chapter 9
y/n pov
shoto: sister?
I look at him, and he looks at me.
connie: I leave you two be.
connie left the alley way.shit now I'm alone. he looks at me while I'm nervous as hell.
y/n: so... long time no see...
he didn't respond. but then he ran with full speed to me.
y/n: shoto wait I can ex-
before I could finish my sentence he hugged tight. I look at him to see he is crying.
shoto: *sob* *crying* w-why did you leave me?!?!?!
y/n: wha- what do you mean.
shoto: *sob* *crying* you- mom- dad- and-
y/n: wow, shoto calm down.
I sit on the ground with shoto still in my arms. I cup his face up to mine and see he is a crying mess. oh boy, what have I done.
y/n: now, please, explain to me what happend these years.
timeskip of shoto telling what happend
I was shocked that mom got send away by my old man. also I hurted the whole family. I look at shoto and say.
y/n: look, I'm sorry what I've done. I didn't mean to hurt you so much! I was just scared of what will happen.
shoto: I-I forgive you.
y/n: r-really?
shoto: I-It wasn't your-
he couldn't finish his what he was saying because I hug him tight.
y/n: thank you for forgiving me.
shoto: no problem.
we hug in silent until I hear a voice.
denki: todoroki! were are you!
y/n: your classmates are waiting for you.
shoto: I know.
he stands up.
shoto: but I want them to know you.
I smile and stand up. we walk out of the alley way to see his class looking for him.
kirishima: ah! there you are! I was just going to ask-
kirishima then looked at me. and now he is screaming. oh boy.
kirishima: Guys! there is a second todoroki here!
timeskip were everone is calming down.
y/n: my name is y/n universe. its nice to meet all of you.
I'm introducing my self because if I don't they get confused.
izuku: hey mrs. universe its nice to me-
mineta: todorki! why didn't you told us you have a hot sister!
y/n: wha-
denki: yeah! like come on not cool dude!
Iida: wait! were is y/onnie?
y/n: um...
they look at me. well akward.
y/n: I'm y/onnie but-
momo: how did you change your hair that fast? and height?
y/n: well, me and connie mashed up toge-
sero: wait! how does it comes that you have a diamond on your stomache?
y/n: may I talk?
they stop talking.
y/n: good. me and connie fused together and formed y/onnie. and the diamond on my belly is a long story that I don't like telling its just there.
then my Phone starts ringing.
y/n: excuse me, one sec. hello who is this?
sadie: *on the Phone* y/n? good you're there I need help now!
y/n: huh? why?
sadie: *on the Phone* its Ronaldo!
y/n: *face pams* what happend now?
sadie: *on the Phone* he is on the ceiling yelling 'snake people' over and over again!
y/n: I'm coming now!
I hang up and look at the class.
y/n: sorry guys gotta go, you can follow or not.
I ran my way to the big donut. I look inside to see lars and sadie hiding behind the counter, Ronaldo on the ceiling and lapis looking up to him.
Ronaldo: Lapis look out! its the scales of the snake people!
lapis: I don't understand.
lapis looks at me and says.
lapis: hello y/n, were is connie?
y/n: she went home.
I look behind me to see shoto and his class, he looks fine but his class is panting.
mina: *pant* goddammit! she is fast!
y/n: I didn't expect you guys to follow me?
Ronaldo: snake people!
I look to see Ronaldo on the fan pointing to a some green glitter on the floor. really Ronaldo.
y/n: Ronaldo! thats is glitter! not scales!
Ronaldo: y/n! stay away from those scales! it can be poison!
y/n: its not, and get your ass down here!
Ronaldo: never! I could die!
I sigh. I jump and grab Ronaldo by his shirt and backflip myself and him. I then trow him on the ground not to hard.
Ronaldo: oww!!
I land on the ground.
y/n: Ronaldo its glitter! *sprinkels glitter on Ronaldo's face* glitter!
Ronaldo: ohh! why didn't you guys say so.
lars: we tryed but you wouldn't listen!
sadie: yeah...
I look behind me and there face's are like if they saw a ghost.
y/n: just ignore what you just saw. anyway lets introduce all of us. you already know me so...
Ronaldo: names Ronaldo, the guy you just saw on the ceiling.
sadie: names sadie nice to meet you guys!
lars: names lars... yeah
lapis: name is lapis lazuli.
y/n: those are my friends. and-
Ronaldo: wait! is that a male version of y/n?!
