Song for the Chapter: Be THOU My Vision (theme set for the end of Chapter; kindly feel free to play and listen)


Darkness is the absence of Light...



Vincenzo remembered all too well—the day his life changed forever. The avalanche of memories; his father passing, he remembered all too clearly. The day the darkness had begun to emerge slowly, gripping his heart till it turned to ice.

And, here he was, seeing a flame in a girl that seemed to dissolve that darkness by her mere presence.

Should I give in? He thought.

But, the voices whispered into his ears, clouding his mind once again.

The glow she emitted was growing dim with his adherence to the voices that whispered into his mind not to allow her near him.

"Drop it and leave," he couldn't recognise his own voice. For he felt that command had come from somewhere other than himself—the self that longed to whisper the name of HIS GOD once more.


The understanding of her predicament eluded Violet as she lay in bed pondering.

Why had GOD placed this burden in her heart?  She had felt the presence of pure evil when Ginevra's fiancé had visited and she had seen him. It had taken everything within her not to shout out to them, Don't let him stay! Send him away!

For his had not been a soul plagued and tormented, but a full manifestation of evil.

She had also seen the darkness around the man she called Mr Icy. Yet, rather than being repulsed by Vincenzo, she felt the need to get closer to him. To pray for him, despite the demons she had heard whispering that he should send her away earlier that night.

Pray for him. Pray for the family. Intercede, Violet, she heard constantly.

She wanted to resist what her LORD had told her to do—to pray for him and his family. In fact, she hesitated whenever HE especially sent her his way.

But, once again, she had been asked by Clarice to deliver his meals. And, not just deliver, but to prepare his meals as well as that of the entire family for a few days. For she had met the older lady in the hallway after her rather unpleasant delivery that night.


"Please, do me this favour once more. La Regina (Queen) has asked me to take a few days off to check up on my health," she gave a soft chuckle. "Like I need any rest."

But, Violet could see that Clarice indeed looked rather pale—unlike the robust woman she had met since her first day there.


Violet had felt the overpowering forces trying to dim the LIGHT of her SAVIOUR whenever she was around Vincenzo. And for that reason, she wanted to evade the task as much as she could.

Yet, she felt HIS Presence wane whenever she felt like declining—whenever she ceased to pray for him.

Why, LORD? She had questioned severally. There are many others YOU can use to reach him. Must it be I? I am not strong; I am but a weakling.

But, her LORD had remained silent. The only thing she felt was the gentle prodding to pray for his soul.

So that night, she found herself doing what she had resisted at the first; for she could not afford to lose the Presence of her ever-present Companion, her LORD CHRIST JESUS.

Despite her aching back and knowledge of the tiresome day ahead, she knelt by her bedside—and prayed.

She could hear the fury of the demonic powers outside her window. But, she did not stop. She saw the Heavenly warriors draw out their swords, eager to finally be put into action.

A battle had begun.

She prayed as HIS HOLY SPIRIT led her to—for the Ice-Hearted Man, for the entire family and against the presence of absolute evil that had visited that night...till she felt all become calm.

Violet had not realised how long she had prayed for, till she glanced at the clock on her nightstand. It was well past midnight.


It was early in the morning, with birds chirping a wondrous melody outside. With a lighter heart and a feeling of tranquillity which had not been present in the household before, Violet went about her daily duties assigned to her.

She was glad it was the weekend. As she moved closer to the triclinium near Vincenzo's quarters, she heard voices engaged in a heated argument.

"I already told you, I am not accepting Giuseppe as an in-law," she heard Vincenzo clearly say in Italian.

"So? You need him to strengthen this household. What's the matter with you?" She heard Queen Guilia respond. "Yes, you said he is conniving, but, at least, you decided to keep him closer for the sake of strengthening your position. What has changed?"

There was a brief pause before Vincenzo replied.

"I don't know, but, I keep finding myself wanting to be distant from him," he replied in a low tone before concluding with final resolve, "I will not accept it."

Violet heard the evil creatures that often lurched about cry in dismay. And, she saw them further apart from Vincenzo than they used to be.

And then it dawned on her—her LORD had won this battle. Her seemingly tangential prayers had not gone unheard. Her LORD was at work.

But, there were many more battles yet to be won. And, she knew she couldn't do it alone.

"They are at it again," a voice startled Violet from behind.


Please, pardon me for any mistakes. Will go over during the day, GOD willing.

Questions for the day:

Do you listen to the songs for the Chapter whilst reading? I'm curious to know. 🙏🏼🙂

And, there were not as many dialogues in this chapter, was that okay with you?

Stay Blessed,

Phela 🩵

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