chapter 1

guys there are no crystal gems. because homeworld don't know about earth.

y/n pov

I open my eyes and look around, I'm in my bed with lion on top of me.

y/n: lion get off me...

lion: *yawns and stays still*

y/n: really lion *sigh* I have to go to work.

lion listens and walks to the kitchen.

your house is just like from steven universe but with out the warppad or the rooms from the gems.

I stand up and put my outfit for the big donut ( you work there ). I walk to lion and teleport my way into the big donut.

y/n: hey everbody!!

???: AAAH!

y/n: sorry sadie!

sadie: How many times do I have to tell you! don't teleport your way into the big donut!

y/n: yeesh, I said sorry

???: she teleport her way into here again didn't she?

sadie: yes lars, she did.

lars: really again?

y/n: yes

sadie and lars are my best friends and co-workers. lion is now laying on the floor while I'm chilling by the counter.

y/n: hey lars!

lars: what?

y/n: were are the cookie cats?

lars: we are not selling that crap anymore.

y/n: WHAT!!! This can't be happening!! This has to be a dream!! Lars! Lars! *grabs Lars around waist* Please tell me I'm dreaming!

lars: *shakes y/n off* Get off me man, I'm stocking here!

sadie: I'm sorry, y/n. I guess they stopped making them.

y/n: Stopped making them?! Why in the world would they stop making cookie cats?! They're only the most scrumptious and delicious ice-cream sandwich ever made! Don't they have laws for this?!

lars: *kneels in front of cabinet and sighs* Tough bits, man. Nobody buys them anymore. *stocks shelves* I guess they couldn't compete with lion lickers.

y/n: *groans* *walks over to the Lion Licker's display case* Not Lion Lickers! Nobody likes them! They don't even look like lions! Kids these days - I'll tell ya what!

lars: *chuckles* Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don't you make some with your *mockingly* "magic belly button"? *walks away* *laughs*

y/n: That's not how it works, Lars! ...Right? *holds stomach and sighs* *stomach jiggles* Oh, sweet Cookie Cats, *draws a cookie cat on the freezer with his finger* with your crunchy cookie outside and your icy creamy insides... you were too good for this world. *kisses freezer*

sadie: Ugh... y/n?

I look at sadie.

sadie: why don't we figure how your thing on your belly works?

y/n: my man-

sadie: I'm not a man.

y/n: yes you are.

sadie: what ever.

y/n: thats the best idea ever!

lars: what are you guys shouting about?!

y/n: we are going to fugure out how my belly works!

lars: how?! we don't even know how you got it! and maybe it's useless!

y/n: *mockingly* oh I'm sorry mister "I can make powerfull farts".

lars: that's so not how my quirk works! half and half girl.

y/n: *gasp* You take that back mr farts!

lars: I take it back if you stop calling me mr farts!

sadie: guys stop please.

lars: fine.

y/n: okay.

sadie: lets just see how it works and y/n.

y/n: yes...?

sadie: we some cookie cats in the freezer in the back.

I ran to the freezer grab some cookie cats then I come back.

y/n: YASS!!!

lars: oh no. sadie what have you done!

sadie: calm down mr farts.

lars: you too!!

sadie: calm down! but y/n is happy so be happy too.

lars: whatever.

I then started singing cookie cats and my friends applause.

y/n: I can't believe you did this. you guys are the best! I'm gonna save these forever! Right after I eat this one. Hello, old friend. *bites into one* Oh, so good! (y/n diamond begins to glow.) I like to eat the ears first.

lars: Uh, y/n...

y/n: Wha-? My diamond!

sadie: quick try using it!

y/n: HOW!! *panicking* Ah, its fading! How do I make it come back?!

sadie: Calm down, y/n. Breathe, don't force it.

lars: Yeah, and try not to poop yourself either.


then the glow fadeds away.

y/n: ah come on!

sadie: well you tryed your best.

y/n: yeah, but it was not good enough.

lars: oh the hell can some cookies make that thing work!?

y/n: lars you are so smart!!

lars: well duh! I know that!

sadie: no you are not.

lars: hey!

y/n: I took a bite of this Cookie Cat. Oh, wait! I sang the song first. Uh, he's a frozen treat, all new taste, interstellar war, now available at Ghurven's. Aww, it was funnier last time.

sadie: what are you trying to do?

y/n: thought that maybe if we do the same thing again then it will glow.

sadie: I think that is not the way to do it?

lars: how do you know how it even works?!

sadie: I don't know okay!

y/n: Yeah, even if I can't use it, I've still got... Cookie Cat! *takes a bite* Mmm, so good.

my diamond glows and a shield comes out.

sadie: *amazed* y/n, it's a shield!

y/n: Whoa, what?! I get a shield?! Oooh... yeah!

I accidentally launches my shield which ricochets around the room, breaking a tv . lars bursts out laughing while sadie puts her hand to her head.

y/n: Huh? Cookie Cat! I can use my diamond by eating ice cream!

lars: *picks up wrapper* What's in these things?

then the shop rumbles.

lars: What was that?

we run out of the shop and see a villian outside.

sadie: What are villian doing here!!!

lars: were did they come from!!!

y/n: do not question it dude!! but Lets beat there ass!!

sadie: how!!

y/n: fight.

sadie: really?

y/n: yes.

sadie and lars run to the villian but he has asid guns so they hide behind a rock.

lars: We could really use y/n shield right about now!

y/n: *chucks pebble at a villian* Hey! *plants freezer in ground* Leave them alone!

sadie: y/n no!

the vilian laugh at me, those fuckers are dead.

y/n: Cookie Cat Hero combo powers, activate! *eats a Cookie Cat and nothing happens* Uh-oh. Aaaah! *retreats further back*

sadie: We need to save y/n!

lars: Can we save ourselves first?!

y/n: *sees destroyed freezer, gasps* No... Oh, no no no!... *slowly* cookie cat, he's a pet for your tummy. Cookie Cat, he's super duper yummy! *picks up freezer, more aggressively* Cookie Cat, he left his family behind! Cookie Caaat! *chucks freezer at the villian which shocks him, causing him to screech in pain* Now available... nowhere.

lars: yes!

sadie: lars quirks now!

lars use his guirk to blow him into a rock while sadie ties him up with her vines.

y/n: Farewell, sweet Cookie Cats. I'll always remember the time we spent together. *stomach rumbles* Shh, hush now.

lars: Are you crying?

y/n: Shut it lars!! This is a special moment!

sadie: Well, I guess your powers don't come from ice cream.

y/n: I'm okay guys. I just- *stomach rumbles* Ugh, I think I ate too many Cookie Cats.

lars and sadie laughs while I vomit on the ground.

to be continued

sorry its bad

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