Ronaldo say walking to shoto.
y/n: Ronaldo thats my twin brother shoto. say hi shoto!
shoto: my name is shoto todo-
lars: you have a twin brother?!
y/n: I do, but I wanted to ask, when do you guys have to you know 'school'?
denki: wait how late is it?
uraraka: its 9:00 pm?
sero: how late do we have to be at camp again?
izuku: 9:15 pm, oh no, we're going to be late!
mina: everbody run as fast as you can to camp!
they run there way out of the donut shop, shoto looks at me and smiles, I smile back and he leaves. I'm so happy that my brother is back.
timeskip to were the author is changin the entire plot of bnha
I'm walking to the shop once again until someone taps my shoulder. I look behind myself to see shoto standing there.
y/n: oh! hi brother! whats brings you here this ti-
shoto: I wanted to ask about your last name.
y/n: my last name?
shoto: your last name has changed since you left. why?
y/n: well...
me and shoto are stitting next to eachother. for us is dad a.k.a. greg.
greg: so this is your twin brother?
y/n: yep.
greg: uh... hi! my name is greg universe.
I look at my watch to see its almost time to work.
y/n: sorry guys, I have to go work. see you guys around!
I say walking to the big donut.
greg pov
y/n left me with her twin brother. I look at the boy to see he has the same hair, same eyes and same scar on his face like y/n.
greg: so your name is...?
shoto: shoto todoroki.
greg: what brings you here in beach city?
shoto: school trip.
I could tell wasn't the best at talking to people.
shoto: I wan't to ask you something.
greg: sure ask away.
shoto: why is her last name the same as yours?
greg: I... uh...
how am I going to explain this?!
greg: I adopted her.
shoto: how?
greg: well you see... years ago I was walking on the beach until a gaint pink lion came. on the pink lion was a girl. I walk to the lion to see that the girl was crying and holding her face. i asked the girl whats wrong and she said that her mother put boiled water on her face! I couldn't believe her first but I took her and took care of her wound. later I asked her were her family was and she said that her dad didn't want her anymore. so I walked to the mayor of this town and asked for that I could adopt her. and somehow in america you can! crazy I know.
shoto: so you say, that I want to go to another family I can?
greg: yep!
making some shit up for the sake of this story
so me, shoto and the mayor are now sitting in his office, not only but the principal of shoto's school is here to. why me.
mayor dewey: so let me make this clear. you, shoto todoroki, wnat to become a part of greg's family?
shoto: yes.
nezu: you do know that you can never be a hero, right?
I look at shoto and say.
greg: I don't care. as long as he is happy.
I see that shoto is looking outside. I look to see y/n, lars, sadie, Ronaldo and lapis on the beach. it looks like they are trying to teach lapis how to... do the tango? I see that y/n try's it with sadie, but they fall over and laugh. I look at shoto to see he is smiling. he turns to the mayor and the principal.
shoto: I have decided.
y/n pov
I'm chilling with lion on the ground untill I see dad and shoto walking over.
shoto is wearing this.
y/n: hey dad! hey brother!
greg: hey stewball! I want you to say hi!
y/n: dad, I already him. he is my twin brother.
greg: I know, but, he is also my son now!
y/n: wha-
greg: he is no longer shoto todoroki but shoto universe.
y/n: really?
I look at him to see he is nodding. then I hug him.
y/n: that super!
I look at him.
y/n: wait, what about the hero class, and your class mates?
shoto: the school already told them and I like being with you more then being a hero.
y/n: thats so sweet!
shoto: who is the pink lion behind you?
y/n: oh, thats lion! say hi lion!
he walks up to shoto. he licks his hand, and snuzzel by his leg.
y/n: awww, he likes you.
he looks confused but hugs lion. I can get used to this.
another timeskip
me, shoto and dad are by the fry store buying bits.
y/n: give me the (interrupted by a bag of fry bits put in front of her by peedee ) Oh, thanks!
peedee: Eh, I saw you guys coming.
greg: Are you closing up all by yourself?
peedee: Yeah, it's just me tonight.
greg: Wow, that's a lot of responsibility for a kid your age. Your dad must really trust you.
peedee: *makes an annoyed face* Don't patronize me, sir.
y/n: See you, Peedee!
me, shoto and Greg leave Beach Citywalk Fries and walk towards the beach. I give some bits to shoto. then I hear a large explosion.
greg: What the hey was that? ... y/n, shoto?
shoto: Is that... a hand?
we look up to see a gaint floating green hand in the sky.
y/n: lets go to my house! maybe lapis knows!
another timeskip
we look to see lapis shaking in fear while lars, sadie and Ronaldo re looking through the telescoop.
Ronaldo: yep. its a hand.
lars: no shit.
Ronaldo: a big one to.
lars: no really?
Ronaldo: yep.
sadie: just look at the size.
