell that Blitz has suffered a serious burn, possibly a third degree. Selene works hard to make sure the child has the treatment he needs and make sure he's well taken.
Time has passed...
The young boy is asleep in the bed with bandages wrapped around his forearms and around his head and his right eye, along with other places. Soon, the young demon slowly opens his eyes and feels very tired after waking up from the fainting spell. However, his body feels kind of sore and feels the pain on his body.
Blitz slowly looks around, "Um...Se-Selene..."
Soon, the door opens and Selene walks inside to the room. She is holding a tray that has a plate and a cup.
"Good morning, Blitz. How are you feeling?" Selene replies.
"I'm okay, but my body feels kind of in pain," Blitz says, feeling sore.
"It's understandable. You're recovering from the treatment," Selene says.
Selene then presents the tray. There are two eggs, some sausage, potatoes, and a muffin. There's also a glass of milk.
"Here you go. I've brought you some breakfast," Selene says.
"Oh thank you," Blitz says as he sits up.
Selene then puts the tray on the bed allowing Blitz to eat the breakfast.
Blitz smiles and says, "Thank you, Selene. It's really good."
"I'm glad you like it," Selene says.
Blitz continues to eat the food and is very happy. However, he soon stops eating and soon lowers his head in sadness.
"What's wrong, Blitz?" Selene asks, worried.
"Well um, I just don't know what I can do now," Blitz says, sadly.
"What do you mean?" Selene asks.
"Well... I don't know what I can do after all this. I don't remember my past, my parents, or even where I come from. I don't even know what to do about this," Blitz says sadly.
Blitz soon has tears down his face, "I have no one to turn to or anywhere to go."
Then looks at the strange crystal, "And I don't even know about this strange crystal on my chest or why it's even attached to my skin."
"Yes. I don't even know about it either. I did some examination on the strange crystal on your chest along with your injuries. You've suffered third degree burns and frost bites. Luckily, you didn't suffer any further bone injuries," Selene says.
"So you don't know about the crystal either?" Blitz asks.
"No. I've never seen a crystal like that before. I've examined the crystal, but it is definitely unusual. However, I can sense a strange magical essence coming from the gemstone, but I can't seem to identify what it is," Selene says.
"I guess there's not much I can do about the crystal, or learn about this," Blitz says.
"Yes. I'm afraid so," Selene says.
"Don't feel bad. Honestly, I'm confused about it myself," Blitz says.
Selene nods her head in response.
Blitz then asks, "But what do you think happened? To cause me to not remember?"
"Well, it's possible that you have amnesia. However, it's difficult to determine as to how, especially without knowing the cause of it," Selene says.
But then says, "However, I can tell from examinations and other research that you didn't have any physical damage to your head or brain. And you weren't given any blood in your system beforehand or suffered any kind of illness that leads to memory loss.
"So then, what could it be?" Blitz asks.
"Hmm, it's possible that your memory loss is more mental," Selene says.
"Mental?" Blitz asks.
"Yes. And judging by what you've explained, it's strongly possible that you may have retrograde amnesia," Selene explains.
"Retrograde amnesia?" Blitz questions.
"It's when the person is unable to have recollection of memories in their past. Almost like your life from before never happened. However, it's plain to see that you didn't have any neurological cause, but possibly had a psychological cause," Selene explains.
"What does that mean?" Blitz asks.
"I'm not entirely sure, but judging by what I can come up with, including the burns that happened beforehand. I can conclude that you must have suffered some terrible trauma that brought on your condition," Selene explains.
"Oh," Blitz says sadly.
Then Blitz asks, "Do you think I'll ever get my memories back?"
"Hmm, that's something I'm unsure about," Selene answers, "These things can either take time, or it may last the rest of your life. There are natural treatments involving memory recall or having relaxation in a healthy environment and with other treatments. However, without knowing the cause of the condition, I'm afraid there isn't much I can do."
Blitz then sighs, "But Still, what am I going to do now?"
"Well, I've actually come up with a solution to the problem, but it's also up to you," Selene says.
"What do you mean?" Blitz asks.
"Well, I've been thinking about it for some time, and maybe, you can stay here with me," Selene says.
Blitz is surprised, "Really? You want me to stay with you?"
"Yes. I know it was kind of sudden, but I would really like to know if you want to stay with me. I have another bedroom, and it has been getting lonely here. My brother has already moved out and has a family of his own now. Would you like to stay with me? I promise to take good care of you," Selene says.
Blitz thinks really hard about it.
Blitz turns to Selene with a smile and says, "Yes. I would like to stay with you. Even though you don't know who I am or where I come from, you're willing to take me in. I would love to stay here."
"Thank you, Blitz," Selene says and gives Blitz a kiss on the forehead. "I promise to help you in any way I can."
"Thank you, Selene. And I'll do what I can to help. I'm not sure what, but I'll think of something," Blitz says.
"I think you will, Blitz," Selene says with a smile, "And we can do what we can to help each other."
Then Blitz asks, "If you don't mind me asking, where are we?"
"We're in the kingdom of Wisteria, and more specifically, we're in the Royal palace of the Nova Family," Selene says.
"You live in the palace with royalty?" Blitz asks, amazed.
"Yes. You seem, I'm also the royal medical mage, and royal mage to the family. I'm sure the family would love to have you here. There aren't that many children in the castle grounds," Selene says.
"Do they have kids?" Blitz asks.
"Yes. They even have a daughter who is just about your age," Selene says.
"Do you think we can be friends?" Blitz asks.
"I'm sure we will," Selene says.
After you finish eating, you get some rest. I'll be sure to introduce you to them once you're more properly healed," Selene says.
"Okay," Blitz says.
And this is how Blitz and Selene start to live together as a family. Of course, Blitz's now life in this unknown world, is only just the beginning.
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