chapter 5

I'm making some breakfast when dad comes in the house, panting as I look at him.

y/n: dad?

greg: *breathes heavily* Uh, you better come check this out.

me and dad run out of the house to see that the ocean is gone. I run to lars, sadie, Ronaldo and connie. Ronaldo is taking pictures of his Phone.

Mayor Dewey: *pops up yelling into a megaphone* Hey, it's the hero's! What's going on here?

Ronaldo: The ocean is gone, obviously.

Mayor Dewey: That's right. Now it's just a desert. No one wants to take a vacation to... Desert City! Aww, we're gonna lose all our summer business!

lars: And all the beach babes! Awwww!

mr. fryman: Who's gonna buy my fries?

mr. pizza: And my pizza!

mr. smiley: Who's gonna have fun at funland?

mayor dewey: As mayor, I DEMAND you explain this immediate (y/n slaps megaphone out of the Mayor's hand.) —ly

y/n; it was lapis.

Ronaldo: Lapis Lazuli?

sadie: She's the Gem y/n released from the mirror.

Ronaldo: ohh.


lars, sadie, ronaldo, y/n, Greg, Connie, and Lion are standing around.

lars: how can someone so powerfull be trapped in a mirror?!

sadie: I don't know.

connie: Where are you going, y/n?

y/n: I'm leaving to fix what I did to our home. I was the one who set Lapis free from the mirror. Now it's my fault the ocean's gone. I'm gonna bring the ocean back or get really thirsty trying.

greg: Wait up, kiddo. I'm coming with you.

connie: I want to help, too. Also, I feel weird being in your house if you're not here.

lion: *roars* *puts paw on y/n head*

greg: *gasp*

sadie: *clears throat* Clearly, we're coming too.

lars: yeah, me too.

Ronaldo: *jumps on counter* Whoo-hoo! Road trip!


me and Connie ride Lion as sadie, lars, ronaldo, and Greg ride in Greg's van.

greg: How about some tunes?

some loud rock music begins to play.

sadie and lars: *uncomfortable laughing* 

greg: What do you think, ronaldo?

Ronaldo: I'm out of here!

Ronaldo kicks the door open and climbs on the roof.

timeskip to nighttime

we are still looking for lapis until we see a giant watertower.

y/n: *gasps*

connie: That's some magical destiny stuff, right there.

greg: Guys... I just had the best idea for an album cover.

Ronaldo: This is it. she must be here.

sadie: I don't understand. What does she want with the ocean?

connie: *looking at the water* Whoa. Look at all this. It's - it's just like a giant aquarium.

Lapis (booming echo): You shouldn't be here!

Ronaldo: welp, we are screwed.

y/n: lapis! it's me y/n!

Lapis (booming echo): go away! please!

y/n: But we're beach-summer-fun buddies!

lapis: noooo! you are a diamond!

y/n: I don't even know what that means?! and We're not leaving, Lapis. Not until you give us back our ocean! -- Aah!

lapis: I said... (She forms a water clone of y/n, and the y/n clone stretches her arm forward to force y/n back.) Leave me alone!

y/n: ah!

I land on the sand while lapis made water clones of Ronaldo, lars and sadie.

sadie: greg stay behind us we handel this.

greg: Sounds good to me! *runs away* 

me and the guys stand in a fighting pose.

Ronaldo: Stand together. Don't let them separate us. *punched by water ronaldo* *pained grunt*

y/n, sadie and lars: Ronaldo!

Ronaldo starts lifting rocks up with his mind and trow them at his clone, but the clone does the same.

lars: (lars uses his wind to blow his waterclone away, the clone grabs a rock to hold on to.) Aw, come on! Aah! (his waterclone then grabs the rock and trow it to lars.) *screams* *pained grunt*

sadie: *slices her water clone in half with her vines* *laughs* (The two halves each create one water sadie.) *sighs and summons  another vines* I hate fighting me.

lion: *roars supersonic waves at water y/n, which she dodges*

connie: Come on, Lion!

y/n: You can take me!

Water y/n stretches her arms forward and slams Lion into Greg's van. not the van!

greg: Oh no, not the van!

y/n and connie: Revenge!(They yell as Connie throws a rock at water y/n and y/n uses a water gun to shoot her water clone.)

Water y/n traps me and Connie's heads in water bubbles in an attempt to drown us. Lucky me I can somehow breath underwater.

connie: *muffled screams*

greg: Kids!

connie: *loses her breath and groans*

Greg hits water y/n with his van, freeing Me and Connie.

connie: *coughing and gagging* 

y/n: Connie!

greg: Is this a NORMAL magical mission for you? 'Cause I'm not so sure how comfortable I am with you going on these any-mo-o-o--re!!!!