Ronaldo: oh, hey greg, y/n and shoto! you gotta look at this gaint hand I found in the sky!
y/n: we all saw it Ronaldo.
Ronaldo: oh, well its green.
y/n: I know.
I look at lapis still shacking in fear.
y/n: hey lapis? are you okay?
lapis: they are coming!
y/n: who?
lapis: homeworld!
y/n: now calm down and-
lapis: they are going to shatter me!
y/n: what do you me-
lapis: who ever is on the ship. the city is in danger.
y/n: okay. *gets phone and taps on Mayor Dewey's name* I better make a call. Time for some... political favors.
mayor dewey: *on the Phone* *worriedly* Hello?
y/n: Mayor Dewey! It's me, y/n Universe!
mayor dewey: *hides behind curtain* Universe, what's this thing in the sky? As a politician, pointing fingers make me very nervous
y/n: Mayor Dewey, the whole town's in danger. We have to evacuate the city.
mayor dewey: Evacuate? Hmm. Evacuate. Could be tough. I'll need a catchy slogan.
minuts later we see his van.
mayor dewey: People! I need everyone to consider evacuation! Evacuation is something we all depend on in times of... *voice fades out*
I look at my dad.
y/n: dad for the sake of this town. please, leave. I want you save, your to old to fight.
greg: I understand. *hugs y/n and shoto* stay save stewballs.
y/n: we will.
I look to see greg stepping in the van and driving away.
y/n: guys!
they look at me.
y/n: lets try everthing to take it out.
everone: yeah!
we are trying everthing to keep this ship away but nothing is working. its already night so it tok us over 3 hours.
lapis: its useless! we are all dead!
shoto: don't be like that. we might have a change.
sadie: lapis is right! he have to hide!
lars: to late! lets stay together!
we stay next to eachother until the ship lands. A ball appears from the palm of the hand. It opens, revealing soem people on it.
???: so this is it huh, earth?
I see a gaint orange woman with stipes and a gem on her nose.
???: it appears to be so.
next to her is a green lady with glasses and a gem on her head.
???: it looks weird.
a little purple girl is behind the gaint orange women.
she is wearing the uniform for blue diamond.
???: its nothing like the other rubys told me.
another little girl but red is next to the purple one. she is shorter.
???: this way my clarity.
I look to see a tall woman coming out of the other green bubble. she has a gem on her forehead and wears a dress.
???: its just as I expected it.
next to the tall woman was a little blue girl wearing a dress.
y/n: *wispers* we are screwed.
???: hey you! *points at lapis*
lapis: me...?
???: how are you on this planet?
lapis: I... uh...
shoto: You need to leave immediately!
lars: Yeah, step off!
Ronaldo: its no place for aliens!
sadie: please leave.
???: lapis lazuli.
lapis: *nervous* y-yes my c-c-clarity?
???: why are you here?
lapis: *nervous* I came here because I... uh-
y/n: because of me!
I say stepping in front of lapis.
???: what. are. you?
y/n: I'm a human and this is my home, so i'm going to kindly ask to leave.
???: we can't. orders.
says the green lady.
???: Just blast them with the ship.
???: Ugh, fine.
The ship lifts up, the index finger takes aim. the green lady draws a wide circle on her screen and taps the middle. It begins to charge power.
lars: were are dead!
sadie: what are we going to do!
lapis: y/n! get out of here!
y/n: never!
lapis: please!
mine diamond begins to shine.
???: Firing.
A beam fires out of the ship.
y/n: I-I'm a hero to!
I jump in front of them. my shield forms, stopping the blast. the orange lady turns around in shock.
???: how?!
The shield falls, and I collapse on the ground.
???: you have the power of a gem?!
???: it can't be a gem?!
???: Fire a barrage! Widespread!
the green lady swipes a finger right across her monitor. I push Shoto and the others out of the way. The ship cuts a line across the beach, causing an explosion . then I hear the orange woman say.
???: what are you 'things'?
lars: humans.
???: well that other thing didn't show like it.
sadie: maybe we have powers but you didn't knew.
???: Impossible.
before she could do anything lapis flys her way to her.
???: Good.
then she has this little thing and hits it with it in her cest. then she poofs and only her gem is visible. with out thinking I jump at her. but she headbutted me and I fall on the ground.
shoto: y/n!
I try opening my eyes until one of them noticed my diamond.
???: wait- my stars she is a diamond!
???: what do you me- oh no!
???: you just hit a diamond!
???: why couldn't my future fision see this happening?!
???: I'm so sorry my-
she couldn't finish cause I blacked out.
lets see what happens in the next chapter.
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