chapter 7

me, lars and sadie are in the big donut, I'm trying to find the last snack I'm going to take before I go home to lapis.

y/n: *looking at food options* Hmmm... Hmmm... Hmmmm—Hmmmm.

sadie: You can do it, y/n.

y/n: Thanks, Sadie. It's just, I could get a donut, which would be tasty. But I always get donuts. Shouldn't I be living life to the fullest and trying new things? So tonight, maybe I'm thinking...  spicy pretzels?

sadie: Why don't you ask your lion?

Sadie looks at Lion who sits up. Lion then walks over to the lion lickers fridge and puts his nose on it.

y/n: Ugh, Lion, those are gross. No offense.

sadie: You better hurry it up. we are closing up-

lars enters and exits the shop listening to music on his headphones. he is weird sometimes.

sadie: I'm closing up for the day.

y/n: *sees bags with "Sadie" on them* you haven't taken them out yet?

sadie: no, I do it later

y/n: okay, see you tomorrow!

sadie: bye!

timeskip to home

y/n: Alrighty. *reaches into bag* Let's see what we've got here. *pulls food items out* Looks like a classic PBJ sandwich cut into triangles. (

Lion is in the background and has his nose stuck in the bag. aww, he is a cute weirdo.

y/n: Very nice, it's the only shape a sandwich should be And for dessert we have... woah look at this! *runs up to Lion* Lion, Lion, look! It's a cookie shaped like a star. *laughs* I guess you could say this cookie is... out of this world, eh?

Lion blows the bag into my face. It falls down, and I bite into the cookie. Lion goes close up to me. 

y/n: Blink if this means you love me!

lion then blinks.

y/n: He loves me!

timeskip to nighttime

y/n: All done! I made sure to make it extra skooshy, just the way you like it! Wha... hey!

lion: *grunts* *climbs onto y/n bed*

y/n: Hey, get out of there! Lion, this is the y/n bed not the Lion bed! *grunts* Come on! Whoa! (Lion walks off y/n bed, taking the blanket with him.) Ugh! Hey! That's mine too! And Sir Bearington. Hup! Ughh. *yawns* 'Night lion!

lion: *snores* 

y/n: Love you... in the morning. *snores* 

 I suddenly finds my head surrounded by pink plants.

y/n: *thinking* Whoa... What is this place? *gasps* It's so pretty!

lapis: y/n! y/n! y/n! y/n! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!

I hear lapis yelling outside.

lapis: Hang on! I got you! (lapis struggles to move Lion off of y/n.) Ugh, Lion! Let her go!

y/n: What happened?

lapis: y/n, are you all right? Why was Lion sleeping on top of you?

y/n: I don't know. He's being a little clingy today. But that's cause I'm his favorite! Oh! (Lion pulls y/n face into his mane.) *muffled* See? Wait... *normal voice* Why are you here, lapis?

lapis: Me? Nothing. I was just uh... well, you know how I always say... um, I just uh... I like to watch you sleep sometimes. And by sometimes I mean often.

y/n: Okie-dokie, it's time for everyone to leave y/n alone. I'm a growing woman and I need my rest. *sighs* Lion, that means you too. 

timeskip of y/n dreaming about donuts

I find myself surrounded by the pink plants again.

y/n: *thinking* Here again? I don't know what this place is but it feels... familiar. Wait a minute... Lion! *muffled yelling* Ungh! Lion, my face is not your bed! What's going on with you?

lion: *groans, rolls over on back to expose his belly*

y/n: You just wanted a belly rub?

lion: *grunts*

y/n: *gasps* You never let me touch your belly! Oh! 

Lion hugs me, holding me down with his front paws. 

y/n: *muffled yelling* It's a trap! *muffled yelling* An adorable trap! *muffled yelling* Okay, you got me! *puffs* Will you let me go? Come on now! Ugh! 

Lion sinks his claws into me. that's it.

y/n: Aah! That's it! Let's go Lion, you're on a time out! 

I open the door and stands outside; Lion stands in the doorway.

y/n: I said, you're on time out! 

I push Lion outside.

y/n: You're gonna stay out here and think about what you did!

lion: *yowls sadly, wanting back in*

y/n: hmph!

lion: *yowls* 

I look at lion to see he is making puppy dog eyes.

y/n: *gasps* Aww, I just can't stay mad at you! 

He goes out on the porch to let Lion back inside. 

y/n: You're a wonderful pink human being. Except you're not. 'Cause you're a lion. 

I hug Lion and finds myself in the pink plants again. I quickly moves my head back on the porch. I places my hand on Lion's mane and it glows pink. weird.

y/n:*goes inside again* *thinking* I'm inside lion's mane?! *gasps* *goes in and out of Lion's mane multiple times quickly* *laughs*

lion:  *growls*

y/n: Sorry, I couldn't resist. *climbs into Lion's mane* *thinking* Am I... supposed to do something here? Wha...? 

I see a pink tree in the distance and I go toward it.

y/n: Mm... *sticks head out of Lion's mane* *goes back in*

I look around in lion's mane to see a giant tree. the tree is so pretty. I go to the tree and sit under it for a few secondes. then I go out of lions mane.

y/n: ( falls out off lion's mane ) sorry.

I go inside off my house and come back with a piece off paper, on the paper is a picture of me when I was little, dad, and lion. I go inside of lion's mane and put it on the tree. I come back out of lion's mane.

y/n: ( hugs lion ) I love you you giant pink fluff ball.

lion then jumps on me.

y/n: *laugh* aww you are so cute!

hope you guys enjoy.

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