Greg's van is picked up and thrown by water y/n, along with Greg who is still in the van. noooo!

y/n: Dad! *runs over to him*

greg: *coughing, pained grunt* *crawls out of the van*

y/n: Dad! Dad! Are you OK?

greg: *groans* Ugh, I think my leg's broken. See, this is why we wear seatbelts, kids.

y/n: Lapis, I don't want to fight anymore.

Water y/n hurls a ball of water at me.

y/n: I said, "I DON'T WANNA FIGHT"!

I summons my shield and the water hits it. The impact makes a metallic noise and the reverberation causes the water clones to disappear.

lars: Huh? Mm.

sadie: *gasp*

I walk foward to the gaint water tower.

connie: y/n?

y/n: Lapis, I'm coming up to see you. ...So please don't kill me.

connie: wait, y/n!

y/n: *grunts and jumps into the water tower* (Lapis makes a water hand, which lifts her to the top of the tower.)

I arrive at the top of the tower to see lapis.

y/n: *gasp* lapis?

lapis: What are you doing here, y/n?

y/n: What? I - No! What are you doing here? This thing, the ocean, this is crazy! Can't we work this out? we are friends, right?

lapis: I don't understand! why are you trying to befriend me?

y/n: what do you mean? weren't we friends? you know, when I met you in that mirror.

lapis: I thought until I found out that you were a diamond!

y/n: what does that even mean?

lapis: why are you acting so dumb! you should know everthing!

y/n: well I don't!

lapis: you should! you are a diamond! 

y/n: I'm y/n! I'm not the person you think I'm!

lapis: wha-

y/n: look lapis, I know that you are scared. but, I don't wanna hurt you. you can trust me.

lapis: how can I know! maybe you are one of 'them'!

y/n: trust me, I'm not one of 'them'.

lapis: I-I-

y/n: I'm y/n. please, I want to be your friend. not your enemy.

lapis: o-okay.

I walk to lapis and hug her.

lapis: I just wanna go home.

I look on her back to see a cracked gem.

y/n:  *gasps* I can fix your gem. I have healing powers.

lapis: Wait, you have healing powers?

y/n: I know, right?

lapis: Oh, what should I...

y/n: Oh, uh, sorry. This might be a little weird.

lapis: what?

y/n: *slurps* *licks hand* *determined grunt* *slaps spit-covered hand onto Lapis' back*

lapis: *shudders* (Her gem is restored, as her eyes become normal and she sprouts a pair of water-wings.)

y/n: *gasp*

lapis: thank you, y/n!

y/n: your welcome.

she starts to take off until she stops in mid air.

y/n: whats wrong lapis? don't you wanna go home?

lapis: no.

y/n: what.

lapis: If I go out there I will be stuck there forever. and.............. I may not see you again.

y/n: well you can stay here.

lapis: really?!

y/n: of course! but first you gotta give us the ocean back.

lapis: sure, I can do that.

and then the ground started to shake.

y/n: Aaaaahh!!! Whoooaaa-aaaah!!!

lapis: y/n!

Connie and Lion emerge from a portal. how did they know were I wa- nevermind that.

connie: Grab my hand! *stretches out her hand*

y/n: *grunts with effort* *stretches out her hand*

y/n and connie: *grunt with effort* (Their hands finally meet.)

connie: Gotcha!

Me, Connie, and Lion teleport back.

greg: y/n!

and a huge wave hits us.


we arive at beach city. I bubbeld the van just in case, and now I unbubbeld it.

lars: That's how you do it! 

Crowd of citizens cheering and laughing. Mayor Dewey runs forward and embraces me, the crowd follows.

connie: *laughs*

lars: well that was one of a crazy adventure.

sadie: yeah it was.

Ronaldo: I wonder what happend with that blue lady?

the crowd stopped hugging me and I walk to my friends

y/n: hey guys! did you find lapis? I can't find her anywere?

sadie: Idk.

lars: well may-

lapis: y/n!

I look above me to see lapis.

y/n: lapis!

Ronaldo: ah! i's her again!

y/n: don't worry guys she is nice.

connie: are you sure?

y/n: yes, I am.

lapis: sorry for destroying your home.

lars: you better be so-

sadie: *puts a hand on lars mouth* don't worry, we forgive you.

Ronaldo: hey we never said tha- *looks at sadie who has a glare on her face* yes we forgive you.

lapis: thank you all.

y/n: hey lapis! since you don't have a place to stay, why not come to my place?

lapis: sure.

lapis follows me to my house, I show her my house and I say to her that I'm going to bed. we say goodnight to eachother and I went to sleep. what a day.

hope you guys like it.

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